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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1934, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3rti, 1934 I The Newcastle Independent 1 Miss Doreen King, Toronto, is Y. P. L. ANNIVERSARY SERVICEIS guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hare. Mr. Geo. Rainey was soloist at Rev. C. D. Daniel Draws Large L)cal the United Church, Newtonville, onl Congregation and Many Visitors Sunday evening. ___ Rev. W. P. Rogers preached in the Leaguers fron Bowmanvifle, Ma- Markc St., Peterboro, Sunday and pie Grove, Orono, Leskard, and othe: Mrs. Rogers accompanied him. centres joined Newcastle Leaguers Mrs. Haroldi Alun and daughter by invitation in large numbers at Ruth returned on Sunday f romn a the Y. P. L. anniversary services in week's visit witb her sister, Mrs. the Newcastle United Church, Sun- Lawrence Kerr, Toronto. der. A choir of young people, un- Mr. Irwin AllUn and daughter,de the direction of Mr. W. J. S. Miss Sadie, and Miss Sisson, Ida, Rickard, led in the service of song called on Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, onI both morning and evenlng. Miss Monday week enroute to Toronto. Winnifred Rickard, League Presi- Officers and members Of Durhamn dent, cond.ncted both services anc Lodge, A. F. & A. M., vlsited Den contributed a solo "I Corne to Thee, tomia Lodge, Toronto, onfl rsaYO Lord" in the mornrng. A male evening and put on the third degree. quartette, H. C. Allun, Wilbur Bask- Mr. Wellington Van Dusen went erville, Stanley Rickard and E. C. to Barrie on Monday to begin work Hoar, also sang "I have beard of a on the building of a skating and Landi." At the evening service Mr. curling rink. Norman Friedli, accompanied on the Mr. Ferguson, our former esteem- piano by Miss Vera Rutherford, con- ed blacksmitb. came out from Peter- tributed a sacred violin number, boro witb Rev. Chas. D. Daniel, Sun- "The Rosary," and Mr. (3eo. Walton day and spent the day with Mr. and sang "My Task." Mrs. Albert Pollard. Rev. Chas. D. Daniel, Mark St. Sidney Brow-4 suffered an acute Church, Peterboro, preached twa attack of appehd.icitls Sunday and splendid, soul inspiring sermons fox was rushed to Oshawa hospital Young people. He took as bis morn- where he underwent a successful ing text, Phil. 3:10, That I may operation the same evening. . know Hlm , and for the evening, Progressive Five R~Undred and Ecclesiastes 8:8, And tbere is no dis- Euchre wiil be held at the home of charge in that war. Man is always Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown at tbe Lake at war and always must be. Forces on Wednesday evening, May 9th, in wvitbin him are at continuous wa. aid of St. John's R. C. Churcb. There is physical war, mental war Newaste fiens ereplesedVoand spiritual war. Some of the see Mr. A. W. Piokard with daugh- weorlstousetforces whcbs yong ters andi friends, including Mr. Stu- peodl hould istet ntefaeaanst art James, Bowmanville, at the Un- adfib gis r neprne ited Church service Sunday evening. Impurity and' Gambling. There can be no discbarge in tbe war against Mrs. Jesse Baskervilie returned these. Only with God's belp and the f rom Toronto Saturday, accompanied spirit of Christ can the Young peo- by her daugbter, Mrs. Gordon Clark, ple of tbe cburcb battle against and ber remaining children and aiso them. Their eiders bave brougbt the her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bragg of world into a sorry plight and put it Ranier, Alta. in a bad mess. The younger gener- St. George's Church - Rev. F. H-. ation ought to have every encour- Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, May agement and facility offered thema 6tb, Rogation Sunday: il a. mn.