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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1931, p. 7

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PAGE SHZVE!N ______v n .QTa arnrl SCA* 1 LOCAL and OTHERWISL BAZAA and UPPER Mr. J. H. Smith is visting frientis Sit. PauI's School Room a Fenclon Falls. Noveniber 27th. Mis. (Rev.) J. H. Oke, Toronto, v1sted her brother, Mr. R. E. Os- Fancywork - Aprons - Hankies borne. last week. Groceteria - 'Miscellaneous Booths Mis. (Dr) Atain, Great Barring- MENU ton. Mass., is visting her mother, Spiced Beef Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Dresseti Hani Mr. Arthur Allun, Port Athur, is Scalloped Potatoes visting his inother, Mrs. Jolin Alin. Peas and Carrots1 anai numerous other relatives. Pickles andi Jellies Mr. and Mis. Whitmnee and Mrs. Rolis, Breadi and Butter Ruby Daniels werc iccent guests 0f Apple or Pumpkin Pie Mi. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor, Fencelon Cheese. Cake. Tea. Falls. BaZaar opens at 3.30 p. m. The Publie Schooi Concert will be Supper f rom 5 P. m. - Price 50c. helti in the Opera House on Deceni- _____________________________ber 1'7th and lbdi. Reserve these dates. Mrs. Ada Burk anti Miss Ruth Burk, Rochester, N. Y., were guests on Saturday of her cousin, Mr. R. H. Wartier. Bowmanville High School Mrîs. G.rF. Priy andciber sister, fi he,,. anti Mis. S. C. Moore, Oshaa, onThursday. IAIlIlPfI'Mr.fl and Mrs. Glen Strike,Ota , Com mE e nca5em ent. 1 spent the weekend wth his mother, IM rs. Ella Strike, and his brother, 'Mr W. R. Strike. Exercises Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. H. Hatity anti son Jack, Miss Agnes K. Hatity, To- in rento, spent the weekend with Mr. anti Mrs. F. A. H-atidy.L ASSEMBLY HALL Mrs. Thos. Crago, Mr. anti Mrs. on Herbert Crago anti Mr. Hartley Cra- go, St. Marys, were recent guests of R, Thursday and Friday their numerous relatives here. C. Mr. anti Mrs. J. A. Gilhooly, Mr. Noveniber 26th - 27th George H. Piper anti Master Donald Gilhooly spent the weekend with r 1931 frientis in Fort Covngton, New York. ai at 8 p. m. sharp. Mayor M. J. Elliott anti Reeve W.m H. Carruthers matie a tour last week ADMISSION 35c. of the new Northern Ontario High-il Plan of hall opens at Mitchell's a as guests of the Pediai People,W Drug Store on Tuestiay, Nov. 24, Mr. anti Mrs. Colcuhoun, Kitch-w at 4 p. m. ener, Miss Lizzie Harris anti MissT 'Phemie Harris, Glencoe, visiteti last - MATINEE FRIDAY AT 3 P. M. week with Mr. andi Mis. W. C. Allin, y Admission 10c. Division Street.n Mr. Wm. Painton anti Miss Eliza-w beth Painton, Mr. T. C. Jewell andti( Miss Frankie Jewell were in Toronto v Wednestiay attentiing the funeral of s the f ormer's brother-in-law, Mr. A-a bert Slute. e R ~ > " ~ L Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. Colwill, 247 R 413 A L d Boon Ave., Toronto, will be "At THE TREHome" to their f rientis, afternoonL THEATREanti evenmng, on the occasion of theira M EM BE R 0F golden wedting anniversary on Mon-v day, November 23rd.y ir>6Ur Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Blackburn, Mr. firtecoI~ ati rs Frd ill, Orono, Mrs.p apnt rstire Day1 it M0 nt ~.