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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, DECEMER 3rd, 1931 HAMPTON MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baulch, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. S. Preece, Toronto, Mr. and Theodare Wilkins, Miss Bertha Caw- Mrs. C. A. Lander and Miss Ruth an, Oshawa, visited the former's sis- Lander, Oshawa, Mr. Yens Yensen, ter, Mrs. John Munday, an Sunday. Bowmanville, were recent visitors of .. Mr. and Mrs. George Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kersiake. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Garrett, Osh- __________awa, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hock.in. on Sunday Mr. PURPLE HILL and Mrs. W. J. Snowden are visit- _____ing their son, Ray in Toronto, Mr. Bert Colwell, Town, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Mrs. Mr. J. H. Mundays on Sunday. Courtney Graham, and Mrs. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spicer and daugh- Coates motored ta Toronto an ter Helen Grace, Mrs. Les. Harris Thursday. The ladies attended the and son Ray, Toronto, visited their W. 1. Convention at the Royal York cousins. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snaw- during the day and visited the Royal den, an Sunday Maple Grave Winter Fair in the evening. Xmas tree and concert wiil be held Bethel Dramatic Club presented on Monday evening, Dec. 2lst, at 8 their play "Amy f romn Arizona" at p. m. in the hall. Miss Jean Stev- Sonya on Monday, Nov. 23rd. Lunch ens spent the weekend with Mrs. was served to ail at the close of the Chas. White, Oshawa.-. Mr. and concert and the remainder of the Mrs. J. D. Stevens attended the fun- evening was spent in dancing Mr. eral last Thursday of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers attended the Will Goard, Oakwaod.j Royal Winter Fair. Mr. Byers show- The Busy Workers Class will pre-1 ed several of bis borses and was sent the play, "Farmerettes" in the successful in carrying off some of Hall on Friday, Dec. llth, at 8 p. m. the prizes. Adults 25c; public schaol children f ree. CADMUS ENNISKILLEN Service was held bere as usual on Sunday morning. League re-ap- Mr. .. 'abez Moore visited Mrs. Wm. ened Wednesday night wtb a gaod Oke Mr. Gardon Jeffrey, Scugog,c attendance. The twa candidates for visited bis brother, Mr. O. E. Jeffrey.c the Boys' Parliament addressed the --.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore vis- League. Program was in charge of ited Mr. A. Beecb and attended Mr. Miss Chrystal Fais and consisted of Walter Fergusons sale.. Miss Hel- a solo by Thomas Ridier; reading by en Branton, Oshawa, recently visited Miss Della Lethangue; and a talk Miss Winifie Oke at Mr. Wesleyc by Rev. Mr. Newell, Mr. Eric Cap- Oke's , A good number gathered Stick and Miss Helen Fowler attend- 'here to witness the opening of the ed the dance at Bowmanvie last new road on Wednesday, Nov. 25th. Wednesday evenimg. Our Xmas Mr. and Mis. W. Cathcart and Tree is tai be beld on Dec. 2lst.. family, Kendal, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Milne were J. H. Freeborn , Mr. N. Aldreadb Presented with a wicker chair and and Mr. Wesley Hadley, Tarantoa, fernery last Friday nigbt at Lotus. visited Mrs. W. Lamb Mr. and r Thbe evening was spent in dancing. Mrs. W. J. Stainton and BerniceA ..The Orangemen beld their an- visited Mr. Wm. Brent, Uxbridge, onA nuaI roast chicken supper at Dev- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brent re- t tt's Hall last Friday night. There turned with them for a few days t] l'as a goci crowd and the evenmng Mrs. Robert Fallis, Toronto, Mr. and c: w'as spent in dancing Mr. and Mrs. Lynn and daughter, Oshawa, la Mmr. Larmer Hyland and family visited the formers brother, Mr. Na- i pent Su.nday at Nestleton Mr. than