THE ANAIANSTAESMN, OWMNVILE. HURSDA, MRCHlSt, 134 afU' ,.rr1nsu FREE TRIAL OFFER KRUSCHEN If you have neyer tried Kruschcz-try it now at aur expense. We have distributed a great many special "GIANT" packages which make it easy for you to prove aur clainis for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new " GIANT " 75c. package. Fhis consiste of our regular 76c. bottle together .Ith a separate trial bottUe-sutfleient for about one week. Open the trIal bttie fist, put it to the test, and then, If flot entlrely convtnoed that Rruschen don everything we claire It ta do, tues regular bottUe la tW as Soad as new. Take it back. Your druggrit la authorised to, returu or75c. lmmedlately and wthout quetion. ;Vou have trled Kruschen free, at our e'rpnen0. What could b. farer ? àanufsctured by E. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. ~tb. 1758). Importera: Icullîvry BroI., Miller's Worm Powders do not need the after-help of castor o11 or anY purgative to complete their thor- oughness, because they are thorough in themselves. One dose of thexn, and they wlll be found palatable by ail children, will end the worm trouble by making the stomach and bowels untenable ta the parasites. And flot only this, but the powders wiIl be certain to exert mnost bene- ficlal influences in the digestive or- gans. NEBEA0 VQUick Relief ;r for Women Women need flot endure Proî Pains and headaches. They can spare themselves this suffering by taking ZLITOO TABLETS. Mrs. Allen Wright, of Fulford, who was relieved in 30 minutes of severe pain and headache, wrote saying: "Every woman in the land should know about ZUTOO TABLETS and what they wilI do." Just try the tabiets and know for yourself how quickry they stop thepan Ett c. EBENEZER Received too lae for last week) We extend wlshes to Mr. ai Mrs. Norman Down on the an-iv of a Young son ai Oshawa Hospit on Saturday, March 3rd. We welcome to our communi Mr. and Mrs. R. Fowler and litt son Alan, Scugog, who have rnov to Mr. A. E. Rundie's bouse andi w assist with the farming for Mr. Rut ie. The Tuxis Boys were entertairi at the home of their Mentor, M James Hancock, on Thursday nigt After a business perioti, games we: indulged lu anti Mrs. IHancock sei eti a delightf ul lunch when ail e joyeti a social time together. The group with Mrs. Bert Wi kins as leader were entertaineti1 Mrs. W. H. Nichols and Mrs.v Snider on Tbursday afternoon, whe Plans were made for their comir imeeting. andi other business, aft4 which refreshments were serveti a a pleasant time spent together. Services on Sunday, March 4t] were downi a litile in attendance, du ta condition of roads. At the morr ing service the pastor spoke on"S Endi Religion," Mr. Clarence Per founti telling the story Vo the Junic League. The choir provided goo music. Sunday School attendanc was 101, and Miss Sadie Muir toi an interesting missionary storyt the Primers. The Layal Crusader Mission Ban at S. S. No. 4, helti their meeting e Tuesday, Feb. 27th, with the nei president, Eileen Pickell. in th chair. Meeting opened with a hymn andi the Lorti's Frayer in unisor The secretary, Muriel Foundi, gav ber report anti the roll was calleÉ followed by the treasurer's, repori Hymn was sung: devotional peri<s openeti with "O Corne Let Us Wor ship"; Eileen Pickehl read a prayer scripture lesson was read by Jun Marshall, followed witb a story b: Mrs. Worden; a hymn was sung Following programn was given: Let ter read by June Marshall; readirI by Muriel Pound; StorY by Eileet Pickell; story by Mrs. Worden; stor by Eleanor Vinson; reading by Ralpi Found: Watch Tower by Bob Rundl and Lucille Wade: closing with hymn and the Mizpah bened.iction. A quiet wedding took place or Saturday. Marcb 3rd. ai 4 o'clock a the United