PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MAY loth, 1934 THIRD DURHAM MUSIC FESTIVAL OPENS MAI i6THý The Statesman bas been exceed- ingly forunate in securing Mrs. J. Clark Bell te provide its readers with a clear, concise and entertain- ing comment on the Durham County Music Festival opening in Trinity Churcb next Wednesday. Mrs. Bell is particularly qualified te write on musical matters. being an accomp- lisbed musician hersel! and having had considerable experience in btb the adjudicating aud practical sides cf music. Witb many years exper- ience on the British stage as an opera singer, playing many imnport- ant roles, and many times adjudi- cater at Music Festivals in the Old Land, Mrs. Bell is well quali!ied te comment in an able manner on the big musical events o! next week. Our own reporting staff wlll cover the general story o! the Music Festival. while Mrs. Bell will f il the place o! a special feature wrlter. You are invited te watcb for Mrs. Bell's first article next week. Th'e Musical Homne Is a Happy Home Don't be content to listen te your favorite artist on the radio LEARN THE THRILL that cones only fromt produc- ing and creatlng your own music. You learn to, play under EXPERT INSTRUCTORS, and in no trne at ail, you wilU be playlng your old favorite songs or the popular bits of the day! Instruments Supplied Free Under the BELLE VUE PLAN, you are supplied wit.h a COM[PLETE OUTFIT FREE. The BELLEVUE METHOD makes it easy for you te learn te play the HAWAIIAN GUITAR or the TENOR GUITAR. 1a fact, we GUARANTEE your success. A Studio WiIl Be Opened Here in Bowmanville Studios axe already operating in BELLEVILL, KINGS- TON, BROCK VILLE, PiE SCOTT, CORNWALL, TRENTON. OTTAWA, ETC. OnIy a limlted number taught. ENBOLL NOW and be sure. An organizer wll eaU at your homne and explain or methods te you. For any further information, Phone 232 Bowmanville Douglas Laflamme, Regional Manager. TUE BIELLE VUE COLLIEGE 0F 1MUSIC 98 Dundas St. MAIN STUDIOS Londion, Ont. Ref. Bankers - The Bank of Moutreal, Market St., London, Ont. . -- 1b GUESS THE Lucky Nuinb& AND GET A CongoIeuin RUE Size 6 Feet x .9 Feet - FREE Or if you buy a larger rug during this sale, any size, you get it without charge. DRAW MADE SATURDAY, MAY 12th. Nelson's Lower P Iei Store FIRST PRESIDENT M. H. Staples O! Orono who was the first Presi- dent o! the Durham County Music Festival Association. WEDDINGI Seibert-Pearce On Wednesday, April 2th, the home of Mrs. Wm. Pearce, Spruce- dale, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when Ivy May, daugliter of Mr. George Pearce and the late Mms. Pearce of Bowmanville and grand- daughter of Mrs. Wm. Pearce, Sprucedale, became the bride of Edwin Afred Siebert, eldest son o! Mr. and Mrs. Richard Siebert of Cor! u, N. Y. The weddng ceremony took place at il a. m. The bride was given away by ber uncle, Mr. C. L. Pearce. She carried a bou- quet of sweetheart roses and lily o! PRESENT PRESIDENT E. P. Bradt Director of Agriculture of the On- tario Training Scheel for Boys at Bowmanville, who is President of the Festival this year. ~e valley and looked charmmng in awedding gown of baby blue taffeta with shoes té match, a bandeau of rhinestones, and a necklet of Rock crystal, the gif t of the groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Elsie Siebert, sis- ter of the groom, wore a frock of pink flat crepé and carried a bou- quet of spring flowers. Mr. Wm. Pearce, cousin of the bride, assisted the groom. Af ter the wedding cere- mony a dainty luncheon was served te some thirty guests. a! ter which the happy couple le! t by motor amid showers of confetti and good wlshes for their future home in Corfua. N. Y. Previous te her marriage the bridel was the guest of honor at everalý showers and the many beautiful gifts testified te her popularity in the community where she had spent her grlhood days. Third Durham County Music Festival Opens ini Trinity CIurck, Wednesday Record Number of Entries Should Attract Huge Crowds to Interesting Sessions - Officiai Time Schedule Is Published With close to 300 entries, prospects for Durham County's third annual Music Festival are brighter than ever. Prom every municipality in the Counity of Durham will corne contestants in the vocal, instru- mental and chorus classes. The quality of the contestasbould surpass either of the two festivals whicb are now hlstory, and Trlnity Churcb, where the festival will be beld, sbould be packed for every session. Puill details of the tisse scbedule, together with useful information regarding the festival, is published below. OFFICIAL SESSIONAL TIE SCHEDULES N. B. - Ail sessions run oni Standard Time. WEDNESDAY, MAY lth: Class 19 - Recitaten- Girls under 15 years. .. 