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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1934, p. 1

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tan natat~a With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News VOLUME80 ~ Badminton Clu6 to Stage Big Matchî On Friday Nigkt Armories, General Motors, Church League and Col- legiate Teama from Osh- awa Will Visit Bowman- ville Tomorrow Bowmanville Badminton Club has had a most successful season, both for badminton and social events. The last group social was the bridge party last Friday evening and the event was a real success. Club tournaments have been under way and the finals will be run Off on Saturday evenmng. The annual meeting of the club wiil also be held on that evening When reports WMl be given and directors elected. A composite teami of 16 men f rom Oshawa, consisting of teanis f rom the Arinouries, General Motors, Church League and Collegiate wlll play the men of the local club to- morrow night. A real evening's sport is anticipated. The clusing function for thie year will be the dance on Friday, April 27? at 9p.m. Ray Cole's orchestra will f urnish the music. Invitations wil] not be sent out but every member is expected to attend and bring withi them a few f riends. The success of this party wiUi determine the f in- ancial success of the year's activ- ities. ARCADE CHAIN STORE OPENS ON SATURDAY IN FORMER IVES STORE New Store Wil Adopt AU Modem Methods of Merchandising The openlng of the Arcade Chain Store draws our attention to a mod- ern trend in retailing that lias be- come very evident recently. The Bow* manville branch is a link i the eve: growing Arcade Chai which has been operating stores in Ontario for a number of years. In an interview with the States- main, the manager of the local Ar- cade decared that 'the secret of their prosperlty lies in a careful con- sideration of the publie needs and modern merchandising methods. He explained thiat whether It la a bool, a suit of clothes or a woman's gar- ment every detail is observed wtha view te supplying the ultimate wear- er with the maximum service and quality'at the lowest price. He said that Arcade Stores elisnlnated a far as possible the wholesaler and jobber, contracting for the manu- Plant Superintendent A. M. Hardy Gives Rotarians Informative Talk on Ac- complishments of Local Factory in Vocational Ad- dress An insight inte the remankable vemsatility o! the local Goodyean Tire & Rublier Company's plant ant i ts research men, vas gaineti by meni- bers o! the Rotary Club un Pnlday when Rotarian Athur M. Hardy presentet iUs firs1 vocational tlîRon 'Ruliber Qoocis Manufacturing." Mn. Hardy gave an intensely interesting anti enlightening talk, un vhich ho covereti production anti research aI the plant, lu show i what manner the e!! ecte o! the past depression bas been lessenedti trough this plant's opeations. President Tommy Ross presideti anti among the guests vere George Hart anti Frank Johnsten o! the Oshawa Rotary Club, anti Tom Bradiy o! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pic- lunes. President Ross appealedti t actIve support o! the members in the Clean-Up Campaign schetiuledti t start on Monday. A fine tibute was paidt teone o! the local club's greatest f iencis, Mel- vin J. Hulehinson. im-ediate PasI Presidont o! Toronto Rotary Club anti a former West Durhami Boy, vho passeti sutidenly avay on Thurs- day. Mn. Hutchinson vas a partic-1 ular fienti o! the Rotaians o! Boy- manville anti vas a frequent visiteri anti guest speaker at club meetings. Mn. Hardy, who has been un the rubben business for 35 years, openeti his address withi a -compamison o! conditions