PAG TACN~ THE CANADIAN STrATESUM. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JtILY 9th, 19i31_______ MUGE CROWD ATTENDED DEDICATION <Continued from page 1) liment and President R. M. Cotton of the Canadian Legion also placed a wreath of popples in mernory of the tallen comrades. It was an inspiring mxoment as the huge crowd and the yarlous sections of the procession stood bareheaded as Sergeaut Bor- rowdale of Oshawa sounded the last post and the revielle. The proces- sion then moved on to the cemetery, the Legion and Fife & Drum Bands playing alternately. At the cernetery hundreds of cars were parked and a huge crowd gath- ered at the gates for the formal op- ening. Mayor Elilott received the gates on bchalf of the town at the hands of Major A. H. Bounsaîl, the builder, witb the words, "The McGill Memorial Gates are f ufly complet- ed înd are ready for formal open- ing.'" Tien wth the words that op- en this sthry Mayor Eliott declar- ed the gates open. Bowmauville's veteran Town Clerk, John Lyle, J.P., then cut the silken rlbbon whlch stretched a cross the gates, and Ex- Mayor M. A .James, who for over 50 More Healtk PER QUART IN BOWMAL*NVILLE WHOLE 3MK DAIRY Al of th 'iealth giving pro- perties t.-at's possible to secure through proper care and f,ýeding of a herd is contaiiicd ini the rlch Jersey mflk v.' sel. The crearn Uine tel's the story of greater food vaue . .. its taste speaks v lurnes for purity and whDl ,zjmeness. Serve our milk at ail times! Phone 446 or 703. W. H. BETTLES, Proprietor. DO YouR GLASSES NEED CHANGING? If you are not getting the corni art and satisfaction you formerly dld f rom your glasses; if you must hold print farther from you than usual; if your eYes burn, blur and tire easlly, Your glasses need changmng. You should have your eyes examlned at least every two years. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETIST Office over Flood'a Store Port Hope Phone Number 248 Office Hours: WRDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. M. te 9.30 P. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. RADIO TUBES Ail kina of Radio Tubes at the new June Prices - Ouly thie Best - Qulck Service. Brunswick and Temple Radio Recelvers-Convenlent Terms FRED. J. MITCHELL Phone 105 Bowmanville Newly Arrived Summer Frocks i are Astonishing Values1 The better dress bouses lu Toronto bave been our happy buntlug grouud in an endeavour to bring te Bowmanvllle only the smartest in summer frocks at prices that can be called houest values. Style sud originaity - No two dresses alike. Smart Shop Drease are Selttng the Pace. I The ONaLocLt Smart Shop Geo. R. Mason, Manager * The Newcastle Independent * THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1931 \ PÀ years bas been a vital f orce in the commnfity li e, unlatched the cen- tre gate and threw it open. The procession then mnoved on to the platforln that had been erected by the Chamiber of Commerce under the shade of pine trees in the centre of the cemnetery. It was a beautiful spot to hold a dedication and decor- ation cerernoly, with the sweet scent o! myriad ffowers filhng the air and a vast crowd o! people present to do bornage to their, beloved dead. The service that f ollowed was inspirig in its simplicity and appears in de- tail on page 9.' Whlle the council, ministers, and repreSentativeS of lodges and societies took their places on the platforln the band played softly "Nearer My God to Thee." Rev. c. R. Spencer opened the ser- vice by reading the responses with the people answeriflg and taking a 1f ull part in the service. Ai ter the s.ngifl1o -0OGod our Help inAges Past," Rev. W. J. Todd took the sec- ond part of this service. Immediate- ly at the close of the dedication ser- vice the DeCoration Day service was held with Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Rev. A. S. Kerr, Capt. L. Bursey and Rev. Geo. Mason taking the various Parts. A vast Choir sang the hymn -For- ever with the Lord" previous to the blesszn and the service closed with the National Anthern. The decoration of graves then pro- ceeded. The cemnetery, not smnce the decoration day ceremoflies were dis- carded rnany years ago, bas looked so attractive, and special credit is due the caretaker, Jos. H-ighfield. The