~' Truman Power anti Miss V. A. Power, Mvaple Grove, antiMrs. Earl Osborne Mrs. Smyth OBrien. f Mr. John T. Jackson, a formerb THURS. FRI. - SAT. resitient o! Scugog, passed away at t NOVEMBER 19- 20 - 21 hus home in Prince Albert, on No- t Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. vember 4th, in hus 53rti yeaî, after an illness o! six months. He is sur- "THE SPIDER" (U) vived by his wif e and f ive sons. giîs Grant anti Wilbert of Blackstock, 1 Caught I A boy's mmnd -a rs Robert, Earl anti Kenneth at home,E heart - helti captive by the dom- anti two brothers, Davidi M. of Whit-7 inating wilI of another - puppets by, anti Robert o! Scugog.T in a sinister web. Power you can't Agoiadec reeiRv resstthrll, tenlauhsFrank Langford, Toronto, in Trin-1 With Edmund Lowe, Lois MoraUf, ity Unitedi Church on Suntiay even-c El Brendel, George E. Stone. ing when he gave a very excellentP Paddress to the members of thea MON. - TUES. - WED. Young People's Society on the words s NOVMBE 2 - 4 -25 Ye are my Frientis," John 15:14-15.a NOVEMER 2 - 24- 25 Miss Marion Pickard sang a solo. t Matinee Monday at 4 p.>lm Mi. Smith Ferguson, president, pie-a Barbara Stanwyck in sîdeti, anti Rev. E. F. Armstrong, ther 'TE CE TS DA CE'pastor, assistet inlxthe service. 0 7EN CE TS A ANCE' The regular meeting of St. Paul'sV One of the year's successes dii- W. M. S. was helt inl the school roomn ecteti by Lionel Barrymore. on Tuesday, Nov. 17th. As this was __________________the autumnal thank-offermng meet- THURS - FI. -SAT. ing the speaker was Miss Luella THUS.- F1.- ST. Rorke, a missionary fromn Japan,r NOVEMBER 26 - 27 - 28 who spoke on the kindergarten partt Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. nm. of her woîk, which was a very in- py teresting adtiress, indeeti. Mrs. C.S "WATERLOO BRIDGE" A. Cawker anti Mrs. M. A. Neal sangc a duet, "The Lord is my Shepherti", i Mya-Girl of the Night-HaUflt- anti Mis. R. J. Gill also favoreti with ing Waterloo Bridge . .. Beauty's a solo. A number fîomn Trinity Soc- last stand . . . graspmng desper- iety were present. ately at 11e . .. until love rides in on the wheels of glory . .. a great A fine attentiance of memnbers antiD emotional love trama, wth visitois assembleti on Tuesday even-b Mae lark, Ket Doglas Do i ng at the home of Mrs. Elton Wer- Ma. Clrke Ket ougass Dois ry, president of Trinity Y. W. A. to Lloyd, Emid Bennett. hear the address of Miss Luellat Matie f romn Robeit E. Sherwooti's Roîke, who lIas spent over ten yearsi gripping stoîy "Wheîe Lonesome as a missionary in Japan. MissN Ladies Stroil." Rorke spoke most inteîestingly on the evangelistic anti educational part1 of her woîk anti relateti several if ei ___________________________stories of native girls who had be- gun their education in the mission schools and were now their mostt effective workers. Mrs. L. W. Dip-c pell anti Mrs. Hefkey epesdt O h MI.e Miss Roîke the appreciation o! theE members for this splendid atitress.t Vocal duets were furnisheti by Mrs.ç See what 1 can wlfl H. M. Foster anti Mrs. C. H. Dudley,t with miss Helen Argue accompanist.e Fil teen lttle girls untier twelve Miss Spargo gave a very practicalc years of age are going te be matie adtiress, poiiiting out anti suggestingt happy at Christmas time. Fif- 1to the members ways of becomingt it goes -to prnove that Mr. Elllott is alive to the possibilities ofg adver- *tislng as a business getter anre goîm »prices have been reduceti he wants the people to know about it. Mr. El- g~~ i i i ott li!orms us that many articles ofplumblngar the lowest they have Jury on ivebenin years anti the utmri P-ury & Lo ell 0W gettlng the benefit of these prices. When w. tt e m t Uit done Colder days are comlng. Fortlfy Properly your heaith wth Cream of Barley brea.kfast f ood. MARRIED SIXTY TWO YEARS 1«-,ei mi Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker Lifeiong citizens o! Bowmanville, who celebrateti the 62nd anniversary o! ti.c.: wetiding at their home, Centre Street, on Tuestiay, November 17th, 1931. Owing to the delicate health o! both, the celebration was o! a quiet nature. LOCAL and OTHERWISE~ Mis. S. G. Roîke anti Miss Luella Roîke, Welcome, were guests o!Ms C. W. Slemon while lu towu. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., atteuieti i he f uneral on Wednesday o! Uis aunt, Mis. Tamson Keat, at St. Marys. Mark Twain once editeti a paper in Missouri. Que o! bis subscribeis wrote hlm he hati founti a spider lu his paper anti wanted to knoW whether it meant goti luck or bati. This is wbat Mark Twain ausweieti: "Olti Subscribei: Finding a spider lu your paper was neither gooti luck nor bati luck for you. The spider 1vas mnerehy looking over the paper to see which merchant is not adi- vertising, so that he can go to that store, spin his web across the door, aud leati a hil e o! undisturbetpec ever a!terwards." Couch, Johnston anti Crydeiman Ltd., the oldest f iîm o! dry gootis aud gents' furnishings lu Bowmaà- ville, are making a special bit f or irour tratie this week when they are staging an unusual sale. Their f ull page ativ't. on page 3 contains many opportunities to save money lu de- pendable gootis that even mail order catalogues cannot compete with. To do this, they have cut out their pro- f its ant inl mauy cases are selling below cost. By this means they hope to retain for Bowmanville much o! the business now going out o! town. Canadian National Railway Mag- azine for November coutains the fol- iowing kindiy refereuce to a former Bowmauville man, Mi. James R. Towns, Toronto, son o! Mi. Davidi rowns, who at one time ian the flour muls now known as Vanstonels iiil. The article reatis: "James R. Towns, cooper, employeti in the freight de- partment, Toronto, recently retireti a! ter 26 years !aitbful anti efficient service. Mi. Towns began lu 1905 anti was continuously employeti Up to the time o! bis retirement. He was a very popular employee anti ouUis retirement was presenteti with a set o! pipes anti a pocket-book (which was not empty). He le! t with the gooti wishes o! bis mauy frientis for a long anti well-earned rest." The Women's Association o! Trin- ity Unitedi Church met lu the school room on Tuestay, Nov. lOth, with the piesident, Mis. J. E. Elliott, pie- sitiug. Mis, C. W. Shemon bati charge o! the scripture lesson, bas- ing ber îemaiks ou Isaiah 26, andi reatiug two beautiful little poems, "Iv'e laid them down totiay," anti "The Victory Life". Mis. E. F. Arm- strong foliowed with a poemn on "The Maklng o! Frientis." Mis. F. H. Mootiy reportet that gooti progress was being matie towartis the pies- entation o! the plays which mem- bers o! the association wlll present lu the scbool room. on Dec. 8th. It was tiecideti to coutribute another $50.00 towartis the thank-offering. Meeting chosed with the Mizpah benediction. The Statesman tiraws attention to the adv't. in tUs issuc in celebiation o! the 50tb. anniversary in business o! Mr. J. H. H. Jury. His offer seems an unusual oppoitunity to increase the value o! your