in the intiustry 35 years ago anti nuw. Many changes have taken place un that time, hie sali, anti ho recailedt hat in thse first 15 years hie vonketi untien 1 1 cileront supenintentiexts. In the oldt imes the industry purchaseti ils formnulse, anti knev littie o! their content, so coulti neither improve non change theni. Totiay the plant bas ils ovu specifications deparîment v b i c h maRes the !ormulaos anti constanthY changes theni lu the interost o! bel- ter producte. Mr. Hardy shoveti-the smaliest rublien heel, the mItitlo ise, anti the largoat ruliber hbcd manufactunet Inh Bovmanviile, vhere Goodyear is equippeti anti bas produceti as many as 600,000 pairs monthiy. Over 160 different sises o! heels are matie anti $65,000' is investeti In heel moultis alone, Speaking o! the manufacture o! fan belte, the speaker poinleti ouI (Continueti ou page 5), REVIEWS INDUSTRY Arthur M. Hardy Supeintendent o! the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company's factony in Bowmanvllle, who deliveneti a mosi informative atidress on vhat the lu- cal plant hati accomplisheti in the past !ew yoars. aI Fitiay's Rotary Club luncheon. If it's healîhi youu anl - Est Cneam o! Barley. In our report lest week o! the an- nual meeting o! Durhami Regiment helti aI Port Hope Anmounies, the final pnize. offereti for a scherni set- ting competition anti sand table de- monsînation un the dilstrict, shoul< have been creditedt t the follovlng goup: Capt. F. L. Dudley, 2usd Lieut. S. Spencer. 2nd Lieut. B. Honeyman anti 2nti Lieut. Gibson. Tue regular meeting o! the SI, Paul's Auxillary o! the W. M. S. vas l-eld in the School nooni on Tuesday, April 17th, being the Easter TueuR- Offerlng meeting. The membens vere f avoreti with an atidress o! special interest by Mrs. Large on the Indian vonk lu the Dominion. Mms. A. S Kerr, President, presitiet ant iIn ad. diltion lu the bynins, a duel "Hold Thou My Hanti" vas sung by Mrs C. H. Dudley anti Mm. Vernon Ott BASEBALL MEETING FRIDAY President Tommny Ross of ti iLakeshore Basebail League has cal. led a meeting for Frlday night i 7,30 hInthse Council Rooni, to whl ail those Interested In baseball an invited t. attend. BzOWMANVTT,1, ONT., THURSDAY. APRIL l9th. 1934 NUMBER 16 G. L. WAGAR GUEST SPEAKER AT HOME' AND SCHOOL CLUB Fine Prograni of Musical Numbers. Presentedi Under <onvenership of Mrs. W. Hall - drs on "My Book Friends"l The regular meeting of the Houme anti Schoel Club vas helt inh Central School on Wednesday, Apil llth. with a large attendance. The presi- dent, Mms. J. Coyle, was in the chair anti the meeting openeti with coni- munity singing wiîh Miss Lillian Naylor at the piano. Mms. W. P. Rail o -cupieti the chair for a splendid program. Items on the prugrain includedti Ivuviolin sel- ections by Walter Hall, Dennis, Owen anti Connie Fagan and Leslie Phil- lips, accompanieti at the piano by Miss Naylor. Miss Sybil Muttun gave a fine ex- hibition o! club swinging and alsu danceti the Saiors Horsipipe, with Mms. C. Smale accompanying. Two vocal solos by Newton Hackney vho accompanieti himsell, andt Io han- snonic solos by Mn. Thos. Sellers vere much enjoyed. Olher interest- ing items were two vocal solos bY Wilfred Carruthers vlth Newton Hackney at the piano, a reading by Mrs. A. S. Kerr, anti a huinorous vocal nuniber bIT Mr. Sam Glanville. The guest speaker o! the evening was Mn. G. L. Wagan o! the High School Staff, vho gave a most en- lightening atitress on "My Book Fnl- ends." Mn. Wagan delineti a f rienti as one who knew aUl about you anti stiil loved you, anti ho suggesteti that books vere o! this type o!f fienti. Mrs. Hall expressei the club's ap- preciatioli te Mn. Wagar for