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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE~ THURSDAY, APRIL l9tb, 1934 RICE &CO. Hardware Opposite Post Office Bowmanville FOOTBALL CLUBS, ATTENTION A meeting of the Darlington and Clar-ke Football Club wili be beld at Elmer Wilbur's, Hampton, on Wed- nesday, April 25th, at 8 p. m. Clubs please send two representatives. Garden Loyers' CLUB MEMBERSHIP $1.00 F r ee Every member can select Shrubs. Plants. etc. te the value of 51.25 and get 100 Choice GLAI3IOLUS BULBS FREE Write for details of other ad- vantages. If you enclose 30c in stamps we will mail you a nice collection of seed.s wortb 50c, inciuding Regal Lilies, Delph.iiun, etc. Kingsway Nurseries BOWMANVILLE N. B. - If you bave paid any one fox- membership please let us bave particulars by flxst mail. We have ne agents. THEYRE DIFFEkENI FORSYTII LOCAL DEALER Se.Ge CHARTRAN BOWMANVILLE SALEM Sorx-y te report Mrs. A. Wilkins ýin poox- eaith. Mx-. and Mrs. W. Cann, Mx-. and Mx-s. P. Cann and babe, visited friends in Orono. Mx-. and Mrs. G. Richards and daughter Joan, Toronto, were Sun- day visitors with Mx-.and Mrs. Len. Richards. Joan remained fox- a visit. Sympatby is extended te Mr-. G. Cornish in the death of bis brother- in-law, Mr-. John Heard of Osbawa, wbose death occurred on Sunday morning. Little Master Roland Coombes bad a nasty faîl through a trap door in the barn. whicb resulted in a bad sbaking up. but he is now recover- ing nicely. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. F. Honey in the death of ber brother. Mr-. M. J. Hlutchinson. of Tor-onto, who died suddeniy on Thursday last. Rev. A. M. Weotton conducted the afternoon service. delivering an ex- ceptionally fine sermon on '.Faith." using four basic levels to compile bis discourse, the animal, the buman, the cosmetie and the religious. Mx-. F. Blackbur-n was called home, on Monday evening ou-ing to the iii-1 ness of bis grandfather, Mx-. Carter Blackburn, who had suffex-ed a stroke and passed away Tuesday. Y. P. L. meeting on Wednesay evening. April llth, was opened by the President, and prayer by Mr-. Cator. Miss L. Welsh, 2nd Vice. conducted the foliowing program: Bible xeadings. Miss B. Cater; comn- menta on samne by Mx-. F. Blackburn; topic by Mrs. A. Welsh; readings by Mrs. Lloyd Richards and Miss H. Richards; Mx-. S. Elcombe favored with vocal selections witb guitar ac- companiment. A geography contest was conducted by the leader for the social houx-. Missiona-y collection was taken. Attendance 16. MAPLE GROVE Miss Mary Ald.read, Oshawa, spent Sunday witb Miss Ellen Gimblett. Miss Elinor Syke;s, Hampton, spent the weekend with Miss Betty Snow- den. Mr-. W. P. Coyne bas returned home from, Toronto afte- a visit with bis mothe-. Mx-. Farewell Blackburn, Salem, spent the weekend with bis uncle, Mx-. Howard Foley. Don't forget the play to be put on by Base Line young people in the hall on Friday at 8 p. m. Our Young people wiil present their play at Base Line achool on Friday evening, April 2'lth. Mx-. and Mx-s. R. L. Worden visited their sister-in-law, Mrs. Bd. Wilkins. Oshawa, on Monday afternoon. Master Burton MeBride, Peterboro, spent Sunday witb his uncle and aunt, Mx-. and Mrs. Clarence Tink. Mx-. and mrs. Everton White ani daughter Editb. Betbesda, visited Mr-. and Mx-s. Leslie Collacutt last