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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1931, p. 1

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0,rnÙiban. ttrnx With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 35 Huge Crowd Attenc Rotary Park ai Miss Lillian Pritchard of B General Electric Refril of prizes stay ini Huge cnowds attended the annual1 Rotary Carnival held at Rotary( Park when Miss Lillian Pritchardc o! Bowmanvilie was the winner of( the f irst pize, a handsome Geber-1 al Llectric Refrigerator. Hen win- ning ticket bore the numben o! 6832. The winnens o! the other prizes were Mn. George Buttonshaw, chester- f ield suite with ticket number 4093. H. J. Halboran, Pontypool, radio with number 9760, L. C. White o! Oshawa, two tons 0f coal witb num- ber 6801, W. R. Strike, Bowmanville, $10 i grocenies wth numiber 301, Mms. Gordon Chartran, Bowman-« ville, $10 in milk tickets witb num-t ber 5721, Mrs. S. W. Mason, Bow-( manville, $10 in bread tickets-with1 numben 4266, Ray Burton, Oshawa, 3 100-lb. bags 0f flour with number 4005, Mrs. Fred J. Spry, Bowman- ville, 100 Pound bag of sugar with number 4833, and Mn. J. R. Elm- * hurst, 897 Bathurst Street, Toronto, 20 gallons gasoline with number 6984. Prevlous to the opening oif the carnival the Canadian Legion band paraded through the main street and then played a program on the Post Office corners. Sharp at eight o'clock Mayor M. J. Elliott, Charter President of the Rotary Club T. S. Holgate and President Geti. W.1 James mounted the band plat! orm and the ceremony oif handmng over the park to the town was conducted. Rotanian Holgate in handlng over the deed o! the park recalled the use to which these lots had once« been put and brie! ly outlined the histony tof its formation as a park for the town of Bowmanville. On be- bal! tof the club he then handed the park oven to the town with the res- ervation that the Club be allowed to put futher expense on it if they1 desined.1 Mayor Elliott in a brie! reply spoke o! the splendid work being1 carried on by the Rotary ClubinIn the town and expressed the thanks1 o! the citizens in general fan the splendid gif t and the spirit that prompted t. President Geti. W. James then opened the tarnival. At the conclusion o! these cere- monies the huge crowd thronged the park and entered hearti]y into the spirit of the occasion. The bothsE were laid out in a bal! crcle and a1 steady stneam o! eagen buyers kept1 the booth, attendants busy until a1 late hour. On the platform just in- ide the entrante of the park Robet Lowens and his Canadian Legion Band presented a splendid program of vairied selections that greatly added to the enjoyment o! tbe ev- ening. Prom their stand between balloon and bam booths the Tompkin's Corner Band Wwe blaing f orth their raucus music and attracting more than usual interest. Behind them as tbey went their rounds trailed scores o! kîddies wbo delight- ed in tbe muit and dresses oif theI band's members. David Morison Sr., was in charge o! this band and they certainly did their share to belp on the evenig. The refneshment booth "manned" by tbe ladies or Rotary Amies did a roaing trade all evening and the cool wind that blew across tbe park made the bot tea and coffee tbey distributed doubly welcome. Delit- ious sandwiches were also a feature o! this stail. At other booths the attendants were kept busy supply- ing the crowd witb bot dogs, ice cream and pop o! varlous colors and ffavors. Harry Allin bad charge o! tbe Rot Dogs, while Fred Cryderman and bis worthy assistants "dished'" out the ice cream and sof t drinks. George Chase, fresh f rom a game o! golf at a nearby course, kept a busy crowd milling around the blanket booth. while T. B. Glchrist, owing to bis !amiliarity with the men 's furnishings business. sold sweaters and did a bisk trade. Alex Ed- mondstone neyer let bis megaphone leave Uis lips for f ully an bour and then only toak time to take a f ew puffs f rom one o! those pungeiit cigars he is in the habit o! chewing and smoking at the same time. He and bis noisy belpers made tbe rugs go for alI that. Len. Elliott bad the turne o! his life