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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1934, p. 7

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PAGE SEv<m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVE, THURSDAY, MAY 3îd, 1934 Special Trips TO OSHAWA 1 te 5 poisons . s$.00 TO WHITBY 1 te 5 persens --. $1.50 KNIGHT'S TAXI Phones 173 or 98 Mother's Day Sunday, May 13 Plants and Flowers speciaily grown for this day at prices wthln the reaeh of al. Our Florists Telegraph De- livery service makes delivery possble almeat anywhere in th orMd. Early ordering is requested. SS eoux large assortment of Seeds. Dahlias, Fertilizers. Use our fine Lawn Grass Seed to, repair yeur lawn. W. E. GROVES Kingsway Flower Shop Box 163, Bowmanville, Ontario Phsone 72 Day or Nlgist Summer Time Night Delivery Commencing Sunday, May 6th Bownmnvffle DeAry wll imti- tute Nlght Delivery tbrough- out the town. PLEASE put out your bottles and tickets befere retiring. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. Betties, Prop. Phone 446 SPRING PLANTJNG Shrubs Roses Perennials Rockery Plants Bedding Plants AM of finest quality. Garden Service by amn experlenced practîcal gardener. Phone 711. J. Larmour B3ox 185; - B3owmianville, Ont. Phone 711 LOCAL & PERSONAL Mr. J. H. Hicks, Toronto, was in1 town Monday calling on old f riends. Mr. Norman Byers, Toronto, visited f riends here, Monday. Miss Bessie Bruyea, R. N., spent the weekend with Miss Gladys Jam- ieson. R. N. Mrs. F. L. Soucis, Orono, viie her cousin, Mrs. Jennie Graham, at Lorne Villa, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell and Miss1 Jean Bell spent Sunday at his f atis-t er's, Mr. David Bell, Leskard. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woods, Gor-( don and Dorothy, Weston, were Sun-( clay guests of bis sister, Mrs. Geo.1 W. James.1 Miss Emmia Morris and Miss Greta Martin, Orono, visiteif Mis.t H. M. Bell and calledi on other oldj f riends isere.1 Dr. and Mrs. BasUl Bowrnan, Ham- ilton, and Mr. W. J. Ward, Owen Sound, spent Sunday with ber bro-1 thers, Messrs. Harry and Fred Grlgg. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Mr. J. Frank Osborneb Mr. and Mis. F'. Albert Crago. attended thse f unerali of the late W. F. Bragg, St. Mary's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Fenneil, New Toronto, announce the engagement of tiseir daugister, Bernice, to Fred- erick Beatty, New Toronto, mar- riage to take place early in June. Mr. and Mrs. John Lord, Mr. Howard Cryderman, Mrs. F. M. Cry- derman and Mrs. J. J. Lord attend- ed the f uneral of the late 'Tornas Lord at Campbellcrof t last week. For thse montb of May, the Hydro Sisop is putting on a special Cam- paign and demonstration of Electric Washers. Tbey have obtained the services of Mr. Hogarths of the Cof- f ield Washer Co. Ltd. of 1Ham.llton, who bas experience in the manufac- turing end as weil as sales. Mr. Hlo- gartis will be pleased to demonstrate a washer in your home. Phsone 192. mhe Woodstock Sentinel - Review contains this interesting com.ment about a native Bowmanville boy:- "1C. H. Pethick, for some years a popular member of the Royal Banik staff at Woodstock, lef t yesterday, for Dutton to which brancis he bas been transferred. Before bis diepar- ture a presentation consisting of a travelling kit, was miade on'bebalf of tise staff by tise manager, Mr. W. J. Kilpatrick. Mr. J. G. McLay of St. Mary's