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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1934, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TH7JRSDAY, MAY lOth, 1934 PAGE ELEVEN Cast Off Ugly Fat Woman Loss28 Ibs. in 3 Montha Three months ago," a woman writes, "I was persuaded to try Kru- schen Saîts to reduce my weight, which was 222 lbs. I had tried other things, but ail to no avail. Now i know that Kruschen SaIts are dif- ferent. In three weeks 1 lost 5 lbs., and I fet f ive years younger. 1 really must say I f eel a different woman. I have now lost 28 lbs. ta If you are overweight take one haif-teaspoonful of Kruschen Sais in a glass of bot water before break- fast every mornlng. There will be no rapid or alarming Ioss of weight, but just a steady decrease of that flabby fat which is as unhealthy as it la unsightly. Kruschen la a scien- tific blend of six minerai saIts found in the waters o! those European spas that have been used by gener- ations o! overstout people to reduce weight. TIENTl IN CRama THERE'S no other cereal like Kllogg's Rice Kris- pics. Bubbles af rice s0 crisp they crackle and pop in milk or crcam. Children, cspccially, like this fascinating cereal. Wholcsome, too - let them eat aIl they want. Fine for breakfast, lunch, ar the kiddies' supper. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Listen!- LOCAL ROTARIANS - - _~ -- ,ARE ENTERTAINED Enjoyabl Program Presented at Big -Over sixty Bowmanville Rotarians, - their wives and friends, attended the an entire plant turns brown and bas second annual Rotary inter-city AMONG THE SHRUBS tb u aktercvr rcs Ladies' Night at St. Peter's Parish t is to be cu bakthecory dptrcess Hall, Cobourg, on Thursday. Rotar- By I. E GroesBowmnvile o usalW nsaisfator' an itiTS ans f rom Bowmianville, Port Hope, By W E. rove, Bomanvlle be best to replant. If the top of the Trenton, Belleville, Campbellford, plant only is killed it may be pos- Whitby and Oshawa, as well as Co- s Shrubs in their great variety play sible ta take this off and still haveborwe esnt akprti alarge part in garden decoration. a dwarf bush that will 4et wortb bouer, erjye een o ak prtl They do not always receive the care peevn.Telde fS.PtrsCuc they deserve but any shrub la worth Rlght now is a good time ta, plant weethe cadies o! St etes Chrc tthe attention necessary to, its full shrubs and evergrcens. We have ere h ejcap alet hoesa th developmnent. It is quite likely that suggested planting methdis so re- lagh light of an evening of enjoy- many readers will have f ound, o r cuently that there is no need to re- ment. will find.smefteipe ru, peat. The one bit of advice we The inter-city committee included, completely dead or killed do n ouliehwvrlat elwtrKen. Hodgert of Port Hope as chair- the ground. We advise mai alI shrubs or evergreens at the time mn .Ae.Mcol apel haste slowly d~ing of plauting. mn .Ae.Mcol apel hat lol n tne matter Of ig ford as secretary; and Harold Sta- ding the plants out. Some forsythia pIes, Cobourg, as treasurer. may be beyond recovery; so also CAN I? 0F COURSE 1 CANX Dinner was served at 7.15 p. m. may be weigelia and hibiscus. But with Dr. Frank P. Lloyd, Presidett if these or any other kincla appear (Sherbrooke Record) of Cobourg Rotary Club, as the cap- ta be in bad condition it la well ta able chairman. The efficient sang give them a chance. Prune quite If you answer "Can I?" with "0f leader was Sandy Burrows o! Belle- bard, right down ta the ground if course I can," your success in an.y ville. and Leo Riggs o! Belleville, a the wood la actually dead and there reasonable undertaking la assured. musician o! high provincial repute, is a chance that the wood below the Many men invite failure because presideci at the piano. sol surface may send out sufficlent wheu con! routed by a task or prob- j Three Minute Speeches new shoots to build up a plant again. lemi they at once offer excuses or A pleasing feature o! the program There will be more general prun- explanations why it cannot be cone, for aIl exceptin*g those taking part, ing than usual foUlowing the un- The rîglit spirit la to say "Of pras were the three minute usually severe winter, and this course I can!" even lu face o! dl!