Byers, and other f riends . and Mis. Smith Ferguson and Col_ The play 'Miss Adventure" given by a lette, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at the Bawmanvulle Trinity Young T Mr. A. E. McGill's Mr. and Mrs. People an Tuesday night was one of n .ioYd Ferguson and Mrs. W. H. the best that has been given here for t Montgomery spent Sunday at Mr. same time, eacb one taking bis or ai Sverard Sandersons Mr. andi her part well. Those who braved the t Nrs- Larmer Hyland attended the rain were well paid for caming out.In iupper at Devitt's Hall last Friday Miss Helen Argue, Bawmanville, fur- ight .Mr. Oscar McQuade and nisbed music between acts .Mis. &iSS Norma sPent Saturday inE.. C. Flary who spent two months .indsay. with her mother and ather friends Thegret onean mucl buld in England, amrved home on Tues- 0 The rea fBoeadeysbreakfat fad day and reports a rough voyage, bt ________of ___y rekfstfod She had a very pleasant visit. li The great bane and muscle build- G H.AYDON er--Cream of Barley breakfast f ood. _ Mr. and rs Oivr .nA-SOLINA Bi oyvisited at Mi. J. Crassman's. *.Mis. W. Ridge, Miss Margaret Ridge, and Mi. Wmi. Dobson, Tai- onto, visted at Mr. J. Wrigbt's. Mi. and Mis. Arthur React vîsited at Mr. Cyrus Ashton's, Cartwright, recently .Mi. and Mis. Wm. Gif- fin. Manitoulin Is., and Mis. Wm. Smitb, Oshawa, visited at Messrs. Wm. and ScIas Trewin's Mis. J. Wright is visting at Mis. V. Good- mans, Oshawa Mi. Leslie Gra- bain visited a few days last week at Breckin.. Miss Annie Trewin re- turned ta Toronto on Sunday Mi. E. Bradley and Miss Freda Bradley motoied ta Buffalo lasi. weekend. Mis. Bradley ietumned home with tbem after spending a few weeks at Dr. E. H. Lormeî's... Miss Ada Beecb spent lasi. weekend at ber sisters, Mis. A. Larmer. Bur- keton Messrs. Louis Ashton and Wmi. Westeîby, Toronto, visited at Mr. H. Aston's. Sonry ta hear Mr. J. Ciacsman is sick with pleur- isy. Mi. and Mis. J. Bradley, En- niskillen, Sundayed at Mi. E. Bîad- ley's ..Mi. and Mis. Austin Lai- mer and Murray, Buiketon, visitedj at Mi. A. Beecb's an Sunday The I cbiidxen are busy practising for thet Christmas concert to be given in tbe near future Mr. and Mis. Russel Aunger Sundayed at Mn. E. Mount- aoy's Mr. and Mis. Milton Slemon and boys recently visited at Mi. J. E.t Elliott's. Bowmanvile.a The great bone and muscle build-r er-Cream of Barley breakfast f ood.o BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mis. Abert Wright, Mn. and Mis. Percy VanCamp, Misses Olive VanCamp and Gracie Mount- ,ioy, recently vsted in Toronto Miss Eva Pari and Mis. Noble, To- ronto, visited the foriners parents, Mi. and Mis. Robert Pari Mi. and Mis. Edwaid Darcy and Mis. J. Face, Oshawa, spent Sunday wttli Mi. and Mis. Ira Argue Miss Mary Parr spent a week in Toronto, guesi. of ber brother and bis wîf e, Mi. and Mis. Herbert Pair. Mis. Pari and daughtei Miss Aileen re- tuinect home with her Mis. i Rev.) Poweiî and daughteî Miss Vera, Ux- bridge, visited Mi. and Mis. Robent Harmilton Mn. and Mrs. Frank Stinsion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. James Nixon, Clarke Union Mis. Clarence Marlow and Miss Margaret Swain have retuined home f ram attending the Womens Insti- tute Convention held i Toronto at the Royal York Mi. and Mis. Wallace Marlow and Mis. J. G. Mai- low attended the funeral of the lat- ters brothei-in-law, Mi. Ruth, at Omemee on Satuîday Mi. Bruce Montgomery and bride. and Mr. Wesley Montgomeiy spent Sunday at Mi. Alex Devers Mi. and Mis. Isaac Whitfield, Cadnius, spent Sun- day with Mi. and Mis. Norman Green Mi. and Mis. H. A. GaI- brith and Miss Maîjorie visited friends at Orono Mr. and Mis. Frank Stinson, accompanied by Mi. and Mrs. L. E. Graham, attended the Royal Winter Pair on Tue.: da. The great bone and muscle build- er-Cieam o! Barley breakfast f ood. WOOD SALE Frlday, December Ith.