THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l7th. 1934 PAGE TEN I The Newcastle Independent THURSDAY, MAY 17th. 1934 take news of them back to their bro- ther Ernest, his f ellow citizen. He also called on Miss B. McIntosh, Miss Clara HedgeS, Toronto, spent Miss Ethel Lockhart, H. R. Pearce, t.he weekend with her surit, Miss and visited J. R. Fisher and son at Louisa Hedges. old Excelsior, contemporary with the Miss Marion Rinch spent Sunday McClungs some 40 to 45 years ago. with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cowie and Mr. Mcçlung is looklng far more family. Whitby. weighty and robust than he ever did Mrs. Long and daughter, Miss in i s achool days and he's as browrn Gladys, are now occupying their cot- as a nut. says it is 37 yeîrs since he tage *'Oyapela" at the lake. was lasV in Newcastle. Mr. J. A. Awde was the special Watch for the detailed. announce- speaker on Mothers Day at the Lake ment next week concerning the play Shiore Union Sunday School. . Lonely Little Liza Lu," to be pre- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson spent sented in Newcastle Community Sunday with his uncle and aunt, Mr. Hall in the near future by No. 9 and Mrs. Geo. White, Pontypool. Home andi Sehool Club. Miss Phyllis Clemence, Belleville, Mr. Jack Higbee has the position; and Mr. Donald Boumne. spent the of supervising foreman, under E n-i weekend at Mr. T. H. Clemence's. gineer W. L. Saunders of Port Hope,I Thue Y. P. L. are taking their play of the ditch f illing. highwsy wide-I "Cranberry Corners," under the dir- ing work between Oshawa and Ne w- ection of Mrs. Percy Hare, to Clarke tonville, now being carried on by the on May 23rd. Ontario Depsrtment of Public High- Sidney Brown returned from Osh- wvays. This gives Mr. Higbee an op- awa Hospital on Sunday, nicely con- portunity of being at home part of valescent f rom hi.s recent operation this summer with his parents, Mr. for appendicitis. anti Mrs. Chas. Higbee. Mill St. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Kestevan, proprietor of the Henry Richrsth, nee Maretta Law, Queen's Hotel, la building a series of on the birth of twin sons in Bow modern garages fronting on Church imanville Hospital on Thursday, Ma St. andi adjoinîng Mr. H. C. Bons- lth. than's barrn andi garages. Mr. Kes- Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence. tevan has also secured permission Oshawa. Mr. Donald Boumne, Tor- f romn the Municipal Counicil to place onto, and Miss Phyllis Clemence. two thirty inch pillars 12 feet apart1 Belleville, were Mothers Day week- and partly outsicle the curb on King endi guests of Mr. and Mis. T. H. St., to support a rsiled balcony Clemence. which hie intends erecting over the 'United Church - Rev. W. P. nog- main entrance. ers, B.A., Pastor. Sunday, May 20: St. George's Church, beautifully il a. ni-Morning Worship; 2.30 decorated for the occasion, was the P. m.-Sunday School: 7 P. m-Ev- scene of two pretty wecldings on ening Service. Monday afternoon. May 14th. when Mrs. James Rickard. Miss Flor- at two o'clock Mr. Kenneth Allen ence Rlckard. Mrs. H. G. Martyn. and Miss Margaret Burley were un- Stratford, Miss Carol Martyn and iteti in marriage. and at six o'clock Mrs. T. H. Clemence spent Thursdtsy Mr. Walter Allan Haigh and Miss at Mrs. A. W. Glenney's. Nellie Clover Garroti. Rev. F. H. St. Georges Church - Rev. F. H. Mason. Rector, was the officiating Mason, M.A.. Rector. Sundty. May clergyman. In addition to the guests 2th. Whit Sunday: il a. m.-'Morn- at each ceremony, citizens of the ing Prayer andi Holy Communion; 2 community were present in large P. