THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1934 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, PAoE TWELVE MrsW. C. Lake lias beetl vlsitiflg ai lier daugliter, Mis. Harold Skinner, y Tyrofle.W The Newcastle Players are hiold- a ing their annual dinrier on Thuis- ai day evening o! Ibis week at tlie aý Queei's Holel. oý Mis. John Douglas iLs spendiflg the p week in Toronto with lier daugliter, a mms. IH. J. Rageli. Mus. Ed. Brittaizi P returuied t10 the city witli ler... l miss Gertruide Bonathan visitcd a Miss Ruthl Holmes and sang in the t choir aI the Lake Shore Union Sun- s' day School 5nnivesary service on c SundaYwi and son o! Barrie caîl-a ed on Mis. S. Baskerville and went t to look over the store and piopeuty tenanted by Mus. Cliaprnafi and î Miss Ruby, with the intention o! buyiflg. Mi. Mark Allin su! fered a par- alytic stroke $atuîday morniilg. lHe was sittilig at the break!fast table at 3 the Alun f arm, liaviflg driven Up as i usual early in the morfllng f rom lisr home in the Village. Mi. and Mis. Leonard Heard, Wel- corne, attended the Lake Shore an- niveusaiy on Sunday and vlsited Mu. and Mis. Clintoil Brown. Mr. and Mis. Moses Heard also visited at Mi. and Mis. BioWn's. Mi. and Mis. Percy Haie motored to Toronito, taking witli tim Miss Doreen King wlio lad been spend- ing the week with tim. Mi. Jack Haie, Bet Cherry and Norton Cow- an also made Up the paîty. Mis. Pickford and daughtei, Miss Margaret. Pickford, Brooklynl, NY., mother and sister o! Mus. (Rev.) F. Hl. Mason, who have been visiting at the Rectoiy, have gone to, Brighi- ton wbeue they will spend the suxn- mer. Amng those f rom outside the community wlio weue present at the C.G.I.T. and C.SET. ucunion Satur- day and Sunday weue: Miss Evelyn Rickard, Queen's University, Kings- ton, now home on vacation; Miss Douotby Riekard, Guelph; Miss Minnie Pearce and Mi. Wm. Toms, Toronto. Mu. Edwin Hancock, Member o! the Older Boys' Parliament fou West Durhiam, vsited Ebenezer Chuicli Sunday morning and spoke at the C.S.E.T. anniversary service there and in response 10 bis invitationI qulte a numbei o! the young peopleI o! boîli sexes f rom Ebenezer attend-I ed the C.G.I.T, and C.SET. anni-I versaiy here in the evening. There was an unusually large at- tendance o! young people , childuenI and adults at League on Monday niglit 10 hear Rev. Mi. Stouey, re- turned missionary f rom South Amer- ica, tell about the people, their bab- ils and customs, and lis work among tbem and see bis wondeufuilly fine set o! illustuative slides. Mu. Slorey liad visited tlie sehools dur- ing the day and by a sliort talk had kindled the interest o! the chidren -and througli tli their aduit f olk, 'hence the large crowd at night. The roll caîl o! Leaguers was answered by tlie name o! a wild floweu. The proguaml was in charge o! Wilbuu Baskerville and included a number by the Maple Grove mixed quartette, a piano solo, music festival selec- tion. by Relta Cooke, and a vocal solo and encore by Mis. R. T. Ruth- erford, accompanied by Miss Vera Rutherf ord. Scores o! guaduates and under- graduates o! the C.G.I.T. and C.S. ET. gioups, by their puesence, wou&s and deeds at a grand reunion in the~ United Churcli Sunday Scliool hla on Saturday evening. Maye 5li, paid