'0î n Wesleyville cemetery. on the corn- Wh ie yT w Drives Him seJ INe s orth 1 OBITUARYi er of her father'sestate, where sheWh ILkeM Twno _______and________andsan in Is Subject of Letter N w o h Mrs. Rev.)Georg E. Rss, Tento gad morning and where her I<. Mn.(Rv. Gore E Rss Tenononly boy lay dowýn te slumber twen- of Bowmanville Citizen W 'ork at 82 Busy F r e On Tuesday morning. March 6th. ' yasao Uie hrh mtslni 1ubiain'h And Stili P a. Little Gl 1934, in the towtn of Trenton. the! Trenton, with whom she hadl toiled. Canadian Magazine' 0f Toronto, ttigCik devoted wie of Rev. George E. Ross. 'bore lier casket while ber brothers'published by Hugh C. MacLean Pub-. How many of us, when we are 82.SatngCik passed from a coucli of suffering. to and nephews, with Mr. E. Keats, of lications Limited whose Generai will be the equal 'n health and ac- Supply -,ýater wxith chili taken off a crown of everlasting life and rest Toronto, acted as bearers at t.he Manager is Meivin J. Hutchinson. tivity Of tIùs vigorous oid Scottish1 'n suitable ves-sels. charcoal, shel and peace. in the Paradise of 00<1. grave, a weil knowri Durham County Boy, engineer? In a letter lie says- and grit or river sand. Feed the 8he was the youngest daugliter of thie i- featuring in its April issue a "I arrived here f rom Scotland on youngsters immediateiy on their en- late John and Ann Lumey Barrow-! Mrs. Geol. Dowson, Port Perry department under the leading, the 7th April. 1870. 1 arn over 82 trY to bro<xing quarters. A good clough and was born in Wesleyville, 1 Why I like My Town". Among the years old. I drive my Ford car 40 'starting muash consists of: middlings In 1896 she was united in marriage Dowvson on March 15th. one of the foilowing interesting one f rom a ory, and can stili piay a littie golf. groats. eacli one part: shorts. alfalfa couch, J( to Rev. George E. Ross. minister Of 1 much respected Pioneer women of reinent of Bowvmanvilie: I have taken the little dose of Krus- leaf meal and animal feed mixture, edlyhave the Bay of Quinte Conference of the Port Perry has been removed- Would I trade my 111e in Bow- chen Saîts in nmy cup o! coff ee everyi each ý 2 part: bone meal 2 per cent; thewr nev former Methodist Church. Mrs. Dowsons maiden name was manville, Ont., for existence i Tor- morning for some years. and I be- 1cecd liver ohi or 2 per cent: and favoritec Deceased began hier work in the Catharine Sobie Johns. and she was onto, or any other big city? I surely lieve it is keeping me in good health isait 12 per cent. to-date,s church in chilclhood, piaying in the the last surviving member of the would not. Whenever I go to one of and enabling me te keep on work- 1 I - b Sunday Scliooi at the age o! twelve famiiy. Born in Devonshire some 86 these big places 1 aiways pity the ing at the factories as egnr.-- PoerFYoin ilRea au'leso years. and teaching a class o! boys. years ago she came with her famnily people who have te make their homes L. A. "The rise in hog prices wili reflect For twenty-!tve years she assisted te Canada when she was six years o! there. To me. the big thing in lufe, Whether You are still in your itself on cattie prices, and finishing lier husband in most successf ui evan- age. They took Up their home near apart o! course f rom the necessity *teens or past your prime, it is nei- cattie properly will repay the feeder. gelistic work. playing the organ and1 Bowmanville, and it was there that o! making a decent living. is the ther too early nor toc, late to start and reduce this excess storage of uslng hier rich and beautif ul solo I deceassed spent hier chilcthood and making 0f f riendships and t.he happy on the "littie daily dose." Just albeef. voice to the giory of God. and the youflg womanhood. employment of whatever leisure time tiny. tasteles.s pincli o! Kruschen I-The result of marketing unfin-( pleasure and profit of lier people. Her f irst marriage was to CharlesI hav_ e.,vr morning as I walk Saits in your morning cup of tea or 1 ished cattie at present wilI be an in- As a primary teacher in the Sun- Collacutt. and to themn were boru clown the sreets of Bowmanville 1 coffee& They ensure internai dlean- crease in the storage supply. Fur- You eau day School, mission band leade, . tr chldren. one of whom is de- speak to everyone, because I know iness, and keep the blood-stream ther than this. feeders will find vle o M. S. organizer, organist and choir eed everyone and everyone knows me. We Pure. New and refreshed blood is t.hemselves witli no cattie te ship pnice, se leader, and a visiter among the sick Mr. Collacutt died over sixty yearsi are ail neiglbors-if rny child is sent coursing te every fibre of your wrhen prices advance.