pîopeîty. It is saiti there is more money lu the banks ln Bowmanville today than ever before anti nothing more wortby coulti be doue witb this money than the beautification o! pîoperty. While the money is now drawing a nom- inal inteîest, its luvestment in the appearance o! the faim woulti so increase its value that the iuterest might run as higb as 500 per cent. This seems a big thing to say, but it bas been proven that a well kept faim home wihl induce a mucb bigh- er price than one that is lef t to run its own course without paint on the bouse or !lowers anti shrubs in the gardeli. HOLSTEINS MAKE RECORDS On twice a day mihking lu the 305 day div'ision o! the R. 0. P., Luhu Pabst Lestrange, a f ive yeer olti Hol- stein cow, owneti by Noble I. Met- cal!, Bowmanvihle. bas Just f inisheti ber lactation perioti with a produc- tion o! 11,505 lbs. milk contalning 577.50 hbs. butter, giving ber the high average test o! 4.02% fat. In December last this cow gave 1515 lbs. mllk. Mi. Meteahf bas also recently qualîfiet the two year oit hifer. Esther Orndyke Ormsby, witb a pro- duction o! 16,191 hbs. milk contain- ing 703.75 lbs. butter, glvlng her au average test o! 3.48% fat. This beifer's record was made on twice a day mlking lu the 365-day division o! the R. 0. P. PROTECT YOUR HOME W. Vauce, Peteiboro, wlll be in town shortly. If you desire your windows or doors fixeti up wlth Chamberlain weather stripping, leave your citer at The Statesman office anti It wll recelve prompt at- tention. 47-1 BIRTHS REYNOLDS-At Solina, on Thursday, Nove,:ibur i2tli 1931, Io Nlr. anui Mrs. W. J. Reynîods, a daugîir. BOU NSALL-At Bown-t.nvilln I losîn - taI, on 'îlursday, Oct. lOili, 1931. to M.r. and 'Mrs. A. Il . Bounsaîl, a son (Peter Alexandîer). CHARTRAN - At Kalmar Villa Rest Homne, lowmanvilîe, on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 1931, to %Ir. ami Mrs. Gordon S. thartran. a daughter. ALLI N-ln Dowmanville lHospital, on 'ruesday, Novemlier 17tih, 1931. to Mr. and %Ilrs. H-arold C. Aluin, Ncwcastle, a dauglîter (Ruth Elizabeth). --MARRIAGES - COATES-HOUGH-ln Brantford, Nov. llth, 1931, by Rev. A. R. 2lcRae, cousin of the bride, Dr. L. H. Coates, Brant- ford, and Annabelle. daughter of Mr. and M.%rs. John Hougi, Paris. BARTLETT-MUTTON - Ia Toronto on Saturday, November 141h. 1931, by Reý' . Osusdd Smith, Ilarry Eulwin Bart- lett and Vernit -2Iay, elulest daughter of Mr. W. 13.Nlutton, both of l3owmanville. DEATHS DIX-la Little Britain, Novemhier 16, 1931, Samuel Carke Dix. FERGUSO N-la Darlingtoa, on Friday, Nov. 13th, 1931, Maud L. Greer, ieloved wife of Robent H. Ferguson, la ber 5Oti year. Interned at Hampton. BONATHAN - At Stewarttown. on Tuesday, Nov. l7ib. 1931, Vera Jane Cole, behoved wife of Fred C. Bonatian, ln her S4th year. Iaterment Greenwood Cemetery, Georgetown. TAVLOR-Suddenly, at tIhe East Gen- oral Hos3pital, Toronto, Sunday, Nov. 15, 1931. William James Taylor, Dunharton, beloved hushand of Lillian Burk. la his 50ti year. Formerly of Bowmanville. HAWKINS-On Nov. th, 1931, aithtie home of ber daughter. Mrs. Holmes Niadock. 339 Inglewooh Drive, Toronto, Anna Wrght, widow of Henry G. Haw- kins, la her 79th yoar, formerly of Port Hope. KEAT-At tie reaidence of ber daugb- ter, Mrs. S. J. Dunseitir, St. Slarys, on Mlonday, Novemnber l6thî. 1931, Tamson Somers. widow of the late Enos Keat, aged 93 years. Sister of the late John Somens, Bowmanvil. SLUTE-After a short Illnese on Mon- day, -Nov. l6tb, 1931, at his residence, 43 Walker Ave.. Toronto, Albert Slute, ho.