- to make it right and a good world Morning Frayer and Holy Commun- to live in. ion; 2 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. ___ __ m .-Evening Frayer and Sermon.~ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare and Mr.1 OBITUARY and Mrs. J. S. Aines, Bowmanville, motored to Trenton last weekend to Agxies S. Drummond, Newcastle attend the removal of the remamns of Mrs. Hare's f ather, the late Mar- Acquaintances at home and abroad shall Wiihams, f roma the vault and and f riends the world over, and they their buriai in the cemietery. are of great number, f elt a dieep Mr. Stephen Sayweii, Oshawa, sense of personal loss in the passing President of Bay of Quinte Young o f Miss Agnes Druminond, eldest Peopie's Conference, will be the daughter of the late Rev. A. A. speaker aItbe Lake Shore Union Drummond, for many years the re- Sunday Scbool anniversary service vered minister of the Newcastle on Sunday afternoon, May 6tb. A Presbyterian Cburch. Everywhere Young people's choir will sing. they will bless ber name and revere United Church - Rev. W. P. Rog- 1her memory so ion g as 111 e s.hall iast. ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, May 6th, In wbatever capacity she laboured C.S.E.T. andi C.G.I.T. Anniversary: and in whatever circles she moved, il a. m.-Morning Worsbip; 2.30 p. the world and the people around ber m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Even- were enricheti by ber presence. Her ing Service. C.S.E.T. and, C.G.I.T. keen intellect she always used in co- reuntion on Saturday evening, May ordination witb God given and 5th. Christ inspired spiritual attain- Our Municipal Coundil bas been ments. Hers was a warma and un- planting several bundreti more trees derstanding beart and a mind aI- along the streets andi at the lake tuned to the mmnd of her Creator. front. Some of the trees were ob- Alîhough rather frail pbysically andi taineti from Forestry Station,' Or- while engageti in Y.W.C.A. work in ono, and others. mostiy bard ma- Toronto, having suffereti a compiete pies, f rom Oco. Ovens' woods on the breakdown in bealth. f rom wbicb base line. however she eventuaily recovered, Mrs. (Dr.) Herbert Drumniond, she nevertbeless possesseti a rare Brampton, is staying witb ber sis but gentie strengtb of character andi ter-in-law, Miss Annie Drununond, in whatever undertaking she was since the death o! the latter's sister, engageti always carrieti on witb a Miss Agnes Drummnonti. Miss Ethel strength of purpose aI which others, Tamblyn, Toronto, daughîer of the blesseti witb more robust beaitb, of- late Dr. James Tainblyn, aiso visited ten marvelleti. Miss Drunimonti. The late Agnes Drummonti was Mr. and Mrs. John Garroti an-I educated aI. the Newcastle public nounce the engagement o! their el- andi high schools anti at the Strat- der daughter, Nellie Clover, te Mr. ford higb school. She then tramnet Walter Allan Haigh, only son of Mrs. for the teaching profession andi sec- Haigb andi the late Mr. Ernest ured a teachers certiicate anti hati Haigh of Newtonvllle, the marriage several years' successful teacbing to take place at St. Georges Church experience in the Newcastle, Goder- on Monday, May l4tb. icb and Piclon public schools. Shel tben became identifieti witb the Mr. Erie Walton-BaUl, Toronto, Y.W.C.A. work, Toronto, and' for spent a few days at Harris Lodge. fifleen