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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1934, p. 4

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PAG Z<URTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TMfURSDAY. MAY 101h. 1934 Business DirectoiryJ LEGAL M. G. -V. GOULD, B.A., LL. Barrister, Soicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville W. P. STEIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Not.ary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowrnanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in aUi ts branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688, Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College. Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile. BIdg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m to 6 P. M. daily except Sunday Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment in1 Office. FUNERL DIECTO FUNERAL DIRECTOR Service, any hour, any day c F. F. MORRIS Cc). L Modern Motor Equipment 0 Ambulance and Invaliti Car d Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLpE NORTHCUTT & SMITHh Complete Funeral Service W Modern Equipment -Ambulance t A. W. G. Northcutt -AubeyS Wt Phone Da.ys 58il Nights, Sundays or IHolidays dc Phone 52M or 276 1F IHEYRE NEW,'1e COUNTRY GENTLEMAN SHI1WRS PAJAMAS (PAVATS SIIORS FORSYTH LOCAL DEALER Se.G. CHARTRAN IBOWMA>TVU=L -44 P'asteeth, a new, pleasant powder. ke.stceethIllrmly net. Deodorizea beaPth. No umgoypat lâtate or feeling. To talk, ea.t patnS laugh.In comfu),i and iwlthout em- barrnsmnt .t prikie a littie 1asteeth on vour lates. Get FASTEETI-! 35eý or 60e s ize, to-day at any gond~ drug store. Send for free trial sîze. ta P'asteeth, Ltd., 64 Welington W., Toronto. FASTEETH- MADEiR N CANvADA Simple Rules prevent INDIGESTION Est in roderatior; work and as10p with windows open; take daiy exercise in t f reab air, flot forgetting recreation. Do x-t ýorr. Go ta bed in decent bine. and eno&la, a prklino glasa o And,ewa Lsue, SoU ,me tice ockJ Theee simple, seneible rulenabsould k.p you free from indigestion and the theadacýien and body Warinee, that go hand in ibond oth thin, isorer 'b ey wi elp ycu to, beene really healtby and say heat.hy, for this very natural raison: Even though you rriay be regular !n your habit&. you may bc the ufloflfi e,,Vttm o incomplets ljînînation. Th',usandn of people maier ,from perindic head ha and digestve troublabacause they do jltre.e that regu- 1arty alons dceonot înd,,'ate coniplete lune- xofg the CiIUnatve organe. T'he Andrews Ilealth ltuie do aminre this complets funetiormtg. FoIlo)w thernaiftîilly. Go to b.d .aulY t-nt ,afater a refreshing, aparkling gas of Ardrcws Liver Sait or take gour Audrawsfilet ttuog in the morning. 'I len ~id goodbye to re' Urrig rndîgetor head- aches, and bodywmrrinew, for A orewa hbeipe eaur o 'Iys VîgIrate the whole sy- tam. AU dru l eUaodre a- 3 cad 60o in tins.-78o for the nevv. large boule. Soie Agents; JohanA. Huston Co, Ltd.. Toronto. à Sunday Schooll Lesson CHRISTIANITY AND PATRIOTISM (Temperance and Good Citssensblp) Sunday, May I3th Grolden Text: -Thou shait love the Lord thy God with ail tby heart, asti with aIl thy soul, anti witb ail Iby Mind. Tis is tbe flrst and great commaniment. Anti the sec- ond is like unto it, Tbou sîalt love tby neiglibor as thyself.-matthew 22:37-39. Lesson Passage: Matthew 22 :15- 22. 34-40. A Mother's Day Message If I coulti only finti the words, My love for you te tell, They'ti be tbe very sweetest ones fhat ever from. lips felI. But words seemn quite inadequate To voice rnY feelings true, So. mother tiamling, I'11 just senti This fond love tbougbt 10 you. -Florence B. Steiner,. Sîns of Patriotism, 15, 16 The Pliarisees were the loyalists1 o! Judaisnt There was much te admire ti tbeir tradition and theiri patriotism was very genuine. The trouble was that tbey allowed their patriotism 10o replace nobler virtues. Because Jesus daredti t show thein at higlieT way o! 111e, they at once con- cluded that lie was an enemy andti tumueti against hirm. Tbe fact is, that pratriotismn may