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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1931, p. 9

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fiE CANADLAF.. STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1931 PAGE NINE Ne preun but quallty hms wver been gvn with Salada "SALADA" TEA ~wsshfruntb10 "Why doesn't the heat bother you?" "My dear, it's so siràipIe youll laugh. 1 just make sure that .LfVES 1 don't est too much for lunch. For example, this noon 1 bad two Shredded Wheat Biscuits covered with bernies and a : pitcher of balf and haif. J, That's what 1 cali an ideal lunch. The big idea is the Shredded Whea-it's so igbt, nourishing and easy to digest, it keeps me corfortable on a bot afternoon." THE CANADJAN 5REDD WfflÇT COMPANY, LTD. SHREDDED WH EAT 4WITH ALL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT reas ons xvhy OLDIFI ELD TURES gra ve M 11E y Oldfild'a are the only iow- Upriced tires that have a Gum-Dpped cord construe- tion-that means 25-0% longer mileage. 2They are the only tires in their price class that have the new Double Cord Breaker which gives 26% extra protection against punctures anid blowouts. 3Their deep, tough, long- wearing tread assure@ de- pendable, carefree mileage. 4Oldfield Tires are the equal of inost standard lines by actual test, yet they oeil lor 20%/ les@.. Oldfield Tires amm made 5 and fully guaranteed by Firestone to give Most Mlles Per Dollar Your nearent Fiaeto. Dealer carrnet a coin- pl1ete, freh stock et OIdSeIld Tire.. 9S« hlm today. moliEus Imrsieflfty-tird openlng cer- emonies of the Canadian National Exhiition will take place on Fi CO LDS day, August 28th. si mb ed ssu &Oledstop ota rR*dren quIklyHead Achtng Wby m%r headacho, or nvy othor pain, uhouiZIJTOO TABLE1.Taloeo uiioe fw It ldmI01% m m n Elgsrewlnh 2D0 mtas. Humsand vm- MO& LU»d by toes. (FomTh NwsJuy 0t lIN THE DIM andi DISTANT PASTj Mr.James Curtis, Hampton, is! visting ai lier brotlier's-in-law. Mr. 25 YEARS AGO 50 YEARS AGO Harvey Curtis.- Mr. Horatio HUis, Tyrone, visited town on Thursday, meeting old Fro" The Statesman, JuIY 25, 1906 Fromn The. Statesman, JuIy Z9, 1881 friends. Miss Hilda Gamsby visted ihe Newly elected officers of the Bay A sermon preached by Rev. Sam- past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. of Quinte Sumnier School are: Hon. uel Gibbs in Bowmanville and dur- Junker ai Lakefield.' President-Rev. S. F. Dixon, Tyrone; ing whlch hle suffered a siroke of Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, Lind- President-Rev. H. W. Foley, B. A., paralysis f rom whlch lie dled three say, son and mother. and Mrs. Ingles B. D., Bayside; Vice Pres.-W. G. days laier s given An full An this is- visted Mrs. Travelle on Sunday, Clarke, B. A., Stirling; Sec.-Treas.- sue of The Siatesman. Mr.Ingles remaining for a more Rev. A. H. Foster, Smithfield. Oshiawa bakers have put up bread Mrsnedii. Mr. W. J. Bragg, C. C., and wife, to 8 cents. It s stilil 7 cents liere. Mr. Matthew Gibson wasfoufld Providence. entertalned the mem- A litie son of Mrs. John Maynard lying on the floor of bis room when bers of the Durhiam Rubber Co. fell off a cari and broke liAs arm one neiglibors called this Turda Band Saturday af ternoon ai iheir day this week. morning, having f allen oui of bed, beautful farm home. Total assessed value of ibis town and s now reported i a sem-con- Trinity Congregational Sunday tbis year s $1,008,722; n 1880 it scios cndiion I-is onDelertSchool held a successful picnic on was $1,004.000. The rate of taxation scd ious cOshawanaHes oDebt, Jackman's Plats on Thursday. Af- this year wll be 18 mills. andsie wt ,Ohwaenwa i er tes, the usual races iook place. In order iliat clerks may bave re- Someiwety-eve meber ofThe winners were: Infant class boot creation tlie stores An BowmanvAlle TwehToento Boy Souts uerso and shoe race-Hazel Wllcox, Ger- will be closed at 1 p. m. sharp every ScoufthMasoter BoyGeor utiars nare trude Hem, Cllnton Spry; gils' rmn- Tuesday durlng August. Scautmpiga emGorgaeParisandap ning race-Aiba Flshleigh; senior The residence of R. Foley ai Maple capnl ing a mreal eak ndoyabe girls' potato, race-Miss Aileen V. Grove was visited on Sunday whlle time. ty arrived ardajyales Keys. Miss Ethel Freeland; marrled tlie occupants were at churcli and tim. Tey rriec Saurdy lstladies' race-Mrs. H. A. McKowan several ihinga stolen. Tramps are for a two weeks' outlng. This