sorting out sizes in men's and women's pyjamnas and it dld the crowd good to see Len's wor- rled look as he feared he migbt give some lady a mis! it. Fred Hoar took cane o! the ballons and had a busy time sup1.1ving the klddies with sou- venirs, while Tommy Knlgbt must have thaught be was back in the grocery business dalng notbing else ied Opening oF nd Annual Carnival Bowmanville is winner of gerator - Majority i Bowxnanville Hearle. crippled protege o! the club drew the winning tickets f nom the chumn and handed tbemn to Presi- dent James who announced the win- ners. Great satisfaction was expres- sed on all ides that s0 many piz- es came to Bowmanville. Presidejit James in drawing the carnival, te a close expressed the keen appreciation o! the Rotary Club to the citizens o! Bowmanville and surrounding country who bad belped make the carnival such an outstanding success. The new park proved an ideal spot for the affain and the weather and the crowd went to make this one o! the most suc- cessful carnivals ever staged by the Bowmanville Retary Club. LOCAL and OTHERWISE Port Hope Street Pair, Sept. 24thi. Mr. O. Boe bas been visiting fiends in Cannington. Mn. Bert Colwell is holidaying at Beeton, Bond Head and other points. Lady's wrist watch lost on niglit o! Carnival. inder leave at States- man office. Mn. W. J. Morrison and John, Brantford, made a brie! caîl on f iends bere Tuesday. Miss Ethel Osborne, Toronto, vis- ited ber brother, Mn. Everett L. Os- bonne, over the weekend. The Statesman staff appreciates a basket o! delicious eating apples f rom Mn. W. G. Werry, Salem. Charlie Cawken and Winton (Bll) Bagneil won pnizes i swiniming ev- ents at Bewdley Regatta yestenday. Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Rowan and Vivian, Betbany, spent Sunday witb ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Werry. Rev. C. A. Simpson, Brampton, a former pastor of Enniskillen and Maple Grove, will celebrate bis 9th birthday on Saturday, August 29th. Mn. Lamne Creeper, San Francisco, Cal. ,has been holidaying wth Uis parents. Mn. and Mrs. H. B. Creepen, and relatives in Port Hope and else- where. Miss Elva Bradley, Mn. W. Suth- erland, Bond Head, and Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Lymner. Oshawa, visited Mrs. M. Colwell, Carlisle Ave., on Sunday. MnI. and Mns. P. B. Hanford, wbo hiave been holidaying with ber par- ents. Mn. and Mrs. M. Munday, Sr., have returned to their home in Aloumfie1d. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Wnî. Osborne, Flor- cnte and John. Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Wavenly Fanm. Miss Bessic- Simpson return- ed home witb them. Mn. P. C. Conley. Wellington, who was a popular teacher on our public -chool staff last year, will be vice- principal o! the West Ward Public Scbool, Orillia, this coming year. Mn. and Mms. W. M. Dustan have eturned by motor te their home at Fresno, Cal., after a pleasant visit witb relatives hEYre. Mrs. Madeline Gerry accompanied ber brother home for a visit. Rev. and Mms. S. H. Irving and sons Billy, Vene and Donald, visited ber aunt, Mms. J. H. Werry, on their return fromn a motor trip to their former home at Halifax, and other points in Nova Scotia. Plans Being Formula Care OF UnemF Over 90 have signed the regi chance to sign for winter's -Office is open Fric Up until Tuesday night more than 90 men had registered with Coun- cilior T. H. Lockhart, chairman of the Relief Committee of the Town Council, as unemployed or only tem- porarily working. The office of the Town Engineer where the register is being complled will be open on Fr1- day and Saturday for the registra- tion and alsa on Monday niglit, the final night on which registrations may be made. Councillor Lockhart is most em- phatic that every man who is anly employeci temporarily and who ex- pects to be unemployed part of the winter should register. It wlri be impossible for the town to cape wlth the situation unleas the cauncil is acqualnted beforehand with the true facts of the situation. Steps will be taken ta provide work for the un- employed of the town through gov- erniment assisted improvements and the government