succeeds Mr. Petbick on the Woodstock staff, as assistant ac- countant while Mr. Petb.ick assumes thse f ull duties of an accountant at Dutton. Mr. Petisick is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Pethick o! Bow- manville. Regular meeting of St. John's A. Y. P. A. was held in the Parish Hall on Monday nigist with about 50 at- tending. After thse devotional and business meeting, the president cail- ed Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vine, wbo were recently married, btiste front and read an appropriate address of Congratulation, after wbich Mr. Ro- land Bate, oldest A. Y. P. A. ment- ber in point of service, presented Mrs. Vine uwitis a set o! kitchen scales and a receipe cabinet. Mr. Vine re- plled briefly tbanking the group for its thoughtfulness in remembering ti. Mrs. F. A. Dilllng and Group No. 4 then took charge of tise Pro- gram. A piano solo by Florence Shot- ter, three vocal solos by Mrs. Alex Colville, a piano duet by Helen Pritchard and Eileen Hiallman, and a vocal solo by little Bobby Evans were all mucis enjoyed. The remain- der of the evening was spent in viewing slides and bearlng a des- cription of Westmin.lster Abbey. RATS Exclusive Models L L atest Styles- Lowest Price -Highest Quality- $104)5 "p DINGMAN EDMONDSTONE King Street - Bowiaflvie Mrs. W. L. Forsytb, Waddington, N. Y., is guest of Mrs. W. R. Strike. Miss Nora Werry, Ked.ron, visited her uncle, Mr. M. A .Jamnes, at Lorne Villa, on Monclay. Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meatis spent the weekend with their niece, Mrs. Philip Nind, Tborold. Mrs. W. E. Snowdefl, Oshawa, vis- ited ber mother, Mrs. W. E. Jewell, and otiser relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. P. Trebilcock and Miss Mar- garet Trebllcock are vis.ltlng thse f or- mer's daugister, Mis. Norman Ham- ley, Peterboro, and other relatives there. Mr. Oliver Bradt is borne from Ontario Agricultural College, at Guelph, and for thse sumxner rnontbs has joined tise staff of Downhami Nurseries. Miss Muriel Decis, R. N., mhistle- town, Miss Mary Neill and Miss Mar- garet MeInnes, R. N.. Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Westaway. Mr. James F. Murray, wbo bas leased tise West End Machine Sbop and Garage, cornes very bigbly re- commended f rom Montreal and Morrisburg as an expert machinlat of long experience. Men of Trmnity United Cisurcis are Invited ta share in tbe good f ellow- Ssip wisicb wlll feature tbe organ- Sization meeting of a Men's Assoc- Friday, May 4th, at 8.30 p.m There wlll be music, an addiress and re- fresisments. You are cordially in- vlted. Thse regular meeting of tise St. Paul's Young People's Gtud was beld Tuesday evening. Meeting op- ened witb President Eric Coombes in tise chair wbo conducted devo- tional and business periods, af ter wisici tise remainder of tise evening~ was enjoyed in a slng-song wlth Mirs. Cecil Dudiley at thse piano. mhere were 20 members present. Meeting closed witb Mizpah bene- diction. Bowmanvllle Higis Scisool received last week two, pictures ta add to its collection, tise one of tise Castel S. Angeloe, Ponte of Rome, and tbe other of Rev. Dr. Alexander McNab, for 25 years Roector of St. Jobn's Anglican Churcis 0f Bowmanville and a former member of th is 1gb Scbool1 Board. mhe pictures were sent to Ex-Mayor Geo. James by Miss Elea- nor Stuart of Napierville, Que., who states that ber aunt, Mrs. L. T. Mar- ceau of