__________ and needy, she endeared herseif te ago, andi later deceasedi married Mr., sick good f riends come te cail and being. Rheumnatism. headaclies, in- "In my opinion, the wise shipper the congregations. George Dow-son of Darlington. Thr te ofrhl; Iti acl n digestion and backache ail pass you wiil feed te finish his stock, and dis Memoria2l service was held aI lier children biessed tlis miarriage. arn missed f rom my hautst for a <lay b tribute s the suppiy over the next few late home on East Dundas Street Mr. and Mrs. Dowson lived on their or two, other good f riends phone toi months. r s e and was largeiy attended. lier pastori farm for many years. there being one inquire if I am il. If my wife misses sD rsea Rev. C. B. Brethen. being in charge. 1 break in their residence. when they a ladies' aid meeting there is the Lmm Rev. J. S. McMullen, who had known rnoved te the West and spent some saine olicitude sliowri. rlI¶ ~ ~ I Getting Ready For the Itwoldbeiposilet Mrs. Ross nearly al lier life, deliver- eiglit or ten years near Portage la We don't work s0eliard or se fast J.é L ISeason twudR mosbet ing a beautiful and touching tribute Prairie. They returned te Ontario in Bowmanville. When the f ishing .ujI J Lambing is the shepherd's har- begin to describe the won- to the Christian fortitude o! this and remained on the !armn until the season opens we can take a hlai day '~. vest, and it is aise bhis most ex- d r ful ng of new dresses earnest and successful worker, and death o! Mr. Dowson some ten years and run out to one o! the streams in citing time. Everything must, there- we have now in stock. We splendid suf ferer. ago. Since that lime Mrs. Dowson the nortilern part o! the county , fore. be in readiness for the coming can best suggest you see Witli lier liusband, deceased had lias maclelier home chiefiy with her always o! course aiong with some 4.~'tZ.-io! the new crop. them. They are mnost reas- toiled on the following f ields:-Dal- son Herb. Collacutt; and it was there congenial seul. I find my lodge and . Ewes heavy in lamnb require more oiiably priced from rymple, Sha.nnonviile, Hilton. West that lier dealli occurred. Deceased churcli affiliations in Bowmanviile A MEALrI4 SERv#CE or pen and feeding space, if overcrowd- Huntingdon. Eldorado. Milford. Tren- is survived by four sons: Mr. Herb). very stimulating and satisfying. Per- THE CANAO AN MEO CAL. ing and losses are te be avoided. Twos5 5 ton. Peterboroughi, Janetville, Bath Collacutt. Port Perry: Mr. Chas. CoUl- haps if I were the riglit kind o! man AssOC IATION ^NO LliE -' feet o! feeding space is the min- $ 09 and Rednersville. Her demise is acutt, Toronto; Mr. Art. Dowson. I would !ind themn equally s0 if! I IN ANOA ESimumn required. mourned by lier husband and daugli- Port Perry; and Mr. Fred Dowson, were living in a city. 1 doubt it, SF RGAC Large floclis should be divided ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Mollard o! Sask.: four Oshawa. Interment was made at tliough. I arn close enougli te the AEP GNIC by putting ti1e ewes expect$ed te **** brotii]ers, Nelson Barrwcloug2i, O! Pme Grove Cemetery, Prince Abert. big city trun iniff I want te hear a oawelrg ant f irst inthie warmest and most li n .00al Rocestr; lijh ad Smon ofa Mndesson Coirconcert, or some Many awmn h peat, laxnrtble pen. Roester; Ele aJo and Sitoe nd j Upholstering reai good show, but I arn aîways needlesly suffers hours of worry be Have the floor level, dry, dlean Ch, Jo & nILCryd onje sister, Ms.S E Ka is.o POSTRN i a id fhappy when I f ind h adao o ycasn f hrngorne.HO! ryan eh bedded.Iposbe r- wiafl frTpTl TrronE..of urniture. AUl work guarantee'i. Sam- car headed for Bewmanvtlle again. is likely te be increased by the siiy avide w . Int f ossain ib r- wMoe stny erges indIid Ail tiiat was mortal o! this daugli- pies. Fsîîimaîes f rýe. J. A Fn Seu- Yes. I like this good old home toççn. but frighternng sto.ries tat she wi viduai lambing pens. Folding hurdies Md oyu 1idvd 9o Stre.4 , Bowmanv:iIe. Phone 516 hear !rom lier !riends and neigli- gaai Ift urat ter of the Church ere laid tO, restbours. Worry is bad