THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1931 PAGE PUNE EMi. HERLHOOD HONOR LEGION TO DECORATE Bowmanville Butcluers Public DEPABTING PASTOR GRAVES OF VETERANS Rev.J. U.e Robins Presented Wlth Local Branch tq Decorate AUl Un-L Hansoe ew niedChmahnukcd Graves of Soldiers in- Dring in your wool and get BeneFit of Lower M arket Prices Hands.o' m eaedC rc Bowmanville Cemetery HIGHEST CASH PRICE1 The Brotherhood Ciass and their Plans for the decoration of the Don't seli your wool tiu you get The Brampton Conservator pub- the Department of Agriculture is 37e wives, of Trinity United Church, met graves and markers in the Bowman- our pri lished an interesting article last Pound Bowmanville butchers are in the Sunday Sehool room on ville Cemetery, on July 5th, of ail ' week on the price of park and beef gettmng a mueh lower price than ibis. Thursday, June 25th, to spend a soc- who served in Ris Majesty's Forces, MARTYthet consumer, claiing that whle Below is the high, 10w and average ial evening with Rev. J. U. Robins were made a regular meeting of BOWLING ALLEY man's price has corne down, the re- Bownanville. It might be mention- well bel ore their departure for their Legon B.E.S.L. on Friday, June19. 36 ~tailer is siil cbarglng f ar ioo much ed that ihere are higher prices on new field of labor ai Lisiowel. The The Leglon is particularly desir- W. J bLqTYN.for bis meai in camparison. Read parkbu only where there ia a great ladies prepared a real festival of ous that no grave or marker be over- #*ýhoe 36Bowmanville ibis article carefully and at the end deal of waste ihrougb trimning. strawberrles and cream, bread and looked and for this reason tbey are we have appended samne retail prices butter, cake and taris, and when asking thai anyone who knows af a in Bowmanvllle ihat are worth coin- Butcher High Low Average vrbdhadoejsiettegaeormkrwhhsou e paring. The Conservatar says: No. 1 Park 25e 15c 17c good things, President Neil Mutan decorated by them ta forward the "Ter bs ee mchtak nog a.2 Beef 25c 5e 15e called the company to order and naine and location to, the secretary conumrsoflae cncrnngth Beef 25e 8c 15e community singtag. Mr. Claude Ives a h Town Hall. Arrangements J.H R O rc fmeat. They f cel that, m o 3 Park 27e 13c 17e then read the fallawing address: wlll be in charge of the Poppy and proportion ta other cormodities, Beef 28e 6e 15e Dear Mr. Robins: We, the mem- Memorlal Commlttee and the ser- wants prices have not came down as much No. 4 Park 25c 13e 17e bers a! the Trlnity United Church vice wlll be conducted by the Padre an O L as ihey should. Tbey note tbe price Bee 28c; 6c 13e Broiherhoad, realize a mtaiister's 111e of the Leglan, Rev. C. R. Spencer. POULTRY anibOL te fariner obtains for his beef and This shows plainly enough that 'is flot ail sunshine, so we tbougbi we Frlends and relatives of those wbose atpork on the hoof andithe price the o avlemrcnt are maklng cou ot let this opPortunity pass graves and markers wlll be decorat- Fair Prices the shops. la it out of proportion? tilnes a f air profit commensurate ta your l11e, bY coming tagether ta service and decoratian. Reliable statisties speak lauder wltb the cost of the praduci. While spend a social evening, and once Phones: than anytbing else. mhe retail Pl. '-8 residents of outslde commlunlities more calling ta remembrance the Externally or Internaily, h las Bowmanvllle-235 given belaw have been obtained f rom have reasan ta complain of high bappy associations we have bad dur- Goad.