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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1931, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MARCH 26tli, 1931 PAGE Sm~ SOLINA Mrs. Ed. Law, Toronto, visiteda Mr. Geo. Whlte's. Miss Muriel Baker spent the weels end with Newcastle frlends. Mrs. H. E. Tink spent Sundaý wlth lier mother, Mrs. Thos. Pasca< Hampton. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr Lloyd Williams on the arrivai o! Young son. Miss Evelyn Tink spent a f ey daY at her brother's, Mr. Clarence Tlnk'Lç Maple Grave. Our young people have been invit ed to present their play 'Tea Tope Tavern" at Zion next week. Owig to the absence of the 3rg Vice Pres. Mr. Allan Balson th, league meeting was in charge o! Mi Helen Baker. It was decided ta asl the Columbus Young people ta glvi the play "Nora, Wake Up" here Ma: 6th. Devotional period was ini chargi of Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Mr'. Haralc Shuttleworth favored witli a voca solo. The toplc on "Budgettlng" wa taken by Mr. E. R. Taylor. Miss Ev. elyn Tink and Helen Baker gavee piano duet. Mr. Charles Shortrldgi flnished hits review of the I"Romanc SPRINGTIME IS Kodak Time Bef ore it too late get out your Camera and take that picture of the chlld.ren you have been put- tlng off so long. Picture opportunities only ap- pear once and then are gone for- ever. Picture aklng gives loads of fun at the tie and many hours of pleasure after. Here's how to get good pictures: 1. Brlng your Camera to us and bave it checked for proper settlng. 2. Use only Kodak Film in the yellow box. 3. Brlng your ftished roils to us for careful developlng and printlng. You are sure of a perfect print off every negative. 8-Hour Service Developlng and Prlntlng. Jury & Lovel When we test eyes it as done properly. 'BIG 20" EASTER SPECIALS Easter Carda and Baskets le ta 25C A new assortment o! ]Fiction and Star Dollar Books Prayer Books and Hymnals the ideal Easter Glft. Agents fox' LANGLEY'S Cleaners and Dyers, Toronto J. W. Jewell Phone 30 - King Street g'g 2o Dookstore sowminv aI o! the last Crusade." A splendid con- COURTICE test on "Heroines o! the Bible" was t1___ it put on by Miss Fanny Smales and muci enjoyed. Meeting closed witli . Mrs. A. P. Rundle spent a few dai the League Benediction.1 in Pickering with Rev. and Mrs. J. H Women's Institute meeting was' Stainton. held in the Sunday Sciool roomn on Miss Aura "Toots" Brooks, ci l hrdya!eno ndwswi Lockwood Clinic, Toronto, spent tii -attended with the lst Vice Pres.. weekend witli ler parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Jas Moorey preslding. The In- Mrs. S. S. Brooks. s. stitute decided te invite the Oshi- Young People's Society held thE a awa people ta give "Pollyanxia" here annual banquet in the S. Sclio( the latter part o! April. The prograni room on Tuesday evening a! last pswas i charge o! group 5 and was week. Tables prettlly decorated ir 'S mucli enJoyed. Roll cail was My green and yellow and laden wltli ap Pet Superstition; a chorus "Corne petizig dishes seated about onE Back te, Erin"; vocal duet, Misses hundred. After ail were satlsfled er Evelyn Tink and Helen Baker; chior- they assembled i the churcli wherE .d us by the group, "The Wearlng o! a fine prograin was presented. Pro- e Green"; a paper was splendidly gram opened wltli community sing- Mr.MMatron"ed ing, a! tex' whlcli a paper on "«St king"; piano solo, Miss Annie Me- Patrick's Day" was given by Mr ?eMaster; a very interesting paper was DulsCutc;aralgb i egiven by Mrs. Roy Langmald an Evelyn Wade; and a pretty voal ye "The Origin o! Superstition"; chorus sl ~ isSuio al rv I"Tara's Halls"; reading "The Tun Mr. G. L. Wagar o! Bowmanvlle ai mng Point" by Mrs. Will