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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1934, p. 1

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'4~tan ~4eman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH lst, 1934 NUMBER9 i 1 - - - - -a Ir DI uDlr%. a r 0-v É MINSTREL SHOW BY LEGION BAND TO BE BIG MARCH EVENT Great Progressl Made at Rehearsal For Big Opera House Show on Thursda.y and Friday Next Week Fi! ty cent value for twenty-flve cents. That expais the Canadia.n Legion Baud Minstrel Show whicb plays in the Opera flouse on Thuns- day and Friday nighta, March 8th and 9th. In years gene by a show of this type was always considereci a half a dollar show, but the Baud and those sponsorng the show be- lieve that 25e admission will attract two packed bouses whereas a fi! ty cent admission might only attract one goo>d audience. Rebearsals have been gong aheaci at a great pace this past week, andi Mrs. J. Clark Bell, wbo is directing the show, is more than pleased with the progress being made. Those o! us wbo have seen local casts in the Opera House remember the out- standing stars o! these shows and the outstafldiflg stars o! the princi- pal shows o! the past ten years are the end men ln the Minstrel Show next week. For instance, Mel. Dale who pîayed Mordecai in "Queefl Es- ther" is one o! them and bis fine voice will be heard to good effect lu this presentation. Then there's Ce- cil Dudley, and wbile he does noV give one the impression that he is f unny when he talks insunance, in a uiinstrel show he's the "Bernies." Then there's the old reliable Sam Glauville. Sam bas played almost eveny noIe on the stage frem Henry VII o impersonatiflg Mae West. However, Sam is a boru humorist and he's going to bring out plenty o! laughs when the show goes ou. Then there's Art Edger and several others whose good work will not be new to local audiences. Many o! the outstanding vocalistsanad instru- mentalists lu the tewn will take part and Bandinasten R. Fountain is go- ing te, show what can be doue witb a cornet, wile Commander A. B. Mainwaring o! Newcastle will bring1 aloug bis big concert banjo and in- troduce another variety f eature to the program'. Andi even for the show's sake there sbould be a real crowd out, but more important la the object behind it ail, the purchase o! uniforms for the Legioni Baud. The members o! this organization have been practicaily self supporting. Their pride requires amanrt uniforms o appear at comn- munity funictions, and they are mak- lng this bg effort te provide the cash. The cast and director axe glv- ing their services f reeiy. Citizens lu town and surrounding country should give generous patronage to thia show by bringing the whole family lu returu for public spiited service the baud bas rendered this commuflity. Shorthorn Breeders Hold Annual Sale Here on March 7th Tbirteeflth Annual Sale o! the Durham County Shorthorn Associa- tion wil be helci at the Bowmau House stables lu Bowmanville on Wednesday, March 7th. beginning at 1.30 p.' m. There will be offered ap- proximately 10 bulîs and 12 f emales. The buils will be ail goveruiment graded and range f rom one X to three X, andi will be eligibie for a bonus o! f rom $20 to $50. This bon- us is available to any purchaser of these buils. The offeing this year will be quite up te the standard o! former years, and the executive o! thia association believes this will be a distinct opportuuity for iutending purchasers te secure some reaîly good founidation stock and take ad- vantage of better times and better pnîces that are gradually but surely commng in near future. Those wish- iug catalogues write or phone the secretary. S. Chas. Allin, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Like ail other farmers, and busi- ness flrms as well, Shorthorn breeci- ers have been affected by the de- pression but indications point te better times for beef cattîe. The fol- lowing clipping from the Toronto Globe is an outstanding example of how easy it is for a Shothoru breeci- er to, make over $100.000: "At the Shorthorn sale, Perth,- Scotianci, ini 1928, the Shothoru bull, Millhillb Charming King. was sold at a long pice for expert to Argentina. U12 to December. 