bis fine talk anti te l vho took part in the progrmn. Lunch vas serveti anti an enjoyable social lime spent, coming to a close vilh singing o! tbe Nation- ah Anîheni. __ facture andt aking a large part in the manufacture o! mucb that. thoy seil. Their aiun la 10 convey the mer- chandise f rom the factory te, the consumer. An interesting item in the organ- ization at the head office is the stutiy o! prepareti data anti chants about vanious articles o! appanel,al l Ith the purpose o! giving the customen salis!faction with bis purchase. "Retailing methotis o! to-day have chanigeti," ho saiti, "f nom those O! years ago." The Arcade Chain Ste- is up te date in those melhodS, anti wihI untioubtedly rentier a reosI ser- vice te Bowmanvlile anti vicinitY, as ve do i every communlty vbere ve are establisheti. _ _ S Membens o! the Northumberandi anti Durhami Local Council o! the A.Y-P.A. met on Thurstiay aI the home of Mm. anti MmS.F. A. Dilling, Queen Street. President Herbent Winflelti o! Port Hope presitieti. - I Mayor Strike Malces Ckéan-Up Appeal Spring Fever affects many o! us dilferentiy, but we cen aI least ail have one symptem ln common anti endeavoun 10 bave our promises ithe best possible condition Ibis spring. We are remindeti by the Boarti So! Health that a thorougb dlean-up o! oun premises; o! ail the accumulations be o! autunin anti vinter la a very import- ant safeguard te the health o! our conimuiity. The Wellare Board asks youf co-operation inh providing as much w ork as possible for our unemployeti kcitizens who urgently needti s extra money te purchase essentials over anti above the necessities the Board bas MaorELssStnike been able te provide. TeWoecommunity will benefit im-measurably, botb economical- ly ad i spiitif e ail do our share in undertakilg the otitiJobis o! nepaining, painting anti renovating that ve have been puîting o!ff until betten limes arrive. Lot us ail spenti prudently for the tbings ve neeti and if possible give the unemployeti some work. I asR your co-openatininlumsking the week o! Apnil 23rd te 28th, Inclusive, Clean-Up Week in our commiunity. W. ROSS STRIKE, Mayor o! Bovinanville. Splendid Addresses Feature Season's Fi Local Men's and Women's Canadian Women's Club Hears Fine JOURNALIST MOURNED Address on Adolescent Problems by Miss Mar- garet Pettigrew-Mrs. L. W. Dippel ls Re-elected President Mms. L. W. Dippeli, and ail the - principal officers of the Women's Canadian Club were returned to of- f ice for another year at the closmng meeting of the Club in St. John's Hall on Monday af ternoof. The sup- porting officers for 1934-35 will be: lst VcePres.-Mrs. J. T. Fee;C2n Voe-Pres.-Mrs. C. W. Slemon; or- responding Secretary-Mrs. L. T. McLaughlifl; Recording Secretary- Melvin J. Hutchmnson Mms. W. A. Shane; Treas-Mrs. V. H. Storey; Executive-Mrs. E. P. Bradt, Widely knowin journalist and ad- Mrs. D. A. McGregor. Miss Mmnnie vertislng man, who started his car- Jennings, Miss Florence Werry, Miss eer with The Statesman and who Ethel Morris, and Mms. C. T. Batty last year headed the largest Rotary for Newcastle. Club ini the British Empire, who Reports for the year were presented passed suddenly away Thursday in by Mrs. V. H. Storey, treasurer, the Toronto. His passing is mourned by latter report showing a balance un a wide circle of f riends in Uis native the bank of more than $26.00. county. Mrs. Fee presided for the bus -______________ iness meeting while Mrs. Dippell un- troduced the guest speaker, Miss ANOTHER STORE Margaret Pettigrew, Chief Atten- dance Off icer for the city of Toronto. OPENING IN TOWN Miss pettlgrew, who as she re- marked, brought up the rear of a SATURDAY MORNING distmnguished