THE CANADIAN STATES9MAN, BOWMANVJE. THURSD)AY, MARCH 15th, 1934 PAGE FV PAGE TKRJ H-ONOUR ROLL 0F PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN BOWMANVILLE Senior Fourth Ruth Cryderman. Jack Colville. Jim, Crombie, Theodore Lambros, Lucy Lyle, Marion Mart"n George Morris. Bruce Mutton, Lionel Park- er, Ronald Richards. Russel Short. LeRoy Short. Paul Symoris, olive \Vard, Helen Williams. Junior FoutU Clarice Aider, Dorothy Bickie, Gwen Brummel. Florence Caiver, Madaline Calver. Charles Cartwright, Harold Casbourn. Mary Cbilds, Aud- rey Comstock. Byron Crawford. Har- old Crook, Leslie Dardh, Blain El- liott, Lois Emmett, Harvey Gibson, Russel Haîlman, Evelyn Harnden, Mabel Hars, Charles Hoar. Beat- rice Kembring. Lilian Koren, John Living, Jean Logan. Cutîberi Mc- Donald. Marlon McDonald. Donald Mcfllveen. Carol Martyn, Bill Minna., Mari orie Morris, Doris Moses, Irene Murray. Kay ONeill. Elva Potter, Alan Prout. Tom Rehder. Elleen Ruiter. Norma Searle. Dorothy Smale. Kitty Storey, Kennetb Sum- ersford, Orme Sutton, Roy Swin- delîs. Alan Tamblyn, celia Tait, Eul- een Thompson. Hilda Tighe. Doris Virtue. Ernest Ward. Eva Welsh, Aivie Welsb. Lewis Wiseman. Diana Wheeler, Harold Woodward. Coulson Wooiner. Keilh Yeo. Senior Third Hazel Aider, Betty Beties. Vera Clapp, Jirn Clark, Donelda Creaser, Frances Crook, Marion Dudley, Pai- sy Dustan. Jack Hare. Rachael MI- derleY, Douglas Jackman. oscar Jessen. Jimmie Knox, mark Lam- boumne, Jack Lenhardt, Marion Ma- hood. Tommy Martin, Grigg Mord- en, PeggY Moses, Gilbert Mcllveen, Delbert MeQuarrie. Margaret Os- borne, Jean Paitinson. Bobby Pur- dY. Frances Rowe, Barbara Rehder, Sidney Rund.le. Mary Spencer. Ar- chie Smale. Keith Slemon. Kelvin Symons. Margaret Storey. Harold Schlievert, Isobel Thompson. Helen Tigle, George Underhuli. Donald Venton, Doris Vallant. Richard Westaway, Henry Wightman, Louise Wilson. Bow manville Hospital to Mark Coming of Age With Big Birthday Celebration Local Hospital Completes 211 Years of Service to Com- munity - Opened Match 26th, 1913 On Thursday-next. March 22nd, Bowmianville Hospital will attain uts majority, or in other words wiJi mark it.s 2lst anniversary, as one of the outstanding community enter- prises of Bowmanville and West Durham. It is interesting therefore ta look back o',er these 21 years and review the hisiory of this institution which in the intervening years his steadily grown to be a more influ- ential and important asset of the municipality. The Women's Hospital Auxiliary will fittingly celebrate this occasionJ next Thursday a! ternoon. March 22, commencing ai 3.30 p. m. by holding a Birthday Party in the Nurses' Residence ai which the citizens in town and country are cordia.lly in- vited t.o attend. It was on March 22nd. 1912. that Mayor J. B. Mitchell calleci a public meeting in the Town Hall when it1 was anriounced. ai that time anon-1 ymously. that Mr. J. W. Aexander1 lad generously offered to purchase1 and hand over to the towýn the pro- perty known as Souh Park. the for- mer residence of the late Hector and Miss Mary Beith. for use as a hospi- HOSPITAL PRESIDENT Junior Third M ' Sidney Aider. Howard Corden, Scott Densem. Florence Densem, Dorothy Downey, Ada Dusenbury, Nora Fagan, Raymnond Fice. Elmer Gibson. Murray Grant, Irla Jack- man, Betty Latimner. Lorna Murray, Marlon Mutton. Doris Piper. Joyce Richards. Ray Richards, Winnifred Simith SaUly Southey. Catherine Spencer, Helen Sumersford, Rex Ward, Luther Welsh. Senior Second F.F. Morris Geo. Cawker. Doris Clapp. Albert Darch, Dinniwell. Betty