-When applled externally by Toronto-Trlnity 3949J the Labour Gazette. mhe other prces prices cbarged by butchers Bowman- ing Mie term of Your Paq>iaraie with brisk rubbing, Dr. marnas' Eclectrie Address: 274 Augusta Ave., were procured f rom tbe statistils ville la fortulnate in baviag business us. Especiaily would we recaîl the On1 opens the pares and penetrates brancb of the Departmnent of Agi- men who do not takre advantage o! Fellowshlp Hour, wben we met inthe tissue, touchlng the seat o! the Toronto. 46-tf culture. Ail are for the month of the farmer's misfortune ta profiteer. our meetings durlng the pasi winter. trouble and Inmedlately affordlng January of each year. We wlll not soon farget the words of relief. Admtalstered internally, It Select Hogs 150 lb. Carcass Retail Average instruction and cheer we received Win atmn the irritation ta the tbroat Union Stock Yards Whalesale Price of 6 Cuis f rom yau there, as well as the in- which induces caughlng and wlll re- 1921 15.53 .26 'Az .52 spiration ta our clasa on Sundays, i lieve affections of the bronchial J Ph, 1930 13.82 .19 .42 wben ht was your privilege ta be with ttubes and resplratory organs. Try 193110.6 .17.37 us. Your pastorate among us for 'it and be convlnced. 1931 10.69 .17 arcssRetilAveag te last seven years bas tru]y unied Cni o ieSt ee Y rs WSt e Ca asaReai l e ra ge ur earts ta Christian love, and as 1921 UnonStckYads .21eal Pic285 ui the timie has camle when we wiil 13 ... 9.55 .1 .29 have ta sever our relations ta the 1931 ... 7.22 .14 yï.25 class, let us assure you the best wishes of every member of the Bra- mhese figures practicaily speak for -- ierbood, and aur sincere prayers Have Tour Eyes ExamiiSd themselves. mhe reader can stisfy thai God's richesi blesstag may at- Cosl u isl ihcmaio sa ayN IL tend your future labars. Consli ur binsif itb omprisns. eathasAs a remembrance of the bappy Regstered Optometrist came down ta price. but not in pro- (Received too laie for lasi week) daYs spenitagether we ask you ta R. M.. MITCHELL portion ta the farmer's price. Our anniversary services were well accepi ibis Hymnary, and as you use - Latest Methods - atiended on Sunday afiernoon, June ht may joy and gladness fil your E - Modern Instruments - mhe usual thing la ta blame bigb 2lsi, and on Tuesday, June 23rd. heart, with the thoughi of ibat glad E _____prices on the packers. mhe farmer On Sunday eveniag the rata binder- tine wben we wii ail unite ta stag R. NI. MChel, & C always bas a grudge agatasitbem. ed a goad many f ram attending. the sangs of Moses and the Lamb. ta n 0 Hethinks be does flot get a proper On Sunday Rev. P. L. Juil, Brook- Signed on behaif of the class- Piefor bis stuff. The reiailer tells lin, preached twa splendid sermnons NeUl Muttan, president; W. C. Fer- Druggiosa- Optometriata h osmrta h akrtksadEnsilncorfrihdfn uotahr .J ersce Phone 92 a large profit addmnsahigb ui tec service, on Tuesday tary.C price for cressed meat. mhe faci of evening the Pickering Dranatie Vice President J. E. Ailin present-c Lie mater la that the packer takes Club furnlshed a goad entertairnent ed Mr. Robins wltb a nicely bound _______________________a very narrow margin profit. At the witb music and their play "Home COPY of the new United Cburcb __________ present time large packing bouses Acres." Proceeds aver $100.00. HyMnary. The rematader of the ev- take a spread of .14 % on beef. mhey ening was spentint speeches and are relying on by-products ta tide Visitors: Mr. and Mms. Wmn. Smith, sangs and closed wltb the slnging of EOoy ihemn over. Their financial staie- Wbitby, ai Mr. A. Prescot's ... Mr. "'God be witb you till we meet ments prove thai ihey are holding and Mrs. G. Ferguson, Oshawa, misa agata." iailer. Competition las very keen; Enniskiilen, and Mr. B. Manigamn- T h eiii e and despite drastic cuis in operat-~ ery, Taunton, aiMr. Lloyd Fergus- WE~JDfNG e Bs n ing cosis tbey are nai making mon- on'a . Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, co Pe.Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lymfer--C41weli Theretilig o mat eem tabeBowman and children, Brussela, and Tertiigometsest eMiss Elaie Bawman, Listoweî, ai t Mr. The marriage of Vera Mabel Irene,J U the stunbling block. We ail agree T. Bowman's, Mr. and Mrs. w. 0111 daugbter af Mrs. Mina Colwell tbe fariner la not getting too mucb. Avery, Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. John and tbe laie Albert Calwell o! Bow- U mhepace rs are maktg ofmeyt . Ormistan, Oshawa, Misses Jean mnrville, ta Mr. Arthur John Ly- Thenthe e t ailt m arketfi gu es and Amy Ashton, Toronto. Mr. and mer, yau1ngest son of Mr. William swbehailUi eoveSt figuYres Mrs. Russell Gilbert ai Mr. Arthur Lymer of Maple Grave, was solemn- QUALITY 15 OUR pshonibat w hve nio Stock3Yard rmiston's... Miss Ashton, Miss ized at tbe Unied Cburcb Parsan-________ pices191ondogthe ave opp 31% Moore, Mr. Petbic, Messrs. Gardon age at Caurtice an Saturday, June WATCHWORstacepe1ad 36,beaem prices and Howard Stephens, Miss M. Or- 27th, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim omfciating. hav 01117droped28.%. liblen, Mr. and Mms. G. Bowman, Brus- georgeite wiib blonde bai and shoes We believe tbe Shenl and Super bec! the discrepancles are even more sels, ai Mr. L. C. Pascoe's .Mr. and carried a bouquet o! pink rases bell Gasoline we muei l e ase apparent. Prices ai the Union Stock and Mrs. Wes. Bradburn, purple and baby's breaih. Miss Elva Brad- Yuartds sinc 1921 have dI!opped Hill, ai Mr. T. Henry's Mr. and ley of Bond Head, cousin of the E by uts pack2. bt te rhave rietMrs.Tbeo Siemon and Mr. j. 51cm- bride, was bridWsmaid, -i a blue oftebe pric3% ut ie drpea l on, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- f rock witb hat ta match. Mr. Bert QUALITY MOTOU c»EL a ite beter don Leask, Taunton, ai Mr. F'rank Colwell, brother of the bride, was the a Uil oer 0.%.GhIbert's.. Rev. P. L. Juil and son, besi iman. You will also find quality in the Improvemenis have been made in Broalilin, Mrs. J. Ormiston, Brook- Afier the ceremany a recepîlon followlng Motar Oils wbich we some cases but cosis of distribution lin, Misses Amy and Jean Asbton, was beld ai the home of the bride's wll gladly supply yau: remain 11gb and retallers musi be ai Mr. G. Ormistanl's.. Mr. and moiber, Carlisle Ave, Bawmanvjlle. taking as bigh a percentage profit as Mms. Fred Smitb, Enniskillen, ai Mr. Later the happy couple lefi fora Shenl - Quaker State - Veedo! ever. The buying proclivhties o! the Harold Ormlion's. Mr. E. St.acey motar trip and an their reiurn Wlll or 100% Penn. Mtor <>L Retailers sbauld take a proportion- Sttason's _Mr. J. Delve, Oshawa, Previaus ta the weddtag the bride aie drap and the consumer can buy ai Mr. J. Hepburn's.. Mr. and Mrs. was the recipient of iwo miscellan- Goodyear Tires are fanous for f rom ihose wbo satisfy bis enqufries. Fred Cochrane, Harmany, Mr. and eous sbowers ai which she receiveds their quallty. Call and see hs Today the consumer wanis to know Mms. E. Stacey. Janeivilie, ai Mr. many useful and beautiful gifis. Wb#7y?" more than ever before. mhe Oea. Cocbrane's.