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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1931, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATEBbAN. BOWMEANVILLE. THURSDAY, APRIL 3oth, 1931 PAO Hum VOU WANT POWEB - Tou WANT UM-LEAGE Then Une Super Sheli Anti-Knock GASOLINE and UIl your crankcase wth aur higli grade OUas: Sheil, Castrol, Quaker State, Penzoil, or Mobiloil. use Sunlight Coal Oil for your Incubator. If your dernler cannot supply you witli this grade we wMi be glad ta do go. PHONE 110 KING 5T. EA9T.f BOWMANVI LLE L Satisfaction s MRETand 9»« bettes, digestion- fresher mouth- whiter teeth. Tue beat chewmig gum that conscieu. dons men and ma- chines in daylight CiLU actories can produce. LOCAL BOWLING CLUB POPULAE SCIENCE BOOKS MAiPLE GROVE REFLECTONS PREPARES FOR 1931 SEASON ADDED TO LIBRARY ntHetN.2 Walter O'Boyle la Elected President Mebers WIII Now Have Acesa t. of Club for Ensulng Season Valuable Reference Works Do Yoa Recal- WHEN the week.Iy prayer meeting Walter O'Boyle was elected Presi- A new addition to, the Library is was a power i the Community-and dent a! Bowmanville Lawxi Bowling "The Book o! Popular Science." how some of tiiose old veteraxis could Club at its annual meetixig last week. Other officers are: lst Vice President Curiosity is one o! nature's gifts to pray--James Stevens would begin very 10w and impressive and rise -I. G. Hefkey; 2nd Vice President- humanity. and were we to live a bigler and higlier, uxitil lie some- M. W. Tamblyn; Secretary-Treasur- thousand years instead o! the pro- ies reached the top o! lis voice, er-J. J. Mason; Auditors-A.* Mit- verbially allotted three score and ten, then drop suddeniy to the "Amen." chell, M. G. V. Gould; Grounds Com- mittee-A. H. Moore, L. B. Nichols, we should be perplexed and curious His brother Jacob was also very f er- vent but dld not attain quite sucl J. D. Carruthers; Membership-I. G. about something or other ta our dy- 10f ty heiglits; George Power had a Hefkey. M. G. V. Gould. F. O. Mc- ixig day, and then about the «'ad- wonderful glft in prayer, a warmtli Ilveen. S. M. Scott; Match-E. J. venture, brave and new." and glow that was contaglous, Gibbs, A. Mitchell, J. Infantine. thougli we sometimes thougit lie IIf you have wondered about man's was pretty lengthy. James Stollery The prospects for tlie coming sea- ancestors, i! any; or if you have gone was axiother always ready with a son are very briglit it was revealed to, the movies and wondered li0w it heartfelt supplication. William Fol- during the meeting. The green lias is possible ta, reproduce the actual ey was very quiet and thouglitful; wixtered exceptionally well and is movements o! 11e; or if you are i- Tommy Kirkpatrlck could offer a now in excellent condition. There terested i socialism, or ancient and petition in the finest phrases. while has beeri some bowling on them tis modern religions, or the development William Pethic would pray most week. The contract for painting the a! marriage f rom savage forms te earnestly, but *ith bis eyes open, club bouse was awarded ta Bert the present institution, or football, looking around at the boys wlio Worden. The treasurer's report or engines. or the planning and dec- would often dlsturb hlm just te sec showed the finances in a healthy oration of! buses, and balanced him shake his finger at them as he condition wlth a balance on hand. diets, or what is ta be found in Afri- continued lis prayer. But with ail Three tournaments are planxied for can jungles, or any of a thousand their idiosyncrasies, tliey lef t their this year with Civic Holiday in Aug- otlier things. you will like these impress on the younger members ust as one date and the other two books. Whetlier they wli partly that will neyer be forgotten. dates yet ta be set. satis! y your curiosity or simply whet ______your appetite. they will give you en- WHO were the members o! the joyment and a mental stimulant, choir at the tinie of Union, in 1884? W. C. T. U. As naear as we can recaîl they e: The books are f ree o! teclinical Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Power; Mr. Mrs. L. A. Tole presided at the terms and contain a great many il- and Mrs. Dan Pollard (Mary Pow- W. C. T. U. meeting held in St.I lustrations-some in colour. There er); Annie Power (Mrs. James Star- Paul's school room on Thursday af - are 15 volumes. They wifl be kept in le>; Emma James (Mrs. Ed. Power); ternoon. Mrs. G. L. Wagar had the reference library for a month, Mrs. Charles Axford (Pally Power; charge o! the devotional perlod and and af ter that members of the lib- Nellie Axford; Radliael Cale; Ralpli read the 12 chapter o! Romans. In