- sperhpsgvn om os should now be donc. The early f iculty and Opposition. This is the speec es ien By BsTmmy Porst blooming kinds only need the dead spirit that wins daily batties o!f11 e' HopemCanvie BilI BiTettortEd branches removed with any branch- It is this unconquerable spirit that Hoe; Char levFilterHrnondM. es that have grown to high. Bare, leads men ta, great achievement. Carr. Campbellford; Dr. George Ste- dead wood is always untidy in ap- Do not assume that yrou would do venson, Wrhitby; and Ccil Cannon, pearance and should be removed. better with larger opportunities Oshawa. The exoellently arranged In this class are the early spireas, while neglecting your present ones. programn provided also for greetings weigelia, deutzia and forsythia. Then The qualîties o! determination and f rom Dr. Grant Bird, Governor o! there are the later flowering varie- diligence are as essential lu smafl as the 27th District International Ro- tien that bloom on the ceurrent years in large tasks. Be alert, therefore, tary. growth. These demand pruning at to the opportunities at your ready Concert Hall Upstairs this season. In this class are 11Y- baud. Apply yourself with earn- Bob Graham, Past President o! drangea, hibiscus privet and snow- estness aud intelligence to the Belleville Rotary Club, was the effic- berry. Al a! them can be Pruned work imimediately before you. Make ient chairman for the fine programn quite severely by takmng out weak the most o! today's chances, and given in the upstairs auditorium o! branches aud those that cross eacli thus fit yourself for larger under- tePrs al other and then cutting back the takings. This was featured by a one-act other branches ta f orm a shapely Concentration la a gr-eat disting- play, '*The Deceivers." given by the bush. Al pruning should be reason- uishing faculty in men of high pur- Cobourg Drainatlc Club under the ably close to a bud that points away pose. The ability ta apply your capable direction of Mrs. Mary f rom the plant. Hedge plants if mind steadily and exclusively ta one Lloyd. killed back to any extent should be matter at a time is a mark o! sup- This interestlng skit was f ollowed cut down ta, living wood. It is sur- erior power and is esseutial to geat by selections f rom the visiting Ro- prlaing how quickly they will re- success. Concentration can be tarians. ecd club being held re- caver. , cultivated by regular aud conscien- 1 sponsible for some contribution, de-i Shrubs are too f requently forgot- tlaus practice. When you detect signed ta round out a happy even- ten in the mnatter o! feeding and1 your mind wanderiug instantly sub- ing pleasure. These included Belle- cultivsting. Now is a good trneto stitute the desired subject for the ville Rotary choruses; Rotary Oc- dig the soul between the bushes and j mtrusive one. This simple method tette composed o! T. S. Holgate. D. in so doing some fertiliser mlght be will quickly rcmedy the fault. Be R. Morrison, W. R. Strike, A. R. appled.Anyoneo! he eneal1 deeply interested in what youar Virgin, G. E. Chase, C. W. Slemon, purpose mixtures la satisfactory. Ifj doing and ignore vagrant ideO.5. F. O. Mcflveen and M. S. Dale, from a shrub bed la bing treated it can 1 Concentration is vital to your men- Bowmnanville; two selections f rom be applicd at the rate of 3 10 4 tal grow th and personal advance- e enton Rotary; and "Alouette", pounds per 100 square feet and ment. I featured by Elie Brunelle, Campbell- either raked or hoed inta the soil. The truly great are those who wil- ford. If individual sbrubs are being treat- liugly recognize their own deficien- During the sing-song the Cobourg cd 2 10 5 ounces scattered round the cies aud earnestly seek to correct Rotary song sheets which were hand- plant and worked in will be hclpful. them. You are weak when you are ed around were frequently referred If the shrubs are large a f ew holes reluctant to acknowledge your ig- to for popular favorites, for Rotar- could be made a little distance away norance; you are stroug when you ians proverbially love ta sing and go f rom the centre and the fertilise r paetedsr oko n ne-t twt oso nhsa Thlatprcedinte andren waveryect stand above mere personal prejud- Dancing lI the Gym Thi late prcedreis eryefe0t le