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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1934, p. 8

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PAG fGF~T CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVMLLP, THUR.SDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1934 BEE HI1 Drive lu FOR A GENERALI SPRING AUTO I CHECK-UP Time to change that grease, check that oil and tend to the little things that are bound to cost you reai mon- ey later if you overlook thein. Our attendants are under strict orders to check over your car f ree of charge and tell you what is needed. Service here means saving money. Cleniens' Garage OPPOSITE A. & P. STORES BOWMANVILLE With so thorough a preparation at hand as Millers Wormn Powders the mother who allows her chilciren to suifer from the ravages of wormns Is unwise andi culpably careless. A child subjected to the attacks of Worms is always unhealthy and will be stunted in its growth. It is a merciful act to rid it of these de- structive parasites, especially when it can be donc vwithout difflculty. C.IL Tuck Opt. Eyesight Specialiat Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Child and Its Development Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Osha wa, Ont. Disney Bldg. OPP. P. 0. CKEY AVOID STIFFNESS rub 1in Min a' d s There's natbing ta equal this fine aid liniment for rub'ing out pain and soreness. Ir is equally good,tairen internally, for a cold or a cough or stomnach cramp. Made for 50 years by Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., Yar. mouth, N.S. 37 Sales Agents: Uarsld F.Ritchje & Co. Ltd.,Toronto Nip that Cold in the Bud Orippe or pnieumnola may develop. So, at the first symptomn-ache, sneeze or chili-takea ZLJTOO TABLET. They stop the pain and lever and help nature throw il off. Taken In time, theywI rigrlief overnight. E Interesting Facts About Consumption of Alcohol TI4e Temperance Educalion Coun- cil of Toronto issues some rather in- teresting facts about the use of ai- cobol. W-at producing f oods are nccessary 10 tthe human body and the following percentage of beat producing elements are contained in these products: Bread 2212 %'; oal- meal 69', ; potaloes 22%; nlk 9<4, beer 2; wine 312%; whiskey nene. jThe strengtb of man lies in his muscles. Muscles are built froni flesh forming or nitrogenous f ood. Thre grains of muscle building food in thre follewing products are shown: 2lb. bread, 283: ", pint milk, 179; ý2pint of stout, 20; ý', pint of wine, 13; "2 pint of whiskey or brandy, none. Thre breweries of Canada Irad in 1929 an invested capital of $70.390,- 147. This money employcd 4879 per- sons, paid $7.134.256 in wagcs, and u.sed $19.135.208 in raw materiais. Tis same amnount of nioney put in- to thre manufacture of shoca would employ 24,721; pay wagcs tolalling $33.551.587; and would use raw nia- terial 10 the value of $59.081.367. In Great Bitain 1000 men out of every 109,296 belwcen the ages of 20 and 65 die annually. 0f Ibis number 561 are clergymen, 1346 are brewers, 1585 are innkeeper.s, and the largest ratio 1955 are bartenders. D AD D Y Editors Note - Dedicated 10 our editonial assistant. For furtber par- ticulars turn 10 tthe Birth Notices.) I wvould rather be the da.ddy 0f a roniping, laughing crew, 0f a bright eyed cbubby laddie And a litIle girl or two, Than thre monarch of a nation, In a. high and lofty kSeat, Takng empty adoration Prom the subjects at bis tedt. I woulcl rather own their kisses As at night 10 me tbey run, Than to be thre king that misses AIl the simpler forms of fuin, When bis dreary day is cnding. He is disma.lly alone, But wben my sun is descendlng. There are joys for me 10, own. Hemay ride to horns and drumming 1must walk a quiet street, But when once they sec me coming. TIren on- joyous flying feet They come racina 1 mie nmadly, And I catch them wilh a swing, And I Say il proudly, gladly, That I'i happier than a king. You may talk of lofttY places, You may boast of pomp and power Men may lurn their cager faces To the glory of an bour. But give me thre humble station, WitIr ils joys that long survive, For the daddies of a nation Are tIre happiest men alive. -Edgar A. Gucati Cream of Barley-.