Canadian Liegion under Pres- ident Cotton and with Padre C. R. Spencer officiating made a round of the cemetery decoratiflg graves of their f allen comirades. It was pa- thetic in more than one instance to see a neglected spot under which lay the mortal remains o! one who had gone forth in the dark days of the war to serve bis God and country and now lay almost f orgotten with- out a stone or mark to identif y his last resting place. Each of these graves was decorated witb the Union Jack under whicb these heroes !ought for liberty and peace, a leg- ion badge and a bunch o! Flanders poppies made by their comrades who through war service are in sorne way disabled and unable to earn a living in the ordinary manner. The g- aves so decorated were: A. Crackne>, E. Wrerm, C. L. Spry, C. H. Gatcheil, D. Drew, E. Almond, G. King, A. Sirnnick, L. Laugher, L. J. Goodwifl, R. Davies, J. Davies. A. Abernethy, A. J. Moore, W. C.I King, V. R Oliver, W. C. Nicholson, E. Stonebridge, L. Saunders, J. W. Edmond, W. J. McMurtry, R. L. Mc- Murtry, A. J. Fothergill, E. C. Lut- treil, E. C. Southey, W. H. NichoUls, W. A. Raynes. Few graves xËemnaied uncovered by fiowers and none o! the dead .went unhonored at the cerernonies -wbich were considered a great suc- cess. Reverence and respect for the departed was shown in every part of the programi, in the procession, the cenotapb ceremony and at the services in the cemetery. Neyer had the cemetery looked more beautiful and neyer had such large crowds gathered there to do honor to those wbo have closed this transitory lii e and passed on to their final reward. The Fire Brigade under Fire Chie! George Lyle presented an exception- ally smart appearance in their blue uni! orrns. The members o! the bri- gade decorated the graves o! depart- ed members with wreaths. The graves decorated included former Chief s Wrn. Edger, George Downey, George Haines and Thos. Hoar, and Engincer Thos. Tapson. One of the big fleatures o! the day was the splendid manner in which the police controlled the heavy traf- f ic without ever impeding the pro- gress of the parade or the general highway trafmc. Chief Sydney yen- ton, Constable Walter Hall, and Traffic Officers J. H. Hincbliff e and Douglas Wilson had complete con- trol o! the trafflc and are to be high- ly commended for their splendid work. Up town the procession pro- ceeded without interfering with reg- ular traffic and at the cernetery an ®rderly parking system directed by the police prevented any hitch iu arrangements there. The program as rnapped out by the commlttee Provided for only a very brie! stop at the gates so that the highway would be kept clear. Probably the oldest person attend- lng the dedication and decoration %cerernonies was Mrs. Thos. Pascoe o! .Hampton who is 90 years of age. il NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas and children, Cobalt, are vi.siting bis mother, Mrs. John Douglas. Rev. sud Mrs. W. P. Rogers will be in Wbitby from TburSday to Monday attending the sunual sum- mer scbool for missions. Masters Jack Rare and Norton Cowsu are smoug the younger boys attending camp at Stephenson's Point, Scugog Island, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Wright and sons Douglas sud Jarnie, are visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. sud Mms. Donald Wright, Sudbury, Ont. St. George's Churcb-Rev. F. H. Mason, M. A., Rector. Suuday, July 12tb, Sixtb Sunday after Trinity: 8 a. m.-HoIy Communion; 9.45 a. m. -Sunday School; il a. mn.-Morn- iug Prayer; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. United Chuech-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B. A., pastor. Suuday, July 12: 10.45 s. m.-Sundsy Scbool; 11.30 a. m.-Morning Worsbip; 8 p. m.