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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1934, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLP.. THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1934 THE FINEST IN THIE LAND Canada's Reliable Soed House for 64 Vears Grand Rapids Tometo, pkt 25c W.RNIE SEEDS Uimited TORONTO ALSO MONTREAL, VANCOU VER WrUje for Catos News for the Busy Farmer Early Marketing Means Better Prime Now is the time te start thc long season crops o! vegetables requi.red for the early market. At the Central Experimnental Farm the f ollovwing varieties arc recommended: Cabbage: Golden Acre, Copenhagen Market, Early Jersey Wakefield. Cauli.flower: Early Dvvarf Erfurt and Snowball. Celery: Paris Golden Yellow, Golden Plume andi Phenomenal. Onion: Sweet Spanish, Prize- jae (Denia'. Southport Whiîte, YeUow and Red Globe for growing Pepper: Hars Earliest. California Wonder. Potato: Irish Cobbler which shoulti be sprouted for four to six weeks prior te f ield planting. Tomate: Abel, AIacrity, Canadian Earliana, Bestal, Bonny Best or John Baer. The two latter arc useti for h I Royal Theatre m Bowmanville 1 SHE LOST 32 LBS. New Frocks No Longer Worried Her How did she lose that 32 lbs. o! fat? is what you will be askmng. Let her tell you herse:- About 18 months ago I weighed 178 Ibs.-wich I can assure you annoyed me very mucb. Everything seemed a worry te me, especially new clothes. Nothing would fit me cern- fortably, and walking was unbear- able. I was ativiseti by a friend te try Kruscben Saîts, and I arn very glad I did, teo. During the flrst ten months I bast 28 lbs. o! fat. Now, for the last 6 montbs my weight bas been 146 îbs.. and 1 feel much bet- ter in health. I have ahl my weight tickets te substantiate my state- ments.'"-<Mrs.) M. P. Kruschen contains those six min- eraI saîts. proportionately balanced, !ound in the waters o! those fam- ous European Spas useti by -genera- tions o! fat people te reduce weight. Kruscben helps blood. nerves, glands and body organs te function properly - you gain new strength andl eneirRv -feel vpgrs vounzer -1 ______________look__________ te main rup* B.Mutton, E. Osborne, R. Adams: Suggested Changes inokbttr ok etr D. Adams anid W. Avery-.i Spraying Operations Due. ment, but turning to the farmer One of the outstanding numbers To Wnte Injry ho hd fr-rechig idalsandin the second act was on the retr t4O SrayCaenda. re made use of constructive methodsý of the Bounding Billow and its crew W 1arns A l Past 0 rhe Ontario o pry naer nury h hdfa-eahngiea. adrom a year's cruise in foeg I comm~~~endsth following changes in the views of th speaker were that wtr hnsvnyuglde spayn operations on account Of the future looked as hopeful today 1aes hnsvnyuglde ra3ul t eseSifl "mas it had in any period of the past. from the High School did the sai- If ouar toule wthinjury to fruit trees is severe and Current Crop Reports ed by Miss Agnes Vanstone who was Ifyuaetobe ihburning only in such districts, we would re- Twenty meetings were held in con- as epnil o te ac tp irritations, Kidney or Bladder Weak- in the play. Th hornpipe dancers ness, scanty elimination, frequentco entatteiisspa'ou- econwhteWrbe nd e1 were Evelyn Pickard. Lorraine Pick- lined in the Ontario Spray Calendar .lycamaig inÏee.Cont Aeetor aniesd and pansin the back j should be modified as f ollows: ing March and it is estimated tat1 ard, Jean Wight, Grace Rundie, Ada feenoryaneda and pains-.Otind the Nigaa is over 70% of the cattie in Peel will Clarke and Eileen Hallman. lower abdomen or down thou ritessex andetedNot prayDs be treated this Spring for ths Tlh orchstra which provided the G RIEY 5 throughtrictEssex nd Ken, do nt spra theseaccompanm t hogu hesw grois-you shou]d try the amazing for San Jose' Scale except on trees