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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1931, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JTJLY 9th, 1931 FOR VOUR Rida lu body and delicate as bao.s lu Its flavtur "SALADA" TEA F or any Locality, an "EMCO" Bathroom N 0 natter where yaur home may be, you can NOW havea complote "EMCO" Bathroomn Why be without this modern convenience any longer? The Emco bafhnoom fixturea and complet. fttings here illustrated-pedestaI iavatory-built-in tub-follet and showen may be had for a small down payment and monfhly instailments of!$18.00. For homes without running water, if in reach of a power-line, an Empire Duro Pressure Water System wili supply a minimum of 250 gallons an hour from shaliow or deep weils, sufficient for al household needs. Lower prices and Hydro Electric Commission Purchase Plan put if within reach a! ail. See the dealer named beiow, or write us. For Sale By R. E. Logan Pluniber - Tinsmith - Heating Phone 264W or 264J King St. E. Bowmavmfe -EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London, Canada Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver le Eoemug rates on "Awn e" inai a7 o.. cal lime). s-, give "Long Disime" Met number you trWag- i * 4d Ptht service. If oua ~~t knou tMe dis:t a -a bar, lui ormation" trili tn à op for Yom. ZMON Intended for last week) Mr. J. E. McMaster o! Orangeville, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. T. H. Harshaw and Nancy, wth Mr.' and Mrs. W. J. Cruickshanks and son Harold, spent the weekend at Grandview Fai*n," Zion, with the former's brother. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMaster arnd f amily. Miss Jean McMaster, R. N., bas returned to the city after a weeks vacation at home. Mr. James McMaster, Toronto, is spending Dominion Day af lis home with friends f rom Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dawson and babe. COU~RTICE (Intended for last week) Tuesday evening Mission Circle met at Miss Alle Worden's. Bible lesson was read by Miss Worden. A missionary talk was given by Miss Marion Stone, Oshawa, wbich was much enjoyed. Readllngs by Misses Befh and Bernice Gay concluded the prograni. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichais, Mrs. A. F. Rundie and Miss Annie Hoît were in Montreal over the weekend. Miss Marion Stone, Oshawa, visit- ed Miss Allie Worden. Qlad f0 note there la some lm- provement in Mrs. Jack Montgom- ery, Toronto, who is confined to her bed af ber mot her's, Mrs. W. H. Nichais. Tbursday ai ternoon the Woman's M. S. in charge of Mrs. W. H. Nicb- ols, who is superintendent of liffle light-bearers, held ifs monthly meeting in the S. S. roomn. The bible lesson wblch was Psalm 23, was glv- en in a splendid way by liff le Ruth Penfound, who reclted the whole Psalni. Litt le Bob Rundle sang a pretty solo in bis usual manly way and a cute recitafion was given by Fae Found. Mrs. Wolfralm told a beautiful story ta the children. A piano solo was pleasingly givec by Miss Ada Annis. Mrs. F. W. Run-1 die gave an interesting story to the1 children. Aferwards ice cream and, cake were served by the executive,j and a happy finie enjoyed by tbe children and ladies. Thursday evening C. G. I. T. and Mission Circle met at the parsonage when lawn tennis and other games were played and supper was served in picnic style. Later in the even- ing the campany was called to or- der when a presentafion was made ta Miss Aice Arnold, teacher of No. 8 school, wbo is leaving. A nicely worded address was read by Ada Annis and Misses Theda Taylor and Jean Vinson presented their feacb- er with an aeropack. Miss Arnold, taken by surprise, replied very