splendid tribute 10 Rev. W. P. anc Mis. Rogers and their devoted anc sel! sacrif icing u-ork witli anc THE CO-OPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH CLUBS 0F DURHAM present W. M. Irvine, M. P. of Wetaskiwin, Ait. E. J. Garland, M. P. of Bow River, Ait. at Orono Town Hall SATURDAY, MAY 12 f P. M. Public1 wili be TOWPb PORT FRIDAY, at 8 p. m.S Business of Governni J. C. Mc E A. T. HU Of Tort W. J. BR for Dui under auspices of the D GOD SAVI LC.MASON, Secretary. Ipiano sang two appropriate anthemiS. The members were Misses Myrtie and Neta Alun and Ruth Holmnes-. independent sopranos; Gertrude Bonathan, alto; Jack Holmes, Win. Rowland and Ernest Welsh, tenors . A ter the service Mr. Houghtofl and Mr. Say- C a s fe d Lmong themn during their nearlY six well, Miss Batty, Brooklifl, and lady ____________________________ rears' incumbency, as mim'ster and f rienci of Oshawa, ail of whomi had if e, of the Newcastle charge and niotored low,ýn together, were guest5 ___________________________ is leaders and co-workers in 'teen for tea at Mr. and Mrs. Howell Row- ge work witli boys and girls. Mr. land's, and in the eveniflg attended _______________________________ nd Mis. Rogers, the guests of lion- with them the C.G.I.T. and C.S.E.T. 4__________ r. eventually the very mucli sur- anniversary service ait the United Wate rised guests, were presented with Church. Newcastle, DEATHS WantC1oý hue rhnos n address .f iner ulogy and ap-__________________ Aibin clte,1. . hono 237r3. 19-i.' Mr. ogr ws BTUdARY Ma tRE 1934. Silas Tretwin. in his 5ih WANTED-Pair of second lband scates, [yS alcrccok n good condtitioni. Phone 478. alothe recipient ofa beautiful $ yen. ________ bouquet of iris and carnations which [lunteral front bis kit,, r,,sidonco on lie thoughtfully brouglit to churvh Ernest Trenwith, Mount Vernon, Thursday. lit 2 1).ni. S. T. intermet P ¶IO ATDWlfClgau e mair-.dOhior.sposition. Wite D.11). .-Drawer on Sunday evening to adorn the i OSBORN E-Liu Darlington oit TuesdliYy ' ,sî,sait, lomiviO 5 ar so that ail presentlat thie groups' cilwi o 1r.ay re <snceuy.ber L saWNOeRsnSi îPOOîa d anniversary service imiglit share in Death, late Monday af ternoon, el if S ft, 14 ArthuForneGinierOv -__________ )enlandad her esae ! ov ndbeut. claimed the 1f e of Ernest Trenwith, 4,tih year. d. 50e Ail kinîýls of wood work Mhi. mudsay o ond wa ek-lcl ecan.mmbroue Funerai urivate front the famnily rosi- and gaenleral jlacksinlthittg. Cryderman Mr.BudHay Toono, as wek-locl mrchnt meberof heCity dInc,, Lot 27.,lBroken Front, Darlinlg- &'%orro, Sili er St., Bowit ivillC. ~nd gest i. Raph Gbson board of education and one of this ton. on Thursday, Mýax l0th, lat 12 o'clock&M193 Mrdus ofMor ad Gson ctad ct'sbs nw iiznfl igstandard lime, 10 Oshawa Union Cern- __________________ jr.Moeadsr.Salnctysbs nw iies olwn etery.a GIRL WANTEO-Glrl1' to ioel) in re- - Ont.. visited ber parents, Mr. and and extended illness and an abdom- ARCH-In Orono, on -May 2nd, Amie fresbmnt stantid md1d plain' cooking - Mrs.Tho. Bukel ia opeatin lat wek.Sktding,,wido%% of te late Ilammoitti( coUntrv girl preferred) good homo for Mis W.H. .laplin ad Mis Mr. Trenwith, who was 55 years o!f.rch, In ter 881h year. riglit lîarty, miust be. reliable. Write Box iilry whm îind ar gad o eeage on Eastei Sunday, died at 5.30 VARCOE-In Bownaanvill'., on Satir- 38, Os ba.1-l Mary, whom, fîfe df ale gad torgee arYQMayinthAR134.ACharlottr salePornex- is consideiably improved in health, p.M. Monday. Peritonitis, which de- i l.