A Page Devoted to time Interests oF Womnen Readers * LOATHED SCRUBBUNG TOILET BOWLS It flushes off stains without harming enamiel or pumibg a a H OW ta get id of thse ugly toilet-bowl stains! I's easy -with Gillett's Pure Flake Lye. Once a week pour this powerful cleanser and disnfectant- full strength-down oilet bowls and drains. IV fRushes off stains with- out scrubbing. Cannot harm en- amel or plumbing. Kilis germs and destrays ail odors as it cleans! There's no need ta slave aven unpleasant cleaning jobs. Let Gillett's Lye work for you-it's quick, tharaugh and absolutely dependable. Ask your gracer for a in-today. New-r dissolve lys ln bot water. The action ofthte lys ltself heats the watr. FREE BOOKLET-Send for new re- viseti edition of the Gilîett's Lyc Book- let. Gives full directions for cleansing sink drains anti toilet bowls, tells how to shorten dozens of other cleaning tasks. Aso contains full directions for soap making. thorough cleansing, anti other uses on the farm. Write to Stand- ard Brantis Liriteti. Fraser Avenue and Liberty Street, Toronsto, Ontario. GILLETT'S LYE EATS DIRT Lest 2 Saturday aî Satu, Prices that should clear thing ini the store on salg Miondcay -- R> Don't miss the hundreds this day. Remnants of nants in every line we ce astound you. CANADIAN Frepared by CI4GS H O (a) Cookies, and (b) Sweet the cooking. And dont overbake COURTICE COUPLE Sauces corne îrorn the ove3n soft, ecome ARE HONORED ON Cookies are among the most in-c ypienca ole ooisSILVER WEDDING teresting andi useful of cour fleur TpclRle oke mixtures. In Lesson 2. we spoke of . cup shortening Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilkins Pre- Drop Batters; in Lesson 3. of Sof t 1 cup sugarsntd ihSlvrTaevceb Doughs. and in Lesson 4, of Stif f 2 eggs etdwhSivrTaevceb Doughs. Small cakes andi cookies' 2 tablespoons milk Friends and Relatives on are related to ail three of these farn- 234 cups fleur Saturday ilies. 3 teaspoons baking powder The drop cookies belong to the 1ý teaspoon sait A surprize party of f rientis andi stiffer drop batters. Ice-box cookies 1/2 teaspoon vanilla relatives gathereti at the home of anti the rolleti cookies lie mitiway Cream the shortening and blenti Mr. andi Mrs. Morley Wilkins, Cour- between the sof t andi stif f toughs. in the sugar gradually, and beat un- ticc, on Saturtiay evening March In generai the softer and richer the til light andi fluf fy. Add the well- l7th, to celebrate their Silver Wed- dough, the better the cookies wilb beaten eggs and milk. Sif t the f leur, ding anniversary. Af ter ail had as- -but do flot make the rolled cooky measure andi re-sif t with the sait. sembleti the gatheuàng was calleti dough so thin that much flour is Stir gradually into the butter-sugar- to order and Miss Êeryl Wilkins of neetied for rolling. egg mixture. adding the baking POw- 1 Oshawa read the following atidress: This point leacis me to, explain der with the last measure of fleour. Dear May and Morley:- that unlesa I1arn stamping out cook- i to a moderately stiff dough. <A We, your friends and relatives, ies in fancy shapes for speciai oc- little more flour may be requirei) . have gathered here at your home casions. I prefer to moulti or shape Flavor. Rol Vo % inch thickness this evening to join with you in my tiough. wrap it in wax paper, between layers of wax paper, cut out celebratmng your Wedding Anniver- chil it over night. and slice it thinlY with a floured cutter; bake on a sary. forbakng heeve I an cookies. greaseti sheet in a moderate oven, ThÉe friends who witnessed your Beoirebeing a much less Vediou 375' F . until brown-12 Vo 15 min- marriage ceremony and Who have task, this method prevents rolling in utes. travelleti with you along life's path-. extra flour and upsetting the bal- Typical Ice-Box Cookies way since that day, can scarcely ance of ingredients. Also, I can 1'2 cup shortening realize that you have reacheti the keep cooky dough on hand for