pest.s. Other counties also report nimen throghou the hretwkd show value of Dr. Southworth's "Uratabs" on which it was conspicuous las the Warble Fly campaign under way. j wasf perhas teardtet wredsc and see what a wonderful difference yar. on these use elther lime sul Dufferin County furnishes the en-tinof the drctiand tfy r asuto they make! If tis grand old f oi'm >Dur 1-7 or 3% lubricatlng oil emul- couraging word that livestock, par- underthe d iret ion.0fMr. eSton, ula f a weUl known physician brings sion in 3-6-40 Bordeaux. Oomitoot ticuary cows, are in very satis- horcp awerst Violin M AI. et-a-Wof ou others, y mourly i hasb uthask- ray for red mite this year. On trees factory condition. Lambton reports tche0.Jes .Er.: Violis, A .t to oher, yu srel wil b thnk-on which San Jose' Scale was not that the shortage of seed is flot near-WoMse .Rbrs .Bnet fui and very well pleased. If it does conspicuous last year, use on1y 3-6- ly as acute as early advices incicated. N.Woo Mise. obers, a.nd ettsie nZAEGfr oo N Hooey. M. theoskins, andatMeusrInjuryiadfruitZtreesiG brcomin flt atsfth dug1t ha 5~ 40 Bordeaux. Ijr efuttesi eoigW. Hall, G. Beliman. A. Allin and *'THE BORDER LEGION" plied you is authorized to return Pears- Pear Psyalla is trouble- more apparent as spring advances, .Pilp;, lMs .Wih-c APrmount Pcdura w,»,* your money on the flrst box pur- some use a 2% lubricating 011 spray; according te a report from Lincoln. Lmanilp; Cr e, MissA . F ight- and RA NDarLaP chased. At all good drug stores. elsewhere omit spray. In Norfolk, severe weather -during W. Woolley; clarinets, Miss C. Bell-a pîurs-onJapnese~~uns oit the winter resulted in considerableO TT the first spray. damage te cherries, plurns, raspber- mn esrK.WddcmeK ' Reduced by Asthma. The con- Sweet Cheeries- Use one-hlaf pint ries and appleWotr;eHorTheGconditionrif;' t -- fanwhet i no god n anumerbonie, Harold Allun; Pianist. MissJAM stant strain of astlima brings the nicotine suiphate and 2 lb. soa to faliswtis notgodHastnucmber Helen G. Morris; Reed organ. Miss Barbara Fritchie R U patient to a dreadful st.ate of hope- 40 gallons water.0fdsrc. omHtig coe Jean Bell. i F re d Ko hie r less exhaustion. Early use should by In sections or orchards where therewodtainctosarfrasht Another pleasing feature of the ail means be made of the famous is no winter injury or no appreciable season for maple syrup. This is also presentation was the novel stage Fuzzy Knight JA Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, injury. the spray calendar recom- the case in Prince Edward County, lighting which was most effective Matinee1 which more than any other acts mendations should be f ollowed. and there also, fruit growers are and added greatly te t.he success- Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. In N Ma quickly and surely on the air pas- alarmed by the arnounit of damage fui staging of the play. This was well No__________Mat_________ sages and brings blessed help and Dairy Herd Improvemnent in tree and bush fruits. handled by Earl Byam. Byron Cry- cornfort. No home where asthnia is el- I derman and Wil.fred Hamiley. An- present in the least degree should be R. B. Faith of Brantford, direc- Miler's Wormn Powders are par other item worthy of particular men- aditrrtto fMs ors without tis great remedy. tor of extension for the Hostein- excellence the medicine for childrenaditpraio ofMsMri. ________________ Friesian Association of Canada,! who are found suffering f rom thei tion which received considerable f av- 'esaestigwspeae y speking at a recent meeting c0f ravages of worms. They imniediate- orable comment was the splendid R Th se Cettiogrs, Tre.paredby ____________________ ambton County live stock breeders ly alter the sthmacbic conditions back drop curtains and wings of the