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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1934, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAA, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3rd. 1934 PAGE THREE FREE, m INDIAN COWBOY CUTOUTS m Ask Your Grocer Making Health Interesting to Young People It is often very difficuit te make children eat feods that are abse- lutely nec.esary for theru. er child, for instance, shouid drink a quart of milk a day. Because milk is one of the most wonderful foods for children. Many wise mothers have f ound that Kellogg's ready-te-eat cereals are the easiest as well as the meat healtliful way of encouragrng a child te take plenty of milk. The number of combinations of Kellogg's Cereais with ether foods is alniost endless and, even ever a long period of tüme, they can be made ddfferent and thus tempting to the child's taste. And then there are se many Rel- logg's Cereals tee. A favorite for each appetite-a preferred dish for every individual. Some like Cern Flakes. Mest kiddies are crazy about PEP Bran Flakes. Rice Krispies with their I"snap! crackle! pop!" neyer f ail te delight them. Adding honey or fruit makes a brand-new dish. Servlng cereals in combinations is a new taste delight. In eider te hielp YDu wth the problem of enceuraging your child te eat foods that are really good for hlm, Kelogg bas prepared a serles of beoklets especially fer the ciiil- dren. Here in the midst of play, for exampie, ýthey learn that hot, heavy foods are flot se good for thein at night as crlsp, easily digested cereals -and many other facts that wil simplif y your feeding the children. F. S. Coulter SUPERIOR STORE Corner King and Ontario Sts. SPECIALS FOR MAY 3rd, 4th, and 5th Nugget Shoe Polish, tUn ....12e Keen's Mustard, 1/ lb. ti..... 25e Castie Wax, 1 lb. tUn........ 23e Biscuit Special: McCormick's Fancy Mixed, per lb ...................1Ise Broom.s, 5-string, good weight, 33e Pairnolive Soap, per cake .... 5o Muffets ............. 2 pkgs. 19c Keflogg's Al Bran. Ige. pkg. ..20c Neilson's Cocoa, 1/2 lb. tin. ... 23c Hillcrest Vanilla,, 2 oz... 2 bot. 15e Icing Sugar ........... 2 lbs.. M Zebra Liquld Stove Polish, per bottie ........ 15e Supremne Steel Wool, pkg. ----100 ilîcreat Toilet Relis.. 3 rolis 250 Clothes Pins...... 4 doz.10oc Clethes LUnes, 30-foot .....10e Shaker SaIt, per pkg ..... 9c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Indian Cowbey Gutouts Free 3 Pkgs. 25e Blue Rose Rice.. .. 2 Ibs. 17e Eclipse Flour, 7 lb. bag 23e Eclipse Fleur, 24 lb. bag ... 65e Puritan Laundry Soap 10 'kes 25c Aylmer Speelals: Ay]xner Pork & Beans, lge. tin 10e Chef Catsup, 12 oz. bot ...14e Aylmer Tid-Bit Pineapple, 2's Squat . . . . . .. 16e Aylmer Peaches, 2's Squat, 2 tins for 3Me Aylmer Tomato Juice .......5 Aylmer Orange Marmnalade, 40 oz. Jar, large ......30e Aylmer Orange Marmalade, 16 oz. Jar ...... ........ 17e Boneless Chicken, 7 oz. tiun.. l Aybiner Chili Sauce, 12 oz. bot. 15e Ayimer Choice cern, No. 2 Un 10o Choice Tematoes, 21/2's. .2 tins 190 Ayimer Peas Ne. 4, No. 2 tinis z tins fo; 2U. AyUner Spinach, per tin, . ..15e F. S. Coulter Phone 354- We Deliver You'1I Enjoy Your FLAKI5 Kellogg'& Corn Flakes better if you e"t them Wth pleuty ef BOWMANVILLE DAIRY MILK and CREAM Bowmnanvâle Dairy W. H. Betties, Prop. Phone 446 - flowmaaVSle Hmes a great chance to enjoy crisp, delicions Keilog'm Corn Flakes, and at the. sanie time give your children the. most fascinating playthings - colorful Kellogg Kutouta of Cowboys and Indiana that move! ~ They are NEW! A great new idea that makes theso S Kutouts more fun than any you have seen! ~ ~ ~ There are six sets in the. series - three of Cowboya and ' three of Indiana -go cleverly made that any child can . play wonderful games with one, two or ail six. ....... s ...... your grocer how to get them. Tbey are FREE With the purchase of Kellogg's Corn Flakes - the world's mns * ~' ~ popular ready.to-eat cereal. Favorite of ail the faniily OC ail year 'round!1 FLAKES CORN FLAKES THE BEST STORES IN TOWN Bruce B. Brewer, Vice-President of Ferry-Hanly Advertising Company, once said:-I believe the chances arei ten te one I could take a file of newspapers from any tewn or city and, af ter a little study, pick eut the best stores in town. I belleve any ex- perlenced advertislng man could de it. Just look at the advertisements in this paper, week after week, and you can do the same thing. Perhaps it wen't b. the largest advertiser who is really grewing the f astest, but more probabiy It wili ho. Tihe main thing te ilook fer ih the advertlser'sI own expression e! his sales story. If1 ho gees about his advertising with a sincere desire te serve you, he gees about his entire business thst way. Such a merchant is aggresslve, mod- ern a.nd probably gaining on his com- petitien. I know of a town where one stere always had had the weman's ready- te-wear business. It advertised mod- estiy. Then aleng came twe eut-o!