Napierville loi t tiser na er will ta tise 11gb Scb.ool bore. Mis. Marceau was formerly Miss Eleanor Stuart, a teacher in Central Public Scisool in Bowmanvllle and a suis scriber ta the Statesman for more than bahf a century. Mis. Marceau, despite a long residence in Quebec Prov. always maintained a keen in- terest in Bowmanville, and ber kind- ly rememberance of iser stay in Bow- manville will boe appreciated. The last time Mrs. Marceau visited Bow- manville was on tise occasion of tise 1Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mis. 1M. A. James, witb whorn sise made iser home while teaching bere. mhe pictures will be bung in tise Higis Scisool. J CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCI Rev. Fatiser McGuire Sundey, May 6tis: Mass at a. m. D.S.T. ST. ANDREW'8 PRESBYTER] CHUBCH il a. m.-Morning Worship; P. m.-Sabbatis Scisool; 7 P. m.- ening Worship. Spoclal Preaclu ST. .JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHUE Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Re( Capt. Cecll Johnson, Assistax Mis. J. A. Gunn, Organist Rogation Sunday: il a. ni-: Commnunion; 2.30 p. m.--Sw Sciscel; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayel ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHUEÀ Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mis. C. H. Dudley, Organlst w, Choir Dîrector. Sunday, May 6th: il a. m.-' Lising but Lseaves"; 2.30 p. mn.-' day Scisool; 7 p. rn.-"Llf e Mu on-Vil vlctory la complote." TRINITY UNITED CHUIE(C Rev. E. F. Armnstrong, Pastc Francis Suttan. Mus. Bac., Oit anti Choir Directer. Sunday. May 6th.: il amn-j culturae service, subjoct, "A Pio mnn' Religion;" 2.30 p.nm.-I day Scisool, MisslonarY Su slides; 7 p.an.-SubJect. "Maki Record Ycur Moral Responslbi These services on D. S. T. Yoi coidially invitedt t iese serv<i THIS WEEK WE CELEBRATE BB EKSEIL National Baby Weelk BABY WEEK SPEC24ê Wo colder that your babies are our bot custommT. SE24eS ethn We sPeclalze in Baby Supplies. PowTeethx1g Robinson's Barley 34c jJobnson's Baby Powder 25e ~ U~A h IVIb.~j~ TDEÂTk~kI FCP IJoisnson's Baby Soap 20e CLLANb4~INU 4.'iv"* à_ a CÂlormal Sk'~ PEtFlECT LIOUEFYING CREAM te remoye male-uP aid te cleanse mi $ 1.00, $1.50 Tbese Dag ett & Ramisdell pro- parations feep the skin soft, nouriske, YOutMFul. pERFECT COLD CREAM SOAP -Soothing and beneficial, per cake---------- PERFECT SKIN TONIC, closes the pores, stimulates circulatioan, removea excessiveoail - .10# .75 PERFECT BEAtJTY CREAMI a rich, nouriling cr.am Mt~o cleanses, soethes and sohtena .60, 1.00, 1.50 * ComuU tha Daggeii & Ramsddi Beau/y SpedoUti su a**eudaii4' ai eut toi/el goods counier~ Black Band Nipples. 3 for 19c 8 oz. Nursing Bottles 3 for 19e Pyrex Bettles ...., 29e Clapp's Baby Soups, 2 for 25e Mead's Pablurn 45e Keep Yen, Livor Active WliI Repay Vou ln Health Parke's -PARKE'S LIVER LUVER f.TONE TOR~E 1 haa long boon rnotd as 6dm- Iulator cf lazy lvera. It pope *yau up and keopa y Our etoracha 0. I Try t'ofor 'th.at "*"'nouh o.- ...