PAUE TWO 1R CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1931 HONORING OUR PIONEERS I this issue of The Statesman ap-Î pears a story o! the pioneer 111e o! Mr. Fenton N. Stevens, 87-year ol citizen o! this town. who may truly be classed as one of the pioneers of the west. We are apt in these en- ightned times to forget the services rendered the country by such men as Mr. Stevens. Too long have our pi- oneers been wthout honor in their own country and it is gratifying to observe that at last their vast con- tributions to our civilization and their courageous sacrifices are to be formally recognized by the wrting of a history of these ploneers, and in some cases the erection of a suitable memorial. Nad oui early pioneers listened to the idle talk of agitators and those who have the false vision that suc- cess of individuals and cominunities could be achieved without effort Canada would stili be a barren land and a land without hope. But'in the face of privations, hardships and difficulties, very imperfectly realiz- ed today, these sturdy settiers strug- gled on. finding contentment and satisfaction f rom the knowledge of work well done. obstacles overcome and progress made. and have le! t to -~ - n haifIn.5pS UPVUU nrfnprlt,, n do it. However, he must not lay such stress on flghting cjuallties that he forgets man also needs the gen- erous and kindly and understandi.ngl heart. HEAVY SHEEP DAMAGES A notable f eature of the Financlal Reports for the Township of Dar- lington for both 1929 and 1930 was the amounts paid out by the town- ship for sheep damages. In 1929 the township paid $634, and while this was cut by 50%r in 1930 to $425 the latter amount is still too high. Re- cent government reports stress the need of research work in cutting down these annual losses which amount to thousands of dollars in Ontario each year. Sheep damages as recorded in Darlington for each month in 1930 were as f ollows: February $28: April $13; June $73; July $88; August $60; September $115; October $27; No- vember $6: and December $15. Ap- parently the three worst months are August. September and October, as October in the previous year shows damages reaching $285 for the one month. Al of the damage is traced to dogs and wve are inforrned by Township Clerk J. D. Hogarth that and conente peole.the dag licenses which amount ta, and conentc peole.about $1100 each ycar are assessed Not only does the false vision o! to caver these damages. success wthout effort apply to in- dividuals but also ta communities The fact. however. remains that and no community can ever expect the damage shauld be minimized and to have any measure o! success with- that the co-operation o! sîl farmers out Its citizens having a will to wark, will be needcd ta combat this annual to con! ront difficulties and bard- and unnecessary bill o! expenditure. ships and ta surmount them in a It has been suggestcd that tUe only spirit o! self reliance. remedy is in the training o! dogs. Originally dogs were, and are still, COUNCILLOR KEEPS INFORMED mnembers o! the wolf famlly. and ON OTS]DE IVICAFFHtS their traditional fandness for fiesh is ON OTSID CIVC 'FIRS still paramounit in thcm. Very little It il gratifying ta, observe that damage is done by a dog on his awni-; members o! the Town Council are,.crs farm sa that it would appear taking a keen interest ini the affairs I that wandering dags, some owned o! the town. and that they are flot and some not owned, are the cau5e confining this interest ta council o! the damage. One remedy then is meetings alone. Citizens are some- ta rid the township o! stray dogs tiines skeptical o! the amount o! which worry shecp, and the other work and effort put forth by a caun- remcdy is the proper training o! dags cillor for the municipality he is eaU- by tUe farmers thcmselves. If dogs1 cd upon ta aid in gavernlng. The cauld be kept ou their own premises average ratepayer bas little or no and stray dogs disposed o!, this an- knowledge o! the number o! con- nual account amounting ia two years mittce meetings held between coun- ta well over $1000 would be saved cil meetings or o! the time spent by the ratepayers o! tUe township. councillars in the study a! the town's interests. * I speaking