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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1934, p. 6

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PAGE hsix THE CANADIAN STATESMAÇ, BOWMANMM, ~~THUP.DAY, APRTT. Fth. 1924 TVDflM~ and Elsie Moore, Enniskillen; a pag- m a tor; Miss Ruth Johnis and Dougla.s vocal solo. Mrs. Frank Stirisori, Mis- TY Eent "And There Was Light" was ritC "Rackham favored wit.h vocal duet. SOLINAJ sion Banid Superintendent, told thie _ J. A~1.given by six of the girls who were Liea il Sunclay services were well attend- Missionary story from the study book D>eCOratimgE dressed in costumes and taking ed when Missionary Sunday was ob- -Listen In". Meeting closed with a Mr. Levi Annis. Toronto. is home. their parts as follows: Mary-Miss 'Continued f rom page 1) served at the Sunday school session.'i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks and son hynn and the beniediction. Mrs. Mc- Mrs. H. Wicke is holidaying with Freda Bradlley; Martha-Miss Lorna much of the unemployment in Nor- Miss Ruth Johns reviewed a chap- Orley, Oshawa, visited at Mr. S. E. NalIy provided lunch for the little f riends in Toronto. Thompson; Mark-Miss Ada Beech; ter of the Stud,ý-Bok. Rv. W. Werry*s. foks, which was much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis are visit- Peter-Miss Laura Philp; Mary Mag: thern Ontario as a result of what Rackham basd his Ea.ster message Miss Dorothy W11liams, Port Per- Miss Susie VanCamp, Peterboro ing rieds i Toonto daene-issViol Brdley Sprithe termed "the great Abitibi Col- en the words of Luke 24. Special ry, is visting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Normal is visiting hier parents. Mr., Mr. and Mrs. Pete. O'Neil have of Easter-Miss Grace 'Trewxn. lapse.' He charged that thepol at msij tecor ndteHwa.adMr.W .Vnap moved into A. H. Brent's house. of the Province had been forced to P er mu o sbyte coir, 'anfd the Hors.amuelndBush. W. A. Vancari. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. î underwrite tremendous lbases, ad a rnc te of Easteiflioes el daffodilrsons, Mr..SmulBuh eciloousFr1Co Levi Skinner on celebrating their ENFIELD ithat another result o! the collapse ral othn eauviceuofbthers, hlpeddaylam heu son,. ei us C URTICE j ofhehdominant musical "teaturebat Quite a numben f rom here attend- < dayMrh d3Oth. îsayonFr-<ý ty o! T. & N. O. Railway to meet its The speciantmduial searvie he ed the Liberal rally in Newcastle on dyM.anrst. B .Mnbok on Mrs. E. Annis. Taunton. visited at full obligations to the Province." inthe Sundcay hoo room. wssarMvdayeevning.Sunday School in Mr. Pidduck's, .and then ptEs te.H.M r th her J Mr. F.tGilbert'y. The speaker tolad the gathering0f an t, Mr. an M trs. . .ibbs, rMr. FJohn epbrnisstlunerThe saie ksc~er tdthe at 'hegforpageant by six young ladies. -All Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone Miller Hall had a large attendance, with i Mies, M.a ndibb sreTurne . it bbte M r.e oJorn's ca issl udre.heSl,50.0 disoeen maad"eue torhe ail the Power of Jesus Name " be- and Master Clifford, visited Toronto several visitors present f rom Court- League program Thursday evening Mr. Fred Ashton, Toronto, visited Government f rom the Liquor Control bîng sg-1. PeMrand Mr.. alt i- fMr.endslac at w eek. ed.s iesoutsfromtsan Mis Margaret wasin hare