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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1932, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 193~" WILL RECEIVE at LEAST $200 MONTHLY DURING the REST of BER LIFE! In November, 1925, M. R., holder of Monthiy Income Policies Nos. 152,205 and 127,666 died. Everv month since that time his widow has re- ceived a cheque for $200 from The Mutual Life of Canada. During the past six years she has also received more than $4,400 in excess interest dividends, and will continue to receive these divi- dends for the next fourteen years. Her age when the payinents started xvas 53. She xiii receive monthly cheques for $200 AS LONG AS SHE LIVES. If she does not survive to receive 240 pay- ments the balance of this iumber will be paid to her heirs. ,Money placed in a MutUal LUfe of Canada Monthly Income Policy is wel-invested. It provides a steady, substantial incomne when it is needed most. The Monthiy Income Policy can be comined with the Endowment Plan. This provides for a retrement income for the person insured. If you would iike further information, send the TH Mutua Assurance of Cai Head Office:V Establish coupon beiow to our Head Office. 1 should Uke to have further IlE particulars of your MonthiY al Lif e Incarne Plan: -Company Name nada drs Waterloo, Ont. Age hed 1869 Age of person f0 be the beneficiary C. He DUDLEY Bowmanville Representative * When you are wealk and out of sorts, a cup of BOVRIL wall strengthen you and build you Up. 9 Try It once a day for a week ITOYaLANDi Walker's Toyland is ready Our toyland is in complete readiness for flhc shrewd buyers. A first sel- ection means s0 much. Any dali or toy rnay be selected now and laid aside by paying a small deposit and delivery wiU be made as you instruct. Toyiand fairiy bristies wif h new anti interesting toys. Bring the kiddies fa Toyland. On Main Floor. mi c'~'~' rrtion a! Dr. J. S. Leonhardt, suc- Pile uf f rers eeds because it ýýtimulates the cir- trulation. drives out. the thick im- puune blood. heals andi nestores the Youritcing bledig, r po-almost deati parts. HEM-ROID bas tur îtches'nlgo baed norpo- I sucli a wondenful record of success back when you actually remove the i vntemý tboncssta cause-bad blood circulation in the Jury & Lovell and druggists every- lawcr bowel-anti not one minute iwliere urge evcry suff erer ta get a bef are. Salves or suppositories battle o! HEM-ROID Tablets totiay. can't do this-an internai remedy They must endi you. pile agany or must be used. HEM-ROID, pie- mnyb .t! OBITUARY 1 Mrs. J. Douglas Cole, Bethesda Af ter a very brie! Illness, death claimed a very esteemed and young if e of Bethesda neighborhood in the person of Florence E. M. Cole, beloved wif e of Mr. J. Douglas Cole, and anly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Shaws. She was very bigbly esteemed and beloved by ail who knew her. and a very faithful worker in Trrnity United Church, Bowmanville, and was a member of Trinity choir up ta the time of her marriage last December; aiso a teacher in the Sunday Schoal almost Up ta tbe time of her death. The funeral took place from her home on Thursday a! ternoon ta Bethesda Cemetery, and was con- ducted by her pastor. Rev. A. M. Wooton, assisted by ber former pas- tor. Rev. E. F. Armnstrong, who in the course of his remarks said de- ceased was like a young flower plucked in the springtime. The large number of friends and rela- tives who came from far and near ta pay their hast tribute af respect, shawed the esteem in which she was held by ail wha knew ber. She leaves to mourn her lass, be- sides ber sorrowing busband, ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, and f ive brothers, Gardon at Guelph Agricultural College, John, Law- rence, Newton and Roy at home. One sister, Mary. predeceased ber about 10 years ago. The pail bearers were two roh crs. Gardon and John, two brothers- in-law, Laurie Cole and Ernest Werry, and two cousins, Austin Tr- ner and Clarence Allin. Among the beautiful floral offer- ings were: Spray-Douglas;; Pillow -Mother, Father and the Boys; Wreaths-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Cale, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock; Sprays -M.Blake Cole, Misses 0. and E. Cale, Miss Winnifred Cale. M4r. and Mrs. Ernest Werry, Mr. Laurie Cale, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clemence, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allin, Mrs. Maria Jewell and Miss Mabel Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Cox, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Snowden, Mrs. M. H. Langmaid and daughters, Miss Amelia Nicholîs, Mrs. Ashton's Sunday School Class, Mrs. Cole's Sunday School Class, Trinity Unit- ed Sunday Schaol, Trinity United Chair, Newcastle 'Young People's League, Westmount Staff, Oshawa, Westmount Cubs & Scouts, Oshawa: Bethesda Community, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Alun and family, Mrs. Frank H. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. C. De- Guerre, Hazel and Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer and Dorathy, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clemence and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McKeever, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dudley and Mr. Will C. Cale, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Mr. -and Mrs. Francis Sutton, Mr. Ward Gil- bert (Toronto), Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Dorothy, Ethel and Harold, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Marion. Relatives were present from Tor- onto, Guelph, Oshawa, Whitby, Ca- bourg. Port Hope, Kirby and New- castle. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Douglas Cole, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton and f amily desire ta tbank their many friends for the many acts o! kindness extended ta tbem in the death of the wife and daughter. Mns.Cal, ati or- the beauifuli floral affcings anti messages a! sympatliy receiveti. Rd. Widdecombe, Bowmanville The deticî occunreti at the home a! bis grand-daugbtcr, Mms. Lamne Butsan. Port Hope. on Sunday. No-1 vember l3th, o! Richard Widtie- combe, in bis 9'lth year. Fan many ycans Mn. Widdccombe was a resi- decnt of Bowmanville whcne mcm- Ibers o! bis !amily stili resitie. Mn. Widticcombe was bonn in Sal- tash. Cornwall, Englanti, on March 31st, 1836, anti came ta Bawman- ville about 60 yeans ago, wliere lic workcd as an expert cabinet maker in the Upper Canada Furnitune Fac- tory until that building was burneti. He then movedt t Detroit whenc lic wanketi at the same tratie for 14 years. On caming back ta Bawman- ville he obtained employment with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. at the age of 75 anti he warkcd there fan some ycars until lic was pension- cd off about 5 years ago. For the past thrce yeans ie lias nesideti with bis granti-daugliter. Mrs. Lorne But- son, in Port Hope. Mn. Widdecombe was an cnthusiastic gardener and bad been working in bis garden pncvious ta the stroke which pre- cetiet bis dealli on Tucsday, dying an the following Suntiay. The funcral was belt f rom the residence o! bis son, Mn. William Widdccombe, King St. East, Bow- manvilc, November lStli. Tue ser- vice was conducteti by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor o! Trinity United Churcli, interment being matie in Bowmanville Cemetery. Relatives anti fientis attending the funeral !rom a distance includeti Messrs. James Hallett, B. Young, Miss Muriel Young, Mn. anti Mrs. Cecil Dunsfard, anti Mn. antiMrs. Len Dunsforti, Toronto; Mn. anti Mrs. Ennest Pattemaon. anti Mrs. Richard Morton, Orona; Mrs. Ellen Gamble, Detroit; Mn. Robt. Tuamp- son, anti Mr. Len Cox, Brooklin. Beanens were six grantichiltiren, Ervine Faster. Harold lFaster, Ken- netli Faster, Lamne Butsan, Richard Wlitiecombe anti Bruce Berry. Cblldren survlving are: Mr. W. G. Wititecambe, Mrs. Silas Foster, jBowmanville; Mms. Catherine Piper. Port Hope; anti Mm. Ellen Gamble, Detroit, Mich. Floral offcrings were recelved f rom The Family, Mr. anti Mns. Lamne Butson, Part Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witidecambe anti Mn. Geonge Wititecambe, Mn. anti Mrs. Bruce Berry, Mr. Wm. Quinn, Mms. John Berry, Mrs. Len Cox, Tue Duns! ant Family, anti the Hallett Family, Toronto, Miss Ella Jallow, Mn. anti Mr. Wm. Woodward, Mrs. Thos. Vanstone anti Charles, Mns. Nelson Piper andi family, Goodyear *Factory, Goodyear Engineering Dept. anti Goodyear Recreatian Club. Mrs. Ruby Seweli Daniels, Bowmanville The suddcn passing o! Mrs. Ruby Caroline Daniels an Wednesday' morning, Nov. l6tb, came as a sbock ta lier many f riends in Bowman- ville. Ruby, as she was familiarly called. was only 26 years and was the only daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs. William Sewell, with wbam she re- sided. She was born in this town and bas grown up bere. Being very fond a! music she made hersel! vcry use! ul andi was always willing ta help in whatever place she was needed. Her lass will be grcatly felt in the variaus socicties a! Trinity Churcb. o! wbich she was a mesnber in the Ladies' Class o! the Sunday School. as a leader in the Mission Band. and member o! the Mission Circle and W. A. group. She was aiso pianist in the Women's Institute and a member a! the Music Study Club. In ail o! these societies she !recly used ber talents