4UIbtarn With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 78 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1932 NO. 5 Let's Make This a «Buyai Bowmnvlle» CI'ristmnas B owm anville Merchants Ready and Willing to Serve1 You With Wide Variety of Gifts at Lowest Prices ColorFul Program Presented Here Ukrainian Talent M. Mclntyre Hood, Guest Speaker, Brings Brilliant Company of Oshawa Art- ists to Guest Night at the A. Y. P. A. - Folk Songs and Dances A demonstration o! the magnifi- cent artistry o! the people o! the Ukraine in folk song and dance, anti just a glimpse o! the culture o! these Central European people, featureti the Literary and Ouest Nigbt o! the A. Y. P. A. o! St. John's Church i the Parish Hall on Montiay night. The Canadian Legion, the Canadian Legion Baud, anti the congregation o! St. John's Church were guests o! the young people for the evening anti the hall was well filled for the splendid program, brought to Bow- manville through the kindness o! the speaker o! the eveniug, Mr. M. Mclntyre Hooti, Editor o! the Osh- awa Daily Times. The program opeued with the bymu, O God Our Hclp In Ages Past, with Charlie Cawker at the piano. A short business session fol- lowed, ater which the president, Mr. B. H. Mortlock, extendeti a cor- dial welcome to the guests. The Canadian Legion Banti, conducted by Mr. R. J. Lowcns, provideti three musical numbers, the Fort Gay anti Col. Bogey Marches anti the Galop f Down the Stretch. Community singing was indulgeci in for a short tume, after which the president in- troduceti andi turned the program over to Mr. Hood. Mr. Hooti delivereti a splendid ati- dress o! a high literary character. H le took for bis subject the history o! the Ukrainian people and the lives o! two o! the great poets o! the Ukraine, Tarah Chevchenko andi Iv- an Franko. lie grapically tiescrib- ed the oppression o! this tistinctly P(0lepndent race by the Russiaus, FoeAustrlans anti Qermans, anti o! their fIlgithrough the centuries * for a national iudividualism anti consciousness. Mr. Hooti outlileti the lives o! Chcvchenko, the great- est o! the pocta o! the Ukralue, a son o! poor people, wbo ftrst be- came a noteti artist anti later a great poci. Chevchenko, wbo was actively engageti in politics, spent many years in prison both in the Ukraine anti in Russia whcre he earneti the il-will o! the Czar. Ivan Franko was also au active politician. lis carlier works sboweti mucb of the style o! Chevcbenko. although later he developed a distinct style o! (Contiued ~on page 3) YOUNG PEOPLE 0F TRINITY HOSTS TO NEWCASTLE Return Hospitality of Newcastle United Church Y. P. S. Here- Bey. A. D. Robb of Oshawa Spoke on India Triuity Young People's Society was happy in having as ta guesta on Monday eveuing the young people o! the Uniteti Church at Newcastle, anti Ri. A. W. Robb, of St. An- drew ,s Chucl, Oshawa. Miss Maiion Pickard couducteti the worship service, anti velcometi the guests lu a short speech, whicb was respondeti to by Mr. Chai-les Gler4ey, Presitieut o! the visiting soci&Y. lie also introduceti the prQ~uu, ah o! wbich, other than the adclress by Mr. Robb, was brough t f rom Newcastle. It con- sisteti o! vocal solos by Miss Switzer 4nti Mrs. Rutherford; a reading by * Mrs. Norman Rickard, and a piano soo by Miss Bernice Gilbank. * Mr. Robb Is a vigorous defeuder o! British rule anti British purposes In India, anti during bis speech on "Political India andi Mahatma O0handi," refuteti a gooti many o! the arguments whlch are commouly ativancedi by those wbo disparage British intervention there. It was a pleasure to bear bisiterpretation o! political anti economic conditions i that country anti the methotis anti motives o! Mahatma Ghandi. At the conclusion o! Mr. Robb's address the appreciation o! the audience was expresseti by Miss Aura Runtile, town, anti Bey. W. P. Rog- ers of Newcastle. ,aines anti refreshinents playeti no mean part i the eveuing's pro- gram anti engageti the concentrateti attention o! the crowti for quite a long turne. *For ncxt week the Literary D)e- partment Is preparing a Christmas program. Its cie! feature