1933, sixty-flve sons of this bull haci been sold for a total o! approximateiy $125,000. This ne- suIt shows the money-making posai- bilities o! a really great sire, and iti also illustrates the popuianity o! this breed in South Ameica." *COMING EVENTS I Reserve Monday evenlng, Marci 1thfor t. Patrick's, Concert in St. Public Sckool Board Awards Contract For Heating Plant to W.' Len Elliott 0 Successful Contractor Was9 Lowest of Four Tenders Submitted to Board - Work Will Cost About $830.00 At a speclal meeting o! the Pub- lic Sehool Board held on FebruarY 22ud te consider tenders for the in- stallation of a uew heating system at the South Wand Schooi, the con- tract for this work was awarded te W. Len. EiiiotV who made the iow- est bid at $830.00 The three otheri tenders were f romi W. A. Carke, Rice( & Co., and R. E. Logan. C. H. Dud-1 ley, Secnetany o! the Board, did not1 reveai the prices tendered by the other thnee. Mn. Elliott will, it la understood, supervise the work of instailing the e id boiler aken f romn Central Pub- lic Schoel wben the new system was put lu there two years ago. This bolier willi be installed lu the South Ward Scbool, aud a radiator sys- em wiIi replace the present bot air systei. sa h The teachers sud studentstte South Wand Sebool bave been badiy incouvenieuced during the preseut severe winter tbrough an inefficieut heatiug systeni. Severai imes it bas been necessary o close the scbool because o! the cold. The old boiler, whiie Inadequate fer the Cen- trai Sehool, will it is beiieved be mere than able te ake cane o! the heating o! the South Ward building. IV la understood that Mn. H. H. Dilliig will do the necessany paint work on the job sud other than the erection e! a cbimney. wich wiîi be doue lu the summer time, no othen sub-contracts are expected te be let. The Board bas noV yet awarded the couirset for the enection o! the chimuey, wich it is undenstood will be an extension o! the present cbimney. Apant from awardlug the liability insurance policy Vo C. H. Dudley the Board did noV discuss amy other business ai its meeting. A well patronized seasoual tea was beid on Friday a! tennoon at St. An- dnew's Churcb. A splendid menu representing the varlous season was served sud consisted o! salads, fruits sud chicken patties. A home made cookiug table also did a good busi- ness. Pep up for Spring. Est more 1Cream of Barley. COUNCIL DECIDES AGAINST PURCHASE NEW TOWN TRUCK Roads and Streets Conumittee Fer- mitted te Spend up to $250 in Repairing Present Truck at Special Meeting At a special meeting o! the Town Council, heid ou Fniday night with Mayor W. R. Strike presid.lng and ail members present, it was recom- mended by the Roacis and Streets Committee thaf the tewn refrain f rom the purchase o! a new truck at this time, and iustead the committee was authonized Vo spend Up te $250 to have repairs made te the preseut truck. It is understood that this sum includes the purchase o! the uecessaxy new tires. Other business conducted was the awarding e! the Public Liabillty lu- surance o the Globe Indemnity Company through their local agents, J. J. Mason & Sou. The Treasuren was authorized te buy lu wbst properties lie deema uecessary at the adjourned ax sale ou Saturday next. Unden Uic Pro- visions o! Section 157 o! the Assess- ment Act the Corporation la em- powered te, buy lu the property f or the towu if the sunis offered at the time o! sale are lesa than the an- rears o! taxes due, on if as in the case o! he pnevlous sale, ne prices are off ereci. The Corporation bas made public notice o! Vis authenity