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m-Ev- numbers. Congratulations o both ensong and Sermon. the happy Young couples. Mr. and Mr. Wilbur Baskerville and Miss Mrs. Allen will be bidding goodbye Win.nifred Ricksrd, tenor andiso- to Newcastle and Canada and lesv- prano, with Miss Mary Clemence, ing in June for Englanti to take up, accompanist. were at Clarke last f arming. Sundray evening singing in a Moth- er's Day program at the church. BOS GRSC K The Little Helpers 0f St. George's BYS AN IRLSNCHOU O Church, under the able and zealous AN _LNC___ DOR direction of Mrs. Beni. Moise, assist- Rv.FH.Msnadeenohi eti by other ladies of the church. e.F .Msnadsvno i held a successful bazaar and sale of Younger Scouts hrked down the lake wor intheparsh allon atudayshore to Devil's Gulch on Ssturday afornte aisnal o atray w2h.ýhen the Scout Master put the fel- Mfirnoo.n. MA2th.n oono p lows through their second class tests Matr. J. E. tinson, Toron st. spnt in fire lighting andi cooking. Over aturdy eening .Wi.issitein- an open f ire properly arranged and land s eceW. Mrs. ,Wm. Aton Sn lighted the boys cooked a meal of and Ms. d rWisn. wOrion Sun- potatoes and meats-sausages bar- ayeno viied fmien.'s ifOmilMiTeyred-and acquitteti themselves sing- Jae now ens.on avtofomMis y andi individuaEly so well in this JeanGowns. of the primitive arts that ahl Congratulations to Mis.s Ruth successfully passed the tests. At the Holrnes. eIder daughter of Mr. and saine time Miss Winnifred Riokard Mrs. Wallace Holmes, on winning and her class of s. S. girls of the lst prize in the 70 word a minute United~ Church were broiling their test in connection with the type- bacon over coals and ashes of an; writing demonstration at the Bow- ,,n f ire by the creek near Pioneer manville High School open night on Wood andi ste their picnic lunch Friduy. May 4th. thus prepared with bread and but-I Noms Meredith who has been un- ter, cookies. bananas. peanuts and! der the doctor's care for thymoid lemonade as acces-sories. They also 1 gland trouble andi who had to stay brought home lots of wild flowers1 out of school for some time during for Mothers Day decoration and, i the f aIl and winter, is now boarding ariorrment. __ with Mr. snd Mrs. Thos. Brown, Port -*-__ - Granby, where it is hopeti a change of air will benefit hier. She wiîî also NEWCASTLE Y. P. LEAGUE attend the Port Granby sohool under Miss Helen Lycett. Miss Hilda Rowland, Missionary Sorry to report the serlous illness Vice President. occupied the chair at of Mrs. W. E. Gilbank. Shaw's. 0w- League on Monday evening. Charles ing to her condition. members of the Gi 'îkes read the scripture lesson. The family. except Percy. of Hamilton. programn following the usual dev.o- who was attending the funeral of tional exercises and business session his mother-in-law in Oshawa, came includeti s vocal duet by Marie andi home during the weekend. Mrs. Fred Dorothy Henning. readings by Ruth~ Rowe f rom Sydenham, Mrs. Jermany Holmes, Geo. Sparrow and Lorna1 of Wolfe Island. anti Norman of Adams, anti a helpful discussion led! Oshawa. Mrs. Gilbank passed away b3 Miss Rowland on a number of im- on Wednestisy. Portant Phases of Christianity in our MissMargret ilmt wa taknlf e taday. An enjoyable sing song to Toronto asat Friday for medical meeting 0f the seg eforTe los- examination. She is in the Toronto ming fthe sumer. wihlbe els- General Hospital where she has as ng othnde smein, May lst. e a room mate another Newcastle lady. __________ ______May21st Mrs. Frank Gibson, who however la -____ -__ leaving hospital this week. areatly UIE HRHwMs improveti in health. She will be UNTE ____HW.