-Mr. Erni- est A. Werry will seIl on Lot 17, Con. 9, Darlington, 31'2 acres of standing mixed tiimber ini /4-acre lots, more or less. Purchasers will be given to April lst, 1933, ta remave timber. Terms: Six manths' credit an ap- pîoved notes bearing interest at 517 per annumc. Sale at 2 p. m Se bills. T. M. Slemon, auctione. 49-2 Mi. and Mis. M. J. Hobbs spent the weekend witb fniends in Lind- say Mi. and Mis. Gea. White spent Monday in Toronto miss Audrey Cawling spent the weekend ,at ber home at Salemu League meeting Manday evening was in charge 0f the president, Mi. W. R. Westlake. Af ter singing hymn 384, Mr. E. R. Taylor led in prayer. Minutes of last meeting were read and appraved. An invitation was received from Columbus League ta, visît them Wednesday evening, Dec. 9th, and accepted. Devotional per- iod was in charge of Miss Lena Tay- lor. Election of ollicers for coming year th.en '0ook place: Pres.-Mr. W. R.Wstlake. s Vice Pies-Mis E. R. aylr;2nd Vice Pres.-Mss Fa ny S mal; 3rd Vice Pres.-Mî. Leonard Bartan; 4th Vice Pies.- Miss Rutb McKessock; Secretaiy- Miss May Westlake; Treas.-Mr. Wesley Yellowlees; Treas. of F. M.- Mis. W. T. Baker; Pianist-Miss Jessie Yellowlees. A cantest was then enjayed and meeting closed wîth the League benediction Re- member the Institute meeting in the Sunday school îoam Thuîsday af- ternoon Dec. lOth. Program in charge of graup, 2. Repart of the Instîtute Convention in Toronto will be given by Mis. N. C. Yellawlees The regular Division meeting will be held Thursday evening, Dec. lOth, at 8 p. m. in the Sunday cchool room. Election of officers, s0 eveîy- one came Dan't faîget the school concert in the church this Friday evening, under the direction of Mis. D. Robb of Orono. Silver collection at the door. The great bane and muscle build- er--Ceam of Baîley breakfast foaod. -Joking decides great things, Stranger and better, 0f t, than eain- est can. -Milton. That was a .iudicious mother who aid, "I abey my childien for h firsi. year of their lives, but ever taf- te, 1 expeci. them ta obey me."- Beecher. It is always chilling in f riendly itercourse, ta say you have no opin- in ta give. And if you deliver an pinion at al. ut is mere stupidity ai. ta do it with an air of convict- n and weil-fauîîded knowledgc. You malte it youî own ini uttering it, ind naturally get fond of it.-George FARMERS ATTENTION! Furnace and Nut Coal now ready at Tyrone Station. Phone 518. Al .ales strictly cash. R. H. CoUlacott, 49-2 Bowmanville. Special Bene Fit ta Farmers To stimulate business we are advancing our usual winter dis- counit on papering and painting ta commence in December. This makes it partlcularly desirable for country people wishing work done ta Place their arders lm- mediately while the roads and weather are good. Rooms papered from $2.50 up. J. H. Abernethy Painter and Decorator Phone 431 Concession St, Bown'anville CO4JRTICE Among those wba attended tht banquet at Hampton last Wednes- day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Worden, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce Reeve and Mrs. G. F. Annis, Messrs L. J. and Cedric Parsons, Mi. and Mrs. L. J. Courtice, Mi. and Mis. A, J. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Courtice and Mr. and Mis. W. R. Courtice, We tbmnk Hampton ladies are ta be congratulated on the splendid roasi f owl dinner tbey servecl to the de- light of ail present. . Miss Hazel Walter entertained about twenty af hier friends from Pickering and Osh- awa an Wednesday evening, it being hier birthday. Games such as beau bags, lost heur, etc., and same con- tests were enjoyed and about rnid- nigbt lunch was served, after whicli the Young people danced and alto. &ether bad a mast pleasant evening. Mrs. Walter and Misses Hazel and June were most attentive ta their guests