ocMisrgen Hof- tMM.sGsOrisonsnBordOoOceat atavrabe.blane brrmrs H.Petrs nd n.o.aald Mn Walac PacoeeEfaedfapeorairsolfrom Thonto'seornrs er. Bile reaing, Mss Vera Me- iss Heen Stak is vsitingat enrtAesplendidn, aaster message AspleSundaystrwiehsgMisssSMaryywHogarsshMarerggarhMajor. Madsworthwrt nformede Coy; topic "If a Man Dies, Shall He Brooklin and Raglan. acounts of the board at that time delivered by Rev. W. Rackham. The and Mrs. R. Pascoe. those present that a social evening Live Again?' by Mr. Everton White; Mr. Frank Gilbert was under the revýealed a credît of onîy $19,0 oa0utsngb.i'RtlJhs M.adMr.Js ht nc os ~ b eda h pbi colo reading, Mr. Dave Park; piano duet, doctors care but is out again. He said: -I repeat now myc arge dMr.sDuglaeesrapprorianth.MeoSh rge WdiTrnts te T Ahe third eek 7 t.30 aipo!the Misses Marion and Helen Werry; Messrs. Albert and Calvin Niddery. 1in the House that they presented an Ms oenFenî otiue n Ms agrtPsoHmtnSlainAm a edWde- Easter reading, Miss Adelaide Annis; Toronto, visited at Mr. J. Hepburn's. 1 absolutely and utterly faise state- MEastDer li err number td nviMsda r. A. LPascoe'samtnd day aftron y Ms. H.ScogedP INeS PPIE readig, M. GusRoseean; ocalMcKee Nesleton visted a Mrs H.me acsdteBnetgvr--Mrs. R. J. McKessock's. i when a goodly number were present.:eeor13WalPer redet, Mr . GD osevan rs. H. i cenestit md t rs H eto avig înaed the netgvcîim Mr. and Mrs. Howard Couch and Sergl. Major Aldsworth opened the eOu194WlPar duet, Ms. T. owns an Mrs. l. Stinon's. entUof famnglyeBeteheheda, spentADGoS amili-Bmeeting spwith prayen.meeing wtheprab-. Inntorab- Sandrtsemnd trm t ned Dudley. Meeting closed with a con- Mn. and Mns. AI!. Prescott had izing o! Canadian f armers by the day at Mr. Jack Bakers sence o! thie secnretary- treasuren. Mrs plain and patterned test and the beniediction. iRuth to a specialist in Toronto and packing industny. Recent disclos- ý1 W. M. S. held its Easter and l is now on special diet. unes at Ottawa, said Dr. McQuibban, Miss Alice Jonton is visiting her We1ýsu ome Insinte sl ein suc-eo.Rynods. Thedmits re1a olkwr Thank-of fering service on Sunday Mn. and Mrs. H. Weir and child- reveal that.. despite the recent years sister, Mrs. Wallon Larmen. awa last Thursday afternoon. ing, etc., was suggested as possible RomLt ndRnnn evening. Mrs. Robent Hodgson. Pres- ren and Miss Elsie Bowmian, Owen o! depression and handship, the Mn. Lloyd Thompson spent Sun- MmSar ros ootMs ore !ftr eeu.M.Ce. pecial Wall Paper Prepare ident, opened the service. Mn. Gordyn Sound, visited at Mn. T. Bowman's. packing industry has built Up a sur- day at Mn. Meredith Thompson's. Bobbie alluGrms, onn isssoare esBautrbee revenL . o rtic e er-iaste Brent favoured with a fine solo, Messrs. Vanfleek and Vanflrusch plus o! millions o! dollars. This Ms GaB Cbleikissen-s e g asten Bwkatn. s E. te arnedrwlandina. and Mi tr-JakFlo - Glaze "There is a Green Hill Fan Away"; i sold thein f arm stock Friday and greal industry has f ourished, ade-ring.the holidays unden the parental wenry's. de n h oiasude h aelWry. Wiggans with a solo. Donation $1.50. Pit nml anse Little Miss Bernice Warren gave a have gone near Brampton whene sPite the suffening in other f ields. roof. MsPWleaPrane nddugtn. e. abr-il ehsts a'saels -Vr speni Eserrciato; r. 1I they have secuned employmnt. They must