PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, THURSDAY, MARCH lst, 1934 ----4 charge of the devotional; a duet cupied the chair. Prayer wvas con- MAPLE GROVE 1was nhcely given by Ada Beech and SOLINA jducteci by miss wiman, Jr. teacher. TYRONE Grace Trewin; the last part. of the Readings were given on Japan, Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Solina, 'Tale of Two Cities" was given by China, Korea, and Temperance. The spent Sunday with Miss May Free- Mr. Harrison; Miss Ruby Adams Mr. andi Mrs. Sici. Hockaday visit- minutes were reaci by Secretary Ethel Mr. Francis Thompson spent the man., gave a reading. Meeting closed with ed Ms. William Oke, Enniskillen, on Wilkins. Blanche Taylor's 'group weekend in Toronto. Mr. Farewell Blackburn, Salem a hymn. followed by beniediction. Sunday. succeedeci in raising the most mon- Miss Velma Bradley, who is work- v.S P RIN spen th wekendwit hi cosin:17 resnt.Remember the Division meeting in ey of the five groups toward the ing at Courtice, spent Sunday at spet te weknd ithUscouin:17preentthe S. S. room Thursday evening, Band's expenses. A recitation bY home. M.Ewr oe.March 8th. Josephine Courtice was followed by o Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A E r n r.Jh hli n edn yRt Pefu da League programn Thursday evening o RaySnoden Toont, o th ar ______________________miss Mabel, Bowmanville, were re- Miss Sadie Muir entertained with wasil chag 0fMis Lorna Hoop- rival of another girl. cent guests at Mr. Sid. Hockaday's. stories on "The Good Samaritan"- er.BilrainwsgiebyMs Miss Gladys Wilson. Mr. Milton Last Sunday af ternoon church ser- Messrs. W. T. and E. R. Taylor A dialogue entitled "A Bag of Wish- H. Wicke: topic by Miss Lola Rich-Brw Ki u pLo shel Gra.ham, Oshawa, visited at Mr. R. vice was withdrawn owing to the and Master Bruce Taylor visited the es" was given by pupils. ards. "Our Literary Heritage of Ire-Brw KiPu pLo she, D. Trinils on Sunday. roads being impassable. former's daughter, Mrs. Ernest Lar- land" was well given; vocal duet by with a small perforation, a... Mr. Ray Snowden, Toronto, spent sympathy 15 extendeci to the Sal- mer, Blackstock. Misses Miîdred Bradliey andi Susie Sunday with Us parents and visited em relatives and friends of the late Wýe welcome Mr. anid Mrs. Edgar I A PT NTompson "Ptreain byl Mr. is his wl! e in Bowinanvlle Hospital. Mrs. T. J. McMurtry whose funeral Prescott and family of Castleton to a PoePa's Ran"oo by Mss The many friends of Miss Emma took place f rom her late residence our community. They are moigHelen Trimm; reading by Miss Edna Brw iiis netotpteril Eowma.nville Hospital. Ail wish her Saturday. Messrs. Frank and Charlie Short- Miss Elinor Sykes is ill with the gram closed with a hymn and awih uanhet. ... aDon'td frethe y. onFd Those who attended the Tyrone ridge received word on Monday inumps. spelling match. evenng Mrch ndi the hall o riay Women's Institute supper and pro- morning of the death of their aunt, Mr. Laverne Clemens is laid up Womnen's Institute and Ladies' AilkKid Three-hole Ties, cub an 8 p meing tor wea ithe a ll rai gram on Wednesday evening of last Mrs. Thos. Shortricige, Brooklin. with mumps. Weld t evenBcri at...........e".o Spt m hac in to po tpoe lat week. week report a fine evening and ai- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Willianms vis- Mrs. Silas Williams is confined to hedesa theianna "At Home" on heel, new design, t. ..... ithed man rends o!e Mss eteka though our debaters lost out theY iteci his mother, Mrs. Sulas Williams lier beci through illness. a e asA hot supper of roast beef, masheci Thibe wafie plese o Mnss thla seemed to have enjoyed their even- of Hampton, who is ilI with pneu- Mr. Win. Causley spent a e aspotatoes, vegetables, gravy and pick- Bak Kd Pm ,wt oi shme l ufcenly eoverec fo rnom th g monia. Her many friends here wish at his home at Port Ferry, les, biscuits and