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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1931, p. 1

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tan tte'a With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmianville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 10 B.H.S. Students Present Sherician's 'Tihe Rivais' in Schooi Auditorium Large audiences see fine performance by local stu- dents under direction of Miss I. K. Smith - John Jury and Elsie Carruthers in Ieading roles. Beore large audiences lu the Aud- itoriumi o! the High School on Thursday sud Frlday evenings lait a clever banid o! students presented Sheridax's play "The Rivais" pro- viding a mast enjoyable evenlug's entertaiient anid bringing credit to the players themsclves. Ta Miss Isabel K. Smith great credit is due for the fine w'ay she directed the play and trained the players lu theur dificuit parts. Il was not an easy play ta produce or act but bth the production and the acting were splendid and the applause o! the audience which constantly interrupt- ed thc play wus proaf enough that bbe critics for the evenlng w'ere de- lighted and well satisfled. Some o! the players, partlculariy John Jury lu the ieading mule raie as Captain Absolute, and Wmnnle R4ckard as Mrs. Malaprop, hud a pradigiaus number o! Uines ta mcm- orize and It was notable that neither needed prompting tbroughout the presentation sud their parts ivere admlrably taken. Newton Hackney as Squire Acres, who believed lu let- ting his ancestars look after their own haxiar, was exccptionaiiy good sud bis clever work brougit bum rounds o! applause. To Gardon Ad- ami, who bas been slck for several days previaus to the showing o! the play, must go much credit for bis performance, and also must be mcxi- tioxied Jean Milisoxi, who with but 36 bours' notice, due ta llness o! Winnle Lancaster, took the part o! Lucy, the muid, bo perfection. Elsie Carruthers as Lydia Langulsh, the leadlng lady, a romantlc 11111e body wtb a determlnatlon that proved a formidable barrier btween her and ber aunt, Mis. Malaprop, gave a cbarming performance. Helen Argue, as Julia, a very sen- sible miss; Bill Ingram as Faulkland, a, teuslng incorrigble lover; Chester f Jury as Fug, the servant o! thc Cap- tain; Bob Corbett as Sr Lucius O'Trlgger, su Irisiman fond o! duel- ling; Aleck Brks as Tîhomas, the cocinian o! Sir Anthony; sud Charlie Caker as David, Bob Acres' servant, al book their parts lu a very creditable munner sud 's'th the leading actais made a 'seUl balanced cuit. The plot o! bbc play was except- lonafly interestlng and humorus, sud presentcd msuy delighfltI situations. Captain Absolube, a romsutic British officer o! the 111h century, ciad lu bhe uniform o! the tume was mas- querading us Enslgn Beverly, a ficti- tiaus character, and was pressing bis suit with the fair Lydia. The lut- ter's aunt had a distinct dislike for Ibis unknown Young maxi and kept ber niece coxfifned to bbc bouse. Sir Anthony Absolute. not knawing o! bis son's masquerade, is arranging witb Mis- Maiuprop ta ed bis son te her niece. His son does not how- ever anticipate marrying bbc girl a! his father's choice, nat knowixig that bis father's choice and bis own were one and the same. MIter maxyiynl- trigues Captain Absolute s flnaily brought t0 sec the Younig lady bis father bas chosexi for hlm and mecta bis own sweetbearb wbom be per- suades he is still Ensign Beverly but masqueraclng as Cuptalu Absolute. Flnally bbc truth coming out li- stead o! Lydia being delghted thut ber choice, ber aunt's anid ber 10v- cr's father have ail been the same aie is disappoixted that the roman- tic elopement plunned wlU not now take place, but that insbead o! bbc exciting runawvay w~edding and tbc marriage by bbc Scotch minister, she wll bave an ordlnary church wed- ding vitb bbc blshop's and bbc f am- fly's blesslng. Meanwhile subtle influences are working to gel bbc Captain lu a duel. The wily Sir Lucius O'Trigger, flght- lug Irlsbman, s0 well played by Bob Corbett, always glad a! a duel even