o! keeping MATTU STRE lnformed on civie matters, the sys- MAYTU iRE tem o! checking Up this municipal- One o! the remarkable things o! îty and camparing it with thers, as hf c il the !act that vcry few persons used by Councillor W. J. (Casey) 1 r lk ntei huhsa I Marynis orty o noe. r.subi ects, but there is, perhaps, anc Martyn dsily scans tUe pages o! the thing which the big majarity o! newspapers and clips anything o! la- people all like. That is a story. terest ta, this tawn or anything that Whether it be fiction or truth, a has any bearing on this commuaity. story praves interesting ta everybody. If other municipalities are develop- Oue reads that truth is stranger ing and pragressing, Mr. Martyn than fiction and that truc stories are wants ta know why this municipality more liked than any other kind a! is not, and Uc seeks ta flnd a solu- stary. Each week. ln tUe columns tion. In ius clippings, which we wcre o! TUe Statesman, appears many. privileged ta sean, anc finds articles truc staries. stories tald by the mer- cancerning Cobourg's attcmpted se- chants, o! their stocks, o! their spec- cession !rom the United Counties lal values and o! their business. which has a direct bearing on B0w- These stories are true stories and manville. An article telling O! tUe thus are the most intcresting. Read Watcr Commission o! Brampton re- these truc staries each week and you parting a surplus o! $3669 at the end will profit by tUe aluable informa- o! 1930 conjures Up thoughts as ta lion they contain. why that is not possible here. Stai'- les telling o! new industries locating la Oshawa, Port Hope. Lindsay and OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONS other places, give the councillor tUe-__- thought that what eau bc doucelcsc- Is tUe depression tottering an its where lu this direction eau be doue last legs? Everybody hopes so, and here. au item lu tUe Toronto Dsily Comn- mercial News, a aewspaper record- The cipping system gives this ag- îng building and construction activ- gressive and wide awakc alderman ities. seems ta point that way. It an ides o! wbst is beîng donc in reads. "The volume o! new tender other municipalities and suggests ta calîs during the past two weeks has him improvements which might wll excecded any peak season during tUe be incarporated la this town. Sub- past four years. AUl indications arc Jeets such as these are worthy o! that this wlll be a better than aver- much thought on the part o! tUe age year." memnbers o! tUe council. If Bow- manville is ta Uc recognizcd as a muuicipality pressing forward ta a Easter is la tUe offing and tUe goal o! better conditions then sîl yaung men will have ta get busy or counicillors, and ratepayers as well, tbcy will Uc shy new raiment for tUe must sooner or later recoguize tUe festive occasion. No use reminding need o! keeping Up with other mnua- the girls. they're arraaging their icipalities and passsîng them. This Easter trousseau now and will bl os- daes not nccessarily mean the fol- somn forth la ail the colors o! the lowing of plans or theories o! others raînbow aud the gergeous beauty o! la securing new industries sud bet- thte Canadian spring-aud Bawman- ter conditions. but o! using initiative ville stores have a splendid array o! and leader.sU1p lu local administra- ucu'v spring wearing apparel for tUe tion. Sucli systcm as is emplayed by i mnale sud female o! tUe species, as Qm. Martyn ta aciuaint himself witU 'î' ual. the progress o! other municipalities might be used ta good advantage by Anw tmtligo h nre other counicillors la their ennîcavaur A esie eln !temre to keep abreast o! maclernansd con- iof the Wcstan sud Regal Bakeries stitutloual municipal gavei'umenî j bears out very stî'ongly the trend la ivoroondity pîice-wars as mcatioaedj ýinl an edilarial la TUe Statesman on ADVERSITY'March 12th. At that lime we stat- ADVERSIY : ld'Fi'am last experience it general- No man is ever flaished, no man is Iv ends in tUe survival o! the strong- ever through, liced, whipped, re- es't and eventually a retura toaa duced ta worthlessness unless Uc aI- 'bigher or normal price." Evidently ows it ta Uc so. He may think te the strain o! te cut-price battle be-1 ftres a! adversity have burned hlm tween the big