Church Parsonage, Cour. tice, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim officiatin wben Clare Frances, daughter o Mr. andi Mrs. S. B. F'orsythe, w&, Uitedi in marriage with Mr. R. B Bennett, Oshawa. The bride and groom were attented 'by Miss Mar- torY Forsythe. sister of the bridz and Mr. Robert Donabee, a friend of the groom. A wedding dinner was later served ai the home of the britie's parents ait Ebenezer. the col- or scheme being carried out in Pink and white decorations. The bride was lovely in a gown of powder blue crepe with grey hait, shoes and gloves, her bouquet being sweet peas and sweethe-art roses. For going away she chose a blue swagger suit with rnatching accessories. Af 1era short motor trip the Young couple wiIl reside on Agnes St., Oshawa. Previous Vo ber marriage, th.e staff of the department wlth wbom, she Las. been associateti at the G.M.C. presenteti the bride-elect with a verj fie shower of f latware. . Experiment no longer.-it's costly. Use Cress Corn Salve. $old by Jury &Lovell. at LESS >COST witk a S UN S HIN E LAMP Now it's more econom- ical to have and to enjoy good ight ... the clear, steady brilliance of a Coleman... than to be without it. For small cost you can get a genuine Instant- Lighting Coleman SUNSHINE Lamp that produces 300 candie- power of soft, natural light. PAYS FOR ITSELF IN SAVINGS -ha Miodel I18B Instant. Lite. l.suuful 100,7 Krmute Ilâcle. Balit - la Pump. 9@« éfe p y You can use your Coleman for a year and save from $5.00 to $7.00 over the cost of using an old-style coal-ail lamp. In the meantime you are protecting your eyesight and keeping young and strong the vision of your childrcn. 5 TO 20 TIMES MORE LIGHT! The Coleman gives 5 to 20 times more light than any kerosene lamp. Fuel cost is only about 10 a night for the finest lighr. A safe, depend- able lamp .. . can't spiti fuel even if ripped over no "crawling" flame. It's a clean lamp . .. no soot or smokc. Makes and burns its own gas from regular, untrcated motor gasoline. Save money; use a Coleman. '51 L.1l0 The Canaian and iva Coking School iit ýonindf rom page 5) still use as few strokes as possible tle Vo combine flour with egg mixture. ved there is any attempt Vo actually il. Turu batter luVo sponge cake wff make a cake! Pan with f unnel lu centre, or nari- Lin Now I arn going Vo give you a Suln- row shallow loaf pan or a square or ple butter cake mixture, in which oblong pan for a single rather thick ,iyou can apply everythlng that you layer. Mlr. have learned about making 1. I ci not say to prepare pans, as ,t. Standard Butter Cake for butter cakes, because iV hs beiter ere Following exactly your Rules for ta use a pan that has neyer been v- Cake Making, assemble the utensils greased. Af ter use, pan should be n- and ingredients requireti. washed and dried carefully. if pan 1-3 cup shortening bas been previously greased, grease il- %" cup granulated s1V i and flour iV as for butter cakes. by 2 eggs Ingredienta for True Sponge W. '/2cup riilk 4 eggs, 2-3 cup sugar, 1-3 tea-j ien 1' cups pastry fleur spoon lemon rind, 2-3 tablespoon1 Ing or 1 cup and 5 tablespoons lemon juice, 2-3 cup pastry fleur or er b ard wheat flour 9 1-3 tablespoons hard wbeat flour, md 'i4 teaspoon saIt 1-5 teaspoon saît. Follow directionsE 2 teaspoon baking powder for putting batter ogethen. tb, V2' teaspoon vanilla tue 11Crea.m shortenlng very ligbt and Variations: .,gradually work in sugar. Cream un- Chocolate-Melt 1 square choco- agtlthe sugar hs nearly dissolved inl late, stir carefully luto the yolk-and- the fat. Beat eggs until very light, sugar mixture before f olding lu the( or- add Vo mixture and beat again. egg whltes. Omit lemon juice and% od Sif i fleur before measuring, then rind. ice