rary may borrow them. and Wesley Haruden; William Fol- a few impressive words she explain-_______ ey; Jacob Stevens; and Tommy ed these verses and asked ail ta get Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Chet Power (Liz- inta communion with God, ta renew HAMPTON W. M. S. zie Ranton) was the capable organ- aur mixids and be a good example for ist. It was quite a Power-ful organ- others. With regard ta the gifts ization. A little later on Miss min- and talents which we ail possess she Manthly meeting o! the W. M. S. nie Allen (Mrs. Sam Snowden) as- raid we are given as many as Gad was lield at the home of Mrs. c. w. sumned the duties or organist and knows we can use and with bis help Souci on Tuesday afternoon. April held the position for rnany yearst we should make use o! them. She 2lst. in charge o! Mrs. Bick in the with great credit.t cancluded lier remarks by quo)tinIg absence o! President Mrs. Colwill1 some appropriate extracts f rom a through illxiess. A letter was read WHEN Rev. J. J. Liddy was a pop- book entitled "The Meaning o! Ser- f rom Mrs. Bascam o! Whitby, finan- ular pastor and his good wife o! tent vice" by Harry Emerson Fosdick. cial and stewardship secretary o! came with hlm and delighted thet Mrs. R. H. Armstrong reported for! Presbytenial. stating that she cauld congregation with lier beautiful the mothers' meetings that one came ta aur May or June meeting.sls e ag"triyWee meeting had been lield recentîy at She will be invited ta aur May meet- is still ringing in aur ears. the home o! Mrs. C. W. Slemon ing at the home o! Mrs. Clatwortly. WHEN Phil Tyler used ta travelt when several suggestions had been Miss Reeve reported an "SupplY the surroundlng country witl a I brouglit before the mothers for their Wark": Mrs. Salter on "Finances" Chatham Fanning Mil in his demo- approval. Amang the subjects dis- for Mrs. Stephens; and Mrs. Wil- crat. demonstrating and selllng them cussed were school uxilforms for liams on "Tidmngs" subscriptions. ta farmers, much like the radio, high school girls, dancing. proper[IMrs. W. W. Horn then took charge vacuum and electric- washer sales- use or money and Suxiday pleasures. a!o meeting which took the f arm o! men do today? A number a! the members readlan Easter service. Mrs. Clatworthy short dlippings showing the progress 1 had charge a! devotional part; Miss WHEN Hallowe'en was celebrated, thie Temperance cause is making in1 Reynolds gave an ihiteresting read- not with masquerade hause parties, several cauntries and proved thati ing; appropriate hymns were sung; but with real autdoor sports and de- the liquor question is a world affair. Mrs. A. Alun reported on Oriental predations? One "morning after the It was shown that Finland leads the work; and Miss Reeve on Central night before" Jake Stevens found lis world in Temperance leglslation with India: Mrs. Bick favored with a wagon, properly assembled. perched Sorway and Sweden a close second. piano solo: appropriate readings on the roof o! bis barn. Canada's consumption o!fliard liquar were given by Mrs. H. Peters. Mrs. is ane and three-flftbs as great as Souci. Mrs. A. Peters and Mrs. WiI- Great. Britain's. and Great Britain liams; Easter thank-off ering was Mr. Bob Clark, well knowrn young has five times the population a! i taken; Mrs. Niddery gave an inter- man.,lias joined the Traffic Ofmcer Canada. esting talk on the recent Presbyterial division a! the Provincial Police. He Miss Peters read a paper entitled! held at Oshawa; meeting closed with is at p resnt in training at the school 'Riveting home the liquor business" Mizpah beniediction. It is haped in Tarnto and expects by the end which expressed among other things. there %vill be a good attendance at a! this week ta, be given a route over he evils resulting f rom the sale o! jrie home o! Mrs. Clatworthy on May which ta guard the rights o! the iquar. 1l9th. Al ladies welcome. Iroad.a DR. G. E. REAMAN ELIVERED FINE TALK AT HOTAIEY <Continued from page 1) individual is recognized wîth the re- suit that there is more human liappi- ness than when the poor were kept down by the upper classes. Carl Marx, in later years, brought out the theory of consideration be- tween the worker and profits. He helped develop the rights of the in- dividual. Even today Dr. Reaman saw something radically wrong when big industrialists laid men off their staffs tafilglit life as best they could and with the other turned round anid gave tliousands to charlty. There was something wrong somewhere. lie added, when the ones who helped make is wealth have to suifer while lie extends the helping liand to others. What was needed, the speaker said, was