and appearance. The wise man But ah o! the pleasant events o! ive for evergreens. These shOuld learns his own needs. Be houent -and a wcll prepared program were not have a thorougli soakng wth water severe in your self -appraisal. Truc pet exloausted. There was still an- before aud a! ter the fertilizer isap a ates i reflective flot assert- other feature before good niglits plied. It may be that the witerive. wr adadcr eehmwr weather lias damaged saine o! the e siancrswehoead better varietieks o! evergreens. If The crowning gif t o! your success bound, anid that was dancing lu the la the power it con! crs upon yon ta gymnasium ta mus!dfù rnished by * help others. However easy or dl!! 1- Snell's Orchestra. To furthcr ac- cuit you have found the road ta, ach- centuate interest, enjoyment and jevement. having reached the goal pîcasure in this fantastic tripping ta you are in a position ta point others the rhythmn o! musical notes, fie S HIA W 'YS the way. So you should give gen- novclty dance prizes were offered, lu erously ta others o! your experience which Tommy Ross was a lucky re- Busnes Shoos Oerte and counsel.vau cipient o! a f ancy mautel alarmn A Model Office and your success is tic use you make o! Empicyment Bureau wrldly or egotistical, then it la ONTARIO HYDRO TO at 1130 Bay Street, Toronto, and sup neither desirable nor worthy. Few ply expert service of Graduatea by men survive prosperity; but there ABOLISH 20 YEA.R day ta Office Managers wha cail for are inspiriug examples o! success- RURAL CONTRACTS .uch assistance. The demnand le keen for boys up ta 18 wha know Shart. fui men who have used their succes hand and Typewritlng. aur register not for selfilal satisfaction, but for se apen ta such. Na charge. Cai or the betterment o! their fellow-men. Township CouncUls Asked To Approve wr ite ta Miss Meggeson, DIrector. Tiese are the men who survive suc- Amendment to Bylaws Providing K________316_____._ cess.1 For Replacement et Five Year Contract The policy o! the Provincial Gov- ernment since 1921 in paying part o! the cost o! supplying electric ser- vice to Rural Consuiners lu order ta make rural electric service possible in districts which bas resulted lu the construction o! over 9,200 miles o! rural hunes ta serve over 62,000 Rural Consuniers locatcd in various parts o! the Province. At a recent meeting. the Commis- sion decided to recommend ta the Councils o! the Townships lu wbich rural Hydro-electric service la sup- plied that rural electric service bas become so well-established as ta, justify theni reduciug the term o!, ahl existing and future rural con- tracts f rom 20-years ta 5-years upon the conditions of a letter now be- ing f orwarded ta these Municipali- tics. which reads as followa.- "The Commission bas, for some time, been considering the reduction o! the Ilterm" o! the Rural Con- tracts, and, at its meeting on April l3th, 1934, approved o! rccommend- ing ta the Municipalities tbat ai ex- isting and future rural contracta be f or a perlod o! 5-years f rom the date on which the Customer comtnenced ta take and use electric energy, in- stead o! 20-years as at present. The contracta wlll continue in force a.!- ter the 5-year pcrlod lias expired on a, year-to-year basis, unless cancel- led by one year's notice, in writing, by either Party after the expiration o! the 5-year period. Il la provIded, however, that this change shall ot take effeet unles sud until the Councils o! ail o! the varlous Townships formlng part o! each Rural Power Dltrit Pass By- laws approving of suci Amendmnet in existing sud future rural power contracts. A Consumer, who lias a loan un- der the Rural Power District Loain Act, shail not be entitled to avail himscl! o! cancellation o! bis Rural Contract with the Township until a! 1er aIl obligations under the sald loau have been discharged. This proposed change lu terni of cantract does not appîy to "guaran- teè" contracta. Sbould your Council decide ta ap- prove o! tbe suggestion of the Com- mission in regard to this matter, It will be In order for you to, pessaa By-law, copy of which I ami enclos- lng berewith, approving of this Amendment lu the power agree- ments betwecn your Township and Rural Elcctrlc Consumera bocated In your