enougli, but it are very liandy for that purpose. edSeTpToavrt _____________________________________________________ lanot the worst resut o! ignorance, The ewe la mucli cuieter if keptfed. eeTpopavr -----Hydro System Brings for the woman's ignorance may be alone. Ontario Lowest Rates the direct cause o! disaster. and, in- sucli cases. hier very life la endang- Simple Insect Control ~. ' I In North America ereci.r * I 132 th istyer fr hili Any healtliy woman. wvith a nor- The conîrol o! most vegetable J Couch, Johnstc ]R oa l h et I 93,th ls ya frwhc mal pelvis, wliose heart. lungs and insects la not a very difficuit ori comparative f igures are available, ail kidneys are in good condition, can complicated anatter if the grower; BOWMANVILLE the domestic consumers servedi by expect te pass througli pregnancy will bear in mmnd one o! twe simple Phone 104 LIM' Three Complete New Shows Each Week gregate of 740.000.000 kilow a tt- pare lier body fer this particular by watching the habits o! tlie pestsý geaesmof$11.676,000, or an have lier docter make sure. f rom cording te the type o! injury they- _________ Friday - Saturday Monday - Tuesday cest. inclusive o! ail charges, o! only time t0 time. that lier bo4y main- do, can be divided mbt two general ___________ Apil6 7 Ap - 1 1.57..cents per kilowatt-hour. Ac- tain-s ils healthy condition,' classes: those known as biting in- Apri 6 Apil 10corclîng to United States census f ig- Unforîunaîely, ail wonîen are net sects, which in feeding actually bite__ ures for 1932, the domestic con- healIthy. The hearl. lungs, or kid- a piece out o! the plant attacked, sumers served by privately-owned neys may be cllaeased. or damaged and those knowýn as sucking insects, 1 ~utities in that country paid an from sorne previous dîsease. A pre- which suck the juices out o! the j EL average o 5.60 cents prklnt aia examinainwudalwfrIae rseswtotntcal hour. warning these women as t0 their changing their outline. For biting 1 I i l a simple malter te comn- ability t0 go througli pregnancy. inseets caterpillars. cutworms,etdl wiipute Ihat, if Ontario Hydroecornes- Most of îliem can do so. provided lhree poisons are cornmonly recomn-{<iV.k Wiltic consumers had liad t0 pay, for they are able te have extra medical mendeci. arsenate o! lead. arsenate Jaime? the 740,000,000 kiowatî-hours îhey supervision and to carry out the in- of lime. and Paris green. Sucking Immorcit lour as United States consurners paid er rest periods, diet. et cetera.. long- lioppers. are customarily con- 4_ora their bis would have aggregaled A recent study o! mnaternai mortal- trolled by nicotine suiphate. ether Hors. ýhie vast sum of $41.490.000, or îîy in New; York City. covering a in liquid or dust formi. S O Yî'rcosîtlihem under Hydro serie about two-thirds o! the deaths which The Mutton Sheep A similar computation for the dlicl occur were preventa.ble. This The production o! mutton lias be- co estoSHE WASN'T GOOD ENOUGN years 1914 te 1932 inclusive, based conclusion was reached a! 1er a care- corne largeiy a question of furnlali- corneslHdr ecrsa cn fui consideration of each case, and ing iambs te the markets. As in beef 1 onOacual ydrorecodsOsLco the decision was made on practical, or pork. the demanda o!fIlie market ' the lîîving~ORHI POU FLK trasled with costs per kilowatt-liour hoeiagrud.clfryun matndopra in the United States as set forth in not hoeiagrud.alfryun matndc pr- scenLiving ini the glories of the the Congressional Record and in the The study confirms the findings tively ligilt weights in carcass.Th American Year Book, indicates a o! others macle elsewliere. The sot- premidum paid for baby beef andN paste..they spurned thisi- dfeec ewe i euto p-ulfgrsmyvr 11e u h bacon hogs applies witli even greater plying United States cost per kil- general conclusion la that two Out force te sheep. Thicli, f esybut truder.. Who dared to love lowsîî-hour te quantities o! elec- of every lhree mnaternai deaths couici rather iight joints are what the cook îr:csl energy used by Ontario Hydro, be prevented if proper use were macl caîls for whether for the home table the heir of a prideful bouse. domesîic corsumers, and the actual ,o! wlist we know concerning the Or the restaurant. The tastes o! the .Hyclro charges paid by the Hydro proper rare of the expectant mother. consumer have been cultivated te., consumers of more than $250.000,- Wa h rgatwmnne. discriminate