- tewners, established -their store, be- gan adverthsing in vigorous f ashion, using twice the amount o! space et the eider stere. In a few months bus- iness began to swing. Guess who bas the largest business now? Similar oppertunities exlst li every tewn teday-mere ef themn than ever bef ore. F RE E INDIAN COWBOY CUTOUTS MENS with 1 1 'KELLOGG'S CORN lx FLAKES 3 Pkgs. 25c H. eCe OSBORNE, Gr>cer Phone 48 Centre Street Bowmanville The Ideal Breakfast ~~ C rFLAJCI Keliogg's Corn Flakes~ wth a generous supply of Glen Rae Dairy MiIk,%mCream Sohool ehlldren partioularly need sa lght but nourlublng breakfast. Oies Ha. Milk wlîh any cereal adis tu Ita nounlshment. It's absolutely pure. It oomes f.ro T. B. Tested and Governmoent ln- upeeted hords, Oies Ha. MUl must b. good bocauso Glen Ha. Mlik atsfies hundroeset pouple overy day ln the year. "I Glen Rae4 Dalry PraUN 408.1 & & STVENS & SON, fPrprto MAPLE SYRUP, from this year's sap ý ... 2.50 Imp. Gal. CHOICE FRESH GROUND COF!FEE. ... .... 45clb. PRUNES and SULTANA RAISINS..............-.2 I1o. 25o F'RESH GOLDEN BAR CHEESE, 1/2 lb. pkg. ., . .. 2 for 23e CHOICE TOMATOES ....lh NO. 3 SIEVE PEAS . 2 for 25o FREE INDIAN COWBO'Y CORN CUTOUTS FLAKESwlth am= 3 PKGS. KELLOGG'S l e CORN FLAKES AT 25o FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS W.e C. Caverly PHONE 62 BOiVMAVI-LLE Eggo Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin........... 34c i1 Glass Tumbler Free Maple Syrup, Imperijal Gallon ........... $2.00 Green Boiling Peas............... 2 lbs. 15c Muffets, the irradiated cereal ........ 2 for 19c Cooking Figs, per lb ................... 10c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 2 for 17c FLMIESIndian Cowboy Cutouts Free with each Kellogg's Corn Flakes purchase. Hallowi Dates, per lb...............:. ..10ec Robin Hood Flour. 98 lb. bag ........... $2.59 Ca7alb. Whie Cheddar. Cheese, old. . . . lb. 18c Palmolive Soap .......... 5 bans 23c 1 pkg. Princess Soap Flakes Free Milorganite Fertilizer for Lawns. . . 100 Ibs. $2.75 Christie's Oriental Layer C ake, Special. ..... 20c Feed Molasses, Imperial Gallon ........... 25c Clover Seeds of all kinds. Ful-O-Pep Gxiowing Mash and Poultry Supplies Oyster Sheli and Grit Fresh Fish for Friday Harrmy Allia, Grocer Phones 121 and 186 Bowmanville "There's pie for dessert." That is the magie formula fer lifting the faxnily from the depths of gleoni. Boarding housekeepers use the trick when the beef is teugh. Hlouse meo- thers use it when Alma Mater loses the gaine. Aimost every mother uses It te brighten meals wbich "are goed for you," but perhaps not very interesting; or, te, cheer the boys when it rains on the day et the big game. There are many alds for easy pie making that wlse women use. Sanie of these aids are gadgets snd lmn- proved utensils whleh simplif y the work of pie maklng. Even more helpful are the prepared feods which can be used in pies. Tlie manufac- turer does much of the work that grandinether did In the home. Thanks te modem f oods, such as ready-te.4it cereals, glatin snd condensed miik, pies can b. made even wlthout baklng. These up-te-date pies are espec- ially whelesome and as geod for yeu as they are geed te, eat. Tlie cereal pastry h se easy te make th.at pie niaking ne longer la the test ef the coek's skili, although stili the source of ber popularlty. Cern flakes are meat suitabie for this klnd of pastry. Other ready- te-est cereals can b. used, such as rioe krlsples and whele wheat f lakes. Roll the flakes te make fine crumbs. For one 9-lnch pie, meit 1/4 cup but- ter li the pie pan. Add V4~ cup su- gar snd 1 cup fine cern flake crunibs. Blend thoroughly and press the mixture firmly around the sides and bottoni of the pan. Chili the pastry In the refrigerator fur a f ew minutes before puttlng ln the f111- in«. A littie cinnamon or nutmeg can b. added te the pastry mixture te suit tihe f laver