week. Before a large audience in the Sunday School Hall at Maple Grove on Friday night, the Young People's Society px-esented their amusing three act comedy "The Amateur De- tective." The play, which was direct- ed by Mrs. Leslie Snowden was ex- ceptionally well presented and the audience sbowed their appreciation of the actors' efforts by hearty ap- plause. Tbe cast was well chosen ami eacb character played bis or her part te Perfection. The complete cast was as follows: Judge, Bill Lycett; Mr-. Carr, Clifford Swallow; Mrs. Carr. Mrs. Russell Gimblett: Betty Carr, Betty Snowden; Sherman Ash, Alf Laird: Louise Walker, Greta Mun- day; Miss Trask, Ellen Gimblett; Mr-. Stone, John Ayling: Natalie Kovell. Lavcnne Trimble: Neewah. Lloyd Metealfe; Edwards, Bill Nichols; four guestsý, Mai-ion Snowden, Laura Davey. Wallace Munday, and How- ard Cryderman. The plot concernis the excitement Ioving Sher-man Ash, a youthful adventux-er who turns imateur cletective, and the presence of bis uncle, a Judge in a bouse pax-ty with bim. and al1so the presence of a number of cro>oks masquerading as guests and servants, provlded many comedy situations that were hilar-g 1 ius. Of course the usual romance and happy ending did much te makeI the play a dellghtful even.ing's enter-I ,ainment. Proceeds over $24.00. î> and aIl xepeated the Otb command- ment; Bible readings were taken by Miss Viola Mahaffy is spencUng a Mr.* L. T. Courtice and Donald; Topic few days with Mx-s Walton Larmer. 1 was given by Stanley Coverly; Mx-. and Mx-s. James McKee visit- 1hYmn was sung and Mx-. Ceciu Rob- ed at Mr-. Edgar Gibson's on Thurs- inson led if prayex-, followed by an- day. other hym.n. Readings wex-e given by Mr. Joe weeble is going to work Harold Osborne and Art Found. The flor-Mx-. Nor-man Zdgexton tis Balson quartette (Father and tbree summer. sons), Mion, then favoux-ed wlth sev- Mx-. and Mx-s. Smith Ferguson and ex-ai selections whlcb wex-e well re- Collette spent the weekend at Mx-. ceived. Mx-. C. Brabbins. Zion,, fav- A. E. McGill's. oured with readlngs. Mr-. and Mrs. Evexard Sandex-son Benediction was pronounced and and family, Mr-. C. MeMullen, spent recreation period followed under Miss Sunday at Mx-. Howar-d McMullen's. Aux-a Osborne's supervision. We hope Service was taken Sunday morning to weîcome oux- Zon friends again. by four miembers of the Oxford Group Team of WhitbY. The dif- fexent messages given wex-e vex-y ENFIELD heart-toucbing and the hope is that e- evex-yone may benefit f rom tis ser- MrAletNdryTonors vice. The choir xendex-ed an antbem x.Abr Nde-,Tx-no xs and Mx-. Lloyd Thompson rendex-ed G. Hepburn, and Mx-. and Mx-s. H. a solo. James, Columbus, have been vlsiting League was held Thux-sday even- at Mr. J. Hepburn's. ing with a good attendance, M~r. Mx-. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brook- Galbraith had charge of the wox--lin, xecently visited at Mx-. Har-old ship pexiod. Marjorie Galbraith read Or"mis>ton's. the lesson and Mxs. A. E. McGili took Mx-. and Mx-s. Edwin Ornùiston had the bible study after wbicb Miss a trip to Bobcaygeon xecently. G. Cobbledick sang. Mx-s. Cecil Fer- Mr. Gordon Sizex-, Haydon, visite<l guson was responsible for the pro- at Mx-. E. Ox-miston's. adfm gram which consisted of a xeadlng Mr. and Mx-s. C. Prescotadfm by Mrli Pbip, he tpieby M-s.ily have moved te