wtbout cause, bas lnveigled the country squire, Bob Acres, into a duel wtb Beverly, witbaut knowing bis ldentity but resentlng an outsider claimlng tbc bund a! bbc fair Lydia. Sir Lucus has alsa plcked a quande witb tbc Captain witb bbc resuit tt bbchesaine lime un bbc same place Capaixi Absolute us hlmself Is te meet Sir Lucius in mortal combat, and us Bevenly is ta mccl Squire Acres t !arty puces. Thc King's Mead Felds whcre tbc duels are ar- ianged to be hld Is the final scene o! bbc play and Acres on bbc appeur- ance of Absolute is acquainted witb (Contiued on page 5) Attendcd Pharmacy Dance Bowmanville -uas weil represented at bbc unnual dinner sud ut home o! TO ADDRESS BUSINESS MIEN Col. B. J. McCormlck Industrial Commissioner and Secre- tary o! the Chamber of Commerce of Oshawa and one of the foremost comxnunlty boosters lu Ontario, who wil address the meeting o! the Busi- ness Men's Association on Monday evening next. BADMINTON TOTJRNAMENT A Round Robin tournament was held at the Badminton Club Satur- day afternoon. February 28th, and about 36 of the members took part while qulte a number watched the experiment froni the gallery. Owlng to the large membershlp and limlted number of courts a tournament gving ail members de- siring to play an equal opportunlty takes very careful planning. The play was conlined ta mixed doubles and partners were drawn from the entry list. Each couple played four times, the wlnners playlng the wln- ners and the losers the losers. The score was kept of each couple throughout the afternoon and no one was sure of the wlnnlng com- bination until play was completed. Mrs. H. M. Nanson and Gordon Flax- mani were declared the wlnners wth a score of 72 but were closely fol- lowed by Mrs. George E. Chase and Edward Flaxman wth a score o! 70. The Prime were presented by the donor, Mrs. W. R. Strike. Text oF Gas Francli Presented ta Ci Eugene C. Lang, Assistant Utilities Power and Lighi Proposai - Would lu' Thousandso Thc f uli tcxt o! the proposai made by the representatives o! bbc Utililles Power and lgbt Corporation to the Town Council an Monduy nlght and w~hch 'wvil lunail probability lie sub- mitted ta a vote o! the ratepayers this summer, is givexi bdia.The propoal ltself is vcry plailiy word- cd and can be easiy uxiderstood by bbc average persan. Once this isi digested it should lie carcfully f ol- lowed up witb a vlew tiat eveiy clause will be gone inta !ufly. A public meeting will llkely be bcld fallowing Wednesday night's com- mittce meeting, ut which bbc rate- payers eligible to vote wll lie able to ask any questions they desire per-; tuining to this project. Proposed Agreement Follawlng conferences with repre- 1 sextatives o! your town regarding aj franchise for bbc distribution o! gas1 lu Bawmanvllle, I take Ibis meuns o! setting out a proposai tierefor lu definite faoim. 1. Subject ta obtainixig f nom bbc City o! Oshawva, the Township o! East Wbitby, and the Towvnship o! Darlington, the franchises vrhich we une naw endcavouring axid expect ta ocecure and conditional on the neces- sary permit ta use the Provincial Higbways bclng obtalned from bbc Departmexil o! Highways, I will un- dertake and agrce thut gas wivll be piped to and availuble for distribu- tion in the Ta-un of Bwawnsville wibin anc yeur a! ber bbc executioxi and delivcry a! thc formnal agree- ment provldlng for the franchise. 2. The franchise would provide thut gas would lic furnisbed to bbc inhabitants o! Bowmunvllle at ahl1 limes and li sucb quaxtities as muy lic neccssary ta meet their icquire- ments. 