- Eveuing Service. Rev. G. R. Turk, Toronto, will presch at both cburch services. Mr. Murray Eilbeck, Port Col- borne, Mes. Stinson and daugbter Frances, Torouto, Dr. sud Mes. Nob- le, Fort Madison, Iowa, U. S., Mr. sud Mes. Geudeon sud Me. Vincent Gendron, Toronto, were guests o! Me. sud Mes. Gco. Eilbeck. The Board o! Education bas re- eugagcd Principal Geo. A. Coyne o! the Higb Scbool at a salary o! $2500. The public scbool staff will again be the same as last year, that is Thos. A. Rodgce, Principal; Miss Hattie A. Mason, Sup. o! Mus., sud Miss Nor- ma F. Orchard. Me. and Mes. P. O'Neil, accompan- led by their daugbtee, Mes. Ray Kecch o! Trenton and ber two sons aud two lady f rieuds o! the same town, recenthy weut ou a thee days' holiday trip by motor, visiting rela- tives in Napauce, Kingston, Morven sud North Fredericksburg, includiug Me. J. W. Clark, Reeve o! the town- ship, aud Mes. Clark. Whether you are a resideut or a visitor in Newcastle, don't f ail to take sn admiring look at Me. C. A. Cowan's Rosery opposite tbe United Chuech. Roses o! many types and hues are coming into bloomn every day and this corner, wbich Me. Cow- su bas in s0 short a time trans- !ormed into one o! the village's beauty spots-and there are rny- will be a vision o! coloured and per- fumed lovcliuess until late auturn. The village sud vicinity was rous- cd to, quite a pitcb o! excitement last Saturday forenoon whcu the alarm- ing cry o! fiee rang out sud as the cry pcrsisted John Garrod began to ring the firebeli ou tbe Community Hall. Ceowds began hasteniug to the scene on Mes. T. H. Gibsou's !arm tbinkiug that some o! the buildings weee ablaze; but everyone learued with relief that it was but a meadow fiee in one o! the north fields. Aud this migbt have proved serious enougb bad not mauy bauds Ifought sud subdued it bef ore it bad gaiued tooc mucb headway. The home o! Mes. Gea. P. Rickard, Mill Street, was the scene o! a most enjoyable sud auticipatory function last Friday s!ternoon sud eveuing whcn ber daugbter, Mes. W. D. Bragg, gave a trousseau tes in bon- or o! Miss Grace Bragg, bride-to-be. Quite a large number o! invited guests cslled sud admired the cbarming bride elect's trousseau, o!- !cred congratulations sud paetook o! the daiuty re!resbmeuts. On Mon- day evenmng o! this week Miss Flor- ence Ashton, Shaw's, witb nearly îll the youug people o! Sbaw's present, gave a surprise Party and miscel- laneous shower for Miss Grsce. Older citizens are pleased to wel- corne as summer cottagers at New- castle-on-tbe-Lake two old Newcas- the boys lu the persons o! Me. Clar- ence Kay sud Me. Robt. Orpwood. Me. Ksy wbose mother a! tee bis !ather's death married Me. Jacob Ogdeu o! the village, snd again Me. Brown following Me. Ogden's de- cesse, bas with bis f amihy leased one o! Mms. Farncomb's cottages lu Ar- iadne Glen. Me. Kay's home is lu Oshawa wbee e beas been long counected wlth the Malleable Iron Works. Me. Orpwood, Toronto, a son o! the late Walter Oepwood, for many years a resident o! Newcastle, bas wlth bis !arnily taken "Apple- blossom" !rom Mes. Reg. LeGresley. Despite the beat on July lst the members o! the Men's sud Women's Bowling Clubs spent a delgbtful af ternoon sud eveuiug bowling lu s home tournament on the green, bad tea ln the basernent lu the early evening sud lunched again about 10 o'chock at the close o! the second session. The blgh man o! the day was Me. Walter Crowther, wble Mes. C. T. Batty outbowled ahi the ladies. These wlth their consorts. Mes. Crowtber sud Me. Batty, will be ser- ved a cblckeu dinner at Elmhurst Inn by Me. sud Mes. W. E. Purdy in recognition of their skilh. Major Misses Mona Kemp and Beatrice Pmnder, Toronto, are visiting the !ormer's aunt, Mrs. L. Twist. Mrs. D. H. Coates and son, Dr. L. H. Coates, Brantford, visited ber brother, Mr. T. J. Cole, last week. The Snowden Picuic was beld on Monday a!ternoon at the Cream o! Barley Camp when about 70 enjoy- ed a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Knox and two daugbters, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, St. Catherines. were Sunday guests o! Mr. aud Mrs. R. L. Wordcn. Mrs. J. C. Heyd and son Cecil, To- ronto, Mrs. George Winsarn, Winni- peg, daughter o! the late R. D. Fol- ey, vlsited their cousin, Mr. H. R. Foley, one day last week. This community extends congrat- ulations to Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday Sr., wbo on June 27th, quietly cele- brated their 59th weddiug anniver- sary. AIl hope they will be spared to celebrate their diamond weddiug anniversary next June. Mrs. Walter Foley, Mr. H. R. Foley and famlly. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Fol- ey, Miss Hilda and Mr. Edward Fol- ey, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens and daughter Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White and daughter Gertrude. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens, Doris and Harold, Mrs. P. H. Dorman. on Sat- urday evenlng attended the diamond weddlng annlversary o! the !ormer's sister-lu-law and brother-ln-law, Mr. and Mms. Clark Tyler. Bowmau- ville. IMPRESSIVE SERVICE MARKED INDUCTION (Continued f rom page 1) ing and the hewing aud the polish- ing to maire them fit into the build- ing of the church. Eacb and every- one member o! the churcb is a priest whose l! e Is dedicated to the ser- vice o! God. The priest who is a leader is not the only priest. He is only a leader o! worship and churcb lii e but every true Christian is a priest ordalned by God himself to bis honor and glory aud under the leadership o! one Chie! Priest. Jesus Christ. In conclusion Dr. Kerr said, when tbinking of your duty to your cburcb just rernember Christ offered himiself, everything, on the cross. What bave you to off er? Mrs. Alex Colville rendered a very delightful solo and Rev. Geo. Mason related the circurustances leading to the caîl. The induction was then solernnly per!ormed by Rev. Whyte. At the conclusion the hymu "Blest Be the Tic that Biuds" was suug and Rev. Juil delivered the charge to the minister and congregation paying as he did, a sterling tribute to the work o! Dr. Best in the Presbytery. Mr. JuUl's address was exceptionally fine and was much appreciated by the congregation. At the conclusion o! the two hour service a reception was beld for the uew rinister in the Sunday school room. Mms. Geo. E. Chase preseuted the members o! the cougregation to, Mr. Kerr, and Reeve W. H. Carrutb- crs prescnted them to Mms. Kerr. At prettily dccorated tables lu the scbool roorn a delightful lunch was scrved by the ladies o! the congrega- tion a! tee Rev. Jul bad off ered prayer. Me. and Mes. Lancelot Speucer. Port Arthur, and Rev. aud Mrs. H. H. Coeey, Hawailan Islands, were visitors at the Rectory on Felday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker and !arnlly, 'Una Park. and Mr. Parker Evans, New Llskeard, Mr. aud Mms. Albert Butcher, Canlngton. were guests o! Mr. and Mes. Geo. Poster ou Tuesday. Why Su fIer? kBUEN EMOLIENT Relleves Sunburn 15e and 35e <lu baudy tubes) THOSE PESKY MOSQUITOES OIL CINTRONELLA Kceps thcm away *15e and 25e bottles. ODORONO contrais perspiration. * We have the uew instant klnd t wtb the spone applicator, and the regular. lu 35e and 60c botfIes. e BATH SALTS 35e for 3k-lb. packagre eTALCUM POWDER r 35e for 1-b. can. KERSLAKE'S i. 26a 2 % 1%43e io-.z. Jar 35e NO. 1 Tin 29e KELLOGG'SS»CORN LAKUs 3 Pkgs. 24o C B FAMOUS BRANSTON PICKLES jar 19o FUL 4-Z.WHSOLE S8RECAD IVREAF6 WHEAT- LOAF1e 2 Sn"lhLoaves 9c TOIL~T 5 cakes 23e LaMWgeP 9 RINSO Washlng Powdev - udMEA TS p- PIECE BLICED, LB.31c n.290 190 SIROINTender and Mb. 2eAU BESTlb20 PORTERROUSE or WING ROAST Mb. 28e SHOULDER Mb. 100e i4K- lM. 120 BLADE - lb. 13c RIB T;5îek lb. 140 BRISKET For Bolau M. 7e WHITEFISH FREIKCAUOHT lb. 13e SALMON umue -ou .wou N.2< Grocery Manager: P. Wlilams. Meat Manager: o. McOo7. We Deliver-Extra Charge 1oc Kig Stree4 Pion No. 83 nimm',I1m TMGREATATLANTIC & IPACI FIC TIF CO* ________________LIMITED 0F CANADA_____ ___ I r .' F 't AUSTRALIAN SLICED OU HALVES PEACHES PICKLES sweet Mixedi HORSESHOE, CLO VER LEAF OR MAPLE LEAF FANCY SOCKUYU PAGE SALMON N.%Ten MANYFLOWERS PEAMEAL BACK BACON FANCY MYLK-FED VEAL CUTLETU, LB. ZUc LZG FILLETS Mb. 13ONELESS MEALED COTTAGE ROLLS BYTE lbM. A & P QUALITY ROASTS and iSTEAKS 1 conucil, Fred Knox, well known shoe merchant, was appointed to f11l the vacancy on the High Scbool Board rnade by the removal f!rorn town o! Dr. Best. A special meeting o! council will be called, probably Monday uext, for purpose o! filing estirnates and1 strikiug the mil rate for 1931. 