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Her associates ta the Goodyear also bilh grade tires. aleri retailer will tell hlm. mhe wlde Ormiston and Mrs. F. Densem. Bow- presented ber with a lovcly bridge margi.n between wholesale and retail manville. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Avery, lamp. Prices must be eut down."1 Raglan, ai Mr. W. J. Ormiston's _ B _Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Miss M. Persian Bam promoies datatiness, ~i Acheck-up of pricca ta Bowman- t)alton. Miss R. MeGiU., Mr. O. Ash- charm and beauty. Magleal i t lia I ZJZR §Cejgville ibis week revcaled the faci thai ton. Miss Bernice Staintan, ai Mr. effeet on tbe skln. There la notblng ZÎFA~T§flON local buchers are not profiteering E. Ormiston's .Mr. and Mms. H. L. like i for creaing and preserving a ai the expense af the farmer, but Pascoe, Columbus, Mms. R. Pascoe lovely complexion. Cooling, caress- PHIONE 110 KING ST. A are on the other hand givtag the and Misa Mary Hogarth. SaUina, atilng, ht soathes and relieves ail rough- BOWMANVI LLE& consumer the benefli of the lawer Mr. Wallace Scati's. nesa caused by wcaiher conditions. A _____________________cosi Price. Whlle the average price Mms. Arthur Hubbard la under the Delieately fragrant, i enhances the _____________________________________ Mr. and Mms. Edwin Ormistan and the skln rose-leaf ta texture. Truly _____________________________________________ Mr. and Mms. Hoskin Smih recenily a peerlesa tallet requlsite for evcry visted ai Bobcaygean. discerning woman.S 5,O .O w rh o I jI.Mtbw s"evi#&CToB, N OF THE cuedeafness, and, ai the same Hr-cemastobeaUi E 11.1 ~imue, incrase Uic chance o! infec- mddcar. Xi lmansytaroblei he Il hepaci& uiLhee Coddl earin aditothon.e should not be dlsregarded. Tempor- nc ItOB RL MoTe mdde crta ddiioCt.b) ary relief rnay b. had by applying ta rac Il (FORMERLY MCLELLAN h 00.>ilng eOnnectcd wIUi thc tbroat by thc car a hot-watcr bottie, or othsB Wim<lb4e, IlW ST*ATPOI àBIBAV1 meanS of theEustacblan tube, la al- wrung out in hot water, but this la ~~IN80PHONE 15 dwlth the cavithes wblch nothlng more than tcmporary. The F rSl ST."HAT I ain nthe bone and which phMeyslcanaadvhcc shouldbc a"Our- TWO Events OMING ss Me'n's Picnic Btk >ci>'XI1y»u SQ0N'S ization sale TARTS 16Gth Ional OFFerings <eenly Purckased Merckanciise le Slaugktered )bOFING cures au Aeaks Braniford 1ROOFS Umbe& Hnd OS M d aetoy: B&autford, Oatl ie hOfkies and Wareboume: HAWax, SantJaim, N.B., ad St John's, Nfl4. by RICE & CO. Iere's a IeaItkfuI Food From goverment tested cows, whlch are kept in home-Iike sani- tary conditions, and fed scientlfIcally to produce the fInest mlk, cornes the Glen Rae wholesorne xnllk. Produc- ed under model conditions, pasteur- ized ta conformi to the strictest, standard, it la Just a pure vitalizlng Y f ood, brim f ull of health. When you buy mnilk and cream be sure they are absolutely the bust. Be sure they are from our model dalry f arn where freshness and pur- ity are the first consideration ... I short be sure they are Glen Rae products. Glen Rae Dairy Purveyors of Pure Milk and Cream àone 408 R. R. STE-VENs &SON Bowmanville THE CANADIAN errATESUM, BONVICANVILLY4 THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1931 PAGE NM LY zdy