THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, THURSDAY, JUNE l8tb, 1931 PAGE SEVEN LOCAL and OTHERWISE 1 LOCAL ad OTHERWISE LOCAL and OTHERWISL Master Teddy Clark bas returned fîom the Sick Children's Hospital after a recent operation. Mr. C. Rehder was in Paris over the weekend and attended the f un- Àteraî of Mrs. J. S. Brown. Mrs. Andrew R. Standen. Rose- town, Sask., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. J. E. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. H. Waddell, Port Lanibton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mis. E. C. Southey. Mr. H. Lathrope accompanied Mr. and Mis. C. Papineau oif Oshawa to visit friends in Castleton recently. Reeve and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers were in Paris Monday attending the funeral of ber aunt. Mrs. J. S. Brown. Mr. and Mis. Edwin Bell, Mrs. Mc- Donald and Mrs. Rose, Collins Bay, cafled on Mr. and Mis. H. D. Wight- man on Thursday. The many frienda of Mrs. B. D. Harns, who recently removed fromn bere to Belleville, will be pleased to learn she is recovering nicely f rom a serlous operation. Rev. and Mis. J. U. Robins ai- tended the graduation exorcises of Toronto General Hospital on Thurs- day when their daughter. Miss Dor- oiby E. Robins, received ber diploma as graduate nurse. Dr. w. J. mcçormlck. Toronto, Mr. ichard Johnston. Lisiowel, Mr. and Mis. Frank Orchard and the Misses Orchard. EnniskIllen, Were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. J. H. Johnston. Horsey Street. Mr. Cliff Caverly, who bas oper- ated Kurv Inn wth considerable success for the pasi four years, bas sold tbis popular road house and tou.rist home to Mi. H. C. EPPs O! Clinion who bas afready taken pos- session. Mi. and Mis. Eppa bave Uived in Cuba for the past four Years and have a very interesting collect- ion of curlos on exhibition at Kurv Inn f rom ibis southern island. Ideal sunimer weather, beautiful grounds and a happy gatbering o! ladies were f eatures o! the after- noon tea by St. Paul's ladies on Fr1- day at the borne o! Mis. C. A. Caw- ker, Lowe St. The musical progiarn conslsied of vocal solos by Mis. R. J. 0111 and Mrs. D. W. Best, accomp- anled by Mis. M. A. Neal; and a piano solo by Miss Helen Willams. Proceeds were very satlsfactory. Mossrs. Harold and Leland Lock- hart and son Edward, of Hamilton, Mis. John Alan, Mis. Jane Loocb, Mis. Vomner, Mr. and Mrs. McCon- neil and daughteî Veina, Mis. Spaulton, Mr. Geo. Leech and Mr. Glodon McLeod, Mr. Alex Lockhari, Toronto, attended the graduation exercises oif Bowmanville Hospital on Tuesday evening when Miss Dor- oiby E. Lockhart, daugbtor of Mi. and Mrs. T. H. Lockhari, îeceivod ber diploma as a giaduate nurse. Garden Party Will be bold at the home o! Mr. W. H. Carruthers SCUGOG STREET on FRIDAY, JUNE 26th. Abundance o! Strawberrios and other good tbings. Musical program. Admiasicai 35c. 'Il $1.98 5Dozen New York Panama HATS Reg. $5 HATS $2m98 Nelson 's Store Miss Daisy Culley o! the Post Of - fice Staff, la spending a week's vaca- tion in Montreal. Mr. Clemons Percy, Bank o! Com- merce, Kingston, spent the weekend with bis mother, Mis. John Percy. Mr. and Mis. Miles Knowles and daughier Kitty, Toronto, were e- cent guests o! Mr. and Mis. T. C. Jewell. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Hayes and two sons. Columbus, were Sunday guesis o! Mis. Norman James and famiiy. Miss Margaret Poster. Miss Edna Emmerson and Miss Mildred Law- ie, Toronto, weîe*weekend guests oif Mis. J. N. Lawrle. Dr. and Mis. Calvin W. Standen and daugbter Sbirley, Mars, Pa., have been vislting bis grandinother, Mis. W. C. Wasbington. Mi. and Mis. J. S. Aines and son Ralpb, Mis. C. M. Murdof and Bor- ea, spent a veiy enjoyable weekend wlth Mr. C. M. Murdoif, Lindsay. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Weiiy and Mr. and Mis. Meredtb Mof ait, Oshawa, called on their unclo, Mi. M. A. James, and other relatives bore on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Thos. P. Leech were favored whb a call !rom flve Mr. Lockharts on Tuesday, the Young- est being six years o! age, and tbe oldest-woll we won't tel. Mr. and Mis. C. H. G. Fletcher, Toronto, are visting ber sister, Mis. Roacb, and tuber relatives. Charlie la recovering fiom a seriaus opera- tion and bis many friends in bis home town are pleased to see hlm maklng sucb a rapld iecovery. The Presbyterian Manse in New- tonvl.lle bas, by consent o! tbe con- gregation, and wth permission o! the Piesbyieiy, been disposed o! 50 Mi. Harvie Thompson, and the pro- ceeds wlll be used in making repais to the cburch and basement. Plans will sbortly be drawn up for the scheme o! decoraion and repais, and work proceeded wltb as soon as possible, Miss Annie Aflin and Mi. Claie Alin attended the graduation ex- orcises of the formor's nepbew, Dr. Eardley Allin, son o! Dr. and Mis. Edgar Allin o! Edmonton, wbo grad- uated on Thursday lasi in Toronto, receiving bis dogmee o! M. D. from Toronto University. Dr. Aflin la now bolldaying wlth bis aunt and numorous other relatives bore. Master Bllly Weekes, 1l year old son of Mr. and Mis. E. P. Wookes, Toronto, performod a stunt f ew boys o! bis yoars would tackle whon ho rode bis bicycle to Bowxnanville Sat- urday morning covering the 42 miles in about 4 bouis. Ho sponi the weekond ai bis unclo's, Mr. Goo. Wookes, and wth bis former play- mate, Master William James. AI- though not rogretting the exporlonce Billy was quiSe agreeablo to roturn- ing homo by bus Monday morning. Mr. W. Fisher, Poterboro, bas loased f rom Miller & Libby, the Bowman H-ouse succeeding Mr. Wm. Savage who is now a rosideni In Oshawa. Mr. Pisber bas bad many years' oxporionce in botel manage- ment owning for seven years the Queen's Hotel in Bracobridge, thon purchasing and managing tbe Grand Hotel in Poterboro. Mr. Fisher Sook possession o! the hotel on Juno 9th. Ho bopos 50 meet many citizens i the near future and to become gen- erally acquainted wtb people in bis new home. Mi. Fishor la a naiveofo Durham County. boing bor i Cav- an, la a member o! the J. B. Hall Lodge, A. F. & A. M. o! Mllbi-ook, and o! the United Church. TOWN 0F SOWMAN VILLE Court of Revitlon and Appeal Notioe As hereby given that the tiret aitting of the Court o! Revision for the Town o! Bownanvillo will ho held at thse Council Room n saiS Town o! Bow- manvillo on Thureday, Jane 25th, 1931, at 7.30 p. m. te hear anS Setermine the severaI omnplainte o! errons on omissions An the Assessrnont Rall for the saiS Munilpalîty for the yeam 1981. AUl pensons having bueiness at the Court are requesteci ta attend as afore- saiS. JOHN LYLE, Crierk of the Town of Uowmanvllle. Dated Lt EownmavlUe this 12th day of Jane, 1931. M5-1 Mrs. J. T. Hooper is visiting fîiends in Toronto. 1 Miss Agnes Vanstone, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Mis. L. L. Guy, Columbus, was re-1 cent guest of Mrs. Norman James. Messrs. J. W. Devitt and Ken. Mitchell were borne for the wookend. Mrs. C. W. Hackney la visiting ber sister, Mis. James Stone, Jarvis, Ont. Mis. J. H. Werry la visiting bherj daughter, Mis. C. H. Rowan, Beth- any. Mis. Margaret Staples, Peterboro, was recent guest of Mis. J. W. Mc- Laugblin. Mis. S. C. Scboll and f amily o! Charlotte, N. C.. are visiting ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Steph- ens, Salem. Mi. and Mis. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, visited in Bowmanville and spent the weekend in Orono with bis mother, Mis. William Siaples. Miss Marjorie Colo, St. Catherines, spent the weekend witb ber mother, Mis. J. E. L. Colo, wbo la recoveringj nicely f rom ber recent operation. Mi. and Mis. Gordon Rice and daughter Betty, Straiford, and Mis Mabol SiUs, Toronto, spent the weekend wih Mi. and Mis. C. P. Rice. Dr. Wm. Shaw, Manltowaning, and Mr. E. Evans, Orono, were re- cent guesis o! the former's aunt, Mis. J. W. McLaugblin, Concession Street. Pleased to, receive a caIl f rom Mi. John Ayreofo Solina on Thursday. Mi. Ayre la now in bis 83rd yoar, and la quite ,;-ari and gets around as active as many youngeî mon. Ail sofibail games in "B" section o! West Durhanm Sa! bail League, which weie scheduled for June 22nd, wili be postponed, except the game 50, take place at Maple Grave annl- versary. Mi. and Mis. W. C. T. Jenkin, Kingston, were Sunday guesis o! Mi. J. H. Weiry. In company wih Mi. Werry and Miss Florence Werry tbey visited Mi. and Mis. C. H. Rowan, Bethany. Congratulations to Messrs. Clar- ence Perguson and H. W. Poinion o! Emrmanuel Collego, Toronto, on ob- tainlng their B. A. degrees in Arts. Also tc, Messis Clarence and Mourlu Forguson and H. W. Pointen on passing their flrsi year exarns in Tboology. Dan! ortb Business Men's Associa- tion la holding uts annual plcnic ai the, Cream o! Barley Camp on Wed- nosday next, Juno 245h. A teani slecied f rom the Bowmanviile Busi- ness Men's Association will meet a toam representing the Toronto As- sociation in a softball game. Mi. J. D. Pluker, Cobourg, who bas boon in charge of the Express Depamimoni aitbe Canadian Nat- ional Rallway Office thore, bas been tiansfoimed 50 Brockvillo, wbere be will bo in charge o! tbe Ticket and Express Deparimeni. Mr. Pluker la a son-in-law o! Mr. and Mis. Chas. Cox, Ontario St. Mr. and Mis. Wîeford Soucb spent the weekond with Mis. F. M. Souch and Mr. and Mis. F. F. Morris. Mrs. Soucb in company with ber sisier, Mis. Ross Stevens, bas jusi returned fîom a visit to, iboir sister, Mis. Ralpb Roa, Portage la Prairie, Man. Mr. Soucb is belng iansferred from Montreal 50 Ottawa. Mi. and Mis. Frank Kennedy and MarJorie. Mr. J. Tiolford, Tara, Mr. and Mis. B. Colman, Cbippawa HM, Mr'. C. Baux and Mis. W. Baux o! Tara, were recent visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Jamioson and Mi. and Mis. H. H. Jamieson., Miss Doris Jamieson retuined for a short stay wltb tbe Tara visitois. Bowmanville Beach on Sunday waS Well Worth seeing. Cars weie lined up and bathors sportod tbem- selves in the waters o! Lake Ontarioi. Between the plers the water was veiy waim, but tkie lake proper la s5111 a litile cbilly. Great credit la due Dan Dancey, who la managing the store, and bis able belpers for the way they bave tollod 50 put tbings in shape on the eass side beach. The divlng toweî la painted, the booth la painted, a new dance floor bas been eîected, a nine-bole golf course la also completed, and many other Improvements are noS- iceable. more power to you Dannyt Bowmanvllle bas a fine summer re- sort wtbin is own borders but some citizens don't seem So reaizo 15. Lawnmoweî-s sharpened, satisfac- tion guaianieed. D. R. Aldreaj, blacksmib, Ring Street. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F MARGARET COWAN Al jersons having dtaims against the Estate of Mnrgaret Cowan, late of the fln a . À pl v ULAID1S HISLOP-In Bowmanviile, June lOtis, 1931, William Hisiap, in hie 81st yeam. Funemai on Thursday. at 2.30 p. m. to Union Cemetery, Oshawa. TYLER-In Darlington, on Wednesday, June l7th, 1931, Margaret E. Harndlem, widow o! the late William C. Tyler, la hem 94th year. Funemal fmom bher late reoidence, King- ston Road West, on FYiday, June lOth, at 2 p. m. ta Bowmanville Cernetemy. STAP LES-Im Clarke, on Wednesday, June l7th, 1931, Ellen E. Beacom, wld- 0w o! the late Colin Staples. Funemal fmom the residence o! har daughtem, Mrs. Carl BilUings, lot 27, con. 7, Clarke, on Fiday, June l9th. Ser- vice at 3 p. in. Cortege o ta ave at 3.80 p. m. (standard trne> ta Bowmanville Cemetery. ALLIN-In Oono, Jane 13th, 1931, Daniel T. Allun, n bis 78th year. CARSCADDEN-In Orona, June 13th, 1931, Miss Jane Carscadden, aged 84 yeams. BVAM-At Port Hope Hospital, June 11th, 