and Miss Hazel îeceived manyi pretty birthday gifts Miss Sadie Muir was among the two bundred and sixty young ladies wha were en- tertained at the Royal York Hatel last week and took in the Wmnter Fair. Miss Muir received hier medal won for judging in the Domestic Science campetition in connection with Agricultural Society, Mr. S. S. Brooks returned home fram lis deer hunt last week wîth a very fine dleer, whicb be geneîausly Éhared witb bis neighbors. ManY thanks. S.Thursday afternoon the Ladies' Berean Class met in the S. S. îaam wrhen the offcers were elected for the coming year as follows: Pres.-Mrs. Esli Oke; lst Vice Pres-Mis. Cecil Faund; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. Cecil A.dams; 3rd Vice Pres.-Mrs. W. R. Courtice; Secretary - Mrs. Chas. Foaund; Asst. Secretary-Mrs Herb. Nichols; Treasurer-mrs. L. J. Cour- tice. A short pragram was enjayed, readings by Mrs. R. R. Gay and Miss Aura Osborne, and a vocal sala by Mrs. G. F. Aninis. Congratulations o Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor on the arrivaI of twin daughters last week . Sorry ta leain of the death of Mrs. Jno. Trull of Toronto. The lte Mr. Trull was laid ta rest here in the Truil family burying graund " little aver a year ago and it is .iust "few weeks since the late Louis Trull was buried there. This com- munity extends its sincere sympathy tthe daugbter, son and sister wha re lef t ta maourn the lass of a ma- ther and sister On Friday after- oon the manthly meeting of the 'Sunbeamns" Mission Band was held n No. 8 scbool witb Master Ray- nand Barber Presiding. Afteî the )pening by hYmn and ail repeating ie Lord's Frayer, the minutes and Dusiness, the watcb tawer beralds sspanded as follows: Africa-Jean ýay; China-Walter Staples; India -Lorraine Antil; Korea-Walter )everîsh. A story "How the Bishop 3raught Peace" from the study book vas then told by Mrs. W. R. Court- ce; Gardon Baison read the scîip- ire lesson and Mrs. F. Jackson Laught the miemory verse; recitatian )Y Mary Konapaski, "Golden Lilies"- Lsang by ail "The Emblem 0of aur lission Band"; Mrs. Jackson gave ie story *'Yun Suni looks at lier lme" f rom study book, and meet- ng claseci by bymns The scholars efNo. 8 school are busy these days :eparing for their Christmas con- ert Mrs. A. F. Rundle and Miss Lnne Haît motoîed ta Preston last 'hursday acconlpanying Mis. Ge. lnberth-y Who is taking treatments rm a specîalîst there for a few ceks. We hope she will return uch impraved in bealth Mr. 'ank Rundie, Mr. Chas. Osborne, rs. A. F. Rundle and Miss Anne [lt attended the funeral of the te Mr. Lau Hare in Stauffvllle on inday. Mrs. Haie was formerly iss Ruby Rundle and we give aur ïmpatby ta ber in lier sarrow. n Sunday evening an interesting art Of the service was a letter read a ur Pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, hich be îeceived f rom Dr. Norman und in Korea. Dr. Pound was an benezer boy and we wish him and swlf e every success in their wark cre.. Next Sunday evening tbe îssion Circie will be in charge and Pretty pageant will be put an. We )pe ta sc a full bouse. HIOLSTEIN BREEDERS' CLUB Notice of Annual Meeting Durham Caunty Holstein Breeders' îb will hold its annual meeting at eKumrite Inn, Orono, on Wed- sday. Dec. 9th. Business meeting 10 a. m. Dinner at 12.30, fallow- by address and exhibit of lantein des by Mr. R. B. Faith, Director the Extension Departmnent of the Istein-Fniesian Association of îada. Tbese will depict warld- de activities of the breed. Music local talent. Ladies are cardially iited. ble Meteal!, J. H. Jose, Presient. Necatet. tu] tai by a ti: thi i An Th Pi fro wi mu Frz Mr Ho laU Si M.