years rendereti outstand.ing the summer estate of bis father, Dr. service, flrst as house secretary andi W. H. Walon-Bail, wbo now like later as gene*ral secretary of! tbe many of Newcastle's other suminer Y.W.C.A. at the beatiquarters on residents, is making regular week- Elm St., Toronto. A breakdown in en.d trips te Ibis ever increasingly health compeileti her te relinquisbi popular warm weatber resort. this work whicb she bati carrieti on J. A. Smith Jr., chairman of tbe witb great ability and she came back parks and public property committee to the Drummond home in Newcas- of the municipal council, bas bati a tic, te be a help andi a joy andi a number of men at work pruning blessing te the village aUilbe remain- trees, cleaning up the underbrush ing days of ber 11e. As a member andi generally improving tbe appear- anti active worker in the Presbyter- ance of the west park at the laite, ian Cburch, the cburch of ber fath- the bridge to wbich bas been raised er, she was a leader among women a foot bigher than il was last season witb a special interest in the andi the approaches gratiet accord- cburcb's missionary enterprises. She lngly. was intensely interestet i n the work The Newcastle Girls' Sofîball team. of Christian Missions and kept ber- under the managershlp of Geo. self well informeti on mission work Crowther, will be in fast company at home and abroad, anti as well as Ibis season, baving joineti a league holding the bigbest executive offices witb two city teains, one big town in the local church, she was for team andi one Ieam from the Colin- -,orneo lears prttsident of tbe Whitby ties' capitol. Crowtber is puttlng Presbyterial. On the consumation the girls tbrougb their paces two af cbuch union she anti ber sister, nights a week on the park diamond, Miss Annie Drummond, came inte, getýting t-em in shapefortheir ir the.Utetibc nif.1beýhre as in preceoing te dance, Mr. Stanley Robinson, president, Bowmianviile, oceupiedth ie chair, anti Mrs, Ber-- tram Joisnston anti Mr. J. L. Wil- son, Toronto, Mr. Hatbeway, Port H-ope, Presitient o! Durham Liberai Association, anti Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., delivereti short atidresses in wblcb tbey elucitiateti liberal prin- ciples andi policies. Durbam Regi- Mental Bandi playeti on tise st-cet ~ elous 10 tise meeting anti were usInstrumental in popularlzlng the event whlch ail tise young peo- ple voted a social success, tise presidency o! Ibis as sbe was of tise otiser. Sometinies in tisis latter enterprise as in tise former war weary work tise task to, some wouid appear almost a hopeless one and some woulti falter, but Miss Druin- mond's dauntless spirit woult ci-y, Carry On, anti witb ber zeal she would quleken, encourage anti stlm- ulate al ber associates. Wben tise new Conunlty Hall was bult anti tedicateti anti a coin mittee formnedt look aller Its man- agement, Miss Drumaonti was el- ecteti a member o! this first corn- mittee anti always ber wise courisels were mucis prizeti by ber associates.1 Newcastle bas mucis 10 be gratefuli for in the ife o! Miss Agnes Druni- monti anti wiil long bolti ber mem- ory dear. Tise funeral service was contiuct- eti by ber paster. Rev. W. P. Rogers, assisteti by a foi-mer pastor, Rcv. Geo. Mason, Bowmanville, witb in- lerment in Bond Headi Ccmetery. The pail bearers wcre J. C. Young anti Mr. Lawlor, Oshawa; Arthsur Drummonti, Orono; Geo. C. Wright, A. O. Parker anti W. E. Bemnan, New- castle. Deceaseti is surviveci by ber sister, Miss Annie Drummonti, witb wisom in ber bercavement anti