3. Thc franchise would furtier pravide that bbc pruce o! gas lI Bow- manville would not cxcccd tic fol- lowing: Service Charge: 40c net per month. Consumption Charge: $1.60 per 1000 cu. fI. per month. Minimum Gross Charge: 83c per montb. Discount if pald 'ulîbin 10 days !rom date o! bill: 10e per 1000 cu. ft. o! consumplion charge. Provldcd Tiat: (a) Wben thc consumption shail eqUal 250.000 cuble fetepr day, suald consumption charge MILITARY NIGHT WAS FEATURED AT JERUSALEM LODGE Officers of the Durham Regiment Take Chains ut Interesting Gath-; erlng - Many Visitors Present With well over a hundred mem- bers and friends present Mflitary Night was celebrated at Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 31, on Monday night, March 2nd, in a very colorful and efficient manner. For the evenmng the various chairs in the lodge were taken by the officers of the Durham Regiment who conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree on Chief of Police Sydney Venton. The scarlet and blue uni! orms o! the of- ficers of the Durham Regixnent, ta- gether with the brimlant regalia of the lodge, made a most colorful and spectacular scene for such a meet- ing. Those in the chairs were: W M.- 'Major G. C. Bonnycastle; I. P.M.- Major W. F. McMahon; S.W.- Major W. J. Hoar, V. D.; J.W.-Lt.- Col. P. H1. Jobb, V. D.; S. D.-Capt. J. C. Gamey, M. M.; J. D.-Major A. H. Bounsail; I. G.-Major E. S. Fer- guson; Chap.-Major C. R. Spencer; S. S.-Capt. F. W. Dlamond; J.S.- Capt. J. L. Stewart; D. 0f C.-Leut. T. M. V. Malcolxn. These officers were assisted by Col. R. J. GlU, M. C., and Col. L. T. MeLaughlin, C. M. G., D. S. 0. Thme degree work earned the ad- miration o! ail presexit. being done wlth the efficlency and precision of the army. At the close of the lodge session a splendid banquet was serv- ed in the banquet hall when more than a-hundrect local members and others from Newcastle, Oshawa, Belleville, Port Hope and other points sat down. Wor. Bro. R. E. Logan made a very capable toastmaster anid proposed the toast to the "King anid Craft." The toasts ta the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario was proposed by Major W. J. Hoar and respoxided to by Major G. C. Bonnycastle; to the Canadian Militia and the Durhanm Regiment. proposed by Rt. Wor. Bro. Fred C. Hoar and responded to by Col. R. J. Gml, Major W. F. MeMahon, Port Hope, Major C. R. Spencer, Major F. H. Moody and Bro. H. M. Nanson re- presenting the army of the United States. mhe toast te the visitors was proposed by Col. L. T. McLaughlin and responded ta by Wor. Bro. Fred Cb4epman o! Belleville Lodge No. 123, Wtr. Bro. Bell of Cedar Lodge Osh- awa, Wor. Bro. Saunders of Lbanon Lodge, Oshawa, Wor. Bro. O. D. Friend of Temple Lodge, Oshawa, 1and Rt. Wor. Bro. G. M. Lintoxi of .Orono Lodge No. 325. The toast to ithe candidate was proposed by Bre. J. Ross Stutt. uise proposai as :ouncil on Monclay Lto the Vice-President of Lt Corporation, Presents Lvolve Expenditure of oaf Dollars. FRED C. HOAR 18 HONORED AT MASONJO CONVOCATION IS Elected Gran Superintndent et Ontario District Ne. 10, Royal Arch àMusons Rt. Ex. Comp. Fred C. Hoar of Palestine Chapter, R. A. M., Bow- manville, and one of, the best in- formed men in Masonic circles li tis district, was elected Grand Sup- erintendent of Ontario District No. 10 at the 73rd convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Mas- ons of Canada which was held at the General Brock Hotel at Niagara Falls last week. Mr. Hoar is also a Past Master of Durhamn Lodge A. F. & A. M.; Past Master of Jersualem Lodge A. F. & A. M.; Past District Deputy Grand Master of Ontario District; member of Pentaipha Chapter, R. A. M.. Oshawa; First Principle of Palestine Chapter, R. A. M.; member o! St. John the Ainioner Preceptory o! Whltby, a 32nd degree Scottish Riter, and ià Noble of Ram- eses Temple of the Mystie Shrine in the Oasis o! Toronto. His appoint- ment to this new office wîll be wel- comed by members o! ail lodges in the district. The convocation in Niagara was an ipressive afair which was attended by 400 delegates. These were welcomed by the Mayor of Niagara Fanls and many promin- ent free masons o! Ontario and the United States who were among the speakers. Besides Mr. Hoar, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, M. W. Comstock and John Baker attended as representa- tives o! Palestine Chapter. ILOCAL NEWSI,'Co Llen Annua Meting The first annual general meeting of the Bowmanville Branch of the 1Canadian Leglon B. E. S. L. will be held in the S. 0. E. Hall on Friday night when a review of the branch since its organization wll be given by the various offcers. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected at this meeting. President R. M. Cotton requests the presence o! every avail- able member. Mem's Canadian Club Ladies' Nlght of the Mea's Canad- lan cluberLlbe hs4d It the dining h a t theBoYs ngSc lo Pdyevenlng aà,'I'h wveàker f or the evenlng wlIbe thhe Hon. W. G. Martin, Minister of Public Wel- f are in the Ontario government. The meeting will be followed by a social hour. Any member requlring trans- portation to the school are asked ta get In touch wth the Secretary L. W. Dippel ut Phone 612 who will make arrangements. Presented WIth Testaments Every boy at the Boys' Training School was made the recipient of a New Testament at a little f unction in Ferguson Hall on Tuesday after- noon when lu remembrance of their visit ta the school on April 3th, 1930, the Women's Mlsslonary Soc- iety Branch of the Bay of Quinte Conference o! the United Church of Canada made the presentation. Mrs. Smythe, president of the branch, made the presentation and was as- sisted by Miss V. Spargo. shail not exceed $1.50 per I HSctur!îal Premiums 1000 cu. ft. per month, wth1 discounit o! 10e per 1000 cublc e to! preslumi as publlsbed li feet o! consumption charge on Thc Statesman reccntly bai been accounts puid wlbbin 10 days cancelled and instead tic members f rom date o! bill. o! Uic Horticullural Society may buis (b) Whcn bbc consumption saal year purchase gaods ta the value ai equal 3.000,000 cu. fI. per day, 1 $.00 from any a! bbc four nurseries said consumption charge shalu town. Thc executive thougbt this not cxcced $1.05 per 1000 cuble would be more subis! actary and cas- feet per moxth. Ici for tic members te make theix Thc consumption on 'uhici bbe o-un selections. If you haven't ai- above puices for gai would be deter- ready Joined tic soclcby you may mined would lie baicd on Uic ttal secure membership f rom T. -A. Dus- consuptio Prouctin ofsuchtan, Mm. E. V. Scobdl, A. S. Baker, plant as migit lie employed ta pro .-.______ el eloles duce gai for a system includixig your Peetto eFlbu irra Town. rsnao oFthu brrn 4. Il would lic necessary tiatinl As a sllht recognition o! the very the franchise we would be given valuable services rendcred ta the rigits o!fvwuy over strecta,ighwuys, community duilng the pait few ycars allcys, bridges, and public grounds. Mrs. D. S. McGrcgor, 'ubo retired as We -uould ugrec 10 repair sud replace Librarian a! tic Public Llbrury on li the condition lu wblci we find Saturduy nlgbb, was prcsented wltlx tbem any streets, pavements, aide- a beautiful silver cake basket and a walks, etc., biat muy lic disburbed, bouquet o! flowcrs ut an afternoon ta bbc satisfaction o! youî engîncer. tea beld lu ber honor ut the home af We would aiso agrce thal if wc use Mn. and Mrs. J. A. McClelUax on Sut- any o! yaur bridges to carry our pipe urday a! lerncon. Tic tea was ut- uines, -ue would compexisate you for tcndcd by practically every member bbe cost o! so cairylig suai Pipe o! the Publiq Lubrary Board sud tbe uines, on yaur bridges ut un amount presextation 'sas made by Mrs. J. A. to be ugrced upon or scttled by the McClellan. Mr. G. L. Wagar and County Judgc as sole urbiratar, if otiers re!erncd vcry eecllngly to bbe we could nat agrce. !altbful sud efficient services o! Mrs. 5. Wc '.ould agrec In bbc fran- McGregor and cxprcsscd bbc genera] chise that -uc will save you barmlcss regret of tic Board and tic general !ram any damages o! any kind that public on ber resignation. may arise from thc operablon ef oui system lu youi Town. Public School Open Day 6. As the supply o! gas lu bbc Town o! Baumanville 'sould hz1volve A new experiment and one wortby a large expenditure for mains and o! comment la bbc Open Day for distribution system, we would re- parents on Tucsday, Marci lti, ut ,juire that bbc franchise be foi a per- the Central Public School on 'uhicli lad o! Flfty ycars and thal il lic cx- date bhc staff and pupils have ai- clusive. ranged an interestlng