various kinds o! de-Blk Ki u p m her operation to be able to go home. Y. P. L. meeting on Thursday ev- Mrs. Williams a speedy recovery. Motrs Maui Mobis Th ais nder the lous pies, andme te wresev ening, February 22nd, was opened by The Institute meeting next Thurs- doc wth r'sre.MisTem isas which everyone thoroughly enjoyei el rm ed wti el t~ the president vwith liymn, andi pray- day afternoon, March 8th, will be in ill . with g quinsey.dow. A splendid programn was a! tewards NETL TO r y r.F Cto.The president charge of Group 5. The programi GereBrtfIgona iven as f ollows: Piano music by pie * rac te f xeutvewill be given by Enniskillen ladies. neighbors cear trap door but es- M.Fred Goodman; the Wiglit. Sory t rpor tat r.Noranmeeting held the previous MondaY Roil caîl: "An Irish Joke." Ail lad- ca1iwtotseiu nuy Quartette, consisting o! Mrs. Miltonpe Are ts ineport Pe r . HoptaNoraI evening, wlien groups were formeci ies welcome. Young People's meeting on Friday Wight, Mr. Howard Wight, Mrs. R. Angu oei n Pr erHoptlfrunder the leadership of the differ- There were about eighty-flve pres- evening was in charge o! Jackson Grant and Mr. 0. Osborne, o! Bow- ad pe rportta is ooh ent vice presidents andi work gener- ent at League on Monday evening Wray, social vice president. Meet- manville. gave several splendid sel- Porteo isor doina a s î s canth ally mapped out for the ensuing when we entertained the members ing openeci with a hymn, a! ter which ections; Miss Elsie Carruthers, Bow- bep ted afte donga serio s an terni. The Citizenship leader then of the Enniskillen League. A spîen- the Lord's Prayer was repeateci in manville, deliglitec aIl with hier tap citi pertatn in Poterry Hppni- took charge of the f ollowing Pro- 1did programn was given by the v]si- unison. Minutes were reaci and ap- dancing, accompanieci by Mr. Fred cti lati iee n gram: Bible redigsradrepos tors a!ter which lunch was served proveci. A mixed quartette made up Goodmnan at the piano; Miss Edna KaysrSl oe in gp1 eneeTals Mrs Sanly alclmentrtined m i Beby com ens .hs ere reaci n d oia ieenoei o! Mr. andi Mrs. W. Wilbur, Miss M. Cameron gave several splendid reci- srSl oe um~,s her Snly acolm cl ncitherir by Mrs. S. Buttery; piano solo, Miss The Father and Son banquet in ih ongd. T.o Satsa an IrL thato ragTe mate "Rslvaed atr and valencia, at per pair ......... . frenda herhomon Moasndy tev- Marie Collacott; topic was very ably thle S. S. room last Thursday even-issog Leon asra bAl.hevraemxwudmaeaoe fendg aTheprt wase n onory o! dealt with by Mr. Kyle Squair; vio- ing under the direction o! the Jun- Randle andi devotional *given by competent housekeeper than lis Mniss Norm Edards, wh s m inin seletio oyM.Tyorfeia ior andi Intermediate boys' classes Douglas Rackim. Mr. F. J. Groat wife," the affirmative taken by Rev. *8E w wlth ~ ~ ~ ~ n lirprnsl otFry h in byeo Master. o ayloal; readingas a eie ucss h pae gave a very interesting talk on "The A. M. Wootten andi Mr. Rosa Pool- wt epaet oPr er.Teby Miss B. Cator. The leader then for the evening was Rev. A. L. Rich- Literary Heritage o! Irelanci." The ey th -eaieb r ent evening was spent in games and calleci on everyone present for a ards o! Whitby who delighted ail quartet sang again, a! ter which. a Werry andi Mr. Farewell Blackburn L contests a!ter which a dainty lunch minute or two impromptu speech, vith his splendid acidreas. limn was su n d h reetiong o!hem preci er inerest ivn was serveci by the hostess. A pleas- everyone being given a different A very interesting Temperance rod as edanitem tngTeecino!teuigswsgvn*ffPh e12 ant evening was spent by ail. subject. This proved very interest- program, was given at Sunday school closed with the Mizpah beniediction. in favor of the affirmative. FroceecisW The Nestleton Women's Institute ing as ail present entereci heartily on Sunday afternoon. The Bible The monthly meeting o! tlie about $40.00. _______________________________ helci a euchre party andi pot luck into the speeches. *A contest was lesson. was reaci by Miss Isobel Yeî- Hampton Women's Missionary Soc- supper on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, in then put on a.fter which the meeting lowlees; vocal solos were given by iety was lielci at the home o! Mrs.