-cholce of break- fast foods-e-onlains lot of imon. ST. PAUL'S IS STILL LEADINC IN HOCKEY WITH NO LOST CAMES .GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD B.H.S. JUNIORS WIN BUT BOTH SENIOR TEAMS DEFEATED Junior Basketeers Defeat Port Uope By Narrow Margin - Senior Teamns Lose to Peterboro By Y. Duzzy Wright Il .iust isn't fair. There we wcre, a gym full of B. H. S. students ovcnjoyed that another set of exanis. werc over a.nd aIl sel te cheer our thrce basketball leanis te three victenies, and what hap- pened? Thre Juniors defeatcd tIre Oshawa Junior 20-19 in a, real game, and everybody gurglcd "Boy, is Ibis go- ing te be a niigbl!' And then Ibose nasty oid meanies f nom Peterboro Collegiate and Vocalional ScIrool came 10 town for a fcw hours and promptly spoiled. the evcning by de- feating the Senior Girls 22-15 and the Senior Boys 26-16. once more we say il juat isn't fain. But the teama say they have an ali- bi: they were se late every night durngatIre wcek sludying (?) for exams that literally and physically tbey werc phoocd out. Oh well! Thre Juniors startcd the cvening by winning a f ast, vcry even game from Oshawa te maint.ain lIre lcad of their group. Oshawa sbowed great improvement since Uic leams met beforé and on no less Ihan thrce occasions came f nom. behind te tic tIre score only te have Iheir hosts ag- ain take tIre lead. Slemon and Brock- man were Uic best for their respec- tive teanis, although evcry player gave a good account of Uiemseives. B. H. S. were the better team in the flrst pcniod, outscoring their nivals 12-9, alîhough Oshawa twice lied thre count. on ba.skets by Brockman. In thre second haît Oshawa put on several dangercus sorties and af 1er a fcw minutes of play but ltied the score aI 14-14. Slemon scored again 10 give bis teamn a 5 point icad with 5 minutes 10 go. Then Oshawa macle their last Ibreal and tallied twice on shots by James and Brocknian but were unable te gel lIre tying point as the Bowmanville team chccked them to standstill. B.H.S. - Near, Siemon (10), Bak- er (2), Aines (2), McIlveen (2>, Roach (4), Taylor, Goode, Good- man, Clarke. Here corne-s théýe crepe! In the Senior Girls' game il wus bard 10 believe that lhey werc Uic sanie lwo teams who opposed each other in Peterboro a f ew weeks ago and in whmch B.H.S. brought home tIre bacon. On FYlday night it was tIre Peterboro teamn which lied tIre speed and the perfect combination. 1. Howson and M. Brooks wcre Uic high scorers for Peterbono, and M. Thonipson and D. Nichols wvene the main point-gelters for Bowmanvllle. Peterboro opened stroing and after 10 minutes were on tht big end o! an 11-2 score. Tis flnully got un-1 TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ~ CLARKE COUNCIL Regular meeting of Clarke Town- ship Council was held on February 6th, with members all present and Reeve F. B. Lovckin prcsiding. Wm. Armstrong, W. J. Riddell and RobI. Foster supporlcd by a number of ratepayers macle reference to tIre value for assessment purposes piac- cd on tIre property of the Canadian Canners in Orono. Members of counicil in reply stated their vicws but no action was taken. Bylaw was passcd appointing Poundkeepers and Fenccviewers for 1934. Clarence AllUn was appointed Shcep Valuator, and Norman Allin, Assistant, for 1934. The fee for each trip to be $2.50. Rceve Lovekin was appointed ne- presentative to convention of Ontar- io Good Roads Association in Tor- onto. Fee of $5.00 was forwarded. Resolution was passed appointingj R. R. Waddell and Thos. McNeil ncwly eiected directors of Orono Community Memorial Park, and Reeve Lovekin and Deputy Reeve Couch to represent the coundil. Auditors J. C. Gamcy and M. H. Staples submitted their report, andi tee of $10 each ordered paid fort their services. Foilowing accounts werc passed: L. B. Tapson, tuning piano _$ 4.00f W. R. Wood, cartage 3 load wood from old cemetery. 