ýed 11hof1934.eCGarote E. aoin FRS AerFr ae re ~euredf omChstrPen. lstveloped following the operation 1,r 72nd. year.% change 0on Osbaw%%a prolîert1y. Act quickly ekn.Tliursday afternoon in Mercy hos- DEACON-At, ont Thursday, . Us 2 eoOty IIadvalif naS. weayendrd, Harry Deacon, Cartwright tirc. Jones Real Estat, CeiaS. Durham Central Agricultural Soc- pital, was the unmediate cause of TMayhl,3inhis6, ya.ItretOshiawa. 19-2. ety have fixed the dates of their death. He had been in il1 health for caesar's Court. cemetery. WANTED TO RENT-FatllV of tbree snnalfal ai fr 134fo Tesayseveral moiitbs. His residence was WOOOD-tn Prescott, on, Sunday, a vse o ei ml ous.r a bath- and Wed.nesday, September 25th at 529 Gambier avenue. 6th, 1934. MeNis. Elizabeth WdwdVrrnfiat wbiclt wouid be suitablo for and 26that Orono.years. Mother ofNitrs. S. G. Cbartrttn, statesmain Office. 1- Dr. W. H Walton-Ball lias leased came to this city 30 years ago and Biow6tanville. __________________ Baîkham Hall, Newcastle-on-tlie- was naturalized in 1908. He was born CAMPBELL-Ili carîîîright. on Wed- WANTED-Salesman 10 lien ElectrlC laeto Mis. Ida tnn ad in Sait Fleet, Ontario, April 1, 89 nesdav .%May9 tît 1934, Toseplb campbell, Washers. Exporience not necessary. MisFane ortesm-teso fMrbneislerg .Iolid husband of!(le late 1-aniiah Liberal commission, also advances made daughter, isFacsfrtesm h o fM.adMs eýeA Suggeott, liuhais .iSth tutermetit against sales pouding. Apply 66 Simce me adhaelidthe dcrti Trenwith. At one time lieWaU a N,stleton CemeterY. Street North, Oshawa, between 2 and 6 and cleaneis getting it ready for their member of the Toronto Grenadiers,_________________183 occupaney. a regulai ainly reginlent.i Quite a number of men of this Af ter coming to this city he was a Real Estate For Sale okW ne village, who had registered with foreman in the Pennsylvania shop W r atc Reeve J. H. Gîbsoil, staited work for eight years. Following tliat he in Bowmnanville HANDY MAN WANTS WORK-Gar-1 this week for the Department of was in the groceiy business for atin lNr vgtaeso fijb, Highway, widening tlie shoulders short time and 15 years ago he or- Bungalow for sale oit Church Street ,in%,ttitg- what bave ý-ot? C. Ki and f illing in the deep ditches along ganized the Mt. Vernon Motor Sup- scoenies, gae at a o rsilc ort t. owavIl. 9f the King's Highway, No. 2. uly Co. qik sale. WORK WANTED - Plowing gardiens Mi. W. H. Gibson had the mis- Mr. Trenwiih was elected to the 'livitb one-itorse îtlow, also harrowlng. fortune to loist bis coxpaiatively Mt. Vernon board of education in A nice Brick ilouse on Beacht Avenue, Reasouable rates. Plhone 563, Lloyd hdrdwoodI floors tlîroughotit, antd double Passant, King St. E. 15-4' new bain on the former Jacob Cob- November, 1931. garage. -- LtE.Toa oyu atg ok bledick faim by fiue on Tuesday A prominent fraternalist. Mi. BikIos frslLi onesO eoet dyTorasinte ,crs aes, orkea morning. togeiher witli the loss of Trenwilh was a member o! Mt. Zion Stre itît oîe fracre oit oncesasia n remway our wgarbage silesdode ovr tw a atete ntesal.lodge No. 9, A. F. and A. M.;of Cli- 10w price. Notheutt & Smith' 8 Ftrnittire Store, two~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ fa ctletedi ti sabeottage______________forKit S. . saarlel. 