vested lu the Treasurer sud individual netices o! this intention have been mailed te, citizeus immediateiy affected. It will be remembereci that at the previeus sale o! properties for ax. arrears there were no bida on the several properties offered for sale at that time. Several of those publish- ed were withdrawu fnom the sale as large portions o! the back taxes were paid up. Several lange proper- ies however are aili contaiued lu the list, wbich may be seen at the Town Clenk's office any time duriug office heurs. Shouid the town deem it advisable te buy lu auy o! these properties Vbey will have the option o! selling them at any timne, subjeet o! course te, the usual conditions protectiug the owuer lu arreans. To-ulght (Thursday) la the B.H.S. Oratorical Coutest. It's free sud you're invited. Great Athletic Events Recalleci 6Y d Noted Toronto Sportsman as Local" Rotarians Entertain Port Hope Club Elwood A.,Hughes, Secretary of C.N.E. Tells Absorbing Story of Canada's Entry into Olympic Games Com- a petition - Speaker Presents Amusing Boxing Skit r Epic sporiing activities in Vie pasi The speaker told o! bis firat tripi quarter o! s century were brouglit Vo the Olympic gaines lu Athens, ac vividl' before a most appreciative trip lu which be sud a companion, t audience on Fridsy nigbi, when El- Willie Sherrmng, made without theh wood Hughes, Assistant Manager o! accompanyiug goverumental finan-h the Canadiati National Exhibition ciai aid, but on iheir own initiativeb sud oeeoe Canada's foremoat sports- sud at their owýn expeuse. IV was atil men, addressed Bowmanvile sud these gaines tiat a Canadian first Port Hope Rotary Clubs at an inter- wou a world's titie. Mn. Hughes ne-C city meeting lu the Balmoral Motel. iated the epic running o! the 26-d Presideni Tommy Rosa presideci mile marathon ai Athens, won bye sud accorded the visiiing Rotanians Wiilie Shenning that ycan. Tmee a mosi beariy welcome Vo Bowmau- speaker was huiseif Vo have nun lu ville. Port Hope Club turucd out lu hs race but an unfortumate acci-" large numbens deapite the bitter coici dent preveuted ibis so be turied d n.4ght and bad roada. Presideni Bill coachi, sud rode Uic full 26 miles ou Bisseit o! Port Hope èplled and ex- s bicycle followiug Sherning. c presaed the visitera appneciatiou o! Au interestiug anecdote was bisr Bowmanviii&'s hospitality. description o! the magnificent ne-r The Club recelved au invitation to cepiion bis companion and he ne-j the Toronto Rotary Club Ladies' ceived lu Athens and o! the desireD NighV ou Tueaday. Rotanian Bill o! the laVe King Edwand Vo meets Groves was awarded the framnec pic- tbem. He told o!fV1iIs meeting ata lune o! Mac West for the besi lim- whicb practicsily ail the cnowncda erick about ber. Bil's efforts ne- heacis o! Europe wene preseut sud sulted in the foliowiug epic o! the , be spoke o! the case hat King Ed- poetic art: ward lustilled into ail wbo wcre priv- There waa a young lady uamed Mae. iieged Vo meet him. They also met She iorried the boys se they say, Kinig George, then Prince o! Wales, For ibis pneiiy miss, sud Mn. Hughes was able te necal Made theni ail fali for ibis, the visit o! the Prince to Canada s Corne round sud see me somne day. fcw yeans pnevious when he was a Bill was presented with the hand- irumpeten on the guard whlch se- seine picture o! Mae. but assured the companicci him acrosa Canada. club hie weuldn't trade ber for bis Turnlng te boxing this diverslfled own lîtle miss for any consideration. sportsman old o! seeing bis final Mcl. Dale and the Rotary Ociette worid's chamipionship boxing bout lu presented a vocal number and Tom 1898 whcn Kid Levine sud Frank Helgate led lu community singiug Burns met. He bas seen most o! the and wiistiîmg. Special guesta at the worlds championsblp bouts since club wene Col. L. T. McLaughliti sud thai time, sud he related s number Capt. C. W. E. Mcath. The two clubs