R. ThoandsH. WC. orrisTHir- i and farmers, drew attention te the under which the worms subsist andsce n.tw rk 0f BisowhelMnis.e s tagean a .Wghet Ae s . E . H EALTH MEANS CHARM deveoping markets for dairy cattle drive them f rom the system anld. at 1Thoug e atsr wspoucdP.Bradt and Mrs. J.E. Elliott. E A AP I ES h iC aveadand ons a ieralytheir mefieuonthe dietive orin a very realistic sea, sky and cloud The old English costumes were Persi. AN R P Nswice thae badivnnc fed year, an a ns, her fest on thedgte ea r-fu'background beyond the quayside, at splendicily made and rnost attrac- and irril sine te bginingof heyea, ad gnsresorng hemto helthulwhich the masts of the scnooner con- tive and colorful and ;'.ere the work' that yoi Sparklingz eycs &. he expressed the opinion that any operation and ensuring immunîty 1tinually rolled in the swell of the of. members o! the Women'sAso-Dr.Ch. and sming lips constructive efforts now made in fcrmau rtesderdr. rmsu ases Al 0f tis was the clever work iation of Trinity Church,' under and the sa iof hy eat r building the herds of the County te aue whose auspices and through whose andvialty.Clarhigher standards in type, quality, valuable help the production was' skin autracus. The . and production would lead te re- ~ made possible.D r healthv active girl turns f rom the industry in volume Floigtepeetto nPi is boc.h happy and i sufficient te compensate the f armer y- 7 ____________________________ Floing, the rent atonon-~. popl--forhislabr nd nvetmet. r. edaening. atthe ehome ofast.wan- Perbaps yoo Faith deaît particiilarlyt with the -.4 ' Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Church Stree ared f ot rerecodio peri na, are n t e ed o mrercod fpefofl- - where a most enjoyable social hour ye bl h ance work on the part of ail breeders, %v 4'.,.b - as spent. bringing te a close sev- day's work is donc yon ar too tired urged more blood testing for the con- X* ~ l mA Ir- eral week.s 0f very happy assoc- tsrpr to enter into the good times that trol of Bang's Disease, and pleaded -'I~ - ~ ito nth rprto n r- tiissterita other women enjoy. For extra energy, for the co-operation of ail concerned .. .. sentation of the operetta. on account of t try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable in getting a better class of herd sires Compound. It tonies up your general located under the bonusing policy ' bealth. Gives you more pep-more of the Federal and Provincial gov- E T N IL charm. errnments. HARDY PHLOX grow a few- points of culture need^---- Remember diat 98 aut of 100 He held out no encouragement to to b kept in mi. Rich soil, a Ms ayLn pn h ek womnen report benefit. Let it help the breeder who was contented te By Mr. W. E. Groves, Bowmanviile good location and sufficient moisture MndissPortLaneope ntte.ek yau ton. continue with a breeding program Few if any perennial plants pro- are the three essentials. The deep-eninPrHo. jwbich gave no promise of improve- vide such a gorgeous summer dis- er the roots go doun the cooler they Mr. and Mrs. Sain Smith, Sr., To- ___________________________________play as phlox. Their wide range of vwill be. This suggests deep digging ronto,' spent the weekend here. colors, the massive beads of bloom, the subsoli being well broken Up or Mr. Wm. And.rews has hired with and delicate fragrance, makes them i replaced with good soil if that be Mr. George Skelding, Starkville. among the most popular of hardyI necessary. A heavy dressing of well Mis Mary Mellor, AIma College, plants. Coming inte flower just as decayed manure should be worked St. Thomas. was home for the week- 1>;ýthe spring blooming plants are fin- in. This digging should flot be less end. .. . , .shed, adds much to the usefulness than 16 to 20 inches deep. In plant- Mr. and Mrs. Sami Fudge. Toronto, Tk o f phlox in any garden. And now ing, the crowns of the plants should spent* Sunday ai Mr. Wm. Staple- D oobtat the colorsan size of the new- be twn or tbree inohes below the teow.C ez-r varieties are s far ahead o! the surface. Some good growers coveri Mr. James Nesbitt Jr.. o!fl'enfles- For ~ ~-z-- I every garden. two or three inches thick. The e- !seuer. . a oefrbsmte .,-~ . .