measure l1,ý cups andi sif t f rom pap- Splced SPonge Cake-SI! t 2-3 tea-7 Id er Vo paper with the saît several 1spoon cinnarnon, 1-3 teaspoon nut- I Vo trnes. Add a llVtle flour Vo the but- meg, 1-6 teaspoon each clave and I ter-sugax-egg mixture, mix welI, add Ihspice. with the fleur. Omit the nda little milk andi add alternately un- lemon juice andi rinti.F onil you have only one measune o!f oMi bteSogeCk ewfleur le! t. Mix baking powder wlth T i ht pneCk hei well and sift into the batter. (Angel Food)B rie Beat mixture a few moments. add Since no yolks are used, aIl o! the S )n vanilla, anti scrape batter into your sfe sugar is gratiually etnit5 ,eprepareci panis. This mixture will the stiffly beaten egg wbltes, saIt rn. ake w small layers or one nice and cream of tartar; the other dryV rt. square or oblong cake. lugredients, sifted 5 trnes, are f old- b od Bake in a moderate oven, 350, F., et int graduaily; the flavorlng hs for about 45 Vo 60 minutes for square foldet iîn wltb last measure o! flour. ror loaf (depending on depth); Ingredienta for Whlte Sponge or r,375-0PF for 20 Vo 30 minutes, for lay- Ag!Ck ne ers. AtlCk g. Variations of Standard Butter Cake 2-3cup egg whites (5 te7 eggs), & t- Flavorins--Use different extracts, / spon l,34cup m frt or fin e a- ]0 g or grateti lemon or orange rind, or sul atet , 3/4cup pstry finouraor1 ry Coeenceormaelavo g.7 tablespoons hard wheat fleur, 21/4 t( I ak-Mli1 ounces tablesons çornsVarch, 3U teaspoonB :)h bitter chocolate over bot, but noV vanilla. e boiling water, add 1 ablespoon but- a ter. Stir inVo butter-sugar-egg mix- Variations:A Lturc before adding dry ingredients. Spiced Angel Cake--Witb the foeur )n Spîce Cake-Sif t witb fleur 1 tea- suft 2-3 teaspoon cinnamon, 1-3 tea- a Po innamon. 14ý teaspoon eacb spoon nutmeg, 1-6 teaspoon eachM r-grounticloves, allspice, nutmneg and clove anti alspice; complete as An- ,,ginger. gel Food., Prost with white confec- of Light Ralisin or Date Cake--Place tioners' icing, anti dust oven te tp as 3l4 cup wasbed andi dried raisins or a little cinnamon.thto Q B. curra.nts or stoneti choppeti dates Ange! Mut Cake-Folti in 1- cp id wiib the measuretifleour in the siX t- very f inely choppeti wahnuts, blancbh- H rer. Si! t the flour tbrougb; add eti almonds, Brazlls or fihberts with Ai 2floureti fruit Vo the batter, just be- hast measure of flour. Complete as f fore placing in Vis. Angel Footi. Is Nut Cake-Flour :U cup choppeti Fruited Angel Cake-Fol ini 1-3 le walnuts, almonds, hickory or bazel cup washed, drieti currants witb the tr 1- nuts as in preceding recipe. Add Vo last measure o!foflur. Complete as hù k the batter just before bakting. 'Angel Food. te Orange Cake-Atit 2 tablespoons [e grateti orange rind Vo the batter ~i Baking A Spenge Cake d place o! vanilla. Put together with JTue ruhes are exactly the samne as ýs orange frosting or filIing anti cover for baking butter cakes, but oven m ,g with orange icing. ternperature hs Iower anti must be a it Fresh-Frult Drop Cakes-Flour ¾, very carefuily watcbed, as tee mucb ta a cuP washed, drieti blueberries or heat will rulu a sponge mixture. A Pa ýe strawberries or pitteti red cherries as true yellow or wh.ite sponge is baketiet )' above. Adtiet the batter just be- in a slow oven, 300* F., 60 minutes in !f fore baking. Fi11 individual paper or longer, according Vo depth. W ecake-cups or muffin tins 2-3 f ull Care et Sponge 41ter Baking da with batter. Bake at 375-F. (Sec1 D o eoeckefo abti the Easy-Way Cake Book for dozens DorntV pse own akfove ricoutg p of attractive cakes you can trck at i e cae bng suse niPl when You bave learneti what his teacan uetilcaketi; pent fromin this lesson.) tepnutlcl;poetfo n r. Tue same batter may be baked in draughts. Wben colti, loosen cake en y siallloa Pas-nt to dep. with spatula or knife anti shake out - Cbopped anti floureti fruits, nul- gnl.di meats. candied fruits, candieti gin- MOCK SPONGES AND ROLLS 1 ger. coconut, maY be atiteti. You may sprinkhe surface o! bat- A more economical sponge cake ter with f inely chopped rauts or cher- than the one wet entirely witb eggs, ho ries or witji mixeti sugar anti spice. 