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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1934, p. 4

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PAGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN'VILE, THUR.SDAY, MARCH lS1th. 1934 TOWNS IP CO NCIL in the Great War. Concluding the TOWNS IP C UNCI program June Brown played a Smouth organ solo, accompanied by Mrs. Patten. Ref resbments were CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL served at the close. Regular meeting was held Marcb 5th, with members ail present and BROWN'S SCHOOL ' Reeve N. Green presiding. Communications f romn Clerk of Cavan requesting resolution signed Brown's Home and School Club empowering the Reeves of Durham held ils montbiy meeting in the to take action to see if the agree- school bouse on Tuesday evening, ment of 1905 re bridge construction March 6th, with the President, Mr. now stands since the Counties have Ray Brown, in the chair. Commit- gone into the Good Roads system. tees were appointed and arrange- On motion laid on table till March ments made for holding a Five Hun- l4tb. dred in the Community Hall, New- Bylaw was passed estimating the castle, on Wednesday evenmng, Mar, expenditure on roads for 1934 at 21st. An invitation t0 visit the Lake $4000.00. Shore Club on Thursday evening, L. McKee's tender for wood was April l9tb. and provide the program accepted at $10,00 per cord. was accepted with pleasure. The Orders were signed as f ollows: Club was pleased to welcome 10 its H. Beacock, Sec.-Treas. meeting Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Quant- S. S. No. 5 $ 225.00 riU and f amily wbo lately removed L. Swain, Sec.-Treas. from the section and are now re- S. S. No. 4. -. 350.00 siding in Newcastle. Il was also M. Emerson, Sec.-Treas. pleased to welcome the presence of S. S. No. 9 .. 150.00 ils new members, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bailey, repairing chairs Frank Webber and fanily, now set- and glass .ý ,.. 7.90) lied on Mrs. Grace's farm. Dr. McArthur, account re Following tbe business session, J. Noble 20.00 Mrs. Wellington Farrow, 3rd Vice Assessor's Guide 1.40 President, took the chair and pre- Council adjourned te meel April sided over a fine literary and mus- 2nd, at 7 p. m. ical program which was contributed W. Beacock, Clerk. by two distinct groups of artist.s. First, The Newcastle Melodeers or Mel]ow-Dears, an harmonica and ,LOCKHART'S SCHOOL, ukulele orchestra composed of Ger- ________________________trude Bonathan, mouth organist, Marguerite Harris, ukueleist and NO. 9 HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB soloist, Marie Henning, ukulcleist, and Glad.ys Poilard, pianist. Sec- Commander Manwaring Speaker ond, Miss Winnifred Rickard, teacb- of the Evening en, and ber pupils. These were the local and the other were the out- The egulan month.ly meeting of sie talent. Mr. H. R. Pearce, New- The No. 9 Home and School Club castle, also sandwicbed in a few ne- was beld at the home of Mrs. G. marks. The off erings by the visit- Barchard on Tuesdlay, February 27, or-s included selections and encores with about 60 in attendance. The by the orchestra, piano solo by Glad- President, Mr. Russel Osborne, pre- Ys Pollard, and vocal solos by Mar- slded. Meeting opened by singing guerite Harris, ail enthusiasticallyl "O Canada," after which the Lords encored. The school contributions Prayer was repeated. Minutes Of consisted of recitations by Tolly the last meeting were read by the Tkatch and Wiima Farrow, songs by secretary, Mrs. F. W. Bowen, and Donald Burley, and vocal duet by adopled. Several communications Ann.ie and Tolly Tkatcb, and a study were f iled. Mrs. F. W. Bowen was of Pauline Johnson includîng an in- elected delegate te the Home and teresting sketch of Miss Johnsons School Club convention. Tneasurer's 11e and wonks, by Jane Tkatch, and report by Mrs. W. Armstrong show- interpretations of two of ber best ed a big increase due te the