- loved busband of thie late Ellen Painlon. ln ils 68tli year. Brotber-in-law of Mr. William Painton. Bowmaa'.lhle. IN MEMORIAM VANSTON E-la loving mnemory of my dean fathor, Mr. Thomas Vanstone, who dlod on November 31h, 1925. Often our thoughts wander, To a grave net far away. Wbere they laid aur darlng father, Six yeans ago today. Those who have a father Cherish hlm with care, For there wil nover ho another To f111 iis vacant chair. -Sadly missed by is loviag daugter THE CHURCHES St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church: Services at il a. m. anti 7 p. m.; Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Preach- er-Rev. W. J. Totit. St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector. Suntiay next before Advent: Holy Communion 8 a. m.; Morning Prayer il a. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. The Rector willl preach. A.Y.P.A. Monday. The Salvation Army - Captalu Bursey anti Lieut. Haîgreaves. Ser- vices at il a. m. anti 7 p. m. Sun- day School at 2.30 p. m. Morning service to be conducteti by Captain Hilda Barrett. The evenlng speaker wlll be Rev. W. Al!fred Bunner. St. Paul's Unitedi Church-Rev. A. S. Ker. M. A.. Minister. il a. m.- The Christian Triumph; 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School anti Bible Class; 7 P. m.-Rev. A. R. Scott o! Japan will preach. Mldweek service Thuisday at 8 P. M. A cordial welcome to ah. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A., B. D. Organlat FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. Sunday, November 22nd. Ih a. m.-SubJect: lghways te, God No. 4-"The Hlghway cf Prayer" Sl, Nîn I. S.13 iie Antiieni: "Ihear Me Whtn 1 ICal h-all. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School and Bible Clises 6.45 p. m.-Song Service t onso early andi enjoy the old i nie song" 7 P. m.-"Tise Favorable Turnn Point" U.ilies Qwriet-MesdameR H. M. Foster, J. E. Anderson, R . Tiomp- son zandlMisti Argue. Anthem: "Sun af My Soul' Turner. '*The trne demand strong mon, great bearts. true faithi and willing bond,?' Bring your frierîde-You wili recolve a warm welcome. j Lost or Found short tail, answers to the name of Bus- ter. Reward for return to Gl. IL Colla- cutti, jhonle 139r6. 45-tf COW STRAYEO l'rorn Lot IV', Con. 6 , i ai igiolî, on Nv.3ih, a grey cow. 1 1,'l',î ,. n tify S5. 0 ar, 31 . G1. , J~o mi1 ucor pJionîý. iSr2i. 1i-3; N10NEY FOUND - Iiii iwîixl. 1<,1iý, ri« i.y iiav u iiw y iroviflg pro- jriy andi las îîg -Xpuns,... 1Eîî,îuirîe ai Stauilnaîî lu',Baîav 1i7-ti LOST - Wrist w ici,, lady s, ali 1ol, bciii <n H ospitaliandl Towi nIi ail. mi 'iîssdavn ig . l .a ,ifor returni ,o Mrs. Ls i ilberty Sir-. . 4-1 LOST-l132rs. JE. 1R.. t), n, (Campbell- forw, .gol I ,1,id peca dsin a cas,, ,u isi,],..Parisl, Hllon \Ved. Nov. 4ti. l'inder îlease retora to Mrs. (Rev.) C. IL. Sî,enccr, the Ruciory. 47-i Wanted WATER WELL DRILLING-Done by exterienced drillers; ail work guaran- teed. Apply to B. Huffman, Humber Bay P. O. 45-3' FARM H-AND WANTS WORK - At once; Protestant. non-sînoker, single. Write James Gugin. dlo Fred Todd, R. R. i Clarke, Ont., or phone 1540. 46-1* UPHOLSTERING-Furniture upholst- ering; also ciosed car tops and Inside body uphoistering. J. A. Fry, Scugog St., Bowmanville. Phone 536. 