With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1934 NUMBER 17 TOW..N COUNCIL REDUCES 1934 TAX RATE BY 2 MILLS< Lower High School Board Requisition Sligl't Reduction in Counties Rate are Responsible For Lowering oF Tax Rate How Council Was Able to Reduce Tax Rate Despite Numerous Factors Working Against It Is Explained - School Rate Is Down a Mill Despite Increased Public School Levy It should prove of more than usua: Interest ta taxpayers af Bowmanvill( ta know how the herculean task oJ reducing the tax rate by 2 milîs wu accomplished at. the special sessior af Town Council on Thursday. Nu- merous factors enter into this ha-opý situation, which not only bring commendation ta the financing a: the present council, but alsa the fin- ancing accomplished by Mayor RS Strike inu Us capacity as Chairmali of Finance asat year. High School Asks Less Despite increased requisitions by several committees, the rate was re- duced and no sinali part lu tItis re- duction was played by the Higi Sehool Board which reduced Its re- qufrements by more than $5000. Small reductions lu ather depart- ments offset the added expenditures lu athers. It will be recalled that ln 1933a contingent fund af $7500 was set up ta provide for relief, but as relief was paid entirely out of public sub- scriptions last year this money was not used. This year however relief will be paid out of the tawn treasury. This cantingency sun- was there- fore transferred ta take care a! bac debts and the shrinking value ai certain assets the town had carriec since the original Slicer Corp. anc Durham Textiles accounts were op- ened. In other words these accounts whlch have been carried forward each year at their face value have actually shrunk in value, and thi mouey. which is only a book credit, wiil take care of this shninka.ge. Hac tItis contingency fund flot been set Up lu 1933 the, tax rate might have been reduced 3 mils iu that year, but due ta the unsettled stuation J wth regard ta, municipal filnances and the mountlng ist of tax arrears the bank demauded that this provis- ion be made. It miglit be addecl that the bank overdraf t on Jauuary 1934 was $4000 greater than lu Jan- uary 1933. This unprecedeuted sit- uation however bas chauged cou- siderably. A greater effort lias been made at coiiecting tax arreas witli the result that arrears now stand at $46,000 as campared with $70.000 a few months ago. The semi-annua] collection o! taxes aiso aided, many taxpayers finding it comparatively easier ta pay -in two instaliments tItan lu one. This year taxes will be payable in three installments. Composition of Tax Rate The vanlous rates camposing the f ull rate are here shown as compar- ed with 1933: The Toun rate has been reduced ta $34,600, or 16 mils, as compared wth $38000 or 17ý' mils lu 1933. The School rate has been reduced Record Number of For Annual Cot Neai-ly 250 Entries Received By Closing Date on Tues- day-Plans Going Ahead for Big Event in Trinity Church, May. lGth, l7th, and l8th. An increase of 30 % in the number o! entries augera weli for the suc- -cem oa Durham County's third an- nual Music Festival, due ta open in Bowmanville an May l6th and con- tinue tili May l8th. Trinity Church wiUl again be the scene o! the com- petitions which tItis year lias brou- ght out entnies numbering nearly 250. Last year entries totalled 184. 1¶eùlval officiais are enthused wlth the nuniber a! entries received up until closing date, April 24th. Plans are now going ahead with the final details in cannectian with the festival and it la expected that the tîme table of event.s will be available for publication next week. The executive camm.ttee af the Festival Association are anxiaus tha.t many mare citizens become f ull f ledged members of the association. Not only dmes is strengtheu the association's liand, bath moraliy and lu the matter of finance, but it ben- ef is the membership Itacif. Members gain certain privileges of attenda.noe that precludes their paymeut of auy attedane fw touteta charges In efeesion icteran hressos other than regular admission a seat Is reserved