1931, Joseph Asa Byarn, aged 78 years. WILLIAMSON - At bie residence, in New Jersey, June 11, 1931, John Charles, son of the late Thomas D. Williarnson, Cartwrlght, beloved buahond a! Jane Jubb, anS father o! Mme. Vema Scheck o! Michigan, and Harold o! Michigan, anS Normans o! California. Interment Unit- ed Cernetery, Cadmus, Ont. Floral Deigus inet clams wamk for ail occasions. Wreaths, Sprays, Pillown, Bride.' Bon- Quets. etc. Aiea permanent Wreatha for the çernetery la beautiful floral effect. KINGSWAV NURSERIE& On Highway 2 etreets of Liberty St. Phone 144 Bowmanvllle ONTARIO TENDERS FOR COAL AND WOOD SEALEID TENDERS markeS '"Tender for Fuel............ wîîî be mcived by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon tdayllght saving time) on Monday, June 29th, 1931, for the supply and delAvos'y of the coal and wood requîmeS for the Parliament and Departrnental Buildings, Osgoode Hall, Government House, Nor- mal anS Model Schoois, Toronto; and the Normal Scbools at Ottawa, London, P'eterborough, Hamilton, Stratford, North Ray; theo Scbool for the Blind, Brantford, the Scbool for the Deaf, Belleville; the Boys' Training Seboal, Bowmanville; the EnglIsh-French Train- Ing Scbools, at Sandwich, Sturgeon lFails, anS Embrun; for the twelvo manthe ending June 305h, 1932. Specifications. tender forme anS ten- der envelopes may ho obtained at this Departmnent. The lowest or any tender not neees- arily accepteS. GEO. HOGARTH, Deputy MInIster a! Public Work, Ontario. Toronto, Juno 11th, 1931. 26-i Mllleî's Worm Powdeîs are a pleasant medicino for wori-m-nfeted children. and thoy wlfl take It with- oui objection. When directions are !ollowed it wlll noS injure thie mosi delicate child, as Shere le nothlng o! an injurlous nature in its composi- tion. Tkiey vili speedily rid a child o! worms and resSors Skie health of Sthe littie miffSeeis whose vitality bas become Impatred bY lb. sttacks of thms Internai peste. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH The C. G. I. T. group of St. Paul's beld the last meeting of the series just ended, on Wednesday, June 10, in the Lecture Room, to whjch bnp- pUly they mnvited ail their friencis, wbo, as A turned out, enjoyed what many declared to be one of the most pleasurable evenings of the year. Dr. Best, who had the pleasure of presiding, spoke a few words of cor- dial welcome and introduced the progi-am wl.ich comprised piano solos by Misses Elsie Carruthers and Borea Murdoif; duet, violin and piano, Messrs. Chester and John Jury; songs by Mr. G. L. Davldge; Junior male quartette, Messrs. D. A. McGregor, Fric Coombes, Donald Willilams, Wilfrid Carruthers; a tra- velogue of a prof usely illustrated trip to Florida by Mesdames G. A. Gillespie and J. T. Fee; and f lnally a charmmng sketch by the C. G. 1. T., "By aL Roman Camp Pire." The camp f ire, agalnst a woody back- ground, was the romantic meeting place of the C. G. I .T. who while smnging their evening sangs were vis- îted by a band o! gypsies ini striking and colorful costumes. E]sie Car- ruthers was the Story Teller; Grace Werry, the Gypsy Queen; Margaret McGregor and Bernice Stainton were the gypsy lad and lass who sang "Where My Caravan is Rest- ing" and "The GYpsy Trail." The latter by Margaret McGregor and f ull chorus brought rounds o! ap- plause and had to be repeated. The Gypsy Folk Dance by the Junior group was very pretty. Af ter the pro- gram refresbments were served to the C. G. I. T. girls, the Tuxis Square and their frienda who contrlbuted to the program, by the members o! the W. M.*S. The Jr. C.G.I.T. group pre- sented Mis. Best wlth a very pretty jardinere filied wlth lovely flowers. On Thursday evening, July l8th., at 8 pan. Dr. Scott of the United Church Hospital at Wakaw, Sask., who is vlsitlng old friends ini Bow- manville tbis week will give an in- teresting address mn the Lecture Room. Dr. Scott has given dlstlng- uished service at Wakaw. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone interested. St. Paul's S.S. and Congregation wUll hold their annual plcnlc at the Creani of Barley Camp on Saturday, June 20th.. in the afternoon. .BIRTHS REID-in Orono, June 7th, 1931, ta Mr. and Mrs. Wyvan L. Reid, a daughtem. RAINEY-In Orono, June Oth, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Ervan R. Rainey, twina-. son and daughter. DIPPELL-In Bowmanviile Hospital, Friday. June 12th, 1931, ta Mr. and Mrs. L. w. Dippeil, a daughter. LAMB-In Enniskilen, on Wednesday, June 10uh. 19s1, ta Mr. and is. Lorne Lamb, a son (Charles Raiph). MOUNTJ OY-In Oshawa Hospital, on Sunday, June 7th, 1931, ta Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. L. Mountioy, Kedron, a daughter. MARRIAGIES POTTER-BURTON - In Poterboro, on June Ird. 1931, miss Mary May Bur- ton, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mms. Th mas Burton, of Peterbomo, ta Mr.* IHerhert A. Patter of Pontypool. FOR SALE--6-moomed brick bouse an Queen St., near Liberty; moderato cons- vniences goad garden; garage and bon bouse. For Patiýcularsanapply 50 C. L. Hooper, ]BOX 485, Bow aville. 23-10 FARM FOR SALE-SO0 acres. belng lot 22 ,con. 5, Darlington, on wblch are brick 8-roomed bouse with modemn conven- enoes; bard anS soft water; outhuild- ngs An good nepair; 3 acres orchard. For paticulars apply on the promises to B. Rlaggith, Hampton, Ont. 24-tf Wanted Hemstitiching and picot-edglng work done promptly. Send or phone order to Mrs. Flobbs. Liberty St., Bowmanville. Phiono 561. 24-4 FURNITURE UPHOLSTEREO and n- cavered; closed car tope and inside trlmi-i ming. J. A. Fry' Scugog St., Bowmian- ville. Phone 536. 10-tf-i. WANTED--Good second-hand cooking range for coal and wood, wlth reservoir attached, muet ha in good condition; also used electricwaber. Apply Cliff Cav- rlConceaoàti 8%'t. Phbne 210. 25-1e To Lmt Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Fence posta, 25e each. Apply P. Foley, Bowmanville. 25-tf MUSI-ROOMS FOR SALE-Delivered. Apply to Selby Grant, Scugog Road. Phone 691. 25-tf COW FOR SALE-Good Jersey 00w, 4 years olit, witli caif at side. T. W. Cawker. l3owmanville. 25-1 FOR SALE - Re-cieaned Seed Buck- wheat, at Tyrone Mili. Apply L. J. Goodman. Phone 181r22. 24-2 FOR SALE-Buckwheat, 60c per bus- hel. Bert RAce, Tyrone, Lot 6, Con. 9, Darlington, north of Sault Church. 23-3 COTTAGE TO RENT-At the Lake, cent aide. Apply Mm. A. Bingham, Queen St., Bowmanville. Phone 159. 24-2w FOR SALE - Reed baby carrnage, baby's lumper wlth foling stand. Phone 689 or apply evenings to Mrs, W. L. -Paterson, Elgin St., Bowmanville. 25-1 FOR SALE-Two young purebred Hol- stein cows, registered and tested, ta re- new Iriunediateiy. Apply R. L. Worden, R. R. 3, Bownanville. Phone l50r21. 24-2* TO LET«-3-roomed apartment ln Cow- an Block, modern conveniences, electric etoce; possession July lSth. Apply ta Mme. Perey Cowa3I, Bowmanville. Phone 270. 26-tf DUCKWHEAT FOR SALE - 5o per bushel; alea a limaiteil Quantlty of pota- toes at 75e per bag. Appiy ta, S. Chas. Allin, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 136rl2. 24-2* FOR SALE-One oak extension dlning table, 4 Oak chairs, 1 oak wniting desk, 1 Cadillac Sweeper Vac, 1 Singer new- Ing machine, 1 single iron bed, 1 me- frIgeraýtor. Phone 230. 25-2w FOR SALE - One uooond-hand steel rake, 10 ft. practically as good as new; one single milkey plow, ln goad working order. S. J. Henry, phone mosidence. 631 or offIce 13, BowmanviUe. 25-tf FOR SALE - 1000 Caulii5ower plants, 1000 Danieh bald head Cabbage, and a ouantitY Of Golden Acre <early) and Bruels SProuts. Dow ready et S. J. Jacknan & Sons, Bowmanvllle. 25-.1 FOR SALE--Oordwood, sold In carS- wood length or eut An atove length; de- livemed an short notice. F. Foley, net bouse weet of Cmeam of Eamley Caulp, Bownianville. Phone 717. 