sev- cup sugar twenty-five mile post on the High- eral weeks, if I keep it very colt- 2 eggs way of Matrimony. and have f resh-baked cookies in tif- 21/4 cups fleur During these years you have prov- teen minutes, any time my oven is 1 tea.spoon baking powçder eti yourselves to be a most genial hot. Small cakes of a type Vo be % easpoon saIt host and hostess, and it is aiways baketi in a single sheet and cut into 3/ teaspoon vanilla with an assured feeling of welcomne dainty squares or oblongs, are an- Mix as rolled cookies, adding flour that we step across your threshold. other modern convenience-I willsulcirtomkeaoftdgh We therefore feit we could flot give you an exteUlent batter for ChilI in the bowl in which dough soigi oetnil omo I thm i ou ne 'Esy-ay akewas mixeti until flrm enough Vo respect which we harbor in our Book," which I hope you already shape. Formi into a rolof desired Lat possess or are looking forwardti thickness, wrap in wax paper and.ti rt for you. securing. In it you wiil also find chill for 12 hours or over night. (If And so we of fer cour gîf t t.onight those grandest of ahl grand "pastry' the dough flattens out on the bot- with gratitude for the fine example cakes'-the cream puffs and eclairs, tom of the roll, re-shape and again you have set for others. and those favorites. the meringues chill>) When very flrm. slice down Speakingfoaiasebe hr and self-f rosteti cakes. thinly with a sharp knife. Bake on his evening to enjoy your hospit- The drop cookies;. like our cakes. an ungreaseti sheet in a moderate ality, Iwish to extenti to you our may b e of the butter or butrls oven 137 5' F.> until lightiy browned eris congratulations and our type. I each case, the nitrl~ earnest wishes for many years to ixtue i 12 o 1 mintescorne. May the silver lining of your just stiff enough to drop by amali Variations for Either 'Mixture cloutis remain untarnished until they spocr.fuls on to a greaýeti sheet,i o oke where they mus~t holti their shape frCoke change to goiti. I have in -mmd al without spreading-wherefore il is The Roileti Cooky Dough or Ice- vers~e that I am going to offer as ai evident that they are heavier thani Box Dough may be varueti. toast to, our bride and groom. our usual dirop batters. Raisifi Add 12 cup washt adIIt's apparent they've been happy a' COKIS trieti seedless raisins-. before the last They have proved that they were aiCOIS1addition of flour. Wise Nut-Adti 12 cup chopped flut We can reati it in tLheir faes Shaping Rolled Cookies 1 meats as above. for raisins. Anti their bright andi shiniing e-yes. The rolled cookies, being matie of1 Cocoanut-Add '2 cup shretideti And we're here to speeti thern on- a tiough softened largeiy by the fat cocoanut as above.i warti; in it. are frequer.tly -firmeti up- forj Pine-apple-Atit 1-3 cup very well May each decade bring a date shaping by a thorough chillîr.g-anti drained pineapple as above. 'Omit' That we aIl can get together then. to prevent flour f rom being the vanilla. , Just to heip them celebrate. worked in. the dough is rolleti be- Spice-Sif t 112 tea.spoons cînna- Mr. Blake Wilkins of Bow-man-I tween sheets of wax paper to desir- mon. 2-3 teaspoon ginger, anti 1-3 ville. brother of the groom. present-ý eti thickness. (Andi how we apprec- teaspoon each mace. clover anti ah- eti Mr. anti Mrs. Wilkins with a sil- îate the releasýe frorn the scraping spice with the flour. ver tea service. Mr. M. Wilkins'( of a much-caked baking boarti). Chocolate-Meit 2 squares choco- thanketi ail those present for the! Shaping Ice-Box Cookies late over hot, but flot boiling water. lovely gif t, in a few well chosen Ice-box cookies are mixeti to the stir into butter-sugar mixture before words, after ,vhich Mrs. Wilkins ex- consistency of a sof t dough anti adtiing eggs. tendeti her thanks. Then ail joineti chilleti until stiff enough to hantile; Orange-Flavor. with 1'2 table- in singing "For they are jolly good JE they are then shapeti into a square Ispoons orange rint.i. in 'Rolledt fellows." or round roll antiç wrappedi in waxI Cookies' substitute orange juice for The remainder of the evening was paper, set in a colti place until very 1 milk). spent in cards and games, after stiff f.anti sliced thinly with a sharp Iceti Cookies-Cover coiti baketi lhich ailt ook poateinta boe ut- knif e at cooking time. Sometimes cookies with a thin layer of suitablelucseontcraeialssi- we pessthe oug int a oaf inicin. 