lonellness tise syrnpatby o! Newcastle dwells, anti one brother, Alex, formerly in- spector, now superannuateti, of tise Canadian Bank o! Commerce, wiso is critically ilI in Toronto. Thse late Dr. Herbert Drummonti, Brampton, was also a brother, anti Mr. Arthur Drummonti, Manager o! tise Canati- ian Bank of Commerce, Orono, is a nephew. John Hepburn, Enf ieîd A higbly respecteti resitient of Norths Darlington in tise person of John Hepburn, En! icît, passeti away on Sundlay, April 22nti, ageti 84 years. His wife, who was Mrs. Isa- bella Niddery, dieti about a year ago. Deccaseti was the oltiest son o! tise laIe Mr. anti Mrs. John Hepburn of East Wbitby wbere be was born on thse farm now owneti by Mr. Lance Beath. Mr. Hepburn was very higb- ly respecteti anti was o! a very quiet anti retiring nature. The funerai took Pace f rom tise Unitedi Churcb on Wednesday, April 251h, anti was very largely allendeti. His pastor, Rev. J. M. Wisyte o! Ennskillen, conducteci the service anti gave a very comforting message te tise ber- eaveti. Tise floral of!erings werc very beautiful, expressive o! tise very higis estecin o! bis many relatives anti fricnds. The pail bearers were six nepbews: Messrs. Ediwin anti Rus- sell Ormisten, J. Gray, Arthur, Mer- lin andi Roy Hepburn. He leaves 10 mourn bis Passing five brothers, Thomas o! Preston, Davidi o! Ux- bridge. William of Kedron, George o! Beatbton, wbo were present at tise funeral, anti James of Alberta, anti one sister, Mrs. Gray o! Toronto, were unable te, be present; aiso two step-children, Mrs. Harry James o! Columbus, anti Mr. Albert Nititery, Toronto, wbo have taken a very kindly interest in bis welfare since tise deatb o! thèlir mother. Tise in- terest took place in Hampton Cern- etery. I COURTICE Reserve Friday evening, May 41is. for tise annual Music Festival given by tise pupils of Maple Grove, Base Line anti Courlice Scisools under di- rection o! Miss Marion Orcharti. A. T. C. M. Supervisor o! Music. I KENDAL I BIRTHS COLE-In Bovman',îile Hospita on Sunday, April 22, 1934, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Cole, a son (William Fred. erick). I DEATHS FOSTER-In Pontvpool oon April 29th, 1931,4.\Marsy Jane toster, in her 59th yea r. BEGGS-At Pontyîtool, on Friday, Ap~rii 20th, 'Mary Jan,', beloved wife of Robert Beggs, aged 6î ytars. LORD-At Carnpblecroft, on April 25, 1934. Thomas Lord. beloved hushandl of .Mary Elizabeth Falls, in bis 86th, year. MoLEAN - At the residence of her sister, Mrs. E. Sutton, Utl Spadina Road, Toronto, April 30th, 1934, Susan Mc- Lean. Interment at Orono Cemetery. PERRV, Kirk L.-A*t Pasadina, Cali- fornia. April Stit, 1934, of pneumnonia, formerly of Toronto, and only brother of Mrs. W..J. A. Carnaban. Grandson of the late William Me.Murtry, Bowman- ville. WELSH-In Darlington, on Monday, April 30, 1934. William E. Welsh, in bis 6*2îîtl year. Son of the late Edward L. Welsh. formeriy of Bowmanville. Funeral lîrivate fron thie rtsitince of Mr. Geo. A. Pearco, Lot 27, P,. F., at 2 p.m. S. T. on Thursday. Interment Ebenezer Cern- IN MEMORIAM - HEARL-In Ioving nemnorv of our dear mother, Mrs. Sanmuel 1-banl, who ditd Nlay lat 1912. Wli,în a mother breathes ber last farewell The itlow is more than longue can tell; This world seems quito a different place WVitbou thie smile of mothers face. As we loved ber, so tee miss ber, In our memorios she is dear, ILoved, romnemberüd, tbouglit of always, Otten wisbing she was bore. -Evor r.