etfhef Ming. The flavor ef the butter suàd ef the cern flakes ia ail that hs needed to make a delicious pastry. A few of the crumbs can be reserved forsrn- llng over the top of the pieif e slred. With cern flake psstry any fillng cari b. used which does not have te be cooked in the pie sheil. The cream f illings and those made wlth gelatin are especialIZ geod. These pies will keep f resh and crisp in the ref rigerator. Fresh Strawberry Pie 1 quart strawberries 74 cup cornstarch 1 cup sugar 14 tap. sait Cever whoie berrnes wlth sugar and let stand severai hours te ex- tract Juice. (If the bernies are cut, they neef stand oniy V2te 1 heur.) Strain bernies frein the julce. To the Juice aIdd #water te make 1 y2 cups oe! Uquid. Combine cornatareh and sait. Mix with a littie ef the llquld te forni a smooth paste. Add te the remaining liquid. Bring te a bell1 and cook ever bolling water un- til clear (10-15 miniute). Add ber- ries; cool and peur inte cern flake pastry. Mocha Chtffon Pie 2 tbsps. gelatin 14 tap. salt % cup cold water 2 eggu (separated) 2 cups strong caf- 1 cup whlpped feine-free coffe. cream 'cup sugar 1 top. vanilla Soak tihe geistin in eold water for flve minutes. Add te the het cSf- f eine-free coffee and stir until dus- solved. Add sugar, sait, the eg yolks slightiy beaten snd cool b7 setting it li a bowl of tle, atlrnlng ofteni As soon as mixture starta cengeallng, remove frem Ile, boat vigerously and feld In beaten eg whites, whlpped creani sud vanile. Spread into the corn flake pestry crust. L.enon Danas Cream Pie 1 1-3 cups condensed 2 tos. grated lenion înilk (1 can) rlnd 'cup lemon juice 2 baxianas Blend thoreughly condensed mullk, lemaon juloe and lemon nlnd and stir untul mixture thickens. Peur ite corn flake erubt sud top with tbiniy slieed bananas. Cover wlth the fol- lowlng meringue: 2 egg whites Few grains sait 4 tbaps. sugar 14tsp. vanilia extraet Beat egg whltes until they hold their shape, then add sugar gradu- ally. Beat until stif!. Add vanilla Spread on tep of pie. Bake lI a slow aveu (300F.) fer 20 min3xtes. Refigerator Cheee Cake 2 tbaps. geIatin 1 pound cottage (% oez.) cheese (put thru 'cup (4 ozs.) cold a sieve) water 1 lemon (grated rind 2 egg yolks (slight- ani juice) ly beaten) 1 tsp. vanîfla 1 tmp. sait 'cup (4 ozs.) milk 2- egg whites (stiff- 'cup (4 oza.) sugar ly beaten) 1 cup (8 oza.) whipping cream Sef tien gelatin ini eeId water. Put egg yolks in top of double bolier. Beat sliglhtly and ada sait, mfilk snd sugar. Cook, stirring until mixture thiekens. Remnove frem in ie Add seftened gelatin; mix therougebI!: cool. Ada cheese whieh bas boon put throush a steve, lemon Julce, ulnd and vanfla. Pold in bosten egg whltes and whipped creani. Press 2-3 of the cern flak~e pastry into the bottom o! a spning f orm, mold. FPM with cheese mixture. Sprlnkle renmainlng cern flIse pas- try erumbs over the top. Thursday-Frtiday-»Saturday COFRTSA ..........7 bars 25e Tea, Red & White, 1's ............ per IL 55e Coffee, Red & White, 1's .......... per lb. 42c Beans, Refugee or Golden Wax...... pexi tin 10c C & B Marmalade, 32 oz ........... per jar 32c Prunes, mnedium size..............2 Iis. 25c Horseshoe Salmon, 1/,'s........... per tin 21k KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 3 §Or 25c Ils~Macaroni .. ..... 2 lbs. 10e aamz ~Calay Soap .. ..... o 5 .lm .....per tin 10c AUSTRALIAN SULTANAS...... 2 Ibo. for 25e Gold Medal Strawbeniy Jam, with Pectin ...................... per jar 35c Gold Medal Peaches............. per tin 18c Fluffo ..................... per lb. 10c Chocolate Coated Dates ........... '/2 lb. 13e Golden Spray Cheese, plain or pimento, '/2... ..................... 2 for 25c POST BRAN FLAKES............ 2 for 23c Red & White PASTRY FLOUR, 7 lb. b... 23c Hawe's Floor Wax, 1's............ per tin 42c Connoxr's Herrings, T.S ............. per tin 14c Toi1pt Tissue, Red & White.......... 3 for 25c Magie Baking Powder (C & C), l's ... per tin 34c Kolona Coffee, i's..... per lb. 29e Health Saits, Gold Medal...... per tin 14e Gold Medal Custard, serve with rhubarb. . n 25c Portabella Cream Biscuits ........lb. 15c Nugget Shoe Polish, all colors......pert tn 12e BULK SOAP FLAKES...... 4 Ibs. for 2.% F. W. Noues PHONE 599 BOWMANVILLE We Ail Like Pies by BARBARA B. BRO0OKS PAGE THRM THE CANADIAN STATESMArk, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1934

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