2.25 Municipal World, dog tags, and two subscriptions 14.35f E. L. MacNachtan, Treas.t 50<4c maintenance:i J. H. Pethic, Musk Hosp. 23.25f L. Baldwin, Muskoka Hosp. 23.25 E. J. Randali, monthly pay- 1 ment R vs P' 40.00 A. J. Staples, Div. Registrar 17.00t R. H. Wood, caretaker 13.55t R. H. Wood, care transients 2.50t Deans Bakery, relief Cotter .70c J. J. Cornisb, relief Jordan 11.00 J. C. Tamblyn, relief Jordan 2.70 C. G. Armstrong, relief Knapp 8.09 S. R. Hart & Co. cash book and assessment roîls 51.43 Wm. Laing, sheep camages 18.00 Non. Aluin. sbecp inspector 2.50c Membership tee Road Con- 1 vention 5.00o J. C. Gamey, aucitor 10.00 M. H. Staples, audilor 10.00 Jno. Henry, Ro>ad Supt. 7.00 Counicil adjourned 10 mccl Tues- day. March 6th, at 10 a. mi. A. J. Staples, F. B. Lovekin, Clerk. Reeve. Important Games In Boys' Worl Board League To Be Piayed on Saturday - Trinity Rangers Only One Point Behind St. Paul's representatives in Boys! >Work Boardi Hockey League are still hugging the lcading position in the lea.gue as a result of their undefeat- cd record to date. With three games won and one tied, thcy leaci with7 points, with Trinity Rangers a close second with 6 points. St. Josephst and St. John's are tied in third place. Three more exciting games were played on Saturday morning at the Public School rink. St. John's pull- ed a surprise by holding thc league leaders 10 a 3-3 tie. St. John's pro- duced a clark horse who had con- siderable effect on the game, McMiI- len, who bimself proved a real threat 10 the victorious St. Paul's aggrcga- tion. Jack Parker and Walter Hall together with McMilien were out- standing for St. John's, while J. Ma.rtin and R. Cole werc the strong men f or St. Paul's. Tninity Sunday School, who are holding the cellar position in tIhe league, gave St. Joseph's a tough battle, losing out by a 2-1 score. Trinity S. S. showed considerable iniprovement under thie wing of their ncw captain, H. Gibson. Other Trinity stars included S. Rundie, whîle St. Joseph's oulstanding play- crs wcre F. Laphen and K. Cole. MacDonald, a new player, might prove a good addition to his team if he'll learn 10 pass thre puck a lit- tic more. St. Andrew's took an inglorious defeat by a 8-1 score when they faced Trinity Rangers in the third game of the morning. Power plays wilh aIl men Up the ice, proved, St. Andrew's undoing for it was breaks f roma these plays that gave Trinity the runway 10 victory. D. Mason, R. Richards a.nd D. Nichols were best for the winners, while J. Hatcly, L. Wiseman and C. McIlveen wcre the losing tcam's stalwarts. Captains are asked to make par- ticular note of each player on his teamn and at the close of the series to name tIre most valuable player on his teani for the whole series. Next Saturday's games are, coni- mcncing at 9.30 a. m.: St. Johrn's vs Trinity Rangers Trinity S. S. vs St. Andrew's St. Paul's vs St. Joscph's First and second team at tIre close of the schedulc will play off at Tay- lor's rink at a date to be announced next week. Team Standing Won Lost Tied Points St. Paul's 3 0 1 7 Trinity Rangers 3 1 O 6 St. Joseph's 2 2 0 4 St. John's 1 1 2 4 St. Andrew's 1 2 1 3 1Trinity S. S. 0 4 0 O rk 'SI Jl ie >s 7 ;e -e ,e 9 e e e r r t 1 Now Would You? n Suu Life Assuranee Comnpany of Canada T1IE report of the Company for 1933 is one of consistent and constructive progrees. IIts a ,hements enhance the impressive record of publie service it bas rendered during the sixty-thrce years of its existence. In 1933, as in the preceding three years, p copie genera Ily expericnced exceptional anxiety, thme resuit of incornes being ejîher inmpaire( or entirely eut off. At such a time the un- faiIir'g aid ani securitv of life insurance proved of very great value. In timis service the Sun Life Comnpany bore a wortliy share. During the year it paid out (exclusive of policy boans) nearly $ 100,000,000 10 polîcyholders anâ beneficiaries. Simi- larly, during tuje four years of depression it bas paid out over $380,000,000. Notwithstandin g these substantial payments. the Comnpany, clnring the same four-year pcriod, increascd its assets bv $55,OO,00-its insurançeF, in force by over $307,000,000. Sixty-third Annual Report-1933 ASSURANCES IN FORCE, December 31, 1933 . . . . . This large amount, the accumulating estates of nearly a million Sun Life policyholders, will become payable tu them or their dependents during this generation-a stabilizing factor of great social and economic value. NE, W ASSURANCES PAID FOR INCOMF........... .. .......... DISBUIRSEMENTS .......... EXCESS 0F INCONIE OVER DTSBURSEMENTS . . . PAYMENTS TO POLICYHUOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES During thec ycar 1933 . . . . . . . . . Since Organization - . . . . . . . . . ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonds: govcrmnent, municipal, publie utility and others; stocks; preferred andi cmron; Iaans on ns'rtgages: real cstate; boans on Company policies; cashi in bank8, and other asseta. LIABILITIES........................ .. .. .. Almost ninc-tenthï; of thiosusîm represents thc poliey reserve-the aounl set aside to guaranîee al] policy payments ai§ tbey becomne due. PAID-UP CAPITAL ($2,000,000) and balance at credit of olhareholders' account----------------------3,342,547 RESERVE for depreciation-in morîgages and real estate 4,885,904 SURPLUS------------------------------5,951,752 $2,770,453,871 216,567,441 -152,235,821 -127,505,801 -24,730,020 -97,457,059 - 800,170,033 624,146,035 609,965,832 der Bowmanville's skin and they put on a scorlng splurgc that broughl the score to 11-9 at half-time. AI the start of the second haîf they contlnued their good work and tied the score a.t 13-13. But this coupled with the thought of the marks they eXPect to get in the exams. and the cifects of the oranges having worn off, they faded and Peterboro cant- ered clown the straightaway to a well-deserved 22-15 wln. B.H.S. - E. McKinnon, G. Dew- cIl, A. Allin, m. joncs (2), D. Nich- ols (6), M. Thompson (7), M. Wight- man, L. Cole, H. Mason, D. Dudley. Gentle readers, we cannot deceive you any longer. Although we have been writing in a rather obituary f on, it really. was a swell evening with three of the most exciting games ever played at B.H.S. keeping the crowd in a constant state of ex- citement. Truc, B.H.S. lost two games, but in so cloing thcy gave a fine account of themselves and gave a great dis- play of basketball skill. The Senior Boys' game was partic- ularly breath-taking as B.H.S. hcld their own in territorial play but f ail- ed miserably when around the bas- ket, although great credit is due the Peterboro tcam for the fine way they checked their opponents. So close d.id they check that it wqs very sel- dom Bowmanville could get a clear shot. The story of the game can be toid alxnost in this sentence - B.H.S. get the bail in their own territory and by passmng often work thc play clown under the Peterboro basket where finaliy someone gets a shot away and the taîl Peterboro guards tek- ing the rcbound heave it the length of thc floor where it d.ld one of three things, bounced off the baUl, went to a B.H.S. player or went to the Peterboro player for whom il was intended who in turn shot and quite often scored. Holmes and Hammnell were thc big scorers for Peterboro, while Marsh their big guard spoiled many of Bowmanviilc's scoring sorties. For B.H.S. Tony McIlveen was the best, although everyone gave their best. B.H.S. - Williams (4), T. Bag- nell (4), Honcyman f3), Mcllveen (1), B. Bagnell (2), Colmer, ack- man (2), S. Aluin, Colvilie. J. 