-~ ah. and bllo. $1 .00 F 3. . WO RALL FO1LALDEHYE, 160Oz. - 20o Treat seed grain for s ut. Eye specht' AT OUR STORE A e 4 G e O gD u i IMondays lo a. m. to 1p.mr. [ enesdays o all. pHfONE 92 PRESCRIPTONS A SPBULTT WB DELIVEN 10.30 LIAN ;2.30 -Ev- <.r. iBCH Mt -Holy er. CH and - 'No- -Sun- at go M IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY AND CREATE EMPLOYMNT mhe coming of spring means thst many isouseboldeis are laying plans for improving andi beautiiyihg their property. This yeai is a paiticulaily opportune time ta undertake alter- atlons, additions and tise mauy little jobs that should be done, botis be- cause materials are loweî lu price tisis yeaî and, because tise piogiam will afford empîcyment ta meu wbo possibly bave been eut of work for tise past few monts. Eveiy citizen wbo is in a position ta croate work evon at sorne personal saciiin l undeitaking new burdens, should: do se. In tUs way an enoimous arnount. of money will be roleaseti for circu- lation arnong tisose wbo neeti IV. Just lock over thseborne andtr grounds, check tise services avail- able, see what la missing and tison decide ta make your borne a more pleasant and isealthiul place in which Vo live. Chseck tUis lit. Plumbing. Electric wiring for greater use of electîic appliaces. Electric appliances neededti t ligisten woîk. Utilizetion cf waste space.-attic oi basement. Building verandais, poîcis or sun- room. Heating: substitution of a fur- nace for stoves; of a new f urnace f or tise olti coal-bog wblcb bas eut- lived its usefulness. Wallpapeî-a roorn or £0 Lha.t needs dotag over. Paanting-interior and exterior. Roof ing renewal.4 Eavetrough overbaul. Hardwood f lors ithie rost used roonis of tise bouse. Insulation ta keep out tise sum- mer lient and -tise winter colti. Construction cf convenient deVises or linen closets. or built-in codai chests. Built-in bookeases. Awnings for the summer sun. Arbois or trellises for tise gar- don. Additlonal electric outlets by wat of plug-ins lu tise baseboard, of over- beati drops lu closets, etc. Power wire service for iseovier eloctrical appliances. Garage. New fuiniture foi one or more roomas. And do not forget tisat wbon you net only gain lntrinslcally, but you make 11f e more wortiswiile, andth ie same tling, resounding Vo tise bon- efit of town and county as a wisole. Ratepayers' Assn. (Continueti frorn page 1) be met this year, andti iat substant- lal reduc iens in salary isat been accepteti by tise staff. Dr. Bonnycastle aiso outliedth ie manner iu wbich tise Board was ap- pointeti, thîce members by tise Town Council, tisree members by Ceun- ies Council, appointed for tbree year terins and one member appoint- ed by tise Public Sehool eacis yeai. In conclusion thse speaker stateti tisat another conception that neeti- ed coiieclting was that tise local boardl set tise subij&tr, a power that only Provincial lrtent of Eti- ucation bas power to do. A vote o! tbanks was extendeti ta Dr. Bonnycastle for Us informn- ative talk. Tise chairman explataed tisat Cisairman o! tise Utilities Commniss- ion. T. S. Holgate, was preveuted by slckness f rom attendlng but would be prosent et Lise next meeting. Public Sehool Board Chairman, Fred Cryderman, o!fVise Public Scisool Board delîvoreti an- otiser very Informative adidress on public sohool administration, wich proved most eiigistenlng ta tise aud- ience. He explaîneti tise personel of tise board and tise manner ta wbicis iL was, divided, tata Pioperty, Man- agement anti Finance Committees, Ho explainedth ie duties of eacis o! tisose ccrnmittees, sisowing tisat ev- ery operaticu o! scisool 11f o was caro- f ully admnistered tisrougis tise cern- mlttoe channels. grl3t Mr. Cryderman sald, of wiicis tbe Board was, and tise citizens sisouldi .Agri- feel very proud. Tms teachers were [ugis- receiving salaries less tisan in most Sun- schools