o! lnteresting aVries o! Jack John- were aiso henoreci wiih the preseuce sou sud bis traning camp previeus o! Presideni Don McLaughliu o! the Vo the Johnson-Jeffries flght lu Toronto Rotary Club, langeat club in Reuo. He told s remankable stony the Empire sud second langeatinluo! the genial negro gtting up one the world. Preident Don intredue- mrnniinluathen a bad tempen andi cd the guesi speaker, Elwood A.' o! bis knocklng out four sparring Hughes. a Director o! the Toonoepartuers lu the flrst round. Eacb Club, wbo delivereci au addness o! mari was s good boxer lu bis own more than usuai intenesi. right, but Johnson wss beat o! thern Mn. Hughes did noV attempt o ail. make a speech but rather aked at The greateat flghi Mn. Hughes cv- Srandom bere sud there,' remlniscing er saw wss the Welsh-McFarisnd on sporiing events in geucral. Wlth- ligbtweight flgbV lu the National 1out auy apparent effort he madc a SPoriing Club in London, wbeu he 1most successful speaker, tnculcatlngwlesd25ruso!temt s lange measune o! humor Inte a scientifie boxlug it bad been bis thriling account o! sportlng exper- priviiege te sec. He conuntcd on leuces. Mn. Hughes bas been active the decision, given by Eugcnc Cory lu aponta for 30 ycars, partlcularly o Welsb, thc whoie cnowd feeling tin swimming, skating. cycling sud that McFsland had won the bout, running, but bis active spotilng car- but he teld o! the aportsrnaniike .een was eut short by su acident at manne n luwhich the British accept- the Olympie Games lu Athens lu cd thc verdict, as compared wlVh the .1906. Since that ime be bas devot- Unted States sud Canadian way o! c d bis unlimlted cuergies o thc ex- nazzing the referce. ecutive ide o! sport. (Contlnued on page 9) 0 c IV, tl A i a( si s; Clarke Township Couple Honored at SilverWedding M'r. and Mrs. Norman L. R i c k a r d Recipients of Surprise Presentations by Friends at Newcastle on Saturday Ou Fcbruany 24Vh, 1909, Mn. Non- man Lileweilyn Riekard, agnicuitur- st, Newcastle, sud Misa Lillian Gainsby, achool teacher, Oreno. wene iited lu marniage at the home o! lie bnide's parents, Mn. sud Mna. A. A. Qamsby, by Roev. J. A. McKeen, aster o! the Preabytenian Church, )rouo. Misa Garnsby, befone her nanniage, had becu Veaching at Browu's sebool bouse wbene ber Laughter, Misa Winnifred Rickard la n0w the equaîiy popular teacher. It was while she was teaching at Brown's and o! ten meeting sud as- *ociating witb Mn. Rickard in Sun- iay Sebool, League sud other cbunch activities in Newcastle thai Cupid successfully shot biss ast. Norman and Lillan wene happily mannied and have lived happily ever since on thein fertile 100 acres, lot 35, Clarke, on the King's Highway. Ou Saturday evening, February 24th, tweunty-frve y+ai- haiving elap- sed, ,some 200 o! thein relatives sud friends gathered in the Newcastle 'Uited Churcb Sunday achool hall to houer tbem in the celebration o! their silver wedding. Some stnategy waa nequireci te pro- cure the presence o! the eateemned. couple at the appointed place when deairedi, but the committee's plans aii worked weiî sud shontly aften 8 )'clock Mn. sud Mrs. Riekard f ound themseives at the Sunday achool icors sud being ushened lu, te their uconcealcd surprise, by Mns. W. J. S. Riekard and Mn. Fred Graham. I'hey had been guesta o! Mn. sud M(rs. Epps, Kurv Inn, for tes; sud tben a! ter tes Mr. Wm. Hauna had come aloug lu has car Vo take Mr. aud Mrs. Eppa dowu te Newcastle, ail Vo change their books at the iib- rary. O! course the guests wbo haci been eujoying Mn. sud Mrs. Epps' neighborly hespitaiity ou ibis even- ing o! their silven wedding day, se- cepteci the invitatien fer a littie mo- ton ride Vo Newcastle toc. And now here they were ai the Sunday school hall witb Vwo hundred pairs o! eyes beaming upon ihem lu a rathen cun- ious but a.itogethcn f niendly f ashion. As Vbey were led iu, Mns. C. A. Cowan at the piano, playeci the wed- ding mardi. Presentiy as tbey were escorted Vo the raiscd platfonm, ev- eryoue stooci sud led by Mn. W. J. S. Riekard, joined hea.rtily in singing, "How do you do, Mn. Rickard. How do you do, Mra. Riekard? How do you do?" Reeve F. B. Lovekin o! Clarke Tp. lu the capacity o! chair- man, then made a few expianatory remanksansd as if by magic Vwo pretty littie gins, Wilma Farrow sud Mabel Clemence. appeared on the scene. Mabel presenteci Mrs. Rick- ard witb a iovely bouquet o!f fiowens and Wilma piuned a carnation Vo (Continued ou page 10) INTERNATIONAL PRESIDE?