35-tf WANTED AT ONCE-Young ladies of good eulucation to enter the Training School for Nurses at Bowmanvilie 1Hos- piaI. Apply to the Superinterident. 46-3w POSITION WANTEO - Middle aged wornan 552015 position as housekeeper in a small family. Besi of references. Ap- ply 4'S. M.' Drawer B, Bowmanville. 47-2w FOR SALE-Slightly used warm air Furnace in f irst cluse shape. Cheap for quick sale. WIi arçange for Installation if desired. Phone 665. Gilson Manu- facturing Co. Ltd., Guelph. 47-2 WANTED-Alsertiser will pay cash for smaîl comfortabie house with one or two acres of land ln or adjoining Bow- manville. Gis,- full particulars of size. condition of bouse, buildings ani land and lowest t'rice, 10 B. S. Drawer B, I3owmanville. 47-2' MAN WANTEO-Durlng the last few we eks we have helped many deserving mnen shako the shackles of unemploy- me nt and enjoy a big stPady woekly ha- corne by mak-ing il possible for them to distribute Wý .alkins Famous Homo and Farmn Necessities to establlshed Rural usera. We have on,' neari)y route avail- able. Credit furnished right party. Lifetîme opportunity. Apply quickhy J. R. Watkins Co.. 749 Crag West, Mon- treal, Que. Dept. R-79. 47-2 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - Ford Roadstor, $2000. H. J. Davis, R. R. 6, Bowmanvilhe. 47-1' STOVE FOR SALE-Good stove, er ly new, coal or wood. Phono 383r1.4. 45-t FOR SALE-New single garage. Ap- ply A- F. Abernethy. Phone 477r2l. 45-tf PIGS FOR SALE-Eleven plgs, 6 weeks old. Apply 10 D. Flintoif, R. R. 2, Bow- Inanville. Phone 176rl3. 47-1 STORM WINDOWS-HILkliday Ready Glazed Storm Windows, measured and put on. H. Wolfrain, Concession St. 45-3. FOR SALE-l0 good breedlng ewes. If not sold wll let thom out on shares; also good mlhklng cow. W. J. Clemence, R. R. 4, Bowmianville. Phone 111r33. 46-2 FOR SALE-Heavy draft gelding, good worker and fast walker, or would ex- change for heavy draft 2 year oid filly. For prîce and particulars Phone llow- manville 133r2. 46-3 SEPARATORS FOR SALE-Two sec- ond-hand Deerlng and DeLaval Cream Separators. L. R. Wood, MCM-Deering agent, twO doors west Of the nid stand, King St., Bowmanville. 46-3 To Let HOUSE TO RENT-3ricic reaidence, corner Ontario and Churcir St., ail con- veniences. Phone 488. 46-tf HOUSE TO RENT-7 rooms, aIl mod- ern conveniences. very centrai, possess- Ion Dec. let. Apply G. S., Drawer B. Bowmanville. 45-tf TO RENT - One 7-roomed boue on King Street; also 2 small stores and a garage. Apply J. W. hnight, Taxi Of- fice, King st. Phono 173 or 98. 47-1 LAUNDRY WANTED AIl kinda cf laundry work done prompt- ly, satisfactorily and at reasonable pricea Write Post Office Box 12, or call Mru W. MarJoram, King Street Muit, Bow. manville. Pheue 478. LESSONS IN FRENCH FRENCH- CONVERSATION-An evea- hng clasa la being formed for the study of conversatlanai French. .Apply R. West, Hiorsey Si., Bowmans'ille. 471- NOWa 7-»tube Superketerodyne witk Pentodie Tube l PHILCO BABY GRAND Thbis xmuzltile set whlch out- soId '0lothr similar sets combnd ladt scason Is flow àSup.