__________ the Foresters' Hall. A lovely sup- closeci with the League Benediction. Miss Ella Milîson and Miss Muriel W. W. Horn on Tuesday, February poe wa theret oanth evheig rs.n Attendance 22. Baker; and readings by Miss Mag 20th. The President, Mrs. A. E. Bul- joye th res oftheevenng.Mrs are Sctt nd M. W T.Taylor. lt, was in charge. There wasa Frank Malcolm and Mrs. Allun Sug- a On Thursday night, February 22, good attendance notwithstanding gitt won first and second in the lad- EBENEZER a Father and, son Banquet was stag- unfavorable roacis. Af ter the caîl toE E 51MU NI ies, and Davidi Davidson and Nor- ed under the auspices of the Junior worship andi the transaction o! mani Malcolm won first andi second Choir practice was helci at the Boys' Classes. The CUGI.T. prepar- busier ss, Gle asn handec for the gentlemen. home o! Mr. andi Mrs. A. E. Rundle ed andi served a most appetizing sup- ovaer.t Mrs. G. A. atr ron, ghroupE SR OG League was helci Tuesday evening. on Tuesday evening, Feb. 2Oth. A!- per, which was followed by a splen- lae.Ms .Sle edtels Frayer was led by several young peo- ter practice, lunch was served and a dici programn o! brie! acidresses. Rev. son; Mrs. Jos. Clatwortly haci pie. The f ollowing programn was social haîf-hour spent tegether. Walter Rackha-ni acted as Toast- chare o! evin l per u iss apRop- given: Bible reading, David GolId- mission Circle met at the home of master andi after the toast ta The raehmswr ug isRb lng; Bible study, Mr. R. Suggitt; mrs. Art Found on Wednesday even- King, the toast to the Churdli was Clatworthy favored with a Piano c H topic, Bert Edwards; duet, Ma.rion ing. Feb. 21st, with Miss Evelyri proposeci by Mr. B. G. Stevens and solo, chapter f ive of study book Taylor andi Ellen Emerson; reading, Wade andi group in charge. Deoepnet y r akam i Raisixig the Physical Standard" Mrs. Edwards; music by Karl tional part was taken by Mrs. Lloyd Smale Jr., proposeci the toast to the was well given by Miss Nora Kers- Thorpe andi Larry Harcicastle; reaÀd- Courtice; Mrs. John Founci led in Fathers andi Mr. E. R. Taylor made lake. Closing exercises were con-.... ing, Mrs. L. Joblin. Meeting was prayer; and Miss Mary Found gave an able response. The- toast ---e-utc y h rsiet ex et then turneci ixito a social evening. the first hlI o! lis chapier o! the sons was proposeci by Mr. Roy iLxg- ing wUll be held Tuesday, Mardi 20, Lunch was serveci hater. study book, "Lady Fourth Daughter maid andi Roscoe Baker made a hap- at the home o! Mrs. G. A. Barron. More Nestleton news on page 8. o! China"; readings were given by py reply on the boys' behaîf. The A cordial invitation is extended to *Miss Louise Courtice and Mrs. Carl toast to the Ladies was voiceci by ail ladies to attend. T H O A Short; and accordian solo by Miss Deputy Reeve A. L. Fascoe with Mrs. Wh .*.vrTèdde teA ENNISKILLEN >Sadie Muir; a!ter which re!resh- S. E. Werry replying neatly for île K NDAL TI hpM tyu egbrodAPsoeti ments were semved andi a pleasant ladies. Sangs by the boys' class, andi weISri & evc ifr rmwa «aeacs Reserve Mardi 151h for the an- time spent together. community singing were also 'feat- ~ uftEeOY to ed Saec J A&P Compace $ife riésmit uhat yom usue acas nual St. Patrick's supper. Church services were quite well umes o! tle fine pragram. The guest Mr. George Luxon is ixi a very and fo quality ..*.