#T Dr. G. Elmore Reaiman Former Supeintendeut o! the On- tario Training Sebool for Boys at Bowmauviile, sud now Principal of Glen-Lawrence Gchool, Toronto, whc was chosen PresldenV o! Uic Inter- national Council for Exceptional Chilciren at its 12th Annual con- vention held lu Toronto on Satun- day. Rev. Prof. John Line Creates Lively Discussion on Shortcomings oF Church HOLD EVERYTHING BIG NIGHT COMING Hold everytlùng! A night long to be remembered in Bow- manville is scheduled for Wed- nesday, March l4th, when the Bowmanville Business Men's Association stage their Fancy Dress Carnival. A strong com- mittee is now at work prepar- lng a series of outstanding ev- enta for that evening. It will be well to jot this down in your diary for it's going to be one grand evening. This will probably be the last officiai event staged by the Business Men's Association, which is endeavoring to, pay Up a de- ficit on its sporting operations before its members affiliate with the new Retail Merchants Association. Plan to be in town on March 14th. ýeWhit6y Hospital Supervisor Makes Failure of Christian Church to Have Necessary Insight Said to Be One of Causes of Present Day Troubles That the cburch, tbrough lack O! insight, f ailed lu ita duty both at the outset o! the Great Wan aud at the treaty which ended the wax, was the charge thrown out by Rev. Professor Johin Lime, D.D., o! Toronto Univer- sity at the Forum lu St. Paul's Church on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Line's address on "The Church lu World Aiffairs" was most tbought- provokîng, and this f set was forcibly illustrated by the healthy discussion that foiîowed. Prof. Line, who was introduced by Mayor Rosa Strike, gave bis inter- pretation o! what part the churcb sheulc play in world affaira, and discussed its influence aud function and questioned whethen it was play- ing this part. The church needs a great amount of insight, influence sud courage, the speaker said. The church should be regarded as an agency serving as the conscience of mankind. IV la net ita business Vo prescnibe the tech- nique by which politicians conduct the aff aira o! the country, but it was its duty te, pronounce itself on the moral side o! every political ques- tion. The speaker favored the churcb Vaking au active part lu pouiezc, but ouly where that part affects the moral well being o! the people. If the church f ails lu this duty it must be calamitous te mankind. The chunch, if it is Vo play its part in the world. must know its functions. IV shoulci not be embarrassed because many o! these functions take the cburcb into world affaira. Politie- ians as well as the church have the moral weli being o! the people lu their trust sud if the churcb keeps out of polities, it la noV doing the crusading: work that it should do. Big things are geing on in the political world, Dr. Line added, things ou which the chunch must morally advise. The dilemma o! the church is that it must either en-ter the f ray or stand aloof aud be out o! the game. IV is noV an easy solu- tion Vo flud. The speaker believed that the chunch should noV meddle lu polities lu general, but the big moral questions the church cannot îtbrow aside, because they are moral as weII as poitical. Prof. Line cited instances lu which he cisimed the churcIr bas (Continued on page 9) AilCa ital