PAGE FOUR TECNDA TTSABWAVLE HRDY A r,13 Toronto Optosnetrists 2143 DANFORTH AVENUE Phone Grover 7078 G. M. BOSNELL, PORT HOPE Wednesday- 9 a. M. to 9 P. M. Oppos ite John Street Phone 248 or 525J G. E. GARNETT, COBOURG Saturclay - 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. over A. & P. Store SHAW'S Business Schools Operate A Model Office and Employment Bureau at 1130 Bay Street, Toronto, and sup. ply expert service of Graduates by day te Office Managers who cail for assistance. The demnand la keen for boys up to 181 who know Short. hand and Typewriting. Our register je open to such. No charge. Cail or Write to Miss Meggeson, Director, KI 13165. Rleved/ C B býy's OçnTablets have been bhe oyMedicine my four children have everhad. lu no single instance bas it been necessary to consuit our doctor." Se writes Mrs. Harry Pilmer,' Cumberland Bay, N.B. When the baby or young child loues appetite; is aleepless or rest- less, bas coated tongue colic, !,Digin, cold or diarriioea or la eetin . .give Baby's Own Tablets f o; Rsafe, quick relief. Pce 25e at ail drug stores. 20G Dr.Williams' Bowmanvillé Couple Honored by Friends on Wedding Anniversari Mr. and Mrs. E. Passnt pleasant': Surprised Fridlay evening. April 27th, Mr and Mrs. E. Passant, King St. E. were pleasantly surpriseti by abou 40 frientis and neighbors on the oc- cahsion of the tvýenty-second ad- niversary of their marriage. Mr. anc Mrs. Passant elaimed il was a com. plete surprise and they were bei Slieveti on circumstantial evidence -viz., Mr. Passant being partly read3 for beti andi not having time to cor. ceal bis toeless socks befose th( uninvited guests noisily entered witl shouts o! 'Surprise!" and bto th strains o! "For he's a jolly good feJ. 10w." Mfter the surprised one had re covered f rom their fisst sbock tbt following atidress was read:- "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Passant, We arE gathereti here at your home this ev- ening t0 celebsate with you thE occasion of your twenty-second annivessary. We trust that you wi long be spared to enioy the presence o! eacb other's company and o! thosE who gathered with you to-nigbb. We thougbt it only fitting at an oc- -casion o! this kind to express to you in some tangible way the feeling of warm heartedness we have towards Y ou. on behaif o! ýthose gathesed here we ask you te, accept thi% token of good-will and f riendship and maY you enjoy il to the full. We ail join in wishing you the best o! luck and many years o! happiness." Mr. andi Mrs. Passant mrade ap- propriate replies a.nd welcomed the party. The rest o! the evening was spent iu playing games andi trippini the light fantastie 10, "pop goes the weasel." Music being furnisheti by a three piece orchestra. A dainty lunch was served and all report having spent a very enjoy- able lime. "First find the imau in yourself If you will inspire manliness In oth- ers."-A. Bronson Alcott. Dressmaking and Repairs The Evlyn Shop is equipped with an up-to-date Dressmaklng and Repair Department under the expert supervision of Mrs. F. Oke. We wtll make any dress you desire f ront your materiaI. If you want a dress repaired or re-made be sure to sec us flrst. Fur Repairing and Remodelling You wiil be having your fur coat remodeiled or re- palred during the suimmer. Do it now. We wil expertly repair your coat, or remodel it Into am cen- tirely new style at very reasonable cost. The Eylyn LADIES' So The EvlynSPECIALTY ~o Phone 594 King Street B mavlec Why Pay FUR STORAGE Safeguard your furs in a genuine cedar lined Cedar Chest. Northcutt & Smith have a fine showing of extra quaiity chests at most reasonable prices. Solid cedar or walnut cedar lined chests in a varlety of handsome designs. One of these chests wlU take care of aUl your valuable clothing durlng the ope season for moths. Get one to-day and save ail fer storage costs of the future. Priced from $9095 up Nortkcutt & Smith FURNIURE PHONE 58 FUNERAL DIRECTORS T hctully takes les: e s~ Maglc Bakingl>['(%der t>... make acake, aînd y u can count on good resuts- every time! No %% onder ( înad.t s cookery experts 5y aay It doesn't pay t t tkc chainces with Inferlor Y..