will be a pageant. Women's I titute meets friday S afteruoon at Mrs. W. B. Pollard's. Miss Peggy Tantan, Miss Neflie Thonipson, anti Miss Murmel Decb, SHospital for Sick Cidren, Tistle- town, vere Sunday guesta o! the latter's grandînother, Mrs. John r rigg. R. J. KEMBRING WHIZ CHEMIST IS ROTARY SPEAKER Speaks on Manufacture of OUls and Greases - New Member, A. R. Vfrgin, lInitiateti An address by an expert cbemist on the compounding of greases, and the introduction of a new member featured Friday's meeting of the Rotary Club. The speaker of the day was Ray Kembring, Chief Chemist of the R. M. Hollingshead Co. of this town, who gave a classi- fication talk. and the new member was Mr. A. R. Virgin, Superintend- ent of the Ontario Training Sehool for Boys. President Jim Devitt pre- sided. Among the guests were two visitirig Rotarians' from Oshawa, Jack Ferguson and Bull Hutchinson, and other guests included Mr. West, Comptroller of the R. M. Holiings.. head Co., and Messrs. Bruce and Harris of Bell Telephone Co. of To- ronto. Introduce New Member Tac privilege o!fitroducing the new member feli to the lot o! Rotar- ian Eari Cunningham, who is as- sociateti with Mr. Virgin in the work at the B. T. S. Mr. Cunningham outlincti briefly the highlights o! IMr. Virgin's career. Before the war he was assistant physical director o! the Broatiview Y. M. C. A. in To- routa anti during the war was over- seas as a sergeant in the Canadian lu! antry, later becoming Sergeant- Major lu the Machine Gun Corps. A!tcr the war he studieti in Toronto anti taught lu Toronto Public Scboois. later goiug on the staff o! Dan! orth Technical Scbool where he taught mathematics, hati charge o! a special class o! adolescents, and also was swimming instructor. lie also bati charge o! swimming at onc o! the largcst boys' camps lu On- tario. On July lst tis year he came ta the Training Scbool suc- ceeding Dr. G. E. Reaman, anti he has matie a signal success o! bis work in the short ie he bas been there. Rie bas one other qualifica- tion Mr. Cunningham pointeti out, be is a great badminton player. Rotarian Fred C. Hoar formally weicomed the new member a! ter outlinig the origin, objecta anti bis- tory o! Rotary ant its work, while Presideut Devitt presented Mr-. Vir- gin witb the Rotary Badge anti the Code o! Ethics. (Contînueti on page 5) MANY DONATIONS NEEDED TO FILL CHRISTMAS BASKETE Many Citizens Give Generously te Cause To Be Undertakea By Women's Welf are Comnuttee -Your Donations Are Required Now With the Women's Welfare Com- mittee kindly consenting to carry out the arrangements for the collec- tion and distribution o! Christmas Baskets to the needy tbis year, ev- erythlng Points to the needy of Bowmanville enjoying what is rlgbt- fully theirs, a joyful Christmas. The Commiltie bas placeci bas- kets in the footi stores o! the town and citizens are urged when buying their regular supplies o! groceries to buy some extra item andi drop IthI the basket for tins wortby cause. Thc committee bas drawn up a list o! articles they hope ta supply witii each basket anti it la hopeci that citizens in general will rally to the support o! the Committee and don- ate the produce and -provisions re- quired. The time Is now very short and tbe Committee would be glad o! immediate assistance. The suggest- cd list for eacb o! the 50 baskets is as !ollows: 1 lb. o! Butter 1 lb. o! Lard % lb. o! Tea 4 ibs. o! Sugar 1 lb. o! Cooking Raisins 1 can o! corn syrup 1 roast o! ment or fowl % dozen oranges 1/2 lb. o! candy 2 cans o! vegetables 1 gem o! fruit 1 bar o! soap. O! course citizens are at liberty to donate other articles than those containeci in this list and they willl not only be gratcfuliy receiveti but will be dlstributed among the f am- Mles - according to their size anti needs. Ail donations shouiti be le!t at the Welfare Committee room.s above J. J. Mason & Son's office on friday only, December 23rti, when they wili be fllled, but please notlfy (Continueci on page 7) Annual Christmas Shopping Nuniber of The States- man Contains Hundreds JAMES C. BOWMAN APPOINTED NEW v .n I n m a n anding lim al