1 replaces part o! the eggs with other cu] Afte baing cae ma besprnk-liquid, 2 ablespoonjuls for each egg; a Aflr bkin, ckemaybe prik-anti',à teaspoon baking powder or teE led with icing sugar anti net frosteti if iV is Voehie eaten at once. uts equivalent is usedtieV replace the The next lesson teaches you to,1 leavenmng power o! eacb egg. ti. mak filins ad fostngsof ll'These cakes alre put ogeiber a j types. which give great variety. Jam, ittedfeetyfo h w reo jelly. conserve or fruit butter makes sPonge cakes. ma a gooti f ihing. To Make Mock Sponges Bo There wilh be many kincis o! cakes 1. Line pans witb greaseti paper, cal lu the Easy-Way Cake Book, which if for jeily roll; grease anti fleur: all I strongly ativise Yeu ta get-it is otherwise, as for butter cakes. cul comPletely f illeti with cake recipes 2. Separate whites frorn yohks of that have been worked out for theeggs. special use o! the stutent--for any-3. Beal yolks till Vick anti em- one who is luterestet inl maklng de: on-coloreti. liclous large or small cakes. 4. Put aside two tablespoons su- gar for each egg white, then grati- SPONGE CAKES ually beat remainder of measureti The sponge cakes, the second o! sugar inVo yolks. the great divisions into which al 5 Slowly stir iquiti mbo yolks our cakes f ahI, are very deicale anti anti sugar, combining well. light in texture. They are net icb, 6. Beat whites tiU aVi, but not because a real member of the sponge dry, anti gradually beat lu sugar re- family tioes not contalu any fat. serveti for hem. Tue true sponge cake lhsentirely 7.ew st ws as n osiljst enouas moisteneti by eggs, anti depends on fwsrksa osbe-uteog the eggs also (on he air beaten into s0 that no white shows separately. the whites anti yolks> 16 make il 8. Si! t flour, measure 1V anti re- ligbt. There are few ingredilents in sIXt wlVh saît. a real sponge cake-il is the methoti- 9. Sift anti folti fleur gradually o! mixing Il, andtihte baking, tha into egg miùxture. are chiefly responsible for i s char- 10 *Sift in baking powden with acter anti ils success. lasV measure o!foflur. Tue true sponge cake sometimes 11. Turu into prepaneti pans, andi cals for more eggs.than wc want Vo bake as direce-in the speclal dir- use, 50 we have orke .outai ections for a recipe, or in Ihose for Newcastle Public School Honor Roll Report for January and February Senior Boomn Sr. IV - Patricia Pearce 86, Mar- garet Pearce 81, Helen Robinson 73, Sam Cowan 73, Harold Hockin 72, Frances Brereton 72, Ethel Spencer 69, Audrey Brown 65. Jr. IV - Jimmie Lovekin 77, Reita Cooke 74, Vivian Duck 73, Bruce VanDusen 69, Ross Allin 63, Alfred Gray 55, Charlie Flood 55, Lillian Burley 54, Gordon Barrabail 53, Mary Painter 53, Dick Anderson 52, Nora Meredith, absent due to, ill- ness; Gordon and John Cotter, abý- sent. Sr. MI - Carl Fisher 88, Mary Cowie 85, Artie Toms 75, Harold Hoar 75, Charlotte Gray 72, Vera CuVIer 70, Chas. Bonathan 74, John Arych 69, Oerald Henning 65, Jins- mie Keech 63, Harry Brown 61, Stanley Couch 61, Helen McKellar 55, Grace Powell 77 (absent for six examinations; sick). Thomas A. Rodger, teacher. Ilntermediate Boomn Jr. III - Donald Jose 84, Dorothy Gibson 82, Carnilla Brown 81, Norma VanDusen 80, Charlie Rogerson 79, Jean Bonathan 75, Evelyn Barrabail 74, Roger Meadows 70, Emma Jean Harris 70, Reggie Meadows 62, Dora