ural Mail Carrer Strong Plea for Abolition Mol CapitalTri Punishment at Canadian Club Here To Deliver the Mail __________________A notable record, without paraliel in the history of the Hamnpton Rural Dr. Geo. E. Stevenson Suggests Sterilization of Mental Mail Route No. 1, was made on Mon- Defectives - Shows Relationship of Crime to Mental Febrary thetrural il red ren- Disese n TielyAddress on Monday Night route. P'lndlng the roads blocked by Disese n Tielysnow, and qulte impassable for _________________vehicular trafflc, Mr. Greenaway Showing the relationship between anti-social behaviour, in which in- packed the mail ln two bags, hoisted mental health and crime, Dr. G. E. dividuals a.re not obvieus abuormal, them on, bis shoulder, and in spite Stevnso, Sperntenentof he ut gt ito roule.Of the bitterly cold weather and bit- Ste rie s, p int et 0f h e b t e itvto bl.ing wind, he sta.ted off from the Ontri Hopial t hitydelv- Discussing these types, Dr. Stev- Hampton Post Office, and covered ered a thought provoking address at enson cîted the vagrant, who ls 0f ten the whole of bis route on foot. The the monthly meeting of the Men's a victim of the centuries-old lust for route involves a dally trip of elght Canadian Club at the Bowman wanderlng, or who is suffering from mlles, and tbis tramp, on so bitter House on Monday evenlng. Presi- a defînite mental disease known as a day, with deep snow drif ta to en- dent Dave Morrison preslded and ln- dmentia praecox. Others were vag- counter on practicafly every aide troduced the speaker, who w8.5 not ranta because they had neyer out- road, stands as a notewortby achieve- new te a. Bowmanville audience, hav- grown the normal instinct of prnimi- ment. Mn. Greenaway llved Up tO mng addressed the Rotary Club here tive man for wanderlng on the face the old tradition of "The mail must some montlia ago. In opening his f the eantb. Some who used alco- go through." adaress Dr. Stevenson stated that hol to excess, or used narcotlc drugs, Old residents of the district state bis subject, "Mental Aspects of were victlmns of havinginete tateyrscete alroews Cvrme"shoud cien0 gea ee o weaknesses and haviug a poor en- started could tbey recall a.ny carrier evey Cnadan itzenbecuseo!vironment. Gambling was not aI- baving covered tbe distance on foot. the wide discussions on the subject ways a crime, although some consid- On some occasions, the mail had not in recent mouths. ened it so, but was a slgn o! emo- be ae u taI nacuto Psycbiatrists, lie said, had contrib- tional immaturity, because gambiens bwe aen u athat o! onay urt ute soetingte hesubectofstilI believed iu mytha and in Santa Mn. Greenaway showed considenable why people corne into contact with Claus. Swindling and fraud were fortitude in bis determination te, de- the law. De! ining crime as belng due te a manic depressive phychosis, liver bis mail ln spite of ail handi- something which was a violation of which made people subJect to moods, caps. the criminal code, Dr. Stevenson lose their normal inhibitions and zaid there were some things which caused them te f ail te swlndllng and were crimes one year and not crimes forgery. This disease pushed thenm CHURCHES another year, such as breaking pro- out of normality and pusbed thenim hibition laws, while there were cer- inte crime. Radicallsm might be a tain other crimes aga.lnst the law pathological reaction in many young St. Aiidrew's Pnesbyterla.n Church which were not crimes to the con- pecple, due in many cases te teo -Rev. W. J. Todd, Minlater. Sun- science, such as exceeding tbe speed strict father domination. Sex crimes day Services: Morning Worshlp il limit. migbt be due te repression and Ignor a. ni.; Sabbath Scbool 2.30 p. m.; Short Cut to Happiness ance and even murder was the nesult. Evenlng Worshlp '7 p. m. Crime is the result of seeklng a of sex problems. A great ueed