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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE ANAIANSTA'I!?~iM Sxc1M, -.. - . - -.'V±A1 VILLfl..J..HURSD1AY, BRUARY 22, 1934 3rd, under the able leadership of 4 tTYRONE Mrs. F. Dudley and Mrs. J. Hatherly. HAYDON Election of officers was held on Feb. l7th, when the f ollowing were elect- Mrs. Win. Virtue is visiting her cd: Pres.-Helen Trimm; Vice Pres. Church service next Sunday at daughter, Mrs. W. Cochrane, Orono, -Mildred Bradley; Secretary-Ade- 3 p. m. who is ill laide Annis; Asst. Sec.-Nina Hodg- Miss Muriel Moore, Enniskillen, Mr. George Afldread spent a f eç% son; Treasurer-Susie Thompson. Suridayed at Mr. Win. Trewin's. days with bis sister, Mrs. Harvey League programn Thursday evenhng A large number were entertained Strong, Oshawa. çvas in charge of Mr. Dave Park. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis and farn- Bible reading by Mr. Francis Thomp-1 Neil last F'riday evening. lly, Pontypool, visited hier sister, son; Mrs. A. W. Clemens gave a The Rainbow Girls' Class held Mrs. W. P. Park. splendid topic on "What Can We Do their monthly meeting at the home Mr. Clarence Woodley was in To- About Poverty and Wealth", and al- of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley on Mon- ronto lu.t week on business and also s0 conducted a discussion perioci on day night. visited his cousin, Mr. Emmerson the topic; reading, Mr. Robert Cam- Sunday School was largely attend- Connor. eron; solo. Miss Elsie Moore; read- ed last Sunday afternoon. After the Mr. and Mrs. T. Richards are vis- ing, Mr. Charlie White, "St. Valen- lesson a missionary programi was Itlng their daugliter, Mrs. Hl. Fiiid- tine"; Mr. Fred Goodman gave a given as follows: Reading by Gor- ley, Unlonville. Mr. Richards is al- very fine piano solo; reading, miss don Slemon; vocal duet was nicely 80 ttedin th God RadsCon Ssie Thompson, "Little Massa's Es- rendered by Misses Audrey Thornp- vention in Toronto. say on Husbands"; vocal duet, Miss- son and May Trewin; a chapter of W. M. S. met in the S. S. room on es Eva Colacott and Helen Trimmn; the missionary book "The Moffatts"i Friday, Feb. 16th, to participate in reading, Mr. Ross Pooley. A social was read by Miss Ada Beech; a vocal the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. R. J- half hour was enjoyeci at the close solo was sweetly sung by Miss Wilma Hodgson, the president, conducted consisting of a contest, games and Wottefl. the meeting in bier usual capable candy. Meeting closed with the _______________ ChrhGroup No. 1 wil.l hoîd a bndcin SOLINA . pancake social in the Community1 Hall on Thursday, March ist. Pro- SALEM1 gressive crokinole and lost heir w .l l Sorry to report that Mrs. J. J. be played, after which a cafeteria ISmlith continues very ill. lunch of pancakes and syrup will be Young Peoples League meeting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds andt served. scheduled for Tuesclay evening, Feb. family visited Toronto f riends onE Re-organization of Tyrone brancb l3th, was wthdrawn owing to un- Sunday.1 of the C.G.I.T. took place on Feb. favorable road and weather condi- Misses Evelyn Tink and HelenE tions. Baker spent the weekend at Mr.r Rev. A. M. Wootton*s excellent scr- Clarence Tinks, Maple Grove. E mon on Sunday last dealt with the i Thcebr fth oe' n kind of enemies Christ had while Temmeso h oe' n in the flesh, comparing them with stitute are entertaining their hus-V Radio >%essages present day enemnies who crucify baonds aldgle n fi si h Him n te siri.bans aon etmen f rieningh tel you of the new and Hinntesirt March lst. effective Health Preservers 1 9 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mrs. f Wapoe' Cd .ie MAPLE GROVE S. E. Werry and Mr. George Werry Wample' CodLivr $1attndedthefortethwedding anni- Etadcol rvnaie isJa on pn h versary of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lang- (Tonic ad l rvnaie issJenPurdy, Tw, etteimaOhaaTurdyenig weekend with Miss Elsie Samis. 