1able for the evening. The bride's weot preas the tophnt a bat Vn, icing. ooietable was tiecorateti with green anti smooh ovr te to ant ti dowl Oamea Cooiessilver trimmings anti a three-layer' with axedpaperto sore.No discussion of roiled cookies s i wedding cake graceti the centre off J Prepaning the Cooky Dough compiete without a few words about the table with green lighted candies Our general rules for cake-making oatmeal cookies. The recipe which at its side. Shortly after ail hati -for the choosing of ingredients, we are goîng to give you now is Of taken part in the lunch a large cir- preparation for cooking iby gettiflg the very simplest kinti-anti is, cie was formeti with ciaspeti hantis reatiy on our table ail the ingred- moreover. a most inexpensive one. to sing -Aulti Lang Syne." Then al ients anti utensils, preparing tins 3 cup shortening journeyeti home after wishing the anti cake coolers. etc.)-holti in a 1 cup white sugar bride anti bridegroom of twentyflveç generai way for our cookies. ca 2 cups f leur years much more happiness ant i Oven temperature may on _cCa- I 2 teaspoon .sait weddet i ife.t ion be higher for our small than for 1,2 teaspoon baking soda our large cakes, as they will bake 2 teaspoons baking powtier- through more quickly and shoulti not i2 cup sour milk ajlyrlwa nwxppi ii be cooketi so slowlY as to dry them 2 cups rolled oats ias eliy r oîl wapif axpaer i Iout. We must be sure our oven hill Creami shortening thoroughlysh asopce-ookies. utresTp bake eveniy, anti avoiti opening the blent iun sugar gradually. Sif t flour. rpCois0,h utresTp door too often during baking. as this measure anti re-sif t wîth sait, soda Cocoroons iowers the oven heat anti slows uP anti baking powder. 2 egg wlrltes Addt sour mik anti rolieti oats ai- 1 cup finely granulateti sugar1 ternately to the butter anti sugar 2 cups corn flakest mixture, then graduaiiy stir in the 1 cup shredtiet cocoanut sifteti dry ingredients to make a 1 4 cup choppeti aimonds sot t dough. Chili until very firm. 12 teaspoon almonti fiavoring (This wçill require about 12 hours.' 1ý2 teaspooti saitf Roll to 1-6 inch thickness, using a Beat egg whites untîl very stiff;r lightiy floureti boardi, cut out with folti in sugar gratiuaiiy. Folti in the floureti cutter. and bake in a motier- remaining ingredients. Drop byc ate oven, 350 FP. until lightly brown- spoonfuls 12 inch apart onto a greas-b D a s et '10 Vo, 15 minutes). eti bakîng sheet. Bake in a motier-c y Ths coky dugh s anexcelentate oven. 325, to 350 FP.. until broçç'.m one for filiing with a hickened fruit 1 o1 iue.(eoefo U 1mixture. such as the fig. date or Pan when coiti'. raisn fllin gien n Leson10. Variations-Cereal such as bran nd M o dar(aisin t illgivnd in Lesl 10. ftakes. puffeti wheat, puffeti rice, etc. C boxay bke cieiatislct s c-may be substituteti for the cornh boxcokie).f lakes. Walnuts anti vanilla mnay be0 rday To Fi Fruit Cookies substituteti for the almontis anti aI-t 1. Rol oooky dough o 'S inch mond essence. Dates or raisins might a half the stock. Every- thickness. eut out~ wih flured eut- be added.a of ~ ~ ~ tr spcaOalenn e2 u oethalf ofbthed cook- esosIxlan P STORE CLOSED TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY To remove stock to oui' new location opposite Royal Theatre, in former Gas Company office. NEW STORE OPENS FRIDAY, APRIL 5th Watch next week's paper for Opening Specials. N elson's Store Keep mixture to consistency of aj stiff batter, by the addition of i tab- lespoon miik Vo the butter-sugar- egg mixture, or by using a littie less flour. Drop by teaspoonfuls, one inch apart. on a greaseti baking tin. Bake in a moderate aven, 375' P.. 12 ro 15 minutes. It is ativisable ai- ways to try one cooky first. in order to be suire that the mixture is flot so sof t as Wo allow the cookies to spreati< out flat). 