wlll allat Its aid by rthe number of naines appearlng on the register as taken at the present »time. It would be f aolish for any > man to let pride stand i his way when there Is a chance of pravidlng twork for hlmiself and faod and tclothlng for his famlly during the tcaming wnter. - Most of the marrled men, it is - expected, wll be given employment 9, locaily whlle the single men willl POPULATION 0F BOWMANVILLE HAS INCREASED 850 Official Census Figures Show Bow- manvilie's Growth at 26.29% ini Ten Years The population of the town of Bowmanville, according to the of- ficial information and statlstics is- sued by the Hon. The Minister of Trade and Commeldce at Ottawa, shows a gain of 850 since the last census was taken i 1921. This re- presents a growth of 26.29% and dispels the popular idea that Bow- manville is going backwards instead of ahead. While these figures are assumed to be correct it is admitteci that there is littie chance of them bemng otherwise and so Bowmanville citi- zens may sit back with the assur- ance that a certain amount of hea- way is being made. To what this growth is attributable is doubtful but it is generally conceded that the natural growth of industry has been the cause. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber plant here, is in normal times employing a large number of employees more than they were a decade ago. In addition the R. M. Holingshead Co. provides work for a good nuniber, while the Foundry is also employing more hands than in 1921. On the other hand it is doubtful whether either the Knitting Factory or the Dominion Organ & Piano Co. 4s employing as many hands, so that the growth must be partly attribut- ed to other causes. One of these causes must be the frequent visits of the stork, and another might also be the fact that through the depression a great many citizens wlio have been working outside the town were resi- dent here when these. figures were made. Among the neighboring towns and cities it is interesting te note that Port Hope shows an increase of 274 LOCAL MERCHANTS WILL FILL DEMIANUS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES Speclal Effort Made t. Bring Unusual Values to Dowman- vile for the Openlng of School Next Weedk The attention of every read- er is drawn this week te pages f our and f ive of this issue where they wilU see listed a grest many useful school op- ening requisites at prices that demand attention. This effort is worthy of commendation for it shows that Bowmanviile merchants are alive te the possibilities if btey will only f lght the outside competition rather than sit dowr and bemoan it. When residents of Bowmanvile and the surraunding country see *that they can obtain thelr supplies as cheaply here as elsewhere they are going to purchase in Bawmanville and the merchants are certamnly givlng a practical demonstra- tion this week. Parents have no excuse f or buylng out of town if they wiil read the advts and shop where they are invlted to shop. Gala Day Held At Lake Shore Keen competition in pro- gram of sports and aqua- tic events. and the entire population o! the hillside town is now but a scarce Bowmanvil.le Beach's moat sut- 600 above Bowmanville. The town cesai ul Gala Day in the 2th cen-1 o! Cobourg bas decreased in popula- tuny was staged at both east and tion by 71 no doubt attnibutable te west ide beaches on Wednesday last the cessation o! operations o! cer- when a splendid crowd turned out tain industries that used te operate to watch on take part in the various [n the county town. events. The competition was keen, An idea o! the aize that Bowman- especiall.y i the aquatit events and ville would have been today had not f nom early a! ternon until late at the Goodyear Tire main plants mov- night the beach wns the maecca o! ed to Toronto la seen by the f act pnactically ail o! Bownvil.le i- that the population o! that ambit- habitants sud hundreds fnom other ous suburb oif the queen city bas in- points. It was conducted by a toin- creased its population by 131 % or mittee o! campers unden the direct- n round figures by 3501 citizens. A ion o! Mr. Guernsey McClellan. goodly number o! these would have The évent should be the means o! been resident o! this town had the making the beach even more popu- plant remained i operation in Bow- lar and adding greýtlY te growth manville bas apparently witnessed and expansion o! ila simmer neaart. manville. 