have reaped that tre- Mn. and Mms. Norman Edgerton hters Mary and Evelyii are visiting the fourth tea, Apnil 4th. Stin I ...mn, ictay epre mendous profit from the products and Grant spent Thursday in Port her mothen. Mns. W. Brummneil, On Thursday a.!ternoon, trie Sun-' Leaves no brush marks. bue t r C ns , . D cde a n d, re p orT .do d th mbSt eAa m e s o! t is P nn .C o l m b u s. b ea m M issio n B a n d a ssem b le d in th e A so "h ers oki W .S:1 A E country, sod to them at the lowesl A large nuiben attended the paty Misses Elsi n rn rag o ei" omS. S. No.8.Presdent OdCl duel, M"TheF. D ue n- r. _____________ cost which the overbudened fariner held aI M. Walon Larmers Mon- ronto, and Miss Manorie Couc, Marie Salt was in the chair. Mrs. Ol1obn The Easter Pageant "The Unshad-I Miss Gladys Cann, Tononto, i could manage and yet live. day evening. Bethesda, Spent the weekend at Mn. Lloyd Courtice led in prayer, followv- Paints 80e cjt. owed Cross" was presented bY Mm. 1holldaying with hen panents.» ' td Befone an eleclionri e oontinued, Mn. Aridrew McKee and. Mrs. Jack Baker's. ed by an Easter story by Miss Sadie1 nml .0 t A. W. Annis. Mms. L. Hoopen, Mm.L., Miss A. Thompson, King, isied they*promise you ail sorts of! pro- Southern spent Sunday at Mn. Non- Womnen's nsitemeetig i heMi. Raigofmntsby ScEnFoo amel- S.00 qt.m Thompson, Mrs. L. Virtue. Mms. L iwt n.F ote o srhl-tection for this and that industry, Iman Edgerton's. S.S.Floor Wax - SheIla.c - Bnisheshe Wikis. atc'Toer Brale, rs Wrrn.Mr. . ud %it Ms.F.Fote fr aserhoi-but a! ter the election these proises mn. and Mrs. E. Sanderson and 12tS. rom ra y care -ofon, Api rtany Eete ikns.WLoaichTer r -- ley, Mrs. R. Hatherly. Mrs. Abert Mn. and Mrs. R. Winten, Oshawa, are fongotten.» It is 10 the credit o! family visited at Mn. A. E. McGill's 6: Election o! officers; Roll caîl: on Canada. Jean Gay on Chi.*~ lî, Mrs. . W ighî.s Mrs. M. Wood- and Mn. and Mns. W. Filze, Janet- teCnda amraoeta i audyeeig House Cleaning Hint.s. Mary Wilkins on Indi.a, Ruth Pen- J , e e le, rs . . lmesM. ide ville, visited Mn. and Mrs. G. Con- has so splendidiy sunvived ti nss" Mn. and Mrs. Lorne McKee and Mn. and Mms. A. L. Pa.scoe enter- found on Japan, and Tempenance by PHO E -"BG 0 Hoaa Msse VenaseCosanVLoannsh n Snda. WaJ.Brag, .P..1 ie.yJd- BAraeyggtedMnPan Mm Jaes aind anurbedo! heudfriens avLarene CurMce.Anaccodia PHNE 0JaBmes0 Richards. The pageant was exceed- i Miss M. Bannett, Newcastle. who dressed the meeting, commending McKee on Sunday. a ytrspe atTusa vn eeto yAlnTealw ingly well given and bnought out a has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. F. the 20th Century Libenais for the' Mn. W. B. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs j angoyt en upMr. ascoeThurday.enislecapln by Alln TEaiwast ert ________________ numben o! splendid Easter thoughts. Honey, was inlsposed with a bad pnominent part that was being play- Smith Ferguson and Collette, Bow- Mr. Royit beng M.Pancoe's biChay. Cist appaude n Essgien Eecîe .