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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1934, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1934 Ashamed of ]Her TOWNSHIP COUNCIL' PORT HOPE MUSIC k ----~STUDY CLUB HEARS Figure DARLINGTON COUNCIL PROGRAM FROM HERE toar.tnCun e t ap omnville 'Music Study Club Puts HusandPeruadd Hr t to, Aril7th. Members were il 0 Take Kruschen present. with Reeve G. F. Annis pre- On Program on "lVorks of By flloingher usbnd' ad Plans are under consideration for vice, this woman macle a tremendous wîcening the iiiii tc the west of En- on Tuesday evening, Aprill7h improvexuent in ber appearance-nsienRe.M.Wye and Hos-f the Music Study Club of Port H11ope she actually teok off 32 lbs. of hber m nis ih ere a M. comantttee from 1 he1d their regular meeting ai the excess fat. Telling of her experience, Enniskillen Parsonage Board re oeo-Mr.HrySuihre h she writes:- garding a piece off land to be used 1 club haît as their guests, members "A year ago I was troubled wth for that purpose. No def inie action if rom the Bow-manville Music Study rheumatism, nervousness and other taken. Club who put on the entire program, complaintis. And I got so fat that I C. W. Hastings asked to be paid composed of the "Works off Beethov- was 'ashamed off my figure. I w2.s a part off the balance off his salary. en." outstancting among thxe nuan- persuaded by My husband to take He was paid $5000.1 bers was a trio cornposed of Mrs. D. Kruschen Salt.s. Before I began, I A letter bearnng James Kane's sig- R. Morrison, piano. Mrs. M. A. Neal, weighecl 161 lbs. AIter taking KIU nature to the Minister of Public cello, and Mrs. F. Sutton, violin, Who schen for a short time the rheuma. efr a ed ir a n lydBehvn Ti nCMn tism was lespainful, my nerves go \tsrced to wvare Hon r. WMarin or ethv.'"Tro nC m stronger. and my step lighter. Then regarciing same. The convener off tbe evening was I knew that Kruschen was doing me T.H. Richards presenteci his re- Mrs. C. Massie who introduced Mrs. good, so I persevered with it and got port for March which was accepted. T. W. Cawker, the convener of the my weight clown to 129 lbs., a re- Resolution was passed fixing the Bowmanville program. Mrs. E. P. duction off 32 lbs. off unwanted fat.piet be paid for man labor at Braclt, president off the Bowmanville 1 ar n ot boasting when I say that 15c per hour; team work 35c per Music Study Club, gave a very in- I feel Younger and more active, have hour; truck work by the hour $1.00; teresting biography on the ie of a much better figure. and am healtb.. gravel by the yard, for lst mile 40c, ..Beethov'en." ier than I have been for years."- and l15c extra for each extra mile. The program was as f ollows: (Mrs.) J. S. 1Ail labor to be charged on taxes. Minuet in G - violin solo - Mr. Eruachen is a blend off six minerai Following orders were drawn on Norman Friedl. saîts wbich assists the internai or-j the Treasurer: First Movement off the "Trio in C gans to throw off each day those Bell Phone, service chgs. $ 2.32 Mmc>r" - instrumental trio - Mrs. waste prod.ucts that would otherwise H. McLaughlin, relief 20.00 D. R. Morrisofl, Mrs. M. A. Neal, Mr. accumulate in the form off fatty tis- W .Lte.craerle .Sto sue fuel 4.05 (a) "Inquesta tomba"; and (b) T. M. Slemon, relief 10.50 'Know'st Thou the Land" - vocal Choked for Air. Some littîe irri- Harry Allin, relief 17.50 solo - Mrs. H. M. Foster. tant becomes lodged in tbe bronchial E. Pidduck. relief 28.55 First Movement of 'Moonlight tubes. others gather, and the awful Carl Gimblett, cartage relief Sonata" - piano solo - Mrs. Neal. choking off asthma results. Nothing fuel 3.00 Second Movement off "Trio inC offers quite such quick and positive F. Rogers, cartage relief fuel 24.00 Minor" - instrumental trio - Mrs. relief as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Mrs. L. C. Snowden, cartage Morrison. Mms. Neal, Mr. Sutton. Remedy. The- healing. soothing relief fuel , .. 