group of speakers that have appeared before the Club dur- ing the past season, was flot in any Foster's Ladies' Wear and Furriers way one of the least of these. Her To Open i Store Forrnerly address, which was splenddly de- Occupied by H. J. Babcock livered, was well seasoned with hu- mur, and judglng from the applause Yeaotenwsor ilpe at its conclusion it was one of the. eantrnwsoewilpn best the club had listened to ln the its doors te the public on Saturday course of the year. morning, when Foster's Ladies' Wear The speaker's subject was "Some and Furriers juin the ranks of local Problems of the Adolescent" which business men. This new store wil be she presented un a most capable man- operated in the store formerly op- ner, drawing her conclusions f rom erated by H. J. Babcock as a shoe many years of experience in the store. The building has been com- administration departmrent of the pletely renovateci and f itted up as Toronto Educational System. a Ladies Wear store. New and mod- Adolescence, she said. is a period ern fittings are now being installed of growth, generally relating te the ready for the formnal oxieninz. Sev- youg, ut s aperod f gowt iteral dressing rooms have been con- was advisable for everyone to keep tuedadhesoewlpren adolescence in mmnd. The fact thiat a pleasing appearance when it opens Women's Canadian Clubs existed, on Saturday wlth a brand new stock she added, was proof that women of up-to-diate ladies wear. were endeavouring te do so. The store will be operated by Mr. Miss Pettigrew dlealt with the Jun- S. M. Poster, a business man of 30 ior adolescents, those who attend the years experience 'in Toronto and public sehools. They at flrst become Brantford. Mr. Poster is an expert apparent in cummunity 1f e when furrier and he will devote much of they enter school, and to ber it is his time te this end of the business, absolutely necessary that there be an whle ladies' tailormng wll be an- understanding between the child other feature. Mr. Foster has hac and the teaclier, for the lack of this more than a quarter of a centurym understanding can have dreadful re- experlence in the fur business and is r fully qualified to make or repair a (Continued on page 3 fur coats. He will be assisted ithe ýt - --------- t-business by Mrs. Poster and a local é W.J. M rtynEnlages salesgrl. W. J Matyn nlagesIt 15 of interest to know that Mr, y His Shoe Store Stock Poster bas had a thorough grounding Unhs business, havig learned hU * Combines Quality - Style I'race in England. He cordilly i vites the ladies lu visit his store and tW. J. Martyn launches into shoe look around on Saturday. There wll business in earnest. This enterpis- be nu asking to buy, and a f ull op- -ing merchant 15 now prepared to portunity wlll be presented to vie,% It serve the people of this tewn and the entire modern stock. ýe vlcinlty witb Up te date footwear aI -popular prices. This week he lias C MNGE N S -placed in stock hundreds of pairs of O IGE NT d new shoes te meet the demands of 4 « men, women and children. These W. C. T.U. wilU meet at the humt t.shoes are made by reliable manu- 0 m .C ahigo nTe n facturers and quality and style haveofMsW.CWahntnnTu- been comblned to make sboes of day. April 241h, at 3 p. m. You ar ,.menit thal will please the eye of ail. ivtd Ls We belleve nothlng has been over- The annual meeting of the Easlern -looked in the purchase of these Section of Oshawa Presbyterlal « -goods that would lie asked for in any the Bay of Quinte Conference wl re up te date shoe store. be held on Priday, May llth, a al Our women's sboes are a knockout. Newtonville. Particulars later. ,n The popular ties and pumps con- Enig