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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1934, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEX CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVU5LE, THURSDAY, MARCH ist, 1934 CAN SHE COOKQ NO MORE SERIOUS WORDS VERE EVE SAID IN JESTI The Easy Way Cake Book Shows you the "Easy Way" to Successful Cake Making - tells you ail about cake making and how to tell what has been wrong when your cake "dropped" or failed for some other reason. 75 Different Calke Recipes Every one made and re-made, te discover the simplest and best way in which the recipe could be passed on to you. THE EASY WAY CAKE BOOK AND TWO OTHER SMART LrPI'LE BOOKLETS PLANNING THE PARTY Real help for the hostess ini planning and preparing for the party - what te do and how te do it - what to serve and how to prepare it. MARKETING AND MEAL PLANNING Foods that are Regulating - Foods that are Builders - Fuel Foods - The Vitamins - How ta Plan Balanced Meals, etc. The Three Books For Sent by mail postpaid or obtained at the THE STATESMAN USE THIS COUPON The Canadian Statesman:- Please send me by mail, postpaid, the three Easy WaY Bookiets, viz. The Cake Book, Planning the Party, and Marketing and Meal Planning, for whlch Il enclose 25 cents. Name..................... Street & No............... Post Office .............. 9 As I have said at the bcginning ot this lesson, cheese is like cgg in two ways--it beiongs ta tiie substantial body-building foads-and in cooking, it cannot be given a strong heat; 10w beat or a short tiine o! cooking la necessary for good cheese dishes. Yau will observe that ail the best cheese dishes can be quickly made or that cheese la combined with fooda alrcady cooked, so the rsh can be tinished with little heating. Yau have noticed how well the nippy flavor af cheese f its in with f oods ike brea.d, biscuits, macaroni,' rice-things with a bland and gen- tle flavor af their awn; it goes well with vegetables, tao, and cheese and eggs, although tbey are so much alike in the work they do, make an excellent combination (since bath cook quickly and egg bas a mild fIa- var>. Cheese and bacon give an- other "natural barn' combinatiori of flavars. I am going to give you anc cx- ample a! as many kinds o! cheese dish as possble in tis lesson-and you canmae athers ftram cach anc. Ceese Sandwiches - Use sofit spreading cheese, or grate Canadian clicese and sotten it with butter or cream or salad dressing. A little mustard improves many cheese spreatis. Use plain or with chapped nuts, chopped olives, or pickle, or- ange marmalade, ta.rt jeily or oam ta spread between brown ar whit or nut bread. (Different additions wili suit different kinds o! cheese). Toasted Cheese Sandwiches- Spread i alice a! buttered bread with sot t or grated cheese, the other slicej with orange marmalade or choppedi fried bacan, touch o! catsup, etc. Put together and toast on bath sides. Serve very bot. Cheese Dreams - Make c b e e s e sandwiches, with or without fried bacon, f ry sandwich ta, a golden brown on bath sides in a buttcred pan. Serve very hot (in lettuce cup or on creas, when possible). Macaroni and Cheese--Coak mac- aroni or spaghetti in a large potful a! bailing salted water, untîl tender. Drain it in collander, run cold water thraugb it. Make plenty a! cream sauce and add 1-3 cup grated cheese ta each cuptul of sauce. Allaw at ieast 2j cups sauce ta 2 cups cooked mac- aroni. Put alternate layera cooked mac- aroni a.nd cheese sauce in a grcased baking dish - keep mixture very moist. Spread top with gocod layer or grated cheese, plain or with but- tered crumbs, and sprinkle with pa- prika. The secret is the cheese sauce1 -and plenty of it. (You learned ta make it in Lessan 1). Use canned spaghetti if you like, even if made with tomata sauce. Just add the cheese sauce and cheese tapping. Place macaroni or spaghetti rsh in a pan o! bat water and bake inf maderate aven until golden brown o11 top. Cheese and Rice Croquettes-Mix 2 cups~ colti boiled niec with 2 table- spoons melteci butter, i slightiy beatcn cgg anti a little ý;alt, and pep-t per~. Shape soft <cheese or grateti chie-e softened with butter, in small halls. the sze o! a walnut. Around these press, a coating o! niec mixture ta caver completely. Rail these lar- ger halIls in sifted biscuit or dry1 o!ijury to the constitution. FFI Distinctive Qua lity TEA tFresh from I The Cà Cookinl (Continued