dsplay of It mighb be addcd that the above work. Eveny clussrcom wll have an detuils o! thc franchise are tic saneie ndividual exhibit 'uici will not lic as the franchise -ue expect taolib- iust representutive o! bbc beat lu tie tain lI tic City o! Osbawa wth tiec dais but wlll Include work o! cvery exception o! a small transmission cbild. Exhililta o! nlting, construc- charge includcd lI bbc price o! gai. tive work, art and pbysicul tralini Wc migit furtier udd that if bbc wlll be accu whicb sbould prove ar Mayor and Counclio! tic Town o! luteresting experiment. Tic oper Bowmanville 'ulil sulimil ote coum wlll lic rom 3 10 5 lu tic at* Municipal electars as rcqulred by luw ternoon sud tram 1 te 9 lu tic even- a by-law autborizing bbc formai ing. Principal J. ,E. Joinsten urges agreement wiicb, o! course, would lie every parent who, bas a child lu the piepured and settled lu detail, e ublic achool, or ffitizen lnteiested in would be wilng te dctray thie cot' echool wonk, te attend dunlng the o! thc vollug and lie publication o! jafternoon or everlng sesgons as the bbc necessury notices, if Il la desired occasion sbould prove mosl cuter- liat e oego. lamnie- snd lntbieêtlug. HIGH SCHOOL HELD Chre ' ANNUAL ORATORY lncreased CemeteryChrean CONTEST TUESDAY Water Rate Changes Contemplatei Hefwar Meauthlin and Ada Allun __ Are Winners - WIl Enter Central Ontario DIstrict Contest ___ t AT CANADIAN CLUB Amendrnents toL by-laws to Howard McLaughfln and Miss Adacoebe retw coni Aflin were adjudged boy anid girl cm eoetw oni oratorical champions, respectively, at April meeting-Dornesý- o! the Bowmanvllle High School attcwarrte orrni the axinual oratarical contest held intclue aetormi the auditorium on Tuesday night. the saine - Will increasi There was a fuir crowd lu attend-I anoe te listen to three ver th- rates for plots at cemetery. while addresses by talented studnt.I xIn explalnlng the small number in! ou Cudlmt nMna the contest the Principal, L. W. Dlp- I igTwthMo r Eilitotn presdlng peUl, stated that origlnally there had ghwi MyrElotredn, been expected seven, but owing tai all members present and the rooza sickness this _number had been re- fiiled with citisens. The main toplo duce tetwo irl andoneboy.Thethat most seemed to be walting for jdced o wo irls C.Rd opnc e bo . e* was the appearance o! the represen- judgs wee Rv. C R. pener, ev.tatives o! the corporation which la George Mason and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury asklng for the gas' franchise and The meeting opened with O Can-, Mayor Elllott no doubt reallslng this, ada. Charlie Cawker then gave a made that the f lrst business o! the- piano solo. Mr. Dippeil announced evnn.TepoIa sra y the etals f te cotes an sttedEugene C. Lang, assistant te the that the winners were eligible ta en- 1 iepeieto h tlte ie ter the contest in the Central On- 1viceprit Co!theatii ulitishoW taria High School District, besides elsewhere lu tis issue. Needless 10 being the recipients o! the prizes . say the proposal broughit f orth mx donated by W. W. Tamblyn and D. eqiisfrmtemmeso h G. . Glbalt. on. W. G. Martin counicil. xIn answer te questions by The fist speaker was Miss Greta the Mayor t was revealed that the. Davey who gave an enlightening ad- Minister o! Public Welfare for On- whole matter could be sunmed up lu dress on "Aviation." Miss Davey had tario who will be the speaker at the this maxiner. a good grlp o! her subject and her Men's Canadian Club "Ladies' Nlght" The corporation, whieh is repre- enunciation was good and her ex- at the Boys' Training Schcol on sented lu Canada by Ben E., Tate, the pression likewlse good. She traced Friday nlght. vice-presidexit, 18 one o! the largest her subject through wlth ease, but _________ corporations of Its klnd lu the workld !altered considerably on the mezn- Also t is one o! o! the richest and, ory end ofitILs'as doing a great work towards the therefore lu coming We Bowmanvill Miss Ada Allin spoke on "«The Con- pece o! the world. is not asklug any person te buy stock, quest o! the Antarctic