32-tf FOR SALE-emall Williamns piano, Jet- est style, would look well An sny living rooru. Purchaser of this Instrument wilU receive real piano satisfaction; terme easily within reach o! the modest ln- carne. Fred J. Mitchell, Bowmn=ville. Phone 105. 26-tf FOR SALE--Comnplote set ot 10 vol- umes o! encyclopedia "The Warld Book"', elaborately leather bound An art craft. Every home wheme theme are childmen should have these wonderful books of knowledge, profusely illustratod. WAU take $25 lem than origilnal Pries. Books may ho seon at The Statesman Offie or write "J. R." Drawer B3. Bowmanville. Real Estate For Sale TO RENT-3-roomed apartmnent and garage. Apply to T. Bennett Sougog St., Bowxnanville. Phono 297. 24-1w FOR RENT - Brick S-room »emi- bungaow; modern caavenionoeu; good; possession AprAl let. J. I. Phllp, Scugog St, Bowxnanvllle. 10-tf SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - At Williams Point, Lake Scugog. For fur- ther Information apply ta, A. W. PAckard, King St. .Bowrnanifle. Phone 186. 23-tf LAUNDBT WANTED AUl kinds of lauadry work don» prompt- IY, *atisfactorily and at reasonable prim.. Wrlte PontOlle. Box 12, or =U 1Mm. W. Marjoram, Rilng Street Elagt, Bow- manvAlle. Phone 478. i Complete I.. Flower Vases FOR CEMETERY 25c EACH Don't mar the beauty of Your plot wlth pickle botties when you can have an attractive vase for 25c. Place your order early. R. E. LOGAN Plumber and TinwaMi Phones 264W or 264U King St. E. Bowinanvlfle Bave Tour E7es Exalauln Consult oui ]EL DL IUcnrHHL - latums Methode - - modem Jnstrumeuts- R. M. Mitchell & Co. Pluio -m e 3 ll San itation From Farm to YOU Ii's a source o! greai saisfaction 50 know Skiai when you use Glen Rae miIk you are using a produci ibai las sricily saniary !rom ihe Sure it leaves oui dalry unil de- livered 50 you. Sealed bottios de- livorod. 50 you i dean wagons gives assurance and ovidonce o!fSkie San- ltary manner we handle oui mflk and creain. To be sure o! cloanli- ness, be sure you buy our mll. GLEN RAE DAIRY lPJ Purveyors of Plure Milk andc Cream Phone 408 R. R. sTzvms & soN Bowmanvle S um mer Hosiery ISpecials Two lines of unusual menit that we were able to purchase at low cost and which we are passing on to you with the corresponding ne- ductîon. Lovely sheer hosiery, that wlll give marvel-"e ous wear and in ail the popular shades; while this line lasts ...................................... 75C Another i ne, stili betten quality, and a regular $1.50 value; they must be seen to be ap- preciated at this low price of ..............$.00 SUMMER DRESSES A new Shipmnt of Sumnxer Dresssanv ed this past week. They are sleeveless andcoat styles, in, delightful materials and colons; some to suit every age and taste; specially priced at..............................................$8.75 Up A fine uine of washable Rayon Dnesses'that are selling fast, attmiiative and economical in price, special ......................................49 In the Millinery Depàrtment -'The new Paper Panamas, in eggshell and white, the ideal Iightweight summer head wear. IN THE MEN'S OWN STORE Men's Summer Pants, in flannel and fancy tweeds, at unusual low prices, from ......*3.78 up Bathing Suits, aiýl wool, and collegiate in style, from.....................................69L up Stnaw Rats, boaters and more con»ervative styles, lowe;i, priced than ever, from ......75 Up Plus Fours, for the golfen and for sports and holiday wear; a splendid line to choose from........................................... $4.50 u Little Boys' Wash Suite, fnom........88C up Shirts fer summer wear, plain colors and fancy designs, at a new low pnice ........9& up, Couch, Johnston & Cryderman r TWO EXTRA SPECIAIS 10 Dozen S ummer Dresses r 1 i m=ý- y ýt ï HOUSE TO RENT - In Hiampton, 6 roome. Apply ta Mrs. .Tau. Jebson, Hampton. 28-30 FOR RENT-Threo apartmeata. Ap- ply W. F. Ward, Bariiter, Bowman- ville. Phone 102. 25-tf