success- known poems, "The Song My Paddie fui dance at Newcastle. A sugges- Sings". by Annie Tkatch. and 'The lion with regard te setting up a bas- Catîle TUief" by Winnifred Rickard ketball court at the scbool was tab- wbo beld ber audience transfixed as led till te next meeting. witb ail the dramatic art at her .Mfen lte business period a "Foun- command she presented by voice, dens' Day" programn followed. irst tone, gesture and action a graphic of ail two minutes' silence was held picture of the wronged Indian caille in meinory o the founder, Mrs. A. Iief and the circumstances of his Courtlce; Roy Patten nead a mes- traglc deatb ai the hands of the sage f rom Mr. S. B. McRead.y, Pres- ruthless whites. ident of The Home and Scitool Fed- A spelling match f ollowed with eration; Jessie Geddes nead a mes- Dorotby Quantrill and Sidney Brown Sage from Mr. George Kenby, Nat- leaders of the two sides and Miss ional President; Acy Brown nead a Rickard giving the words. The re- message from Mns. R. S. McL-augh- suit was a tie. the last survivors. lin, Presiclent of the Ontario Feder- Gladys Pollard and H. R. Pearce go- ation; Mrs. F. W. Bowen gave a read- ing lownm on the simple word pract- lng taken from writings of Mrs. A. ice. The co>mmittee served refî'esh- Courtice: Bessie Blackburn gave a ments of sandwiches, cake ancl cof- Piano solo wilb encore; Jane and fee, and the meeting concluded with Annie Tkatcb gave a Ukranian the National Anthemn. Mrs. Well- <ance with encore; Rev. Lorne ington Farrow very kind.ly mot.orecl Thomas introduced the speaker of'eMeoer"rm and back to the evenlng, Commander maiwn their homes in Newcastle. mng, wbo related some pensonal ex- perlenCes o! the Navy. toucbing oni For a real Spring tonic eat Creamn some intereStlng work o! the navy 10f Banley every day. OBITUARY Marshall Edward Williams, Trenton Mr. Marshall Edward illxiams, North Trenton, <ied on Fleb.26th, while visiting his daughter, Mrs. P. Hare, Newcastle. Mr. Williams had been ill for a short time. His death was caused by angina pectoris. Af ter a short service by Rev. W. P. Rogers, Newcastle United Church at the bouse, the remains were brou- ght to Trenton where interment was madle in Mount Evergreen Cemetery, Thursclay af ternoon. Marshall Edward Williams was born on Big Island on March 12,1856. He was the son of David Williams and his wife Catherine Herrington. While in bis infancy. he was brought by his parents to Murray Township, where his father had purchased a farm. he being but t.he second owner f rom the Crown. Mr. Williams married Ella, Barton, also of Big Island. Mrs. Williams died f ive years ago. Twenty-six years ago Mr. Wil- liams sold his f arm in Murray to Ex-Warden Nicholas Hart and came to North Trenton to live. He served from. 1900 to 1906 on the trustee board of S. S. 11, and from 1897 until his death on the off icial board of the North Trenton United Church. Mr. Williams was a member of the Ancient Order United Work- men and a staunch Liberal in pol- ities. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Percy Hare. Newcastle; and Mrs. Kathleen Twiddy, Wind.sor; and Mrs. S. W. Wbittleton, Regina, Sask. Funeral services were conducted at Cobley's Funeral Chapel by Rev. W. E. Kelly. pastor of St. And.rewsj Presbyterian Church. in the absence of Rev. A. K. Edmison. Palibearersl were. Messrs. Hugh McCormick. H. Maybew, W. Carnwrigbt, C. Van- Alstine, James Redick and M. Hen- nesýsy. Among those out-of-towNn present for the burial were: Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare and son. Jack, New- castle; Dr. Rundie, Brighton. and bis daughter; Mrs. Stafford Beck, Tor-i onto; Mrs. Kenneth Moreau, Bel- leville: Mr. and Mrs. Clement, Big Island; Arthur Rupert, Glen Mil- ler; Mr. and Mrs. H. Bush, York Road. and Mrs. Kathleen Twiddy. Windsor. Floral tributes testifying to tbe high esteem in which deceased was held were received f rom the follow- ing: Basket f rom Newcastle f riends; wreath f rom, Durham County Lodge A. F. andi A. M. No. 66, Newcastle, of which Mr. Percy Hare is the Wor- shipful Master; basket f rom Jack Hare. grandson; sprays f rom J. A. Smith. Newcastle: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ames and son, R.alph. Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. E. Ransier, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson, Oshawa: Miss V. Wheeler. Belle- ville: wreath from Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil. Newcastle: sheaf s f rom. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bush. York Road: Mr. andi Mrs. K. Moreau, Belleville: the \Vomen's Association of Newcastle, andl Mr. and Mrs. W. Young. Violet andl Earl. Trenton.-(Trenton Co- urier-Advocate) In just that very place of His, Where He hath put and keepeth you, GocI bad no other thing to do. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Gladys Power 47, Florence Rundle 50; Pr. 1, George Downey 75; E. F. From The Statesman, Mar. 18, 1909 Willoughby, teacher. Tyrone: Aller a long periocl of The f unenal of the late Judge weakness our oldest resident, Miss Ketchum, junior judge of the Coun- S. Farrell, famlliarly known as Aunt lies of Northumberland and Dur Susan, sank into resi in Friday, atl ham, took place Wednesday at St. the advanced age of 83 years. Miss Peler's Church ai Cobourg. Farrell has always livecl in titis The boys of St. Paul's Presbyten- neighborhood baving spent most of ian Church are organized into the ber lu e on the homestead north of Boys' Progress Guild which meels Tyrone ancl in recent years in ber twice a month for mutual improve- cottage in the village. A brother ment. Officers are: Presicent-Han- andi two sisters survive. John Farrel old Sharpe; Secetar3-J. Ross Stutl; of TiivLrton, Mns. David Rainhard of Treasurer-Windalt Tod; Organis- St. Thcrnas, andl Mrs. Jane Campbell William Galbraith. of Tyrone. Ed Warren, a former student of Born: In Courtice, on March 5th, Bowmanville Higb School, bas com- te, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice, a menceti duly as a teachen in Cowan- son. ville school in Clarke. Born: Osborne-On the Town Mrs. G. H. Bickell was at London Line, Clarke, on Marcb 7th. to Mr. lasi week attending the funeral Of and Mns. R. L. Osborne, a son. her sisten-in-law. Mrs. W. Hanry Married: Tbompson-McDonald- Davis. At the MetbOdist Parsonage, Bow- J. W. Jobnston 0f Napanee has manville, Marcb lOtit, by Rev. John been engaged by Messrs. Couch, Garbuti, Wesley Thompson and AI- Johnslon & Crydcerman as cuiter in ice McDonald, both 0f Darlington. their taloring cepartment. Diecl: Chartran-In Bowmanville. Nesîleton: The manriage of Miss Marcb lStb, Winnifred Maud. eldesi Lilian H. Sloan, second youngest caughter of the laie Walter and Mrs. caughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sloan, A. Chartran, agecl 24 years. NestIeton, and Mr. George Peacock, Trafalgar, took place Marcb 101h. Rev. Thos. Snowden, Janelville, 0f-. CHANGE 0F HEART ficiating. The bride was gowned in' white silk and lace. attended by ber By Edgar Guest sister Edith in pale blue silk. John P. Pacok, roter0f the groom. Wear3' of ibrilîs we now return F. Pe acok bothern At ease te walcb the home fires sHamkedonida Ouhr 0 te were, To take the iong-neglected books shoced rida tohearof he eatb Out of their clark andi dusty nooks of Mrs. W. W. Price at Greenbank. To fincl how pleasant lime can be Mrs. Pnice was a f ormer resident of In such a joyful company. this place andi very highly resetc by ail with whom she came in con- i We quit the throng to iearn anew tact. She leaves one child. a son: That worthwhiie friendships must his aunt, Mrs. F. G. Kersiake, will be few; have charge of him Miss Rose That three or four ai esse can finti Robbins starleci on Monday for Dar- Those iasting joys 0f heari and lingford, Man., 10, visit ber brother. mind Newcastle: Mr. David F. Shaw ancl Which very selclom are ailowed IMiss Margaret Jane Ross were unit-j Unto the gay anti noisy crowd. ed in marriage at the manse by Rev. O A. V. Brown on March 101h, and at O, we bave learned that pomp and the close 0f lte ceremony lef t for Ca eaiiye swpaie their future home on Lot 16. Con. 1, Can evenly blat ne that blows Clark townblp.Some gaudy castie overthrows. Darlington: Following is the re- But simple faith and fientiships port of S. S. No. 3, Dalinglon. max- mrue imum 100 - Sr. 4th. Elva VanDyke Remain 10, last a lifetime through. 