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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1934, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMILE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARYi 22, 1934 __________________________________________il -_____ Plet * cerythlnit to 'et, s--nd for ,"Interl ~ McPydef8 Seee Cot BO * cta.4.per pe mck. i lt,,«e nd gma a m - (),er.tC psket. Bit 15,0 sIfed cas * ~ LIP RISAD and * et- l0g ace Beautifld fhwen-FREE ~dIiIi~ -,_ sePCkC21Clur 1ge [lassiJul DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of! Royal Dental College Toronto. office: Jury Jubllee Bldg Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m to 6 p. m. daily except Sund.ay Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any hour. any daY F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipmeflt Ambulance arnd Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWiMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH i Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipmeflt -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smitb Phone Da.ys 58 Nights. Sundays or Holidays 1Phone 523 or 276 ed. WAiIf Wanted POSITION WANtTED-l-:hiy 1nîf W~gsr .,.îai ipvt M i re r, îîî.înv.îy ri-1 SALESMAN W aNTD-xtons t tra ti po:. fun m.ti fsd. un - lîm t-~i îî.,cttiity tnimit ci co-o cra- tio A'îY 4. '24.,I rawr 1D, Bow- nianvil- V,ýANTED-Itii - - î ;,siin d ili---- adn. or hni n rc t iold h ull Smlles co l" , litn titI n1' (4. tt0 . . 11 5 i n a \i i i , 1 MAN WANTED-Fi' lcwa\i.,t haudîls \Vr 's Qualty 'r-as, *nf-S , 'ceca . S pIec-, R ta t. T î, rropa a- tionis. ,tir'et t îîh-It iss.Ai. c op,-lîîn nli t îriain *,învfornman with tr., 'lfOouîfit. WVi ru-tatincalé,T il . W arin7 cl S John S n'î Hamil- ton. 8-2. For Sale FOR SAL.E-.%IfOlla liav, îlant 2s ton. phono 4-2 t 'Iî' 8 FOR SALE-011n j-r jjv I -i Ilstein FOR SALE-.h-I s-c cw, -rt lii, iito ritw v F. h24 italTahh. %*;- ..t cf lowniafltillO. 8- 1 HOUSE FOR SALE - 111lHampton. la m c ito u s:,, co n 4.4 ni n g 5 ro ni. ba ril ,-L cr,- cr : rittroes.Appliy T. M j.WiicoX. i,.-rty Stre.-l, Bowmnan- viii,.. lPhoeo462. -tf-1* MIRRORS FOR SALE-Tvo mirrors, 4 ft. 8 in. i, 2' fi. 6 ni. two. 7 Rt. ,Y 2 ft: ma v b, st- ni n -i i citi tst's Stcrc- ndow. Fiurtiter information from Mrs. T . 7Mason. Ring rSt, P.owmanviIls. 8- To Let TO RENT-P.rick bocuse on Horsy St. 6 monts, n,-%%Iy iccýcor;t-I, goail garden. t cuit rv li s- a7 nlw ik he . J. B. M ar- t:.n. Ioî iant il. 8-2- HOUS ORENT--On î'turctî Street. si-. riiens. al cn.clins garden anl hl-nl hous.- , osetssi . ,l at once. W'. B. >Poiiiril. IiowlmanviIi.- Phone .1. 8-2 f TO LET - .5 room hoa.ted apartment, ývacant 'March lst: ail modeorn conven- i<necs siectric stove:.in (owan Block: czi n sen an: timo. Phone 270. 6-3* Music FRANCIS SUTTON. Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. 11Puois proparel for al oxaminatiOns- Private ani ciass iossonsî at moderate rates. Bowm anvilit, Ont. 40-lyr Town of Bowmnanville ADJOURNED SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES Siii t .ik.- ptaca on r SATURDAY, the 3rd day of MARCH y 1934 'tniltii (Corporaitioni cf tii.- Tiomi f Hon niai,'. iii-.u-I-r 4h.- tU-'. -sotit'.of S-etii 1.-7 "f ii, s-slit n t . i t iv g .-s itlie.- cf ti ls iiilnioii 'c, ipur- chats'- siich of t.ý- tands off,-red ait the sa id aii irîti--41sal- as nîayito-g-d otmed( ii' îii- an i i tii- in t-r-s i cf the Tcwn. if th, -sîîmis offered for saillilands ai- -ssti-nthnli-- arrérars (lue, or if ne prtire is offccr(-Il A. J. LYLE. Treasurer. Town T.aii sOffice ltoniavii i'Iriary21st, 1934. 8-2 ýd 1- Town of Bowmanville ýd ADJOURNED SALE 0F LAINDS FOR TAXES Notie,- is herohy given that the ad- ;h jcurri-41 -sale of lands whîeh .vere offer- f .0d for sate on te Stit day of January. le 1!4: . ill bp h(otu on Saturday . the 'Çd , Lr -o..f 24Iýt,eh a 1.544 A. l. tit ieTown g !)ictîlic auction, ait whleh time the salîl tamr is or such of them as shall net have bec-n reiii-meui in thte meantimé, wiii he - f-rifor sale pursuant te the provîs- s. u t oIt f ,(c io ti, 1v u or t e ý ass estm en t act. The warrant authorîziflg sueit sale for Iti - ý*s %vas îroucedi at t hé sal, u1' - - oni tiieiSth utc vo f .,4 aury andl %vas titi i- * iîslit-.ýian teo0lintatrio (;a z- t t.. Sc-)tomhi'r Suth andltt.th tlî. l4t. aîind*lst cicys of r icI oicr, 192. i ndin tiie C'aian Stt-snîtit nes ar w ,-k for tttirtcn 1 w,-eks A tîst cf the landis to e hoofferol fer sil maybi scn andi ftrtIiîr informa- tion r tiri ri'.i dt-mnil rat titi oafle cof lii tinOi- i A. J.LYLE, o T s (ilfe Treasurer. Townîtr i '3 Business Directory r LEGAL e M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building. Bownaflville -3____1_- W. R. STRIKE - arrister, Solictor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bow avle naj Royal Theatre DO WMAN VILLE Featuring two more great pictures - The Four Marx Brc--hers and WiII Rogers - what a com- bination. Don't miss either of them. When you hear your"friends talk about them you'l regret it. WATCH FOR THE COMING ATTRACTIONS February 22 - 23 - 24 "lae fcin" oiyW O SOeà l~CsiB*fter ofother Matinee Sat. 2.30 p. m. C-OMING SOON Dorothea Wieck in "The Cradie Song" Victor Jory. Loretta Young in "The Devil's Ini Love" Joe E. Brown in "Son of a Sailor" Loretta Young in "Zoo In Budapest" Once More Coucli, Joknsto'n & Cryderman Ltd. WELCOME The visit of Chas. Ralleman Special representative of TIP TOP TAILORS LIMITED who will be at this store on Thàursçday, Marcb Ist We welcome hlm on behaîf of ail the men in town who are interested in good clothes. lie 1rifigs -with him large samples and suit ends of the Spring and Summer fabries f rom f ar- ous milis in the British Empire, also model gar- ments showing the latest style trend. Tip Top clothes, hand eut and individually tailored to your personal measurements by the largest tailoring establishment in Canada, offer you the greatest value in clothing to-day. Regardless of whether you purchase or flot, we would welcome the opportunity of showing you what we have to off er. Ti'p Top Clothes ARE EXCLUSIVELY SOLD BY Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Matinee Monday 4 p.m. mýý Mon. - Tues. - Wed. February 26 - 27 - 28 BowmanviBe LIMITED Phone 104

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