by Air" and a she too had a good grasp of her sub-1 Durlng the progrum and at itspromise te take the gas when itlu.a Ject. Her address showed that a conclusion the followlng numbers brought here, Or asklng the tOwn W-' greut deal o! study had gone into ut, 1 were given: Piano solo, Charlie Caw- go te any expense whatever lu con- the most minute details being used ker; vocal solo, Miss Bernice Bell- nectiox i wth the franchise wblah ta give added luterest ta the general maxi. accompaxiled by Francis Sut- theî hope te get. The corporation re- subject. It was a tale o! adventure ton, Mus. Bac.; piano solo, Mis quests a franchise lu the tawn wbleh and was much enjoyed.. Phyllis Chahls; vocal duet, Bob Cor- must lie exclusive for a perlod of 50 , Howard McLaughlin, the sole male bett and Ken Morris, accompanied years. This granted theY would pipe 1 rPrsetaive sok o th "olenby Miss Helien Argue. the gus froin Oshawa te EownmnvMfe 1epresentte spokeon the"oldenoutaloxig the highway and within Oua Arrw, th smbo o th By Sou 1ev. C. R. Spencer anxiounced teya aler the franchise had boom iOrganisation. Here ugalu could lie verdict o! the Judges and congrt-grte have the gas fer ueliII .seen the resuît o! much studY uand ulated the speakers on the nr ad-twn in oudmantethuteithl ;work. Howard was the most fluent dresses. The on]y f ault he found the xiext twelve montha thousands c! to! the three speakers and made very wlth oratorical contesta he said was dollars would have te be spent lu the f ew references ta his notes. He told that so many o! the speakers Just laying o! mains and other necessary very graphlcafly o! the Scout Move- memorlzed theur speech and gave it works In thc town. This work tise ment since its foundation among the thus where it was much more valu- corporation would agree lu thc terMs Zulu boys durlng the Boer War by able to memorize the subjeat and o! thc franchise, te give te local moi. the Chie! Scout. He then traced the speak fromn that only. Principal If a vote la taken on the subJeot the movement on until the climax, the Dippell tbanked the judges for their corporation la whlng Wo pay the cool last World Jamboree ut Birkenhead aid lu the contest and the evenluz o! such a vote beln taken and tbs lu Enigland. The manner lu which came ta a close wlth the singiug o whole eau be summed up by he tldotthe formnation o! the.t amp, G-d Save ýhe King.Ihthegvno!is rebs the activities and even te the *rords Inot cosI 1h9 town-o! Dowmxas o! the Chie! Scout and the Prince o! i , ing.e-yen tb poss"fltre.* M >Wales one would thlnk that the Mr. and Mms. S. E. Paisley, Douai a!te he Intalin boblaw speaker hiniseif had attendcd the and Lorna, Cookaville, spent Sunday taken care of by the UUWti1s~por Jamboree, but enquiries proved that wth her parents, Mr. andMi.eo ation. That lI a nutshâl =14 he hud not. He conxiected the Boy H. Blckell. Her sister, Mis hs. posai of the corporation which sabo Scout Movemnent wth world pence Bagxidll, returned home wlth them, lucludes guaraxiteed cacsewbleh showing why the scout movement for a short visit. would not exceed a certain aubouim __________________________________________per luonth. Bowmanvllle Horticulturai Society was refused a grant o! $25 le tekse Fifteen Nationalities are Present at cae fthe MemorWa Plot for the kume. ou ato trier ttm tcuttlug o! the grass If the Society would plant any flowers sud abrube A cmuiainwas read tram >Cosmopolitan Meeting is Largely Attended and Fine Mis. E. V.Soei with regard tW r dgsrunnlng u large snd asklng Program Rendered - John Grudeff, B. A., concerning a by-law te prevenî Ibis. of Toonto ~ S~ke-~The police committee w l nvestigate Bulgaian Lwyerthe matter and report back ut Ihe ______________next meeting of council. The most cosmopolitan gathering for the Irish Klllarney, sud for the Toronte Gexieral Trusts Cerpor- ever staged lu Bo-umanville was lI- United States, The Star Spangled ation protested lu leller tie dodus- ternational Nlght ut the Rotary Club Banner and sa on for every nation. Ion a! the te-un not te grant