1 Finance Committee was asked to1 study the equalization questiou withi a.vjew-toe.pposiug the large mncreasc in taxes that has been imposed on Bowrnanville this year by the Conu- ties Council. The matter will be re-1 ported ou at the September meeting. Waterworks Committce, in view o! the recent bot weather aud water shortage, will check Up on the mau- ufacturiug concerns and consider lu view o! the large amount o! water tbey use just at a timne when the rest o! the town is in need o! it, wbetber they are paying enougb for their water. Alderman Martyn read a section o! the Police Magistrates' Act show- ig that a police magistrate wo is paid a salary rnust turu over bis !ees to the Town Council. Alderman Martyn dernded an audit o! Mag- istrate W. F. Ward's books and any monies !ouud to have been retained by hlm that should have becu paid luto the town be paid over imrned- iately. Mayor Elliott wanted the matter lc!t lu abeyancc until the on the rnotion. Alderman Lockhart wauted to know just how the town stood with regard to this matter o! a magistrate. If, as Councillor Strike claimed. the magistrate was sppointed by the Attorney-General's dcpsrtrncnt how could the town of Bowmanville give him six months' leave o! absence? Magistrate W d had returned, be addcd, aud lV uotified council that he was ready to carry ou and Magistrate Alan Camp- bell had as yet no word f rom the Attorney-Geueral ta vacate bis posi- tiou as acting magistrate. Alderman Lockbart stated that be did not want to have ta pay a salary to two magistrates. Councillor Strike assured him that would nat be uecessary and the matter closed for the evening appareutly to corne up again at the next meeting. Mayor Elliott exteuded to the ceuietery committeee in charge o! the arrangements for Decoration aud Dedication Day the bearty con- gratulations ou the great success a! Sunday's ceremonies. Mayor Elliott stated that the members o! the couucil and appareetly eveeyoue wbo atteuded were delighted with the arrangements and with the wonder- f ul manuer in wbich they were car- ried out. The Mayor also expressed the hope that Decaration Day would again become an aunual event in this town. uo@ sa"d" 1 Misses Dorothy and Audrey Rag- COUNCILLOR DEMANDED AUDIT en, Toronto, are visitiug their grand- 1 mother, Mrs. John Douglas. i Contiuued f rom page 1) Mrs. (Rev.) A. N. McEvoy and daughter Helen, Detroit, are visit- 1 At this point Alderman T. H. ing ber mother, Mms. (Dr.) Paru- 1!Lockbart addressed the Mayor f rom comb. b is chair and Town Clerk John Lyle, Me. Fred Lewis, Hamilton, beought Iwbo is steong on procedure, rose to bis four sons down last weekend to informn hirn that wben addressing spend summer bolidays with their His Womship a member o! the coun- grandpsrents, Mr. and Mrs. John cil is required to stand up. Robinson. Alderman Martyn f ound no sup- Tbe mauy relatives o! Mr. andi port for bis motion to have a spec- Mrs. George H-. Joîl motored down iaî committec sppomntcd to hire the !rom Toronto and elsewhere ta at- men required for work ou the towu. tend Dedication and Decoration Dayt He claimcd that some o! the men at Bowmanville Cernetery on Sunday'were getting sîl the woek sud otbers and f rorn there down to their borne noue. Town Engincer J. Kennedy at Newcastle and partook o! supper stated that the mnuwbo turned Up on their besutiful lswn smidst the on time each mrniug were the meu roses. who got the work aud that on some ___________occasions he bsd to go and get a man out o! bed at 9 a. m. Road MAPLE GROVE Superinteudeut A. H. Bickell sddedý that be bad offered some o! the com- Service as usual next Sunday at plainlug ratepayers wbo had no the usual time. woek, a job cutting weeds but tbey Congratulations to Mr. sud Mrs. had re! used. Ivan La.w on the arrival o! a baby On motiou o! Councillor W. L. El- S MMîleR M blENUEfd D Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are always available ai A & P Stores The selection of proper f oods la of great Importance ln hot weather. ESTABISHEDA & P is fully prepared to serve. Fresh, firm lettuce that speaks 1859 SHEwieil for the success of any salad, crispy celery, flrm, ripe tomatoes, lemons and oranges for refreshlng drinks, are featured ln the well- HER E-N stocked A & P Fruit and Vegetable Department. THE PRIVES? -WHEEEO4M I OH, VERY REASONABLE! ETRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK-END HONEYDEW Eo MELONS EXTRA LARGE Za ww8 FNCY LARGE RIPE FRUIT BANANAS 03 Ibo. I16e LARGE UICY Eo FEST NO. 1 GRADE PRINCE EDWAED ISLAND POTATOES NUNAI 15-1b.Pe@k I16e ROM ONTARIO'$ FINEST CREAMERIES OUR owN SILVIMBROOK CREAMERY BUTTERa 2Ibn.d4q5. SUNNYFIELD PASTEIZ)D........ lb. 24e Large Pkg. 190 m ý - ý