56, Roy Melcalfe 41; Jr. 4th. Mary Truli 40; Sr. 3ncl. Annie Hout 66, Now paliently we'Ill ry 10 buiId Pearl Melcalfe 64, Acy Rundie 52, A home with happy memories f illed: Wilfred Rundle 48, Alice Downey 42: A home of laughter and of sang Sr. 2nd, Phyllis Hout 85, Lewis Pow- With faitit ancl love 10 keep it strong er 68, Norman MelcaI.fe 59; Jr. 2nd. Ancl in ils simple sweetness findo Frank Sherman 60. Morley Burgessa High pritie, delight andl peace of 50. Elva Clarke 50, Wiilie Metcalf 58,1 mind. WHlEW! 1~ MANY a home has found out that cheap nameless bulbs waste current -add many dollars to electrie light bis. For true economy insist on genuine EDISON MAZDA LAMPS. E DI SON MAZDA LAMPS MADE IN CANADA 0 L-23 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRTC CO., LIMITED SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE EXCLUSIVELV B'? M4ason & <Dale Phone 145 Hardware & Sporting Gooda Orono Women's Institute held a The proceeds were to assist ln ex- social evening on Friday, Marcb 9th. penditures for curtains lnstalled at town hall stage. I g RoseA 25 Dozen Ladies' Silk Hose I ineluding full fashioned, IL ATW per pairI 29C VACUUMB POWEll.BDRKES Y OU ADMIRE the style of the new McLaughin-Buick when you see it on thc stneet. When you sink hack in its big, roomien inlerions, you really appreciate wbat Body by Fisher means. When you take the ulheel, two things wilI amaze you! First, the Floating Ride. And second only to that - flhe new Vacuum-Power Brakes! They'ne the greatest advance ini safe, easy bnaking since four-wheel brakes themselves. Thev last fan longer. And McLaughlin- Buick is the only car in ils price class that ives you VacuumPoeBrk. "Knooacton" Front Whes . . . Fsher Wiud. stream Styllug . .. Air Cushion Tires ... Auto- mufle Startinq .. .AI.Silont Shlffln ... Improved Fisher Ventilation ... I.ow Dellvered Prices end GMAC Torms. Produced in Canada ROY Doxed Hankies 10 doz. Boxed Hankies, not more than 1 box to a customer.~ , Very Special, per box ...15 SS pe'eial 6 Men's Woaded Back Raincoats, regular $6.95, each........ 95C Stamped Goodi Vanity Dresser Sets, regulatu 25e for........... 5c 9 Men' Overalls s Ovexralls, ail our $1.79 and $1.98 values, i l3 Underwear Men's and Boys' Underwear, sac- rificed this week-end at HALF PRICE -*Special Men's Smocks, regular $1.7,9, $1.98, $2.25, for....... 13 Pauts or B3loomers Boys' Long Pants or Bloomer Pants reg. 98e to $1.59 for....... 790 STAR SPECIAL RATS Spring Hats are here - 10 dozen saml)le hats, copies of New Yonk and Parisian models, from one of Toî'onto's leading manu- facturers . . . Positively one of the best values Nelson I Values to $3.98 - Your Choice, each ............... $ 1 7 CORSETS - GIRDLES BOYS' GOLF HOSE -IOSEETE Every pair in the store, reg. - COSELTTE - AYS39e and 49e, ail sizes and 3 Day Special IDI ail colors, p)er pair HALF PRCE I19e No. 1 - A good Actoon No.2- A reg. $3.50 val- No. 3 - The celebrated for..o $............ foe lwsiesove oi I wh Gebrk t .75-Nelsn' ork oo.. .75 Value. uoe ilses-einb- wGre o ot, sol else' I I Moving Sale $IL79S.9 Pî'iee, pair..$2*79 N4ELSOW4 qS t- Positively the last 15 days . . Double your $ quickly.' Buy at Nelson's Big Twin Stock Removal Sale. April lst we are rnoving to our new location and rather than carry the goods over we wilI sacrifice every article in the store at less than Haîf Price. Corne ear!y for best choice as quantities are lirnited. N ICHO(DLd S COURTICE BOWMANVILLE e'eý- PAGE FOUR COURTICE BOWMANVILLE

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