'The drop cookies may be vanietij lin the same ways suggested for tlie roileti or ice-box cookies'. 1Pin-Wheel Cookles-Using plain rolled cooky dougli, addti1 square rnelted chocolate to hait the f inishet Idough. Chili separately. Then rol each to 1 s inch thickness. Dampen the upper sitie of the white sheet, rio'er wibli the dark sheet, rolUp as point au which'uhey burst: ,when this 1T is done, the liciuiti thickens smaothly! r anti evenly.C In making a sweet sauce, we have f a very easy way of separating the is stardli grains. We miùx our thicken- L, îng material with aur sugar <as we ir titi in makîng fiiings-Vhen we canh atit bot liquiti anti cook andi atm un- cl tii thick. is We use the same proportion of! tlckenlng matez-l for ecdl cup of! liquiti in a sweet sauce, as we dit in T Lesson h. ir For medium thickness: 2 table- spoans flour te 1 cup liquli or 1 tablespoon cornstardli to i cup Il- quii. a] We use flour when the sauce tneeg flot be transparent, anti corn,.aerch when the sauce must be clean. WeT (Continueti on page 9) p: conipieteness Quality Colors - They are the main features of Walker Stores lisse of Hoslery, specially selected to fi every want of every woman. No matter what you need themn for - f or the formai evening party. or for working around your garden, Walker Stores have a stock- ing that "iI suit you. Below are listed our regular Unes at regular prieff. Every one is an except- ional value, every day and every week. You'll make no mistake if you decide to buy ail your hose at IValkers. g g Service and Chiffon lVeights A quality stocking at a 10w price, ail colors and sizes, per pair 1.. 79e PURITA-N MAIl) - HEAVY SERVICE This is our best inse and will be found suitable for even the mno particular formnai occasion. Until a short timne ago this line sold at SI.35 pair. Now our best seller at per pair$1 0 LADIES' COTTOIN HOSE An extremely good value in a hard-wearing bouse and garden stocking. Comes in gunmetal, fawn browvn, grey, white andi black, per pair.. 1 9e In Service and Chiffon Weights This lisse has largely contributed to Walker Stores becomting the most popular stocking centre in town; ail colors;% ail sizes, per pair Sg LADIES' SOCKS A1XD SOCICEES A full range in either cotton, rayon or wool. They include every popular style and shade. Priced from per air 25e to 59e 31ERCERIZED LISLE A fine knit stocking. well fitted, and a stocking you would not be ashamed to wear on the street. In gunmetal, fawn brown, grey 2 and black, at oniy per pair .. 29 BISHOF OWEN AT ST. GEORGE'S <Continueti from page 10, heati of the one before him, saiti. Defenti. 0 Lord. this thy servant with tliy heaveniy grace that she (or he.' may continue thine forever: anti tiaily increase in thy Holy Spirit. more anti more. until she <or lie)i corne unto Vhy everlasting kingtiom. ý The six confiz-meti candidates were. Mrs. Ahlan Spencer. Jessie VanDus- en. Mary VanDusen, Margaret Bur- ley, Etivard Skinner anti Kenneth' Cain. Adtiressing them tram the pulpit later lie tolti them, it vas, a g7reat privilege Vo be a Christian anti le assureti themn that tliey woulti al- ways look back with joy andi glati- ness to, this day wlien they iati de- tinitely anti publiciy vowed to en- deavor to live the lite of a Cliristian, renouncing ail that is cvii. Bishop Owen took for his text, I Timothy. 