- " zAm- r. v In~mTT T-,AV . AU T 2~1 4t.h ,19332 FRIENDSHIFP "Ijf you walk as a f riend you wçýill find s friend Wherever you choose tc f are. If you go witb mnirth o a far strange land, you will find that mirtb i.s thexe; For the strangcst part o! Vis queci old world is that like wiii joir with like; And who wsiks with love for his feiiowman an answerimg love will strike. "'If you waik in bonor then bonest men wii meet you along the way; But if you are faise you wili flnd men f alse wherever you chance o strsy. For good breeds good and bsd breeds bad, we are met by the raits we show; Love wiil find a friend at the strsng- cr's door wherc bate will fInda foc. "For eacb 0f us builda the worid hb knows wicb oniy hiniseif car, spoil; And an bour of fate or an hour ol shamie can ruin a life o! toil; And hough o the utmost ends cJ tbe eartb your duty may bld Y0 fare, if you go witb trutb and s f riendli hcart you will find f riends wait ing there." ÇYour Laundlry DONE THE THRIFT WAY 9 Lbs. for 75c 7c per tb. additioiial Al fiat work finished. Oo)ods calicd for and dliv- ercd. Work donc by Bow- manville people. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Marîoram'1 s Lauudry Phone 478 King St. E. Beat the HEAT ENjoy more crisp, lightf you'Il feel cooler. Kellol Flakes are extra refreshi in energy -asud se easy * they don't "lheat you up. Fine for breakfast, lu dren's suppers. Oven.fre by Kellogg in London, On ntari. A ot o peole wll fo taeves -to stekln esa.Ivbe "breaks" until they're broke. IV elhfulVouse. Neyr jaes lha Scola ouards Bandnfsrona an ~fThe e33o Ga Bafrm o neld uey & LoY l for hbarids , fce, and as a haïr fixa- oGreuntdat rtin bfak Vo 17 li ne ive. Wonderfuli' sootblflg sud pro- ho earesd at tienadn ack t 7 inl Wmen W.Test Ej' It lh tee ive. Especially recommended la for _ _ _ _ _ aain aina aeso oghesorCaln aS Exhibitionl ia daily f ree concerts Done Propeij. cb ashero dica rea<ctio s - this year. I dbwehecodtns PAGE THREE I <e'.<.u~ Il I XXftbemselves. Obeying Orders, 22, 23 W o m en In war. one of the great difficulties Page oF nte esttos t pay tsodirfoUic sold- Not irequently the right to loot iers. In the Great War, looting was when you sec the waY they are o! ten kept down to the minimum in a re- spoied 'n cookng. Be careful flot ~i markable way. partly by army dis- H ints For to over-cook your vegetabies. Tas t- Sun U43 School cipline but aiso because military 11* ng is the only way to tell if You conditions made it almost impossible H om eI300les have enough sait and the sait 15 Tf1ho n~~I to store goods. Saul had bis orders much better added before the vege- ~ ~ " to prevent the people ravaging the Written for The Statesman table is cooked than added after it _________________ possessions of their opponients. HIe By Jes8:e Allen Brown bas been draincd. Somne vegetables might approve or disapprove of this need sugar and that you can only S A U L rule. but he bad acceptcd commnand tel by tasting. Beets, peas and corni witb a clear understanding of the Salmon are sure to require sugar unless tbey Sunday, August 27th order. The fact that somne of the This paragraph is goiflg to be are just f reshly picked. Taste and spoil might be uaed for religious about f resb saimon and miyscrfieaderso cndtryhe.i ï edr r.Golden Text: "Behoid. to obeY issarfcsddlocndieted- wbo live cn ither coast need read Chicken Liver better than sacrifice-i Samuel obedience. In tbe great words of thc tingfabth saIimon teat the do fot Tbe other day I roastcd a cbîckcfl 15:22. Golden Tcxt, to obey is better tban s know mucabbutter onthan I. Buo t rtand just before sewing it Up I tuck- arfie Onyto w hv giv uc e eertI.to mst cd the liver in with the dressing. It Lesson Passage: i Samuel 15: learned to obey are quaiified to rI will iv way a sce-oMs cooxnbatfll n fyuone1-6 omand. It miay be that amid comane sa 0f a can. ht tyare try it you wiii understand the mean- Verily, I swear *tis better to be cbanglng conditions we may bave to coms ut f cn. ha thy reing of 'tender as liver.' Tomatoes îowîy born, use our own intelligence and inter- mosn TWhoo nly eaof fI sa 5 which bave been skinned, scooped And range witb humble livers in pret tbe iaw for ourselves in the knowingly is. that I married a Mari- out and chilled