coupon. A FINE EXAMPLE WORTH EMULATING Mr. L. AJan Taylor of the Zoralea Poultry Farm, Ty- rone, writing The Statesgmari witli regard to the Christmnas baskets for the unemployed. says ln part: "The proposai is an excellent ides, and I trust something of t.he klnd will be tendered the leua fortunate people of the town. I shail be pleased ta contribute: 6 Chiokens 2 Barrels of Apples 5 Dozen Eggs, andi $5.00 ln cash ta be spent on uneful gff1;s for children.'1 Thank you, Mr. Taylor i Your klnd off or la much ap- preciateti andi It sets a wortby example for Others to foflow. TOWN AND DARLINGTON NOMINATIONS NEXT FRIDAY Fritiay next Is nomination day in bath Bovusanville anti Daringtan Township. Nominations for the township at Hampton usuâlly pi-ove interesting a!! airs anti the rate- payera o! the townsbip are not slow ta express their vlews o! affaira o! Interest. Last year there vas little change 1n the Darlington Coundil. but anythlng might happen thila ycar. In Bowmanville fcv Intentions have been matie public as yet. Pol- loving tonigbt's final anti statutary meeting a! the Town Coundil it isi likely that some o! tbe members vill break away f tom their silence antid give the electors some Mdeao! their intentions. I any case ratepayers shoulti turn out "on masse" to hear tbe candidates nominateti uext Fr1- day andti t take part i the discus- cussion o! municipal affairs. Only nine more shopping dsys tif Chriatina. COURT 0F REVISION RULING UPSET BY JUDGE O'CONNOR Canadian Pacifie Rallway la Successful On Appeal Against Assessment on Buildings A recent decision of the Court o! Revision of the Town of Bowman- ville was upset on Saturday last when the Canadian Pacifie Rallway appealed to County Jutige L. V. O'Connor against the assessment on their buildings in Bowmanville whicb bnci remained at $15,500 for a number of years. By comparison with C. P. R. stations and freigbt sheds In other lake shore towns it was apparenit the local assessinent was too high but the Court of Re- vision preferreci to let the County Judge settie on the amount. The assessment was reduced by $3500, meaning a saving to the railway o! about $175 in their Laxes. Councîl- lor W. R. Strike 4,presented the Town before the Judge, who sat in the Council Chamber for the bear- ing. Judge L. V. O'Connor in bis ruling says: "Tis appeal came on for hearing at Bowmanville, on Saturday, De- cember lOth, 1932, andi ifter hearing the evidence adduced and what was alleged by Mr. Jeffrey, representing the appelant, and Mr. W. R. Strike, solicitor for the respondent. andi it aPpearing that the appeal is only against buildings, I do hereby con- firin the decision of the Court of Revision ef the Town o! Bowman- ville I regard to the assessinent on lands of the said appelant and do allow the appeal of the appelant i regard to the assessment o! buildi- ings o! the saici Canadian Pacifie Railway, and order and'direct that the assessment on said buildings be fIxeci at the sum of $12,000.00 in lieu o! $15,500.00 as flxed by the saici Court o! Revision, and I do hereby direct the clerk o! the saÎd town o! Bowmanville to alter and amend the assessment accordingly."1 ar 't tr m st le as at f- is st -1 Weil Known Local Banker and Star A glance over the advertisements Bidsebail Pitcher Takes Over in this special Christmnas number of Comnmandi of FùIs Bow- The Statesman should be enough to manville Troop convince even the bard boiled buy- out-of-town fan that he has not James C. (Red) Bowman, teller at only as gooci a choice in Bowman- the Bank of Montreal, and star *ville as elsewhere, but that by pur- hurler for the Orono Baseball team Ychasing bis gifts in Bowmanville he this past sumxner, commenceci last *will save money andi have more ta night on bis new duties as Scout- sspend on other tings. In this issue master of the lst Bowmanville the merchant has outdone ail prev- Troop Boy Scouts. Mr. Bowman was fious efforts in presenting to the asked to take over this important buyer merchandise at 10w cost. Hie 'office by the Rotary Club, wbich or- has been aided by the lowest market ganization sponsors and morall Prices