2:3. Thou therefore endure harti nesa. as a gooti soldier of JeUs Christ. He interpreteti it in this way: In order Vo become proficientý in any business, profession, art or i uratie. the one a-spirung to excel must1 undergo a liard course of training, 1 a long grinti anti rigiti discipline. Timnothy was a Young man prepar- ing himself for the ministry anti this, is what Paul was trying to impres upon his Young disciple, flot that the. hife f a Christian is necessarily, ah- life. So with ail love anti kintihinets the Bishop counselleti these young people to discipline tliemselves anti keep practisîng hard at their pro- fes5ion that they might become really proficienu, Christians. In his general remarks Bishop Owen commenteti happily on thisi being his seond officiai vîsit t'O New- castle anti this beautiful St. George's Churcli which lias such a worthy history. Iu was in December of 1932 that lie paiti his first visit liere. lb being his first officiai visit bo any church or parish in the tiiocese after, his consecration as Bishop of Tor- onto. He hati since visiteti most of the congregations under his charge andi he had founti it flot littie taek. aithougli a joyous one. As regards population it was, with the except- ion of dio>ceses in Englanti anti one or two in Australia. one of the iarg- est in the world. The Diocese of Toronto was also of a large area but of course there, vere others mucli larger in districts where the popula- tion is flot dense.J He bespoke his interesu in the nany anniversaries that are being celebrateti.Tibs year 1934 is not only the one huntireduli anniversary of the incorporation of the cîty of' Tronto, but the four hundredth of the di.scovery of Canada by Jacques Cartier, anti the one hundreti ant i fif tieth of the coming Vo these Brit- ish shores of the United Empire .oyalists. In the surnmer preceti- iadhi celeratedst he building orgte nhus cez-srtevistheul iStgCorgtes church 75 years carie- andtihle par ish woulti soont be au-ranging Vo, com- nemorate the building of the first Ainglican church in this Iocality, ['rlnity dhurch on the Wilmot lands in 1835. After the service the ladies serveti refreshments in the parish hall anti lI wlio coulti remaineti to, spenti a -ocial hour anti meet Blshop Owen personally. The Blshop netuz-ned to' T'oronto the samne evening. the stress of officiai duties necessltatlng his presence lin the city. ÇJAePAI NI "Leaves NO FLO-GLAZE 1S SOLD EXCLUSIVLY BY J. LOW. SJEWELL "Bg20" Store Phone 30 Bowmanvllle Complote Range of Children's Stoekings LITTLE NIELL - A fine ail wool stocking from SILVER SPRAY - A fine quality silk and wool finest botany yarns; colors of white, black, sand hose, unshrinkable;i white, black and sand. and French nude, ail sizes froin 4 Vo 9]12.Acori V o size. Accordtng to sizes, Aprdir..3eng 5 per pair, ... . 39X 5C prpi ALL COTTON Stockmngs, infla2ck,.lt GIRLS' HOSE-Girls' -ý1 length hose, in rayon, white, fawn; ail one price, pair ~ini white and sand oniy. These are a fine 2 a.nd TEARPROOF - Cotton and wool hose, fine nb o1 i, inpe r air , in white, black, sand;'4' t10pepar59 a.ccording to size, pair 29-o 5 KIDDIES' SOX - For spring and sunmer wear, in cotton and rayon, and of course in COTTON AND WOOL HOSE - Fine 1 and i ail colors. lqe t* 29C r, suitable for every day use; fawn per pair - 7 only; all one price, pair29 GROWING GIRLS' SILK HOSE - A long felt want for the girl who will soon be wearmng the adult sizes. A beautiful pure thread silk of bestquality, in heavy service weîght and in aIl sizes. Priced quite 10w at, per pair50 WALI<ER 4TORE4 PHONE 164 Li m lIED BOWMAN VILLE Chesterfield Suite $8500 Il ere is an outstanding value for Spntng, just at the tlme wb.ei you are thinking of brlnging your furniture up Vo date. a.nd hn f ae of stiffly rising pnices. too. A genuine Kroeisler Suite, 3 pietes. arin chair, button haek chair and cbesterfield. hand- somnely upholstered in hard-wearig tapestry wlth reversible eushions. Strong heavy springs that wl give yea.rs of wear. Don't miss this real value. Opportunity knoeks oniy once. Nortkcutt & Smith' Furniture PHONE 58 Funeral Directors k"liý- , THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th. 1934 PAGE MORT