158 Miss Doioihy Gibson, Mi. Gibson's ton NoC6,RhAa.pot nc ctae orsl n Cltnrch daugliter. accompanied by a f riend Kinsman Council No. 76, R. and S. strce', woîîld suit a smail family. was motoring by between 9 and 10 M. and o! Clinton Comrnandery No._____________ o'clock and noticed the bain on fire. 5. K. T.. A.eto sevorai otiýr isiralle roper- For Sale She pluckily rushed in and succeed- The funeral services, were under ties for sale ata bargairi for cash. ed in untyiflg and fieeing a number, the auspices o! Mt. Zion lodge No. 9 .xtlt1otîtoos. Apiîiy oit Law Farmn, R. R. 3. o! cattle, receiving some buins while F. and A. M. Clinton Commandeîy Wm. Broci< Iloa ntvilie.19w so doing. It was but a few years membeis were palîbearers. Rev.' Phone 114W Questi St. BowmavllIO FOR _'ý, - Columbia Raspberry ago when the bain on this faim. the James G. Hut psof o the Presby- plants. R. M. Jamieson, King St. W.. house being then occupied by Mi. terian Churcli, conducted the ser- tice to ttotvmat l. Piione 319. - 17-tf Alden Gibson, was buined. Origin vices and burial in Mound View Notie i reultors FO_0R SALE-Singer Sosing Niaciie, of f ire is unknowll. Mi. Chas. Gib- cemetery.1 goot asnw. sacrifice; owý%ner leaving snand family live in the bouse. Mi. renwith is survived by his Ail persons livn lisaanttetoui). Box 57 Bowmitville. - 19-1 Picnic season has opened. Mus. widow, Mis. Nellie E. Bail Ti-en- ,state of RIC'HARD} THOMAS STEPH-1 FOR SALE-Seed liotatoes, Good quai- A. W. Glenntey and lier class o!f witb, and son, Donald, at home; two ENS, late of the Town of Eownianville, î~iyIrish Cobblis5 Aply evenings. Ar- Ma-who died Oct. 3ril, 1933. are required to i tuir ives. l)ik, St., ltwnmanville. Sunday school girls hiked to Pioneer daugliteus. Mis. Helen Jones o! ar fyle tesm ibto nesgidb- l'unît, 6:;"9-.w Woos Studay a!leroon an io. nd Mis. Olive Warner of Fritch fore May 21st, 1934 After that date he lunched amidst the leeks and truI- Texas; his f ather. George Tienwith wili distrlbute the estate itaving regard PIANOS - $3900 and ni), ail pianos lium. Tis atuday ! lrnon o Newaste, nt. thre bothis. o aIms so fyled. re-o.iiitioneîî aitil gntraiitcoi for ton lims TisSauray atenon f ewasle Ot. tre boter, atdApril 21st, 1934. yiars. loha Meagitet. 92 Simcoe Street Miss Winnifred Rickaid and lier Frederick D. Trenwitb. o! Netherhili, R. K. SQUAIR, AdmInistrator, North, t)shawa.17192 17-4 FOR SALE-WtVhitO tLeghorn Balty class o! girls are going on their Sask., and William C. Trenwitli of R. R. 4, BowmanvtiIIO, Ont. -- spring outing and puepare their Claîkson, Ontario, and George A. iik,$.1foMa.Fuwek oi lunch by camp f ire Tienwîii o! Toronto Ontario, and 5c h eleb. Alîtin Clents. - ~~~~~~ ~t hueesisers. Mîs. Charles Gowans o!f oP.A ~ ~ ln 2r.1-' Toonto. Mis. Walter Richardson o! N tice to Credtor FOR SALE-P.ty tîtese anîl save money ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Cledonia. Ontario, and Miss Louiselies dvotbusadpthg Rev. F. H. Mason. M. A., R.ectoî Trenwitli o! ecslOt NTEETT FWLIMJCS outrits. llelotv mail order price. B. Fur- Necsle n. NTEESAE0FWLIA AK , ,.Auto Wr-ckur, ]lowmasiville. May 13, Sund.ay after ascension.,_ DECEASED Pliono 438. 