%IS staylng for a while with lher daugh- Mymeigo h .M .o erng athleen. csl. tbfr the United Church was held in the retuningVo NwcasleS. S. room on May 7th, with the Mr. Stanley McClung, Los Angeles. President. Mrs. W. P. Rogers. in the Calif., son of the late Thos. Mc- chair. Meeting opened wth.a. .ymn... Clung, one time citizen, general followed with prayer by Mrs. E.1 mierchant and postmaster of New.ý- Thackrsy. Miss Stella Blackburn castle, paiti a flying visit o his old and Mrs. Archie Glennes' were dele- home village on Tuesdsy 0f this gates to Eastern Section of Oshawa week snd cslled on a number of Presbyterial at Newtonville on Fr i- frientis and former school chums. day. Mrs. H. Cooke. Literatur'e Sec- Hie especlally visiteti the Alun farmý retary, gave an interesting paper on o visit Misses Ada andi Lizzie and iterature. The 2nd chapter of the Mr. John and Mark. both of whom Study Book was very ably given by are crippleti invalitis. that he might Mrs. W.D. Bragg. Mrs. C. A. Cow,- I an and Mrs. Bragg favored with a ___ _____________-vocal duet, "Beautiful Message," iwith Mrs. E. C. Fisher as accompan- j .îst. Rev. F. W. E. Storey. eturneti Friday and Saturday Matinee Saturday Direct from two mweeks in Toronto George Arliss In the picture of the year "'The House of Rothschild " Worth going any distance to see. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Matince Thursday WILL ROGERS At his best in "DAVID HARUM"Y 7.00 - STANDARD TIME - 9.00 NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. P. Roger's pai warm anti feeling trîbute to the mothers of the home, comm unity and nation, in his special Mother's Day sermon in the Unitedi Church ast Sunday morn- ing, taking as his text. As one whom his mno:her comforteth s0 will I comn- fort y-cu. Isa. 66:13. In addition o the ami hem by the choir. Mrs. W. D. jBragg sang "Dont forget the prom- ise made to Motîsex.'ý Among the magnificent florasl tributes to moth- ers who have passeti on ,Aere baskets by Mrs. Percy Hare. Mrs. J. A. But- hem anti Mrs. C. R. Carveth.' These weme arranget iIn beautiful array bc- fore the altar while adornîng the or- gan conrole was another lovely trib- ute of flowems to ail niothers from, i the young mens Welcome Class of' the Sunday school. Mrs. R. T. Ruth- erforti was the special soloist at the evenin.- service. Mm. Stephen Saywell. Presitient of. the Bay of Quinte Young People's League, was the spe<isl speaker at th'e Mothem's Day servXice in the Sun- day sohool anti gave a fine alk on! Mothers. Every mother is the best motiser in the wold o hem sons and hem daughtems. A mother's love nev- er fails. Supeintendent Thos. A.l Rodger conducteti the O.R.E.C. pro- gram. Miss Marion Allin, SupV. of the primary department. grippl h attention of the chiltiren wt stoî'y Jesus the Mari of Great Joy anti laVer in the program four pupils of Mrs. A. W. Glenney's clasGrc Powell. Jean Bonathan, NormaVn Dusen andi Reita Cooke, presenteti a pageant in the f orm 0of an scrostic, "The Meaning of Joy." Haroldi anti Frank Hoar. Carl Fisher and Don- ald Jose collecteti the speclal offer- ing. CADMUS Mm. Frederick McGill, Lotus. is sick. Miss Leah McQuade spent Sunday with Miss Birdie Gibson. Miss Marjorie Hanna spent the weekend with hem aunt. Miss Alice Hanna. Mm. and Mrs. Nor-man Etigerton anti family visited Mrs. Southern on Sunday. Mr. and Mms. Gilbert Gibson anti family, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mm. anti Mrs. Chas. Gibson. No League Vhis week owing Vo the st night of the Teachers' Training class helti on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Miss Helen Fowler called on Mr. anti Mrs. Sidney McQuade on Sun- day. Mm. W. B. Ferguson, Mm. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson attendeti the funeral of the laVe Mms. Samuel Ferguson on Saturtiay. A number front this part attended the Teachers' Training Css helti in the Preabyterian Church, Nestle- ton, lasV week. Mm. C. H. Fallis. Mm. Alfred Fallis, Mrs. Etigar Gibson, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson visited f rientis in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. A. E. McGill, Mrs. Cecil Fer- guson anti Mms. Everard Santferson attended the Sectional Presbyterial meeting at Newtonville on Fritiay. Congratulations Vo, Miss Helen Fowler having obtaineti first anti second places with her school at the musical festival, also Vo James Fallis o n reoceiving first in boy's solo, anti Lucille Hylanti on tying second in senior girls' solos. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE N%',- offir 'thte'foîlot'. îig (i uC iî,t Iy liirreti Rock clîîcks roiti Govern- m-n t Aîitrov-,'itodî- tîsteîl stock : suit- j'ret iii irtor stile .S'ay :lit r.20t1) aL t12c; Juirn ' i. 22 rît lic. .Ttîii' 1301,t 4allt lic. Thies, tire ail ttc liat! tutai lalii fot t' i tii' auluance of th, sîtu soir. aitdilcon - ir,s our iii teliig for 19:; 1. Orihen t1i. Utî t'811iCttrc i ? 0-2 O N TARi O TENDERS FOR COAL AND WOOD 1,ue t rmîtlnsti. i r til 12 o'clock no on ( daylight saving tîmnel on Mon- day, May 21st. 1934. fuir t r u pplyiit ;I 1 li'..r f citaii ii '.'ot tî u îitui lut.. Nuitnil1a itiîatn Si scouls. l'or- oit tri an, I tir c Ni rm, t Seitonis a t Ottaîta*;. I.iiuutt tn uonu, llîîrît nî, sitratfnnul. tit ho sî'iîv-î fui t1ii, h1:iini , ltir tfrii tIr.. irniniîng sfuir ,i i t v tii. iitils iiuhnt .urne .3rth, 93 Slu(.efittiiiis. îuîîfurits and ,iihî iý, 1-i nitme tilnt t, ' GEO. HOGARTH. l .tt , Niiiiiasîtî -I* uof itîti ' Xir" 1934 - AT STUD » 1934 The Registered - Pedigreed Suffolk Punch and Thoroughbred Siresj "NERALCAM KING" Height - 16'2 Hanis. Weight - 1900 lbs. Power' - Intelligence - Dooility Canadian bret f rom f inest importeti, prize-winning stock. "HURRY FOX" Height - 16 Hantis. Weight - 1100 lbs. Conformation - Action - Speed Grantison of the great English Race Horse, "'Flying Fox." SERVICE FEES Seson $10.00 - Ensume $15,00 Foal at aide $20.00. $5.00 at ime of service - Balance Vo arrange. For furthem particulars spply to J. Guernsey McClelIan or A. D. Kean ON TUE R. J. GILL FARM Il.- miles east of Bowmanville Phone Ilr5. SHAW'S Business Schools Operate A Model Office and Empleyment Burea a t 11t30 Bay S reet, Toronto, and a. ply expert service of Graduates b day ta Office Managers who cali for such assistance. The demnand Is keen for boys u p to 18 who know Short. hand andi Typewriting. Our register s op e n 1 such. No charge. Caîl or write ta Miss Meggeson, Director, KI 13165. C.R. Tuck Opte Eyesight Specialiat Author cf: Optometry Feature Service The Child and its Development Specializlng exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyeslght anti glasses. Phonue for appolntment 1516 Disney Bldg. Opp. P. 0. Osha wa, Ont. MARRIAGES LINTON-GRAHAM-.i ti 111 t', i 'arsO)n.1e. Ciarenti on r, 011 .%.irIli, i.' t,îy Rte "' -,.