ex- St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. short cut te happlness, sald Dr. vlronmeut in childhood. Bad boys C. R. Spencer, Recton; Capt. Ceci Stevenson. One of the chie! objecta as a rule corne f rom bad homes. The Johnson, Assistant. Sunday, March of living is to go tbrough life bap- inherlted side 1s .ust as neal. Ail 4th: HOly Communion il a. m.; puly aud use! ully. There may be inherit certain physical attributes, Sunday Sehool 2.30 p. m.; Evenlng certain things which we cannot sec- and it is iust as true that we inherit Prayer 7 p. in. Confirmiation Class, ure ethically, but can get by unethi- menta.l attributes. I bave seen per- Wednesday, 7.15 p. m.; Lenten Ser- cal means. The driving force îs sons predestlned te a life o! crime, vice 8 p. M. wish, or desire. So whether a per- because they have failed to inherît St. Paul's United Cburch, Rev. A. son commits a criminal act or noV qualities wblch give moral strengtb. S. Kerr, ministen. Mrs. C. H. Dud- dependa on the iutenslty o! the wish, The two types o! luberitance whlch ley, Qrganlat and leader, il axa., whether the tblng wanted is attalu- iay lead te, crime are that o! Psyco- "The Message o! Christ te This able by ethical means or noV, and pathic personality, whlch is not well- Age"; 2.30> P. m., Sunday School; the moral strength and force o! rounded personallty, and that o! the 7 P. m., The Story o! the Finat character. Commission o! crime is mental defective, or feeble mlndec Twelve, V, Phillp-The mian wlth an an inter-play between moral forces Person. eniqulnlng mind. on the one haud and clrcumstances It Is rather amazlng, sald the Trlnlty United Chunch - Sunday, on the other, wlth the strerigth of speaker, that the courts do not in- March 4th: il a. m.-Leuten Serles the wlsb or desire holding the bal- sist that ail who. .çonit serlolis on "The Outstanding Christ," No. 3, ance. Some succumb easlly. othens crimes should have the benefit o! a "The Masten's Touch"; 2.30 p. m- resist strongly, and most o! us are mental examînation. so as to, find Sunday School, slides shown;, 6.45 between the two extremes. out it they have lnherlted a f aulty P. m.-SOng Service; 7 P. m.-"Mak- Inherlted Qualities mentallty. On the question o! pull- lng Christ King.", You are corclially The power o! resistance te temp- ishmTent, these types should be stud- invlted te, these services. Men's Oct- ta.tlou, sald Dr. Stevenson, depended led and segregated. You cannot lun- Togethen meeting Tuesday evening, ton moral chanacter, whlch depends isted for a thonough analysis o! the March lSth. fon lnheri.tance and training and en- crimina.l and bis social settlng. 3 ish a mental defective, because he hs The greatest crime o! al was war, -not normal, and ail the punishment wblch was really mutuai murder, lu: The bargains Nelson offens lu bis ,l ln the world wilU be o! no use. He splned by an excessive emotion o! movlng sale luat makres one wish you -sol.e ergtdfrom soclety, fear o! nelghbors. had a barrel o! money. But don't -frsho be ereae be diacouraged, a lîttie money vil Other types are those guilty of (Continuod on page 7) go a long way it this sale. RETAIL MERCHANTS EXECUTIVE MEETS ARRANGE PROGRAM Grievance Committee Is Appointed and Delegation Will Appear De- fore Council Regarding Trans- lent Traders' Bylaw The Retail Merchants Association, Bowmanville Branch, got down te business on Mouday nigbt wben the executive beid a meeting in the Bal- moral Hotel. One o! the major items o! business was the appoint- meut o! s Gnievance Committee, which wili ha.ndle directly ail busi- ness grievances sud report te gen- erai meetings for action. The mem- bers o! this, the moat important, committee lu the orgauizatiou, are L. C. Mason, Oeo. W. James, W. E. Groves sud W. J. Bagneil. Many important items wene dis- cussed, which o! course concerned onîy business men sud which wiîI be taken Up with the Gnievance Com- mittee. Sevenai