bakeî'ics bas made the to ashes or ta a ciader, but rcmcm- merger o! these twa big cancerris in- ber ashes stilI have their uses sud 'evitable and tUe second statement there Is a tremendous market for coaccrning tUe change o! the priceI light of course. He must be able to. ofa!bead to a normal one is not fart Not only that, but at times he must lIn the offing. THE PASSING 0F THE PIONEER Down the last of the trails they are bearlng I a solemn and lessenlng line; Through the valley of death they are IN THE EDITQR'S MAIL-BAG. I' f-aring AtfI. Yaa.3mca t~~ With a soul unafraid and divine- BRITISH COLUMBIA Canada a true Canadian titim With a soul that was ever divine- arelylyt oroncutY The old pioneer fathers are pass- White Rock, B. C. land through that a loyalty to the lng March llth, 19311I Empire of which we formi a part. A The last of a glorious line.i Dear Mr. James: truc Canadian consciousness that 1 1 :There is an old saying that "Con- will dominate alI Canadians; and For with every white head that is science makes cowards of us al." but any act (the singîng of O Canada at sinking. in this case it would seem as if con- public meetings) that will ultimate- And with every aged heart thatis science sometimes makes us brave; ly bring this about is surely well dead,1 for it takes some courage to send worth while. You are losing gold threads in the along subscriptions that are s0 long The omnission of our own song by linking overdue. an Ontario audience rather surprises 0f traditional days that are sped.l We sort of take The Statesman for us of Western Canada, where it is The epie eteriially sped- grthea ercev ushn n rule that public gatherings are With the gif t of their stern trib- rain and other blessings, and forget opened by O Canada and closed by ulation1 to thank the donor, let alone trying God Save The King. Which now carpets the path that to pay Our just dues. We trust you I trust, sir, that you will help the you tread. wiîî take this as an apoîogy for such cause o! Canadianism by giving this Ther isnevr azepyr ofta state of aff airs. We have been de lte similar publicity through the Thereis neer azephy sof-sighing îighte o colmnstohyoursplenidofaerha Where the primeval forest once lay Mpetaraotemsig0utetatgno the otary meing Ther is evera ptrio dyig, MpleGrove "haz wuzzers" and hear ta ie oteRtr etn._ teei e a patriot dyas ingay some news of the whereabouts of Yours very respectfully. But a sory is passing away- somie of the old friends and ac- J. S. Wright, M. B. Andtha gumryeishpassin awa a-quaintances. Wonder why\ it is we 0fthehmlo wofudn a are able to remember 50 well the Editor's Note:-We have written I tioneladsreso ted funny things that happened when Dr. Wright assuring him that Bow- Di te tave an stess0f he ay.o!ten we forget the sad and tragie? manville is a great deal more Patri- Though the shanty that crouched in Peihaps that is a wise provision otic that hie is led to imagine. Whilc in the clearing made by the Creator to brighten up we heartily endorse his remarks on Is a ghost in the wreck o! the past; the way o! life and help us to keep Canadian patriotism. on looking Though your pioncer fathers are up our courage. What a rich full back through the storY in The Tenearing life must be yours, Mr. James. with Statesman to, which he takes except- Tedark trail that is blazoned the your mind full o! memories o! the ion we sce that anly a few o! the last- past and present, and no wonder names o! the anthems are used to il- Though they pass down the trail editors live to such splendid ages. lustrate what was clone at the ban- that is last- As we have been musmng over the qluet. A!ter naming some o! the an- Yet their spirits will hover above past at the suggestion o! the ancient t hems sung it continues "and so on you, and honorable correspondents, it ha for every nation" which naturally In the wind and the stars they will Iocciirred to Our mmnds that you includes Canada and which by way loveyoushould be a thankful man, for we of bcing modest was sung last of al For the fIght they will strengthen remember some of the threats made wt osdrbeetuis n and prove you, against your body by some o! the rso ecnraiyasr r Till they mould you the pioneer cast. pugnastically