9 a. mi. te 10.05 19 - Recitation- Boys under 15 years. 10.05 te 10.35 30 -Rural School Chorus (One Room) Unison. 10.35 te 11.35 32 - Rural Schcol Part-Song (Two Rooni). .. 11.35 te 11.45 40 -Harmonica Baud ..ý............ 11.45 te 12.20 35 -Boys' Chorus (Open)......... >.......... 12.20 te 1 p. mi. 31 -Rural School (Part-Song) ........ 2 p. m. te 3.30 34 -Open Class ............... 3.30 te 4.20 28 - Ladies' Duet............... 4.20 te 4.35 33 - Urban Chorus Two-Part Sonig ..... . 4.35 to 5.10 22 - Brass Quartette ............. 6.30 te 6.50 6 - Piano Solo, Open . ............. 6.50 'te 7.30 12 -Soprano Solo . ............................ 7.30 te 8.05 26 - Mixed Quartette .......... .............. 8.05 te 8.40 11i-Violin Solo- Open ý....................... 8.40 te 9.05 15 - Tenor Solo .. .............9.05 te 9.50 27 -Male Duet ......... ..................... 9.50 te 10.15 20 - Baud......................._......... .10.15 te 10.45 THIJRSDAY, MAY 17th: Cisa 18 - Recitation- Boys under 8 years 18 - Recitation- Girls under 8 years 3 -Piano Solo, il years and under 36 -Girls' Solo. under 12 years ... 8 -Violin 'Solo, il years and under 37 -Boys' Solo, under 10 years. 9- Vilin Solo, 13 years and under 4- Piano Solo, 13 years and under 38 - Girls' Solo, under 16 years... 5 - Piano Solo, 16 years aud under 25 -Ladies' Quartette ....... 29 - Mixed Duet ....... 45 - Accompaniment Plaîing 24 -Maie Quartette . .... 13 -Mezzo Soprano Solo 16- Baritone Solo 41 - Rural Churcb Choir.... 42 - Village Choir . ... 43 - Urban Choir...... 1l-Mixed Chorus... 14-Contralto Solo 17 -Basa Solo . 2-Orchestra.... FRIDAY, MAY lth: Class 39 -Boys' Unchanged Volcea 21 - Cornet Solo .... ..... 2;- Trombone Solo ... . . 10 - Violin Solo. 16 years and under 44 -Solo Polk Dance..... 9 a. m. te 9.05 9.05 te 9.30 ..... ..... 9.30 te 10.15 10.15 te 11.05 11.05 te 11.40 11.40 te 12.25 12.25 te 1 p. m. 2pm te 2.45 2.45 te 3.50 3.0 te 4.35 4.35 te 4.55 4.55 te 5.05 5.05 te 5.20 6.30 te 6.55 6.55 te 7.35 7.35 te 8.15 8.15 te 8.30 8.30 te 8.45 8.45 -te 9.00 9.00 te 9.30 9.30 te 10.10 10.10 te 10.30 10.30 te 10.50 9 a. m. te 10.25 10.25 te 10.50 10.50 to 11.00 11.00 te 11.40 11.40 te 12.00 AUl competitors muet be on hand fif teen minutes before their respective competitions are scheduled to commence and report te thc Secretary lu charge. By re!errlng te your clasa number you will f ind> the dates aud times ou whlch your Conipetition whll be helh. A concert by the FiMrt Prise Wlnners lu ail competitiona willl be beid lu the United Church on Frlday. May l8th. 1934, cornmenicng at 7 p. m. standard Urne. Admission 25 cents te ail. AUl sessions open te the public on the paymcnt cf a smafl admis- sion tee - Adulta, mornlng and a! ternoon 10 cents; everigs 25 cents. Oilîdren. rnorning and atternoon. f ree; evenilugs 25 cents. Final Con- certa 25 cents te ail. Those with membcrshlp tickets admtted froc te aUl morning sessions and reserved seats kept for them cionFrlday Evenlne Concert until 7T o'clock (standard Urne). B. P. ERADT. J. K. JOHENSrON, President. 5eorebary-Treasurer. ENERGETIC SECRETARY J. H. Johnston Principal o! Bowmanville Public Sehools who as the energetic Secre- tary o! the Festival Association bears perhaps the greatest burden of the festival. THE MUSIC FESTIVAL AUDITORIUM Trinity United Church, Bowmanvllle FAMOUS SINGING In the auditorium o! which beld. climaxing on Pridiay, May 18t EVANGELIST, REV. gold medalists. When the Festival H. T. CROSSLEY DEAD many were unable te gain adinissiel sure o! seats on this occasion citi Globe Editorial Recalls Noted Sing- Association which gives them f ree ing Evangeliat Team of Crosslcy and a reserved block o! seats for th and Hunter above the regular 25c admission. tEditorial in the Toronto Globe) The namnes o! "Crossley and Hun- SOME THINKABOUTS ter" bead an important chapter in - the history o! reldpious effort in The wise tbing is that I de. The Canada. fool thing la that the other does. In a period o! great evangelists, The meanest klnd o! a