Ideals. Ideais were the most Potent thlng i the world. The very 111e o! the world today was controlled by Ideals. The Treaty of Versailles which brought an end te the Great War nationaklism began to be recognlzed. European countries ta alniost a score clianged f rom monarchies to rePUblies because the monarchy dld not provide the hu- mani happiness of the working classes T'hen came the Russian re- volution and the blggest soclalistic experinent in the world, the Five 'Year Plan. Should the FIve Year Plan be a success the speaker saw the end of communlsm. The call to comniunisni was gone when the People o!fRIissla achleved freedom axid lappiness aniong the working classes. In Rotary lie saw somethlng that would aid the experinient. Rotary was a democratlc organization whereln ail were equai. Rotary was now in more than 60 countries li the world thus cirdling the earth. Ro- tary was revolvig on confidence and trust lin one axiother. if Rotarians keep Up this lnterest, and continue to spread this idea around the world the speaker saw a steadying Up o! world affairs wxth the working man gettixig that happiness ta which lie was entitled and whlch lie needed. It was up te Rotary lie said, ta take this OPPortunity for furthering lu- man liappiness and humaxi welfare. With a happy and contented worklig PERENNIALS AND ROCK PLANTS An endless variety o! strong healthy plants. Cai and see them. We save you money. Kingsway Nurseries On the Highway, 2 blocks east of Liberty Street. BOWMANVILLE THE MODERN FUEL FOR INDUSTRIAL- AND DOME.STI C PURPOSES I n Industry Modern industries which require a heating fuel insist on locating only in communities which bave a gas suppiy. Towns and cities with gas have a tremendous advantage in the effort to secure new industries, and to benefit by the ex- pansion of existing industries- BQWMANVILLE NEEDS GAS to round out its industrial f acilities. The gas franchise bylaw is the town's great opportunity to link up with a gas system which will ensure an adequate supply of gas for Bowmanville's pres- ent and future requirements. CAS WILL HELP TO PLACE BOWMANVILLE ON THE MA? AS AN INDUSTRIAL TOWN. To Produce Emnployment M-AT ONCE-M WORK FOR THE MEN 0F BOWMANVILLE wiIl be provided as soon as the bylaw is passed by the nstalling of gas supply lines and mains. Thousands of dolla'rs w 'l be spent - TRIS YEAR - in wages to the men employed in this wcrk. WORK 15 NEEDED HERE THIS YEAR, and the elect- ors of Bowmanville have it in their power to make work for the unemployed by carrying the gas franchise bylaw on May 9th. THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SUPPORT THE BY- LAW UNANIMOUSLY. FOLLOW THEIR LEAD AND DO YOUR PART IN CREATING EMPLOYMENT - TRIS YEAR - FOR BOWMANVILLE MEN. ln The Home ' Gas is the modem fuel for ecanomical domestic cooking and heating:. Its Iow installa- tion cost places it at the disposai of even the most modest home. Its Iow consumption cost malkes it ideal for the working man's purse. BOWMANVILLE NEEDS GAS to provide its homes with a dlean and economical fuel, to promote home comfort and efficiency throughout the warm summer m'onths. CAS IN THE HOME WILL HELP TO SAFEGUARD THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING 0F THE HOUSEWIVES 0F BOWMANVILLE Vote and Work For the Gas Franchise Bylaw- GOOD BUSINESS FOR BOWMANVILLE WITHOUT A DOLLAR 0F EXPENSE TO THE TOWN THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS INSERTED WITH THE APPROVAL 0F THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL 0F BOWMAN VILLE IT 's behalf of the club for his very schol- arly address. bous happen. Rotary constituted a: were Rotarlmn W. C. Brent aof- cain arun th e w orld. eran d th ser: on gt he o tar s J. . Y tn heC .d i Bowmanvflle it started here, went, Barnes, Max Bornas., M. Llby.chi rudtewrd a' Rihu- no RtrasJ .Yug . . right around the world and finlshed. Muer, al of Oshawa; Mr. J. M here. and Mr. C. L. Bickell of Toront;. President Hermie Brown extended Mr. Orme Gnmsby of Orono; aand a vote of thanks to the speaker on Tommy Ross Jr. of Bowmanvile.I1 A UTO RE PAI1RSi vu-tu p MM Regardiesa of the job we are ready and willing to undertake it . . . and carry through to a successful finish. Our equipment, togéther with great mechin- ical akili, give positive assurance of sat- isfactory work- And, incidentally, satis- factory work includes also low prices. This is the place you can get your car re- paired cheaper, quicker and bettet-. Let us prove it! Repair Shop open 24 hours daily. WEST END GARAGE H. D .CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 188 Bowmmnville -16 dff

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