in favour o! the tasty, g:Wa tepenatwma ed tender. lsrnb until we find that f rom 000. is medical and nursing care. There70180prcno!tesepha Such figures serve te empliazise ha no mystery about what kind o! 0t 0prcn ftesepta the real achievement that tlie Hydro care is needed. The problemn is. How reaclhihe market are less than one IMES 1unertaking has accompllahed in re- are ail women te secure such care? year old. The age o!flieavy mutton i lducing cests per kilowatt-hour te In some cases. this is difficuit. and is psssed-a condition most f avor- YOU eau, notice the dil fl ~~the consumer as cornpared te costs In a few impossible, but in the vast eablec to reap quprick ern s fotrgt wy hn o ~ID paîcl elsewhere. and show that very rnajority o! cases. women who could bis flock.t e ickre rsing dernanci bî ackceî hran" b large sums o! money resuit !rom secure adequste rare fail te do, so iflo r.mTto he is easn eagurs-ee "ara "b Lion e ii ~appby"ng the difference in costs per I because they do not know how im- w for Ihe fmutueo th esndauus DSNM ZAL r kiowtt-hour to the Iremendeus portant il is for their own livesan quantities o! electricai energy used healîli and for the l! e and liealth provided care is taken te keep up rornfort make the cbanÊ BAýR O ' fft e by nrs Hydro domestic con- o! their expected baby that they doe cuct.imrvtegado!hep- 11111 t Even if it be recognazed that the The lime for care te begin la early wth E probable effeot o! altempting t0 in pregnancy. and it must be con- IVili Assast Farmers to Purchase charge in Ontario at the rates pre- tinued regularly throughout. There Seed Grain Victor .~~~~~~. 0 ~valent elsewliere would have been is no other way by wlùch health and T sitfresi h ucae Victor f>iUÀW.,1 to, prevent Ontario consurners !rom ife may be safeguarded and preg- oTsed asin, hile Osn taerio Goe SJ ORY- .1 [I I I7 j using as mucil eleclricity as they nancy macle safe and comforlabieom et lagrar te Otaioept two- ~~ I ren e wifhrts nfrc:îefatnvete#uetosmcnin eîî,a- thiris o! Ieprepo ibilt for asE i aclually dcl under the low Hydre for mother and chulci. î . hless remains that Hydroelias pro- Qesos t e rCnian ehdalf or that purpese, Hon. T.L.e-- .en /IlO.O. on abysvdir cuicah1 n Association, 184 College Street. Tor- the Legisiature. He read the follow- L ' and Richard CromwellII cnsm rn any lens o! mil - onto, will be answered personally by ing sîstement te the House: A WILL -;Henrietta Crosman lion, macle possible the enjo3 uc"Thyevrepry cnt in ofthe pre- JAMES Mono Brde _________ofAgricultre in_____ MADE I Mon Bariement o! comiLort-giving and lab-____ prmn !Arcluel rc 1 Fe1hitour-savîng appliances on a rÀcale ince ha vebn- apo acyinte pnref- Stepin eci that but for 10w Hydro rates would nehv enapoce nrf have been beyond the reach o!f a s M o h r erence te the purchase o!fedgan AN DA EEA Diract.d by H4ENRY KING large proportion o! Onrar o con- n quitega nmber o!countis ther Streen Play by Roinald suersk Mother- In asceacîty of eed rin and la= Conn.iIy" by Paul -Oaff n lisha farmer wthoutseed tgrain and SLOinBO 1V geA S &OS e/Es - - dot " ff.qL .PFM vP - . .1 e fference replace ulbs with I ' For real te today. MAZDA CANADA L8 ELECTRIC CO., LIMITED LLE ExcLUSIVELv BY 1 £4DALE rdware & Sporting Good8 NOW-- Min a rc'sI Keep Minard'; handy in the house. You neyer know when Vou'U need it 1NEW METAL CAP hermetically seaus in strength of linimenL. irevents lspilling. Easdy te.. t.ioved for use. Iîub in Mjnard'à freel[y for any mus- cular pains or stiffnest, lofe feet, rhcuma±ic aches, etc. S..k. Ageges 11Ifod F. Ruchie Co.~FaY..td.62 it Frocks 'or Spring [ohnston & Cryderman undoubt- style that la bard te beat in ,w Spring Swagger Suit, 1934's costume. You'U want te be up- so drop in and look them over. -surprised at the extremely good asale for as 10w as el*19 Lget cheaper suits, but for real or real quaiity, and for a real ethese. mnd Coats The most important gar- ment you bave te buy. There will be many cool days and evenings before sunimer, so get a new coat, and if you want distinction you'Il get it here. Priced from, $80e95 euy Tap Top ierman are sole agents i op Clothes. Finest Engiish Ld worsteds, ail at one price. lual measurements. Quality d, and satis;faction guaran- tisement i this issue. Dn & Cryderman Bowmanville IITED THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV=£, THURSDAY, APRIL Sth, 1934 PAGE BIGHT