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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1934, p. 5

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMMN, BOWMANVUML, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1934 L IN THE RALI LOCAL BADMINTON CLUB WINS HONORS IN DISTRICT TOURNEY Proves Best of Nine Clubs i Central Ontario Association at Peterboro Meeting Wit.h a total of 27 points to their credit the Bowmanville Badminton Club won club honors among the nine clubs which competed in the armories at Peterboro on March 17, in the Central Ontario Badminton Association's fourth annual doubles tournament. Oshawa Badminton Club with a point total of 16 gained second place and Lindsay annexed third position with Il points. Point scores gained by other clubs were: Orillia 10, Port Hope 6, Peter- boro Garrison Club 5. Peterboro Club 4, Cobourg 4. Millbrook 1. An Orillia pair, Miss M. Dowiiey and Miss J. Stephens. both brilliant wielders of the raccauet, won the wo- mens doubles championship when they defcated the hard-working Lindsay couple, Mrs. N. Gregory and Miss N. G. Edwards, in two straight, hard-fought garnes. "Army" Armstrong and John Day- ison. of Oshawa. won the mens dou- bles championship by overcoming1 Mayor Roýss Strike and Allan Os- borne. Boçwmanville, in two straightP games. scores being 18-16 and 15-5. This game was the feature battle of the entire tournament. Having f ailed f0o capture the men's doubles, Osborne. one of the f inest racquet wielders in the tourney, re- turned strongly with Miss H. Os- borne t0 win the mixed doubles championship f rom another Bow- manvilUe pair. S. R. James and Miss Marion Pickard. Scores in this game were 15-12 and 15-7. Adding f0 their club's success on the day a Bowman-ville pair, Dudley and Miss AllUn. won the mixed doub- les consolation. defeating Mitchell and Miss Bennett, of Port Hope, 15-4, 15-12. At the annual meeting of the as- sociation held in the evening, Mayor Ross Strike of Bowmianville was el- ected president, and Major Stroud of Oshawa. vice president. It was decided that the Bowmanville Club wt-ll be responsible for next year's tournament. but that the games wll be held on the Oshawa Club's courts. Consideration was given to the advisability of widening the terri- tory of the aessociation. the Belleville Badminton Club and the General Motors Club of Oshawa, both re- questing permission to enter the as- sociation. It was said that even with its present territory it is difficult t0 run off the tourney in a single day. and increasing would add to this problem. However. no definite de. cision was reached. Lieut.-Col. C. H. Stuart of Peter- boro presented the prizes bo the win- ners at the conclusion of play. Dur- ing the a! ternoon the Port Hope ladies served a dainty lunch. -n--. - Persian Balm-the unrivalled toi- let requisite. Essential t0 every dalnty woman. Imparts rare charm and beauty to the complexion. Sof- tens and beautifies the skin Makes hands flawlessly white. Cools and refreshes. Relieves roughness. Ideal for true feminine distinction. Deli- cately fragrant. Swi tly absorbed into the tissues, leaving no sticki- ness. Persian Balm invarlably cre- ates a subtle elegance and charm. Only Cress Salve - removes corns, calluses. ingrown toenails, warts., Ask Jury & Lovell. the various towns and a chicken supper was served at the Newcastle Hotel. Orme Ganisby of Omono was ýAR EJSO R in charge of the festivifies. Bovnnanville Club was represented by C. T. Ross, W. J. Bagnell, Jas. Bow&man and Frank Piper. HEADS BALL LEAGUE Other officers for the 1934 season include: Honorary President--Orme Gamsby. Orono; Vice President- Dr. J. A. Butler, Newcastle; Secre- tary-Treasurer-Dr. S. Stacey, New- castle. The executive will consist of one representative from each club in the league and will be selected at a later date. 1 Four teams were represented at the session and included Bowrman- ville. Cobourg. Newcastle and Port deleatesandalthough it is rumour- desiousof nteingthe loop, no re- ing. Tonimy Ross and Orme Gamsby B. H.IS. News C. "TonmN" Ross 1 By Y. Duzzy Wright President of Bowmanville Rotary For the past two weeks the gym Club, manager of the Royal TheatreIfrom four to six bas been the scene and popular local sportsman, wh lof iteroi aktl gmsNe- has been elected President of thele200 rform bsake tba aes.Near- Lakehor Baebal I&age fr 134.these games and it la hoped to f in- _______ _______ish the league before Easter. 1To-niglit, Thursday is the last day Bowling Club Re-elects o! sehool before the Easter holidays, anýd f0 celebrate in suitable style the Capt. C. W. E. Meath as final basketball game o! the year Its resient or 134' being staged. The game isbe-. teain with variations. By this we Captain C. W. E. Meath vwas re- mean that "Dunc" Williams is join- lected President o! the Bowmanville ing the Old Boys taf ormn a forward Lawn Bowling Club at the annual line wth Wright and Adamas and meeting which was well attended ',Tex, Rickard is playing for the in J. J. Mason's office on Thumsday. school between Coliner and Bagnell. D. A. McCullough was elected Vice- AU the favourites of this and fornu- President and 1. G. Hefkey was again er years will be on hand and a grand appointed Secretary-Treasurer. The time is guaranteed. The girls are latter. reporting on the finances of also arranging a gamne with the old theClub stated that fhey weme in a girls. most satisf actory state, and that un- Social Notes: The Fif th Form like last yeam there was no deficit Greek class and teacher mnotored to to commence the year's activities. IToronto on Tuesday night to hear An inspection of the greens