Towngb1p." Issurance o/ SAFETY The first requirement of the investor, particularly the small investor, is assured safety; income yield is of lesser importance. That is why so many hundreds of thou- sands of Canadians regard their savings deposits in this bank as the best type of investment. The income may flot be so attractive as the promised yield of certain securities, but it is sure and steady, while the principal itself is safe and always remains at full face value. BANK 0F MONT-REAL Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS 0F $750,000,000 Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. MeILVEEN, Manager MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE the Outeome of 116 Years' Successfui Operation Rev. c. E. Cragg, formerly the Rev. L. W. Scott, BethanY, bas! Rev. C. W. Deinisile, D. D., Who minister of King Street United Chur-I received a unanimous invitation f rom bas been minister of Central United ch, Oshawa, and for nearly two years the Board of Roseneath United Church, Stratford, durlng the PasM Church. Bethany Board will extend six years, bas accepted a, caflt in charge o! h Sebright charge, Ita the Rev. Mr. Patton, of Rseneath North Parkdale Unte ChurcIm near Orillia, has accepted a cali to an invitation thus maklng a mut- onto. Rev. J. F. ReYcraft, nov mt Gxrace United Church, Toronto. ual change. North Parkdale, wil! go to Stratford. There can be only ONE first! combining Bigness . . Performance*. Economy. .Stye-and in the Low ___ Price Field. it's the TE RRAPLANE 6 There are always two sides to an opinion. There can only be one side to a fact. If you are considering the purchase of a car - weigh these facts about the new Terraplane 6 First in BIGNESS By foot rule, yard stick or tape measure, there cao be only ONE car that's BIGGEST. In the low price field today, that's Terraplane - 15 ft. 10o in., bwnper to buinper! First in PERFORMANCE The Terraplane proves its performance with facts. The new Terraplane will outperform even thie Terraplane 6 that broke 79 officiai CAA and AAA records iast year. First in POWER With 85 horsepower. the Terraplane 6 is thie Most powerful 6 in the low price field. First in STYLE A car either bas a tire carrier or baggage trunk in <the rear-or thie rear lines are clean. With clean, flowing rear body Unmes and a front end free of ail air pockets, thie Terraplane 6 is first in full advanced streasnlined style. First in ECONOMY Econosny 15 money -cither in your pocket or out of your pockee. Terraplane economy isaflot a matter of trick test or speciai adjustment. It bas been proved in actual owner service - by owners' sworn statements. Scores of new features ... 14 model *... 112 and 116 inch wheeibases . .. 80 and 85 horsepower engines. Prices subject to change witbout notice Hudson-Essex of'Canada, Limited, Tilbury, Ontario Your nearest Terraplane- Hudson dealer wtt! be glad to bave you take the wbcel insuor own bauds ]Rose, Ames & Gartahore Co., Ltd. 135 King Street W. Oshawa s * . * * * I * N L!4Q Toronto Optometrists 2143 DANFO RTH AVENUE Phone Graver 7078 G. M. BOSNELL, PORT HOlPE Wednesday - 9 a. m. ta 9 p. mn. Oppos ite John Street Phone 248 or 525J G. E. GARNETT, COBOURG Saturday - 9 a. m. ta 9 p. m. over A. & P. Store GoId Tax Means Nothing To Wingold Whatever form the budget tax on gold finally takes, whether revised to apply to profits, or continued in its original form on production, makes no différence to WINGOLD MINES. WINGOLD will be unaffected in its determined, well directed, effort to prove its property a successful gold mine. It has been just such a program of intelligent work which on San Antonio Gold Mines -right next door to WINGOLD »has won signal success and has brought impressive profits to stockholders of this company. WINGOLD has a real chance to repeat. Because this is so, WINGOLD shares rank as a speculation you can't afford to pass up. We recommend the immediate purehase of WINGOLD at current market price, for profits. Orders may be phoned or wired at ou.r expense. H. C, HIGGINBOTHAM STOCK BROKER Telephone 2110 51 Simcoe Street South Oshawa, Ont. 1 PAGE ELEVEN TI-IE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1934 Idop A,.-

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