>membered by Daugbters and Sons. AUCTION SALES Il Saturd.ay, May 5th-Therc will be solti by public auction on Lot 2, Block D, on tise corner of Third anti Higb Streets, Bowmanviile, one quarter acre lanti, gooti gartien soul anti fruit. Frame bouse anti ouI- buildings will be solti subWet Vo a îeserve biti, aiso quantity of bouse- holti furnishings, etc. Sale aI one o'clock. Mrs. A. E. Gives, Prop Wm. Chahls, Auctioneer. 17-2' Real Estate For Sale in Bowmanville ltîttg.low for sale ont tilîtrcit.Streot stueco finisiteti, araootl floors, il cottvttitnces, garagt: at a Iow i-ricýe for îîuick sale. A niec Brick Blous, ont Beacht Avenue, batwoifloors Ibrougitout. and double Miss Jean Stewart, nurse, Osh-gage awa visiled tiIhorne. Brick Ilouse for sale oit Concession Mr.ant Mis. iltn Rbinn Street. wilh one acre of land aI a very spent Sunday in Toronto. pio M r. Tisos. Tweedles, Toronto, A nice cottage for sale on Cliurcb spent Sunday at tise farmn. Stree'. teoulil suit a sinail famiîy. Mr. Ayiwarti Little, University o! '.4o sevepral otîter Sesiralîle propor- Toronto, was home Suntiay. ties for sale aI a bargain for cash. Mr. anti Mrs. Joseph Austin, Wcl- Apijly corne. spent Thurstiay aI Mr. L. D. Wm. Brock Bell's. Phono 114W Queen St. BowmanvIll Mr. anti Mis. Wm. Honey, Milligan, spent Suntiay wilb iser mother, Mrs.Noie t C ed or A. Jackson. N tc o C e io Mrs. Thos. Lewis who is in SI.___ Micbael's Hospital, Toronto, for I N i t--E ATTFI OrFlte rEstate ofi appendicitis is tioing nicely. j atoos Mýountîoy. loto of the Village of Kential Unitedi S. S. Annîversary, EnnisqkilIIýn, iii tîe County of Durham, June 101h, wben Rev. Manson Doyle, ,,Gntleman, Deýc-aseti. 1NOTICE is ltereby giveco hat ailtlier- Toronto, will be tise speaker. sons baviîîg eItîirs against the estato of Mrs. Fred Foster anti daugbter, tanes Munijo , hodieu on or aitout Margaret.Bowrnanville visiteti ber tie ti iti 10of Februiry. 1934, at the tla - f nniskiIIln, In Ie Coutîty of mother, Mrs. Chas. Thompson. l)urlîam. are, required on or itefore lte A large congregation turnedti 01113h îlay of NIay, A. D., 1934, 10 gond Suntiay morning anti bearti a splen- ntiîces thereof to the unilersigneil sol- diti temperance sermon by Mr. Lewis idtresesai tîl prlcullarneiting d o! Toronto. of Iit' d caims anti of the security, if, 1Young, Peoplc's League Met ont any. bolS iîy tîemn. Thrstiay evening. Meeting was in AND) TAKE NOTICE thaI oftor sucît Thu nitoltioned ilote the E'cecutor teli pro- chreo!tise Literai-y Con,vener, c,,dt, 1 distribute the assoIs of the os- Mrs. Evan Quanîrill who gave a toto among the parties enlitled Iberelo, topic on "Tise Life of Christ." Miss anti sili nul be hiable for the sala asseIs orany part ltereof 10 aiiy lerson of Margaret Bell gave a reading. Flower 'telose daim notice shahl not bavebn anti car conîest was conducleti by recelved aI tbe limne of sud, disîribu- Mrs.Eva Qunîrll. ioDATED aI Oshawa, Ibis 301h day of _____ .XîriI, A. D.. 1934. JOSEPH- P. MANGAN, Oshawa, Ont. TALK ON CHINA HEARD1 Solicitor for AT TRINITY W.M.S. MEET CECIL E. CROSSMAN, ______Executor. 18-3 The regular meeting o! tise Trinity Unitedi Churcis W.M.S. was Make It thy business te know thy- belti in lise scisool room on May laI, self, wiicb is tise most dfficuit les- witb tise presitient, Mrs. G. L. Wa- son in tise world. -Cervantes. gar, in tise chair. Meeting openeti _______________ witb a hymn, Mrs. H. Foster at tise piano. Mrs. C. W. Slemon gave a taik on tise subject "From JesusR TE anti OurselIves" taken from the bookRA E Radiance o! Jesus, by Dr. Weatiser- heati. Frayer was offered, by Mrs. FOR T. G. Mason. Minutes were rend