'O! nearby towns Bow- The lake front bas a fine beach and the greatest growth and it is te be lots o! room f or more cottages and hoped that the next ten years will its growth wil make for better busi-1 see an even more marked gnowth ness throughout the town. tbrough the efforts o! public spirited The results o! the various events citizens in aiding the location o! were: riew industries in the town. Field Events 100 yard dash, boys unden 10-1,1 THE CHURCHES Depew; 2, Street; 3, Shaw;4, Ross. St. Andrew's Presbytenian Church 1, Edel; 2, Blythe; 3, Stacey; 4, -Rev. W. J. Todd, ministen. Mon- Powler. ing Worsbip ilu a. m.; una 100 yard dash, boys unden 16- Schol 1.15p. .; venn Wo 1, W. Bagnell; 2, J. Newton; 3, E. Schip 121 p. m.;The minster - Bagnell; 4, Roacb. srhi7. m h iitrwl 100 yand dash, girls under 12- Union Services in the United 1, Bel! ord; 2, Edel; 3, Hutchinson; Ohurches on Sunday in charge o! 4, J Caverly. Rev. A. S. Kerr. î .m-t Boys and girls under 7, 25 yards- Paul's; 711p . m.-, subet, 1, Miller; 2, Smith; 3, Coyne; 4, Pauls; p.m.-riniy, ubjctSinclair. fourth in séries o! God in Nature- Aquatie Events God and the Sky. Tinity Sunday Relay race-Williams, Patte, New- Scbool at 11 a. m.; St. Paul's 12 ton, Bagnell. noon. Greasy pole-Mac Durno. St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. /4 -mime tanoe race, single-Dean C. R. Spencer, Recter. l3th Sunday Patte. after Trnity: Morning Prayer il a. 12ml ac acmxddul ni.. preachen, Rev. F. H. Masan, -myton and Baclunt. dobl Rector o! Newcastle, Evenlnff Prayen Lucky number draw, camera - 7 p. m., preachen, Ven. Arcbdeacon Lyle Woods. Fleming o! the Actit; Sunday % -mile rowing race, single--Jack School 12.15 p. m. muler. 1/2..mile rowng race, mixed double -White and Miller. Crab race-Morley Vanstone. ited Fr the25 yard swim, boys and girls un- ted forthede 12-Ist boy, Hall; lst girl, d 50 yar swim, boys 1 and under >oyed this inter -, Newton; 2, akr 100 yard swim, open-1, Newton; 2, Cawker; 3, Bagnell. ter at Bowinanville - Last 50 yard back race, girls and boys. open-lat boy, Newton; lst girl. s work on Monday night Hutton. ~Iayand aturay.Gunwbale race-Dean Patte. day nd Sturdy.i mile swim-1st girl, Hutton, 2nd. Fletcher; lat boy, Newton, 2nd. John proabl begien he pprtultyo!James; order o! race- 1, Newton, joning te labor t ptalnintheof2,Hutton, 3, James. joiingthelabr bttaion inthe' Home shoe pitcbing contest-lst. building of the new Trans-Canada Wm. and Roy McLaughlin; 2nd, Highway. Russell MLuhi and Raymond Present plans caui for a working McLaehli day o! 8 boums for the men employ- In the evening a large number ed in this manner and an hourly filled the West Side Pavillon where rate o! 30 cents. This wauld pro- Hubert Hinkson and bis band dis- vide a dally wage o! $2.40 f rom~ pensed a hlgb class pnogram o! jazz wblch would be deducted the sum of muit for the merry makers. 75c for rations. ________ The workems will be boarded i rialway cars and shacks. The lat- Newcastle bowling fans extend tcîr wlll be used where the new high- congratulations te Mesdames J. A. way is laid at qulte a distance f nom Butler, Pency Hare and C. R. Car- the rallway but for the most o! Its veth on thein succesaful playing at length tbrough Ontario it wlll travel Port Hope last Frlday a! ternoon. along the ralway route. Everythlng Mms. Butler and Mms. Rare each is being done to provide the worker skipped a composite rink a! players with a living wage and decent sur- from Peterbana, Port Hope and other noundinga and it la hoped by this towns, each rlnk playing three means te dlean the Ontario blgh- gamnes. Mms. Butler's rlnk won !lrst ways o! 80 many transients and i prize, each player recelvig as an addition te relleve the municipali- awnrd a silver dish. Mms. Hane's ties o! the burden o! caring fan rink also won their three gamea, but single men. by fewer points than Mms. Butlen's. Many