s the iCabok .C)ssetd second year the boys have been in CabooB . ssetd camp on iliese groundis. Sauina: Report of promotion ex- Master George McMurtry was Mr. William W. Powell of Ottawa, aminations. names An order of mer- thrown f rom the buggy by bis horse recently engaged as teacher on the i: Entrance - Norman Reynolds, becommng frightened ai an umbrella, higli scliool staff here, spent a day Vera Baker, Ecina Trull, Charlie and considerably brulsed about the in town last week. He s îooking Scott, Eva Pascoe. Lizzle Truil; Jr. face. forward wiib pleasure to liAs resi- 4th to Sr. 4tb--Greia Van Nesi, El- Ctizens were startled on Wednes- dence liere. gie Taylor. frene Argue, Ecina Tay- day morning to, hear that John E. Mr. H. T. Maines, a one time Or- lor, Ida Vice, Roy Montgomery, Bea- Alin, book-keeper An J. B. Mariyn's ono citizen. who s spending a few trice Law; Sr. 3rd te Jr. 4tb-May grocery store, bad dropped dead. days accompanied by liAs wAle and Reynolds. Nora Truil, Roy Lang- Bethesda: John Cole lias purchas- grancison, ai his cousins', Mr. W. A. maid. Mary Van Nest, Reta Kersiake, ed a self bnder and is. we belleve, Gibson and Mrs. S. Yeo, spent a f ew Elwood Montgomery, Lorenzo Troul much pleased wlth At. We noticed i hous n twnthi wekmeeting Willle Westlake; Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd- cutting the other day and blnding in former f riencis. The Maines were a Gertie Pascoe, Earl HAll, Florenceafed fbrywllioudhv one-time well known family here. Vice; Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd-Nelson puzzled ordinary human binders... Mr. George Maines, father of Tracey' Reynolds, Wlfred Werry, Flossie At the recent entrance examinations was a tailor by trade being employed Van Nesi; R. J. MeXessock. teacher. ai Bowmanville our school was re- for omeN. Hal an Hapto: Te anualbery ~ presented by five pupils ail of whom fo oeyears vwith N. F al<n amtn Teanulbrr o-passed. aiso Robert Knox. From here he ial under auspAces o! Epworth Lea- Salem: A raspberry social was went to Newtonville and carried on gue was helci on the churcli lawn onvn by Salem choir n E. Prout's a tailoring business in connection Thursday. Miss E. Y. King and Miss Aeniu rv n hrdyat witli tle Dlckey and Jones general Emery were soloists, and Mr. F. R. beoanif ai grov ndTliusay afe store of that village. Foley elocutionisi. attendance was large and a jolly Miss Ll Dove, Toronto, s spend-. We notice that Wiilard Caldwell, lime was spent. Proceecis $15. ing a few days wth Miss Mabel of the Central Livery. bas a new six Sam Hughes, modemn language Davy. passenger covered Surrey manufaci- master ai Toronto Collegiate Insti- Mr. John S. Smith and daughter. ured by the Barrie Carniage Co. h t tie, and Mrs. Hughes, are visiiing Miss Lola, of Toronto, are sumiuner- s a very handsome carniage lndeed ai H. W. Burk's. ing ai their residence liere. and s a great credit to Mr. Cald- S. F. Hill's dry goods store was Mr. and Mrs. Gardum Rainey and well's enterprise. burglarously entered on Fiday night three chilciren of Markliam, and Mr. Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, ZMon, and clothlng, bats, etc., were taken. and Mrs. Ed. Raynour, Toronto, brought us in samples cf timotliy Entrance was effected ilirougli the spent Sunday wiili their uncle, Mr. hay grown on their farm that meas- back door by prylng t open with an Robert Rainey. ares over 6 f eet i lengili. Zion's mron bar and a railroad spike. No Prof. J. Harland Billings and fam- Hill lias o! ten been euloglzed by trace of the burglars. This s the ily, who have been visiiing liAs par- preachers as the right way to ascend fourth or ftfth time that Mr. HIlS ents and brother and other friencis to the good place, se we may pro- store lias been burglanized. here during the pasi three weeks, e_______o in oo tigsa CaeareBroe ok Heiits, hoepha, the base of it on tlie Meadow Plats htis usually sal e 10 say that when Pea BroFegtPhldlha arm. a child s pale, sickly, peevlsh and Messrs. P. J. Brimacombe, Kirby, Electrical storms on Friday and restless, the cause s worms. These Jack Carscadden, Kendal, and Jas. Saiurday dici great damage to grain parasites range the stomacli and n- Eagleson, Orono, accompanied by n West Durham. Geo. F. Annis' testines, caasing senious disorders of the latter's brother George, and H. farm buildings ai Ebenezer were the digestion and preventing the n- Kidd of