them Fridy nght t Blmorl Htel hena rebute on taxes on the Brittain Friuy lgb utBalora Hoel hen At the conclusion o! this ccremony proPerty on Manvers Road wblch fi! teen diferent races gathered ut and ulter commuxiity singing, led bY bas been vacant throughout tie putI sthe banquet table lu the interesta Roturlan Ross Strike, had been lu- year, as the company did not Malte so! better understandlng between dulged lu for a short time Rotarlan upplicution withln the requircd lime. fCanada and her udopted citizens. G. Elmore Reaman introduced the A letter f rom lie Pire depurtmienl sUnder the guidance of the Interna- speaker o! the evexilng, John Gru- requested the counicil te authorise stional Service Commlttee o! the Club de!f, B. A., Bulgurian by blrth, Can- the use o! the to-un truck when the headed by Rotarian J. H. H. Jury. udian by adoption and the Most brigade Is requlred te leave the tewn rchairman and with Rotarians D. RI prominent barrister lu Toronto tram lu the event o! a tire breaklng outInl *Morrison sud G. E. Reamun as the Balkan states. The introducer the absence o! the men the truck ymembers, practlcally every man of tbld o! the early 111 e o! the speaker could hau the hose wagon te the -f oreign blrth living in Bowmunville lu this country, a! lus discourage- scexie sud thus have the to-un Stijl -and district was a guest o! the Rot- ments and bis success sud tbld why protected altjiough the brigade wus ary Club on tis ccasion. this man bad made a success while out o! Wown. It was aise requested Foilowing the banquet, President somne others !aUl.. that men be ailowed te stay li lown Hlcrmie Br-own turned the meeting tWaee ucs aeuti et man the hose truck on sucb c- )veri te john Jur y who explalned the WaersucsIhvetaid -bjet a th gaherng.Aitouginl Canada", the speaker sald, "is due casions. The matter was lef it ulthUi ýtheore teen atn.Altu re athe opportunities that Canada a!- Watcr sud Fie Commiltees wlth p hewrsee attee baut, onltary, eforcis for success and vwhtever j power te set. s paind. aetabthed u70,diotrnt have accomplished I have donc so The Misses Allen, Beecc Avenue, coutid.wes adli ahese 70couente through the encouragement gîven me through A. S. Baker asked permis- couitres an I al tesecontresby such men as Dr. Reaman and sien to cut dawn a lice on their trary was trying ta do the samne as ohrCndaswohv enm property wich was detrimental te this meeting was dolng, trying ta do i otheir ornumentasIrees.ave!erred t f us, bit towarcls the peace a! the redsndhvugdmeo. Roudisud Sîreets Committee te uct - oi-id. He thon intraduced bbc mem- Most Canadians. he stated, dld not and ta co-operate with the Relie! -bers o! each nutlonallty lu turn, and see f ully the dif f erences between Conmmlttee lu seelug that the wood r is the whole company stood, Mr. G. Canada and the Europeun nations. is used for relie! fuel, D avidge played the national antbem We. who came from themn do notice Counicillor Lockhar'l requested a - -f htcury the di!! erences. lI Europe the civ- survcY o! ail trees lu the te-un wlh 1 thacn tMrelas wspae ilizatian is not the samne as In Can- a vies' te cuttixig do-un any unslgblly Whn ldenhMa reasenwas pled ada . We do not wear the samne do- or dead lices and usixig them te witb fervor, and later the twa Ger- thes, w.e do not eut the same kind of fuel for the uncmployed. 1mani boys who were present heard food but wvbere our civilisation may 1 the strains a! "The Vaterland" they lie different, our morals and our cul- (Continucd on page 9) too Jalned i and sang the axthem ture are on a pur wlth those lu this a! their nation in their own ian- country. Given the samne opportun- Ladies' Leglon Pont AuxMim7y guage. The two boys have axly been 1lblcs lu Canada as the Caxiadians A very succesatul meeting of in Canada nine months sud are par-, get, there Is no reason ut al ' vhy uny Ladies' Auxilllry te thc Cana tlclaly lesed~vtb hecouîr jforeiý h-bora subjesld not- -ac M--Lgl A cldlu cconl L~,~.. j e N j f N -'r. A A P T i

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