be a savours of 111e unto li! e or o!ftieatb unte death. It bas been tiescribeti as "the last refuge of a scoundrel.' It nay tiegenerate into a selfisb nat-0 ionallsm, lay intolerable burdens o! taxation upon cilizens for arma- inents. anti be a seeti plot f or race riatreti. Il 15 o!ten usoti te start wars. At its worst it may leadtote0 the doctrine "My country, right orb wrong." Yet patriotism. may be honest devotion. leati to eloquence in speech. melody ln soug. daring leotis anti national unity. Nurse t Edtith Cavell, however, spoke truly ta wben she said: "Patmiotismn is not is enougli; I must have no batredti t- C wamd any one." The Pharisees were 01 intensely loyal but their patriotism bh xpressed itself in bates. w, 1ci Two Great Loyalties, 17-19 to Two of our greatest loyalties are li bo our churcb andti t our nation. of Fortunately in Canada, these two in îyalties have nol frequently been in1 ti( =nflict. But if we liveti in usat wheme the church bas been largely isowned, or in Germany wheme the ec ste dlaims lordsbip over the M iumch. or in Italy wbere churcli eij tti state have hati long conflict, we th- night know more acutely the pain m( tilbvideti loyalties. The issue is wC trtain te arise for us in the event thb ýfanother war. Many peophe would Of >pose conscription o! either life or hi' vealth anti woulti face unpopular- an y, perhaps persecution. It is slg- SY, ficant that two o! Britain's most Pei anous statosmen each opposeti a tht wr anti afterwards became premier. a,ý e may well bave a measure o! tri Ympathy with the ancient Pharisees 1 ,o were concerneti for race pumity fmii id religious sanctities, asti wbo O! ulti not be happy untier the politi- Re a domination o!fVthe Pagan Roman COI npire. So acute was the probom de 'at they brought their perplexity to Ch eus andi asked for bis solution _ A Righ Standard, 20-22 Occasionally Jesus was asked tmiv- ii qjuestionso buu ie iitttigave iriv-' ial answers. Even wben, as in this case. the question was promipteti by an uuworthy motive, hoe lifted the incidental question to a bigli plain o! eternal principle. Asketi wbelher a good, Jew shoulti pay taxes 10 Ca.e- sar or not, Jesus requesteti a penny, asketi whose stamp it bore anti sait, "Give Caesar what belongs teosCe- sar; give Goti what belongs te GTod'" What tees this principle mean te us? Is il not thal we shoulti do our tiutY te botli king anti conscience ? It 15 futile te say that we wilh give our whole loyahty te the churcli anti assume no responsibility for the coun11try. Tfat 15 neither gooti cili- zenship nor good, Ciristianity. As citizens wo have certain duties te the state, anti as Christians we have other tuties to the churcli. We ougit 10 trY to disciarge !ully botb sets o! tuties. Taxes MUSt be paid as conscientiously as churcb tues. Que duty cannot lie matie te cancel out the other. But if the state soeks te overrite conscience, a Christian bas no option but te e- sist, passively but earnestly te op- pose. Love to God, 34-38 liow maY we show our love te Goti? There mnust be seme very practicai way because Jesus saiti Ibat te love Goti was the first anti great commandneut anti that wtt shoulti love Goti witb ail the beart, sou] anti mind. that 15, wilb our wbole personality. Love 10 Got is1 niuch more tian an emolional e- sPonse; il inclutes believlng in Got's Iaw anti working in harxnony wlth il. On. who denles t.hat two anti two malte four anti counts money on bis individual assertion coulti not be saidt telove 004 because ho would lie OPPosing Gods law as revealet in Mtnaematics. One who 15 constant- ly quarrelng anti cherishung hatretis cannot be saidti t love Got because sucb an attitude 15 contrai-y te Got's wjil as rovealeti in Chirist. Unless we are living in lhe spirit o! love, it I idîe for us te dlaim to love Goti. The emotion lias to translate itsel! laIe action. Love to God 15 not a miatter o! words but o! deets, sut un time it becomes a matter o!innor nature. Love to Man, 39, 40 How iuay we show our love to our fellow men? Christ's answer is t.o love one's neighbor as oneself. This may leati us far in social responsi- bllity to others. Dr. R. P. Bowles bas written: "My father farmeti is farm. for profit a.