in years and with bis own de- supports the scouts in Bowmanville. sire to be o! service Bowmanvllle Mr. Bowman bas a splendid back- merchants shoulci be able to serve groundi for such work, bis keen i every need o! every citizen in the terest in scouting for many years town. fltting hlm admirably for the posi- We know that ane of the first tion, succeeding Mr. Samn Terry. things that will come to the mind of Mr. Bowman was born lu Stock- *the gift shopper tis Christmas is dale, Ontario, and is the son of Mr. tprice. Money is not as plentiful as andi Mrg. Charles Bowman. He was *it used to be and wbat money there educated in the Public sebools of 18 bas to be stretched over the same Toronto. Frankford aud Trenton, long list o! gifts. If you wiln Jut and acquireti bis h1gher education at loo0k over the prices given in tbe ad- the Trenton Colleglate Institute of vertisements in tis issue you can- wich be is a graduate. He fIrst not but decide that your buying ~i oincd, the Bank o! Montreal staff 'in Bowmanville will save you money. Marcb 1926 and bas serveti that This past week we have bad two bank at Frankford, Yarker, Perth, concrete incidents ta prove tixat not Belleville andi Bowmanvllle. Hie first only are prices as 10w in Bowman- became interested inh scout work ville as ln the city but tbey are îow- when he joined the Cubs ln Toronto er. One merchant invited us to look andi at Frankford he organizcd a over an advt. In a Toronto paper o! troop and became, at the age o! 17, a department store andi pictured in the youngest Scoutmaster In the this advt wcre articles, exactly like Dominion, a distinction that shoulc those i the stock o! this local mer- wln for hlm the wholehearted sup- chant and manufactured by the Port o! the scouts in Bowmanvllle. same flrm. The description was the Mr o ancmetBwa- same-but the price. That was a ville in March o! this year- andtisi different thing. In four instances extremely popular with bis fellow on four different articles the price workers and especially wltb the in Bowmanvîlie was lower. One ar- sporting fans who !ollowed bis huml- ticle priced I the Toronto store 'at ing successes In the Basebali League $12.50 was priced inh Bowmanville at this past summer. Mr. Bowman lx $9.75, andi another pr'ced i Tor- a member of St. John's Anglican onto at $27.50 was prlced bere at Churcb, and is a niember o! the $18-95. The Toronto store incident- Young People~s Association o! that ally is a beautiful building witb church. marble pilars, mosalc floors andi The Statesman Joins with the Ro- maguifIcent show cases. Thc ligbt- tary Club i bespeaking for Mr. ing effects are luxurios i the ex- Boman the entbusiastic support of treme and that ail contributes to the whole town in bis new work. overhead. I Bowmanville the store Scouting la an Important institution ha.s fot such magnificent flxtures, and any town benefits greatly froni the overbeat Iis low and the price of havlng a scout troop withi its con- merchandise is naturally lower bere fies. than i the city. (Name o! local flrm andi advt will be produceti on Hee' aoterincident. A lady Hon. W .Çf H. Price whowes not live in Bowmanvllle, butw o bas relatives here bougbt a dress i Toronto for $15.00. She Actio n in Remi, sPent a week endtInh Bowmanville recently and saw the exact replica o! ber dress, even to material, on sale ________________ here at the regular price of $12 50--- That's quite a saving when jýe I BANI) CONCERT neetis ta make their money go a > long way. Assisteti by prominent local art- Arounci tbe stores each week we Ists the Canadian Leglon Band will sec many sucb Incidents. Wc know render another o!fis popular con- o! another merchant who mahitains certs i the Opera House on Sunday a price ou bis floor coverlngs ai- evenlng at 8.30 o'clock wben the ways below the departmental store churcb services are over. A splendid or catalogue price. We know o! an- prograin bas been arrangeti by other 'Bowmanville store that can Bandinaster R. J. Lowens and tbe show many useful Christmas gif ta at bandsmen andi a large crowd shoulci 20% less than you can buy tbem In be