Leask. The Higli Scliool staff was present and %S members of group 5 were weax'lng delivered a very fine address on "Ouz lgreen hats and bunclies o! sham- Heritage" basig lits remarks an a rock. A very dainty lunch was then scripture found in 2nd Peter. A male rserved i keeplng wltli St. Patrlck's quartette was sung by Messrs. Wal- ,e Day and a social tie enjoyed. tex' RundIe, Rev. H. C. Walfx'aln ___________Jas. Hanccck and Clarence Pen- !ound, "The Old Oaken Bucket.1 ENNISKILLEN Proceeds which were ln aid o! For- MissEll Tably, Eniel, sent Mx'. and Mrs. Marshiall Saules and Miss eeElla iTmblyn, nil, MspeiHtDonald. Toronto, were recent visitars J.ie weed ihleran, s . at Mx'. S. S. Brooks'. J. errY. C A tant Oh Sunday services were fairly well Mx'ans.CA. Staintoeekn. Osth-attended. Our pastar, Rev. H. C. awa, ns hette eked wihWolÎx'aim, preached two excellent frienWlime. . sermons at the churcli services and Mrs.Wiliam Okevisited lier the S. School session had a very good daughtex', Mrs. Frank Spx'y, Hamp-atedne ton, on Sunday. AttngsayNuece-3ecr Miss Reva McGill entertained lier fulAty selcedadilurs Cos, '5ca Sunday Sehool class of boys last largesie.tdGailu om,7c week and all report a good time. large_______ Mx'. and Mx's. Wilbert Smith and family, and Miss L. Stevens, Oshawa, FORMER AFRICAN MISSIONARY visited the latter's parents, Mx'. andWA SEKE Mrs. H. Stevens. ____ SEAKE Dr. and Mrs. Slemon, Bowmanvile, sMr'. H. W. Hutchinson, Winnipeg, (Continued fromn page 1) Mr. J. Slemon, Sr.. were tea guests Anigola. with 600 mission scliools, at Mx'. Theo Slemon's Sunday. There is a education going on ef League meeting was ield on Wed- hand as well as liead. Houses of3 nesday evening. The topic was vex'y roems are built siewing the Christ- nicely taken by Mx's. Orr Je!frey. ian way o! equipment and manage- Devotional period was taken by Rev. ment in comparison with the hovels Mr'. Whyte. Mms. Russell Ormiston lived in by the natives; mothercrafi sang a solo and several readings wex'e and ether things are being exempli- given and a social time spent. fid. The f irst churcli was erganized iSunday evening service was well after ten years labor and its mem- attended. Our pastor, Rev. Mx'. bership contained none over 18 years Wliyte. delivered anothex' good ser- o! age. Theix' idea e! joining the mon on "Man under the law." Mx'. churcli is expressed in the words " H. W. Hutchinson aIso gave a brie! want to walk the Christ road." 1address expressing lis pleasure at Ini connection witli tus great -being able to be in lis old home gatheiring o! 14,000 people at the churci. Jubilee whidh lasted 10 days, no A congregational meeting was held building was available and the great in the basement on Mardi l7th.* eut o! doox' gatherings wex'e seated The first houx' was given to a pro- On the surrounding hiliside. There gram put on by the W. M. S. o! was a communion service, served Irish songs, xecitations, musical sel- f romn 7 tables, and Miss Jamieson in ections. and a sing-song with our referring te these said lier thoughts pasteri charge. After which the wex'e cax'xied to a similar service ix' different organizations o! the dhurch the great Cathedral in London where gave vex'y splendid reports o! their the Ardlibisliop dispensed the el- Jwex'k, showing the good standing o! enents, and -then te the great ser- each A contest was enjoyed. a!ter vice here where a black elder in fray- Iwhidh lunch was served and a social ed garmnents pexformed a similar ser- time spent. $10 Knsa vice to many devout people. There is Dahlias ot$15 at nswynu diference in the siglit o! God. Nurseries 75c. There was a baptismal service, a ________choir which sang the Halleluj .ah Chorus and led tis great assembly THE FARM 0F