-_______13______ The choir supplied the music. Re. coî but is necovering nicely. ed. javle visited aI Mn. Everard San- n. roygaid trdoPiand ic.cilrn Mrs. Chs.'CrstIsRieurta ive' n 1 A. M. Wootton closed the service Rev. A. M. Wootton delivered a Following the termination o! the denson's on Sunday. and spent the weekend with hen bro- on *'Dolls" was thonoughly enjoyed. with some splendid Easter remanks.. splendid Easter message on Sunday. speeches, dancing was enioyed by a C. W. A. met in the basement o! ther, Mn. S. Gimblett. who is very Mizpah benediction closed the meet- ________________________ he hoirreneredven appopnatelange gathering until one o'clock, the church on Tuesday. Mrs. Edgar ill. 41*7 I A D Nmusic. and Easter f lowens adorned with music being supplied by Cole's Gibson had charge o! the pnogram1 There was a good attendance out On Tos H e ein andac e 0 __________________ the pulpit. seven-piece Bowmanville orchestra. which consisted o! a humorous nead- on Sunday for the special Easter the progressive evt enin d M arc tht/ tentl ion Mn. and Mrs. G. Cornish were in Re!neshments wene served at mnid- ing by Mrs. H. A. Galbraith. a mis-1 services. At the S. S. session f ive o! was held at Piduck's Hall. Prize Mn. Louis Ashton visîted relatives! Oshawa visiting the formers broth- night. sionary reading by Mrs. Ceci Fer- the little girls gave an Easter exer- winnens were: Ladies-lst Mrs. Lloyd, F! > in Toronto. 1en-in-law, Mn. J. Heard, who is in guson, and a solo by Mrs. E. Sand-I cise. The church was beautifully de- Snowden, Maple Grove: 2nd. Miss; arniers Mr. illGran, Tront, vsite atverypoo heath.Theyals vistederson. Mms. Gibson's group served corated with plants and cul f lowems., velyn Wade. Ebenezen: Con. Miss hls brotheL . etighas writhdrw.MRID5 ER lunch at the close, it beîng quarterly Our Paston, Rev. Rackhamr, gave an Bernice Gay. Courtice. Gentlemen-CA H RO - Mr. .Brdly Trae vsiei .P.L.metntea.vihram excellent sermon and Mn. Allan Bal- lst, Lloyd Crago, Base Line: 2nd. - A NEW C S R atMr. L. Bradley Tron. isie last week and the usual eveninggi-- League was held Thursday even- son !avored wîth a vocal solo,,The: Douglas Courtice, Courtice; Con. aIMn..nadly's..Sot r ,vs en over to church activity, which Mn. and :Mrs. Levi Skinner of Tyrone in. Blackstock league put on a Old Rugged Cross". Cepus' ' (Iape ro Ited at Mn. S. Tnewin's. 10kbxscahe eat ,t vesy sp'ndporm wihcoisd The League meeting on Monday pie Grove and Base Line scored 8203OY Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Woolings, prircîpa 1 part o! the program being Fiao! the bible study by M.\I. Hector'l BEA NSwsi hrg fIt ie ontswt Cutc ndEeee Jr., Toronto. visited at Mn. H. Ah h populan debate by Rev. A. M. 1jO M rday Mardi 30th. Mn. and Shortridge, a duel by Mrs. Sadler Pres. Miss fleen Balson, when a very totalling 6657. Mn. L. Crago. with a SO A BN ton's. i Wootton and Mn. Ross Pooley, Tly- Ms Levi Skinner, well knoVwn and and Vivian, the topie by Miss Fenga iinteresting pnogram was given. Bible total o! 611 points. has the higliest Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham and f am- rone. and Messrs. F. Blackburn and life long residents o! Dalington, Johniston. a reading by Miss Mabel neadings were given by Grace Yellow- score o! the past two winters. Af - iVve xll punchase your cnop o ly visited aI Mn. C. Ashton's, Cart- K Wiy.Sle.celerte hen5thwddn .If!ord. and a quartette by Messrs. lewse eryadRse a-ter -the card game the f Ion a easTeSta sa wright. i ___________vemsany at their home east o! Ty- iHerbent and Harold Swaîn, Mms.j son. Piano solo, Mms. Isaac Handy: cleared for a sqiuare dance. ççith Mnr exellent Feed This cro Mms. W. Ridge, Miss Margaret putnwt !ml euin Ms lrneMrlw adMs lv The topic on -Easten Day' was tak- L. Crago as caller-of!. Chas. Wade Ridge, Mn. Win. Dobson, Toronto,;,<' MAPLE GROVE 1 Skinner has one brother living, Mn. VanCamp. A contest was then pu en by Mrs Alan McKessock; nead- and F. Hawkins, violinists. were ai- is a good Legume Ground Fer visiîed at Mn. J. Wright's. 1 . 