nice- ly, and then readings were given by Mrs. Ross ]Pearce and Miss Louise Courtice, and communif y slnging by9 ail. If was an evening happily spent and Rev. and Mrs. Walfraim cer- tain]y entertaîned the girls. Miss1 Arnold has taken an active part in1 cburch work and in every goodi cause and she will be much missed, in this community. She lias been1 wonderfuily helpful in conneet ion1 with aur "Sunbeams" Mission Band1 which meets in the school, always ready ta assist fhe children in pre- paring the programs for the meet- ings. Persian Balmn preserves and en- hances women's natural heritage o! beauty. For sheer feminine loveli- ness if is unrivalled. Tones and re- juvenafes the skmn, and makes if ex- quisite in texture. Delight!ul ta use. Smooth and velvety. if imparts a Youthful charm ta every complexion. Indispensable tc, ail dainty women. Especially recommended ta make hands sol t and white. Delicately fragrant. Preserves and enhances the lcveliest complexions. ORONO <Prom The News July 2nd.) Public Library wiil be closed Thursdays during summer months. Mrs. Earl Grady and two children. Miss Pat and George. visited lier mother, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Mr. Bert. Piper. Toronto, and son. Harold of Windsor. spent ihe week- end with friends in the section. Miss Viola Noden is holidaying with lier grandnuother, Mrs. A. Lang, and uncle, Dr R. S. Lang, in~ Chi- cago. Prof. and Mrs. Bladen of Toronto University and Miss Barbara Myles of Toronto are guests at the Camp- bell Farns. Miss Sadie Brown, Paukeepsie, N. Y., is holidaying here. Mr. and Mrs. Thrasher, Hamilton, were guesfs o! Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Mitchell. Mrs William Colville, eider daugh- ter of the lafe William Thompson, died suddenly on Thursday. Miss 0. M. Witty, teacher S. S. Na. 16, (Cowanville) is spending ber vacation with ber aunt, Mrs. John Wiff y, at Gare Bay. Mrs. Ransberry, f ornierly Alice Duncan, was taken ta Pet erboro Hospital suffering from Injuries ta ber arm, the resulf of a f ail. Mr. John S. Smith and daughter, Miss Lola, Toronto, and grandson, Mr. Auger, are occupying their resi- dence, Mill Street norfb,, for a sum- mer holiday. Board of Scbool Trust ees have made a canfract witb J. E. Devitf, an experienced well driller, Who bas commenced driiling for water on the school premises. Ail mothers can put away anxiefy regarding thedr suffening clildren wben tbey bave Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to give relief. Its effects are sure. A Well known resident and former business man o! Orona, Mr. Edward Pinder, now of Toronto, in company wifb bis son, Mr. Harry Pinder, are spending a week in the old town. The Trustees have builf a concrete walk along the nortb side of Station St., froni Main east ta, Church St., and another stretch east side Main St. from. Division Sf. ta the tannery hollow. Keep your stock free f ram blemisb wifh Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. Removes inflammation, quickly re- lieves bruises, sprains, strains, swell- ings, contraction o! cards, stiffness o! Joints, and sore muscles. Mr. Fred Dobsan, a former Orono boy, who bas been carrying on a butcher and droving business at El- f ras, Sask., sufiered a severe lass in March when the business block own- ed by hlm and in which he carried on business was destroyed by lire. Mrs. Karl Katz and daughter Dorotby le! t Wednesday on their ne- turn ta Seattle, Wash., having spent a week with ber mother, Mrs. C. G. Armst rang. Mr. and Mrs. Katz and family intend moving in two months time ta Fairbanks, Alaska, where Mr. Katz takes charge of the Alaska Airways Corporation. A recent change in train