in tise province andth iey were uclay, accepting themn purely in tise spirit Ing a cf aidlng thse ratepayers in dl!! lcult ll1ity." tirnos. Very raîely any compliants are )u are receivedi about the teachers f rom ces. parents. e -ExplainLing thse finanoes of the Wscbool tise chairniat4 polnted out tbat about $19,000 was requiret f rom thse town tisis year ta meet operation costs. This includeti salaries for 14 MIN er a i 3 nita ro n d ot he g e- tecral adminitriondcoot Togie- S an insight it thie low coGsaof ad- ministration, Mr. Cryderman stateti tisat tise per capita cost o! teachlng in Bowrnanvllle public scisools was $35.00 per pupil per annuxn. Tise av- erage for tise province was $4000. Foi eacis pupil tise goveinnient makes a grant of $1.00 so Viat $600 la re- ceivod f rom this source. A grant la also receivedi accoîddng ta assess- ment. This grant bas been greatly lowered thîcugis increase of, the ass- esarnent ini Bowmanville, niaklng tise scisool mnill rate a arnallor percent- age of tise wisole. It is by this per- couLage tisat tise grant la worked out. A few years ago it amounted ta $2400 annually but la now oniy a- bout $800. In addition $80 la received as agricultural grant, $50 as music grant, wblle tise cadet grant has been discontinue&. Mr. Cryderman explained tise SY- stemn of scisool inspections andi re- ports and dealt witiste Installat- ion o! new beating plants lu tise Central Scisool and more recently in tise Souths Ward scisool. Ho albo explainedth ie conditions surroundlnig tise re-purcisaseocf tise olti scisool boller, a subject tisat bas been mnisconcelveti on tise streot. Tisanks was aiso expresseti te Mr. Crydernian for tise information con- tained In bis atidress. President Blcklo polnted eut that wlLh tise appearance of tisese chsair- mnu of boards before thse ratepayers tise street talk would stop as tisey would now undeistan th ie operat- ion of tise scisools. Tise next meeting wIlU be iseld on Tuesday June 19l. swben Mr. Sal- mon, President o!-tise Lakeview Ratepayers Associationb o! Toronto, andi T. S. Holgate wll ho tthe speak- ers. No meetings will ho helu JuIl' or Aug'uet. I SUMMER SHQOES I TYRONE Miss Ivy Park, Ebonezer, visiteti her uncle, Mi. W. F. Park. Meuars. Harry and FYank Hatherly. Dixie, spent tise week-end at home. Mr. Gussie Rosevear visited bis cousin, Mr. Elgin Jones, Toronto, recently. Mr. and Mis. Edgar Rosevear, Co- bourg, visitedth ieir son, Mi. Gussie Rosevear, recently. A nuinber f rom isere attendedth ie Liberal-Conservative meeting at Or- onxc on Mouday evening. Mi. and Mis. Elmer Boyd, Toronto, Mrs. Enocis Stevens, Hamnpton, spent Sunday at Mr. Haroldi Burgess'. Mi. and Mis. F. L. Byam, Doreen aud Yvonne, visited tise f ormer's nother, Mrs. Clara Byam, Bowman- ville. Mi. and Mis. Fred Brooks, Co- bourg, visitet iUs parents,, Mr. and Mis. George Brooks, who are not ta very good bealtis. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Little, Jr. and babe, Oshawa spent Sunday witis Us grandmrotiser and f atiser, Mis. Wm. Little and Mi. Wrn. Little. Mi. andi Mis. W. Turner, Green River, Miss Vera Turner and, f riend, Toronto, spent Sunday witis Mr. and Mis. Floyd Dudley. Rev. F. M. Wootton of Peterboro has been engaged for oui Suiiday Sdiool anniveisaiy. Sunday, May 2Oth, Special music by thse Scisool. Mi. and Mis. Dave Hooper, Mr. James Hcdgson and Mi. Davidi Noble Sundayeti et Mis. James Stoîey's and Robert