inclined subscribers in Wright that the spirit of Canadian- -Carero Keser.the past and gone good old days. ism is not dead in either Bowman- Stili you live to tell the soy ville or Ontario and that we are stili ______We have had a very mitOrY. er thrilled by the singing of Canada's READES WHOREADhere at the coast this year, and no1 national song. READRS WO RED idoubt you have had something the NEWSPAPERS PROFIT sae. However, if the press always 1 MORE ABOUT EQUALIZATION tells the truth. and o! course we Exchange) ishould not doubt its veracity. you have had a bit of very wild weather Edtor of Statesman: If we were endeavoring to adver-I to let you know that March may Just a few lines in your valuable tise a newspapcr and secure sub-' turn the lion loose at any moment. paper concerning the recent letter scriptions, we should make much of Some o! our more daring girls are written by Mr. Thomas Baker , So- the fact that every newspaper pays going in swimming here at the'lina. We agree quite strongly in its own way into the subscribers' beach; but most of us are yet con- favor with his ideas in regard to the' home and really costs him nothing. tent with the jolly bawth tub, as drastic iricrease in double the The point is that it returns him more some o! the Englishmen would put amount put on the Township o! in dollars and cents than he pays for ItL Our daffys and crocusses are out Darlington by the recent Equaliza- ItL We cannot imagine a publication in aIl their glory in some o! the gar- tion at about $65.00 per acre which s0 worthless that some item o! in- dens, and o! course the robins and is most absurd. Any person that has formation in it, some bargain ad- frogs have been singing their little travelled over this township and I vertised or some service performed, songs o! hope for several weeks. knows the quality o! the land would is not worth more to the subscriber Addie is feeling fairly well again. but quite agree with Mr. Baker in his in real money than the cost o! his ofa course has ta take things some- summing up o! the different farmsi subscription. AImost every news- what quietly. We have had a very spoken of. There are several farmns paper puts money into the pockets isplendid year in our church in 1930 in Darlington very gond land, rough af non-subscribers as well as sub- and have assumed self -support and s0 hilly. that are rented for $1.00 scribers. This is conspicuously the which has been a big advance for us per acre and taxes, equalized ati case when the newspaper leads a humble folk. about $65.00 per acre. Goodness inovement which saves taxpayers' Now heres hoping that we all live knowvs taxes are away too high now. rnoney. It is the case when the for miany years ta be able to pay You take the prices o! grain, stock newspaper leads or supports any taxes, which seem in these days ta and everything You have ta dispose movement which brings trade ta the be like Tennyson's Brook-"Men of-by the time you pay your taxes;' town in which it is published. It is may came and men may go. but 1 go hired hclp and live, what is there the case when the newspapcr ham- on forever." Parties out o! power le!t? Nothing, and some are behind. mcrs for local impravements - the make promises o! lowcring taxation,' In Mr. Baker's letter hie spoke of spending o! a dollar that two may until they become the government,. him taking off $200,000 a! the Equal- grow in its place tomarraw. The and then find that owing ta the ex-!I ization o! this Township o! Dar- weekly newspaper at two dollars a travagance o! the other party, debts lington in 1906, and remaincd off ycar costs the subscriber four cents have increased so much that taxes , until 1930, a savlng on the township an issue. We d.sf y anyone ta point must be raW!