for them at the final concert, at which seats are aiways at a premium, The membershlp lu the society Is 25c a year, and ane receiyes value f rom tItis alane. lu the knowledge o! a mecure seat for the final concert, the greatest musical event ln the year in Bowmanville. F'urher details o! the number of entries lu the varlaus classes wIil be Li le )f rs Li y a f si ta $31,943.82, or 13/2 milis, as coin- pared with $34,737.87, or 14V2 nulis lu 1933. The Debeuture sud interest rate bas been increaseci from $14,671.17, or 63/4 mils, ta $15,428.25, or 7V4~ mils. This increase la caused thrau- gIt certain sums lu the sinking fuud being casled sud turned luta îhl general !und and not re-luvested.1 IThis means that receipta f rom the sinking f und are less. Due ta an aven levy on tbe part o! the iown, due ta the uncertaiuty of the rate, the Counties rate la ne- duced tItis yean front $25.000, or 11/2 mills, ta $24,500, or 111/4milla. Couniies rate la not atruck until June, sud even bass may be requir- ed tItan ibis sumn provideci for. Estimated receipta in 1933 were $2950 but council la optimisticeneough ta see an increase of approxiiuately $1200 ta $4150 lu 1934. This opti- miain is based ou fact, for the town, now having a qualified trained heaitIt nurse receives a grant o! $850 front the Governinent that was nat !orthcomiug a yesr ago. Other ne- ceipts are made Up a! cemetery fees, dog taxes. statute labar tax, fines and fees, sud licenses. Committee Estimates Tbe standig Cammittee esti- mates lu tbe main show increases, the Public Property Commitie showing the anly decrease froin $6300 ta $6000. The comparativp figures witb a year ago are Ceme- tory Committee increase cf $200 ta $1300; Raads sud Streets same ai $45500: Fine Depanimneut, increase o! $1700 ta $6700, made necessany by tbe inclusion of hydraut ren- tai, $1100 of, wltlch was charged ta couiingency estimates lasi year. Police Departmmeut, same at $3300; Relief Depanîmeni $2800 mare ai $5800; Heaitit Depatinent $200 ln- crease ta $1700. due mainly ta cm- ployrnent a! a ful #me nurse; prmiing and staiocnary, $100 iu- crease ta $600, due ta extra electian sud tax sale special notices; Sal- aries increase liy $100 ta $2750, duc partiy ta payment o! a permanent secretany a! the WcIf are Board; contingent $500 more ai $2500, ieaving ample ta take care o! ex- traordinary expenditures. Tele- phones île same ai $100 sud inter- est the same at $3500. That very brie! iy is the manner in which the new tax rate o! 48 mills was achieved, but liehind al tbese figures thene should be re- cognized many anduoua lours o! Mayor Rosa Stiie o! Bowntanville la seen lu the above picture receiving a licautiful basket o! roses, sent hlm by telegraPh deliveny liy île Mayor of Rochester, N. Y., ta mark île op- cniug a! the International Flowen Show ai Rochester. Mayor Chas. B. Siainton of Rochester sont île fiaw- ers through the local F.T.D. Repre- seutaive, Mn. W. E. Groves, Mauag- KEEF AN EYE ON YOUR BIKE CHIEF S. VENTON WARNS A warning ta leave bi- cycles only in a sale place, and to have them piaced ln safety at nlght la issued by Che( of Police Sydney yen- ton in view of an epidemic of bicycle stealing in the past ten days when no less than 8 have been stoien. Six of these eight have been recovered, which leads police to believe that it la the work of local persons. Chief Venton warns those responsibie that the two missing machines must be returned immediately and that the consequences will be -erious if the thieves aie caught. HAMPTN~ m-ork oni the part aifiMayor btrixe, ---.