Bailieboro, enjoyed a few struck by lightning and burned with f ant from derivmng sustenance f rom days' motor trip 10 Windsor and De- the contents on Friday night, and f ood. Miller's Worm Powders, by troit, aise visiting Jack Miners' bird Thos. John's bamn, nearly two miles destroying the worms, corrects these sanctuary ai Kingsville. west of Courtice, was struck and faulis of the digestion and serves 10 Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Sterling ar- burned on Saiarday night. restore thie organs to healthy action. rlved here f rom Chautauqua. N. Y.. where tliey have been spending a f ew weeks. Rev. Mr. Sterling had a recurrence o! the attack of erysipelas ~'aiM wiili which lie suf ered before leav- *jqJ(U,.iJ. EU195v5i S ng, but we are pleased to report s now in excellent bealili. Miss Hattie JeU, Toronto, s visit- ing witli Mrs. S. Halllday. Miss Mary Somerville spent the 0F TKff] weekend n Teronto. Mrs. MacLeod and daughter of u~u.gA srain Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting ai Mrs. G. M. Linton's. Mrs. (Dr.) McElroy and family, Keith and Margaret, Peterboro, are u holidaying wlth lier parents, Mr. and GRANT FLEMING, U.... - SsOCITE SECRtVARy Mrs. D. Noble. Misses Earline and Ruthi Grady WITHIN AND WITHOUT BED-TIE and Master Bil of Hamilton, and ___ Miss Anna Wilsen of Ottawa are Used freely bath within and wth- The body works in a rhythm of visiting their grandmotlier, Mrs. C. eut, water helps to, keep thie body activiîy and resi. The heari which G. Armistrong. fit. Water can safely be used inii s apparently neyer ai resi does. n Dr. J. B. Tucker of Plnicliy, Sask., abundance. The body s largel.y îact, resi momentarily between each Dr. M. S. Tucker, Ottawa, were liere compcsed of water. Many of tbe oeat. We reqaire periods o! resi and lasi week attending the fanerai o!f foods we use contain a surprisingly retaxation, andi the mosi complete their father, Dr. M. M. Tucker. large percentage o! water. This iAs rest s that secured during sleep. Mrs. F. W. Bowen andi daughter. one way in whicli we secure the Individuais di.fer and neoliard and Miss Mary, were weekend visitors ai water we require, but we should, in fast rule can be laid down as 10 the Ottawa. Whlle ai the capital they addition, drink water regularly. exact amoant o! sleep that s re- av falldtriemselv e o!ie opportn- IL s impossible 10 say how much quired by l. Some require more ityferan to Qu Beb iy n water we slieuld drink each day. On sieep than others; children, partic- comanywib M. owe lad the btdsw pepire mucli mor ularly. need a great deal. poilease o!seeing many 0f ihelis- f reely iban ai other times. Physical We know that a- large namber of Ctyr.lsgtso htpitrsu exertion ai work or ai play also persons woald enjoy a greater meas- cTy.mlso pvdsret upr causes us 10 persplre. Because of ure of liealth. would do better work the Cna aiesaae lstExsibupiort these differences, we reqaire more and woald feel btter if tliey had thafe Cnda ainlEhbto water in liot weatlier iban we do more resi. Too many starve their c.durig the cold season, and more if bodies o! the urne ibat s necessary -____ -we are physically active than when f or restin order iliat they may have W'ii Tir" -UZ7rr's A Z:D A VINt we are resting quietly. more-time for work or play. TO EAT, -LIVES ON SOUP "'Afraid of stomacli gas, I llved on soup for 5 months. Then I tried Ad- lerika and now I eat most anything without any gas."-Mrs. A. Connor. Adierika relleves stomacli gasi n TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH uxper and lower bowel. removing old pois- onous waste you neyer knew was there. Don't fool with medicine whlch cleans only PART of bowels. but let AdIerika give stomnacli and bowels a REAL cleaning and get id of ail gas! Jury & Loveil, Druggists. 47-tf EAILWAYT TME TABLE Cladlan National Raflway (Standard lime) WEST BOUNO EAST SOUND 8.50 a. m. 9.28 a. m. 7.22 P. M. '6.00 P. M. o 9.388P. M. 11.23 P. M. 11.59 P. M. 0-Daily exoept Sunday: o-DtIy except Saturda. Canadfian Pacifie Rallway (standard lime) WEST BOUNO EAST BOUNO t 5.17 a. m. D) 9.42 a. m. o 6.15 a. mn.