- baklng poWder. Bake wî th Miagie and be sure! - CCONTAINS NOALUTM." This 1BIA G IC $Iranetit Mgic a I »gjffl W CANADA any barmnful Ingredlent. je ry 'y r. -y 1- ie r- e e e .e ie ,e )f lI ,e )f ENNISKILLEN Miss Vera Shackleton, Bowxnan- ville. visited Miss Annie Oke. Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin and f amily visiteci Mr. Lorne Griffin's, Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Sop- er, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. McGill, Toronto, wîtli the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Virtue and Miss Laura Virtue, Toronto, spent Sunday among friends. Miss Reva McGiII, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGilI. Mr. G. Bradley and Miss Elva Griffin. Toronto, spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Griff in. Mr. and Mrs. Elmner Boyd, Tor- onto, Mrs. Esther Stevens, Hamp- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens. Mr. Lloyd Pethick, Toronto, Mr. Oswald Pethick, Nestieton, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pethick. Our pastor, Rev, J. M. Why]e, preachecQ a very £ine sermon on 'Paul's shipwreck" and reviewed the sinking of the Titantic. Mrs. Grourlie and son, Fred, Misses Helen Gourlie and Elsie Oke, Toron- to, Miss Gertie Oke, Bowmanviile, visited at Wesley Oke's. Mrs. W. H. Moore returned home on Sunday a! ter spending two weeks with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rice accompanied her home and are remaining for a few days. t - - 1 EBENEZER g Messrs Gordion and Jack Pickell] eDetroit, are visiting their fatber, y Mr. Dean Piekell. Mr. and Mss. Tbos. Bickle and Mr. dand Mss. H. H. Nichols were visifors in Toronto on Tuesday. Messrs Jesse Van Nest, Peterboro, and Arnott Van Nest, Detroit, were f Suuday visitors at Mr. B. Oke's. Miss E. M. Stetiman andi Mss. W. F. Dale, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors aI bbe home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rundie. Mr. andi Mss. Geo. F. Annis were lu Brantford oves -the weekend at- teuding the funeral o! Mrs. Annls's aunt, Mrs. Prouse. Several f rom hese atteudedthetb choir concert aI Zion on Fslday ev- ening. Mrs. G. F. Annis and Miss Louise Courtice assisted, on the pro- grain. Our Young Peôpie's League visitec on Monday evenlng, Eldad 'Young People's wheu a very pleasant and interesting lime was enjoyed by ai: present. Miss Annie Hoît and Mss. Roy Nîchols motoreti to Buffalo ou Fn.- day returning home on Saturday, accompanieci by Mss. A. F. Rundie who bas speut bbe vmnter monîlit at Miami, Florida. Miss Aura E. Brooks, Lockwood Clistie, Toronto, wbo recently un- derwenl an operation for appendi- cibla bas recovered sufficiently to retusn tb ber home liere for a short time to recuperate. Miss Cecile Hall, Toronto, was also a weekend visitor witb Ms. and Mrss S. S. Brooks. Services vere well attendieti on Sunday morning. The pastor taking for bis texI: "The completion o! our ovin conversion." S. S. wss altendeti bY 144. Ralpb FPound bold a mis- sionary story very nicely. Mission Circle beld its meeting on Tuesday evening, April 4fb at the home o! Miss Sadie Muir. witb Miss Evelyn Wade anti group in charge. Mrs. Art Found gave flic devotional leaflef, andi Miss Hazel Rundle took the Study Book. The following pro- grain was given: vocal duef by Lu- cille Wade andi Muriel Foundi; piano solo, Misa Ada Annis; reading Miss Edythe Balson. Refsesbments were serveti at the close anti a social time spent together. C. G. L. T. girls held their meeting on Saturday, Aprhl 28th at Ibe home o! Velma Pearce, anti opened i vth C. G. I. T. Purpose, roll cal li 19 responding vas next given. Mss. R. C. Pearce led lu prayer; bible reati- ing, Marjory Down. Talk, Ausa Os- borne; Piano solo, Florabeile Mas- shall; reading, Florence Courtice; Missiouary talkMrs. Poundi; moubli organ solo, Doris Wade; Stutiy Book was baken by Ada Annis; Follov blie Gleam anti C. G. I. T. Verse closeti the meeting. Neyer does a manu portray bis own charactes more vlvily than lu bis mannes o! portraying another.