18-3' 8 a.m.-H1oly Communion; il ar.- .îMî p.rsons tiav-iitg claiis agatnst the 1Morning Prayer; 2 p.m.-Sund.ay BAILIFF'S SALE stt of Williami Jacks iato of the FOR SALE-:! lpair of Garage doors, Toitnshiii of Darlinirtonithtet Coutiii 1 diouble outiie toiict. 4 plece Reed Sun- ,School; 7 p.m.-Evensong and ser- !IubatFrt' leck,aSeilw ltid troont suit,, eectitamburg andhot mon. Monday, May i4th-By virtue o! a oit or about the 221t1 day of Niarcit 1934, ,iog inachiit, steel refrigerator. Apply r itesaarnti yhad h r ierebv~ei notifieI to seudinl to the WV. Logu.-, ilaiiony Garage, Oshawa. UNTDCwC ille solw byrpuic y ain onthe UtiIrsgtolSolictitors for tue Ailutinis- 19-1- 1 Nl bTEDd ypuliHURCHnonth trator on or biefore tite f irst day of Jue Rev. W. P. Rogers B. A., Pastor premiises on Lot 17, Con. 10. Dar- vcu1. fulilîtartictiiars of titiir ciaimts, FOR SALE - Some good hay In ld 1 SndyMay 13. Moiher's Day. ligo orsi, te f ioin ife hich date aIl assoIs of the DIe staeks on farnt. \%'it seIl chenil. Also Sunda linlon ownsip ib folowin ased %v ill be distrlbuteil amongst them owîer.Iitorsi' r:ikehay fork, self-bind- il à. m.- Morning Worship; 2.30 cite:On ba ae.oeiW îrisettldttroiaing regard Iet,, wagon, etc. %Ipip, t10Dn :u Con- b en Saywell, Oshawa. 7 p.n.-Ev- one heifer, one wagon, 15 liens. Sale otiiiy the claInis of Wthili te saiiî nacitie, Contcessiont St..Po uati p.m.-Sunday School, Mother's Day at 2 p. m. Standardt 'rime. Tierms :11iIIiîttritoi sîtaîl tiwlntv. notice. Phtone 213. 19 -1 proguam. h X~~~~~~~DTEI4-i Oshawta, tiis 7tiîday f PAOv enztn&C..1si prga.special speaker. Mi. Step- cash. R. M. Jamieson, Bailif!. Pi.191 IANScl,- lirdeintza &C, aohe M a y . 1 9 31 .îR . ch a iîî a s I ens t c k re - n d i thn o ;ening Service. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER. I ttu gitir.tttelwa forn tonkr-odtoe S The W. A. meets3 on Tliursday Soicitors, Oshawa. n ilrne-e o e r. Ail mod- e afteinoon. May 10,. in the S. S. ball. Simnoniz - 19-3i c styles. Very t, pie.Joitu Ma- 1puogîam and menu in charge o! Mis. ,car. siionir.ed $2.00 10 $.coii iieii- -gir, 92 Siîtcoe St. Niorth, Oshawa. d ee rw' ru.igoitsize. wasling inclifled. Any car 1-9I2 d ec rwnsgop .tsii u. .itItne. 17-3 to Coii N rS FOR SALE - Pianos of the better dLAKE SHORE WiIitants: pianos of the smaiiest sîze or UNIN SNDA SCOOLForgae o ToRen I ' T-tEILTTE 0Flb- Esatoofait%- style. t have In struments that are ANNIVERSARY SERVICE' .îtm os M ATnTjo~ EROF lte EViageof ri.soniil n piiiC andl terms. Tele- ANVRAYSR I FRSLEOEO ETWtlb slllniîîskilit n.litiii e Countlsof Durhiamt ioite 15, Ilotmaiiiille,,Fred J. Mitchtel FOR SA.y~LE R Oi. R.nt ýiick ItoseG,ntl,ýnirn, T4,c easeii. 16-tf sy t-rtis r %illren, bickhoue, OTICE s lîerehy giveý,litîtat ai lier- Residents o! the community and CI n traI location, totiKing St. Applsy Chas. having cdaims agaiust tue estate of visiting friends tuîned out in good- Jaim u S.Ptii~ ~ . iites 1ltntjoy' , xvho died oit or about Live Stock For Sale ly numbeis Sunday afteunoon at the FRSL OR EN-tuem 3tlt,ý1jthINd:ivf Felîruary, 1934, ait the Lake Shore Union Sunday School avrs o! landl, Loi 9. Coit 3, Darlingtoti\iaeo nikle.luteCutno O AEinorP eistll iî antiiversaiy. Mr. Stephen Saywell. Possessioni immeiiately. .Apt to 10Il-B tliriai reuireiî oitor lieforo tf ilf:if.