in helping on the goad wonk. The funerai took place Saturday a! ternoan from the famlly residence, Hunt St., service being conducted by ber pastar, Rev. E. F. Armnstrong, wha paid a' worthy tribute ta ber usually suniny disposition and wil- lingness ta help. The bearers were: Messrs. Harry Ingram, Edwin Woods, S. O'Brien, Gea. Sauch, D.1 J. Chambers anti Albert Manning.1 Her remains were laid ta rest in Bowmanvilie cemetery. The floral ofcnings were veryl beautiful expnessing the heartful' sympathy o! a large circle o! frientis and includedti tibutes !rom; Father andi Mather, Trinity Mission Circle, Mr. and Mrs Joc. O'Neill, Miss Helen Argue, Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, Mr.' andi Mrs. R. Candier, Young Ladies'i Aduit Bible Class, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Manning, Music Study Clubi Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dilling, Trinity W. A. South Ward, Goodyear frientis, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris and Miss Winnie Morris, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thickson and family, Mr. J. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jacabs and staff, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chambers, Mn. and Mms. Edwin Wood, Mr. and Mms. Spencer Wood andi Archie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackman and family, Mrs. W. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Souci, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Thickson, Miss Alice Medd. Bowmanville Women's Insti- tute. Alice Jackson Mission Band, Trinity Young Pcople's Society, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Archi- bald Smith, Mr. and Mns. Hardacre, Mrs. Smith and famiiy. Mr. and Mns. Thorley, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clay, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Souci, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kivell, SaUina. Amang the frientis f rom a dis- tance were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tay- lor, Mrs. W. Pearn, Mr. Hanry Sew- ell. Fenelon Falls; Mrs. Curran, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. Thorley, Mn. and Mms. Albert Clay, Mn. anti Mrs. Archibald Smith. Mn. James Smith and sisters May and Naami, and Mns. Sydney Smith, Toronto. CARI) 0F TIANKS Mn. and Mns. W. Seivell wish ta thank very sincenely ail those wba wcee50 kind ta tbem in their re- cent sad bereavement and aiso for the beautiful floral tributes. Alexander Rutherford, Lakeport In the death o! Alexander Ruther- fard, whicb accunred, a! ter tbree weeks' iliness. at bis son's nesidence, near Lakeport, on Saturday. Novem- ber 12th. Haldimanti township bas lost one o! its best known higbly es- teemed and valueti citizens. Born in Haidimand on April 30tb, 1859, lie bas been a 11e-long resi- tient, engaged i agricultural pur- suits on fanms adjacent ta that oc- cupied by bis parents, Andrew Ru- therford and Jane Fonsythe, wbo emigrateti to this country !nom. Ber- wickshire, Scatland, in 1838 anti 1840. Along with bis father there came alsa four brathers. John anti Robent wha settieti in Haldimanti, and Thomas and James who found- cd homes in Seymnour. One brother and thnec sisters remained in Scot- land. January lst, 1882, the iate Alex- ander Rutherforti was unitet int marniage by Rev. Peter Duncan a! Coiborne ta Jennie McKenzie, dau- gliter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. John McKcnzie o! Couborne. Af ter their marriage thcy uived for ten ycars on the farm subsequently owned by the late Peter Haig, and then mavedti t an atijoining f an on which he con- tinued ta reside. Tue union was blessed with five sons and ane dau- ghter, who al survive, Andrcw of Calgany, Alben1la; McKenzie o! Hal- dimand; Jennie, Mrs. C. M. Car- ,nuthers. o! Bosvmanville; Bruce aI Lakepont; Wilfred in Toronto; and Gardon on the liamesteati; aiso anc Tawnship Councli anti for two terme f illet i wtl eminent satisfaction the position o! Reeve o! the municipal- lty. In pouitlcs lie was an ardent Liberal anti was always interested anti well informet iIn provincial anc federal matters pertainlng ta the riding, as also ta the cauntry at large. He was a man o! bigh ideals and was ever true ta bis convictions, a man af kindly disposition and ai- ways sympathetic towards bis fel- low-man. Mrs. Susan Short, Courtice Ater many years of suffermng, Mrs. Susan Short, widaw af tbe late Richard Short, passed away at the home of ber son, Mr. A. J. Short, at Courtice, on Tuesday morning, November lSth. She was in ber 97tb year. For over 3 years Mrs. Short had been bedridden and bad been faithfully and lavingly cared for by ber daughter-in-law. Mrs. A. J. Short. Five weeks