Ms Dark, Returned Mis S. tinue te hold the f avor of milady. sionary, will give a talk on ber trav. 1Some T-straps and oxfords are els and work in India, on Tuesday [d sbown. Then for misses and chlld- April 24th at 8 p. m. i the S. A~ s. ren strap sboes and oxfords are it. Hall. Admission: Adults 10c, Child. t. And for men and boys a fine range ren 5,. o! oxfords sud fine shoes. Our work boots for farmers are prlced remark- Bowaii'vlle Women's Institut ably low. Scamper oxfords for men, wlll meet at the home of Mrs. Fre boys and children aI 10w prices. Baker, Scugog St. on Frlday, Apri le Itis ourslim togive you ashoe 27th at3 p.m. Mrs. W.Adams wl 1- service second te none. Buy at home give an address on "The Influenc at and keep Bowmanvllle people em- o! Books and Magazines on ou ýh ployed. If prices have anythlng te Young Peoples' Lives."1 Roll Cal] ro do wth home buying then t1is store May Day customs anaud legende. A deserves your patronage. le-ls members corne prepared to responc on Ur JO st( in la or Io sa m è WEDDING I CONSERVATIVES MAKE MJ Hutchinson ____ ____ ____ ___ PREPARATIONS FOR Wood - Lyle ONTARIO ELECTIONS Durhamn Old Boy The marriage took Place quietly T. A. Dustan hs New President of n Saturday, April 14, at Berkley Bowmnvilne Association - 'nited Church Parsonage of Irma Wmno onWl as sS d e l ýohn yle, irnWil andDanalseis Seuddenlye L.Wood, Toronto. Rev. J. O. John- Bowmanville Conservatives upened Fre ttsa rito ton officiated. The bride was cbarm- their campaign of preparation for Made Outstanding Suc- ng i a gown of sheil pink lace witb the approaching Provincial elecîson arge Pink bat and matching access- wben they held a meeting in the. cess of Journalist Career )ries. Her only ornament was a gold Council Chamiber on Tuesday nmgbt. -Wa Pridn ofT - ocket, an heirloom. She wore a cor- The hall was f illed to capacity and - a rsdn fTr ;age of roses and lily of the valley. the ladies were well represenled. onto Rotary Club .iss Helen Lyle, sister of the bride, President C. E. Rehder. presided xas brldesmaid. She was attired in The election of off scers resulted as if rock of dusty pink moss crepe follows: President, T. A. Dustan; A native of Durhamn CounIty, and çith large black hat and black se- Vice-President, Reeve R. O. Jones* recognized as one of Canada'a out, essories. Her corsage wus violets and Secretary, Fred W. Goddard; Treas'menandgporomhietndi avrtis C oses. Mr. Ross Dennis acted as best urer, W. J. E. Ormiston.meadpointnRtryCu nan. It was decided to organize a Wo- activities, Melvin J. Hutchinson,4 Followlng the cerem.ony a recep- men's Conservative Association H gh C. a ceasngPubicationsofLt- ien was beld at the home of the town and notice of ieeîig w11 ed, Tor.once assPubdiataysdden] bride's parents, after whicb the found in Ibis issue. Fil ty delegates ted Tursdtý ay mrnlgaprisudl t Young couple lef t on a motor trip were appointed te attend the Durham n TH ertbsah oearntl l2tgo for Detroit and points west. For trav- Couxity convention at Orono onbealet hibts homelyallearnlvIn goa elling the bride wore a dress o! gray April 301h. wben the selection of atbushrlatearvgt .repe, gray coat, wltb blue bat and the Party standard bearer hilb is office be was seized with a liesa macigaccessories. on their e made. Membership and tranpor attack and was lrnmediately rusbed turn tbey wilI reside un Toronto. tation cosiinittees were appomnted te D h pred .an loStWe, u» n preparation for this event. w h e atb campi e a g e t h c Mms. G. A. Gillispie bas returned Conservative policles iboth pro- oHis mnathycfmeies a hgBowanville f rom spending the winter I Baden- vincial and federal aspects were anhistn