THTIRRDAY, MAY lAth,1931 la REASONS GYPROC when Building or Rteiodellig G YPROC is a fire-resistant walboard used for making inside walls, ceiiings and partitions. It is made from gypsum rock and cornes in sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and 3/a of an inch thick. 1. It does flot burn. 2. It 19 inexpensive. 3. Its ivory colour requires no decoration when panelled. 4. It is an excellent base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. 5. It is structurally strong. 6. It has insulation value. 7. It is draught and vermin-proof. 8. It is easy to instaîl. 9. It saves tirne in new construction. For further information ask your nearest dealer for a direction sheet or write us for FREE book- let, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc". 375 GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario %eg ov(s DE Fer UBab Br John A. Holgate & Son - Bownianville, Ont. limre ood News! A à wemgo we intoduced iur "m *MBiu" a Genadian me&. Antl-Knbock gos at the mm@n pri« es regular ga- fts ucoesswms otnaeu NOW We announce NO-Kuocl MotSF" We have stepped up its anti- knock rating to such an extent that Cyclo stands to-day ALONE and SUPREME among premium piced anti- knock gasolines. ... without question the world's finest motor fuel FUI up with Cyclo and experience a new. driving sensation MC COLLFRONTENAC OIL CIOMPANY * LIMIThED MAKERS OF RED INDIAN MNOTOR OILS 63 c I h J IIveins. titi! for fic '09,u J De t iy.Mental ai.lFran 14'ri T)epnndency, LO-U Of Enerr.v. Palpitation o< sc eurt, -alling Memory. reS2Pe-,ox-1. to 5IS cSd by ail druggisi. or maied Vi P'ýn pk,. onreceipi of priCe New pamphl<t ,aiteU ,,W.Tus WOOD MitDIeCI OJTotOMTO.ome Ook's Regulating Compouni A !ae. rmial. ,stulatinh Medicine. Sod in tace de gr,(.a ( etrbgth-No. 1, Si n.ý 2. 83; No. 3, $55pir boi SoId Iy ail druggits, <'r "fr. çrrpi on receipt of cricr eepamphlet. Addrss. THSE COOKMEDICINECC. irmer The Weed Menace A. R. G. Smith, Western Ontario Weed Control Supervisor, and Chas. Galbraith of O.A.C., have been tour- mng the western part o! the province, holding meetings in each county and issuing instructions preparatorY te the annuel campaign against the weed menace. Despite strenuous ef- forts exerted last summer, theY Point out, the sow thistie is not under con- trol. it continued to spread during the growing season o! 1930, and is now in every tow;nshlp in Ontario. Mr. Smith declared that it woiild be necessary to tlighten Up the adminis- tration o! the Weed Act to keep the s0w thistie !rom widehing its area and he urged more stringent en- forcemenlt o! regulations pertaining te, ail noxious weeds. Efforts to have the sides o! roads levelled wlil be made te permit mowers to have eas- 1er access to the weeds. Weed cut- tlng at the side o! the road bef ore the seeds ripen is having good e! - !ects. A motto ! or inspecters was adopted. They should make use o! "personalitY, persistence, persuasion and publlcitY." There's MoneY in Eggs Wlth eggs at 17 cents a dozeli, one can stili make money if he operates his poultry flock on a business basis, was the statemett made recently by a leadlng Ontario poUltrymfafl. Feed costs are lower and the prospects o! lowered pro- duction throujgh flock depletion is jnduclflg man:Y !armers and poultrY- men to make sure o! having a good floclc of laYing pullets this !aUl by buying approved chicks in lots o! !rom 300 to 500 or more. Graded Beef In reply to a questionnaire issued in connection wth the Federal Bee! Service to over 1,200 house- wives in the twelve leacing cities o! Canada, 65 per cent of the ladies sending in replies stated that the offcial brand mark in red or blue was their guide in buying beef o! dependable quality; the other 35 per cent stated that as yet they knew nothing about branded beef. Those who bought by grade stated withoiit exception that they were satlsfied wth the quality o! the branded pro- duct, while a majority of those who were not then !amiliar with branded bee! stated that they would buy and use more bee! i! they could be sure o! getting bee! o! dependable quai- ity. Treating Seed Potatoes Nattlrally, the aim o! the potato grower is to produce the biggest and best crop at the lowest possible cost. This