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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1931, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANMILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST l3th., 1931. PAGE EMORT AUGUST BARGAINS ONLY 50e Good fiction, populan authors, jncluding Wallace, Zane Grey, O)ppenheim, Harold Bell Wright and others. New Red Pepper Book, "Red Pepper Returns"'. S2.00. Embroidered Uinen Towels, 59C., Up. .Stamped Linen Towels, 20c., Up. JW. JEWELL Phone 30 - King Street sig 2o Bookstore B w m fvl II 1 IMaternity Nirse Gives Advice «'I AM a maternity nurse. la my j42nd year 1 used to have a sck spel every two weeks. "A woman always seems to have some derangements at Change of Life. "~The Vegetable Compound helped me so much that I recom- mend it to mothers and young girls as well as older women." Mrs. Eugene St. Germain, 1604 Glad- stone Ave., Cote St. Paul, Mlontres!, Quebec. lfyou have any weakness or pain, try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetahle Conmpound. It bas benefited 98 out of every 100 who have used it. *The Newcastle Indel THURSDAY, AUGUST l3th.,1 NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Batty and Miss Loreen are away on vacation. Mrs. MarjeriSOn. Sudbury, is vis- iting hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Gray. Miss Ray Clark bas gone to Osh- awa Hospital to begin training for the nursing profession. Miss Morice Powell, Lake Sbore, bas been visiting bier cousins, Mis- ses Reta and Grace Powell. Mr. S. Bonathan bas returned f rom Wasaga Beacb wbere bie bas been making improvements to bis property. Messrs Ross Jones and Roy Jones, Toronto, visited their aunt, Mrs. Ed. i Powell and other relatives bere over the civie holiday week-end. Drive in to Newcastle on Saturday evening of this week, Aug 15, and hear the Durham Regimental Band of Orono in an outdoor program. Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, Mesdames, W. D. Bragg and Harold Toms and Miss Kathleen Toms, visited Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allin, Ida, last Fni- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hennmngs and family bave moved f rom the former Wm. Lovekin house, now being re- modelled by the new owner, Mr. W. W. Down, wbere tbey have resided for so many years, into the former Wm. Rickard bouse, corner of King and Mill Sts. Mr. Wesley Noden returned from hospital in Toronto last Wednesday week, feeling much better in bealth after bis operation. Hf came down by bus and walked f rom Matchetts corner bome unattendpd and sur- prised bis f amily by coming in a week abead of their expectations. Board of Education laid its estlm- ate before the Council on Monday evening togetber with its requisit- ion for $5500 wbicb will mean a rate of 21 mills on the local asses- ment. The Board's requisition f rom the Municipal Council for the last three or four years bas been $6000. representing a rate of 23 milîs. Tax- payer will appreciate the lower rate this year. Mr. R. D. Coutts, a former prin- cipal of Newcastle public scbool. now assistant principal of the Nor- mal scbool at Moose Jaw, Sask., and Mrs. Coutts called on Miss Warren, Mrs. Geo. Warren, H. R. Pearce and others of bis old pupils last Mon- day, Mr. and Mrs. Coutts motored down f rom the West and bave been touring tbrougb Ontario and New York State. These embarked at Oshawa on the Dalbousie City and crossed the lake to Port Dalhousie on tbe Y. P. L. ex- cursion last Wednesday: Mrs. P. Hare and Miss Rae Deline and Har- old, Norton Cowan, Bll Toms, Al- bert Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alun, Miss Evelyn Rickard, Miss Elizabeth Hancock, Mr. John Ashton, Mr. Newton Ashton and Miss Florence Ashton. Quite a large number also took the side trip to Niagara Falls and viewed one of the world's great- est scenic wonders. Mrs. Hare on the homeward trip contributed a read- ing to an interesting boat p: -gram. Ice Cream is aHealth Food JEat lots of it. The medical prlofession aglees that jthere is plenty of foodi value in ice cream. Have some your favorite w-ay in Bowmanville Bakery Ice Cream Parlour. Fruit Sundaes-15c Sodas, ail flavors 15e Special Sundaes 20e up. Ask our driver or see our windows for week-end specials in cakes and pastries. The Home of Pure Food Produets Bowmanville Baker y -:4 Care Will Save Your Car Drive in Today The most complete service station and the most fairly priced stock of rnotor parts andi accessories in town! That's the service xve offer our~ custom- ers. What dIo vou need? If it's any of the following vou'll sa\,,,,tne, money and vour good disposition b>' coming to us: \Vashing and polislîing Tirue Reoaitiing G( <îieal lUepail-ilig P arts & Aecessoîries Gas and Oil New cars, tr'ucks, raî.ctors. Used(l ar -Market "( are Will S-a\', \ourl.