!'ÀTuSMAN. IbOWMBANVILLEI TEnURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1931. PAGE ELEVEN Why an d H0W Neyonox was Created 'tiih-American" have long appreciated the crying need for a first grade gasoleno tbat would eliminate "knocking" from high-compression engines . .. with Do price penalty. 4 In keeping with the sanie "British American" policy of thoughtful service which has endured for a quarter of a century, we set out to produce such a gasolene. 4 Recause anti-knock qualities are largely basic, we had to start with a search for the right crude. We searched until we found a field producing the proper quality of Crude 011. 4 We purchased properties, drilled wells and pro. duced a Crude 011 with the highest Anti-Knock quality of any crude east ofthe Rockies. 4With improved refinery equip- ment we manufactured NEVR.NOX, the highest-quality, Iow-priced, anti-knock gasolene. 4 The Crude 011 is our own production, it is transported ini our own cars and ships,'refined in our own Canadian pats ... colored green to make identifica- tion easy ... distributed tbrough our own service stations and dealers and guar. anteed by ourselves. 4 Wherever "British-American" producta are sold NEVR.NOX wMll h on sale Monday, June lot ... i and thereafter. GA~S piMatl N% nZasw Pr oduced for the hundreds of thousands of car owners who have long sought a quick-starting, dlean, powerful, true anti-knock gasolene .. AT NO EXTRA COST You will neyer know how good a non-premium priced anti-knock gasolene can be until you have tried this New "British-American" Product. e v à BRITISH AMERICAlq OIL CO, /V"e*.ncx,, Peerless, and British American ETHYL Gasolenes - 6ùiu"e oià / iý Nýl ý 1 1 1 Ll- - at*&