éoin.. edyne wiHhPentodePowe T4, Tone Contar@laend new Dynamic Speaker. At the ams.zng pue a $7950 Complet« withTubes TERMS TO SUIT LOCAL. AGENT: W. J. CHALLIS Phone P.90 for Demontiatl CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1931, Municipality of Darlington, County o! Durhami Notice is iî,ncby givca ibai I have coiaî,ied w iii Section 11. of 'Th, Voters' iLists Act anid that h have îiostei' l upai niy olice at i lamipion on the 7th day of Nos ember, 1931, the. lisi of aIl persoas ottitlied to voie i n the sa il 2,1tunici ual uv for -Nlenbers of t'arlian,nt and a, 2Mutn- icipl Eleciions. and'i liaI sich list re- enu,,ns tii ru for inspection. ,%mli 1berlEvcal uîion aIl voters ta lail;e inimediate" nroc,limcs ro have any errors or oaîission,u correcti a uccorlng to lais, thé last ,lay for aplieal lîing- the 281h day of Novemnlî,, 1911. I Itel ibis 141h lay of Novemnbpr, 1931. J. D. HOGARTH., 47-1 lerk of 1arlingtoa Twp. 0F LAND FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES Notice la hereby given that tic liat Of landus now liable to bu sold for arreare of taxes in the Townsiip of East Whitby lias been prepared and is heing pub- lislied In an advertisemeat in the On- tario Gazette upon th,- lrd, lOth, l7th and 241th ,iays of October. Copies of sucli list of advertisement may bho md upon apîplication to me. On dcfault of layment of taxes as shown on tihe said lîst on or before Saturday, the 9th day of Jaatiary, 1932, ai 310 o'clock In thse îîorning, i siîall at the said hour at Westmnouat Scbool pnoceed te sell b7 iiblic ,,uction Ilie sait lands, or such ioriions ihereof as shah ho anecessary te î,ai3 uch arrears, together witi thre ciargs theneon. signed, A. J. HOWDEN, Treasurer, Towvnship East Wibty. 46-4 King Street F. F. Morris KIng Street Sheppard & GIR LUmber Co. TImos. Annison Secreta" r o omittee SALE 0F HATS * AUl Feit Rats, this fali'. modela, in reduced to ........... 1 9 NEW WInTER RATS" 0f black velvet anti hatters' plush, merkun anti velour sobel. The leading mMilnery houses o! the continent have approved our new wnter headwear. Dingman & Edmondstone A nnou ncementlI I have been appointed local representative for BELL, GOUINLOCK & CO. BOND BROKERS TORONTO For the sale of the new Government Loan Bonds to be issued shortly. If you wish to convert your old bonds for new ones or buy the new bonds dir- ect see me. I would appreciate a eall from you. Tu H. KNIGHT Great West Assurance Office Phone 565 Bowmanville \X1Iat's it ail About This Great Silverware Sale Just wait ili December 4 and 5 Greatest 'Sale we have ever had. Greatest Saving to our customers. Greatest Bargains ever offered. A real saving event for the home and an ideal Christmas Gift. Any quantity desired and at life saving prices. Keep this sale in mind for Christmas Gifts and Wedding Gifts. DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. M. AN APPEAL!1 Has been made te the members of fibis iodge and through them. to the people of this district for supplies of ciothing of ail kinds for adults and cblldren of tise town o! Vanguard and vlcinity, Saskatchsewan. This is i the stricken area o! Saskatchewan where crop failures o! tise last 3 years bas exisausted the re- sources of the people and tisey are in sore need o! cloh- ing o! ail kinds. To e-able tihe ciildren to enjoy the coming Christmas, books and toys of ail klnds wIU be welcome. Will You phease leave any of these articles you care te donate at the places of business of thse underslgned not later than Wediiesday, November 25th, to catch thse speciai car for Vanguard. A. L. Nicliolis M. W. Comstoclc x -v L à', THUP.SDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1931 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, 9 1 1 1

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