1 adOswThrayenig Par - Rac- - - Don't f ail to sec the play '*AIl ont The sympathy of this community (stimulant, corrective) $1.0 Account of Polly" to be given in the is extended to, Mr. Edwin Rey'nolds Re - - - > hall on Friday, Feb. 23rd, at 8 p. m. and family in the suddcn death of cough stopper) 57-~>c Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Metcalf enter- his son, Herbert, at Granby, Que., Jad Salts tained a number of Base Line folks- who was a native of this section. (condensed)55 on Friday cvening to a Lost Heir There was a good attendance at Cray ate Cystlsparty. the Division meeting last Wednes- Cmzy Wter C1stal Mr. Robert Jarvie lef t on Thurs- day evening. Af ter the business per- (system cleanser) - 50 day of this week to visit relatives in iod ail interesting prograin was giv- Mason's 49 Al-Scotland. We all wish him a safe en, with several impromptu speech- (cough remedy,) i40c 7e j oulney. es by the members, a read.ing by These and many otherRai Mrs. Raymond Snowden and Miss Ada Aluin, and a vocal solo by Rdo daugbteîs, Helen and May, Toronto, Miss Muriel Baker. advertised articles are waiting are visiting ber parents, Mr. and League was withdrawn on Mon- for you at Mis. R. R. Stevens. day night on account of the storm Misses Evelyn Tink and Helen and will be hetd on Friday night Baker, Solina, spent a few days with when a very interesting debate will K erslakel.ç the formners brother and sister-in- be given, "Resolved that the farmer 1 aw. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink. has greater opportunities for happi- __________________ ____ ness than bas the city business mani." Drug tore Affirmative will be taken by Miss Phone 49 Prompt Service *i Baker. and the negative by Miss __________ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mac Westlake and Mr. George Wer- _______________________ Kenet Ca~ ery o th bîth f ary. Everyone welcomne. We are ex- ) ..o Caelyo tebit o pecting a visit f rom Enniskillen Mr. Wilfred Smale, who spent a1 League next Monday night. I ew weeks with friends at Meafofr,, I_____ b'peciaI Stationery 35c Value for 24e Finest Qualîty Lînen Paper One Fort Garry Pad, reg. 25c One pkg. Envelopes to match, regular 10c Doth for 24C Feist Song Week Latest Hits in Feist Songs 25e each Lending Lbrary - 3c a day. J. W. Jewell BOOKS &STATIONERY PAINTS &WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS BIG 20 BO WMANVILLE 8 pre. ie d of used,' ýh ig. uma n >st of cr n ow. ck of efor ider a nands xacts. g, an head. retunedhom onSunday. On Wednesday evening thc mem- bers of the Young People's Society iourneyed to Enniskillen in two sl-eigbs to visit Enniskillcn young people. AliL report a very enjoyable e venin g The play given by Hampton Bible Class on February 8th was a decid- cd success. Cast of characters are: Mr. Higginbotham-~Mr. L. Cryder- man; Mrs. Higginbotham-Miss E.1 Reynolds; Quigly Higginbotham- Mr. C. Johns; Dudley Weatherwax- Mr~. T. Wray; Mrs. Gallinger-Miss M. Katerson; Marguerite Vanburan -Mrs. Truil; Maria Judkins-Mrs. Barron: Mrs. Timles-ýMrs. A. Pet- ers, and ber six children, Mrs. Chap- man, Mrs. W. Wilbur. Miss Margar- et Pascoe, Mrs. L. Cryderman, Mr. W. Wilbur, Mr. C. Souch; Mr. Huck- leton-Mr. L, Trull. Owing toc, x- treme cold there was a small at- tendance and by special rcrquest they are repeating it in Hampton Sunday1 1scnool room March l5tb., under_th ausPice, 0 Hampton Women's In- sti tt ENFIELD Miss L. Knapp, Godcricb, is visit- ing at, Mr. J. Avery's. Mrs. W. Montgomery rccently vis- ited at Mr. L, C. Ferguson's. Mr. Garnet Cochrane bas rented the farm of Mr. J. Nottingham about 3 miles west of bere, not far from Raglan. He bas started moving his -inîplements, etc. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Frank Gilbert in the death of ber brother, Mr. James Annis, who dicd in Chicago reccntly and was inter-j red in Bowmanvillc Cemetery.j Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and fami]y, who moved from our neigb- borhood a few years ago, are mov- ing from. Castleton to the. farm cof Mr. Geo. Gibýson. haîf a mile wcst of Bradley's school. The death of Mrs. John Avery was a shock to the family and ncighbors. She was at cburch on Sunday and died, Tuesday cvcning, Fcb. 13th. Quite a large number attended the funeral the following Thursday. 'ne severe cold wveather kept many away. The family bave the sympathy of .this neighborbood in their sa.d and .sudden bereavement. She was high- ly rcspected. February meeting of the Womcn's Association was hcld &t bbe home of Mrs. A. Prescott. The meeting op- ened with a hymn followed bv the CADMUS No League last week on account of the cold weather. Mr. Glenn Gibson visited with Mr. Alfred Thornett. Mr. W. B. Ferguson spent Sunday aftcrnoon in Blackstock. Jean Sanderson spent a f cw days at Mr. Herbert Galbraith's. Miss Gladys Cobbledick wvas in Toronto writing music exams. A nuinber f rom here attended the dance at Lotus on Friday night. Mr. Harvey Mahaffy spent Satur- day evcning at Mr. Oscar McQuade's. Mrs. C. H. Fallis is able to, be up again after suffering f rom a severe cold. Glad to report that Mr. Edgar Mc- Kee is able to be out after his ill- ness. Mr. and Mrs. James McKec spent Friday afternoon at Mr. Lorne Mc- Kee's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee and Audrey visited at Mr. James Mc- Kee's. Misses Grace Goody a.nd Maisiel Gayton caUled on Mr. Edgar Gibson's recently.1 Mr~. and Mrs. Evcrard Sandersoni and family visited at Mr. Meredith Fallis' Saturda.y week. Misses Norma and Bcth McQuade and Bessie Edgerton visitcd miss Birdie Gibson rccntly. Messrs. Harry McKee, Albert Brown and Harvey Mahaffy visited M~r. Glenn Gibson on Sunday. Dr. Bowles will prcach a sp 1a sermon bere next Sunday morning. I Thbe choir w-ill furnish the music. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edgcrton and family and Miss Birdie Fallis pent Sunday at Mr. Edgar Gîbson's. Miss G. Cobbledick, Mr. and Mrs. E.Sanderson and family, spent Sat- .rday evening at Mr. Norman Ed- crton's. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Stinson, Mr. nd Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Sydney nd Mis-s Gladys Cobbledick visited t Mr. Everard Sanderson's on Sun- ay, C. W. A. met at the home of Mrs. :verard Sanderson on Tuesda.y c-ek. It was decîded to quilt at the Iarcb meeting. Program consisted Df readings by Mrs. Galbraith and Irs. Cecil Ferguson and a solo, by !rs. Edgar Gibson. Lunch was scr- ced. i__EBENEZER scryI Lords Prayer. The Bible rcading Mr.A..1udei visiting ber Jwa s gîven bY Mis.