are delicious wben content, spirit of those making the law. Tbe tmrand my friends andi relations stuffed witb a saiad made of diced Tban to be perk'd Up in a gist- boy wbo stood upon the burning ;t bave seen to my educatiofi on the chickcn liver and cclcry, using about ering grief, oders utoo lierwaiy. As a rule, w r;1flh question . In Ontario we are twice as miuch ceiery as laver. And wcar a golden sorrow. haversnocjustifiationin A sobrueying d getting Easternsmnno an ifivrCksAneBieiiigHey " traffic signs, trcspass notices, and ýe you bave not used it do try it. Sal- 212 cups ground liver, 2 slices of Caught in the Act, 13-15 approved social custom. Educatiofi mon may be cut in steaks or slices bacon, cut in small pieces, 1 egg. Tesoyf al aiu ssm wchdsnticlaeobine Ls and f ricd like any other fish but the. speck of pepper, %. cup bread Tesoyo alsfiuei oewibde o nuct bdec re niccst way of ail is to steam it or crumbs, 114 cup milk. 1 teaspoon sait. tbrcc tbousand years old, but it wasito authority is incompiete. boil it in the piece. For the average Moisten the bread crumbs with written in a way Vo make it live and Repenting, But Toe Late, 24-26 ,- f amily a three poufld picce is a good the beaten egg and milk. add sait be useful for our lcarning. HowW hen Saul was told that he was a size and the tail is better than a pepper, liver and bacon. Make into dramatic was the unveiiing of tbe rejected f rom bemng king, bie at once centre cut as it is not as fat. cakes and f ry in a greased pan, pre- guilt of King Saul ! Sometbing may took his misdeeds seriousiy. Irn- UsullyI seamsaion s tereferblyin aco drppig.be said in defence of Saul. HIe was mediately be ceased putting thc UsuallyI steamsalmonas ther politicianbaoandrSamuci 1was tbe blame upon others and laid it upon e isl nothecs ase dangber o!buinghi Chorolate Drop Cooldes priest, and their viewpoints differed hi bself wbere it rigbtfuily belonged. n f ai to picesas wben boniebt 1 ý' cup sbortening, 1 cup sugar, 1 widely, but Saul invited exposure bY He even was bold enougb to con- oerdywanoonvni tVo egg, 2 squares chocolate, l,'2 cups tbe pious manner be assunied wben f bicowardice saying that bie stamitsoI oie i i sltd atrflour, 2 teaspoons bakmng powder. 14bhodSaulta e a e-bd heaed tbe people. Therein thc anobfivorwsamotbte teaspoon sait, ý'2 cup milk, 1 cup formed tbe commindmnft of tbe cowardly Saul was brave again. But because of the sait. Try it both cbopped wainuts, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Lord. HIe was under orders to take it was too laVe. Saul iiad missed )uways and choose for yoursclf. Allow Cream sbortenmng and sugar and no spoi, yet at the very moment bis chance. The Moving Finger bad y 1 bou 1 inutes cooking Vo eacb add well beaten egg. Sif t flour, sait wben be was presenting bis report, written the decee and it was final. oud0ffsh. Wben the fisb is and baking powder; and add to mix- the bieating of tbe sbeep and the There are some hings wbich re- cooked remove the skin. IV cornes ture aîternately wtb Uhc milk. Add lowing of the oxen gave ban away. pentance cannot change. Repent- off very easiiy. chocolate melted over bot water, Saul was as discomfitted as Uic ance cannot make tbings as tbey - Salmon may be served bot wiVb a nuts and vanilla. Drop by sp00n- small boy wUbh the teltale jam on1 were if arson bas burned a building, sauce sucb as an egg or cucumber fuis on a greased baking sheet and Ibsfco h uga unn r or murder bas aken a 111e. or a saue bt i iseve beerseredbakeoin a moderate oven of 375 de-1 ound f rom rifling a saf c o look 'i- public scandai bas destroyed con- cold. To serve coid it may be re- grecs for ten to twclve minutes. 