1.75 -The Lufe of Beethoven" - Mrs. smoke or vapor penetrates, clears Counties Treas. maint. acct. 187.97 E. P. Bradt. the Passages and gives untold re1ief. Dominion Stores, relief 8.00 'Mine Inmost Heart la Burning," It has behind it years off succ s_~ W. W. Horn, relief 8.17 from the oratorio "Mount of Olives" is the sure remedy for eey G. A. Barron, relief 7.22 - vocal trio - Mrs. T. W. Cawker, f erer. W. C. Caverly. relief 12.50 Mr. Friecil and Mr. A. Knighi. i Lairdl Bros. relief 3.00 Third Movement andi Finale off W. J. S. Rickard, relief 3.10 *'Trio in C Minor" - Mms. Morrison, Ç Mrs. A.F. Rund.le, relief 57.34 Mrs. Neal and Mr. Sutton. '~U 1'y"E R IN G SJ. D. Hogarth. excise, postage 2.00 At the close off the meeting a~ JD. Hogarth. salary lst. qtr. 137.50 social cup of tea was enjoyed il W. G. White, relief 1.55 with Mms. M. S. Hawkins and Mrs. N E R V ES Dr. H. Ferguson, med. relief 33.70 W. Evans pouring tea. When you are just on edge 1 Dr. C. W. Slemon, med, relief 33.80 J. ID. Hogarth, cover for table 2.50r when you can't stand the children's M. A. James & Sonls. printing 15.00 THiRWRS RA noise ..- -when everything )ou do How'd Cryderman. relief mllk 8.40 TEBEES RA is a burden ... .when you are iri C. W. Hastings, part salary. 50.00. h rwn neet r tabie and blue ... try Lydia E. Pink. W. G. White, sheep damages 3.00, hams egtaleCopond 9 ~ J. Baker, sheep insp. 3.80 looking for a huge increase in thec ham' Vegtabl Copoun. 98oùt Council adjoumneci to meet Mav outlets for their product in Ontariov o10 onnreport benefit. 7t l1ocok s disClosed in a despatch from Mon- It will give you just the extra en- Geo. F. Annis, J. D. Hogarth tel h, appeared in the f inan- ergy you need. Life will seem worth Reeve. Clerk. cial columns off The Mail and Empire living again. __________ on December 5th. At present there Don' endre aothr da witoutare about 290 depots for retailing Don' enureanoherdaywitout Muscular Rbeumnatism Subdued.- ber, consisting of stores. warehouses the help this medicine can give. Get When one la a sufferer f rom muscu- and breweries. The Montreal des- a boule fromn your druggist today. lar rheumatism he cannot do better Patch estimates a probable increase than ta have the region rubbed with 1off 6750. (~/~Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul. Let the The despatch in part is as ffollows: A rubbing be brisk and continue until "An influential Montreal group is ease is secureci. There is more vir-1 said to have looked into the Ontario tue in a bottle off it than can be fully1 brewery possibilities. One off the VEG ETABLE COMPOUND 1Iestimated. group states that there are 2200 _____________________________________________ standard hotels in Ontario. Each ___________________________________________________ would doubtless get a license for beer. A1%ssuming only two restaurant licenses to each hotel, that would mean 4400 licenses for restaurants. There are 150 golf courses in On- D @ KU -'"--,2 7.tario. New sale avenues in Ontario "-'--*'--- would be about 6750." Brewers and temperance people alike know ihat increased outlets mean increaseci sale. The brewers' for Ontario. in the year 1915, im- total number off retail lquor licenses of ail sorts existing in the Province Th agstw aeevel' captured is sup- was 1660. The argst waleIf Ontario does not want to be in I)osed to have been the one #caught by the state of the poor wight in the than his first," had she not betteri Noî'wgians in the Antaî'ctic a few yeaî's wake up' ago, its weight being estimated at The Brewers' Slogan 175,00 ponds."A million boys are needed"- 175,00 ponds.Have you heard the brewers' cry? Can you see the fearful vision 'T' i r'Of this army passing by? -9. A"A million 'no n mn ive s ýWho bave neyer tasted beer; For new customems are needed For our business year by year. "A million boys are needed." Friend, have YOU a lad ta spare, To f ill dying drunkards' places? Is t YOUR son's "needed" there? "A million beys are needed"- -Our Trade's urgent neeci demands THEM, And WE need, toc, freer laws." "A million boys are needed"- 'i orson andI mine they dlaim; But--.our daughters no-w they're asking. Net, our sons alone! Ob, shame! Shame on Chisltian men andI women Who can fail to rise in might, AndI forever banisb f rom us Every foe off Truth andI Rigbt. "A million boys are neeced"- Say, oh brewer, bave YOU one? Hlaven't YOU a lad to off er? Why not give your own dear son? Havent you a baby daughter You can spare to help your trade? Neyer mind if she IS ruined- Think off ail the wealth you've fmade. SentI HER te your cursed beer rooms Let HER drink your brew cf bell- If YOU havent son or daughier, Why seek mine your ranks te, swell? "A million boys (and girls) are need- Yes, WE need thexu, every one, For a glorious clean tomorrow, When the cause off Trutis lawon. -By Georgia M. Cook. Don't be wlthout Douglas' Egypi- ian Liniment. Keep t always han- dy. Relieves toothache, neuraîgla, sore ibroat, quinisy, antI croup. Ini- valuable for burnis, acres, Barber's Itch antI Ringworm. THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile -Without caIome 'eU am. "fOeelnÇ Punk" sirnpiy because your lite isn't Paurnna as daily two pounda of liquid aile fiâoYour bowels. Digetion aud elimination abath %.eed, andyouz enfire &>-Item là ohstyou need in a liver stimulant. so.