ago the aged lady seemed ta weaken until she quietly slipped away last Tuesday. Mrs. Short, who bef are ber mar- riage, was Susan Hancack, was barn in Cornwall, England, and came ta Canadla when only 3 years aid. Rer family settled ini Darlington on tbe homestead naw occupied by Horace Hancock. Mrs. Short was a faitbfuh member o! Ebenezer United Churcb and al- tbaugh she was unable to attend Iun recent years she was greatly inter- ested in cburch work and especially in the Home Department. Mrs. Shorts busband predeceased lier about 15 years ago, and surviv- ing are tbree sons, Richard C. Short a! Tory Hill, A. J. and L. A. J., bath of Courtice. Aiso surviving are the f ollowing grandchildien: Mrs. S. E. Werry, Sauina; Mrs. H. A. Grooms, Mrs. Bonnell and Miss Mary Short, Toronto; Mrs. Gea. Smith, Oshawa, Mrs. Wilfred Spencer, Baltimore, Maryland; Wesley Short, Swif t Cur- rent, Sask.; Hugh Short. Courtice; Bert Short, Toronto; Arthur Short, Chicago; Jesse, Marshall and Mar- ion Short, Tory Hill; Cgrl Short, Caurtice; Mrs. W. Clewell and Mrs. McNamara. Buffalo; and Luther, Walter and George Short of Court- ice. The f uneral was held on Novem- ber l8th. from the residence o! ber son on Lot 26, Concession 3, Dar- lington. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, ber pastor, conducted the service and paid tribute ta the character and fortitude of the deceased durlng ber long illness. Paîl bearers were S. S. Brooks, A. J. Gay, A. E. Rundie, W. R. Courtice, W. J. Snowden, and R. E. Osborne. Interment was made in Ebenezer Cemetery. At the recauest af the family no floral off erings were sent. Relatives and f riends attending the funeral f rom a distance includ- ed, Mrs. Del Johinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Perkins, Mr. Norman Per- kins, Mr. Kennetb and Miss Belva Perkins. Moorefield; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short, Brampton; Mrs. Ai- bert Jones, Mr. Ross and Miss Flor- ence Jones, Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Short, Mrs. Arthur Bonnell, Mrs. Harry Grooms, and Miss Mary Short. Toronto; Mr. R. C. Short, Messrs. Jesse antd Marsball Short, and Miss Marion Short, Tory Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braund, Mrs. Stella Mason, Mrs. Aima St*hen- san, Mr. and Mrs.' Oea. Smith, Mrs. W. Short and Mr. Albert Short and others, Oshawa. CARD 0F THANKS The family of tbe late Mrs. Susan Short, Courtice, desire ta tbank ai their f iends andi neighbans for their kind sympahy and assistance during the illness and deatb o! tbeir mo- ther. Mrs. Elien Romilly, Bomanville The funeral was helti in Tarantc Monday with internient in St.J James Cemetery o! Mrs. Ellen Ro- milly o! Bawmanville, widaw a! Lleweilyn Samuel Romilly. Mrs. Romilly died at the resitience o! ber daughter, Mrs. R. H. Collacutt, Salem ,on Friday. She was in ber 8lst year. The service was helti at Evans Undertaking Parlors, Toronto, and was conducted by Rev. E. F. Armstrong o! Trinity United Church o! Bowmanville, o! which she was an adherent. For many years Mrs. Romilly practised nursing under the charge o! the late Dr. Chas. Hastings, before bis appointment as Medical off icer o! Health o! the city a! Toronto. She is survivcd by twa daughters. Mrs. A. C.' Huett. Shoal Lake, Man.. and Mrs. R.«H. Collacutt, Bowmanville, onýe son, Dyson. o! Peace River, B.C. and several nephews and nieces. Is Your Skin Broken Out? Here's Quick HeIp for You! You don't have ta put up witb that emb:arrassing disfigurement un- DONT GET. RUN DOWN TA&KE' - 'v- 187 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN -We are repeating, for a iimited trne only, the offer of a British-made, 1311 aluminurn caoking spoon for the retura of only 30 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers. OXO Limited, St. Peter Street, Montreal You will be delighted with the way we finish E3 LAN K ETr S Your valuable woolen biankets, when sent to us, are washed ini the purest raln-soft water... their col- ors are renewed the original "Ifluffiness" s re- stored. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone Latinderers Bowmanvifle 152 Dry Cieammers )A là. te 'EROWN *BlRAND" CORN SYRUP CAAD LTRIIdt . frRWINGCHILDREN1 Lmo, .it ---- TEMPERATURE-TESTED FOR CANAD, Use fr..-flowing VEEDOL VEEOLready ta lulbricate on q VEEDOLaoldost Wint.r day thd MOTO R QIL instant oritrstt 100% PENNSYLVANIA AT ITS FINEST YET IT COSTS NO MORE THAN OTHER OILS Crown-Domninon 011 Ca., Llmited. Ditributor Hamilton, Toronto, St. Catharines -,- ýMleýl THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnýLt. TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1932d PAGE MX ý -..1bue4

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