TO-DAY i the service o! song. There were 1500 'Teen age girls at the Jubilee Weve bathed the Bossies' tootsies, and 2000 'teen age beys. beth taking we've cleaned the roosters' ears, a par't in these services. Music and Weve trimmed the turkeys' wattles pageantrY hled a large Place i tie with antiseptic shears. service. A novel way of feeding anc With talcum ail the guinea liens are heusig tuis great number was that beautiful and briglit, each famnily built a grass heuse and And Dobbin's wreath o! gleaming prepared their own meals se ne one teeth we've burnislied snowy was prevented frem attending the white. service. There is great need for mned- With pungent sachet Powdex' we've ical missionaries te teadli them the glori.fled the dog, Christian way ef healing and saving And when we have the leisure we'li their bodies as Weil as theix' seuls. « manicure the liog! Mucli las been done but tiere is yet Weve dene ail in eux' power te have mucli to be doue. a barn deluxe, In the afternoon Miss Jamieson Weve dipp ed the sheep in eau de presented in moving pictures many rose, weve sterillzed the ducks. ef the scenes mentienel above whici The littie chicks are daily fed on proved very interesting te the mem- sanitated worms, bers of the Sunday Scheol. The calves and colts are hard-boiled Rex'. J. U. Robins, the pastor, pre- te keep them f romn the germs- sided and conducted the morning 1And tliereughiy te carry eut eux' pro- ervice. Mr'. M. S. Dale sang a mest Pliylactic plan a Most appropriate selection "Speed Next week we think we shahl begin Away" in the merning in addition to te waSli the hîred man. the antliem by the choir. A selectien __________was aise sung by the Mission Bands led by Mx'. F. Sutten at the organ. AUCTION SALE Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard sang a solo. at the afternoon service. The C. G SaturdayI. T. girls, Hilda Brown, Mariený StraMarch 28th.-Tie farm Siemen. Jean Purdy, Nevelda Berry, being sold, the undersigned lias re- Daisy Clarke. Nellie Kirkton, Violet ceived instructions frem Messrs. Nichols, Lillian Pritchard, Florence Nerthcott & Geissbergex' at Taunton Hewsten, passed the plates for the te seil by Public auctien, the follow- offering. ing: Team o! grey Percheron lier- In the evening Rev. J. U. Robins ses, rising five and seven years; preached a very telling and practical Deering hay loader, nearly new; sermon on "Lt the man whe team toboggan sligis. nearly new; gambled with the Devil." Mxs. R. draining Plew and digger; democrat; Thempson sang a solo in the even- buggy; pole; several new buggy ing. wheels; stiff tooth cultivator; wagon boîster spring; Deering grain bind- er; Deering cern binder; Deering Entertala S. S. Clan mower; clevex' table; section grinder; A very enjoyable St. Patrick's log sawing eutflt; circular eutfit; pax'ty was held on Tuesday evening tubulax' separator; blizzard ensilage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. cutter: bell, No. 50; International Thickson, Ontarie St., wlien Miss Hoîsein ewnet bred; Holstein Heifer; 1 Cal!.« Implements: Wagon and Box; Hay, Rack; Gravel Box; Herse Rake; Cul-, tivator; Mower; Set Harrows; Reli- er; Single Plew; Massey Harris Sep-!I arator; Seed Drill: Buggy; Cutter'; Bobsleighs; Set Team Harness: Single Harness. Feed: Quantity Cern Fodder; About 8 ton Sweet Clover Hay. Plgs-3 Shoats. 150 Cedar Posts; other articles too numerous te mention. Terms: On aIl sums o! $15.00 and under cash; over that ameunt six months' credit on approved notes wlth lnterest at 6% pex' annum. Sale at 1 p. m. Elmer WiIbar, Auctioneer.1 J. HERMON wants POULTRY and APPLES at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanvlle-235 Toronto-Trlnity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave, Toronto. 