ý sy. On par by Ebe his thei mis hop IH the nec at1 edL ofL Hok Canx wide by l Nol $1O.OOîn Cash Wanted S TON ES FOR ROCKERIES Nearly every farmer knaws of 4 or 5 fancy weather worn or odd We require some choice ones and will give $5.00 in cash to the persan bringing in the best three stones, and as consolation prizes we will give $1.00 each to, the 5 farmers bringing in the next best specimens. Stones may be any size. Anyonc mnay mnake as many en- tries as they wish. Put 3 in the back of your car when coming to town. Kingsway Nurseries Bowninvlf1 TYRONE Le Mr. Harold Hancock, Miss Marian -Barrowbal. Orona, Mi. Ivan Smith, il Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mis. Viola Smith.. Mr. George Al- 5diead, Newcastle, is spending a few d days at home .. Miss Florence Gar- Ldiner, Oshawa, spent a few days e with ber Parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. LGardiner ..- Congratulations ta Mr. e Wmn. Pbillips on being elected as a ;t member from Durham Caunty to Older Boys' Parliament, wbich is to Ibe beld in Toronto. ..Mr. and Mrs. f Theodore Down, accompanied by Miss Florence Dawn, motoîed ta Ex. 9eter on Friday ta visit their father, lRev. J. W. Dawn, wbo bas been ill. -Miss Florence Down remained witlh b er father.. Mr. Robert Burgess 1and Miss Mary J. Burgess, Orona, -recently visited at Mr. Herbert Bur- gess'. Mi. and Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannlngton, are visiting their dau- rghter, Mrs. F. L. Byam Mrs. W. 7MacDonald. Cobourg, is spending a few days with ber parents, Mi. and Mis. Willis Stewart. Mr. Stewart is under the dactors care baving had a veiy bad faîl, breaking several ribs. We wish hum a speedy recov- ery . Mi. Carson Taylor, Dixie, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess.-. Messrs. Hairy and Frank Hatherly, Dixie, spvent the weekend at home,. Cburch service Sunday evening was well attended wben Rev A. M. Woot- ton preached an excellent sermon., ..Cburch service next Sunday main- ing at 10.30 wben the Sacrament of the Loîd's Supper wil be dicpensed. ..League program on Thursday evening was in charge of the social vice president, Miss Laina Hooper. Vocal duet, Mis. Theodore Down and Rev. A. M. Waotton; the topic was splendidly given by Rev. A. M. Woot- tan; Mi. Walter Blackburn, New- castle, introduced Mi. Fred Cawan o f Newcastle, as candidate for the Older Boys' Palilament. Mi. Cowan gave the planks for bis platform. Mi. WilI Philllps, the other candi- date, gave bis platform. A social time was enjoyed by all. Ice cream and cake were served. The ice cream was a special treat by Ted King, Ted Hindson and Tommy MacEvoy who lef t on Friday for their homes ini England. SHOOTING MATCH A Sbooting Match will be beld on Saturday, December 5tb, at 1 p. m. at W. J. Reynolds', Solina. Geese and ducks for prizes. Sbotgun and rif le ranges. Men's black grain Men's black or brown, leather or rubber$2 9 ENlFIELD n Miss Evelyn Stinson bas ieturned 1home f rom Rochester wbeie she bas h taken a course in hair-dressing. -Mi. George Ormistan attended the N Royal Fair at Toronto. .M. and .- Mis. Edwin Ormiston have been vis- 'S iting In Toronta -Mr. and Ms. T. ,Bwman and M. and Mrs. L. C. rPascoe and Miss Bessie bave been a visiting at Brussels. Mrs. G. Bw- 0man, Brussels, is visiting at Mr. L. oC. Pascoe's.. The sale of Mi. Wal- ;ter Ferguson was well attended on yMnday and bc ad a very success- f ul sale. Mi. and Mis. Frank Gilbert of 1Enfield paid a visit ta Vernonvlle, ýi near Cobourg, last week and were sentertained at thie home of Mi. and Ms. A. T. Waite. Ms. Gilbert, nee Miss Florence Aninis, came fourteen yeaîs aga, was a former efficient and much esteemed teacher at the Ver- nnville public scool, where she twielded the pedagogic wand for 1 three yeas. M. and Ms. Gilbert caled n a num ber of ber ad frinds and pupils, wha were de- ligbted ta, meet lber once again and who still recall ber splendid efforts ere nt nly on behaf of the school 1but also in cnnection with the i Young People's Association and the local church. M. and Ms. Gilbert ad been n a matai trip east, visit- îing friends at Kingston and theî Pints.