from page 3) Plain Bread Pudding 2 cups scalded milk 1 cup bread crumbs 1 egg 2 ta 4 tablespoons sugar 1/4 teaspoon sait 11'/2 tablespoons butter 3/ teaspoon vanilla Pour the scalded mllk in whlc] the butter is melted, over the bread- crunibs, let stand untul sot t, then beat until very smooth. Do not strain. Otherwise complete and cool as Firmn Custard. Serve with hard sauce or f oamy sauce. Variations of Bread Pudding Chocolate-Scald 11/2 ounce choco- late with the milk. Increase the sugar ta 1-3 cup. Prepare and cool as Bread Pudding. Cocoanut - Substitute 6 table- spoons shredded cocoanut for 1-3 cup crumbs. Lemon-Flavor with 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 3/4 tablespoon gratec lemon rind. Omit vanila. Orange-Omit 1/2 cup milk. Stir in at the end ýi2 cup orange juice, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 t.ab- lespoon grated orange rind, as f lav- oring. Increase sugar to 1-3 cup. Queen's Pudding-Use 2 egg yolks in place of i egg in plain bread pud- ding. When cooked, spread with jam or jelly, cover with meringue, made by beating the whites until stiff and graduaily beating in 4 tab- lespoons sugar; return to: oven, oven- poach in a slow oven, 275, F., until brown. Bread and Butter Pudding Cut stale bread in 1-3 inch strips, spread with butter, arrange in but- tered baking dish, making only 3/ tfull. Caver with raw mixture for firm custard (made as directed). Let stand 1 hour, cook as Firm Cus- tard. (May be flavored with spices or varied by the addition of fruits or by spreading each layer with jam). Stale cake, unbuttered, may be substituted for the bread. CHEESE i (rom The News, February 22) ___ I s. J. L. Buckley, officiai dele- g S ch o ovinate reresenigthe Or:o oHorti- cultural Society, attended the pro- Miss Agnes Waddell, whose mural bread crumbs, then in beaten egg, decoration for the Centennial Arts mixed with a little water, and again Bah., was one of the few chosen for in thecrumbs (which should be sea- publication. soned with sait and pepper). Fry Mr. M. C. Senn, M.P., Haidimand balla in deep hot fat. (Temperature County, and Mrs. Senn were week- 385>-390' F. or hot enough to brown end visitors of Mr. F. W. Bowen, a smaîl square of bread in 40 sec- M. P., and Mrs. Bowen. Mr. Senn is onds.) Serve with cheese sauce a member of the Hon. Hl. H. Stev- (Lesson 1) ens' Investigating Comxittee or h Cheese Omelette-Make either the mass buying charges. [plain omelette or the fluffy omelette On Sunday, Feb. 25th, radio sta- n as I taught you ta do in the flrst tion KYW, Chicago, broadcast con- >t part af this lesson. Before folding gratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Alex- k it, spread hait generously with grat- ander Waddell of Dominion City, ded cheese-and if yau like, serve Manitoba, who celebrated their fi.tty- cheese sauce with the omelette. seventh wedding anniversary. 'San- It is deluciaus ta pack an omelette dy' celebrated his 90th birthday lasi wîth bath a vegetable like asparagus, August. Orono friends extend con- creamed peas or creamed celery, and gratulations. e the grated cheese. League meeting on Feb. l9th was k Poached Eggs -with Cheffe-Make in charge of the missionary group. a cheese sauce either by adding grat- Neil Rainey is convener. Prograin -ed cheese ta, the cream sauce or for consisted of a vocal solo by Kennetli 3a snappier dish, in the way 1 shaîl Cain. vocal sala -with guitar accom- Sgive you next. paniment by Sain Castle, and a pia- Pour this over hot buttered toast no solo by Lois Wood. The topic and slip a poached egg on each slice. was very ably taken by Wilfred Spiinkle lightly with paprika. Sherwin, the subject being "Would r Chee Sauce - Rarebit Style - Christ draw the color line?" on Put i tablespoon butter a.nd i1,2 cups March 5th, League annual skating grated cheese in double bofler over pa.rty. Program and games for non- bat but not biing water. and when skaters. Hot dogs and tomato soup melted, stir in 1/4 cup milk and sea- will be servcd on the return of the sson with sait, pepper and a little skaters. mustard. When smooth, siowly stir A series orf six entertainments is into a beaten egg, return ta. double being planned by the Agriculturai boler, coak a tew moments, (stir- Society to be beld in Orono Town ring) and when thickened. remove Hall, comxnencing Feb. 28tb. froni heat and beat with egg beater. ___________ Do not overcook. Cheese Tarts-Make the superior tlaky pastry wbich