40-tf r' Il 1! MAPLE GROVE ý Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and H.baby Ross visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Trenoutli, Hamp- Ofýton. le: Mr. and Mrs. George White and ad Mr. Allan White, Solina, spent Sun- day with the former's daugliter, Mrs. he Clarence Tink. ol Mrs. Patterson lef t on Monday ta st visit her daughter ini Toronto, later in to visit hier daughter, Mrs. Ted Per- P-rington, Winnipeg. ed Mr. Gates, Miss Emily Gates, and dreMr. and Mrs. Leonard Gates and two e 0 chlldren. Cherrywood, vislted the 9former's daughter, Mrs. Ivan Law, t. on Sunday. r. Mr'. John Plunkett. Mr'. and Mrs. [ss Leslie Plunkett and daugliter Mar- al lyn. Mr'. and Mrs. Ivan Davis, Peter- e. bora, 1Mr. Ted Wllklns, Oshawa, vis- e ited the latter's sister, Mrs. R. L. 2d Worden. on Sunday. 11 de TYRONE 1, Mfr. Brentan McCullough spent a n- few days i Toranta. ;" Mr. T. Hutchinson spent tlie week- - end at lis home li Lindsay. id Mr. Herbert Cameron vlslted lis rs sister, Mrs. Staintan, Blackwater. Miss Grace MacKay spent the Sweekend with friends in Toronto. C. Misses Ruthi and Grace Farrell vis- 2t ited their sister, Mrs. W. Smith, To- id ronto. Mr. Artliur Moore, Ennlsklllen, visited recently at lis uncle's, Mr. Byron Moore. c Mrs. W. E. Stevens, Haniptan, re- cently vlslted lier sister-ln-law, Mms. Robt. Burgess. Mr. and Mm. Lloyd Robinson and R Berniece, Lansing, spent the weekend at Mr. F. L. Byam's. Messrs. Roy and Jack Barr, Mal- tan, recently vislted witli their bro- sther, Mr'. Thos. Barr. :f Mr. and Mm. Theodore Down vis- 3 ited his sister, Mm. (Rev.) Andrew t- MeLaughlln, Grafton. On Thumsday evenlng a communlty Is dance was mucli enioyed i the hall. Et Excellent music was furnished. i- Mr. Edward Virtue lias returned >d home after spendlng several weeks 1- wlthl is daugliter, Mrs. T. Flndley, rs Thornhlll. -e Mr. and Mrs. Horatia HUIs vislted 'at Mr. Fred His', Orono, and cele- brated their blrthdays when a very it enjoyable tinie was spent. ie On Tuesday evening Messrs. Wm. iand Milton Virtue entertalned a it number of frlends at a dance in the !d community hall when everyone re- rported a good time. d Regular meeting o! the W. M. S. in will be held on Thursday, April 2nd. ts at 2.30 p. m. in the vestry. A good ,n Temperance pragram is belng pre- -pared. AUl ladies are lnvited ta at- 1-tend. *The annual Raster service o! the W. M. S. will be held on Sunday1 April 5th, at 10.30 a. m. Miss Louisa isMaYowna, Oshawa, wiflgv nad 1. dress asslsted by Miss Katie Makar- achuk who will sing. Both will ap- hpear li costume. We are hoping for ýa good attendanoe at this service which should prove both interesting SALEM and profitable.___ On Wednesday evening the YoungF gram. Splendid music was !urnislied poor health. r c by the Barr Brothers Orchestra o! Mr. Sidney Elcombe visited at Co- ee o Malton accompanied by Mrs. H. bourg on Sunday. Stinson at the piano, and Mr. Floyd Mr'. C. Carruthers is busy cuttlng Dudley, guitar. Recitations werelwood i the community this week. We ail want freedom, but haw ta splendidly given by Miss Edna Cam-ý Pastor Rev. J. R. Trunipour con- obtain it is the question. eron. A one act play entitled "That ducted the usual Sunday a!ternoan; YOU may have freedomn from Rascal Pat" was very well given and service. caused many hearty lauglis. Violin M' hs ry h eetyr- MO TH DAMA G solos by Mr'. Roy Barr, accompanled turned f rom England. lias gone ta eas by Mrs. Tom Barr, were mucli en- live wlth Mr. C. Cox for the coMlng Joyed. summer. L R E Baby Liflian Cator is belng takenLARVEX care cf by lier grandnotlier, Mms. F. destroys motlis anid larvae: uaed HAMPTON Cator, while lier mother, Mrs. A. frwoesadai olfb1s