- the Finance Commitîce, the Trea- Mrs. Arthur Allun, la under the auner, togethen vit the co-aper- cioctor's cane. aticn af aller eiected lbodies ta isL o- istdOiaaf1 keep expenditures ai a minimum. eMissnLy. r iie saafi -Mr. sud Mrs. Richards, Toronto, visited ai Mi-. L. Cryderman's. E ntiesRecevedFishing has been the chef spoi-t Mrs. Bessie Rabbins, who speni te winter lu Bowmanville, bas ne- Ljnty M usic Festival turned. Mrs. Maud Rabbins, Thelma and -Nelson, visîteci Enulakillen frleuds ou Suuday. NOTED) VETERINARY DIES Mn. Keunetl Caverly, Toronto, spent île weekend wiiî lis family, at Mi-. C. W. Souch's. Mns. J. A. Colo, aud son, Donald,, visited ber parents, Mr. sud Mrs. C. W. Sauch au Thunsday. S Mn. sud Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson aud son, Douglas. Toronto, vsiled her father, Mr. I-vin Truil. Mn. sud Mra. John Willls sud son, Lloyd sud Miss Doris Cooper, Taot- ~~ anto, were receut visitai-s at Mi. J. Mrs. Clai-ke sud Mr. sud Mis. Ives accampauleci Mr. J. F. Clai-ke, wha visitoci îhe hanilcuiturai soc- icty ou Weduesday night. Owing ta repaira ta île mil dam, rPi~ ~. ,. ~',openatiana were for a few cisys lin- dered ait te mil. wbich la again: running, despito the fact, work on U lte dam la stil under way. Mn. W. W. Horn sud son, Wal- lace, attcnded the Mendelssohn Choir Concert at Masscy Hall, Tor- onto, Mms. Horn sud Mms. R. Avery, accampanieci thein taTai-auto au Satunday uighi. Dr. John Spencer The use of the New Hymnany Forman yarsa pacisig vt-began neceutiy in oui- durcIt. I Fo may yarsa prctiîngvetMn. W. W. Horn, sud Mn. Gea. Bar- eninary surgeon lu Bowmanviile, sud rau, bath a! whom have the books a lecturer lu veterlnary science lu for sale, douated twa eacb, ta île mauy colieges lu bath Canada sud choir, the former beiug a speclal lte Unitedi States who died last copy for the choir leader sud organ- week., Ris funerai !rom St. John's lis, sud île latter ta île general use Church was very largely attcnded a! the clair. Mrs. J. Ciatworthy sud was conducteci by Rev. R. J. sud daugîter Ruby, made the pro- Sbires a! Toroauto. sentation a! a copy for puipi use. _______. -Rev. J. R. Bick, Whltevale, a avallabie for publication next week, former minister Itere, sud Rcv. w. but île facittat entries increased Rackham iormeriy o! Whitevaie, 50% last yesr aven île first fest- af!iciated ai île Hollinger - Juddc ivalinl Bowmsuviile lu 1932, sud in- wcddiug aitlh home o! the brlde's creased anothen 30% an lasi year s aster, m. George Todd, Cherry-- figures, tItis year, demonstrates the wood, wheu île twlu asiters, Mary wauderfui amount of gaod the music Helen sud Elizabeth Rutht Judd, festival la doing lu the comntunity. Pickering, became île brides ai Messrs, William sud Leslie Hollinger, Word was necclved toc iste la sous o! Mr-. sud Mna. Walter Holling- make the necessary change lu île er, Cbei-rywood. advt. that Pork Shoulders advetils- ed lu the A. & P. Store advi. aboulci Weduesday afternoon will be o)>- read "Smoked" sud ual "Fresh." aserved as a bal! holiday by * Bow- You wani pep for sununer actlv- manville Post Office commeuclug itiea - Eai Cresm o! Barley. May 2nd. er a! île Kingsway Flower sItap. Iu île phatograpb Mn. Graves la secu preseniing Mayor Stnike wlth île basket as Civie Officiais look an. From le! t ta nlght, ibase in the pictune are: Magistrate R. M. Cot- ton; R. M. Jaraieson, bailiff; Mn. W. E. Graves; Fred Pattinsan, tax collecton a.nd secretary af île Wei- Tin Can Matinee At Royal Th'eatre Friday Afternoon Mayor and CêoJý»î1 Sponsor Special Show to Clean Up Town-Twenty-five Cans Required for Admittance - Prizes for Most Cans Sponsored liy Mayor Stnike aud memnbers o! the Town Council, Man- ager Tomamy Ross o! the Rayai Theatre la staging a Tin Can Mat- inee in cannection with Ciean-Up Week, which la being oliacrved tItis week, an Fiday siternoon ai 4.30 o'ciack. At thai lime 'childreu will lie adntited ta the iheaire for 25 tin cana an s string. This maiinee is spansareci by the Mayor sud Council wih the Itape that it wili aid in a genenal dlean up a! the town beo re Saiurday. It la pointed oui ihat children will not bo permitteci under auy considera- lion ta secure iheir tins frr tawn dumps. The tins must lie picked Up f nom the tenritony surrouuding oue's home. CItildren are permitîcci ta Se- cure tins fram thib neighbars ta help thent lu securng île full quota a! 25 tins. Four hundreci childien cachb liinging 25 tins wil mean tbat île homes o! île tawn wil libe ean- cd up ta the exteni a! ton thos'alu cans, which wiii be removed ta île towu dump sud destrayed. Thus wiii lie removed