'Allin. However, last week was last week .1 and this week the teamls are out af- ter 3 victories. The Senior Boys' game is with Oshawa and is being played at four o'clock. In the ev- ening there are lwo games. both with Port Hope, the first at 7.30 belween the girls, and the Junior boys play for the champîonship of their group at 8.30. 814.802O!3 nhe valuation of bond& and stocks bas heen mode on the basin prescribed for al eompanaea by the Insurance Department of the Dominion of Canada and in conformity with the basà autharized by the Dcpartmenta of Inauranceofa the variaus provinces of Canada. Poliey liabilities have been valued by the full net lcvel prcmnium method, a standard mats exacting than required under the stingent provisions of ahe Dominion Insurance Act. Sun Lif e Assurane Comnpany of Canada Local Badminton Team Defeat Christ Church Club from Toronto Bowmanville won an inter-club lournament at the local courts on Saturday when they de! eated Christ Church, Toronto, by il games to 5. The locals players were right on for the tournanient and were able to overcome the stiff opposition from tToronto with comparatively little ttrouble. The results were: t Ladies' Doubles Bowmanville Christ Church il Misses Osborne and Aines defeat- ed by Miss Cook and Mrs. Hill, 15- 10, 7-15, 15-4. Mrs. Godda.rd and Miss Pickard defeated Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Vanderwater, 15-5, 6-15, 15-7. Miss U. Allin and Mrs. Dick Met- calte defeated Mrs. Secord and Miss Joncs, 15-4, 15-8. Miss Bagnell a.nd Mrs. Smith de- feated Miss Mill and Mrs. MeBrlde, 15-7, 15-0. Men's Doubles Osborne and Strike lost to Cook and Winsby, 10-13, 15-7, 18-17. Dudley and James defeated Geale and Kennedy, 18-6, 10-15, 15-5. Flaxmnan and Flaxman defeûted Glendenning and Masten, 15-9, 8- 15, 17-14. Oliver and Callaghan defeated Se- cord and Sefton, 15-10, 18-15. Mixed Doubles Miss Bagnell and Osborne lost to Geale and Miss Cook, 15-4, 13-18, 15-9. James -and Miss Pickard lost to Cook and Miss Vanderwater, 18-16, 12-15, 12-15. G. Flaxmnan and Miss Aines lost to Winsby and Mrs. Hill, 15-4, 15-7. Dudley andl Miss Osborne defeated Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy, 12-15, 18-14, 15-10. Callaghan and Mrs. Nanson de- feated Glendenning and Mrs. Sec- ord, 15-10, 9-15, 15-12. E. Flaxman and Mrs. Smith de- feated Johnston and Miss Joncs, 17- 15, 15-7. Mr. and Mrs. Strike dcfeated Se- cord and Mrs. Hill, 15-10, 15-10. Sissons and Miss «U. Allin dcfcated Sefton and Mrs. McBrlde, 15-10, 15-1. Af 1er the tourniament about sixty sat clown to a splendid supper serv- cd in1 Trinlty Sunday school room by Mrs. Oco. W. James' group of the W. A. To be seventy ycars young is some- times far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old. -Olliver Wendell Holmes In our fast issue were madle two errors in our report of the depart- ure of Mr. F. Walton Todd, teller of the Bank of Commerce, who has been transferred to the Dundas and Gladstone Branch in Toronto and who is replaceci here by Mr. L. J. McPhaillof Barrie. It Testifies for Itself.-Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric 011 necds no0 testimonial Of its powers other than itself. Who- ever tries it for cough-s or colds, for cuts or contusions, for spralns or burns, for Pains in the llmbs or body, well know that thc medicine proves itself and needs no guaran- tee. This shows why this Qil is in general use. MORE HEAT PER DOLLAR when you use Lehigh Valley Coal Send up tha.t thermomneter with a minimum of expense by uslng the right coal at the right prices. For years we have supplied many af the Ieading coal users in town with satisfactory fuel, satisfactory service and satisfactery costs. Juin our list of satisfied customers and save yourself time, money and inconvenience. J. A. HOLGATE & SON PHONE 153 BOWMAN VILLE You wouldn't expect your car to run without gasoline enough to miake the trip. You make sure that yen ane prepared for that emergency. But are you prepared for other emergencies... the hazards you meet dally on ice covered higbways, in snow banks... or the crowded highways of midsummer. Be prepared for these emergencies. Have your car adequately lnsured. Don't wait for the hazard, beat IL. We cover ail nec- essary car insurance. Drop in and see us about It and you'il drive with greater confidence. J. J. MASON & SON Specialists In AUl Types of Insurance - Phone 50 BOWMANVILLE WINS FIRST CAME WITH ORONO IN PLAYOFFS Orme Gamsby's Leagne Nears Its End As Tcams BatIle for League Honors - Bowmanvilie Plays Shorthanded In a fast and cxciting playoff hockey game at Orono last Friday night, Bowmanvilie Indians defeat- ed the Orono Ramblers, pride of Orme Gamsby, by a 10-5 score, giv- ing them a nicc edge on tIre three- gaine playoff series. This league, organized and con- ducted by Orme Gamsby himself, consisted of teanis f rom Oshawa, Bowmanviile, Newcastle and Orono, and all players wcne other Ihan those cngaged in O.H.A. leanis this year. The games were hcld cach Fniday, and Bowmanvilie and Orono arrived at the end of an exciting schedule as contenders for tIre championship of the league. -Bowmanville came lamely away f rom a hard drubbing when they madle their last appear- ance in Orono and the revenge of the first playoff game was rather sweet. The locals held the game from start to finish, Orono having a tough lime keeping the Bownianviile lads out of the Orono defence area. Bowmanville was handicapped with only six men on the ice and no sub- stitules, and their easy win had add- cd zest for Ihis reason. Even at full strength the Durham County lowners were unable te cope with the Big Six froni Bowmanvilie. Bowmanviie took an eariy lead whlch they neyer bls, but in the second period they scorcd four goais to make a regular scoring bec of the game. In the third stanza Orono extended themselvcs 10 the limit, their efforts 10 tic it up howcver be- ing frultless. Every lime Orono scored Bowmanvlle netted another and so thc game see-sawed until the end came wilh both tcams stilI play- ing fast hockey afler a slrenuous game. The next game will bc eleon PFn- day and Bowmanviile is determined to end the senies witb two slraight wins. The Bowmanville stalwarls wbo held the fort on Fnlday last were - Goal. Mutton; defence. Murphy and Grant: centre, Morley Oke; left wing. 'Pork' Osborne; night wing, CccxilMutton. Manager - Clinton Caverly. BENEFIT GAME NETS $20 FOR RED HOOPER Only a amaîl crowd turned out on Monday night for the benefit game staged by tIre Intermediate Hockey Club for *'Red" Hooper, star defense mian, who was injured recently. o- bourg and Bowmanvllle mlxed il up in 60 minutes of fast smant hockey and the fans who did attend ver- lalnly got their money's worth Cou- bourg look the 4 to 1 vlclory back te Uic Counlies Town, but they ern- cd it. for Uic score hardly indicates tIre ciosencss, of the game. Bow- manville put up a liard flght but luck was ageainst thern. Proceeds of thre game were $20.00 whlch was turned oven Vo Houper te compensate hlm, in a small way for the considerable loss of work Ire lias lied to face. - tb Cream o! Barley'-choloe o! break- fast foods-contalns lot o! lron. PAGE BIGHT Il g M ,.Vu

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