Hodgson's. Mi. Noble romain- eti for a few days witis bis sister. Wornen's Institute anti Ladies' Aid will meet ln tise Sunday Scbool room on Wednesdey, May 9th, at 2.30 p.m. A lady speaker, Miss Robson, wll adidrestise meeting. RoU cail ta be answeied witb a question drawer. All ladies invited ta attend. On Satuîday, April 2lst. tise C. G. I. T. girls openedth ieir meeting witis songs andtise C. G. I. T. pur- Pose. Foilowing tise business meeting tise piograni, prepareti by Eva Yoîke, was given, The girls sang "Stars cf tise Suinmer Night," aiter wblcis Mildred. Braley gave a readlng "JusLtishis minute;" Susie Tisompson favoreti witis a moutis organ solo. Meeting closed wltis gaines. The girls are planning a bike for their next meeting. J*- White washable kid Tie, covered cuban heel, C, at ......... $5000 White Ties and Canvas Straps in new Sissman's Scampers - summer patterns, a.... $1.85 tO S2.9)5 Boys', 1 to 5½/, -at............ $1.89 Youths', il to 13½/?, at ......... $1.69 Little Gents', 8 to, 101/, at ...... $1.39 Child's, 5 to, 7½/ý, at........... $1.29 hIo. KNOX Store KNOXPhone 120 Salvation Axmy are conducting a Thse men needed for ai our offices Self -Denlal Canipalgn in aid of their are men to, wbom rlkh-tecumness. social and nisslonary work. A house temperance and Judgment are h1- Io bouse canvasis wlll be made, Tag gations wbich they feel called upon Day on Saturday, May l9th. Let to fulfill. A cancddate for offioe everyone help this good cause. should be as white in principle andi For man is man and, master of ln practice as bis titie IndIcates or bis fate. -Tennyson. suggests that be is. *Uuuuu.UMMMUUMU.UUMUUUUUUMUMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBUUUIUUUMM*UUUUUUUUUU! M eA NEWATjffAT * COMMENENT PACKA( * FOR AN OU) FAVORTI M. * MI Ml Ml MI M M M M M M u M M N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M E M M M u a u u u M M M M M a M M M E M a M M M M M M u M M M M M M u M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M c- I i M M M M M M M M M M M M w 'z Richmello 35C.'35c Domin b29 aofl... and there hm o dngoer Domin 29cfrooe sharp edges. You will like this new package Fresh roasted fine quality beu fs, FRESH GROUND: Weston's BISCUITS i in the store.. as you buy. moins Really Fresh CoRfe. . 1ocob< Fresh Fruits and VegetablesI GREEN CHOICE FLORIDA MOI NT IN IE B a a U a 3 L sfor Z q C e le ry I Potatoes BU HCar rots 2 FSe 130 23ePINEAPPLES 21Clere Cpt% PE CLEMONS 190 -'--gO FREE DELIVERY-- PHONE 63 he \Iarvelou- Ne Cleanse' Pure Cane C Glisen-Clene SUGAR - 10 LB& FOR 69 ne \e15 ~roUe CORN FLAKES2 g5 k Blue Ribbon Fresh Stock L XSmait package ICINC SUGAR - 2 Ibe. ILOe - LU Mo2 Crown or Bechive CORtN SYRtUP No. 5 tic »t ihe Health Sem* flc Happyvale 2 LfeuyCakes It's Healthful S SHREDDED WHEAT .2 11 Large Size De Luxe PU E Clark's a POTTIED MEATS 3dfua Mt %Whiteas Clohes fC CIISAUCE -boi. lic pu.a& G. SOAP10Y 32 : Libby'sa CATCHUP -Bot* 2 44< 1hzci DominoANO. 2aC8o0& >mr WomAX BAS.2TnMe MAYONNAISE 2 TheMat hoolteDriil< Bayaide Choice. UWtY VITONE TMAES 32 1 tt33C si55 Jrelà ie 8 _ROLLED OATS6 25c, BAKING A 1 lb.D 34C W HITE BEANS 3 am 10 1 b i 3 Kellogg&sPks Clubhouse 8 or. Cash n CryWIheWhoatPhFI"- STUFPED OLIVES White Washable Kid Pump, louis heel, a shoe for ail occasions, 93.00 te $900 White cork-leather Tie, covered cuban heel, steel arch.$ ef ,GE/ ÎGE q/ 0 vifflail commun-

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