#r "saisfaction or monecv back garancee Congratulations ta, Mr. Levi Brunt attended on Sunday, Rev. H. C. WOl- speaker was Rev. A. L. Richards o! critical condition o! health. gr &be tmW i on celebrating lis 70tli birihday on !maimi speaking on "Keep ihy heari Whitby who gave a remarkably fine Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walker visited ITEG -RA Friday. with aIl diligence, for oui o! it are address o! interest alike 10 both fa- !riends ai Fontypool on Thumsday. 98L ED.GE-B$ .1R24A.D Mrs. Win. Griffin is at Burketon the issues o! life," stressing tle im- thers andi sons. O! special intemest Miss Domoihy Crossley spent tle FLOU R 8l.Bg$.92 b a 5 nursing Miss Sarali Byers who is portaxice o! education o! the leart wras tle faci tiai two gentlemen weekend with Mm. andi Mms. EvanFR4 NAI'FNETD RY NS seriously ill. as weIl as heaci. Miss Ivy Farks over the 70 year mark attendeci île Quantrill. FOI NAI' IEDIYÂD Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hockaday, sang a solo in a very pleasiiig maxi- banquet in île persans o! Mr. Ueo. Mm. andi Mrs. Milton Robinson C!HEESE TANGY OLD Ibo 9 Solina, visiteci the lattem's cousin, ner. The choir contmibuted goo0d White and Mm. W. J. Taylor. Aulci spent Friday evening wiih Mm. and O HESI Mrs. Win. Oke, wlio is slowlY im- music, with Mr. Clarence Penfaunci Lanig Syne brought a long te be me- Mms. Cecil Glass. FRTESI proving. taking tle solo part in the anihem memnbereci evening te a close. The flag ai the park was hung ai DALM OLIV IE SUA I' 3 CAKES 1 e1 Our League visiteci Soliia League very nicely. Suxiday Schaol was ai- ____________ half-mast on Thursday in lionor o! on Mondlay. Feb. 26th. Mm. Howard tendeci bY 105. The ladies o! the ACARONIE orn SPAGHeTT 2f 9eD UTB Oke and Mr. Edggar Wright took Beean Class at the close of the les Mm. J. J. Mellor in a series o! ser-R N r S A H T I2 l the sleigl loads. son presenteci Mrs. Fred Rogers, who a mons on the Lord's Frayer. spoke on M« CJ Mm. and Mrs. F. W. Wermy andi is moving away, wiih a pretty neck- Wd rs aebe utn Sunday on "Give us this day aur 4u&~ N N. 1 faniily visiteci his parents, Mm. anid lace as a token o! esteem. WaeBrs av en uingi-Tm i' -**'*'- 4TIS Mr. .A.Wmr.ceemaig h Te eea hasme n adaywood for Mm. Herb. Osbore in bis daily bread." s omers .A bi rty affrtigte hernoon Feb s eth in île S S woods. xIn spite o! bad weathejr andi roaci . &532 or- The cotes ithdli isbixgcar e rnoo with a 6h go in thedne, S. S. Mr Frn E o isal to be conditions a number from. this coin- STRA&BE' JA U Jara ~a a on ie hc is o ing oo id ork. woi h eing Hymns an ymx rt-e up again a! 1er his mecexit slight ai- munuty attendeci the funeral o! Mm.Ja Attndn ABc ai Suna Scool 115. ers ich provecisan Heym nîresig tack o! paralysis. Wellingtoni Cowaxi an Monday. FANCY QULUTY TisjSTRONC-5 STRING Hope it will be kept up. The meeting apeneci with Caîl toin Mrs. am. Vinson las en visiab- Tere wa s a y oo i tac aio TU NA FISHR Tns. ~ lc B OO SKC Suxiday evening service was well Worship and the singing of tle Dox- in Mrf Wm. Vites durixi îl a m Leag on chaureoy ntht. ro- - attendeci. Mr. Whyte delivered a ohogy. and Anoiler Yea.r Is Dawn- Seer o!e maten r's u sba dis go ra Mas incarg e . ! ie ieayu fine sermon on the "Two Debtors." ing, Gaci Wihl Take Came a! You, eealmrmefro i s dis- coeir Mm. ar a e Ahr ans U W Mr. J. Slemon. Mr. E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gay gave a litthe tahk trict have been re-callecil variaus iitpca anda uhr a Orville Ashton andi Mr. G. Stevens on each lymn. Ail repealed tle 23rd factories during tle last week. . ie by Mis Katie Sewart read- - 1 '"ae dsa re rendereci a quartet. Psalmn and Mrs. Clarence Pen!ound Cosdrbedlui a beenlg ande givesb Mrueit en Qan-d The Temperaxice programi on Sun- gave a devotional talk on David andi experienceci in flooding our rink, butli aid a u Miss ageieBerndc =ih y u c fe E day momning was given by Mr. R. the Psalms. Sentence prayers weme this las been overcomé now anci an ade a ugb isBmie ih y u ofeN C A Gllbert's class o! boys. Mm. Uilbert given by ten members. "O Goci Our Al skating area is