~a. We a' elvt)> give it the care it deseives. I)ol't Delay-Drive in to-çday. COX MOTOR SALES Sa les King Street 4m Ser-vice Bow'man ville Miss Clara Caswell is home fron Toronto on bolidays. Mn. James Heann, Montreal, is visiting at Mrs. Frank Bone's, Lake Shore. Mn. and Mns. L. Parnell spont Sunday witb friends at Cbamang, Peterboro. Horticultural Societys summen flower and vegetable show wll be held Aug 20. Rev F. H. and Mrs. Mason retun- ned fnom thein vacation nean Bob- cageon Satunday. Mn. and Mns. John Scott, visited bis brother at Bailiebono and aiso took a trip ta Peterbora. Miss Helen Baker, Saina, is vis- iting ber cousins, Misses Marion and Helen Rickand, Shaws. Miss Eppie Warren, Buffalo, is holidaying witb ber sister, Mrs. F. W. Cowan and Miss Warren. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Branton, Muriel and Orville, Oshawa, were weekend visitons of their cousins, Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Poance. Board of Education bas complet- ed its teacbing staff by re-engaging Miss Neya Switzes as H. S. Assistant at $1800, a reduction of $200. Mn. and Mrs. Edmund Tbackray were weekend guests of Mn. and Mrs. John Hendenson, Cobourg. Civ- ic holiday weekend visitons wth Mn. and Mrs. Thackray were bier daugb- ter, Miss Pearl Abar and Mn. Clif - f ord Philip 0f Toronto. STARKVILLE WINS BALL TOURNAMENT Attendance Ahead of Last Yean The basebaîl fans of Clarke and Newcastle who year aftcr year at- tend the annual tournament bere on Civic Holiday knew the instant the final gaine vas over that Stark- ville liad won the cup this year and won ît by virtue of the superb pit- ching of Hanry Trew of Elizabeth- ville and the good all round play- ing of tbe Starkvîlle teani. Stark- s Ille bas consistently put a team in- t o the tounnament bere since its or- ganization and have bast out year after year, but with sportsmanlike good nature and cheerfulness. The team's success this year was well de- served and a papular one. The finat gamne between Orona un- der the close scnutiny of the teams dougbty manager, 0. A. Gamsby in a new striking suit of plus fours, flasby socks and shirt waist and Kendal was a fairly easy one for Onono, score 9 to 3. In the second gamne between New- castle and Stankville, the latter ran around the bases in the seven in- ning gamne ta the tune of 13 runs to Newcastle's 2. George Walton pitcbed for Newcastle with Tom B3rown behind the bat as in past years. The third gaine between Orono and Starkville was close and excit- ing, The latter winning amidst a popular uproar by a 1 rmn margin. The umipires of the day were C. F. Cannon. Oshawa, and Mn. Rosevear, Port Hope, and they bth know thein business. Aften the picture show and before the dance in the Commun.tty Hall in the evening, Manager W. E. Purky and Secretary Thos. A. Rod- ger of the Newcastle Basebali Club presented the Club's Championship Cup ta the Starkville team tbnough its manager, Mr. Llewellyn Hallo- well. This is the third cup that bas been up foir competîtion since the tournament was inaugurated in 1923 in connection with the Commnunîty Hall opening celebration. The firat was won tbree tumes in succession by Orono. wbich tdus retained it. The second was won by Kendal for one year and then permnanently by Newcastle. Newcastle had by tliis lime developed a amant baîl teani through the efforts and enccurage- ment of Dr. J. A. Butler and the coacbing of C. F. Cannon and Shin Moise in the embryo players in achool days. Newcastle was victor- ious last year and won a new cup. but this year's team lacking some of its experienced and well trled playens seemed altagethen o! a di!- ferent calibre from the team of the past four yans. Mn. Purdy and Mn. Rodger also Presented the numerous individual prizes, made possible by the genen- ous contributions of the businn.ss and professional men and women o! the village. as follows: Most useful player to bis team in any gaine of the afternoon, Geo. Wallon, a cig- arette lighter by J. A. SmithCo.; player making most runs, Reg. Gibbs, Starkville teami, basebaîl by jH. C. Bonathan; teani making most double plays (2), Newcastle, baIl by W. N. Buckley; best catcher, Reg. Brown. Kendal. bail by Dr. Stacey: best pîtcher, Harry Trew ,Starkville teami, $200 wortb cf gas by E. C. Hoar; teami wilh best batting tal- ent, Staikviile, box cf toilet soap by W. H. Anderson: player mnaking longest bit. Bannon. Orono. 