Cator, is 111i Toronto hospita; glad f olnsadaiwalfbis Mr. Fred BilUett, Toronto, spent to know. that Mms. Catax' is 'well on M OT H GA S Sunday at home. the way ta recovex'y. Glad ta see Mrs. L. Truil out again Mr'. and Mrs. Roy Langmald and' after lier long iliness. family, Solina, vislted lier parents I* deadorizer and math preventa- Mr. Wallace Hom', Kingston, Ont., on Sunday, also lier aunt, Mrs. W. E. tîve, protects furs. spet unayPollard, who has been qulte III for Larvez $1.00, $1.50 and $31.75 spn udyat lits home here. sometinie past. Glad ta report Mms. moth Gaza....... 15o and 65o Miss Tliompson, Newtanvllle, visit- Pollard able te, be up again. ed wlth Mr'. and Mms. E. L. william- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carruthers, son. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford motored to Miss Annie Smart, Toronto, visIted Coîborne on Sunday last, Mr. Car- lier parents, Mr. and Mms. C. H. ruthers returnlng Sunday evenlng,i E S A E9 Smart. but Mrs. Carruithers and lier mother K R A IE~ Miss Ruby Clatwartliy, R. N., Bow- and father remaied tilI Monday ev- 1TH-E DEPENDABLIE DRUG STORE manville, vislted lier mothex', Mrs. enlng ta attend the funeral cf lier! G. Clatworthy. uncle, Mr. Peter Haig. Sympathy: ________________ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe and is extended ta tlem i the death o!f family, Maple Grove, visited lier par- their relative. .I- ents, Mr. and Mms. A. Trenouth.1 Notice ta Hortlcultural Saciety Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters and Leave your orders eax'ly for an- , r,- ý,'-, - Kirnx'sway Nurseries save son Keith, Mx'. and Mrs. Harold Sal- nuals at Klngsway Nurseries - doz- you maney. Visit their greenhouses ter spent a few days wltli Toronto ens o! cholce new varleties. and see what they offier. friends._______________________________________ Congratulations to, Mr. and Mms. ]Lloyd Williams on the birtli o! a son._____ Mrs. Williams and babe are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Williams. Several neiglibors and frlends pleasantly surprised Mrs. Jebson on t~l T Friday evening on the occasion o! OROR T TRUST SMARES hrbirthday. A very enjoyable ev- enmng was spent in games and lunch- eon was served:________ The play "Tea Toper Tavern" pre- sented by Eldad young people on BECOME A PARTNER WITH THE BUSINESS Tuesday evening was largely attend- ed. The play was excellently given LEADERS 0F THE CONTINENT and the players deserve great credit as well as those under whose direc- tion the play was prepared. League meeting Fx'lday evening was in charge o! the Citizenship De- - ASSETS TOTAL 23 BILLIONS - partment, Rev. Mr. Bick in charge. Scripture lesson was x'ead by Mer- SURPLUSES AGGREGATE 6 BILLIONS win Cryderman, and Miss Mary Pet- ers took charge o! the devotional period. Miss Ruth John gave the topic and Miss Helen Knox sang a solo. Next meeting is in charge o!fls ' Mr. Laverne Clemens. Security Plus enerous iReturn W. M. S. was held at the home o! Mrs. Geo. Barron on Tuesday, Mardi l7th, President Mms. Colwill i the chair. Business being completed, Mrs. Blck read the scrlpture lesson. ENQUIRIES SOLICITEDl Mrs. C. J. Kerslake taok charge o! the program as leader o! group two. Mrs. Barron, Mms. Salter, Mrs. Clat- W worthy and Mms. Luke reported the H.RBAN&C MNY Ld Heralds; Mrs. Colwill led In prayer; Mrs. Clatworthy xead the devotional INVESTMENT BANKERS leaflet; a!ter whlch Mms. E. H. Cule ngtsI ur ceOfePh e56 took up the fi!tli chaptex' o! the Kh' nuaceOfc hn 6 Study Book, "The influence o!fh West on the Japanese Thouighits"; Mms. Clatwortiy led in prayer. The meeting 'closed wlth a hymn and prayer led by Miss Reeve. _3

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