reveab4 Lawrence Iibbett at Massey Hall. that they have wintered in splendid jIMmedlately following the concert condition despite the severity of the members of the class were priv- the temperature. Very little will need ileged f0 meet Mr. Tibbett, who grac- tc, be expended on them tis year. iously consented f0 autograpli their fe maintain their record as one of programs. the f inest greens in Ontario. The membership of the club stands at 20. and a drive for new members Form I1 Presents Program will be shortly initiated. The usual tournamnents will be held At B.H.S. Literary Meet this year with the main tourniament___ on Civic Holiday in August. Several Wdedyatron ac 1t twilight tournamnrts will also be Wdedyafron ac lt arranged. the youngest formn in the school The Club is retaining ifs member- presented ifs programn before the ship in the Ontario and Provincial Literary Societ.y. It was announced Lawn Bowling Associations. by Ruth Logan, and the program Any information required by pros- opened with an orchestral selection pective members will be gladly given under the direction o! Walter Hall. by the secretary. Mr. I. G. Hefkey, This merited an encore which was Manager of the Royal Bank. graciously gwven. Mfter this a chorus ______of Eskimo belles and beaux sang of the warmth o! an Arcfic love af fair ANNU L M ETIG Irondth North Pole. Inthe f ash- LAKESHORE LOOP ber, the styles from 1850 to 1947 HEILD ON FRIDAY irat'n wee the tyles of 1860 which suspiciously represented the Tommy Ross, Bowmanviile, Elected popular modern styles "a la Mae Preidet -Loal ea. ~ west."1 Then the prologue o! the Presden - LcalTeamRe- Princesand the Woodcutter was presented on Friday Evening off ered. Between this and the acf- ual play, lB Quartette rendered "Ev- C. T. Ross, President Bowmanville erything I Have Is Yours" with Rotary Club and Manager o! Royal beautiful (?) harmony. This of Theatre, was elected President o! the course was encored. Les Senoritas Lakeshore Intermediate 'A' Basebail Haîlman and Laphen performe<l a League at the annual meeting held Spanish dance. Next Gertrude Wa- at Newcastle on Friday evening. gar played a piano solo. The f inal Representatives were present f rom number was the Forin song "Gather Wisdom whlle you May," being em- bellished with tap dancing by K. Laphen. Programn ended with the National Antheni. 17 W C'> l-undreds Visit New Seirite Stores on SpecialsTwo Opening Days Specials of peopevsie h br Easter store opening proved good business for many other stores in town who len' an Youg Mn's also report two splendid days' busi- Jveroats in tyle andsomething o! 'à novelty itown, Overoat, instyes ad fllowng he syleo! the Woolworth to suit everyone. These Stores and f illing a long felt want re regular price $19.50. hat he sore wll crae i tldocbal 3PECIAL PRICE people tc, sfay in towmf, rather than shop at stores of this kind in Osh- awa, and thus other mnerchants will $1495 benefit. Manager Avery is more than pleased with the support accorded ten' an Youg Mn's the store on ifs opening days, but fiens an Yong M n's perhaps more than the axnount o! tb 2 pair Pants, in fancy business transacted was the splendid m, szes35 o 4. Tese spirt shown by other local merch- à- nizs 35 tant2.. nearl _'alIof-whom 1cAll +_ b! of money back on first box purchas- ed, if resulta are nuL !ully satlsfac- tory. los No matter how stubborn, or troub- 1 2 lesomne your case may be, you oam AC easlly prove fthe value of "Uratabs" in a !ew days' tinie. Start the test today and you may look for Iniprove- ment inside of 24 hours. .~I. 'I Chevrolet a Pontiac a Oldsmobile a Buick ROY wu NICHOLS Dealer Invites You to Attend His Second Annual at the OSHAWA ARMOURIES on Wednesday, April. 4 GEORGE WADE AND RIS CORNHUSKERS wiIî furnish the music for Round and Square Dancing' There wilI be Other Entertainment Mr. Nichols extends a very cordial welcome to everyone in the entire district to attend this dance. Seating Accomnmodation fer 100o People Mr. Nichoîs bas consented to aîîow the Oshawa Kiwanis Club to make a charge of 25c admission. Entire proceeds will go to Kiwanis Camp and for underprivileged chiîdren of this district. EVVERYDODY WELCOME CHEVROLET For economical transportation. there never bas been another car te equal Chevrolet iits price clam. It's a Six - a proved Six - aad the fastest selllng automobile on the market. Chevrolet offets two sertes cf modela: The Master Six and the Standard Six, (an- ada's Lowest Priced Automobile! OLDSMOBILE This year, Oldsmobile Presents a MlghtY Straight Elght -.-a&d an AI-Feature Six to b. announced amcu. The new niodel wIfl b. in the 10w price group .- placlng Oldomobile style sud perform.- ance leadership within reach el 8 out cf 10 (!anad"anm.tee@t& Watch for news Moth" car! RZ (D VNICHODL ES--D)eealer COURTICE BOWMANVILLE I .11 *1 Big Fe 25fM Spring C patterns 4 j coats art Suits wif ,is. .~worsteds, sits are DC or) S. G.CHJ orne Do« West 1Phc PONTIAC Thb beautiful StraIght Eight la popUlarly prlced - vwithin reach of the mian who wants a big car that'. ecomomicai. Yet It auswerm -every requfrement of the motortst who desires, wltl a. reducelhI- vestment, t. duplicate the abillty and comfort of the expenuive car to whlch he bas been accustomed. McLAUGHLIN-BUICK Five tumes more people buy McLughlln-Bulck than any othe elght over $1500 ! And 88.9% cf MoLaugin-Bulek owuers - nealy 9 out cf 10 - buy MoLauthln-Buleks agun and azain. And tbbI year, te masure that your Investment in satisfylng as weli as sae, the new m;odela aremore brUiant I deuivi and performuace than ever before. PAG I M ýOUC eu --l.;

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