complainta were registered e! unfair business pract- ices sud this committee will report ita findingsand efforts will be made Vo have these grievances eliminated. Beiieviug Vhat the Association, through its legal counsel lu Toron- Vo, can frame a more adequate Transient Traders' Bylaw, President W. C. Caverly, Vice Presideut Tom Hol gaVe, sud Secretary Gordon Mor- ris wl appear before Town Council ou Mouday night te ask that any change Vo the byiaw wbich la now under consideration be held Up until the business men present a suggest- ed bylaw fer better protection Vo the local Vaxpayers.1 It was decided. te hold the firsV general meeting o! the Association on Tuesday, Msrch 27th, when Mn. George S. Hougham, Executive Sec- retany o! the Retail Merchants As- sociation e! Canada, wiil be present Vo discusa the Branch's future ac- tions. Mn. Hougham la at preseut co-operating with the Hou. H. H. Stevens' speciai investigating com- mittee on unfain business practices, at Ottawa, sud he wili likeiy brlng with hlm some interesting informa- tion. The Roetail Menchanta Association la already galning strengtb. Cern- menclug with au initial membership o! 29 this bas been lucneaaed te 35 Pàld-up members, sud Vhnee others have signifled their intention o! joiuing. The sunuai fee for mem- bensbip la $6.00. 'i ANNUAL MEETING AT CADMLJS CHURCH MUr. Edgar Gibson Eleeted President at 32nd Annuai Convention - Splendid Addresses Feature Sessions The thirty-second annual conven- tion o! Cartwright Religious Educa- tional Council was held in Cadmus Church ou Febnuany 22nd. The weathen was ideal aud people f nom, Blacksteck andi Nestleton came lu sleigh loads. The a! ternoon session was opened by the President, Mn. W. B. Ferguson. Mr. Edgar Gibson gave the address o! welcome, a! ter which the reports from the different Sun- day schoo]s wenc nead. Mns. Sadier rendeneci a beautiful solo. Mr. Earl Dorreli, Sec'y.-Treas. read bis report. Sonry te report that Dr. R. P. Bowles who was te, have spoken on "Wbat are we bere for?" was unable te at- tend ou account o! illness lu bis home. Reporta o! the depantment Supeninteudeuts wene given. Nom- inating aud Resolutions Coxniiittec were appointed. Dr. C. E. Wbittaker gave a fine address. Mn. Steuffer was not preseut on account o! the noada. The Round Table Con! enence was couducted by Dr. Webb, O.R.E.C. representative. Dr. Webb stnessed the point that aIl Sunday achools should be held lu the forenoon wbereven possible as the children's mincis are brighter and more aIent; than at au other time lu the day. Also that he dld noV like the word Sunday School but thought, that Cburch School was a much better word. Everyone was sorry when thc hands o! the dlock pointed Vo five aud Dr. Webb cloaed bis talk for the a! ternoon. The congregation then adjounned te the basement where suppen was senveci by the ladies o! the church. About nlnety were ser- ved. The evening session opened wlVh organ music by Miss Gladys Cobble- dick. The devotional penlod was led by Rev. F. W. Newell, after which the report o! Nomlnatlng and Re- solutions Connittee sud Installa- tion o! new officers; Vook place as fol- iows: Mr. Edigar Gibson is president for next year; Mn. Richard Pbhlp, vice president; aud Mr. Earl Dorreli, secnetary-tressuren. Mn. Leonard Joblin nendened a very fine solo, ac- companied by Misa Marion Taylor. Everyone was pieased when Dr. Webb was called on Vo, give an ad- dress. He spoke on Church School wonk and sald that the openlug ex- ercises were too o! ten a matten o! f orm and noV enough thought given them o! how Vo geV the Interest and respect o! the boys and girls. He said that lu Church achool thc tbrec factors were worshlp, Veach and wonk. The session closed wlth the benediction pnonounoed by Dr. Webb. The chunch was almost full for the evenlng session. LAR-1-WKI(ikt"l' R.L.C.

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