/d In the interests o!: o! aver $30,000 in 24 years. If this out wl'erc the subscriber can spend efficiency and economy. Civil ser-»; be the case what will be the extra foui cents and get an equal amount vants are !lred for incffilciency and, expense ta this township under the o! pleasure and real value. Four two put in the place o! one at in-,'new Equalizatian with over $2,000,- cents will not boy much o! anything crease o! salary, at the expense o! a 000 addcd ta aur present Equaliza- else. but it will boy the wcek's news long suffering public who are made1 tion? If it works one way, it shou.ld of the community and supply other happy with the idea that we must1 the other. We know that Mr. Baker information and service that is like- be loyal ta the present government 1 thinks hie is cute sincere in doing ly ta be worth many dollars ta the s0 that wc prevent the terrible men- thîs, as hie has spoken o! it s0 often. readers. No other institution in the ace o! the Soviet. Many prophets. His letter states $200,000 was the world exacts so littlc and returns s0 political and religiaus, are telling us amount he had taken off, but it was much as does the ncwspaper. whcrc we arc golng. but f ew seem ta more than that. $250.000 was the be able ta lead us ta the promised correct amount. so you se he dld not land. take credit for this extra $50,000. THANKS 0F A SHUT-IN Wc hope yau are in best o! health. In my summing a! the whole thlng Mr. James. and we send you aur best in a nut sheil, Up ta and including BEAUTIFULLY EXPRESSED regards, and hope you will pass on ithe ycar 1904, the assessment was IN VERSE aur gDod wishes ta the others 01 $2.750.000. I the ycar 1905 it drop- the fami]y and staff. ped ta $2.500.000. In June 1912 it Tyrone Bible Class have on their Yours truly, was again raised ta $2750,000 and iebrhpayugman who bas remained until 1927 and then drap- mbershanip aiyounbut2gyas (Rcv.) W. C. Frank. 1 ped ta $2.470.000 and remaincd until be.nDanvinvRyanid oaout 2hars, Equalization 1930. The $250.000 that totaly elpesslie eep brghtandwas taken off was dîstrîbuted be- totally. Hels shkeepm.ssbrightd IS BOWMANVILLE tween Cartwright, Manvers and Sey- crihtnda eery i i klyom is sam atNOT PATRIOTIC?,mour Townships. Mr. Baker spoke one embr oftheclas ora sallin his letter that if had been a mem- e membne o! the cssor a smal Edmonton, Alta. ber of our Township Cauncil lhe rememofane. .tougIn u acnwlegixg March l2th. 1931 wvould have appointed three men pressed himself lu the fallowing lines Editor Statesman! that knew the township wcll and whîch The Statesman decms worthy Deax' Sîr:-It was my privilege ta cmet the Judge concerning the Equal- cf publication: read a news item in your issue a! ization, but we flnd out that other To the $5puperin tendent, Teacher March 5th, on "Rotary Clubs Inter- townships such as Cartwright. Mani- and Members o! Tyrone Bible Class - national Night." This has compeil- vers, Cavan and others did the same Permit me ta intrude for a minute or ed me serîausly to ask inysel! the a' we ,edid. I am not a mind reader two question, What's the matter with and did flot know what the Judge's Tîli somneone reads this letter ta yau, Canada? Yaur item states that thel'decision was. Cobourg. the hardest Would like ta say to you, anc and aIl, National Anthems o! the various bit. did not take action more than The letters which have came since nationalities present were sung, and "e did. Among many things men- away last faîl, the i'esponse was a "thrilling exper- f ioncd at oui' nomination meeting, Have been to me a source o! cheer, lence. Oue can readily understand o! less importance. wvhy wasnt the And that is wby this letter is here. the feeling o! the Frenchmeu when mast important question discussed at Those letters svhich came so bright lie heard the strains o! bis beloved that meeting? Mr. Baker is ane o! and cheery, -Marseillaise"; the German boys on nur best authorities on municipal Wauld often enliven an hour that hearing the "'Vaderlanid"; the matters. Why wasn't it discussed? was weary: Scotchînan when the strains o! Silas WVillianms. May the seeds o! kindness you have -Annie Laurie" fioated through the Hampton. March 23. 1931 sowu, banquet hall: and the Irishînan no' In and araund about Tyrone. doubt swung his 'shillalab" and' Return a harvest a! many fold lustily sang "Killarney." IVONDERS WHO'S AUTIIOR 0F Like a story told in the days o! old. But what about the Canadiansj MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS A spirit wbich inspires this cîass, present: 1 do not sec in your item, In coing good while the seasons pass, anv reference ta Canada's National!i From a persanal letteî' o! a friend It seems ta me is needed more and Son g, -0 Canada", having been 'out West we may be pardoned for more. -s-ung ...