- rin that zufarther than nalte,, minerai water, o t, laxt ed o ling çum on roughage which oniy moi'e the bowel-ignoring tie niai cause nf trouble, your liver. Take Carter'i LittîsLe s'e Pilla. Puuely veto- table. No harsh calomel <niooury>. Sale. Sure Ask for tbem by "ame. Refu substitutas. Mo.. aI aildrugW,& a 8 A HEALTI'ISERVICE Olr THE CANAO AN MEDICAL ASSOCIAT1ON ANO tIFE iNSURANCE COMPANig& IN CANADA NEEDLES AND PINS "The known is not always pleas- lng, but is less terrifying than the unknown." A needle broken off in the body causes fear that la almost terrer in some cases because of the remarkable stories concerning the supposed wanderings off broken needles in the body. The needie wi move a little be- cause it is usuafly partially or wholly embedded in muscle, and when the muscle contracis, the needie will move. There are only a very few authentic cases in wich the broken needle has wandered for any con-I siderable distance in the body. Most1 off the atones that are told about broken needles belong to the fairy tale book. This type off accident results, us- ually, froxu tbe carelesanesa off the injureci person, but sometimes it is another person who la careless. Neeciles should flot be le! t lyingt around; there sbould be a definitee place for them, andI they should ailh be in that place excepting the needlee thatis ian use. The needie which la out off us case should 1,e kepi threaded, as ibis makes it less likely to, be lost. It la surprising what parts off the body may receive the jab ffrom. a loat or misplaced needle, and the ,needle somnetimes breaks off. The person who wa]ks barefoot or in bis stocking feet arounci the bouse dis- pîsys a confidence in the need.le-us- ing inembers off ihe f amily, whicb wiil be dispefled when bis foot comes down on what was a bast needle, but which he bas found. The needie which. la stuck in the ari off a chair or in tbe wall-paper, or which la lefi in the mending, does flot always stay where it la put uni it la wanted again. Hunting for the loat needle seeius f0 be a favourite pastime with some women andI an xccaslonal diversion for anost. This could be avoided, if needles were ai- a'ays placed where they belong. A needle wiUl sometimes be lefti n j a garment which la undergoing re- paira, and in that event it may be broken off in the body off the per- soni who puts on the garment. No matter how it happens, there la no cause for alarmn. because there la little or no danger associateci with the accident. There are a few thinga not to do, andI these include ail efforts at squeezing and such procedures with the vain hope off getting the piece off needle oui. This only makes mat- ters worse. i is well to keep the f inger or whatever part la injured ai rest; the less movement the bei- ter becau.se alI movemeni means muscular action which will, more than likely, drive the broken needle or pin deeper inta the tissues, mak- ing it more dlfflculite reacli later. There are several ingenious ways off removing sucli fragments f rom the body', but none ef thexu la as saaisffactory as keepmng the f rag- ments oui in the fimi place througb reasonable care. Questions concernlng Healtb, adi- dresseci tafthe Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Tor- onto, will be answered personally byI letter. MiIler's Worm Powcaers are comn- plete in thexuselves. They net enly drive WOrms f rom the system, but repair the damage ihat worms cause andI so invigorate the constitution thatit speedily recovers from the disorders off the digestion thai are tbe resuli off the work off thes aa sitic infruders. They do their worki ihorougb.ly andi strength and sound- ness follow their use. "Leaves NO Brush Marks" FLO-GLAZE IS SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY Je W. JEWELL *Mg20" Store Phone 30 BowmanvMle - il ~1~ A (~W WT Orange Pekoe