service, C. N. R., Orono division, gives better accommodation ta the travelling public. Train now beaves Orono 10.30 a. m. Tuesdays, Tbursdays and Satundays o! each week, making close connection at Wbitby and ar- riving in Toronto at 3.15. Return- leaves Toronto at 4.30 P. M., arriv- ing in Orono at 7.10. Members o! Sir Sami Hughes Roy- al Black Preceptory, No. 1063, Pon- typoal, which included a number !rom Orono section, witb their wives and families, journeyed fa Cream o! Barley Park, Bowmanville, June 24th, and held a picnic. A softball game and races for young and aider folks comprised the sports, affer which a fine suliper was enjoyed. All Night with Asthma. Everyone knows bow aftacks o! asfhma often keep their victinis awake the whole night long. Morning flnds bim whally unfltted for a day o! busi- ýness, and yet, business must still be carried through. Ail this night suf- fening and lack o! rest can be avoid- ed by the prompt use a! Dr. J. D. EKellogg's Asthma Remedy. whicb positively does drive away the af- tacks. Roal Arch meeting was held in the Orange Hall, Kendal, an Manday ev- ening when six candidates were ad- vanced ta the Royal Arch degree. rhe work was cleverly put on by Orono degree team, Bro. Neil Porter, iegnee master. Among the brethren from Orona was the veteran Orange- men, Ena. Thos. McComb, who witb a veteran brother f rom Elizabeth- ville were heartlly received. The aormer bas been an Orangeman 67 Years, the latter 45. Mr. William Gilfillan and niece. Miss Eva Gilfillan a! Mitchell, Saufth ,arrying If on. Rev. William Ster- ýng spoke brie! iy, closlng with pray- M&r. W. Harry Rowe o! the Orono eill lad a pleasant cail the other ly when Mr. W. StorY, Toronto, ise man who lnstalled the roller CADMUS Intended for last week) The Women's Association of Cad- mus United Church held its regular monthly meeting and quarterly tea at the home of Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy on June 2th with an attendance of 23. President Mrs. H. Galbraith presicled. Ater several items of bus- iness were discussed there wvas quite a iengthy program in charge of the red. group with Mrs. Mountjoy as coîw enor. After contests. tea was served. The July meeting will be held at Mrs. Geo. Jolinston's when the Mission Band will be in attend- ance. They wiUl also help with the program. Report of S. S. No. 5, Cadmus; figures stand for per cent: From Jr. IV fa Sr. IV-Harvey Tbompson 92, Ross Lansing 81, Doris Wilson '78. Froso Sr. III to Jr. IV-Allan Bea- cock 91, Andy Marlow 75, Russel Brown 72, Elmer Archer 70, Vincent Archer 63. From Jr. III f0 Sr. III - Keith Jahnston 75, Lloyd Brown 72. From Sr. II to Jr. IfI-Lois Veale 90, Dorofhy Brown 90, Jack Marlow 86, Clara Mountjoy 84, Marjorie Galbraith 84, John Carlaw 80, Mil- dred Archer 74, Elleen Johnston 66. From Jr. 111 ta Sr. II - Maurice Samells 60, Neil Jolinsfon 60, Ger- aldine Wallace 75. From Jr. I ta Sr. I-Guelda John- ston. Heleb Foster, teacher. systm in the mills, replacing the stone crushers about 35 years ago for Mr. A. W. Carvefh, former own- er, dropped in f0 see hiow the ma- chinery was working and pronounc- eti if practically as good as new. He imcidentally informed Mr. Rowe that bis last job was for a. former Orono- ite, the J. W. Cornish & Co. Lake- aide Milis af Toronto. Mrs. Chapple, wif e of Mr. Charles Chapple, formerly of Orono, and daughfer, Miss Barbara Chapple, Billings, Montana, had a narrow es- cape from drownlng when their car, ouf af control, plunged imtafthe ir- rigat ion canal near fhaf city asat week. Mrs. Chapple and daughfer ffaafed about a quarter of a mile be- fore fhey were rescued. Side walls of the canal are of concrete and are