1 Vo the fiasblights of the police. f idence. Saul's 1f e ended in tragedy moved in large pieces f rom thc cen-î tre bonie. Salad dressing or one of Tbere is so often poetic justice in and defeat, but bis drarnatic career Uicsaues aybe ervd wtbthi PU TOATES N TE MNUthe detectiofi of guilt that it seeSbas given rise to one of tbe greatest ore jus lmn uie sorvea itti vne fl OAOSONTEMN ot to be altogether a matter Of poems in the Engilsb language, Arjst n tati ef trmay btte suv dTine-eM yWysi Wlhchance. Saul spoke fair, but the Browning's Saul. and Vo one of the gar. Ayta slf a esue hrAr ayWyinW c sbcep and the oxen spoke loudest. greatest requiems in music, Uic f un- or if you prefer it that way. as miany1 do, the entire piece miay be soused. Tornatees May Be Served-High It was bad enough for tbc success- cral marcb from Saul. in Vitamins and Low lu (ost f ui warrior king Vo tell a fa]sebood. Questions for Discussion Sousd Salmon but it was worse for hlm to tell i I geto rtia 0 ouh ICover the 115h witb bot vinegar Otrogo~nVmùe r the aged Samuel, to wbom be bad 12 Csa moey iiainedfbe wei Iwbich bas been seasoned witb sai, of the present bigbiights appearmng be ndbe orgetasitn en pepper and a ittle sugar, also a lit- on the market, and in conjunction andvansc many arg unlliha-e 3. Who bears Uic consequences Vewoepclnspcifdsrd with the campaign being waged by 0ino i fecbttebetn f political mistakes? prefer mine unspiced but many like the Dcpartment of Agriculture te tindi ow is offten imbtaicgbveating 4 -Wby is an open confession Uic slice) . It is wise to dilute the use more vegetablesan and roing 0ffo the anial gvecm vinegar witb water as most vinegars grown in Ontario, wc are faturin phatic proof to the fact that the go o h ol are a bit strong. Let stand for ait tomatees whicb were fewnaturone king bad yielded Vo greed. leasat a day. in a cool place and lime as Love Apples. Faithfulinlu ebuke, 16-1 9 serve. Most thinking womcn (and we are Cucuniber Sauce proud to feel that the vast majority To castigate others in anger may ;- 1 large cucumber, 1, teaspoon sait, 0f bomemakers rate that descrip- give some satisfaction, but o speak l2 cup cream, speck of pepper, 2 tes- tioni) realize that wc arc not ol the trutb in love is painful, espec- spoons vinegar. adding o Uic enjoyment of our tab- piaily assenittiresbav e enlga "7 Pare the cucumber. chop and les wben we serve Uic luscious fruits, p desa toassoivations. Recnteynae drain well. Whip the cream until the fresb vegetabies. that are so judgc badtgieahvysnnc stiff, add the sait and pepper, tben1 gencrousîy tours ait present-not onîy to a n wofrfry r a A HEALTH SERVICE or add the vinegar a littie ait a time.1adding to the store of family healtb been bis f riend and neighbor. Sain- TME CANADA MEOICAL Foid in the drained cucuniber and and resistance Vo disease wbcn we uel did bis duty by Saul but oniy a ASCAINAND LIPE .- chili. Serve witb fish. offer fodaso) ricb in the vitamins sense of religious compulsion made INSURANCE COMPANIES and minraIs that off er the most bina equai bo spea.kilg Uic plin but IN CANADA To Peel or to Parc sýecur protction-but we are aid- unpîcasant words. Samuel recalled FAUEC Do you know the difference be- mng thse staunch f riends. our grow- the youtb of Saul, "wbcn tbou wast FAUEC tween peeling and paring? You Peeli crs; and ini aiding theni we are aid- littie in thine own sigbt," reminding Unenomlcdiosao- a banana or an orange. but you pare ing ourselves, for the worid bas Saul. witbout saying so, that Sami- nenomlcdiosao- a potato, an apple, or a cucumber. learned that good fortune must be uei bad anointed bim Vo the king-'idteabesamon.Thof gas iseprvesent Taste and Try fairly general if iV is Vo be sustained. ship. He also quoted Uieclcîar or- n e intpeins.The at stiservesa If you want te be a good cook you So for ail these reasons, let us ders whicb bad been given Vo Saul usefucoprpctosin thet it sticlae must taste your cooking as season- look to our uses for the fine red as leader of the army, battlc orders Uic t conttios fUic bowel wi ings cannot go by rule alone. Vege- tomatoes that abound now. Serve wbich Saul had disobeyed. HIe gave ove the ontenaltraft.ebwe tables are more sinned against in Vbem rawý--serve them cooked--can Saul a chance o defend biniscif and Flatulence means an excessive cooking than any other class of them if that is your practice. No- make wbatever explanatiofis be pouto fg i h netns j food. IV is no wonder some people thing you can give your f amily is could for his actions. In this inter- anprdut ion f as induetheonestines, think Vbey do noV like vegetables more bealtbful., view Samnuel was probably suffering an ti sal u ooe0 w Tomate Steak as much as Saul: it was painf ul for causes. The first is the fermenta- them oth.tion of foods which occurs wben 3 tabiespoons shortening te ob It is always a test of there is an cxcess, in the diet. o! 21! pounds round steak, about friendsbip Vo bave a straigbtforward sgrsace rcluoe h n 2 inches tbick discussion o! a wrong donc If the sgrsace rcluoe h n 1 lage oionconference is carricd on in the rigbt digestible residue of coarse vege- i lage nio sprit itmaylea 10reformatioii tables and whoie grains. 