Present for the event on Sunday the city. Perhaps these f acts seem a evenig. There will be no charge little far fetcheti but they are not, for admission but a silver collection they are absolutely true anti If you will be taken for the benefit o! the bave been itbe habit of buying out Welfare Funci. o! town, Just try buylng everytbing Tebn ubr ntepo i Bowmanvilie this Christmas ad eangm înclnuie U nrthepobl we guarantee you wil save money. gra~marllic; Ovgbnrt then Doublen Ail the above merchants referreti l Mrh Oetre npiain to are, o! course, advertlsers iThe Mazurka, Mazzie. Jesus Lover o! Statesman. MY Soul, a cornet duet by Messrs. Bruce Berry and Knox; Sweet Dreams, an euphonium solo by Mr. F. F . Morris Co's unique coupon A. W. Pickard.; Sacreti March, O plan is having fine resuits andi hun- Canada, andi Goci Save the King. dreds o! kicidies will be cuableti ta Amiong the vocal- numbers, Mrm. visit Santa Claus when he visita tis T. Wesley Cawker wili sing a solo, store on December 22nti. Thc store Messrs. Aluin, Plckard, Carruthers Is giving a coupon with eacb dollar anti Glanville, a quartette; Mr. A. purchase or with the Paymnent o! $5 McGregor, a solo; and Mrs. Lynch, a on account. These coupons will ad- solo. Mayor Oco. W. James bas mit a child to see Santa when he been asked to act as chairman for holtis court next week. Hie will have the evening. a bantisome gift for every child Administration of Justice in Liquor Case Smatters of Pull and Favoritiani It la the opinion o! local citizens Who know the real facta that Hon. W. H. Pruce, AttorneyGencrai o! the Province o! Ontario, offers some Pretty lame excuses in action O! remittlug half o! the $100 mini- 'num, fine meteti out by Magistrate R. M. Cotton ta Clifforti Cowie for a breacb o! the Liquor Contrai Act, if we are to belleve the interview ap- pearing in the Toronto Globe anti reproduceti on page 2 o! tis issue. The Attorney General admits that I repiy to form letters sent out by bis department Magistrate Cotton diti not sec fit to reduce the count On wbich Cowie appeareti, neither titi he consider alter boar- ing the facta o! the case that dlem- ency shoulti be recommentict. lHe alao admits that Cief Sydney Ven- ton ii not recommenti clemcncy despite the fact that be was one o! the ivestigating officers. Apparently the Atttorney Gencral preferreci ta base bis decision. on a letter receivet f rom County Crown Attorney F. D. Boggs of Cobourg, Who Wrote that Cowie was a mat- rieti man, vlth a gooti chai-acter anti whom he hati never kuovu ta get drunk. Tac Provincial Police, (no naine mentionei, but probably also !rom, Cobourg, gave Cowie an excel- len chai-acter. IHundreds o! others Who run f oui o! the iaw bave exac- tiy the same qualifications. We be- lieve that Magistrate Cotton, alter reviewing the case, ta whicb Cowie pleaeti guilty tok inta consitiera. tion these facis a ntih 4oing so lin- poseti the minimum fine.. Tac act vlth which we finti fault la that o! making a remisSion on a fine that Is already the minimum untier the Act. When the Lqior Control Act was formulateti those Who wortiet Its text must have con- sitiereti the $100 miimum fine tW be correct anti fair uncier British ideals, or theY Would neyer bave passeti it. It la flot Mr. Cowle, or bis political pull that forces us ta take Ou stand against the Attorney General. It la the principle o! the wbole affair i breaklng away f rom traditions o! fait play. anti bis high i Continued on page 12) Durham Co. Boys Win Honors in Judging Contest Win Four Out of Five Plac- es When Ten Central Counties Teama Vie for Honors in Contest at the Boys' Training School Witb teams competing from Dur- ham. Northumberland, Ontario, lHas- tings, Prince Edward, Peterboro, Victoria, York, South Simcoe and North Simcoe Counties, four Dur- ham County boys secureti places i the first :ftve prize winners at the Central. Ontario Seeci Judging Con- test helci at the Boys' Training School bere on Friday last. The contests are conducteci throughout the province andi the wnners f rom Central Ontario will meet the wn- ners o! ither Western or Eastern Ontario