5 gais. gas bY 1H. Laking: most walks, Lw rence Savory, Starkvîlle, prize by A. OPTOMETRIST Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Nuînber 248 f ~Office Ilours:. 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. t, WEDNESDAY each week i Toronto Offiee: e 2143 Dantorth Ave. il i pendent* 1931 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and famn- ily attended a Jose-Walbridge re- union and fanuly conclave, at Pres- qu'ile last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walken, Port Hope and Rev. Victor Walken Jan- etville called on Mr. and Mns. Louis Parnell on Monday. Mrs. Herb Toms went ta Oshawa last Monday week to be witb ber mothen. Mns. Wm. Smith, wbo was taken to Osbawa Hospital suffering f rom a stroke. W. A. of the United Churcb meets this Thursday afternoon, Aug. 12 in the S.S. Hall. Mrs. J. W. Glen- neYs group will bave charge of the programn and menu. Mr. and Mns. Percy Hare and Jack, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, motored to Stoney Lake last weekend and visited Hev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers at Crow's Lariding. Mrs. Howard J. Toms and daugh- ter Mary are visiting at Mr. Eric Toms, Belleville. Mr. Toms motoned tbemn down on Friday and returned on Sunday. Newcastle Girls' Sof tball team de- feated Maple Grove on the Com- munity Green Friday evening by 8- 7. Tbe team accompanied by an un- usually large number of fans went out to again meet their Hampton rivals on Monday evening. The game like a previous one here between tbe same two teams was indecisive, neither team scoring a majority of runs before darkness prevented fur- ther play. St. Georges Cburcb- Rev. F. H. Mason. M.A., Rector, Sunday, Aug. 16, Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. 9.43 a. m.-Sunday Sebool; il a.m.- Morning Prayer and Holy Commun- ion; 7 p.m.-Evensong. Rev. John Bonathan, B. A.. Montreal, will preach at mornîng service. United Cburch-Sunday, Aug. l6tb. 10.45 a. m.-Sunday School; 11.30 a. mff-Morning Worship; 8 p.m.- Evening Service; Mr. G. L. Wagar. M. A., Bowmanville, will preacb at botb services. Last Sunday Rev. H-. C. Huestin, tien. Sec'y Lords Day Alliance, preacbed interesting and enligbtening sermons on the hist- ory of work of the Society.Seca music of tbe day consisted of a duet in the monning by Mrs. W. D. Bragg and Mrs. Brown and a solo in the evening by Miss Beatrice Souch, Or- ono. Next Sunday morning the New- castle mixed quartette, Messrs W. F. Riekard and H. C. Allin, Mrs. W. D. Bragg and Miss Hattie Mason, will sing in the morning and Mes- dames Albert Pollard and H. R. Pearce will contribute a duet in the evening. MIDDLE SCHOOL DEPARTIMENTAL RESULTS (Continued f rom page 1) Albert Rundle, Anc. Hist. C; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Comp. C; Phys. C; Cbem. C. Lula Samons. Ger. Auth. C. Margaret Scott, Alg. C; Lat. Autb. C. Marion Slemon. Eng. Comp. c; Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 2. Helen Smale. Eng. Comp. C. Eng. Lit. 3; Can. Hist. 3-, Mg. C; Phys. C. Betty Snowden. Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. C; Mlg. 2; Phys. C. Thomas Spencer. Geom. C; Fr. Autb. C; Phys. C; Cbem. C. Bernice Stainton. Anc. Hist. C; Alg. 2; Lat. Auth. 1; Lat. Comp.2; Fr. Auth. C;, Fr. Comp. C; Ger. Auth. 2: Ger. Accd. C. Dorothy Stevens, Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. C; Alg. 2. Elinor Sykes, Eng. Camp. 3, Eng. Lit. C; Alg. C; Phys. C. Yvonne Tighe, Eng. Camp. 2; Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 3. Ruth Tuerk, Anc. Hist. 3, Lat. Auth. 2; Lat Comp. 2; Fr. Autb. 2; Fr. Comp. 2. Madeline Veale, Eng- Lit. C; Can. Hist. C. Agnes Wgddell, Ger. Auth. C. Pauline Wagar, Anc. Hist. 2; Alg. 1: Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Comp. 2; Fr. Autb. 1; Fr. Camp. 1; Chem. 2. Geo. Werry, Anc. Hist. 2; Mlg. C; Phys. 3; Chem. C. Howard Wight, Can. Hist. C; Phys. C. Annie Wilkins, Anc. Hist. 1; AIg. C. Lat. Auth. 2: Lat. Comp. C; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. C; phys. 3; Chemn. C. Donald Williams, Can. Hist. C. Kennetb Wood, Anc. Hist. 2. AIg. 1; Lat. Auth. 2; Lat. Comp. 2; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Camp. C, Cbem. 3. Jamie Wright, Can. Hist. C; Alg. C; Phys. C. A11 - GE0F -ISON YOUR CHOICE-NESTLE'S, CARNATION OR ST. CHABLES M«ILK EAOAE MILDi. NEW CANAD IAN lb. 14c OLD, ZIPPY, TASTY........ LB. 21c SILVERBROOK FRESR CREAMERY BUTTER 2 bs. 45c RALVES OR N.312i BLICEU 2.TINB 3 By the Piere Tant la 10 SCIENTIFICALLY RIPENED i OUR OWN WAREHOUSE LOWEST PRICZ IN YEARS IL. 5c 2Doz. 35C MEA TI GENUINE SOFT-MEATED SPRIING LAM B FOREQUARTERS LEGS n i13e lb. 26e lb. flic ELICED.................... LB. 21c- Grocery Manager: 1f, IilUalni. Meat Manager: G. McCoy. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10o King Street Phone No. 83 Bowmanvlfle nR GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TVUA CO. _______________ MITED 0F CANADA -' TIMES WERE NEVER, BIETTER FOR SAVING ,Andz 2here Nelvele Was a Better Place Than the A &P to SalSe!!e FINEST QUALITI-FRESH CREAMERY SUNNYFIELD PASTEURIZED CREAMERY... .2 LBS. 49e AUSTRALIAN PEACHES AYLMER QUALITY Pork & Beans 3 TINt,éUAT 190 BANANAS CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ROSE AND PERFECTION BRAND-SMOKED SHANKLESS PIC NICHMAMS_1L 8c A & P QUALITY BEEF PRIME RIB RATlO c BONELE_;rS AND ROLLED .... LB. 25c SMOKED SUGAR-CUTRED BREAKFAST COUNCIL WANT FURTHER AUDIT MADE (Contmnued f nom page 1) ing more can be done despite tbe of f o ts of the Reeve and Mayor ta get a biglien rate of wages and ta, ensure more local belp being em- ployed. Accondmng ta Mayor Elliott it seemed apparent tbat the mun- icipalitios in Durham bad petitioned tbe paving companies flot ta pay more than 25e per bour in view of the fact that that was all they paid for road labor. It is understood that the Warren Paving Co. were at one time paying 30e per hour and tbat on these ropresentations an agree- ment was made between both com- parties that flot more than 25c per bour be paid. Councillon Martyn brought up the subject o! the town dump near Jackman's. The matten was turned aven to the Pnoperty committee ta investigate and find a now dump. Noxt meeting o! counicil will be held on Septembor 8th. When counicil was about ta ad- journ Mn. tineer asked the indul- gence of the council on bebalf af Mn. Ward. Tbe neason be was pros- ent ho said was because of tbe un- necessany and uncalled for attack on Mn. Ward. made by the Statesmiafl. the speaker evidently being of the opinion that a matter brougbt up in open counicil, as was this subject, should not be publisbed. The mag- istrate, bie added, bad been put.in an awkwand position before any in- vestigation bad been beld and an answer f rom bim was practically de- manded. Tbe wbole thing, the speaker claimed was grossly un! air, as an audit bad been alneady made of the books before this had appean- ed in the papen. Both Mn. Sedgwick and Mn. Poulson had been down f nom Tononto and had gone over the books. and Mn. Ward bad assisted in every way possible. Mn. tineer added tbat the counicil had not the power ta, appoint an auditon ta examine tbose books. That was for the Attorney-Genei'al's depantment to do and this being done the counicil could go no f ur- then. He demanded that the town either accept the check or return it to him, but this the council declined ta, do, adding that as yet they wene not satisfied that all that was com- ing ta tbe town was in that choque and with tbis in view the choque would be held oven. This matter, Mn. Greer averned sbould be tbresb- od out tbonoughly and a complete investigation made. Any monies tbat wene netained by Mn. Wand were ne- tained honostly and any that wero flot turned over to the town were not defalcations but were the rosult of a mistake. Mn. Wand had the bonest beliof that they were bis and as soon as ho was acquainted with the true facts, he unhesitatingly ne- urned tbese mornes. It amounted be added to a misunderstaflditig of tbe act. Unwanmnted attacks wene then made in tbe methods the council adopted to get the matter cleared up. Mn. Greer suggested that the council bad sent Mn. Ward away &. sick beave and in his absence HM gone through bis books. Mayor Lr!- liott. Councillor Elliott and Coun- cillor Jones became mnucb incensed over the injustice o! these remarks and the Mayor informed Mn. Oneer that Mn. Wand was not sent away an a holiday non was tbe check up f irst made wben ho was away. This was done bef one Mn. Ward ever announ- ced bis intentions of taking a holi- day. Mayor Elliott added that neith- en be non any memben of tbe coun- cil wanted any ugly insinuations cast upon the council wbicb bad worked in the best intenests of both Mn. Ward and the town. As fan as the mayon was concenned be wanted a complete investigation and wben lie questioned Councillon Martyn, who f irst bnougbt the matten up ini open council. the latter replled that lie too, wanted a tborough investig- ation into tbe af fair. Let Kingsway construet youn gar- den this Faîl. 3 experienced Land- scape experts consultation. -I I v

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