-s Helen Stark. Sides nephwinCevcland, Ohio. wvere chosen foi another copper con- Mrs.S. eficry, Sr.. Maple Grove, t ft itinal arrangemlents were ý5 istig er daughter, Mrs. Bert madefoi a cncet. oi Fb. 2th.Wilkins. Mis c attgave a splendid paper Best. wishcs are extended to Mr. on1o-e of uithe reof lessons on andI Mrs. Hilton Tînk on the arrivai he lite of jesuî.s. Meeting, closed of a little daughter. wih a hymn frollowed by bhc bene- .Mr i'Wlfrid Joncs ha.s been visit- )E dicticl.. The b.oste. s sre lunch ing rea iven Toronto and attend- M. whîch wa',, enjoyed by aIl. îng the hockey games. Mi-ss Auira Brooks and Mr~. Wal- G Cream of BarleY-choîce of break- lace, Toronto, were iveekend guests fa. t fcods-contains lot of iron. of Mr. antI Mrs. S. S. Brooks. Mr. K. E. Courtice was ini Toronto t You can .save bhc price of a year's on Wedncsday attending thc con- subscrîption to The Statesman by vention of the Ontario Prohibition e 1taking advantage of the special val- Union. eus in the merchalIts' advts. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Werry, Bow- --___________ manville. visitcd on SatUrday with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry. Ladies' Bercan Class wlll hold its Co U H S meeting on Monday, Feb. 26th, in the S. S. roo0m witb Mrs. Hierb. Nicb- A ND COLOS ols' group in charge. e peasntto hetase nd o uiclyMr.an Mrs. Ross Pearce and pleiesat to hentaste d o tquzcldy family. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brookcs. ectie tat hilren oveto akeit.and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Short attend- ually good for adults. 0f time-proven cd the fortletb weddng celebration rit. of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmald in Oshawra on Fcb. l5tb. bhl elping at a wood bec for Mrs. A. J. Oke on WednesdaY, Mr. * SYdneY Nichols had the misfortune to have a log faîl on bis foot, bruis- - lng three bories whch neesstae >bis resting it for a couple of weeks.<9 The many friends of miss Velma ENNISKILLEN >Gay, nurse in training at Bowman- ville Hospital, and Miss Helen Wil- Mr. E. J. Harrison spent the week-_ tkins, are glad of their continucd. un-i end at Cameron. Provement in BOwVmanville Hospital MrFldPehkTrnspt after quite critical operations onf Mr.undayd t he. ornosp Monday and Wednesday for appen- Mr. and hms. Lv rn ii dicitis.friends in Tyrone. Sunday services were quite well Mr. Leslie Wotten visitcd bis attended. The Pastor, Rev. H. C. grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Herring. Wolfraim, spoke on the address giv- Miss Elsie Moore entertained a en by Dr. Stanley Jones, N. Y., but number of Tyrone young people in recently from. India, wbich was giv- honor of her birtbda.y. en at the Round Table Conference Miss Mac Lamb, R. N., is at Mr. which the pastor attended in Tor- Charlie Smiths nursing the latter's onto durlng the* week. Mr. Gordon mother, Mrs. J. J. Smith. Osborne told the story to the Junior Miss L. M. Washington, Bethany. Leaguers. In the evening Mr. Wol- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johns and fam- fraimi spoke on "The Greatest De- ilY, visited the former's sister, Mrs. tective in the World- which was Sin. Josephine Mountjoy. Mrs. G. F. Annis contributed a solo. League meeting was held on Feb. Tbe choir also furnished good mu- l4tb, in the form 0of a Valentine en- sic, S. S. was attended by 132. tertainiment. The programi was giv- W. M. S. held its meeting in the en by the Hampton League. Meet- S. S. room on Friday afternoon wvith ing opened with a hyxun. Rev. J. an