îl. 't loneii, oitttvilcý1:13r2. Potr Bi antl. ioe , 5 t 5hiiaso! May, A. D., 1934, to seui .191 President o! the Bay o! Quinte 1o wmnil tine4 inotices 'tiiereof 10 the unilerslgtted sol- __19______1.__ Young Peoples Conference. preacli- icitor, wit t tîtir fult namnes andi ai- FOR SALE-R-'iglit V'orksiiir. îigs, six ed an eloqent sern~in !rom '..e1 ~ ~ o! ~1~î aitdlfull particulars lit ttritiiig îioks o I Ii.Jidtate eda lretsemnfo hý TNDERS 'WAN'TED o t1i daimls anti of it, securlt5y, If Illitoi,-- ihirko 1121. 19-1w text: Even so the longue is a littlei iny, helîl by themn.I member and boastelli great things. T -u...rIti irî,-t Intv tille. 'Nil TA1K -'NOTICE J'. lifter sucît FOR SALE-Yorksltir., pigs,.,st eoiss ehd . owgreat a malter a little mitîtl four ip. ta. tay 1611). for it, sashtu,ntionoii late the Eicectitoi, ivili pro- olid. Aýipl5 'T. J.Lowtry, tIl. R.1, Orono,I Bie knîîl u Sye tesdrttl !h uitrîoiwti ati u-d to iistriiuite thtetîssets of the es- Loet -6. 'oit. 1, I ark.. 19-l'h rounuine ti. ,disponsai works andti lso ateamong tîhe parties ontitleti thereto. in an inteuesting way and pointed oi..,îî,i -iiî i, 'yttIItt ieu (nI wili itot h liaie for the said assets FOR SALE-Jersey cow. 3 years oli . out hovv important it is tb watch I itke tuandt.iIirty Str..ts. i,ýIoiuing o 10,ornutspart tiiereof to auy porson of jtist rtî o. îil>v aecriîitîîi andi oi- over and A. J.ouL LEuClerand t'iseivetliat tîtety ime o! suclh distriltu- A.\î iNoleli Mcaif, Maîd, Grove. andgurd uithough seeand ii- ttiepiit . J.iliosi' k. recive iitt te stilntbv en nliodt~td.~ooyIoie ,x1 woids and actions. Tog em 9tTownl of Bowmaflvill i on llitont, 17-.r2ý1.1-I ingly unimpotant at times they DATED i Oli,aa titis lotit iia5"of FOR SALE-J,îý«ersy.îtdueIliite 14; may lead to great consequence.XIrtl. A. D.. 1934. i tirîttitcoîsv. uic. itgigtst 1h, onetw io- eihe fr od r vi. i Roy J. TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT Oshawa, Ont. taehfe >iy('irt .t.\ii- 1Hou-liton, Principal o! the Brooklin Siicio o uîuisi.1l î tu îini 92h - Continuation scliool and Presîdent o! Court of Revision and Appeal C ECIL E. CROSSMAN. 0- the Oshawa Piesbyteiy Young Peo- Eeutr ple's Union, accompanied Mu. Say- I Ni s iîtn i iiîy t~h, finît E~uo,- __ Real Estate For Sale well to, the scliool and conducted the i tîtinti f t.. Court o! Rivisiott fori,t î"fuitrgîuiil i,liI tIFARM FOR SALE-To clos, ostate. 72 service. A choir o! young eople î Halln ii 1w illag.î o! R111,_kacrenîaîtvihi 30 ac. rs. J. ArdGuInBox- wil isHilda Rolnd at the I ruîst,î,'i, uI, 911iitt areintîto Ai, Mars orciA.rn,aBox touth Miss ,iIiikîînu.i.. ti 1-1,anid 91 3iîtavll.16-4 i. tîtu tii ut. ..\ c om e iît itit s a il omiîsstontsii tii.. Ro.,suîitIlhifoi'R TESFOR SALE-Tte residenrceof lte laite lItes.î.i liiiuutiitty uîtlit cei 1:11Il. T. Stituens, Ileech Avenue. Apply t,.sai * isott ia'.it for th.. yuîtit193. 1FOR. K_* Sim îir. Admiistrator, R. R. No. 41 AGG M..P.Secretary. aîîittotlert conteiences, on Elgin St. h iuAtt.GtCtlolil l.ikP adsofTans 50 cents 1ossliiAîl 11h. 