anc o! the menaces ta île lealtIt of children. Empty cans aitract rats, vermin andi flics, any o! which arc not conducive to good health conditions. Manager Tommy Ross bas gone ta considerable trouble ta secure speciai pâctures for ibis occasion. The special pictures wili bc shawn only ai ibis matine sud wlll nai interfere, lu auy way with the regu- lAn progranus o! île theatre. Mayor Stnike la anxlous thai a veny real dlean-up o! île tawn lie made, sud le lapes ihai every boy and girl will turu oui ou Friday a!teruoon ai 4.30 with 25 cana on a strng ta attend tis speciai matince. Managci- Tommy Rosasa is fcnring a book oft ten iheatre tickets ta bail tle boy sud girl who brng île greatest number of cana. Books o! five tickets will go ta îhe boy sud girl who brng the next langeai nuin- lier. Iu connection wtl île Ciean-Up Campaigu, Mayor Rosa Strike ad- dresseci the chiidren o! Central Pub- lic Sehool on Monday morning sud île children o! the South Wand Scitool on Thursday morning. A splendid lime wss enJoyeci by aIl members of île St. Paul's Young Peoplc's Guild Tuesday, April 24tb. ou thibmsocial cveniug when île main feature an the pi-ga-m was s hike, fallowed by a sing-soug sud refreshmnents. There were 25 present. Meeting closed wiih Minpal ben- ediction. Rev. sud Mms. Gardon Jury, wbo speni île weekend wil Mn. sud Mm6. J. Hl. H. Jury lu Bowmnville, sailed on Wednesday f nom New York ou île Bereugania for Burina, wlere Mn. Jury la île pruicipaI o! a Mission ScItool. Mn. sud Mms. Jury have been lu Canada on a two years furlougit sud duiig thai time Mn. Jury las canrieci ou as a Professai- ai MeMas- toi- University lu Hamilton. tare Board; Mayor, Ross Strike; Roger Bird, Cierk of the Division Court and caretaker of the Munici- pal Building; Miss E. R. Graham, Public Health Nurse; Alick J. Lyle, Town Clerk and Treasurer; and A. H. Bickell, superintendent of Streets and Sewers. (Photograph by H. Humphrles, Bowmanville.) EBENEZER Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundie visited in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. Allen Law, Georgetown, was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Esl Oke aud Miss Elsie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everton White, Bethesda. Mrs. W. G.. Rundie lias returned to Bethesda a! ter a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Esli Oke. Our young people visited H-armony Young Leaguers on Monday evening when a pleasant tinie was enJoyed. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichais were weekend visltors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reynolds, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Reader and Mrs Oliver Reader, Scugog, Mrs. Teel, Toronto, vislted Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fawler. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Amott, Bernice aud Jack, Maxweil's, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Jane Osborne's snd Mr. Blake Oke's. Miss Louise Courtice entertained a number of Young f riends at her home on Friday evening wheu ail had a pleasant timne. Services were weli attended on Sunday, Rev. Woifraim speaking on the Ch-urch of Loadiceans, Revela- tion 3:17-18. Sunday Schaol was at- tended by 136. Tuxis Boys were entertained at the home of Harold Osborne on Wednesday evening. Af ter the busi- niess period gaines were indulged and Mrs. Osborne served lunch. Little Miss Helen Wolfraim enter- tained ten of her Young friends ac- companied by their mot.hers to a birthday party on Wednesday aiter- noon. Garnes were played, after which a dainty lunch was served by Mrm. Woliraim. Helen recelved sev- eral pretty gifts. Loyal Crusaders and Mission Band of S. S. No. 4 held their meeting on Tuesday a! ternoon with twenty re- sponding ta the rail cail. Aiter the business the following programa was given: Duet, Louise Pearce and Luc- Il1e Wade: readings, F'ay Pound, Gwen Osborne; &tories, Mr. C. Wor- den, Mrs. C. Pound. Eleanor Vinson, Florabelle Marshall; closlng wtth a hymn. Berean Class heid is meeting lu the S. S. Room on Monday after- faon