- printing the following paragraph. 153, Hodlgate's. consummation of this ldeal wlll not Ithem I I*Business LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Towr property. Royal Bank Building -,,wmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Directory*+ n PLUMBER A Sanitary Plunibing and Heatlng Country Work our Specialty BILL CLARKE When in Need of a Plumber CALL 665 Estimates Gladly Given Without Obligation. ACCOUNTANT .:u)ney ta Loan. Phnone 91 Bowmanvillc. Ontaria. R. M. C OT TO N W. F. WARD, B. A. Audlting - Accountlng Barrister, Solicitor, Natary i Moncy ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Books written Up daily, wcckly or Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Imonthly. Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. Monthly and annual statement and Incame Tax Returus prepared. L. C. MASON, B. A. P. 0. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary _________________ Loans - Investments l3owmanville - Ncxt ta Royal Theatre AXJCTIONEER Phones: Office 688; Hause 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron-1 to University. Graduate of the Royal1 College of Dental Surgeons of On-1 tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville.1 Office phone 40; house phone 22.1 X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITTj Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, l3owmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. 1 Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. MEDICAL J. CLARK BELL PA. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (Edin.), 0. P. H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tllley) lIons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edlnburgh. Office and residence: Queen Street, Fowmanville. Phone 89. frifce Hours: 2 to 4 1). m.. 6 to 8.30 P. M. FUNERAL DIRECTOR F. F. MORRIS CO. à Complete Motor or Horse Equipment. ~ AUl calîs promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. Branch Stores: Orono & Newcastle. AUCTIONEER THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Ennisklllen P. O. Phone 383r3. 1-tf CIH!ROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto College o! Chfropractics will be in the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Phone 141J.- Residential cails made durlng fore- n.oon. DANCING LESSONS Phone 215 Private lessons by apI)ointmen t. Wxn. Maw, Whitby If you should be thlnking of hold- ing an auction sale, of your Stock and Implements and would like to have the services of a real live auct- loneer, one who will get you good resuits. and a man who wlll bring buyers with hlm, just cal Up Will- iam Maw, Whitby, Ont. AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobile Painting J. H. NEEDHAM Scales and Slicers Refinished. Delivery wagons painted. Duco Work - Sign Painting General Enamelling. Phone 441 - Rear of Hydro Shop GARAGES Garage and Service Station Batteries Charged - Towlng and Qeneral Repairs on ail maktes of cars. Acetylene Weldlng Supertest Gas and Oils - Accessorles BROOKHAM and McMULLEN Phone 285 King St. W. Bowmanvie INSURANCE Fire Lif e C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability CARTING AND TEUCKINO Ail kinds of Certlng, Trucking mai Movlng; local and long distance. H. BOMBARO Ph 63 00 Quien St., *owmanvill. $16.500 16.00 13.50 11.50 13.00 Have Tour Eycs Examlned Consult our Registered Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL -- Latest Methods - -Modern Instruments - N.L1 Nlichecll & Co. Druggists - Optometrists Plinne 92 r HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck la awaiting your eaU to delji'cr ta v'>ur basement the klnd of coal that hundreds of familles, throughout thia town bave found so satîsfactnry. You can depend upon this old-estabilshcd rosi yard to furnlsh strictly hlgh quality coal at ail times. Order now for prompt delivery. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal- The Standard Anthracite Stove Coal Egg Chestnut Pea Buckwheat Nut Coke A dIscount of $1.00 per ton for cagh wlU be allowed from above priccu. McCleIlan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bowmanville I 'I PAGE TWO