is dependerit upon a number o! f actors, such as good soit, quality o! seed, spraying and cultivation. While the importance o! these !eat- uires is unquestioned, very o!ten the prospect o! a good crop is ruined throiigh neglect to practise seed treatmeflt which is aimed to reduce the enormfous losses and inconven- ience caused by scab, black leg and rhizoctoflia, ail o! which occur in every province o! Canada. The con- mnonest method used te treat seed potatoes is !ormalin treatment. A solution of one pound of for-malin to 40 gallons o! water is made Up and placed in a barrel. The seed pota- toes. uncut, are piaced in a sack and suspended in the liquid for two hours when the bag is pulled up and the solution allowed to drain baclt into the barrel. Then the seed may be cut and pianted. Favorable reports on crop condi- tions are received f rom most parts o! Ontario. Recent rains have heip- ed matters and llttle damage by !rost is reported. There are large in- creases in the acreage o! early po- tatoes and clover and alfal!a seed- ings in many districts. Quality Counts Dr. G. F. Warren o! Corneil Uni-1 versity has long been recognized as one of the leading agriculturai econ-i omists o! the world. In an address dellvered recently, he brought out the interesting point that when !ood is relatively cheap, producers be-j come more insistent on quallty. Dr. Warren does not expect a re- turn to the high commnodity levels o! recent years. He suggests that we miay expect some slight improvement1 in the near future, but that ahl comn- modity prices including farmn pro- ducts wiil be relatively 10w for sev- eral years. To meet the situation, he makes the following suggestions to farmers: i. Find ways of producing farmn products with less hours of labor. The chie! ways o! doing this are by obtaining more miik per cow; higber crop yields per acre, and by using labor more efficiently. News For The Busy Fai STARTING PLANTS INDOORS Nearly ail o! our fiowers and a great number o! our vegetables. too, can be given an early start by plant- ing seed in shallow boxes indoors. But they should not be moved !rom these temporary quarters directly outdoors. requiring at least one transplanting !rom hotbed to cold- frame or from one box to anothor to develop stocklness and better root growth. With very valuablo plants. it is a good plan to shade with an old newspaper for a day or two, and watering wiIl usually be requirod. EASILY GROWN FLOWERS To those who want flowers but have not a great doal of timne to spend on them, the zinnia is recom- mended. It comes in three types, dwar!, medium and giant size. It will thrive on the most ordinary at- tention, and will do particularly well in the new garden, and for filing in the perennial bed before the regular flowers have f ully devloped. Colors range ahl the way from cream, mauve and pink to deep yellow. dark brown. bronze and scarlet. It wlll bloomn continuously from early summer un- til the time o! kiling f rosts. For very early bloom, either start seed indoors or by plants. It will, how- ever, como along quickly !rom seed planted outdoors after danger o! frost is over. Other flowers which are aiso included in the group re- quiring a minimum of experience or care are calliopsis, marigolds, annual larkspur. scabiosa. and cosmos. RECOMMENDED FRUITS if at aIl possible, it is well to in- clude some fruit trocs and bushes with the rogular vegetablos. If there is room, we can chooso a summner apple like the Yellow Transparent, Astrachan or Melba for dessert pur- poses, or Duchess for cooking; for fail, Wcalthy; for early winter the McIntosh or Deliclous; and for late wintor, thc Northern Spy. In the Prairie Provinces or northern Quebec or Ontario, we wlll probably have to forego these varleties. but thero are some new hardy types as welI as good crabapples avallable. Among the sweet cherries, Windsor, Bing. and Tartarian are recommended, growing 0f course only in the warm- or districts, whlle Montmorency and Early Richmond are standards o! the othor type. Clapp's Favorite is ofle oif the best pears, comlng very carly, while Bartlett is a good later such machlnery, this mcthod consti- tutes an effect!ve means o! reducing costs. Thse substitution