- Richter. Inoer-nally and. Externaily itlsl Good-The csowning properly of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil is Ibat Il eau be used internally for many complaints as weil as externally. For sore bbroat, croup, wbooplng cough, pains lu bhe chest, colle anti many kindreti aliments lb bas qualibles that are unsurpassed. A bottle of lb costs littie and- there la no loss ln ai- ways bavlng lb at banti. Cowboy Journalist Is Rotary Speaker (Continueti from page 1) bis early if e, Ms. Kean, outlined experlences o! hunting grisly bear, and mountain goats, o! chasing seals Land o! catchiug wbales. One o! bis expesiences include<l the beaclting o! the -art o! horseback riding t0 Mr. E. W. Beatty, President o! the Canad.ian, Pacifie Railway, wbo was also, instrumental in the Toronto Star securing his services as a featuse wri'ter years lates. For six years Mr. Kean bas been outstanding in a group of specialists in wrltlng feature stosies for the Toronto Daily andi Weekly Star. Born in the wide open spaces however, and with the urge o! the ou'tdoors coursing through his viens Mr. Kean began te seek au outlet for his know- ledge o! herses and western life andi after getting married at the age o! 46 he purebaseti 7 acres o! land uorth of Toronto and. started te acquire a string o! herses. Some borses, cost- ing many hundretis o! dollars. and with ugly disposition came bo bis stables as gifla, while others he grad- ually acquireti until bis stables sea- cheti a size whicb necessiateti bis eniarging bis quartera. Consequeuty just a few weeks ago he resigned f rom the staff o! the Daily Star anti leasing the Col. R. J. Gi Farm, east o! Bovinville, brought bis string o! tbosoughbreds, te Boviman- ville, once befose tee home of one o! the filest breectiug stations on the continent. Turning back to bis 111 e in the West, Mr. Kean tbld a tbrilliug story o! a wbale hunt in tbe Pacifie Ocean, an occupation te wbich he devoted some six years o! his 111e. He told o! the difference in time that it takes to kill a whale, speak- iug o! one 140 ton brute whlch was killeti instantly witb a vesy clever shot by an expert baspoonist, andi o! anothes 160 ton whale which vas shot on Fi-iday at 2 o'clock in tbe a! lernoon and not die until 10 o'clock on the following Suuday nlghb. ' For seven yeass the speaker h'uuted grily bears in Alberta andi British Columbia, and, be dispelleti the populas notion teat Ibis beas wili attack a humn under ordinary ciscuinstances. In ail these yeasbe saiti lie bs< neyer known a grisly te barmn a human being if il could run away, but it was possible that when trappedtheli anàmal would defenti itsel!. O! pasticular inteseast were a num- ber o! horse atories, both bumorous and lhrllling, and to give some ides o! boy he eaptivs.ted bis audience with bis, entertaining remarks Mr. Kean spoke for bal! an bous over the regular time, and members o! the club would have listenedte 10hlm much longer bati he ee10contin- ue. For somne years be vas in tbe business o! calching wild horses, taming sud selUing thein. but these days are gone for ever, he said. as Ibhese are no more wild herses te catch. In one remarkable season he anti bis brother caughb, braiueti andi solti one tboussnd wild hosses lu 12 months. Even lin Ontario Ms. Kean is able 10 make his ovin ativentures thsough bis keen observation andi bis close sttachment tb nature. Past President, Jini Devitt express- eti wlth Presideut Tommy Rosate club's keeu enjoyment o! Mr. Kean's unususlly interesflng atidress. Among the guestsat the club vere Jack Ferguson and Erie Parsons of the Oshawa Club, Carl Barton o! Toronto andi J. Guernsey McClellan. Letters o! appreciation were recelveti from. Mss. M. J. Hutebinson, Tor- onto, andi Mrs. John Spencer, Bow- mnville, te wbom the club had f or- wardeti flovers in, sympathy o! receut bereavements. Rotarlan Jlm Devitt was presenltet with a bouquet o! flowers te mark tnotber milestone in bis, life. The ballot for the eleetion o! a President oe fill the office made vacant terou- gh non-aocteptianoe by Rotarian Tommy Knight gave that honor te Rotarian Fred Cryderman. His elec- tion is dealt witb elsewbere in