attendance of 22, which was good M. Whyte led in prayer. The Presi- when considering the roads and dent of the Hampton League, Miss much sickness in the neighborhood, Ruth Johns. then took charge. A making it impossible for many to piano number was rendercd by Miss get out. The program for the World N. Horn; Bible lesson was given by Day of Prayer was used throughout Mr. Ted Johns; Mr. Jackson Wray the meeting, eauh group taking conducted the devotional period; a charge of the four different parts. vocal trio by Miss L. Horn, Miss Mrs. R. C. Pearce and Mrs. - K. E. Ruth Johns and Mr. Douglas Rack- Courtice contributcd a duet very ham; the topic cntitled "Friend- nicely, and the Study Book was tak- ship"~ was given by Miss Florence en by Mrs. R. C. Pearce, Mrs. A. J. Burns; piano solo by Miss Grace Gay, Mrs. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. Cawker; a rea.ding wa given by Mr. Lloyd Courtice The meeting closed Rackham: another vocal trio was with prayer in uni.çon. given by Messrs. Jackson Wray, Douglas Rackhamn and Merwin Cry- Crem 0 Brle-chic ofbrek-derman. The remainder of the ev~- C rea . o B a ley choi e o b r ak - enin g w as spen t in con tests an d re- ýfast foocs-contains lot of iron. Jfreshments were served. DOMESTIC OR EASIFIRST SHORTENING FOR WASH DAY p aG SOAP GOLDEN ARROW PEANUT BUTTER OUICK OR REGIULAR Q UAKER OATS OUR OWN À & P MilLK Evaperated 25 o&. 23 Jar 23 14e. la Pkg. 1 e CILT EG RN Ib. ocI0 FLO URBKb. $202g? BRUN4SWICK SARDINES FANCV SANTA CLARA PRUNES TIGER-COHOE SALMON AYLMER-CREEN LABEL 6 Baby Sise 250 JAM-Red PIum '1 WHOLE BONED AND ROLLED IF DESIRED ýge lb. 230 PRIME RIB ROAW COUNVTRY STYLE M. l Pkire. 29o SAUSAGE Um~uiB lb. 18e (,L' LINE FJRSII FILLETS ef HADDOCK $6090 100 Ibs Granulated Sugar 20 lb. Pail Lard :a4 lb. Ba£ 5 4 5 TINS I19)4 Mn; 170 32 oz.2 jar 230 12 oz. 7 Wrapped Loaf 7 l. 25e Mb. I20 il2.15 E IIEAD 7c ATA AN IC 201&IAGECO'.oeI.Na Super Specials oranFril mda y Sssanatu$2day Women's Black Kid Punip, Women's Brown Kid Puip, with black suede quarter, brown suede trim, cuban cuban heel, heel,$19 priced at priced at..-1.. Boys' Box Kip Blucher, 'Youths' Box Kip Blucher, Goodyear sole and heel, Goodyear sole and heel, atzes 1 to$2.25 sizes il to 131/2, $19 priced a $2.25 priced at ... Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowmanville VOUR SIGHT To al.' the value of sight is emunent, it s the most cherisli the five senses; it s the most and, thoughtlessly and througt norance the mosi abused. A large majority of the hi race have defective vision mol whjch is remedual. A lack of k ledge of this condition and a la, proper eye care ls responsible much sufferlng and inefficiency. Our eyes are continually uni strain to keep up wth the den, that our modern civilization ex A hint of dimness, a tired feelini ache n the eyeballs or repeated aches, be warned t is nature'E for help. Toronto Optometrisi 2143 DANFORTH AVENUE G. M. BOSNELL, PORT HO] Wednesday - 9 a. m. to 9 p. Phone 248 G. E. GARNETT, COBOURG Saturday - 9 a. m. to 9 p. ni Office opposite John Stree Port Hope Toronto 2143 Oanforth Avenu SPECIAL-OUR OJFN SPECIAL VALENCIA CAKE lb. 1501 IMRISIN LOAF ', IFIIS PREMILMI-<» ENIZED SMOKED HAXO .1111K FED-ROASTIN>G CHIC KENS5 Io 6 Ibo. Av,.,j SýLlLED BREAKFAST %ACON mr Fk rtc> SILVERBRIGHT LETTUCI SPINACE Fnrî'0<a I --««r THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IRnViMAwxn(.T.v MWT'r'Dor,-, 1 1 1 Phone 120 Bowmanville 10 BARS 2901 3 By the Pi«e Me 130 $2,ul5

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