o! more pro- fitable for less profitable crops is anotheîr advantage whlch may be de- rlved f rom the cost o! production studios. sort. Plums are grown almost any- where in Canada, as well as currants, raspherrios, strawberries, blackcaps, thimble bernies, Logan bernies, and goose bornies. Grapes are !alrly hardy. and among the best are the Lindley, Brighton and Delaware. In making a selection o! the varlous kinds and varieties, partlcularly for the home gardon, it is important to remomber tho season s0 that one will have a stoady supply of f rosh fruit f rom thse flrst o! July on. REPLANTING Onie is woli advlsed to save a little seed o! each varlety f romn the flrst plantings in order to f11 in inevitable misses" caused by drought. wash- ings, or other things beyond our con- trol. O! course. with most vegotabies, sucis as spinach, lettuce. beans. boots, carrots, and corn, we should plan to mako sovoral plantings at ton day intervals so as to have a continuous crop coming on. In thse perennial flower bed, there will also be gaps ta fill in where winter-klhllng has oc- curred. These may ho fiiled in with qulck growlng annuals. Rheuoeatisui or No Rheumatisu BUT KRUSCHEN KEPT RM FREE FRON PAIN Tis skppr of .a steam trawler was .ýup aginst it.**Ife had Rheumatism , and hs doctor said he must flot go te sca. But tirnes were bard, ad h e was foreed t0 go afloat again. That was two years ago. Now sce what he gays : "I1 go to sea and two years ago I was laid up for six months with very much suffering from rheumatism and general breakdown, ad was forbiddcn by my doctor to go to se, or to touch water. But it was' Hobson's Choice' with me. There was so0 mîch unemploy- ment I was foi-ced to get somewlîercý. So 1 arn stili here weatlîering flhc storrns of the Iast two winters, and 1 can honestly say 1 have nover feit the slightest pain frorn my old complaints, since 1 started two years ago to take Kruschen SaIts. I wish Kruschen every success, and you may make whatever use you think fit of this letter.'"-Skipper J. J. It is common knnwledge that rheu- muatism is associated with an excess of unie acid in the system. Uric acid is composed o! needie-like erystals, and the pain of rheumatîsrn is caused by those - needIes " settling down in thse joint&, muscles and tendons. Krusr-hen is a powerful solvent of these torturing crystals. It swiftly duils their sharp edgcs, thon expels them from the systcrn. Your pains case ; swellings subside, knotted joints bcome loaso. Afterwards, the - littie daily dose " so stixnulates the liver andI kidineys that regular and complote elimination is cnsured. Your inside is kept dlean. Mlisciievous unie acid nover gets the chance to accumulate again. Start on Kruschen to-morrow. Kee Sfp " the little daily dose " and youU soon joyfully agree witb thousanda of others that rheumatism meets ils master in Ki-usehen. Kruschen Saits is obtainable at sU Drug Stores at 45c. and 75c. per bottle. Patchig only delays the neeessity Of RE-ROOFJING When your roof is worn out and commences to Ieak you neyer know what damage wil be caused to your decorations even though you make temporary repairs. Better save yourself trouble and money by re-roofing NOW with Brantford Asphait Siates. They cost less to buy, less to Iay and nothing for repair. Speak to your Brantford deale about the more than 100 dit- ferent colour comblnatlons ob- tainable in beautifunifre-sate Brantford PRoos. Braniford IROOFS Branch Offices and Warehouses: Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal, Hialifax, Saint JohnNB., and St. John's, Nfld. For Sale by RICE & CO. DAME nym Fer Theae THE C fAfADLAN nTATMOMIAN. BWILMANVL EAT TWO BISCUITS EACH DAY ]EVERY LOYAL CANADIAN CAN HELP SAVE CANADA'S LARGEST INDUSTRY Sbredded Wheat is made of Whole Wheat-nothing added, nothing taken away. It is a nourishing, body-building ~ food. Ounce for ounce it is the most 1rgj economical food you can buy--delicious P <., and wholesorne for anybody, any time. The Canadian Shredded Wheat Comnpany, Ltd. Niagara Falla, Canada The largeat user of j'; [exclusvive'>, Canadian Wheat among Cereal Manufacturera of the worldJ MADE IN CANADA BY CANADIANS 0F CANADJAN WHEAT ONLY A: -HAD TO GO TO SEA AGAIW' i. t. . P---»ý