I taught you in and bake as small tart shells. For the filling, beat 3 tablespoons whipping creain until flutfy, then combine with i cup cottage or white cream cheese, which you have beat- en smooth with a fork. Add % tea - spoon saIt and i tablespoon fruit A HEALTH SERVICE OF sugar. Beat weli, adding a little TH4E CANAO AN MEDICAL. more cream if necessary ta mnake ASSOCIATION AND i. IL very ight.iNSURANCE COMPANIES very lght. N CANADA Partly f iii cold tart shelîs with BJH N ELH currant or grape or gooseberry .iam BIH N ELH or jelly, then spread with the cheese mixture and drop a spot of the Jelly Contrary to popular belief, brains on top or sprinkle with f inely ground and brawn do mix. Despite the fact nutmeats. that there are many notable exam- Chese nd aco Pi ~pies o! physically handicapped per- Cheee an Bacn Pi Whels-sons who have attaincd intellectual Slice fine-textured fresb bread the superiority, it is found that the stu- lengthwise way of the loaf, about 1/4 dents woeaaei tnigi inch thick. Trim off all crusts.igbestwhareacademic standingtha Spread with butter and with sot t average in healtb. cheese or grated cheese. Roll up like This leads us ta point out that the a jelly roll. Cut down in shces about healthy persan is bealtby in al bis i inch thick, wrap a very t4iin sUicepathyilanmea.Tei- ofte thebacon wtharon a a-dividual is a unit, and despite aur Tt i theave n w tilatootb-pick.* separate consideration of his var- crsinp tServevey bot bacon li ious parts, in lite he is a unit, and cris. Seve ery ot.ahl parts of his body must be strong Some of my beat cheese sandwich- and healthy if he, as a whole, is ta es and deliciaus canapes, not ta men- be healthy. tion ather good cheese diabes, are 1 The rclatîonship between body and given in "Planning the Party"; you mind has been recognized for a long will aiso find in tis little book of time. John Wesley, o! whom we the Easy-Way Series, egg rshes think as a religious reformer, was which (like a lot of ather things in alsa the author of a book, Primitive i)you will neyer reserve for camp- Physick. Wesley was a great believ- any occasions only! er in cleanlmness, and in his book, we 4 find him saying that 'studiaus peo- NESLETN yple should frequently bathe and frc- interpret as meaning that a dlean (Received too late for iast week) terh. p h mdt fntonbt League was held Tueaday evening. Wesley's advice sound.s somewhat Prayer was led by Mrs. Taylor and odd to aur ears. We accept body Mrs. W. Williams. Program consiat- cleanliness as a matter o! course, but ed of: Bible reading, Mrs. W. Jack- in wcsley's day, it was nat so easy son; Bible study. Miss F. Fallis: ta take a bath, nar was the process topic, Miss Leona Williams; read- of bathing likely to be partlcuiarly ings by John Taylor, Earl Williams conifortable. Today, we sec those and Mrs. Taylor. There was a smail whose mental work ia handicappcd attendance. and interfered witb by such abnor- The oyster supper heid in the Un-ma conditions as diseased teeth and ited Church on Friday evening was tansils. A hast of others cannot do a real success. The supper and pro- good mental work because of their gram were well attended and greatly neglect of the ordinary simple rules enjoyed. Members o! the League of hygienlc living. certainly did their part ta make the Sleep, f resh air, exercise. a bal- evening an enjoyable anc. anced diet and regular eliminatian The anniversary services a! the are essential ta, the health a! bodyr Presbyterian Cburch, Nestîcton, werc and mi. You cannot increase held Sunday. February ilth. On ac- your intelligence simpiy by living count of road conditions the play hygienically, but thraugh sucb liv- was pastponed until Feb. 19th. The i ng, you are able ta make better use Play entitled "The Family Upatairs" o f the intelligence which you have. was well given in the church by thei The relationship between mind and Yelverton young people. body works bath ways. Gaod diges- On accaunt of road and weathcr tion depends upon f reedom. front condtios bth ains o hokeywarry and emotional upsets just as scheduled for this week were post- mc suo h rprslcin0 panied. The roads were practically food. IIîness causes a persan ta be impssbl t Prt ery xcptfo irritable, and irritability brings ab- teas. sae gamPes e ptyfor out physical upsets. term. Wth your aesman for thlae Prom these remarks, it will be ev- late. Wtch ourStatsma fortheident that child training, if it la