% surely as any manufacturer diti run bis factory for profit. Not baving a bighly moral s.alary to motivate Mim, he let the Profits of his f arm motivate hlm, mostly for the gooti o! bis f amily. But he knew thLs profit motive would be demnoralizeti if be gave it supremacy anti he therefore subJect- eti it in al things t10 bis conscience -what we today woulti designate bis Social Conscience. Now the grow- Ing o! ba.rley was at that limne full , of the prof it motive, but nasmuch as beer was made of barley, aud beer diti men barm, lie would grow none of it. He was content to grow wheat for profit and the gooti of mankinti. In this way. altliough lie bati neyer beard of Socialism, be socially jutigedthfle profit motive,re- jecting it wben it motivated i hm to- ward the socially bad and using it wben it movet i hm toward the soc- ially good." Christ's law of love to our neigbbors wili lead us far afielti into social responsibilities. Questions for Discussion I . How nxay we get the good out. of patriotism wit.bout the evils? 2. Are there any conflicts be- tween churcb anti state in youm commun.ity? 3. Are taxes more or less import- ant than contributions for missions? 4. How dme moral couduct grow out o! true love o! Goti? 5. How may we best show our love te our !ellow men? Rev. W. J. Todd Inducted In Cliftonpark Church Fmom a Belfast, Irelanti. news. paper we take the following articlh re Rev. W. J. Toddti a former min- ister o! St. Andrew's Presbyteriar Church, Bowmanville: A large congregation assembled in Cliftonpark Congregational Church. Bel!fast, on Thumsday even- ing. wheu Rev. W. J. Totit was inu ductedti t the charge lu succession to the late Rev. Frank Stotidarti. Rev. W. J. Calvin, chairman o; the Congregational Union o! Ire- anti, presitied and expresset bis per- sonal pleasure at being present ai that important gatbering. Mr. rotic woulti. be f elt sure, bave the loyal co-operation o! the membemi of the church lu the work o! whicli he hati that niglit set bis haud. Prayer having been off eet by Rev. Alex. Cairns, M.A., a statement )n bebal.! o! the cbu.rcb was matie y Mm. Daviti Cowan, lion. secretary, wbo paiti eloquent tribute to the ivork andi wortb o! the late Rev. Prank Stotidard. Their new minis- or, Mm. Cowan saiti, bat corne to hem f rom St. Andrew's Presbyter- an Church, Bowmanville, Ontario, sunada. on a cordial invitation, andi >n bebalf o! tbe Cli! tenpark Churcli le exteutiedti 0him a bearty Irish 'elcome on bis return te bis native ty. They n Cliftonpark desireti osee tbeir cburcb a centre o! meal Iving activity in tbe proclamation fChristian trutb, anti Mm. Totti igbt rest assureti o! the congrega- lon's devoteti loyalty anti support that endi. Rev. W. J. Toddt saiti he wasm - d by tbe kint personal references' atie to, him. Having just bati some ýgt tisys' rougb weather crossing ie Atlantic be aiti not feel at the ioent as pbysicalîy fit as lie mîtd desiro. but be bati no tioubt lat bis acceptance o! their caîl was ýGoti. The work that lay before mr be woulti take up witb courage iti he f et assumed tbat witb the Impatby anti co-opemation o! bis ,ople tbey woulti be failliful in ieir efforts 10 make that churcb spiritual centre in the highest anti uest sense. Rev. W. J. Davey, a close personal ieut o! Mm. Totit, gave the charge tbe newly-inducted minister. and v. J. M. Caldier, Secretary o! the mgregatioal 'Union of Irelandi livereti an inspiing charge te the; urcb." Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING oles sewn an by Goodyear Stitchlng Machine. Prices reasonable.,j King Street East - Bowmsnvll Opposite Garton's Bus Station 94tf Sol '1 fCHURCH ACTIVITIES EBENEZER African Missionary Gives gbrs. ira Trull is visiting her dau- lnteresting Address At Mr. andi Mrs. Blake Oke visiteti Mr. nd rs.Ray oleandMr.anti St. Paul's Auxiliary Mrs. C. H. Dudley. Bownianviile. on 1 Sunday. St. Pauls Evening Auxiliary 0f Tw car loatis of Tuxis Boys anti the W.M.S. belti a very interesting one car with C. G. 1. T. Girls attend- meeting on Monday evening in the eti services at Newcastle on SufldaY lecture roomn. Meeting openeti witb evenîng. Miss Hutchison. President, in the Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Exnpringhairn. chai. Ater ingng ahy~ St. Catharines, spent Sunday wlth chai. Ater ingng hyrui iththe latter's parents, Mr. anti Mms. Mrs. C. Lunney at the piano, the Archie Muir. seripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. Mr. andi Mrs. Aylmer Hezzlewood, C. Cairns. anti prayer by Mrs. A. ýS. Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Welch. Kerr. A solo 'Take Ti'me te ie Rochester and Rev. J. T. Pollock and H-oIY"~ was nicely sung by Helen ~ daughter, Dorothy. Whltechurcb, Wi-wbo have been at the homne of Mr. lianms. accompanied by ber mother, anti Mrs. Oeo. Pearce, have returned Mrs. F'rank Williamns. Another to their respective bornes. Mrs. Al- hymn Was f ollowed by a number by lie Shantz, Rochester, is remaining tb. girls co! the Mission Band whlch with Mrs. Pearce. was splend.idly presented. Mrs. C. Tbe annual Musical Festival ti H. DudieY anti Mrs. V. Ott sang a Ebenezer Cburch. given by the pu- duet -Holti Thou My Hanti," ac- pis o! Maple Grove. Courtice, Base companieti by Mrs. M. A. Neal. Line. 3 andi 4 Scbools, under direc- jMiss Rutherforti, who bas spent several years as a teacher lu tbe IMission Scbools o! Central Af ica, Iwas tbe guest speaker. Hem address Iwas mntensely interesting as she de- scribeti the continent o! Africa, its hospitals aud churches untier Uniteti States anti Canadian M iss io n Boardis; bow the boys anti girls are te reati anti write but te do aIl kincls Services on Suntiay were altentiet o! useful work wbicb they eagerly by a large congregation. the moruing emIbrace. She closeti by Ielliug o! service being lu charge o! tbe Tuxis the natives lu nearby parts wbo are Boys with the Presitent. Mm. Glen tiesirous o! leamning also but lie Pickeil in the chair. Mm. C. Plewmas, churches as yet have not teachers Executive Secretary o! the Ontario andi missionaries te sendti tem ow- Work Board, Toronto. gave a very ing te lack o! money. stirring adtiress. Mm. Edin Hancock, Newcastle, also spoke very n.tcely. Appreciative words o! Miss Ruth- The Tuxis Boys sang one chorus anti or! ort's adtiress were expresset by were abîy assîsteti by the Quartette Miss Margaret Allen anti Mrs. Geo. !rom St. Paul's Churcb. Bowman- Webstem on bebalf o! St.* Paul's ville, wbo also gave othor numubers. AuxiliamY. andi by Mrs. C. A. Wight Sunday Scool was attentiet by 141 asti Miss E. E. Hayera! t on bebai.! O! anti was in charge o! a former sup- Trinity wbo were inviteti guests. erinteentl.Mm. R. E. Osborne. The C. G.I.T. giris gathereti the off er- Quartette from town favoreti witb ing, Miss Percy giving the offetry several niiirbers. Evening service prayer. Meeting closed. by Rev. A* was in charge o! an Oxford Group S. Kerr pronouucing thbe benedict ion !rom Oshawa, a! 1er which a social tiine was en- Young Peopies meeting was bolti joyed ani refresbments servoti by on Monday eveniug, May 71b, andi at 3aI' members. was in chiarge o! the Social anti LiI- erary group with Miss Ada Annis as THREE MOTHERS leader. Program openeti witb a bymu -- !olloweti witb prayer by Rev. W. Tbree mothers by pour cralle stand; Rackhnm. Hampton; Bible reatiiug One Mot.her wbo bas given bith was given by Ada Amuis; Devotional And one of tbemn is Motherlanti, Topic "Christian Love." was taken by Anti one o! them 15 Mother Earth: Mms. A. J. Gay: Vocal solo, Mrs. G. F. free mnothers must you have in all, IAnis; next followed Oraterical con- And wo re geatand ne s smil.test wvitb Miss Louise Courtico speak- Antitwoaregret ani oe ~ ~ 1 ing on "Agriculture." Mr. James Your Motherlanti is strong asnid Hancock on "The Heart," anti Mm. dreat;1 Stanley Coverly on "Electricity." Hem sbielti your sure protection Thejuiges were. Miss Clama Wil- makres; liamson. Rev. Mm. Rackham, Hamp- She spreads hem law above your ton, anti Mm. Eti. DevilI, B. A.. o! head, Bowmanvifle Higb School staff, who But even wMie