-.,~..There are two or three groups o! son is to conserve as much moisturefuea.Oie ohsn.Ptrro 15 the earliest o! the ta]! varieties, p]anted rea5oruably deep constn pn t Easter with ber mother, Mrs. Spltttng ofb those grouped under the name -de- cultivation will produce a good dust R. ohnstoni. Pain Before o cussata" blooming a little later. The mulch quite as effective. Whren Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McKay and l> a run-dow Man has owned and kept vitually all dwarf section commonly called water is given it should be thorough. family spent Sunday at Mr. Robt. dgoi and mosspink" is one of our very earli- Mere sprinkling only encourages tbe Gerdon's, Elizabethville. est spring flowerr, its creeping mnas- rosttesufcweevye!. on Sunday evening after regular kind of animais, reptiles, and biîrds but ses o! pink and lavender brightening fort ought to be made te keep them servi.ce a reception service and com- r THEïrodL e the garden during April and May. down. To prolong the bloomin uno as held. Everyone was I t~~B the honey bee is the only domestie inseet Phlox ctîvaricata-the so, calleti wild season the first flowers shoulti be pleased to see Rev. Thos. Wallace £%tractfciCo Sweet William-is particularly at- e ut off as soon as they are faded. present. I v rN tractive, especially when the truc A second group will then come on Mr. Reg. Gibbs, foreman o! Bell that man possesses. i rt .gon heeaesm htwilgv odsowee eehn wrmn a h i-. N l*et s imortnthkîndarbut one thouwigh eeya n sot., quie qualeortne to aî donstara theijure; o etum aof them are mnuch grown. te the first flowers. bis ankle, neeessitating rem.oval te heby reai 7'da y s F' ctr In addition to occupyîng a prom- the hospital. ate dy the ni Today s F a t i nentplace in the perennial border, During damp seasons. especially if Mrs. Wm. Henry. 6th Line, who many yeer y, phlox can be freely used in many the plants are crowded. mildew may has been spending the winter at the T IN parts o! the garde.n. A fine display appear. As a preventive measure it Glover farim, was rushed to a Tor- On insurance of ail kinds you can get full can be had by planting a solid bed is wise te plant that free air cir- onto hospital, Sunday, for an oper- gain the colons froin dark to culation between the plants is pos- r iion for appendîcitis. REGAIN protecti n in th strong st co m p nies atlight. If the soil is kept in good sible. A location t.hat is well drain- The many friends of M r. Jam es bo ý uli prtetin n hestonea cmpnis tcondition a border of phox in front d also tends to keep mîldew ij Ba.ssett. were sorry to hear f bis loculldlîenth of shrtîbs is very effective. In aIl check. Suiphur dusted on the plants sudden dbxnise. He lived a quiet re- ulatetb Iow rates, when you phone cases the colora should be mas.sed is an effective remedy. So also is t iring lîfe, respccted by aIl. Inter- P O tegether to get the besi effect. The Bordeaux mixture. Red spider- ment took place in New.tonville Cern- C . . dwarf varieties are especially suit- quite frequent]y called rust-i.s an- eter.