repareci. La.ngstaf! and Marjary Patton. Miss- gave a lemperance talk and readinga Help in Ages Pasi" was sung by all Mm. Wm. Vinsoxi underwent an Katie Stewart conducîed a literar' try so me weme given by Fred Trewixi, Fred and Mrs. H. H. Nichois gave a talk tpe reatio x TootaHosta or onte s McLaughlin, Jim Simpsoni, Chifford on IL Piana solo by Miss Hazel îee rean ls porsn a at fac on on Peihick, and a chorus was sung by Rundle. andi Mrs. G. F. Annis spoke ean ispgrsigstsaco- (Crowded oui hast week) TEASs c rrC the class. assisted by their teacher on different tunes and composera. ily M. S.-trotr h eiul E L Leag-ue was lelci on Wednesday. which Mrs. Talcoit o! Maple Urove injured lis le! t hip some years aga, paor lealî benxiR L Y 'feh C F E Febuay ls. eein opnei iti av adeon~trtin ! om Cn-slipped on snow-covered ice last Mrs. Peter Walker lias; been visit- CROUND REFORE TOUR ffES ui Fea y axd. ein Lorsprayer lu nigav andealo st om ame anme week and hurt the opposite hip, nec- ing lier daughter in Bowmanville. B-NU unison. Minutes o! lasi meeting which was very interesting. the lad- Msiaiglsrmaxigi e f r M. Grenville Brown visiteci Mm. weme reaci. Mm. Howard Oke then ies tendering a learty vote o! thanks several cisys. Neil Stewart over the notenn -f taok charge o! the pragram: Hymn ta Mrs. Talcott for lier kindniess in The side-roads running es and Owing to rad and weather condi- T7iese thT.e coffees Ou"elayoe usecf~l.3 9 was sung; Rev. J. M. Whyte led in coming. Meeting choseci witî hymn west are still banked witl snow, and tions the Ladies' Aid postpaneci their prayer; Mr. Fred Stannard took sud île Mizpal beniediclion. înmxypae iuc esaeldsupper. out. The mail routes are almosi A few o! aur young people took in- doubleci by avoiding such banks, by tic skating at Elîzabetiville Satur- m~àa ___________________________________________________ crassing fields. anci re-tracking ta day night. cleamer roads again. rsSmPtonwhla benASSAM an IN A Not many,, olci-timers can j'enem- poryfo sme Patime, has been asMMA wm ber~~~- a- -ors __tc fo (u n fuel. me !hae 26- H IC HO T OR S - 6Sieamiug cof!ee anîd lot dogs were opening exercises, after whicl tle FANCY LARGE RED SPRING B h 2 - H IES O T O N -26sre yMm. and Mis, Pdduck, and Ciizensîip convener, Miss Katie M NSEKlb lb Pec concludeci a very enjoyable evening Stewart. took charge. TIc Bible SALTEAth Il 'Males, 15 I'emales> which was mucli appreciated by aIl. lesson was reail by Miss Stewart; SAiMce CO(N'IRIBUIOItS Due la 'tle excessivehy dry sum- iuadiîigs were given by Misses Annie ANN PAGE AC SE CT J. L. Parsons, Bounianville L. Richardson & Son, Ashbun ers are short a! ail kinds o! feeci. Catcami; Mss Wilma Carson sang B ea d owappe -00 s Fred Parker, C'obourg W. '1'. Baker, Hiampton Ma.ny were abtaiîîing pea ensilage a solo: andl Mm. Neil Stewart gave Chas. Fothergili, Whitby John Baker, Hlampton fromn tle Canning Factory ai Bow- an instrutmental. A splendid address W. S.Bragg, Bowman',iIle J. R. ohsn, hUrn manville, but tle iemnand was sa was given by~ Miss Nellie Hill on île S i a FRESII TEXAS 3 lb 20 W. F. Rlckard, Newcastle Rohi. I>uff & Son, Myrtie great that hast week the supply gave Slory o! St. Valentine. Gamnes and j. E. Leask, Seagrave S, Chas. Allun. Iowmanville out. Many who were inlending ta contests were conducied by Misses CA B G NEb, GRENe Jas. Iladden & Son, Blaekwater replenisi ileir supplies fram the en- Katie Stewar't andi Nellie Hill and NW RE silage stacks will aiso be in a <iuan- Mm. Carman Bell, a! ter whicl lunch Write for Catalogue to dary, but they wihI, ai heasi, be fore- was serveci and a very enjoyable ev- *IH- -AI S. HAS ALN, ecy DUCANBRONwarned. ening was brought, ta a close. S. CHAS. ALLIN, Se'Y. DUNCAN 13ROWNThe Sunbeamn Mission Bandi leld eGEci, N T 1C on Friday. Fresident Marie Salt oc- Creamn of Barley. Bo ma"iîe A n 16r2Aut ne . imeua metn ai o. 8 s oo P p up fr S l g E t oe