she gives she takes. presenteti the decision in favor o! Hem ami 15s strong. hem word is true, Mm. James Haucock, anti also the cup But sbe may ask your ie o! you. to Mm. Hancock. Piano solo given by Louise Pearce, and community lrom Mollier Earth by toil you1 singing led by Mrs. Anuis. afte, wring ihich candy was serveti anti a social O! feasI or crust aI ber caprice, ime spent together. tion 0f Mis;s MaioKOchrt . T C. M., Supervisor o! Music, on Fi- day ovening, May 4th, proveti a real success, anti was attentiet by a full bouse. ITe chiltiren gave a flue ex- hibition in masy dfrent fortis, me- f lecting great credit on tbe teacher. A hearly vote o! apprecision was ex- tended to, Miss Orcliard andthte Pub- lic School teachers for their splendid fougli st best will be tie least. Andi aItthe endi she gives you b.d, But cames not wbere your soul bas speti. fhe Mother who bas borne your f lesh Tbrough gooti or 111 will boIt you fast, Will guide you througli the world's dark mesb, Anti so wiil save your seul at hast. Tliree mothers shaU you have lu ahl, And onto is great andi two are sinaîl. -MLandburgh Wilson. i SÇpecial Trips TO OSHAWA 1 to 5 persons $1,0, TO WHITBY 1 ta 5 persons .5 KNIGHT'S TAXI Phones 173 or 98 Magn iFicent Three Days Only YoWil alwmays bc Pmoud of, this Roof Do *You Kmow That there were approximately 2700 Roof Fires in Canada Iast year? And in nearly every case the buildings were destroyed. TORONTO ASPHALT SHINGLES Are Fire Safe - Why Run Needless Risks ? Estimates Cheerfully Given. Roof Inspection Service Free-No Obligation Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd. Builders' Supplies and Fuel Bowmanville ONE WEEK ONLY - MAY 14 Ladies' Dresses DRY CLEANED - PRESSED - REFINISHED 75c0ac Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagnell, Agent. Phone 152 Like aGrip atthe Throat. For a dIsease that is not classed as fatal there is probably none whicb causes miore terrible suffering than asthma. Sleep is impossible, the sufferer be- cornes exbausted ant i fnaily, tbough the attack passes, is left in unceas- ing dreati of its return. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is a won- derful remedial agent. It immeti- îately relieves thbe restricteti air pas- Fur sages as thosantis cmn testlfy. It us solti by dealers evemywliere. A Power o! its Own.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 0OÙ bas a subtle power o! ils owu. AM wbo have used It know Ibis andi keep it by them as -the most valuable luniment available. Its uses are innumerable andi for maiiY years it bas been' prizeti as the leadi- ing liniment for tan anti beast. 'I Display -Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 10-11-12 Fur Coats and Purs la the Prevailln'g Styles for Wanter 1934-35 4EXT SEASON'S FUR COAT NOW - AT A SAVING Buy your furs in the of f-season month of May. There is an important reason why you should buy your Fur Coat now. RAW FURS ARE AT THEIR LOWEST COST during the month of May. Corne ta Foster's Ladies' Wear- and see the new 1934-35 season Fur Models on display. You need pay but a small deposit with your fur coat ordered during Foster's May Sale of Furs - the remainder during the summer months. In addition ta tiie extra savings - we will store and insure your fur coat FREE of CHARGE until next Faîl. Visit Foster's Store to-day. Re»Stylung and Repairing At special low prices. Corne in and see the. new styles and then have your oad fur coat restyled in the. 1934-35 models. We guarantee aur work. Ail repair work care- fully and reasonably don.. Phone 126 and we wiII cali for your ftars for starage, but better still cail and se. the new stylinga, and have your caat re-made, like new, and at littie cost. s. - - -- aces moneziy I 7 BUY YOUR NI F Prs READY TO WEAR OR MADE TO ORDER (At No Extra Cost) FURSSTOED ITHUS ARE INSURED FREE.. ASK ABOUT OUR ALL FURSSTOED ITHYEAR ROUND FUR INSURANCE. ii~ ~ iLFoster's Ladies' Wear & Furriers liane 106 Opposite Balmoral Hotal Fine. PAGE îbUR 1 ial c rIner 1'urs For Lena Mnnà-w un -Jrjr---- aaplk'W&

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