ric.wedeih o wa so e town, Flonida. dealî with by Mr. George Hart and andi fastracyt, w . Mn. Hutse '- End-MalornF.L. ao o!er ada inson had secureti many prominent dandMe fEitt ormercandi-spekers for the local Rotary club date or Duhani.and had himself been guest speaker inal eetin s ofon numerous occasions. He waa ina e:InH BAAORSKET O RSES greattboosters i he iityof Tor- 1 Clbs n M nday BY .T.. RERESNTAIVE Mr. Hutchinson was signaUly hou- ored inh 1932 wben ho was elected To Mark the opennig o! the Na- president of tbe Toronto PRotary Capt. Sydney L a mb ert, tional Flower Show at Rochester, Club, tbe langest Rotary Club i the N. Y., on Saturday, Mayor Chas. B. British Empire and second largest Padre of Christie Street Stanton of that City, through tbe in the world. Ris yer as Presideut Hospital, Inspires Large ville. Mr. W. E. Groves of Kingswa; Toronto Club hWsenJoyod. Audince t M n's lubFlower Shop, Sent greetings to Bow- Mr. Hutchinson was borni on the Audenc atMens Cubmanville's mayor in the form o! a Lovekin Farm, west of Newcastle sd on Ladies' Night-Speaks -5dsome basket of red roes Mr. was the only son of the late M. and Grovs mde he resntaionte Mrs. Willam Hutchinson, Who lived on Canadas N o b lesa t Mayor Ross Sînike on, the steps of in both Bowmanville and Newcastle. the Town Hall, in the presence of He commenced bsjournalltccr town officiais. The card attachedte t een as the Newcastle Correspondent Spiitthe basket read "Upon Ibis occasion, for The Stalesman, and througbout An address, most appropriateîy the opening i our city o! the lStb bis business 1f e ho always referred Candia, aýà eliere, b on ofNational Plower Show, ii, la with proudly te Iis starting point of a Canadan, ot iant rtyon e o! pleasure that I extend the goodwill sucessful career. Not very long ago Cana d' eymoE.brmantert r, Rev.n o! the people o! Rochester te the he madee Iis stateient: «I shail ofCpt e SeE.Hsiaanl, Torpnao, People of youn ciy by saying il witb neer tink otherwise hat whstever o! hritieSret ospta, Troneflowers by wire the F.T.D. way. This progress I have made iMy chosen featured the anuiual Ladies' ilght of flower token la nmade possible througb fjeld is due i large measure 10te the Men's Canadiazi Club in the the worldwide organization o! the inspiration which cme te niea BuwniHR tl on M nd. bontet members of the lorists Tel- qule a Young man, frosu my cn tc eveiiing egnsph Deliverir Association. Chas. with Edilton M. A. James, sud the President D. R. Morrison presided B. Stanton, Mayor o! Rochester, work I <di gatherlng nova for The and extendeti a very cordial welconle N. Y." Presenl aiso aI the presen-. Statesmnu rom Newcastle.,, te the ladies wben over 80 were tation were Magistrale R. M. Cotton; Upon leaving sehool MT. Hutoblu- present. R. M. Janileson, Bailiff; Fred Pst- son clerked for a tlme with the Ma- Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, a persosial tinson, Tais Colecter; Roger Bird, son Clothilng Co. here He haler be- friend o! the speaker, bad the honour Clerk o! the Division Clerk; A. H. carne associated wlth the Peterboro of introducing him, and inhiUsi- Bickelh, Superintenenti of Roads Examiner wbere he spemil lbree yeeoeu troduction he briefly outlined the andi Streets; Alick J. Lyle, Town as CitY Edilor. Ris next position fine career of the speaker, the great clerk; anti Miss E. R. Graham, Pub- was wlth the MacLean publlsbing wo®rk he is accomplishing witb the lice Health Nurse. Aller the pro- Company as Editer o! the Dry Goods soldiers wbo are sth11 sulfering f rom senlation Mayor Strike presenti evlw u ae sMngro h the effecte o! the war. and the fine Ihese officiais wilh roses f nom