with Mis. W. H. Marshall and group in charge. Bible study, Luke 12, was taken by Mrs. F. W. Rundie; Mrs. R. C. Pearce aud Mrs. John P'ound led in prayer; piano solo, Miss Ada Annis; tapie on l'Garden- ing" by Mrs. H. F. Osborne; follow- ed with readlngs by Mrs. R. C. Pearce and Mms. Lloyd Courtice; vo- cal solo, Mms. A. E. Rundle. Meeting closed with Mlzpah benediction. Present 27?. ""TELEGRAPHED FLOWERS" TO BOWMÀNVILLE MAYOR Echo oF Hoibeats Will 6e Hearci .As New Tkoro6red Stable Opens HEADS MILK BOARD James B. Fairbairu Ont.axia Deputy Minlater af Agri- culture who has been appolutxed Chairman pro tem 0of the new Pro- vincial Milk Board, an important administrative body Just appoluted by -the Ontario Goverumeut. Mr. Fairbairu is a native ai Durhami County, having been boru on the farmn now owned and occupled by F. W. Bowen, M. P. The 2Mt Century Club of Bow- mauvilie staged an enthusiastic pub- lic meeting lu Orono Town Hall ou Wednesda iast, with about 150 at- teudlug. Another meeting was held on Thursday at Hampton. Prof. C. B. Slssons of the Univer- sity o! Toranto was the guest speak- er ou Sunday at the meeting of the Farum lu St. Paul's Church. He spoe ta a large audience on "The Future of Agiculture IOntario.,, The GilI Farm on Kingston Road la Leased by A. D. Kean, Noted Fea t ur e Writer, and J. G. McClel- lan - Will Breed Suffolk Punch and Race Horses Witl thc Col. R. J. Gi Fai-i, anc mile casi o! Bownanvllle on Kingston Highway, leased ta, A. D. Kean, former feature writer ai the Toi-oa Star sud J. GuennseY Mc- Clellan, son ai Mms. J. A. MeClelsun, Bowiuanvile, la likeiy once agalu ta revert ta the days wheu ils sne wau known across the enile expanse of titis continent as the centre a! flue homse breedlng made famous by Sen- star Robi. Belth a! Waverly Stables. Thte GIlfasim will liecome an im- portant breediug station fan the rais- ing a! Suffolk Punch homes sud light raciug lai-ses, sud much luterestisl being taken lu the project, cspecially by île farinera af île dis- trici. Two ncgistei-ed, pedlgreed Suffolk Punch heavy wclght draft homses wcre ibis week broughitao Bowmau- ville by Messrs. Kean sud MeClellan. The animals, anc a beautIful four year aid cleainut staflion, weighiug 1900 pounds, and a champion mai-e o! more tho 1700 pounds. The hanses, whlle s new type ta ibis part o! Ontarioaraie of tle world f amous b-ccd o! British Faim stock, sud esel are recognized a lieing a strlking example oi their closs. The staMjou "lNeralcarn King" was bred upon -the model stock farm. o! Alexander MacLaren, at Buckingham, Que., wlere fan the past 18 yeams one o! île finesi Canadiau stock farma bhas becu. maixtta4ned by Mi. MacLaren. "NeraicaraIr ig la fromin mported Suffolk Punch prize-winning airain, while the b-oaci mare "Morstan Golden Qucen"I was importec f rom Euglaud as a twa-year old liy Mn. MacLaren. Since thon titis upstaudins clestnut ma"e <(Cotinued on page 12) Rate cF 48 Milis Struck 6Y Council At Special Session Thursday Niglut Collect Taxes in Three Installments Increase in Hydrant Rentai by Utilities Commission Precipitates Hot Debate - Welfare Board to Cut O09 Relief on May I lth, Mayor Strike Informns Council "Ring oui the aid, ring lu the new, property be replaoed as it l ai pi-es- Ring, happy blls across the suow." eut. When Tennyson composed those Letter f rom Fraucis Hangley& lunes he might have licou referrlng Ca., relative ta scwer clcauing mach- ta the ringing qut the old 50 ml i ny was laid on the table. tax rate sud the happy ingmng lu a! Public ScItool estimates requesi,- the new lower tax rate a! 48 mills, ig $19,000 was laid ou the table. strucli by the tawu cauncil lu spec- This showed an increase of $2000, il session ou Thursday night. While due mainly ta the installation of a taxpayers the length aud brcadth a! new heating system lu the South tItis country are cnying out under Ward School. sud the payment of the burden o! taxation, sud many considerabie insurance. municipalities are belug f arced ta SBalvation Army was grauted per- increase their rates, Whitby as much mission ta hold