ta, account of these games. be successfu], must be an alR-round appraach ta the whale cbild, physi- [~~] cally and mentally. It f ollaws that CATARRHAL DEAFNESS education, which will prepare a cb.ild MAY BE OVERCOME for lite, is not so mucb training ta earn a living, but rather training to live. It la necessary ta earn a living, If you have Cat.arrhal Deafness or but that is not the whale o! life, and head and car noises or are growing we will succeed better at earning aur hard of hearing go ta your druggist living if we Put inta, practice aur and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double knowledge as ta haw ta ive sa as strength), and add ta ît V pint o! ta have healthy mincis and bodies hot water and a little granulated for wark and play. sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four Questions cancerning Health, ad- times a day. dressed ta the Canadian Medical "Five Roses does everything a flour shou.Id do - mixes smoorhly, rises evenly, gives a nice golden brown sur- face to bread and cake and a tender white crumb, and it adds flavour and characrer to ail foods baked with it," Mrs. Dan Anger, Perth County Cake Champion in the Five Roses Baking Conrest rold us . . . with 30 years experience in the use of Five Roses to back ber opinion. And Miss Emma Buttery, Perth County Bread Cham- Y ion, thinks Five Roses is thxe best, among rthe many Jlours on the market. "Cerrainly it is tbe only one 1 have used over a long period with neyer a failure, and depenri- able quality means a great deal," she explained. "No one likes to waste either time or money on poor results." "Five Roses is econonilcal in anotber way as weII," Miss Butte'ry pointed out, "for ir gives more loaves per bag, and more cakes and pas roo, than sofrer flours. Andi foods made with ir don't dry out as quickly, so i tar you're nor faced with 'Ieft-over' problenis." Mrs. Frank Vidler, Norfolk County Bread Chanxpi-n, began using Five Roses only a few monrhs ago, bur she says she bas been delighted with results, for "it gives such excellenr flavour, lighrness and tenderness ro everyrhing 1" County Baklng Champions, Feb. 7 - Feb. 16 WELLINGTON-Cake: Mns. M. C. Mi Ilikes,, Harrioton - Bread: M". Austin Stinsors, Harriston. WATERLOO-Cake: Mrs. J. W. Hepel, Heidelburg6Bread: Mrs. E. Watson, Elmira. BRANT---Cake: Ms. 1P. A. Ballachey, r3antford; Bread: Miss L. Torry rnir.WELLAND-_ Cake: Miss M. Pickering, Welland - Bread: M. H arpwood, Welland. LINCOLN--Cake: Miss W. M. W'iven, »Niaara.on.tlso.Lake. R.R. 2; Bread: Mns. EUla Uis, St. Catharines. FIVE ROSES FLOU R (For Cakes, Pastry, Biscuits, Rolls, Bread, etc.) Milied by LAKE 0F THE WOODS MILLING CO. Limited O>ffices ai Toront, Ottawa, London Hamilton Brantford Sudbury Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; and Montres]. P.Q. Your Grey Hair cari be restored te its Naturai Colour without the use of a dye or tint. Angelique Grey Hair Restorer is made f rom roots and harks, and restores the ORIGINAL COLOUR in the NATURAL way; at the saine time glving the hair its Natural, Healthy Lustre. - Sold under a Money Back Guarantee - PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE Manu.factured by Angelique Produets Ltd. Toronto For Sale By JURY & LOVELL, Drugglsts Phone 78 BOWMAkNVLLE King St. ONE WEEK ONLY - MARCH Sth, 1934 COMPORTERS DRY CLEANED 50o each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent. - - Phone 152 r, BLUE COAL Offers Dependable Safe H£a.t to your sati.saction and at a saving Best Quality -Houest WeIght Prompt delivery service by careful drivers. Phone 15. Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd. ts )r is r- n L- LS 1. n h d d ri 9 p e s !Mommàmlmtm 1 ORONO BEE HIVE* GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD IT actually takes less . thian 14 worth of Magic Baking Powder to make a cake, and you can count on good results- every time! No wonder Canada's cookery experts uc' say it doesn't pay to take chances witb inferior baking powder. ]Bake wlrh Magie and be sure! W ~4T C CONTAINS NOALUM." This statement on every uisf your MAGI guarlantee thât Maglc naklng Powder la free front alum or MADE IN CANADA any hsrmlfuli ngredient. "'Doies Evorything a Flour Should Do" THE ONE QUESTION THEY INVARIABLY ASK Lovell's. "'Adds Flavour and Character to Ail Foods Baked With It!"-- PAGM ICIGHT THE CANADIAN STATMSMAN, BOMUNVILLE. THURSDAY, MARCH lst, 1934

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