local men are very enthus- She and ber partners nîso recelved lastit about the plans fan the win- silver bonbon dishes. Mrs. Carveth ter's work and In practlcally every helped ta put the nlnk she played instance where they have been ask- on i the winnlng class and brotight ed ta state whether they are wlling home a nice dolly. te join the labor battalions they have answered lu the affIrmatir. OFFICE CLOSED These battalions 'are expected te ce formed i a very f ew weeks sud Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will be work wil tart conslderably ahead closed from Monday, August 24tb. o! the freeze up. to Monday, September 'lth. 34-2 prom- MMEý6- 6-ý.- - 9 E e si t] n fi b a b A NI c Ni S' p vi s il f p a c s a c t t t s c LOCAL MERCHANTS Ddcto n eoainDyHl CO-OPERATE WITH Ddcto n eoainDyHl SHORE CAS CO. At Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle Wiil Seil and Instil Gas Stoves and __________ Appliances ini Bowmanville New gates, donated by anonymous giver, were dedicated J. T. Miner, vice president and general manager of the Ontario at impressive ceremony on Sunday - Legion Shore Gas Company of Oshawa, was decorates graves of comirades. [n town Monday evening conferrmng with local harware men and plumb- ers regarding the stocking and i- (By Newcastle Staff Writer) of the Legion, the Scouts. and the stallation of gas appliances. With Sm er aeeasdsnetePol rmawd ertrsad the pipe actually bemng laid in to oeyashv lpedsnetepol o awd ertrsad now and work progressing at a very last decoration day services were 11g in reverent attention, then of- fast rate the public will very shortly held at the Bond Head Cemetery, fered the dedicatory prayers. be turning te the installation. Those Newcastle, under the joint auspices The Reeve then said: "On behaif attending the meeting whlch was of the S.O.E. and L.O. lodges. Last of the owners and the Bond Head held at the Balmoral Hotel were T. Sunday's service marked a revival Cemetery Board, I hereby declare A. Dustan, C. F. Rice, M. S. Dale, of the custom, a most commendable these gates (a description of whicli W. L. Elliott, R. E. Logan and W. one for which the Bowmanviile appeared i this paper last f al> Clarke. The hardware merchants Branch of the Canadian Legion, forrnaliy apened. May they be an were agreeable to stock the gas which nunibers among its members inspiration to us te care reverently stoves as recommended by the com- several Newcastle and Clarke war for the resting places of the depart- pn and the plumbers wr quite veterans, was responsible. The pub- ed and may the example of this glft paln't be alw wer ntale lic gladly welcomed the revival of move us ali to, greater service i our willis n t e liwe e nsa tethe practice of setting apart a Sab- cOmmunity." stoesandfitins.bath day f or the decoration of the The Reeve then with a pair of sil- Mr. Milner, in addressing a meet- graves of deceased loved ones, and ver scissors cut the ribbon which ing previous to the vote on the gas thus honoring their memory by reached across the clased gates; the franchise, stated very plainly that some outward visible act, by con- gatt opened and the procession local merchants would have the op- gregating in the cemetery in large farnially entered for the decorating portunity of seling the gas stoves numbers and bringing with themn services. and not in competition with the gas great quantities of lovely ffowers. The graves of those who feU l i copn.When the gas company Aloe h eetr ytemd the Great War were then decorated opny.t omnil fic ti Uoe h cmtr ytemd by the Bow-anville Branch of the not its intention to stock the gas die of the afternoon wherever stenesCaalnLgo.Th grvs f stoves or appliances if the mrh marked the last resting place f af ainLgo. h rvso ants are doing so, and tis meeting fter mother, brathers, sisters, lit- ordso nati atlos clere te ayfo tisar fae-tl hr renso cqan Artillery, Air Forces and Naval cearnthewyfrt.sarne ances, flowers of glorious hues re Forces were amongst those decorat- ment.lrulyo hegen rs ed. Sprays of beautiful flowers for General satisfaction bas been ex-poecorflynthgeegas the occasion were contributed