Martin 58. Sr. II - Dolly Purdy 91, Myrtle Poster 87, Reta Aldread, 86, Claud Flood 79, Pauline Deline 76, Frank Hoar 73, Charlie Aldread 71, Jean Robinson 71, Shirley Couch 63, Wil- son McManus 60, Margaret Aldread 57. Jr. II - Ruby Gibson 69, Douglas Walton 66, Lionel Rogerson 58, Ma- bel Gray 50. HI. A. Mason, teacher. Junior Boom Sr. I - Farncomb, LeGresley 91, Lorna Flood 90, Grace MacMellar 88, Violet MacKellar 88, Betty Van Dusen 83, George Painter 82, Doug- las VanDusen 81, Cyril Meadows 81, Ruth Bonathan 80, Sammy Brere- ton 79, Olive MeManus 79, Bobby Ba.rraball 76, Bobby Gray 72, Roy Poster 66. Jr. I - Lorna Harris 84, Yvonne Aldread 81. Harold Rogerson 78, Jean Gray 77, Eileen Aldread 76, Al- na Gibson 64, Elroy Gibson 54. Primer - June Gray, Glenn AllUn, Y'vonne Megit, John Aldread, Jac- queline Smith, Arthur Clark, Doro- thy Foster, Irene Painiter, Wallace Barraball, Barbara Bonathan. Bill Aldread, Evelyn McManus, Rosa ienning, Yvonne VanDusen. Normna Aldread, Viola Cotter absent. N. Orchard, teacher. true sponge cakes. Temperature is .igher, however--325' or 350- F. JELLY ROLL True or mock sponge mixtures may be used for jelly roll. Balce in ?shallow layer. Immediately ai ter baking from oven, remove roll f rom an on paper, or damp towel; trim 3f a-Il crustY eciges, spread with fi11- Lg and roll up at once, while still 'arma (if allowed Vo cool, cake would 'break" when rolled). Wrap in a lamp towel. If baked in lined tins, =vert on a towel, pull off ýaper. trim, spread and roll. Fillings include any of cake fil1- ngs or frostings, Jelly or Jam, thick- Med fruit juices. thick fruit purees -with additions of nuts, etc. wben lesirable. Ingredients for Mock Sponge or Jelly Boll 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 6 tablespoons lt water, 1 cup pastry flour or 7/1 'p bard wheat flour, 11/2 teaspoons tking powder, !,4 teaspoon sait, !/ easpoon vanifla . Put together according Vo instruc- DEoS for Mock Sponge or Jelly Roll. Andi that .Iust makes a good start ýn the fascinating subject of cake- naking. But lu the Easy-Way Cake 3ook, you will find big cakes, little Lkes, rich cakes, cheap cakes-but Il such gooti cakes ! Have you se- îred your copy ? FFI Unvarying Quality Vo comine -theém, becaiuse Vhe a-ir are in use in 7 out of every must be kept In hs beaten eugs. 8. The pastry flour must be s11V- Canadian homes where dry yeg ed once before messuring; then sUft- speredfrhm bai cd about 5 imes wiVh the brnm-ki portant I 9. SI! V f lous over egg mixture, a FREIE The Royal YeaSr Boke Bock to un little at a. Urne anud fold It in light- haleent home. 23 tested reis., af b, ly. coffee cakes rolli Addrees Btcdad 10. Pold In flavorlng wfth haut of Frasr Ave. ât Liberty St., Toronto OntA flour, wheu extract is ud-and leafiet, '*The Royal Rond toa fltter iiealtl BEE HI GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD Own Anything Valuable ? If se it represents something that you've striven for by b ard work or savings a. home, a, busins, Property or household effects somethlng t. be protected front loss. Is It nsured???? If a ire or some other dlisaster sheuild wlpe 1* out are you prepared t. replace It or would It mena a. serions 1cm or setbsck te your progre? ussumace in your oniy safeuard. ENOUG ? ? ?? Next te baving no Insaranoe la the danger of net baving enouth. Why bave te face ANY loss whe lire insurance lase ocheap and omuplete coverage only a matter of a few extra. dolasI? J. J.MlA SON <& SON SpecialistsInluAUl Tpes of Insurance - Phono M TEA Fresh from SEE VOUR LOCAL DEALER -or write us THE COLEMAN LAMP &. STOVE CO., Wd. Toronto, 8, Ontario 0 mmmuni THE CANADIAN STATESMAlq, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, 1934 PAGE NIMB a ,km ami m C