Tyx-one. GalbrinhlP hean soloby Mx- Gi-. Some fax-mers have started plow- Gbraith adasoo rr.Gl ng in this nelghbox-hood. braith.Mr. Levi Reattoire, Hampton, caîl- Sed on several f amilies bex-e last week. HAMPTON Mr. John Hepburn, who has been bedfast fox- a month, does flot seem Vo improve vex-y much. Mr. Lorenzo Truli bast a hox-se xe- cently. Miss Edith Pascoe spent a week HAYDON with Oshawa f riends. W. W. Horn made a business trip Mr-. Roland Thompson, Cadmus, te Toronto on Tuesday. Mx-s. L. Cryderman and Doris are visited at Mx-. W. Thompson's. visiting f riends in Toronto. Misses Mildred Bxadley and Susie congratulations to Mx-. and Mx-s. Thompson, Tyx-one, visited at Mx-. E. Har-old AUlin on the arrivai of a Bradiey's. baby girl. Congratulations te Mx-. and Mx-s. Miss Betty Sax-gent, Bowmnanville, Arthux- Read on the axrivai of a fine spent the weekend with Miss Ma,- baby boy. jorie Pacoe. Mx. and Mx-s. Alber-t Lache, bride MisMxjorie anEdt Pascoe and groom, Port Hope, visited at Mx-. and Mx-s. E. Wilbux- spent Wednes- L. Gxaham's. day inTox-oto. IMx. Everett Beecb and Mx-. James Mx-s.i.n SaTear dsonWifoe. Bates. Port Hope, visited at Mr. A. ited I hernoteraMxs.Hax-frdvia- ech's reeently. ielirteMrs. HartforToxonto Large numbers attended the con-. Mrs, eBrie'SToroto. erts at Enniskilien last week. Mrs. Mx-. and Mrs. Milton Aver-y and T. Cowling won the wood-sawing daughter Donna Kay, Buffalo, visit- contest and Mx-. Earl Thompson the ed at R. Avery's on Friday. brick-holding contest. The roller rink, Oshawa, pxoved a Missionax-y program last Sunday source for much f un for a nuinber consisted of a xeading bv Miss Uxsul of our young people on Wednesday MeNeil. Vocal duet was sweetly ren- evening. dered by Misses Mildred Bradley and Hampton W.C.T.U. beld its April Susie Thompson. A chaptex- of the meeting at Mx-s. R. Katerson's, with Missionary book wus read by Mx-s. the president, Miss Katerson in the Fred Ashton. chair. In the absence of the Devo -_____________ __ý tional leader-, Mrs. Burns, the scrip- EN IKLE ture lesson was taken by Miss Kat -_______________ exson. The progx-am on Sabbath Observance was in charge of the Mr-. jas. Stainton is with his convenex-, Miss L. Reynolds, and was daughter. Mi-s. H. Stevens. as f ollows: Readings, Mx-s. Geo. Bar- Mrs. W. H. Moore spent a f ew ron, Miss L. Reynolds, Miss Max-g- days with fxiends in London. aret Pascoe; vocal solo. Miss Liliian Mr'. H. Smith and Mx-. J. Br-own~, Jebson; the Clip Sheet was taken Up Toronto, spent Monday at Mx-. H. by Miss M. Pascoe, Mx-s. W. W. Horn, Stevens'. Mx-s. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Geo. Baxron, Mr. Fred Mountjoy, who bas been Mrs. Jas. Curtis and Mx-s. L.Nidclery: ailing for some trne, is not much ýNext meeting will be held at Mrs. improved. Geo. Baxron's on May 8th and willi Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson very ably be election of officers. taught the Adult Bible Class Sunday Hainpton Womens Institute met morning in tbe absence of Mr. Thos. in the basement of the church on McGili. Thursday aft.ernoon, April 5th, with Mr,. and Mrs. A. Page. Toronto, the president, Mx-s. Charles Johns, and Mrs. C. Branton, Oshawa, visit- in the chair. Meeting opened with ed their parents, Mx-. and Mrs. S. Institute Rally Song, followed by the Page. Lords prayex- in unison. A nomin- Mr. and