'AppIy 'V. P. irham iLiI Gi MtNyOTICESli uck,. ltotviitanvlle.Phone 226.1-t 12e per Une flrst Insertion fOFFICE TO RENT - Attractive suite ofrnîms for Itisinesls or professioni of- )urham Liberal Association No arrn» ever won a battle unless fle per Une subsequent lus. f lc,* iucal.ul mnMison , qÎusurritit ETEK had confidence in its strengîli 10 COrING EVENTS %iltc ppiy j. 19n& o .3 rE TE KNG.defeat tlie eriemy, No community loc per Ulne. each insertion FOR RENT-Tlineî.-room5d lteated ia- S. B. A H W Y r s d n . e e v r a e i s ob t c s 1 (m inim um 30e per week) af te r 6 l. m . Possession M ay 26. (M rs. it had confidence in ils ablllt19- triîmpli over tbem. ___________________ Prs otflomsvlE. hn 7. New Summer Frocks îe We have Just returned fromn a trip to Tor- ontos foremoest dress establishmenlts and have brought back scores of gorgeons new Summer Frocks, every one an individual mod- el copied f rom the best of New York and Paris styles. . .Spotless whites, delicate pastel sixades, printed silks, every type of material foecool summer wear. Won't Yeu drop iand look them over. Tbey're not the least expensive, and some are priced as 10w as $3.95. The Eylyn LADIES"' ho The Evlyn SPECIALTY hp Phone 594 King Street Bowmanvi[le Food \Values Thurs., Fri., Sat,, May 10-1 1-12 Libby's CORNED BEEF. ........2 tins 25c Gold Medal Yellow Label COFFEE.. .......½/ lb. 20o CROWN TEA. i's, .......... ...... lb. 49o BIG FIVE CLEANSER 2 for.. 21 in5c CHLORIDE 0F LIME. .......2 tins 25 2-IN-1 SHOE POLISH, ail colois 2 tins130 FANCY RICE ...... . ... ZIs 3 FANCY PINK SALMON, taîl tins 2 for 25e Chef PORK & BEANS ....... .5 tins 25c P &G0SOAP- .... .1 . .......5for l9c Culveiliotse Golden Bantam CORN 2 for 25e PEANUT BUTTER, 26 oz. jari.. . 25e Red & White 13AKING POWDER, 16 oz. lin for.... 25o Red & White JELLY POWDERS .. ... 4fr25c and 1 FREE SOAP, Manyflowers or Calay ..... .5 for 25c KEEN'S MUSTARD . .. . .... . / lb. tin 26c SUNLIGHT SOAP .. .. ..... .1.... 3 bars 18e MAZOLA OIL, l's per tin 29e FIVE ROSES FLOUR. 98 lb. bag $285; 24 lb. bag 79e VI-TONE ....- Small 27c, Med. 47e, Large 79o LICORICE AILSORTS 1/lb12 TOMATOES, Falcon.......... .3 tins 25c BANQUET PEAS. size 3 2 tins 25e 8 O'CLOCK MARMALADE, 16 oz. jar2c GRAPEFRU IT, large size. 3 for 25e FALCON SWEET MIXED PICKLES, per jar- 25e ORANGES, peu doz. 27e POTATOES . 15 lb. peck 28e Get quotations by the bag. F. W. Noules PHONE 599 BOWMANVILLE Spide r- W eb Sandals $3o45 in fine quality fancy kid, with spike heel and dainty cutout designs; ail sizes; a tyPical Naborhood Money Savlng Value at $3.45 pair. Fancy White Kid Ties $2.48 up- Smart White Shoes to complete your warm weather ensemble. Alil prices that wiil please you. 0f course we have ail sizes and f it- tlngs. Priced at $2.48. $2.98 and $3.95. Classic White Kid Pumps $1L.9S Streamilie Shoes that get thcïr style f ront the skyways. You'il Mie their fine looksa and glove- like f it. Ail sîzes. Priced at $1.98, 32.48, $2.98, $3.95. Men 's Two-Tone Sport Oxfords $2.49 up In black and white, brown and white, a.nd smoke and brown. fine caif leathers; rubber or leather soles. Here's style, fit, quatity and value at - $2.48 - $2.98 - $3.95. FACTORY TO FEET SAVE YOU MONEY NABORHOOO SHOE STORE CWNBLOCK K1ING STREET !nn"nnnm!n"