1RobI. H. Collacott o! Salem. wholon by Miss Helen Fowler. a! 1erlings by Miss Venna Mill-son. Miss tennately accompanied by Miss H., tilizer Seed can be had b Mn. and Mns. Austin Larmer and ' Miss Iva Foley. spent Tuesday in. with his wife. attended the celebna- i which lunch was served. Margaret Scott and Miss Ileen Bal- Rundle and Mns. Bennett. pianists. Cnncîn ares faiy ukeoMsjAieAh Toronto. tion. Mn. and Mns. Skinner are 77,* son: vocal duet. Misses Gladys and Ample justice was donc to the boun- CotatngFres ton and Messrs. Gondon Beech andj Misses Pearl and Lenone Collacutt and 79 yeans o! age. nespedtively, ENNISKILLEN Jesszie Yellowlees, and a quartet by tiful supply o! ne!neshments. A Meeting will be held J. E. Griffin. Enniskillen, visited at, vîsited Mns. Norman Mutton. Osh- 'and both are in comparative _______________rMesslrs. Tom Baker. Jtim Smales,SA R AY A RL7t Mr. A. Beech*s. r awa. Mrae health. The five daughters andon 1Riissl Balson and Wesley Yellowlees. AS UN Service Sunday evening was well 1. Miss Mrae Everson, Oshawa,'son xere l present. The guests in- Mr'. E. C. Ashton lias .Iust purchas-j If you are tbinking o! wallpaper, ]BSELIE AT R aYAP I attended. Program was in charge o! 'S vistîng Misses Betty and Mildned cluded: Mr. and Mms. Fred Moore, ed a new truck. i see the good array o! patterns in a Rainbow Girls Class with Miss Ver- Snowden. Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns. N. . Mrs. C. Branton. Oshawa, visited stock at Horn's Store: aiso room lot Base Line Three Home and School r na Tnewin taking the chair. Chorus' Mn. and Mns. Norman Mutton. Woodiey, Tynone; Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. S. Page. onders out o! special sample book Club held ils meeting on Tuesday BOWMANVILLE was sung by the class; recitation by Oshawa. visited her sister. Mrs. Leslie Lorne McCoy. Brooklin; Mrs. G. Miss Reva McGill, Toronto is hol- showing a beautiful assortmrent o! e vening, Mardi 27th. Meeting op- Miss Verona Wonden; a vocal duel: Collacutt. Scott, Oshawa; Miss Ethel Skinner, idaying with lien parents. pattenms. 1ee ihahm,!loe ytei h was sweetly sung by Misses Ada Mrs. Gerald Talcott has returned Toronto: Mn. and Mms. Harold Skin r.Hcnde oono iie h ofbl lbhl hi n od's Pra yeri nifon. Miss Annhe' n h Beecli and Grace Trewin; an Easter a! 1er a pleasant visit with her sis- ner. Lloyd and Dorothy, Tynone; Mn. hen sister. Mrs. Jas. Bradley. Intal meeting and the !ollowing off- Kush !avored with a solo. !ollowçed' COUNCIL ROOM messae wa splndidl givn byMr. TroinHaand'n.and Mns. W.R. H.ilamst, BoSanedMrFloyd Pethick, Toronto, visit- cens were elected: Hon. Pres., F. L. by a Piano solo by Mrs. Roy Met- Rsn by, Misse M al deliadMs oran ielhit , Tng ando n vst d ill . W .Wlim, Imn-e *.adMs .R.Ptikt23 .m Rs Pooy, M ysses oa l uel ad Ms oran lio Tti gste n isi il.M. Eand rs. S. R. Pehwck.en Mason. Thos. Baker; President, Jack cal.!. Mn. Howard Foley gave a ve;ya .3 . Lorna Thompson; a piano duel was Mn. and Ms R. D. Tnimble. Sn. Elhmer erin. Ohawarsn . Reynolds; Vice President, Percy interesting reading, a! ter which Mn.!I Corne and Talk this Subjet nicely endere by Mises Mnday LwithriMrs.nfWm.. Horoting.sDewell; Sec.