ý new life for y MO N _able for rockeries, or as an edging other pest.. The production of strong Ani old and esteemned resident, Mrs. tablets are int J .J A O O o borders. They will stand drougbt healthy growth by the best o! cul- Jarnes Nesbitt. passed to rest on and because of this may be used as tivation does not. give red spider Aprîl 3rd after a long illness. The Phone 50 Bowmanville a ground cover on dr bns rin uhecramnt Hard spray- svfinpathy o! the comînunity is ex- M G drycorer whre an oterper in %ithth hoe, spcialyon the tencel eiI (r sorrowing husband 4 G enniaLs will not thrive. under sides of the leaves. aiso giveýs who i,, in poor health. and to the _____________________________________________ 1 While phlox are not di!! icuit to1 the little pesLs a bad time. bereaved family. Operetta By Trinity jChoir Draws Capacity Crowds in Opera House <Continued f rom page 1) A. W. Pickard, Abert Cole. Russel Osborne and Thos. Hircock. The parts o! the three principal Barnstapoole girls wcre well taken by Misses Bernice Belîman, Annie AIlin and Marion Pickard. while they too hati a strong supporting group o! singers in Misses Margaret Allin, Greta Wickett, Florence Ives, Marion Hamley anti Mrs. Ross Grant. BarnstaPoole ladies wlho f ormned the chorus anti who did effective work througbout the production were Mrs. R. Thompson, Mrs. O. Nicholas, Mrs. T. Hirovk, Mrs. G. E. Pritchard, Miss V. Powers. Misa M. Jewell, Mrs. M. H. Wight, Miss A. Medd, Mrs. F. H. Jones, Mrs. J, E. Ander- son, Miss A. Prout and Mrs. J. E. Hobbs. Barnstapoole citizens. om f whom titi not appear but assiseti in the chorus work from b>acýkstage werc W. B. Pollard, W. R. Strike, J. E. Elliott. H. Crvdermnan. N. Ashton, Monday at 4 p.- n. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. itedt that aoes i te welngs neigte elr.A *e tat ellscarehartcle resi h rc a rsn en o ou ae hevgav aostsduigqteson.s$15 e bg 'l C. & B. Touic Tablets Realth--Strength--Vlgor iiu~ Have gau StoahPan fOU STOMACH TROUBLEB-! o eartb Hena.he, Kucij, Gna= n .Epq FeelinLLumpi Htburn, BlaatIngG t ta, &Mod hngr. ,o r tzBtnGoeTn.. re Mout.Indgtian? When eus m ondto o need C. C. & B. Tonic TableM an d at once. They wil ayatm mdt uarelleve you q ulikly and permanen ty, improve appetit., I-ples' BCaekheadaSarea, Blotch elEzmMlra Y. OD r~ii.FPrl RnDown, ellttdSeEmatodt You arelIneedC.C. Gr B. Tank Tablera. They, by remaof ffecte help reatore strength and fibre ta the blood. .i wlif urniah to t ti whole b=y. C. C. & B. Tonlc Tablets contain Yeet, troan d id Llver-tbree great tonics ln ane. V sNerycus Debllty, WeakneeJrig upn.Ectbe etT eteRaîe tNgt, Poo Memary. Melancholy be kF tire Louke Fal C. C.h&nB.e bletan 0n af tanlc effects, b= 0t restore nerve tissue ta normal condition erve., banr" the blues, e lu feel f.11 aff1Me, vig.r,,abiti. and 'ounger. :SS Under Welght, HoIlow Cheeka. Flot Chest. Scrawny N-J%'=y- pplThîn Bload C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets help ta uhWyu upI very way. WiII thereby lmpraie your appearance. IIII U C. C. & B.Tot aef 1LOST E ANDO IALT act directly thraugh the a tomnach, enricbing theý rig up the nervou sayatemn. generate vltality, Croate nex-ve force, regtare a pep and vigor--ma yau can enjayfile'& pleasures ta the fuUleat. ?IflIPTi~are for sale et ail Drug Storms Go ta 3.TONIC A LT your drugglt today and order aupymente ennnat cu-oenin thedoor ta a brlgbter world and happier existence. The nexpenïive. ' epieaae5cadSil. Three 51.4> aixjafor 82.50. For Sale ln BOWMANVILLE at IEGOIR'S DIRUG STOIR E PHONE 92 r . - &A5 BUGIES--- ~ STE vuv- WAST - E 0 DANCN FEE S ay a ftDr ,.41 Three great pictures showing during the coming week. Don't miss any of them. They have ail played to capacity audiences everywhere. Fridiay - Saturday April 13 - 14 6IJNS IN THEIR KANOS! PRICES ON THEIR HEADS! The Border Legion rides again...in S ong end action . . . 1 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. April 16 - 17 - 18 \ G LETTE RIENG PARADE 0F IMUSICALS E Thurs. - Fni. - Sat. April 19 - 20 - 21 PAGE EIGHT TUE CANADIAN STATESMAIII, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1934

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