Mx-s. A. E. Billett and ating committee was appointed Vo Keith. Hampton, Joyce McGill, Roy draw Up siate for election of officers and Allan Werry, visited Mr. and next meeting. Mx-s. Foster Fergu- Mrs. J. A. Werry. son, Blackstock, District President, Her many old f riends regret Vo gave a very interesting talk on vo- heax- of the death of Mx-s. (Dr.) J. C. cational Guid.ance. Mrs. K. Winter- Mitchell who died in Tor-onto and burn, gxoup leader, took charge of was buried in Bowmanviile Cemnetery. the following progx-am: Singing of Our young people are busy prac- O Canada; Mrs. A. E. Billett gave a tising their play entitled "The Gin- paper on "Personal Influence " ; Miss- ger Girl," under the direction of es Evelyn Tink and Eileen Baison Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and Rev. J. M. favored witb a vocal duet; Miss Dor- Wbyte. een Pexrett played a piano solo; Mx-s. Mr-. Thos. Stevenson has retux-ned Perx-ett gave a xeading of Nina home af ter- a month in a Buffalo Moore Jamieson's; piano duet, Mx-s. hospitai where he underwent a ser- C. J. Kersiake and Vera. A f lower tous operation but is now making contest was enjoyed and the ladies good recovex-y. of the noxth group served refresh -_________------_______ ments. I OLJINA 1 ERFNEZER I J~JA.AA~L~ I i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, Colum- bus, at Mrs. Samuel Busb's. Miss Marie White, Bethesda, spent Miss Audrey Cowling, Maple Grove, the weekend witb ber cousin, Miss spent Sunday witb Miss Ileen Bal- Elsie Oke. son. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Brooks andsonMx-. Frank Weslake Jr. sipent the Orland, Oshawa, visited on Sunday, weekend in Toronto with bis brother, with Mr-. and Mrs. Ceciu Found. Percy, wbo la Toxonto General Hos- pital. Mrs. W. E. Courtice who bas been The football boys entertained a- spending the winter witb her son, bout one hundx-ed of their f riends at Howard. in Ottawa bas returned. a dance in the hall Thursday even- Sorx-y to report Mx-. Morley Wil- ing when a very enjoyable lime was kins quite indisposed with a heart had. attack. AlI hope for a speedy re- April meeting of the Junior In- covery. stitute wa.s held Wednesday a! tex-- Mr-. and Mx-s. R. K. Bragg, Sbaws, noon at the home of Miss Ruth Me- Mx-. andI Mrs. Elten Werry. Bewman- Kessock. The afternoon was spent ville. were Sunday visiters with Mx-. in sewing fox- relief. Lunch was sex-- and Mx-s. A. B. Werry. ved and a social tiine enioyed. Ladies Berean Class will hold its There was a good attendance at April meeting on Monday afternoon, the. League meeting on Monday April23rd. in the S. S. room, witb evening. The president, Mx-. A. P. Mx-s. W. H. MarshaUl and group in McKeSsock, opened the meeting and charge. conducted the business. Mx-. George Sympatby is extended te Mr. Ar- Werry, 3rd Vice President, then teok chie Muir and f amily in the los charge. Devotional period was in susaind b th detb f Ms Acharge. Devotional period was in susaied y he eah o Ms ..ee given by Miss Norma Yeilow-1 Muix- Sr., Scarboro, wbo bad reached lees and Mx-. Roscoe Baker: piano the good age of 92. She passed a- solo by Miss Mac Westlake; 'nie topic way on Sunday at the home of lber 'How should a Christian spend daughter, Mrs. E. J. Palk, Stop 26, Money?" was taken by Mx-. George Kingston Road. Werry. Miss Ruby Par-ker then took