anti approveti. Reports f rom Treas-1 urrTepeaneanti Correspond- Cl ssified ing Secretaries were given. Roll cal concludedth ie business perioti. Mrs. A v rie e t A. E. McCreatiy; devotionai leaflet, A v rie e t teok charge andtihie foliowing pro- gram was given: Hynn: prayer, by Mrs. S. Woodi; scripture lesson, Mrs. 1 . A. . H. Bea; vocioa lelo,s. A tA W d ArJ.. Crea; evocloala, s11 Ce tA W r D. J. Chambers, accompanleti by Mrs. D. Alîtireati: Mrs. F. A. Foster f gave an lnteresting taik on China, tisen m st the book. Aller te iglgoSf taen fry oktisefourth cipterCAo! o! another isynn. meeting closeti witb prayer by Mrs. K. Wight. EACH INSERTION -4- - ---- 'i (Minimum Charge 25c) 25e extra if not palti by Saturtiay foliowlng tise first insertion: also 10e extra when replies are adi- duiessedti10Tise Statesman Office. Blrth Notices 50 cents Marriage Notices 50 cents Death Notices 50 cents In Memnorlam Notices 50 cents (10e per uine atiditionai for poetry>. Cards of Thanks 50 cents LEGAL NOTICES 12e per Uine. first Insertion 8e per lUne. subsequent Ins. COMING EVENTS 10o per Une ... each insertion (minimum -1O er week> Wanted WANTED-Colony bouses or bonhouse. Albin Ciemens, Phone 237r3. 18-1 WANTED-An oxperienced farmn hand. Apply to Wm. Simpson, Hampton: Phono 376-32. 18-1- WA NTED-Experienced farm bond for summor months. Apply "M.H." Drawer B,. Bowvmaniville. 18-1 WANTED-A sel of farm implemonts in good condition. Norman R. Merrili, Box 43, Ilownmanville. 18-1' WANTED--One or lwo rooms witb or wilbout board . Must ho noar business section of King St. Apply in writing to -Z Drawer B3, lowmanville. 18-tf WANTEO-Salesman to soul Electric Washers. Exporionco not necossary.I Lilteral commission, also advonces made i against sales pending. Apply 66 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, belwveen 2 and 6. 18-3. Work Wanted WORK WANTED - Plowing gardens witb one-horse plow, also barrowing. Reasonable rates. Phono 563, Lloyd Passant, King St. E. 35-4- Lot Edl. Thomas clo your cartage work, romnove your winters ashes, or clear away your garboge. Residence over Nortlhcutl & Silbt's Furniture Store, King St. W.. Bowmanville. 15-8' WORK WANTED-Trucking, Moving. Gonoral Cartage. H-ave your drivoways huit Up and beautified. Cinders and gravel. Reasonable rates. Sce or ýbone Il. Gould, Liberty Street, Phono 69. 15-4, For Sale - FOR SALE--Goodl stee-lired Top Bug- gy (Gray) or Irade for wheal. Bort 0'urtis. Phono 391. 18-3' FOR SALE - Columbia Raspberry plants. R. Mi. Jantieson, King St. W. ttowmanville. Phono 319. 174i FOR SALE-DeLaval mnilk coolers for farmn use, also separators ani supplies. G. Reid, DeLaval agent, 66 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 15-4' FOR S4LE--One seed drilîl, one single 1)0w; also liasture for ton head of cal- tie. Isaac Hardy, R. R. 1, tHampton. Phono 167r4. 18-1 FOR SALE - White Leghorn Baby IChicks, $8.50 for 'May. Four weeks old cookeroîs, 5c each . Albin Clemons, Phboneo*-237r3. 18-i FOR SALE - Chosterfields. made 10 ordetr in ilsigns and materials solected îy îurcbasers. For particulars andi ternis. telelbone 105, Frei MItcholl. 1 FOR SALE-Btity these andi save money rliners, btloîvont itoot s andlpaîchin g outfits. Ftelow mail order lîrice. B. Fur- 'iAuto Ve ' owmanvllle. i'it(,tii 438. 18-30 FOR SALE - Pianos of the btter maks, Dominion, lieintzman, Newcombe, Williams: ffianos of te smallosl size or any style. I bave instruments that are reasonaitle ii rice andtietrnis. Tele- Idhonie 105, P.owmanvillo, Fred J. ?titciîeil. 