by pressed with the attitude of the gas or reached upwards f rom glass con-reinto!ewate Paysfr tainers, filled with water te prolong eintofNwal.Prysfr company since work started i t0 tefrsn o hi net. the fallen were read by the Canad- Practicaily ail outside laborers were thCo..oerang wi the Çantnas.ianian Legian Padre, Rev. C. R. Spen- laid off and local men taken on in ooeaigwt h ain cer, M. A., after which Last Post their place and the work bas f or a Legion were the Newcastle Munici- was sounded. turne lessened the problems of the pal Council and the Cemetery Board Addresses were given bY Reeve town counicil. The company. as of St. George's Church, consisting 0f Rickard and Rev. F. H. Mason, New- stated before the vote, are using the the recter and church wardens for castle. Ail present joined in singing digger where possible, but out of the whom Mr. H. H. Ardagh is gratuit- "Jesu, L.over of my Soul" ta the ac- 50,000 f eet to be laid in Bowmian- ously acting as cemetery manager. companiment o! the Legion Brasa ville, it is not expected that the dig- During Sunday morning the Pop- Band. Devotions and reading af the ger wiil dig more than 10,000 feet. py and Memorial Committee of the 9lst Psalxn by Rev. F. H. Mason and Mr. W. Jennie of the Gas Comp- Legion accompanied by legion Mr .G. L. Waga.r, M. A., Bowman- any staff, is now in tewn soliciting members of pewcastle and' Orono ville. respectively followed. An in- new business for the company and visited St. George's Cemetery. westsprgadeswsgvnbyR. quie nube 0fciizes re la- of Newcastle, and decorated the C. R. Spencer and at its conclusion ning to have the gas installed in the graves of ex-service men there. On Mr. Wagar brlefly addressed the near future. each grave was placéd an emblemn meeting and read a portion of scrip- ______of the Canadian Legion with the ture f ram Revelations. Anl present Mr. and Mrs. John Dunkin, May- nuniber o0f the local branch marked joined in singing "«Forever with the f ield, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. G. A. on. a silk Union Jack and sprays of Lord." The Blessing was given by Gillespie. flowers. Rev. J. Scott Howard and the sing- Miss Norma Halloweil and frlend, At 2.30 pi. M. the band gave a ing of the National Anthem brought MissMolie assrd hve etunedshort selection i front of the Com- the Decoratian Services ta a close. MissMolie assrd hve etunedmunity Hall, after which the parade home f rom their motor trip through marched to Bond Head Cemetery. the West and the Rockies, and cail- At 3 p. m. the members of the Leg- BOB ABATE'S "LizZIS'P ed on the former's aunt, Mrs. Jennie ion, with the Scouts under their as- PLAY HIR SATURDAY Graham, at Lorne Vinla. sistant scout master, John Elston, Bowmanville Women's Institute arrlved at the cemetery gates. Fmu oot grguMt will meet i the S. O. E. Hall on The clergy and Reeve W. F. Rick- FaiuToooAwealmt Fnlday, August 28th. at 3 P. m. ard and Counicillors J. E. W. Philp, .Moet Bowmuavliles Best at Meeting in charge of Mrs. w. B. J. H. Gibson, A. O. Parker and T. F. Sce oelgolan satuuiaY Poliard's group. Every member Branton met them and when ail wasAfeoo came and help make the meeting a in readiness the Reeve addressed the success. Rev. Scott Howard, retired rector of Bob Abate's fainous ,Lizzies,,, To- Wellington W. M. S. met at the St. George's Church, as follows: ronto senior softball champions in summer cottage of the president, "Reverend Sir, these gates are the the playgraund series, are te appear Mrs. Thompson, on August llth. gif t of a former Newcastle citizen i Bownianville and face Bowman- Mrs. (Rev.) J. U. Robins was a wel- who desires to remain anonyrnous. ville's best in an exhibition game on come visiter and gave a short ad- I now ask you to dedicate them to Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A dress f ull oif inspiration and encour- the honor oif Almighty God as a per- team lias been selected ta ineet agement. She told us the standards petual memorial of our genexrous themn and they are going to give the set by Canadian women in these benefactor." Toronto boys a tough old battle. days are known ail over