T EFresh from Blend the Gardens i oaUy se r act On insurance of ail kinds yeu can get ful protection in the strongest companies at low rates, when you phone J. J. M4ASON Cà SON Phone 50 Bowmanville FACTS ABOUT HYDRO - No. 3 of a series of officiai announcements by the Ontario Municipal Electric Association, representing the Municipalities who own the Hydro-Electric System of Ontario. Why Hydro Buys Power Hydro has always obtamned its power supplies from whatever source has, from time to time, been determined, to be most economnical. In the earlier years of Sir Adam Beck's administration, 98%c of the power dis- tributed te Hydro municipalities was purchased from priýrate sources. Then it became econemnical te build or acquire generating stations. At the present time Hydro owns forty power-producing plants. Power demands must be provided for-years in advance. The Commission was prevented, by international and other circumstances, fromn further development of Ontario's large power resources on the Niagara, St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers. The enly economical course lef t was te purchase -as the Commission did -- low-cost power from available sources. The following table sets forth the growth of your great Hydro undertaking through the years: Growth of Municipalities and Consurners Served and Electric Power Generated and Purchased AvERAGE NumBER op PEAIL DjEuAND PowF'R GFNERATrED Pora PURCHASHO PERIOD MUNICIPALITIES CONSUMERS ALL SYSTEMS HORSEPOVER PEt CENT. HoitstpowrR PaR CENT. 1910Oto1914 Incl. 45 77,853 91,338 1,863 2 89,475 98 1915 to1919 Incl. 205 175,702 325,046 242,634 75 82,412 25 1920 te1924 Inc. 345 343,280 769,952 726,867 94 43,085 6 1925 to 1929 Inc. 528 486,521 1,163,744 960,193 82.5 203,551 17.5 1930 te 1933 Inci. 728 603,880 1,514,040 974,084 64S 539,956 35.7 Lt is the considered opinion of this Association that Hydre has pursued a cautious, business- like, and far-sighted pelicy in the purchase of suppIementary power and that present power reserves are not excessive. The general poiicy of the Commission respecting purchased pewer has'been initiated with the approvai of the municipalities and endersed by the Hydre associations. These Hydre municipalities know thc powcr requirements, and are obligated te supply the ever-grewing demand for Iow-cost Hydre service in their respective districts. ONTARIO MUNICIPAL- ELECTRUC ASSOCIATION PUBLICITY COMMI1TEE : Chairni,, Controllkr James Simpson, Toronto Frank L. Mason, Oshawa T. W. McFarland, London Tal-e C C &Be TonielTablets For Health--Strength--Vlgor HAVE YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? o tmcPI Spitini a M!s', Gnawing. Empty Feelin.Lumip l. Stomsh, Ilod issai= Pain Ditoe or ASte Matgnf1,C - .d Tang0e'MoTutb, indigesto iWenohad hy a run-down coditin o eed C .& .TncaltadLtOc.Tî i bulrUel ssslaetusn vi you quickly and perranently, Insprove appetits, th.fr tonic effecEshe b el uto=r.e hm ir t lo ea itviIi furniah nouriahimnt taetei.w oie body. . C. & B. Tankc Tablées contL Ymat, Iran and EstaifCod Llver-tbree great tou n oDe.n VEs e.Uvous D"eblty, WeknesJer1'kin Juin myg, Utabi THEetheVSRFsXEleeiset Nlht,.Pow Meux yMelancha D NdE NER Wak UnreIneed WakTrebe, izFant4ell. orltNumb, L-k In r trengthAbition? You need C. C. & .1 oui le ts They, by tssn t hei akc t.,fil te ton ne.v. tissu. te normal condition etdy the.uea'vss, hantith the blues, aYou fiel fulfIl i.rlUegr, ambition, ad nma"yyears Youngi!. uiuutmtbUnder Welght, Hlaiow.Cheik,,Fat Chest Sra .yNeck DY- T INS pei,,Thin Bload C. C.& .TneTbtshptabidjo TflflfL~ p i evry way. Wili tbcreby improve yaur appearance. i a minC. C. & B. Tankc Tableis REGAIN LUSI DEP AND VITALITY act directiythrug h. bloou, building up the nenvous systemo, generate vitality', create evefrce, reter. llil strenith, pep and vigar-ma Yau can enjoy lfes pleasuu«et the luet. are for ale et *Il Drug Stores.. Gata van. rTgm your ru nlthe bU ndard' C. C. & B. O I A LT ourýdu1àtt1j d da nia life for you--opening h door to a brlihter warld sud happiez existence. The tablets are inexpenhive. The prices are 50c and $1. Three $1.00 Boxes foar $2.50. For Sale In BOW1WANVELLE at MceGREGOR'S DRUG STORE PEONE 98 * Keep this informative statement and watch for further statements by the Publicity Conimittee. PAGE! El. VM FFI T. W. McFarland, London

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