the]sae pubnlaton. Mnge f h gesture heie 1 making teward the, basket. (Contlnued on page 2) cause o! peace snd prevention o! sa war. CapI. Lambert not only provet inh- i siainlin bis appel but was al- LDr. oh SpencerN te Lecturer i seRtraiig is address wasJo notdn punctureti here and there witb tales th e mresvW5e bs dre Veterinary Science Died on Monday lest Spirit," and he endeavouredte t convey te bis audience Ihat fine HEADS CONSERVATIVES Dr. Spencer Was Co-found- spirit o! the men wbo fought te-I . gether in the mud and slimne o!f er of Important Hog Chol- Flanders' flelds. The spirit of the I ~-WsPo s men in the trenches, he saîd, was the er Iu a rfs 1spirit we neeti in Canada teday. a These men were devoutly loyal te oatSvrlC le s :their country snd te their f riends Funeral Largely Attended ;andi conrades. . They had tbe true national spirit. An ardent advocale o! pasteur- [Back home in Canada was the land ization o! milk as an adequate sale- l hey loved. Ihe,4 peuple they loveti, guard te the consuniing Pubieo, andi .andti he ideals they chemisheti, andi known -tirough Ontario and the lhey were fighting te preserve these United States as a lectuner i Vol- ideais for Ibese people and for their erinary science, Dr. John Spencer, ,country. passed away at Dunduru, Concession Today, the speaker said, Ibal - St.reeobMati bexL i hidpiffn same spirit is necessary. The re- 1t.H a eni nifrn jturned man la today silil f ighting te heallh for the past two years, but .preseve the ideala o! lw and order, lu hs death was quie unexpectedi sud t o far payandof omrdesip.il proveti a shock te bis many f ni- f Capt. Lambert tolti o! the Sunday es.r. Sçcrwsi i 3d night services ho holtis each veek e as oih roRiO.no -for down anti ouls, at whlch Mrs. HIe s o o!nthe hale HnH.Spncr 1Lambert pîsys the piano and these thandsAnofes urnsHn Ib . Spenerd s dtereico s ocieth y n e ri ly th in Thomas A. Dustan known as Dorset a. H o was e&i the ong andhynns. esple teirucaled et Wbltby Hlgh school and rneeti, their troubles, and their need Weil known Bowmanville merch- the Ontario Veteriary College ai efor better things, they are able te ssiI, who vas elecleti Fresident o! Toronte anti on bis graduation be 61 sing with gusto "Pack up youn Inoub- the Bowmianville Liberal-Conserva- commencedtie1 pracîlse i Orono. 1 les in your old kit beg." These men lîve Association at its meeting in Five years later, i 1889, be moved to .who un the midst o! suf!erlng are the Ton RHail on Tuesday nigbî. Bowmanvlile wbere he practised, for -able te keep their spirite blgh are the 9 sme en ho ougt fr teirsme years ieoro takng up resi- sacontie mn wb fougbîo f or d. Thoir t RCH E n Duinkfrk, N. Y., where be ~ outy n t te fned.TeyCH R HE1 became a memben o! the State Tub- -will preserve the peace o! Ibis coun- & --.eclssCmmsin owsain d try, and lielp te f ather its ideals ag- eclssCmiso.H a mn I ainsI oommunlsm or racial prejutice. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN the veryr final te advocale the testlng 1 Canadians neeti have nothlng te fear CHURCH o! caIlle for T. B. as an aid te sale- W from the retunneti mai', the speaker il a. m.-Morning Worsbip: 2.30 guari'tuug milk u8et for hwnan con« said. P. m.-Sabbath School; 7 p. m.-Ev- su'ption. CepI. Lambert relateti several i- ening Worship. Specill reacher. Promi Dunklrk ho went as lecturez 1 stnce ofcase inwhih tis i- S. JHN' ANGICA CH inVeteinary Science te the Stteb r sanes ! ase u whchtUshi ST JHN' AGUCN HURJHPolylechnlc Instilule at lcsug Q - Local Goodyear Co. Plant Produces Many New Products, Keep Men Busy gmwàËâ" r d 9. ai ra is DI Xe ce 01 Id

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