Ed- Who is Presîdent o! the Bowman- ger, Herman Fice, Douglas Harnden, ville Hospital Board for 1934. Mr. Arthur Hooper. Kenneth Hooper, Mor-s is serving his f ourth tenu as Harvey Jones, Bernice Kimble. Reta'President, succeeding the late Nor- Laphen, Morgan Mack, Thelma man S. B. James. Martin, Margaret MacDonald, Dor I taî. proviciang citizens would raise een Olver, Bud A1ngle, Donald Rowe.tenesayfd oeuii. Kathleen Roberts, Raymond Welshtencsayfnst qi t Alden Wheeler. Norma Wilcox. Enthusiastic conumittees were for- Junir Seondmed. both ladies and gentlemen, and Junir Seondmatters taward organization moved Frank Burns, Jack Chiids, Yv"Onn.e steadily forward. A provisional Chahls, Helen Hooper, Isabelle Nay- Board o! Directors was appointed lor, Douglas Wiseman. composed o! J. W. Alexander, J. J. FIrst A. Moranity, C. Reh&dr, J. B. Mitchell Teddy Clark. Ronald Coje, Doro- and J. H. Hl. Jury. Mr. Jury was tby Crook. Billy Duncan, George chairman o! ibis Board. and John Faulkner, Kenneil Fletcher, France Lyle. then towrn clerk. was secretary. Morris. Margaret Nichols. Junior On April l2th. the Committees ex- Neal. Billy Potter. George Roberts, tended their thanks to Mr. Alexan- Margaret Rowe, James Stuti. Judy-_ ___ _____ Whalen, Jack Weish, Donald Wright. FIRST SUPERINTENDEN»,T Ffrst B. Sally Cole, Louise Cole, Shirley Chailis. Helen Devitt, Eunice Jack- man, Eleanor Johnston. Helen Mar- tin. Phyllis Martin, Donald Morris, Fric Mcflveen. Howard NeUles. Aura Prout, Nellie Parker. Jimmi.e South- ey. John Virgin. v fi If you are troubled with burning irritations, Kidney or Bladder Weak- ness. scanty eliminat.ion. frequent annoyance day and niglit; swollen feet or ankies and pains in the back lower abdomen or clown through groins-you should try'the ama.zmg value of Dr. Southworth's "Uratabs" and see what a wonderful difference theY make' If t.his grand old form- ula o! a wel known physiclan brings YOu the swif t comort t h las brought to others, you surely will be thank- ful and very well plessed. If it does not satisfy, the drugglst that sur>- plied you la authorized to return your mroey oni the ftrst box pur- ohaaed. At ail good drug stores. have been: J. H. H. Jury. Rev. H. B. Kenny, Christian Rehder. Thomas Tod, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Rev. Dr. D. W. Best, Norman S. B. James. and F. F. Morris, who lias leld that office since the death o! Mr. James in June 1929. The present superintendent is Mrs. Florence Sm3-th who succeeded 1Miss Bruce, there having been only two superintendents in the bistory of the hospital, both very capable and conscientious officials. The firsi doctor to practise in the hospital was Dr. Robi. W. Clark, who, is stili a resident liere. althougb living elsewbere for some years. His was the flrst patient in the hospital. Mr. Wrightson Wight, a prosperous local farmer. Dr. Clark aise had the honor of bringing the fIrsi baby into the world in the hospital, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron. who was named Bruce Clark. after the supermntendent and the doctor. Other doctors located in Bowman- ville at that time were Drs. A. S.' TilleY, Alex. Beith and S. C. Hillier, a-Il deceased. and Dr. J. B. Hlazle- wood, now o! Oshiawa. Dr. Clark is the onlY doctor now on tlie staff wlio was in Bowmanville when the hos- piai oPened. Other members of the present staff are Dr. V. H. Stor- ey, Coroner; Dr. C. W. Slemon, Dr. J. Clark Bell. Dr. W. H. Birks, and Dr. H. Ferguson of Enniskillen. The hospital is ecauipped to, takel Miss E. M. Bruce Now Mrs. C. G. M. Evans