--Cobourg Sentinel-Star. DARLINGTON Base Line Thîe Home and School Club met in the school bouse Friday evening, Nov. 27th. Ms. W. B. Met- calfe, president, took charge of the meeting, and welcomed Ms. Maltby. Provincial Secretary of the Home and Schol Clubs, Toronto. We were favored by a duet by Ms. R. Van- Camp and Miss R. Bragg; a reading by M. H. R. Fley; and a duet by Rev. and Mis. H. Walfraim; Mr. J. L. Metcalf e, S., gave a eading, af- ter which Miss L. L. Bragg offered a Piano seection. Ms. Maltby spke n many different phases of the H. & S. Clubs, and pinted out that "the keynte of the club is co-per- ation, between the home, the schol, and the church." A few points dis- cussed were: Physical care of the child; Pe schol age; Training foi selfeliance; Obedience; Punish- ment; Reading material; Tiuthful- ness; Religiaus training; Play; and Sex matters. Meeting closed by cngng God Save< the King. Ms. R. TrulI convened the refreshments. The evening was enjoyed by ail. Sisman's black or brown famous farm boots, $2.98 Farmers' heavy duty Rubbers, white soles, $ 9 Extra Special! I We have been fortunate in pro- curing another shlpment of col- ored boudoirs at the 10w price of per pair39 fflday and Saturday only39 Men's fine boots and oxfords of fine cal! or kid leathers; shoes that selI regulanly to $7.50; eut they go $.8and$29 R Làbb Men's Rubber BooLs, regular $4.50, Speclal knee hih, $2.98 Women's Plan Overs, made on 2 heels on different lasta: sizes 3 to8,45 On S1l Children's Plain quality; made on sizes- 5-10 Mens heavy duty Rubbers, wth white soles, per pair $1.98 Rubbers, fia-st round toe last; il- 2 IVES'SHOE STORE BOYS' WATCHES The Toipedo Lever Watch, handsame gilt case in pocket style. These watches are wartb $400 eacb. flot be asked ta buy. it S oui pleasure ta show you. ETMoorLe PIUC 51.9 J. R. Moore, Jeweller Phone 463 Bowmanvile Ladies' dress footwear in strap, tie or punîp styles, taken tram our $5.00, S6.00 and $7.00 shaes, on sale wbile they bast, $1.988ld $2.45 $2.98 -d$.98 Misses' and Children's and Growing Girls, oxfords and 1- strap slippers, Sizes 5 ta 7 98C to $1.98 Sizes 8 ta l14 $119to$1.98 Sizes il ta 2 $1.49t $2.98 Sizes 2 Iý ta 7 $1.98 t $3.98 BOYS' SCHIOOL BOOTS OR OXFORDS Fine black leather Oxfords or boots, with strongly sewn soles, Sizes 1l ta 13 1, $1.98 '0 $2.25 Sîzes 1 ta 5 1_ v 19ta25 Men's and Boys' Plain Overs, fia-t qUallty, with heavy cerrugate< long wearing soles; sizes: Il to 13 55C 1 to 5 60c 6 to il 75çt ndBos Re 0c Soe ýbmau Ist quallty, no sec- Women's O0vea-shoea la woW> %; izes: bnd cOtton Jerseys, black, bro"n, gry, fawn colors; 3 to - 13 1 - 51,/2 6 - 10% 7 filthe lot but aOt la :ach 'Oc 80c 95C eolr; outthey go, 14 Per pair $ onds il OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS Caine In and look. You wil SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Chocolate Bars. BQWMANVILLE BAKERY C. W. JACOBS. Proprietor BOWMANVILLE si n N L ei Hundreds being served daily with Footwear of high quality, but low priced. Neyer in his- tory of this vicinity have s0 many people taken advantage of a sale of footwear like they are doing at Ies' Stock Disposai Sale of Elite Shoe Store stock. MQORE'S JEWELLERY LADIES' GENTS' STRAP WATCHES 15 JEWEL IVATCHES Çhromium case, metal bracelet, Gold f illed Watches. hand- $00 somely engraved. Bulova - Montrose - Baguette S8.50 up to $40.00 $25.00 Up. Ives' Shoe sale Going Over Bigf Custoners Epres urprise and Pleasure at I PAGE six 1 1 1 - ý $1.95 each Muffins and Crumpets ...... 2 dozen 25c .2 for Sc C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor BOWMANVU£t le les UNUSUAL VALUES $1.98 IVESP SHOE STORE ,0% m w ýý -

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