- 2.47 p. m. D 2.47 p. m. D 11.27 p. mi. *7.18 p. mi. t 12.20 P. nM. D-Daiiy; *-D)aiIy except Sunday; o-tlaiiy for passengers to Toronto; t-Dal1y for pointe west of Toronto. Canadian National Rallway Tyrome Station Effective Sunday, AprIl 2Sth. Instead of Monday, Wednesday and FIrday, trains go TuOeda. Thuruday and Baturday. Goiag West - About 1146 a- M. Gong EmaIt - 6.45 P. En. We are convinced however. that1 many persons would be better if1 tliey used more waier. We suggest tbat a glass or two o! water before breakfast and beiween meals s a drink habit thai shoald be cultivai- ed. itwl.l keep up the supply o! fliics the body reqaires, and willl help to promete regular elimination. There s ne objection 10 ithe use o! beverages wlth meals, providing the fuld s net used 10 wash down foed. A drink shoald neyer be tak- en whlle there s food hinilie mouth. Another thlng te avoid s the tak- ing o! a cold drink Just before a meal. At that tume, the blood-ves- sels o! the stomach are dllated and the digestive glands are active. A flood of cold water ai ibis time up- sets this necessary arrangements for thie digestion o! île meal which s about b ho e eten. Drink cool, net iced water and drink t slowly daring the meal. Eat slowly, drink slowly. Remember iliat moderation s the key to bealili. The body shoald be kepi dlean by regular bathlng. More bailis are re- cuired in summer than n wlnter be- cause we perspire more n the warm weather. A dlean skin belps te keep the body liealtliy, makes fer person- ai comfort and prevents disagree- able body odeurs. Wasli the liands thoroughly before oaci meal; ibis simple habit wll de mach to proieci yea f rom disease. We are net saggesting anytbing diffcult here. Where there s water avallable, iliere s ne reason wliy t should net be used f reely. Try to develop the habit of drink- Ing water beiween meals. and see f t does net lielp yoa 10 keep healthy. Questions concernlng Healih, ad- dresed to the Canadian Medical Association. 184 College Street. Tor- enta, wiil h answered personally by letter. Failuùre 10 -secaure sufficiïentrestis particularly serious during child- hood. Lack o! restis ene of the chie! causes e! malnutrition. The chld whe does net have samfcieni rest s net able to digest liAs f ood properly and so bis nutrition suf ers because lie does not rosi enoagli. Parents cannot rely upon tbe ap- pearance o! the cbild to guide them with regard 10 bis need for sleep. The thin, over-active chlld who nev- sr says ho s iired. who s always on .he go and who looks bright and wide-awake at any heur s the very child who s n urgent need o! resi. He s burning the candle ai bath endis, and bis general healili and well-beig wll sufer because o! liAs lack o! needed rest. During the summer, chidren are o! ten allowod to stay up late with the resait iliat they do not get the amoant o! rest they require. Sleep- ing laie n the memling does net make up fer going te bed laie An the evening. The necessary heurs of sleep ia room wiih open windows are: Age Bed Heurs RAsAng Tume of Sleep Tme 5 -6 6.30 13 7.30 6 -8 7.30 12 7.30 8-10 8.00 11 V2 7.30 10 - 12 8.30 il 7.30 12 -14 9.00 101/2 7.30 14 -16 9.30 10 7.30 Children who are not strong, who are not gaing regalarly An welghi. need extra rest. They should lie down fer one heur ai leasi after the noon meal. They may net sleep, but the rosi which they get whule ly- lng down s almosi as good as sleep. Resi. f reali air. play, and the use o! mlk, fruits and green vegetables. make children strong and keep them well. Outboard motorboat and yachting races wAIlb. featured on the Canad- ian National Exhibition aquatie sports programme. HappinessI. TIR is no market price for happiness. Yet t possess it, st have A that is worth while. A Savigs Account has been the first step towards bappiness for many men and women. Why flot take tbat step toclay? Tou unll like banking at the Royal The Royal Bank 313 of Canada Bowmanvile Branch - L GQ Hefey, Nmnaga 1544 ls#Seponai" on a hili 1~ CITIES SERVICE GASOLENE .the double-duty fuel TrucU-horse power and race-horst speed ère corn- bined in CGties Service Gasolene-the double-duti fuel. "Step on ih/' and feel your car rus- sp.nd ... Ives pwr to start, powerf to pass., power iht=ass. Only àa Gties Service process could produce gaso. lentesas o@d. Fi11 your tank todlay. CITIES SERVICE PURE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Cities Service 0.1 Company Liuwited cies Sevic-one of the ten largeut badustril organizaton 4n1.cotnu beoadcasts Fridays, 8 RM. (.D. T.)-F end 37 st"Ons on N. L C indudlne CKGW, Toronto. o l'HE CANADLi%,X STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1931 PAGE N=

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