16-tf STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE -t'boice Early Premier from certified stock. $1.5n lier lti, $8. per 1000. Dun- lopt, antd lra ndlyw me antd other kInds at $1.00nlier 100, $6 lper 1000. New vigorous stock . Nover piint from old beds. A. Lairtd. Maftie Grovo. Bowmanvllle phone 4-.6r21 17-2' Seed Grain FOR SALE - Government tested Red tlover Seed anti Victory Qats. W. H. ll,ýnnett. IL. R. 4 , Bowmanv'iile. Phono Live Stock For Sa le FOR SALE-G4ood steel tired Top Bug- st-. tliwto 0ronew now. Phono 167rl3. Jack tReynolds, Solina. 18-1 FOR SALE - 12 Yorksbire pigs 6 w'eks oiti, also 1 young 50W breà 7 we.- Green Bros. R. R. No. 3, Bow- joanvilie. Phono 133r14. 18-1 Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-To close estte, 7ý2 acre farîn, 30 ocres orchard, ln Bow- manvilie. Aîîply 'Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Box '191. l3owmanville. 16-4 ,FOR SALE-The residonce of lthe late 1.T. Stelîhens. ileecb Avenue. Apîîly Il. K<. Sîjuair, Atlministrator, R. Rl No. 4 Botenianville. Phono 142r6. 18-3! FOR SALE- 3 acre Orcliard; lias baS liosl of care for* 20 >,cars, pruneti and sprayeti yearly. W e odw'ith or %viihout bouse - 2 or 3 good building lots. Excellent locationi for cbicken raising. Jury & Lovoîl. 38-tf To Let TO RENT - Ilooms, on King Street East. Iiownianville. Aîtply Mrs. Bert Andrus. Phono 125. 16-tf TO RENT-Large brick bouse. suit- ,îbl,à for tourist accommiodation. Enquiro atI-Zingswvay Nurseries, Iiowmanville. 16-tf FOR RENT-Fivo rooms, motdern con- veniences, garage. A p ly 10 Mrs. Tinos. Vansione-, King St.. Bo wmanvi île. 17-2 w PASTURE FOR RENT--Gîtod liasture for abiiout four biail of yotîn g caille. W. T1. iPernett.lHamton. Phtone 3761-34. 17-1 TO RENT-6 rtoontotsp to re-nt with 1acre garîlîn, aill onvenitîeces, imniodl- iaie lîosesclson, $15.00 lier ntonth. J. B3. Martyn. 17-2 TO RENT-Ap;trtmtnlt for rent, 5 roons, sl rtle batht. Nrs. -iiiiniwpî'l, Silvîr SI rn I(t, ow mativille. Phio11îý 81.18i TO RENT - Rooms furîtisîtetior tun- furnilsiteti.Aîtîîy tb Irs. John Darch, corner Libeteny antI Welington Str(eets, Blotemantville. 18 -1 TO RENT-Seveto rotimed bîrick btouse, aIl modiern convenlencos, on Elgin St. Ptossession Alîril llth AppI1 yMW. F. Qulck, Ilownianville. Phono 2'-6. 10-tf For Sale or To Rent FOR SALE OR TO RENT-%WilI ho stîlt on easy I'-rnts tir wiII re-nt.lbrick itouse, I .n t ralIlovtiion, on K<i ng St. A lîlly Citas. Ilcol, Sileer St. Phione 9. 18-2 FOR SALE OR RENT-Ilouso anti 23 ac~res of lantd, Lot 9, (on. , Darlinglon. Possession ltttlll.AltpIy 10 Il. 1B. Foster, ilownianviiî,. Phtone 45. 15-tf For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-%Vtst- lItgîtouse Electii Range, roasonablo. teould exciamuge for pouIîry bous,,ium- lier or Qut.iîoc rango, Applîy F. W. Ayling, R. R. 2. ltomanvillît. 18-1' Simoniz - Caors sienonîzed $2.00 10 $4.00 ilepenti- ing on size, wasiing Incluilei. Any car washed ,Oc. J. G. Bunner. Wellington St., BowmanviIie. Phono 584. 17-3 Music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. Pupils prepared for aIl examinations. Private and dlais lemmen at moderato rates. *owmanvil.e, Ont. 40-lyr F Classified Ads li m 1 Notice to Creditors AIl persons lîaving dlaims against the estate of RICHARD THOMAS STEPH- ENS, late of the Tow-n of Bowmanville, wbo died Oct. Srd 1933, are required 10 fyle lte same witlaithe undersigned be- fore May 21s1, 1934. After that date he will distribute the cîtate lîaving regard only t10 daims se fyled. Dateà April 21st, 1934. R. K. SQUAIR, Admînlstrator, R. R. 4, BowmanvIllîe, Ont. 