-Treas. Ernest Hocka- Frank Shand sang and played onlte' ___________________visiting Mn. and Mms. S. Snowden, Cream o! Banley. the breakfast Mr.iad Mns R . nd M ns. HTor- day - aptaîn, Art.hur Blanchard: guir. A pend adess on î Q estinwitl e us eed Mr._nd_____oy________fod______________ cal en.onto, vstdMrIn r. .Se-Maniager, Jack Kivell; Field Com:- 'Health for the School Child" was Alqetoswl ease M.aMis. Roy VndAne apifrdecmenedbNmdiamn ens. mit.ee, Roscoe Baker, A. J. Baison, given by Miss Graham, Public Healîli Valuable Iniformnation Win BE - MisesSuse ad AnieLaid, el- _____________________ Mn. and Mrs. Frank McGill, Ton- Bruce Tink. Tom Westlake: Repre,- Nurse o! Bowmanville. Lunch was Gvn lie Snowden, Vena Tnimble, are holi- HAMPTON onto visited Mn. and Mrs. Levi sentatives le League, Jack Reynolds, served under the leadership o! miss Gvn daying at thein respective homes. . __________________I O Mn and Mrs. John Hopps and 'M n ns scrSlesdsArthur Blanchard; Re!neshment Coin Bragg and Mns. Roy VanCamp. The Canadian Soyabeans, S oi ething New daugliten. LoraineToronto. spenît Mn. T. Rowe suffered a stroke. and eh Zephen, spent Siifday at lFanny Srnales. May Westake; Col- Anthem. i te Sunday ith Mr.and Mr. Stuar Mmittancy Helen, Baker,, Ever.yn1.2heik, meetingctinclosedtewithcklYeelwNationalTONONTARI Mro.holidaying at home. Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and Sam Dewell, H. E. Tink, Will Baker. Cneam o! Barley is NauesOn We no hande themodem I Mm.Truma Powr. MisVr nand Mrs. C. E. Horn and Acy !amily, Oshawa, visiled Mn. and It was decided te hold an ententain- Spring Tonic. Try it. ery use, including bath and visited Mn. and Mms. H. G. Freeman Mn. Wil!ned Smale visited with Miss Margaret Dalton is holiday- ens. More particulars later. ________________________________ refrigerator. They have a rea- ion Monday. Owen Sound !iends. ing in Toronto and attending the sonable price of Mn. and Mns. R. L. Worden en- Mn. Win. Causley spent lte week- r O. E. A. Convention. 60 5 1.5tertained about twenty young people end in Port Penry. nrs. E. C. Ashtton, Miss Margaret LA K T C 60 -8c 1.5te a LosI Hein party on Saturday Mrs. Annie Colwiil visited Toronto M alo attended the funeral o! Mrs. .' B A K T C PR TC INYoung People ill present tem Mn. Clarence Smale. Toronto. vis- Mn. and Mm. Ervin Wotten and ,Mn. Harry Major is away on hoi- Nv r i e PR T CTO play "The Amateur Detective". on îted his mother. !amiiy, Miss Marion Gniffin, Oshawa, idays. Insue your lothing againsî 20e and 1c. a Good Fiday visiton at home. Miss Maudie Ashton, Toront, Mn. with M. and Mm. J. J. Jobb. montits by using Molli Gas, Mn. Steve Munday. Sarnia. is visit- Mn. Stanley Cowling is an Easter Ira Travelle, Oshawa, spent te Master Harold Fonder visited Mn. F o s a e B s Larvex or a Garment Bag. ing his parents, Mn. and Mns. M. week vacationist with his parents. weekendi at lte f ormer's home. and Mns. Wm. Fonder recenîly. Moth Gmias 6n 5 <I dySrwoaeno nte MsssDr n Olga Cowvling vis-I Congratulations le Miss Barbara Mn. Eric Cutting has gone to o can buy wîi1î confidence goods that are ad- MoGan s e.60e5e a est o! healtit. ited at Mn. S. Hockaday's, Solina. Wotten and Mn. Jim McGregon, both wonk for Mn. Carl Wrightt for lte v ie nTeSaem n auatrr h Gamet ag 3c,60. 