of Clark- leigh, Man.. who was the flrst Sup- erintendent of Bowmianville Hospi- tal. Mrs. Evans. who went overseas on war service. was succeeded by Mrs. Florence Smyth, the present Superintendent. der for his generous gif t by letter and Bowmanvlle Hospital a reallty although it was as yet not opened. At a meeing held on July 12th the same year Mr. Jury presented the meeting with the charter of the hospitai and the f irst real Board of Direct-ors was elected. Messrs. Alex- anider. Mitchell, Moriarity. Rehder and Jury. being the members. Mr. Jury was elected first President of the Hospital Board, John Lyle. Sec- retary, and P. J. Mitchell . Trea- surer. Mayor J. B. Mitchell wa.s Vice- President. At the same tirne the Women's Auxiliary, an orginization whlch has proved Invaluable aid to the Hospital was organized consisting of Mrs. L. A. W. Tole. Mrs. B. M. Warnlca. Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Mrs. J. B. Mitchell. Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Moriarty and Mrs. Jury. Miss M. E. Bruce was ap- Pointed f irst superintendent and the hospitai actually opened 21 years ago on March 2Sth, 1913.. The first officers of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary were: President- Mrs. L. A. W. Tole; Secretary-Mrs. B. M. Warnlca: Treasurer-Mrs. Eda Short. Many changes have appeared in the Board of directors over the per- bod of 21 years and the full list of Preeldents f rom that tume until now FIRST PRESI7DEINT J. H. H. Jury First President of the Bowmanvilie Hospital Board. Mr. Jury was one of the enthusiastic workers Who macle possible the opening If the hospitai here. and for many years was an ardent worker in is behl-aI care of practically any type of major operation and it is a fact that Tor- onto specialists are better satisfied to operate in Bowmanville than have Patients remove<i to Toronto. During the presidency of Mr. C. Rehder a new wçing was added to the. buildig and through the untiring efilortf Norman James a splendid modemn nurses' residence was erect- ed shortly bef ore lis death. it mwas on11Y at the last annual meeting o! the Board that the donor of the hos- pital Mr. J. W. Alexander, resigned f rom the Boa.rd. And so it is with sincere and gen- uine gratitude that citizens weicome the opportunity of celebrating with the hospitai authorities the 2lst an- niversary of the hospital's birth. On Thursday a! ternoon next the an- nual Birthday Party will be held Iwhen citizens will be given anop Portunity of showing their gratitude in a tangible maniner by bringing gis to tle hospital to aid in uts great work. One of the flrst things the lospi- tai Board found out was that a. bs- pital caninot be self supportlng, and over ihis span o! years it bas been a continuai effort on the part of these Public spirited men and wom- en ta, make ends meet. The f ian- cial burden has been somewhat lightened from time ta urne by gen- erous-minded and t.boughtfui cii- zens showving tbeir appreciation byl leaving legacies to the hospital. Manyj other citizens migît weil rememer the hospitai in their will if they ha.ven't madle contributions during their iif e lime. IThe oMfciais of the Hospital Board for 1934 are: President-F. F.j Morris; Vice President-W. J. Dud- 1 ley; Secretary-Treasurer--C. H. Ma-11 son: Directors-T. S. Holgate, W. J. 1 Dudley, F. 0. Mcflveen, w. R.