tels issue. SHAW'S The regular monthly meeting of Sbaw's Home -and School Club was held in the school on Wednesday evening, April 11th. Meeting open- ed with a selection by Sbaw's Or- chestra. Minutes were read and adopted. Mrs. Will Clemence f av- ored wlth a reading; a piano solo by Berniece Gilbank; a mouth organ solo by Thornton Anderson; a read- ing was then given by Edith Ben- nett on "'My Sunshlne Kitchen"; this was followed by another selec- tion by the orchestra. A comxnunlty contest was couducted by Miss Ben- nett. Mrs. Prout andi Mrs. N. Rick- ard were chosen captains for a spelling match, Mrs. Rlckard's side wlnnlng. llowlng another selec- tion by the orchestra, a social hal! hour was enjoyed by all. THAT SPRING FEELING if you are feeling sort of laggy and a little blue, I fear the good old* spring fever bas taken hold of you; if it tries to get one in ils grlp and lhlngs all look the same, Oh ! I'm sure it's the departure of King Wlnter to blame. You just don't feel like doing very much o! anything, The sun is warrner, skies are clearer, but the heart won't sing; Dici you ever try watchlng a '"cat" in the early spring, Now here's a pet worth keeping and will set your thoughts to ring. She's quite a knowing cat tbis fluff y f eline frlend of ours, Ah! 'twould be great if some of us, bad ber thlnking powers; Why you wouldn't be moping 'round and thinking clouds se gray, If you corne out and get a-hust]ing - things are always gay. A cat asks for 11111e and you sbould see ber sparkling eyes; Our pet is well aware that we regard ber as a prise; Her liking is for saucered milk and a place lu the sun, Andi believes in rest. af 1er tbe evening mealis la one. She basn't time to think of worry. or frownlng or fret. That's more than a lot of human beings eau say, you bet; She exercise-s plenty and when not feeling so weUl, There is no hurry bo the doctor, ber troubles to tell. Sbe's out among the catnip and grass, a-wondcrlng slow, That sbiny-coatedi feline always know where herba do grow; She eats a lot of green plants and enloys the Uife of nîne. Weil knowlng that a healthy body is a glf.t 80 divine. Have you ever stopped to lhlnk tbat Nature gives us herbs too? They put the swing back mb to tngs we really want to do; So if you watch this iittle friend around your home a whlle, Before so very long bas passed, you'il be wearlng a smilc. -Eleen Todd. and vcgetables in the world. And the best AYflME You con depend on AYLMER quality. Marshmallow Peach r Ia ectdfrteALE ae D'n.. 1...j f- 1N' N' q CHOICE QLITY-HALJ'ES AYLNIER P-h .- ,I.-b e No. 2 Fruits forSaladIS 2Tin WaX BeanS 2 TINS 190 CORN 2 6 TINS 55c 2 No.. 2 '~SS3 PEAS Tins13 O P .4YLMER CHOICE Q[L4LITY Toenatoes TAL 4 TINS I CASE PACKED, 24 TINSt $1.35 A&P COFFEE SERVICE_____ 8 OCIOCK "FLAVOP IS MiLO AND MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 35c , RE CIRCLE- FLAVOP IS RICH AND FULL-BODIEO RED CIRCLE COFFEE 29c BOKAR FLAVOR - S VICOROUS AND WINEY BOKAR COFFEE 39c 7,-Z « coP/eew, 33e 490 No. 2 21cl PTins TINS 23e0 23C 3 ibs. 20o Fresb Texas Green Cabbage 2 lbs. 7e Underweight ehildren pick up fast when the,, drink pecial V I 10oz 59e THE TEA REAT TLAN IC & PAC-FI-i A New Standard1 of VVasher-Value.a EXACTLY AS PICTURED - the greatest triumph yet achieved in the production of a popular-priced electric washer. It's there, unmlstakably - Cafleld superlorlty! Groaýter eftlclency, stronger construction, f mer appearalice- features alwaysa asoelated wlth Coffleld Products - are more pronounSeiltisa. ever before In tiss Waaher. So mueis quaàity for so littie money wMJ entiise everyvauewb buyer! Note these detai. Large Porcelain Tub Ail Metal Wringer Hydro Electrlc Power Commission Approval No. 591 MADU IN C'ANADAWa Sold Exclusively By The Hydro Skop ahmon FRIDAT AND SATURDAT SPECIALS A & P SMLECTED BEEF-YOIJR CHOICE 0F- DLADE ROAST .12 POT ROAST MILK-FED VEAL BONELESS AN'D ROLLED LEGS~H n 15fj ILLETS lb. 121/2,e SLICED Deef Dolognalb. :[2e FANCI SILE RI SALMON eor15 SàLM NSic.d b. 5 SIIOKED HadIdie Fluets 2 lbs. 25e BANANAS - 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, THUP.SDAY, MAY 3rd, 1934