5 Congratulatons 10 Mn. and Mns. o! Oshawa. w-ho were mannied on summ~er. vrie nTeSaemn auatrr h Sydney Kersey on lte birtli o! a .Sat.urday. Mns. S. A. Devitt lias returned home are proud of their products advertjse thern. Many ~h.OflIi Ms. Hobbs, Bowýmanville, is car- A. Staintn and Clifford, Toronto, atives in Toronto. K e sl lkI ing for Mns. S. Williams, who is con- Mn. and Mrs. Will TIrenoutit, Nap- Mn. Robert Willian, Port Perry, issue of The Statesman. I Continued !nom page 1) valescing. anee, visited Mns. J. Pye. spent Sunday with his grandparents,Pam ieSop Drug Store ~Mn. and Mrs. A. B Crydermnan Missionary program was given Mn. and Mrs. Win. Steele. amlvSop D r g to e heugesini Te ttema mnNe YrkThaden ieshar.Agediestonilieoad obnisnn SnThe 2 as ndi mllSap [ke... n P.R owigrelative te windows and doons in1 visited Rev. and Mrs. Frank Crvder- Sunday monning with Miss Elva Or- Mn. and Mms. Citas. Smith andi 5 bars, 1 amail Princess Soap Flakes, 23c Qualti nd ervce orn frit fr Cunclio SiMiLt ss Beatnice Leach, Oshawa, vis- given by Mms. J. A. Werry. A solo day wit.i Mrs. R. Mahood. Phone 49 a BdwServie barnedfrait was gnanteilSd . 25 le te pint at Mns Wl Lech, was suni by Mrs. E. C. Ashtton, and MnI. John Ruledge and Miss Flor- rnesSa Flks. ...1co2fr29 Poe4 o anl l itasedwindows ign ted ha5i f i each M.. F.J. Gnoat.'s. 1 a ra gby Mrs. Theo Siemon. ence Fowler. Toronto, spent Sunday thrxnoadinhehllgfxeahKellogg's Corn Flakes... ... pks 5 windw wth ope an reairthe The Young Peopie's Seciety jour-'Mission Band also met Sunday wîth Mn. and Mrs. N. S. McNally. .... ks 5 main door. 1r.eyed te Ebeneser on Monday niglit1 morning under leadersip o! Mrs. Mn. and Mn. Lonne McQuine, Yel- Zebra Stove Polish ............5c bottie _________________ Properîy Comniiîtee ne!used Mrs 1 nd ne port a very enjoyabie even- H. Ferguson. verton spent Stinday wîbh biteir son- H awes FloorWab.tn.. Brancit Permission to cul down cer îg ________________ agter n n m ___________Public Welfare Board at $25.00 per Cream o! Banley, same quality, Mn. and Mms. N. S. McNally wit a menonivasvn au! ! otlich, Sidsame quantity. new 1w prce. good atendance. Mc4ting opened V nenofn$1.0s or ven onhitycarlw- -ith hymn and prayer. Master Dal- Bowmanville nef$20 orueo tscrfor Up rose lte wild olti winter-king, ton Dorrell was appointeçl secrelary poieduties. And stook his beard o! snow: and Miss Lois Larmer. tMemaurer, Transient Traders' Bylaw-, baseti on, I itear thte flrst young tare-bell ring, for lte nextthree montits. Minutes EWO IIS ES N RO E Dais>' tte skeleton suggested by te Retail 'Tis lie for me te go ! Mo h atmeigwr ed Merchant.s Association of Canada, Nortitward o'er lte lcy rocks, A o! lte ass m een Wrghread bFLOORS, LINOLEUM, FU RNITU RF,AUTOS, etr- O Phone 446 Bown8.nville trougi thie local brancit, was telti Northward o'er lte sea, 6 34 adopted. Miss KalahFiecHomsWnight yrecd over when lte question of fees coulti My daugitter cornes witt sunny bocks ; s a n Mr. Ra p avr e adeian _____________not be agreed upon. Titis iand's too warm for me BýT0 sl n r ap amrrnee A

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