lie ta the the Canadian "teani" held a place of truth that doesn't tell it. their own in the affections o! the The purest gold is sometimes a people ahl over the Dominion. Tra- f ool's gold. velling almost incredibie distances in 'Mhe dollar $ sign is the onily head the course o! their campaigu. they some seern te have te work wlith. carried the Gospel message te dwell- Better te bace a dollar once iu a ers in urban centres and iu rernote hamiets in Canada. In the United States and Newfoundland, toc, they were welcome period.ic viitors. The "Singing Evangelist" and bis partner were credited witb 200,000 conversions in their decades o! soul- D R A saving encleavor. Aniong those wboU R A teok their stand publldy at the meetings were many men prominent era, among them Sir John Mac- Mj'jUSIC FI donald, the Conserva tive Prime Min- lTh~e Crossley song, "Pearly Gates Trinity United CI and Golden," had a power and beau- ty that neyer failed te stUr the hat Uic erve. tpaeop yl re- edM ay 16, 1 bat werver. peops l c n ree quest. After Mr. Crossley had given A real festival o! mi bis message lu song and sermon, it Durham County in a 1.1 was custemary for Mr. Hunter te in the bistory o! music take over leadership cf the service. Competitions be hel In the Crossley-Hunter appeal there Bands, Orchestras, Cho was none o! the sensatlonalsin that Quartets, Recitations ar marked the meetings o! some other wlth a final concert giv revivalists cf the perlod. The cjuick- and first prise wmnners c enlng o! the spirtcf the couverts at 7 o'clock. Ail prograi was manif ested in a quiet religions fervor that entered abldlngiy into Ail sessions open to workaday lives. For years the evan- o! a small admission fee: gelista were in constant demand. noon 10c, eveninga ,25c;c There. were many calls for return noon free, evenings 10c. visita; indeed it was sald that Dr. 25c te ail. Crossley could bave fllled bis cal- endar of engagements for tbree Programa will be for years ahead hiad he been so ininded. part. Othera may bave Local expenses were made always a Secretary. tirst charge on collections. and. aThewibm be large share o! money recelved was T oe ing sesion returned by the evangelists as con- to ilmomC i ssson tributions te wortby causes. hmoFrdyEei Dr. H. T. Crossley's vision cf (standard tinie), at 25c. "Pearly Oates aud Golden" wlll con- E. P. BRADT. tinue to inspire and uplif t thou- President. sanda o! bis fellow-Canadliana as the "Singing Evgngelist" passes on te bis reward.______________ ithe Musie Flestival sessions wMl be Ub, with a magnificent concert of ail al was held in this building in 1932 on fer the final concert, and te niake izens should become members of the eadmission te thie morning sessions he final concert, witb no extra charge wile, than te watch every man as a thief. The wise man ist wise enough to know how littie he knows. > You may advlse another as to how te settle a speclfic moral difficulty and be an angel. Try to force hi= and you act like a devil. Let's have a geod ".un;der-etaud ing"l use Cress Corn Save. Pecoom- mended by Jury & Loveil. ICOUNTY 'ESTIVAL burch, Bowmanville A New Standard 1 OF Wasker-Value.a EXACTLY AS PICTURED - the greatest triumph yet achieved in the production of a popular-priced electric washer. It's there, unrnlstakably - Cofiteld superloityl N Greater eiency, stronger construction, fluer appearance - festures always aamsolted wltii Col Ield Produets - are more prouounced than ever before lI Ibis Washer. So much quailty for se litte money wMi enthuse every value-wl.. buyer ! Note theee details. Large Porcelain Tub Ail Metal Wringer Hydro Electrie Power Comnmluulc Approval No. 891 -ÀC--- A£,1a L W VdU,'.'.U.J CANADA » '.mà hn SoId Exclusively By The Hydro Skop BOWMANVILLE es,« TO WRITE FOR STATESMAN READERS Mrs. J. Clark Bell 7,18, 11934 riusic featuring the f inest lin liree-dbay event outatauding clcrcles wlthin the county. >Id lu the following classes: oirs, ChoruseS. Solos, Duets, id Mitk Dancing. Closing Ien by the Gold Medaliats on Frlday evcning, May 18, ams on Standiard Tinie. the public on the payaient DAdulta morning and after- chlldiren mornJng and aSter- ExcePt the f inal concert, )rwarded te ail tbee taklng Da copy by applying to the rshp tickets admitted free and reserved seats kept for ng Concert until 7 o'clock J. H-. JOK-NSTON, Secretary-Treamurer, Bownille MP'