Services on Sunday were well at- charge o! the recreation. tended, Rev. Mr. Hastings having April meeting of Women's Institute charge of the service here infex- was beld Thuxsday in the S. S. room change witb Rev. Mx-. Wolfraim, wvith the President, Mx-s. A. P. Me- wlio was in, charge at the Hastings Kassock, pxesiding. It La expected appointment. Rev. Bell took as is that the next meeting will be on text. Acts 2: 36. Choir contributed Tuesday, May 8th. wben the speaker some gcod music, and Miss Velma froin the Department wiil bie pre- Pearce sang a solo nicely. Sunday sent. Word was xeceived that the Scbool was attended by 133, Primary annual district meeting would Class singing a number very nicely. lie held at Blackstock, June 5tb. As C. G. I. T. met at the home of Hel- this was the annual meeting the en Wilkins on Satux-day afterrioon, new off icers were elected :-Pres.- opening wîth C. G. I. T. Purpose; Mrs. A. P. McKessock, lst. Vice-Pres Jesus calis us o'er the Tumult" was Mrs. Chas. Smith; 2nd. Vice-Pres sung and the Roll called. Business Miss Elva Pascoe, Sec. Treas. Mrs. followed. "Just as; I amn" was sung Roy Langmaid. Directors - Mrs. andi readings given by Jean Gay and Chas. Howsam, Mx-s. Will Leask; Velma Pearce; Quartette, by Doris Dist. Dix-. - Mr.s. Roy Langmaid. A Wilkins, Velma Pearce, Ethel Wilkins short program was given by Miss and Marjory Down was sung; Study Elva Pascoe',s group. Readings were book was taken by Helen Wilkins: given by Mrs. Will Leask and Mrs. vocal solo, Florabelle Marshall:I R. J. McKessock: vocal solo by Miss reading, Elsie Oke; Follow the Gleam Lena Taylor. Lunch was served by and C. G. I. T. verse closed the the group and a social time enjoyed. meeting. If it's health you want - Eat Young People's meeting was beld1 Cream of Barley. on Monday evening and was ini - I charge of the misslonaxy group wlth1 If you'ci know the value of money, Miss Aura Osborne as leader- andi go and boxrow some. L TYRONE Mx-. Brenton Mcculough, Tor-onto, Sundayeci at home. Mx-s. R. Tenneer and Doreen visit- ed friends in Oshawa recently. Mr- Herbert Burgess having rented the Tape fax-m. bas taken possession t;his week. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Co- bourg, Sundayed with Mx-. and Mx-s. J_ H. Mutton. Mrs. C. D. Hodgson and Master LGlen, Bowinanville, visited Mrs. Theodore Down. Mrs. Fred Moore, Bowmanville, spent a few days with ber parents, Mx-. and Mrs. Levi Skinner. Mr. Lorne Annis has returned borne afte- talcing a course at Kemptville Agricultural Coilege. A musical romance entitled "The Joy of Lif e" will be given on May 4th by the Kitchen orchestra of Ty- rone choir. Particujars next week. Mx-. Ivan Smith, Belleville, is at borne with bis mother, Mrs. Viola Smith, convaiescing a.fter undergo- ing an operation fox- goitre in Belle- Mx-. Her-bert Cameron was called to Bowmanviiie Hospital on Satur- day night owing to the serious ill- ness of bis uncle, Mx-. Charles Max- shall, wbo passefi away on Sunday. Football meeting was beld on TuesdaY evening, when the foUlow- ing offcers were elected: Hon. Pres. -John Mutton; Pxesident-Leslie Thompson; Sec.-Txeas.