17-4 Many a man fails 10 become a thinker for tise soie reason that bis memory is 100 gool.. NOTICE NOTiCE - Tbe NewtIonville Hammer Mil1 w ili run Tuesdays oiiFn'idays only commencing May lst. W. Il. Jones.i-2 Upholstering RE.UPHOLBTERING - RE-COVERING On aIl knds of furniture, full rang of samples te choose from. Chesterfeld Suites recovered and repaireS luit liii noe front $50.00 up . Expert workman- si. Estimates freo In yoour own home. J. A. FRY, Scugoa Street BswmSflviIllC- Phone 536 7t '.ei4iî. r . I~aa. ~ t r' '1 / C. C. F. Clubs of Durham invite you te Ijear DR. LORNA COTTON, M. A. GRAHAM SPRY, of The Farmer's Sun at the following places: JANETI'ILLE C. 0. F. HALL - MONI)AY, MAY 7th. BETHANY TOWN HALL -TTJESDAY, MAY 8th. MILLBROOK TOWN HALL- WEDNESDAY, MAY 9th. BLACKSTOCK COM3IUNITY HALL - FRMAY, M(AY lith. ORONO TOWN HALL - SATURDAT, MAY l2th. Speakers at Orono: Wm. Irvine, Ted Garland, Dr. Cotton AU meetings will commence at 8 P. m- Standard Time. DANCE! "D" Company Durham Regiment Badminton Club are holding their ANNUAL DANCE in tise ,Armories at Orono on FRIDAY, MAY 4th COLE'S ORCHESTRA will f urnlsh the music. Admission: $1.00 a couple. Everybhody weloome. WHAT WILL YOUR Fur Coat Look Like Next FaII? ITS AppEARANCE DEPENDS UPON h IIE CARE YOU TAKE OFT Our sciefltlfiCSiIY Ctifltruc0 vaults wiU, proteot your furs f rom moths, 0 fi.e, theft, and the lîardenlng effecta thst heat exerts en them durlng thse smmer' Store tVient in our vaulta, y our f urswMJ be rt.turned to yo« I c th, fnl! brlght, f resh and new I If You wesh any repairing or remg1dffriu do 01W a um- A new feature, thi.,s easofl, la our SCIENTIFIC METHOD of f ur cleaning - the nemest and consldered the beatfor not onlY is the fur reflovated. b)ut thse linjng la also thorouly cean- cd without taking it froin the cOt Our charges are very mod- erate - storage rates bcing bqsed on your owii valuation. Phone 106 to-day and we wl eall for vtour furs and bave them properiy taken care of bY our expert furriers, WE IIAVE SPLENDII) FACILITIES FOR STORING FURS ,Ladies' Wear' Foster's and Furrier Phone 106 Opposite Ballnoral Rotel Bomaul .~4 .1 4 Clean Up Paint Up Spruce Up We've done all three. Our store redecoration is nearly compiete. We have cleaned up Our entire stock, and have spruced up with scores and scores of new items& Spruce Up Your Home New Curtains mnake a new, home. We have a won- derful range of quality Curtain Nets, from 18e yard. Curtains by the pair, Swiss Nets, swiss bordered and friiled. New Side Drapes in English Chintz, Cretonnes, Jaspe Taffetas and mnny other mateials which wsll add grace and charm Vte your home. And don't forget te sec our new Candlewick Bed- sprads, al the beautiful new shades of the season. Spruce Up Yourself Our fast nmoving stock of new Coats lias been re- plenished with a new shipmeflt of latest styles and materials. You'll be surprised that coats of this quality seU se cheapiy. Martha Washington Dresses For ai ternoon wear. The iargest and most delight- fui assortmeiit we have ever shown. Compiete range of sizes, styles and colors; sizes 14 te 51. priced at $2.95 $3.50 $3.95 $4.50 MEN: Spruce Up, Too Scores of new Summer Suits in tweeds and worsteds. And they're not the least bit expensive. Priccd, with two pairs of pants, front $14.95 Couich, Johnston & tryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville ,mwzwmýý ' a- 1 . PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP-SDAY, MAY 3rd, 1934 MI ý , It - --- . -, -

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