3 carrots siii a edt This is most apt Vo occur in the 2 white turnips and the f ricndship May be stronger person who is constipated, because 2 cups canned tomatoes tha bfoe lIf however. self- in such cases, the contents of the 2 teaspoons sait rigbtcousriess and a desire Vo be aev- bowei are retalned for a compara- aý teaspoon pepper ere is shown. the breach wiil only tivey long tume, and there is thus a Heat sbortening in frying pan. be made wider. And, on the part o! greae potnt o emna Add meat and sear it brown on aîl the one rebukcd. iV is easy o be sul- caVer opgspouifor.fermenta- sides. Arrange in a casserole and len and miss the opportunity o! is noV particulariy offensive, and the cover with onion, carrots, and ur- getting any good fromn fricndly re- condition is relievcd by passing Uic nipa (which have been pealcd and montrarue. gas as fiatus or witb the bowei move- chopped very fine), omatoes. sait A Lame Alibi, 20, 21 ments. and pepper. Cover tightly and bake In sucb cases, it is advisable Vo in a slow oven o! 275 degrees F. for Judged on the 10w level of strat- reduce the consumption o! peas,j bour. Tickn gavy ifdesred eg,rzofte af rank admission Of beans, coarse vegetables, potatoes Servings, 6. guilt is etr than a lame defence. and wboie-grain cereals. The diet Deviled Tomatoes one o! the sins wbich Jesus con- witb considerable roughage is noV Slic toatos, oîlin ouranddemned most strongly was bypoc- the best diet for ail, even though iV pan f ry in butterolutin lante risy. Sin is bad. but sin donc in the is the best f or some people. ________________________ pand oribtersauce made by er ef religion is worsc. In bis The other cause of gas in the n-- ing the foilowing ingredients: deflence before Samuel, Saul shows testines is putrefaction. This gas is 4 tablespoons butter Up badly on two counts. lIc tried f oui and offensive as it arises f rom 2 teaspoons powdcrcd sugar o shove off the blame upon the the putrefaction of proteins in the fiad-ole g people who took spoil, as tbougbh le diet. The chief source o! proteininm 2 tabpoiedvegar was not in commaand. lIe also sougbt our diets is meat. Iu sucb cases, too 2iae, sy eae refuge in ssying that the people ook mucb meat may bave been uscd., or. Cook ogether, butter, sugar, bard- Uic animais to make sacrifice Vo due Vo iack o! habit or exercise, boiled egg mashed o a paste mixed God. He thougbt somehow that there may not be regular bowei with vinegar and egg siightly beat- the end might justifY Uic means. elimination. i lm en, until mixture tbickens. It is a very interesting study Vo note The importance of diet andclm Scraibld Egs ithTomaoes theexcsespneople ake for theni- ination are important in considering I it shows Up la Their Sohool Marks Beading, 'rlttng snd 'rithmetic comne easy t. boys uni girls who drink a lot of milk. for milk brnlngs heaith-bUIlds uP a strong body und au active nilnd. Bo Motbers, one-hall of the Job of making your cli a sucesa iu achool belongs to you. . If you give jour chili ustIat a quart of mllk a day as a beverage. in creamed diabas, soupsaund desserta yen'11 b. ioing your part lu helping jour child get hlgh marka lu every subject .For milk tbat'a pure and whole- smre call 4083 and we'l deliver te jour home. Gien Rae 9D)"" PHONE 40U ILK K STEVENS & BON THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVE-LE, TliUktbi)AI, A Dramatic Offering of Autumn Frocks A thrilling collection of new f ail dresses have juat arrived S . and they'il prove the best tonie imaginable for end- of-the-sunimer ennui ! Their smart, Imdi vidual styllng expresses the zestful spirit of f aU. itaeif. Yoar choice of the seaaon's favorite f abrics sleek satins, canton crepes, blisterci silk ...ail with ingentous bits of trlm- mlngs, or clever style detals. Smart women wiii select an entire wardrobe now - and save money! $9.z75 Walker Stores Ltd. Phone 164 Bowmanville