for the rght to jucge at the World's Seed Pair at Regina, next year, i competition with seed judgs from all over the word. The Durham County boys who bave won tbis unique honor are: ist, Oliver Smith, Burketon; 2nd. boy from North Sinicoe; tied for 3rd, Murray Byers of Burketon andi Alan Ough O! Port Hope; 5tix, Maurice Baker, SaUina. These four Durham boys who will compete as a team wll receive special coacing courses at Guelph Agricultural College be- fore meeting their next opposition. The judging which was done at the Training School was of the foi- lowlng eight classes: 0. A. C. 72 and Banner Oats, 0. A. C. 21 Barley, Marquis Wheat, FaIliWheat, Duruin Wheat, Tlmotby and Aifalfa. The four boys from Durham County are to be hlgbly congratulat- cd on their achievement. This county bas long been noted for its .Judglng teams, and Mr. E. A. Sain- (Contiued on page 9) MUSIC FESTIVAL ARTISTS PREENT PROGRAM AT CLUB Gold and Silver Medalluof et urham County Festival Provided interestintProgramnait MUSIC Study club December meeting o! the Bev- manville music étutiy club vas helid in St. Paul's schooI room on Wed- nesday evenig, December 7th. The Executive bati charge o! the Pro- grain anti hati arrangeti for an ev- ening with the Golti Medalists un- cicr 16 years who competeti at the Durham County Music Festival luat sprlng, as wefl as jhe prize winners In the Elcmentary Piano Summer examninations. The meeting vas open to the public -anti a goodly number taok ativantage o! the prir- ilege o! the fine evenlng's entertain- ment. Weather conditions voem such that those takig part froin distant centres were unable to be. present, but the youthfui artista vho appeareti conducteci themuslves most admirably, glving great hozLour to themselves as Weil as their teachers. DIntbe absence o! the Preside Mrs. E. P. Bradt, tbrougb lllness,th îst Vice Presitient, Mrs. j. AlbertCole, presided ant Inl a brie! open- hIg address weicomed the young en- tertainers, complimenting thein on their bigb standing anti encourag- ig theni ta continue In the gooti work. The !ollowlng program vas then presenteti: Reacling...M55 Kay O,- Nell, BowmanviIle; Moutb Organ rab0-Miss Gertrude Bonathan, New- castle; Piano so6lo--miss Lillian Naylor, Bowmanville; Xylophone solo -MISS Gladys Pollard, Newcastle; Piano solo--Miss Jean Logan, Boy- manvîlle; Moutb Organ anti Xylo- Phone duet.-Misses Bonathan andi Pollard, Newcastle, Piano solo-Miss Pauline Wagar, Bowmanville. Tac prises offereti by the Club ta the lst anti 2nd prize winners ln Elementary Piano were then pre- seteI: lt Prize-Misa Lilian Nay- lor, pupil o! Mr. Francds Sutton, presentecj by Miss R. Perey, 2nti prize--Miss Jean Logan, pupil of Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson, presenteti by Misé Helen G. Morris. Miss Gretq Wickett moveti a beat- ty vote o! thanks te the young art- Ists for their splendid entertai- ment, wbich vas seconded by Miss Stella Reynolds. After tbe singing o! the National Antheni, a dainty lunch was served ta ail present anti a social hait bour enJoyeti. St. CathariesStandard i e- !orring to the reenl!tly organisoti SOciety for the Blind hi that city vhen an entertainment vas given, mahes8 this comment about a former Durhamn County boy: "The meetig vas turneti over ta mr. Fvred R. Fo- ey Who hati arranged . the concert for the Occasion. Mr-. Foley acteti as 'anouner," giving Word pictures tescribing the varfous artits vho entertaiedInhtesperslng his r. marks vith ifhes of humer." Newcastle Community Hall Scene of Meeting 'When Field Man Reports Good Average Price Received for Pure Bred Stock The council chainber lu the Coin- muuity Hall, Newcastle, was the scene o! the aunuai meeting o! the Durhamn Hoîstein-Friesian Associa- tion on Wedncsday, Dec. 7th. Un- Idaunteti anti undiscourageci by the iprevalling unsatisfactory ecouomic conditions anti the preset1w Iprices for pure breti dairy cattle anti Idairy products, the Association pro- ceedet i wth business as usual. There was a morning session with Mr. N. I. Metcal!, Maple Gi-ove, lu the chair, anti Mr. Neil Mutton, Bowmanviile, present in bis capacity