-F. L. Byam; Manager-Frank Werx-y; Coach- Kenneth Fraser; Committee-Doug- las Conboy, Fred Partner and F. L. Byam; Field Committee-Lo-ne An- fis and Douglas Conboy. League px-ogram Thux-sday even- ing was in charge of Mx-. Gus Roose- vear. Af tex- tbe opening exex-cises, the Lox-d's praye- was repeated; Bi- ble x-eading was taken by Miss Helen Trimm; topic was given by Mx-. Gor- dYn Brent, 'What Would Jesus Do fox- Modern Jerusalema"; piano solo, Miss Eva Collacott. Meeting closed with a spelling matcb and benedic- tion. If it's health you want - Eat Cream of Barley. Trif les make perfection, but per- fection la no trifle. --DURING-- CLEAN-1UP WEEK Remncniber to cleafise your sYstem with a good Sprlflg 'N' Tnie or effervescent Fruit SaitG7 sggst [,7$1 Blooci Purifier 1 .-0 9c' HypophosphiteS, 16 oz. _69c A LAZY LIVER Wampole's Grae Saits, $ 0 50C - $1.00 Can Cause Many Ailments Beef. Ix-on & Wifle, 16 oz.. .89c yak ' Suphur, Molasses, and . 3 L ER Jad Salis ........55c IVER TONE CLEAN UP THE MOTH TON wîiqucky e- S P R A Y - MOTH-TOX store that lver Kills moth, eggs, te normal. heal- and Lax-vae 75 Iev ifg conlstipa-" tiori, blliousnesfi, PROTECT FABRICS headaches, e tc With Moth Bailsc t also aide the Si..i stomnach. A non- or Flakes, 1 lb. 9 th's treatmCflt SOEGRE - for SOEGRET $1.00 In Cedarized Moth Bags ____ ____ ___ _10e O- 25e- 50e- $.00 CLEAN UP SMUT N SEED GRAIN Absorbine $125sie 84e FORMALDEHYDE 2C InatSaDEIcT fr (FORMALIN) 16 oz ...2 C Ifn SA 4fo19 Pompeian Beauty Palmolive - 5 for 23c NEW Products NEW TOILET SOAP Face Powder Lavoris - 1 7c - 33c - 67c 30e - 60e - S1.00 WicriS TONIO 3 Creams- - -soc, Wncarn $1.25 size93 Creas -- 60 ~ i 1 9 C. L. O. Rouge- - - 60C vvfmpo eS TONIOý $1 Lipstick --S1.00 Mecca - 19c - 37c - 69c FTwoRT~1THE SAFE OINTMENT I EyeSpeciaistIHollywood 'HAs'JPg O'19c AT OUR STORE Toilet .. .... 3 for 23c IMondays 10a. mtolp.I TISSU E Royal Brand Wescaysoali.j Modess - - - - 25c ALEX McGIREGOIR, Druga PHONE 92 Prescriptions a Specialty WE DELIVER If you can't win mnake the ahead break the record. GILT EG RE.! iR D FLOUR 9l *b. 62.1 CAMPBELL'S ou CLARK'S PORK ani BEANS AYLMER ORANGE MARMALADE FANCY SANTA CLAMA PRUNES ELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES FOR IiEALTB FLEISCHMANNI'S TEAST FINEST PEAMEALED BACK BACON FRESH ROASTI.NG CIJTS PORK SHOULDER Lb. BUTTS ,,h ýLb. LOIN ROAST Lb. LOIN CIIOPS Lb. IIaddie FlletS 2 Lbs. AL MONRII LARGE RIPE YELLOJr one 1 To-day is the to-morrow you wor- 1 ried about yesterday. 2,4-1b. 57 Dag 5 3 1W 16 ce. 4Tins 32 cm 2 Lb. 2 pkgs. I'iece or SIired 220 25e 23e 19e 19c 4e ILb. 25el jA & P QUJALITY 1IBEEF 120 DLADE it"'h" , Lb. 13e 15e ROUND STJEAKs Lb. :18c 210 SIRLOIN SrFA Ks Lb. 21lc 23o BOLOGNA 2 Lbs. 25o RIB? 25e OILING BEEF Lb. 7c PIECE OR SLICED Lb. .15&% 3 Lbs. COFFEE SALE 6emffyfreshG~e os CROUND BEFORE TOUR mIs because no one has ever invented a f reshness-seal equal to the freshly roasted coffee bean. If YoIJ have neyer tried FRESHLY CROIJND coffee, A&P is this week offering Bokar. Red Circle and 8 O'Clock biends at re- duced price. These thrce blecnds differonly in flavor; are equal in qua0i tv and outîci I any other ninecoffees. BOKAR m-dtn 35C VICOROUS AND WINEY RED CIRCLE 27c RICH AND FULL-BODIED O'CLOCK oo31' MILO AND MELLOW 21c TEN.DER CALIFORNIA CARIoROTS RUNCH 5e L4RUE SIZEt JEMONS DOZIEN19 APPLIES Baset35e 011: ,î RAISIN LOAF 12 p-z.7 V' '< E AA"T PAGE SIX TFIE CANADIAN STATESMAlq, BOWMANVILLL, TI-IURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1934

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