* Strie J. O'Neill, D. A. McCullough,., CaPt. C. W. E. Meath. andl the foilowingi lady representatives f rom the Wom- en's Auxilary, Mrs. J. O'Neiil, Mrs.1 HOSPIITAL SECRETAEFY jCh"s. H. Mlaan Secretary-Treasurer o! Bowmnan- ville Hospital Board. who has beld that important office for the past 14 years. A. M. Hardy, Mrs. V. H. Storey The executive officers o! the Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliary are: Presi- dent-Mrs. J. O'Neill; lst Vice Pres- ident-Mrs. W. H. Birks; 2nd Vice President-P.frs. F. O. Mcllveen; Rec. Sec'y.-Mrs. C. D. Searle; Cor. Sec. -Mrs J. C. Cairns, Treas.-Mrs. E. W. Crawford; Executive Commuttee ÂNONS PRICED SAPE HYDRAULIC BRMCES ON DODGE CARS -Ddehda-" braites are depend. able in aiflàknd oflweather. They stop vou in a flash wben you need theam most. Dodge hydraulic braites do not ned constant adjut- Mrs. John Spencer, Mrs. H. M. OaI., Mrs. F. Goddard, Mrs. M. H. Min- ore, Mrs. F. J. Manning. St. Patrelks Day In the far-off Isle of Erin, 'Mid the living filds of green, Grows the clover of St. Patrick, TeUling where hits steps have been. As eseli year the shamirock blossomB,3 It recalls the tale o! yore, Tells the story of a mission To a hostile. heathen shore. Mothers can easily know wboe their children are troubled with worms, and they lose no ie In mp- plying a reliable remedy - Motb.e Graves' Worm Exterminator. C.1. Tuclk Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Semylea The Chili and Its Developmet Specializlng exclusively lu muscle anomalies, "eyeslght and glasses. Phone for appolntment 1516 Osha:wa, Ont. Disney BIdg. OIPP. P. 0. LOWEUT CARS ing becausere are always equalized. Thus they save you money. Constnaqualizafion prevents your car swerving when the brakas are applied suddenly... they protect you and your family. 1 NEW - DIGGBR "AIRWHHHL" 000GB 7POINT VENTILATION-i. C.1l miltg. TIRBSI Dodte gives you dieu pluoep. 2. Wifldslield opens. 3. Front haif of oreard wnd-, opens low pressure tlres-.vmnbgger tdanbe. unit whida can b. rasecd or lowered as ans ordinarv 'sando,. loe-es standard .quipmeng. 6. Rear door window lowrs. 7. Rar ndow hb.. 'butterfiy'; draft conroL e King St. East UISTRIBUTOR:8 Wili m JCa ll Bowmanville First Ray Abernethy. Jean Alison. Margaret Minns, Bud Nichols, Ger- aid Purdy. Tommy Ward. Sheila Wilson. Murray Wood. Senior Primer Irvine Brown. Florence Chartran, Charles Fletcher. Doris Goulali. Or- ville Hammi. Lewis McFe-eters, Grace Potier, Margaret Stacey. Donald Wolfrain. Senior Primer A. Ruth Abernethy. Dorotly Bed- ford, Audrey Grant. Audirey Martin, Dqroihy Morris. Donald Quick, Mar- jorie Rund.le. Betty Stevens. Senior Primer B. Barbara Al"n. Eugene Cole, Ber- nice Goulah. Doreen Hill, Jean Liv- ing. Jim Martin. Roy McMullen. Junior Primer Dorothy Faulconer. Ellen Kerr. SOUTH WARD SCHOOL Senior Second - Ronald Barion. Mary Cowa.n, Russell Moffati. James Nokes. Senior First - Frank Bevan, Tom- my Cowa.n. Marjorie Kilpatrick, Li- hian Lambert, Gordon Mantie. Irene MItchell, George Sellers. BUiy Spen- cer. Reid Virtue.1 Senior Firat - Lois Burges, Jeant Cochrane, Muriel McDonald. t Senior Primer - Marion Calver. Josie Connors. Howard King, Ray-1 mond Larkln. Freddie Lux ton. Frank Piper. Irene Piper. Louise &Bllers, Lorraine Somerscales, Betty Spencer. Musicc FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. t Pupii.s pr,,pared for ail examinations.t Private and cass lessons at moderate rates. Bowmanville, Ont. 40-lyr THIS LOWEST PRICE DODGE Hos Ail -Steel Body. Floating Power. Hydroulic Brakes. "FRouf. ing Cushion" Wheels, Perfected 7-point Ventilation. Free Wheel- ing, Quiet Geurs.* Cuite Spring Inserts. Airwheel Tires and Cou-. Wind Windshield. MANY LOWEST PRICE CARS LACK MANY OF THESE FEATURES WarnsAil Past 40