built at a slope that made if impos- sible for the two fa gef ouf withaut help. A rope was finally procured f0 effect their rescue. Bofh Mrs. Chap- pie and Miss Barbara are recovering from their uni ortunate experlence. Officers elect o! Orono Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 325, weré duly insfafled in their respective offices, at regular meeting of Lodge on Thursday even- ing, June 25th. Rf. W. Bro. Frank Rickard, assisfed by W. Bro. Fréd Couch. of Durhami Ladge, Newcastle, and W. Bro. Logan of Jerusalera Lodge, Bowmanville, put on the work mosf creditably. Officers installed: W.M.-H. A. Milîson; I.P.M.-Adol- ph Henry; .W-O. W Rolph; J.W. -E. E. Patterson; Chaplain-A. Mc- Lachlan; Treas.-T. Smith; Se'y.- Neil Colvlle; S.D.-.Carl W. Billings; J.D.-Sheldon Moffat; D. o! C-E. J. Hammi; I.G.-E. G. Kersiake; S.S.- F. J. Cutteli; J.S.-W. Joseph Hall; Auditors-J. J Gilfillan. J. R. Coop- er; Tyler-J. Cifford Gamey. At the close of the Lodge a banquetwas held at Kumrite Inn at whicb the usual toasts were proposed and re- sPonded fa in short clever speeches. Àd VACATION i bb IQWTQURIST ARE PARKFC coAsu ALASKA 'fIls gummer take the trip to the Coast you"v a .ways promised yourself. Stop off for a few day. of golf at beautiful Minaki, in the Lake of the Woods District. See the Prairies 7011 Ca. follow Tour favourite sport right acresu the continent. Sec hundreds of miles of sky- pierclng mountains. Follow the rusbing, tumblingy Frase River toVancouver. lasit Vie- Mr nci Dsz.tuirnm. a atri Stay awble Otinll Ilretoit to Alaka* JaprNational Obai ful nfraion, e.Fu fomiO the healthy, to VANCOUVER, regarding routes, happy recrea- VICTORIA, SEATTLE, fanyee= fontg tionsthe "Lde TACOMA, PORTLAND NaUoda p.ovidea-in fac and JASPER NATIONAL PARK Itom your eauest aAgent. T-.20 Rer. CANADAN NTIONALRAI LWAiYS Illustration shows p e-auui w-urun upueuoy ur ow Preston Led-Hed Nail. Note how lead on head o! Led-Hed Naili eais We also maire: compltely ea r- Galvanized Rib-Roiland Corrugated Sheets, proo. Noe ge er- s PrestonLIed-.Hed Nails, Preston Steel Trusa overlap o! Rib-RoU. Barnis, Garages and Storage Buildings, Preston Led-Hed Nails Preston Galvanized Tanks, Majestic Verti- are coiored to matchi Foid Garage Doors, Colored Ridge, Flash- the rof g ng, Gutter, Eave Trough, Conductor Pipe, EasteýStedffl duc i0 Gu.lph St., ,.Lited> Facbories alto et PsoOnt. Toronto md Monte« When Your Wife Drives 0f course the modem, woman is every bit the equal of the modern man-even to driving the family car. But there is the chance that somebody might accidentally remove a fender while she is driving. Proteet her-and your car, incidentally, by insureing your car. It is the modern method of protection. You can't buy bet- ter insurance cheaper than we seli. J. J. MASON & SON Il Real Eftate and Insurance Brokers j)Phone 5 King St. E. Bowmanville Lt ~ be Db FOR BEAUTYAI4D FOR SAFET-Y After meen o'clock that evening (when even4n rates ove Long Distance were in force) she caled ber oid school cbum Helen ta ask ber suggestion as ta the best place ta go. "Wonderful", said the happy voace at the other end of the Uine alter she had expiained everything. "We are ail go04 to Seabeach for two weeks tomorrow. Now you wiilbe able ta camne widi us." And sa Rita spent the most enjoyable vacation ah. evoe had, thanks ta ber cail over Long Distne And the cast of that cail was kms than the tip ah. am le the colored porter. h COLORED RI1 BaROLL ROOFI NC Write todoj' for fre ampi. 1,ufeaed color achem ci, - O MPWC=Ira. ai THE CANADLALN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, "JTJLY 9th, 1931 PAGE EIGHT

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