a Tag Day on Sat- as 4 mifl. Bowmanville lightens the urday, May 19th. burden wtl s twa mill redaictiln. Hydrant Bent Increased Juat how the council managed ta, During the discussion o! the es- accamplish this task lu the wake o! tiniates considerable discussion sur- a depression la expiained elsewhere rounded the lucrease lu hydraut lu tbis paper. SuffIce it to a y here rentai made by the Publie Utilities that estirnaies wene tabled and the Commission f rom $50 ta $55 per au- rate struck at 48 mils on Thursday mm per hydraut. Reeve Joues Wbaht do htma uata wanted ta kuaw luat 10w far the Whatdoe tht men i acualcommission was alile ta, go lu rais- saving? WeUl, i means that on ing prices wlthoui consulting coun- every hundred doilars paid lu taxes, cil. Mayor Stnike was o! the oplu- nat assessmnent, s saving o! $4."0 ion that the Commission was the wlll be made, thus a taxpayer pay- saine as other elected bodies, lu that tnt o! $208 wlOO eefttoth e- could make known is require- tent f $800.'ments ta the town lunis estimates, Three Tai Payments the same as the sehoal boards. Question was referred ta, Finance Add.iionai good uews is that tis Committee ta luvestigate. new low tax rate la payable lu easy Another discussion was precipi- instalhnents, three tumes this year tated when the subjeci o! street instead of the two iast year sud the lights came up, aud the Hydro sec- one previaus ta that. Payments lu tian o! the Commission wlil be ask- 1934 become due ou June l2th, Sep- eci ta lnform couneil a! thc number tember 12t1, sud December 12tIt,o!srelitsuuetcroc- anc seedue o Pealtes lllbetion, sud the number ai bullis of changed ta, coulai-m ta these dates. ec atg en sd Mayor Ros Strike, followIng the Msh a tge aln uedta f strlking of the rate, warued the ter May ll, no relief would be is.- members o! council that if the year se yteWlaeBad fpy is ta close with s credithble f in- msentheoreliarc Btonrif pay- cial situation, then every care must s1mieth o eliaeas kept oudn the lie exerciscd and estimates muaitlot fistmethesane s theyaprpaduthen be jçccded.- A. chek- uwFM l wfirsi tcc muths iethe proriaio nmade easol-mondi and comnmttee woud ot b epsorticlet, sd.b h chainnen wifl know at ail timnes Auio'Reatpeae bth whatth" ave pen andhow uchOscar-Hudson & Co. was rcfcrred ta wha tly hve pet sd hw mclthe Finance Commnttee ta, report more thcy have ta spend. Mayor back. Stnike also camxnented on the co- operation af otber elective bodies Trlet Fee $150 wicl had made the loWer rate pas- Transieut Traders' Bylaw, whlch sible. was Itelci over af ter its second read- ing ai the lest meeting, ta secure the Band Requesta Grant opinion of the retail merahauts as ta Gilbert Joues sud A. W. Plckard the amount af fee that would be foin asked council for a $200 grant ta ta transieut traders startlng lu the tle Legion Band, the maiter bclug tawn. received its third reading wyul referred ta the Finance Committec the blank f illed lu, ta autbonize cal- ta repart back. lection o! a $150 fée. If the number Mi-. Prtce, representiug the Cal- af uew merdhants openlng stores ciumn Chlonide Corporation, acidress- continues for the i-est of ibis, as It cd the council on the usés af chaor- bas started, it would sem that quite ide for numerous purposes., a revenue will lie received front this Everett Osborne asked permission source. ioinstafllgasolie tanklinthe drive- By a vote a! 4 to 2, council de- way of bis premises ou King Street, cided ta install a streei light at the the permission being granied pro -corner ai St. George aud Queen vided the amesito driveway an towu, Street, liv the Downham Nurseries. DAYLICGHT SAVING TIME COMMENCES SUNDAY AT 2 A. M. By proclamation o! Mayor W. Ross Strike sud îhe Town Council, Bo'wmanviUle wil commence île oliserv- ànce of Daylighi Saviug Tume on Suuday moi-ning ai 2 a. m.. sud tle new tinte will bo coutinued until 2 s. m. an Suudsy, September 3Oih. Citizens arc remind'- ed ta put iheir ciocks aitead anc haur befare they retire on Satui-dsy. Al durcIt services will be ou Daylighi Saviug TMme on Suuday. c"Iw- - e_ýbt