the world. Rev. Scott Howardi the pres- Bob Abate is considered the best As this was dollar day, each dollar ence of Rev. F. H. Mason, rector of trainer of boys in ail branches of was accompanied by a rhyme. teil- St. George's Churcli. and Rev. C. R. sport in Toronto. Most of the fel- ig how it was earned. which caused Spencer, rector of St. John's Church lows locally will remnember hlm for much merriment. $37 was received. Bowmanviile. and with the comrades the unifortunate accident in which _______________________________ ________________he was placed two years ago when he was taking Uis " '*zes Bantams" to Peterboro for a playoff gamne and Know M isissppi DL ~ Tranin which two of his best boys wr Know M isissppi ettr T ainkilied. Bob knows more about train- ing boys than perhaps aniyone i Toronto and he bas been working At Bwmavile Spte ber4tkof the city from whence, under bis gurdsomeyeas inte Jewofshsectin est tearns in manY sports in the city. 100 guests from the Mississippi Valley wilI stop for Every boy around that section just 11/2 hours here - Bowmanville only town in about worsbips Bob, despite the f net that be hlmself 15 a Christian and Canada to entertain the visitors. flot of their own f aith. Hawever, ________________he has the goods there and he la brigng theni te Bowmanvlle and At a joint meeting of members used by the school. Af ter a light buf - there should be a record crowd out of the Town Council, Rotary Club. fet luncheon the visitors wil return te see the Llzzles i action. They Chamben of Commerce, and Bus- to the station via Concession, Centre are about as smart a team as will iness Men's Association held in the Temperance and Wellington Streets. Play i Bowmanviile this season, coundil room on Tuesday night ar- At the station they will bld good- and the local representatives are go- i angements for the reception of the bye to Bowmanville and they will iiig te try and show themn that Bow- niembers of the '-Know Mississippi take with them as a souvenir of rmanville can produce some pretty I3etter Train" when they visit Bow- Canada's greatest apple growig f air bail players even if it bas not inanville on Septenîber 4th. were district. two barrels of the best ap- Bob Abate te train them. made. ples procurable in the district. Stops The team that Is expected te play The visitors are all f rom the Mis- will also be mnade in Oshawa and for Bowmanvilie Win be composed of issippi valley and make an extend- Toronto the saine day. Goosey Osborne, Hooper, S. R. ,d trip througb U. S. and Canada as The committee appointed to make James, Bert Colwell, J. James, Hall, goodwill ambassadors, endeavour- full arrangements for the visit is Oke, Large, Goddard, and any other ing to tell how they live in thein part composed of Mayor M. J. Eiliott. league plaYer who wUll have the af- o! the continent and learning how Chairman, J. D. Carruthers. T. A. ternoon at their disposai. It vinl be others live in their counitnies. Bow- Dustan, Geo. W. James and Dr. G. representative o! an tennis, if pos- manville wlll be host te about 100( E. Reaman. Mr. Carruthers has sible. and it la hoped te select a real visitors on that day for a period of charge of the parade and any who autstandlng team to face the lnvad- about 1 hour and a bal!. care to boan their cars shauld get in ers- The train will arrive at the C.P.R. touch with hlm at once. Station at 9.30 a. m. Daylight Sav- The Know Mississippi Better Funanpnfod. nurea ngTman hywUbmebyTrain, 1931, is a gaodwlll train Puti e on.Eqiea Mayogiot and epril entatiesofwhich bas rmn for seven consecutive Statesman office. othn ogaizaios. bot tblnty years. Its obJeets are not for col- Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Senkler were cah rs il b nand Andthou st onizatian or land selling, but te see in Brockville thls week attending ors will be taken to see the R. M. and visit parts o! the continent in tefnr1 !bssseMs .M Hiolllngshead plant, the Bowman- which its members live. This same Senkler of Perth. -1thenAdow,,._u- train bas travelled in the past six _Dean and Bruce Triplet, Akron. lie',

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