o! secrtary-treasurcr for the past year. Mr. Muttan rend the miutes o! the last annual meeting i Or- ono anti of a number o! executive meetings througbout the year. Ris report as treasurer showeti a bal- ance from 1931 o! $27.15 anti ie- ccipts o! $101.99. There were ex- penditures of $106.90, leaving a bal- ance on baud o! $22.24. Tbrough the agency o! the Assoc- iatiou's ficîdmen, the late L. C. Snowdeu anti bis successor, Neil Mutton, buyers bati come into the county anti purchaseti froni breeti- crs 26 heati o! pure breti heifers and cows totalliug lu sales value $2207.50 or an average o! $84.90 a beati. Fieltimen receiveti 5 per cent com- mission o! which tbcy depositeti 1 per cent in the Association's funtis for advcrtising purposes. Tac same practice wili apply in 1933. Mr. Mutton, Mr. Metcalf anti1 others gave expression ta, the great loss the Association bati sufferet inh the untimcly tieatb o! Mi-. Snowtien. lis passing hati been a personal bereavement ta many members o! the Association aud tbcy still feIt ht keenly. Tac meeting ticcitiet to leave thc matter o! a fieldi day I the summer ta the executive anti passeti a mo- tion ta donate *5.00 to the manage- ment conuittee o! the community hall for thc use o! room i the hall on tis anti many pust occasions. <Continueti on page 10) Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Haddy anti Jack anti Miss Agnes Hatidy. Tor--1 onto, spent the veekencl witb Mr. anti Mrs. P. A. Haddy. SILVER WEDDINGI ALLIN.-LANGMAID - At Pair- field, Dariington, the residence of the brides father, on December 11th, 1907. b>' Rev. Wm. Jolliffe, ashisted by Rev. J. R. Butler, S. Charles AI- lin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allin, and Irene, only daughter of Mr. Joseph Langmaid. On Saturday afternoon, December i0th, about seventy-flvc relatives anti frientis gathereti at the home o! Mr. anti Mrs. S. C. Allin. Darling- ton. to celebrate with them their tweuty-flith wedding auniversary. Mr. A. M. Hardy, who kintiiy of- ficiateti as chairman lu bis usual capable style, calleti the assembly to ortier. lic then calleti on Miss Mar- ion Allin to reati the following ati- jDear I-eue anti Chai-les: Wc have gathereti at your home today ta join with you i celebrat- ing your twenty-fifth wedding auni- vcrsary, anti we arc pleaseti to sec you both looking sc veil anti happy. During these tventy-flvc ycars Goti bas blesseti you lu many ways. Fer- baPs the greatest blesslng you cnjoy in 111e Is your famly-three lovely daughters anti one ideal son. We realize that your home is one o! the happiest homes hIoui- community antiw wc aut ta congratulate you anti yours on this occasion. Those o! us wbo have bati the prîvilege of recclvlng your most cordial bospital- Ity during youi- veddced i 1e, know well the harmony whicb existaei tins home at ail times. Wc hope to bave the pîcasure o! meeting with you anti you with us on many more cul oyable occasions. Durlng these twenty-flve ycai-s wc have all bat disappointments, sur- prises antibappiness, but ve shoulti aIl be thankful for the privilege o! living lu this Intelligent countr-y o! ours anti en.Joying religiaus !rccdom anti happinesa. On behal! o! your relatives anti friends, ve voulti ask you to accept o! this silverware, ibis dinner wagon anti occasional chair, anti as you look upon them i your home anti use themin hiyears ta corne, may ht reminti you o! the fellovship wblch existe betveen you anti us. Nov that you are hait way along the Journey ta your Golden Wed- (Continuel on PMge3) 1 , i,'à Mrs. Elizabeth McWooti anti Miss Dorothy McWood anti Mrs. Fezzy, Detroit, have been visiting tbeir cousin, Miss Annie Aflin, and other relatives here. Triity Sunsinne Ciass met on Taursday evenig, Dec. 8tb, at Miss Vesta Spargo's. After the prograni was taken by Marlon liamley, elec- tion o! officers resulteti as foliows: Presitient-Daisy Clark; Vice Presi- dent-Marlou Ha.mley; Secretaryv-. Floreuce Simipson; Assistant &ec'y. -Olive Brooking; Treasurer-Mur- -j i Undaunted, Undiscouraged Holstein Breeders Gather at Annual Meeting ( eLamely Excuses itting Minimum Finel 5