- 1-. ll rtoli. ii.Tiios. Liiitoi, i iarerîiont ' almlýI ars tIstr Orlianii. PICKARO-FREEMAN - At Cour-tice P a rsonage, 0oit Mii y IltIi.' i9:;4, E' aais ,iiiest tiauglter of %Ir-. andl irs. il. G. T. 1-rtriqman of M lte rO'ie. tii JoIlnt ii,îs pickarri, youngest soi of Ir",1.E. A. Brlir- lirîg andl the jute 0aîit.iiî J. I1i. Piekaril. Rtoyal Navy, of Vtorzshire. Eiigtatîiii:R,," I DEATHSI ALEXANDER - 11, lIowninîiilie.Oit Tjiestl'3 M nItIl, Il t, aMiss Ir ici Aliexandelr.,oriîlon fTorontio. Fitteral front ti ,slii c of hr lîro - Iler, Sr.J. '%. A,.iiionTrrît, alrî.y ltî at p.1 . mî. Internient lit 1o'.vnamîile Cern',tery. GI LB AN K-I nna i tiîîî ii Wines- iiiyai vi tlr. ti t E j.iSti A titiWa ther - Ir, 1)'i l w i tf rj artE. GlhI3ijjk, in lier 6tth y'ear. Etinertil front tjjýIi, fiîlv -r,-silence. Lot i1,lBroke~n Front, on F7riîlay, :alay, ,Si,,. ltr ,2 . 0 i, s titîrlaril , titi-. lit- tr 0 rotin tr r.Piease olotitt flowei5. HON EV-Iii 1I'eV to\w',iiil r. North - trînbelrtîriicolitiY, It HoaîlIlley.ti lits Ttth, year. WARD-At Port hlope. ont Fridlay. atýYI K. C'., in lits 8,5ilr v:ri. CROWLE-Iiish 0a1onSaturcitiY, 3Ilav 12. 1934, Atie ie rta Llk'e, leloveil %%,fi' of Alert A. CrIowie-. SHEM ILT - iiin st0a1, otSîlas'.ly Nats' 131,r. 134,' .10111,i S" triirt b loveil lhuslrand ofrJ.111i- Nortioltt, rlt lits 8:1t vear. MORROW-At14111 l I0lI' a.y .194 Cirarle's St î'wa n ai rrow. Iîeloved h us-ý band ilof rr ;1v li, W 'iîî iliibIis î8- rI year. REAL-In TIoronîto on Saturilay. airiy 12. j!)?.1. Rev. .1. 11 ti'al. hîloveil hus- lîîlof EroinitiIl u 1.~12 Olkwooil Av',Toronto. BAL ES-In os.itaaon FriîlaY, i 11, 19:11, at e r.tlIltci elove I (isu gh - tir of 1ai r andI i la .i isse]IJ. il. aged 18 years. SP RY-I n I tOi iti iii î lit tlw isti enceP of blis sort. iii-I law, air-AIlfredl Dett'- iii. oin Sunulav.aisr:13,131, aîr- -lolîr sprs', aged 73 yi'tîrs. FERGUSO;N-iti i arturitlii, alaY titi. 19:14. Aoirite anr. î'ozi,'r rîlit olt fti stiruel A. Fer'gýirsoi. ii lier fOti ryoa.r Prince Albert. COOK-A t Ttîîr iîîîîil-l1itai.1- Oin lIri-tt'., 3i 4 . rt r, il. J. ilotvti t'îof Oîat .tlutltstitnil of ary 'lliinisOl.Ii itîtit tir (1Is t i t V iiin t*iniet.r5 H-UCKE- \ît lîîtiti. 'Iiccii piterlioro. Fridtiy. MatIyl. 134 lltwant Corn elius Stanlîti nIl iyk. ng'of i llii i'0110N.v of and rri ii itliu'Ilindt lof tht ,:li e Rose aMereIditi Fi et. ii) his 78t hi t.,;r. Iitirriiert i lttl . l '- emoeiy. HAIG-Ii (111ria Il-aîîtla, îy 1 I!:t. I ir ti t a \, l vift of tIre liteti .\iîl'îv l lait. tf P.lttinr" h"Inv', iiit,i' 0f huuit l :1.1 atrI litt fn airs 'tii sBRuttliifitiîof (Cni- îoiii..aNîary li:tit3of laîttiti, andîlMar or t.i iii ttiiii ;i IN MEMORIAM B ILLETT-Iti totirig nieliiorY Of ; I i"«i fri undi , i îili't t Who itisseil iwtyl %\ o0 ttit mre'ttiri stît 'r atiti!golîl, it* t rttr of yotli ýai Ritta, W'huse nie iliry Nili rivrgooui.' -l'o li 'ti'itiriei ly Florene-.. Real EFmtate For Sale Lost LOST-A 'IV Vit'i.t ai*ii't l(t%0ot1) 0it aiMifi lii'1W. or Scurtog St. Finttier irlits, trittiri t lIioîrrrîroîr Stor,. ltewariî. ATTENTI ON-Vr'tl tii itrr Wlo bar- rowed a i i r oti rtis ,.li'tii'andtgrass ,îrer fiotin airs. NMabri ('ouch,Onîttario Strrî r, k indrly retrn î, as tii iv art-iîi Wanted POSITION WANTED-Vtlfreil gracia- uti,1os.toîî ili i lir antu etitty culture pls i ositi on . Wite 'i.-.'lrawi'r 1.c o Stt ts miii, 1 lot'.itaîtetlie. 1 ' LAWN MOWERS-Sttilireil and ail- irîsteil. 50c. Ail kindis of wooil work antd gerrertiliticksirîithing. Cry'uermtin Niaorruw,. Stlvi'r St., lîowmanvrile. FARMS WANTED-For sale or ex- chantrge oru Oshawalrîrriy Act (Iu lckly' ri Osiiavt iroiuert5' is advatitg Iit îice. Joncs Real Estate, . C'elina St., O)shatwart.1- WANTED TO RENT-Famly of threc %vtshi's to reri: smiali Itouse, o'r a bath- rooni flat t nbcli n'oul l ire su ita hie for lroiisekeepirtg. Aprîty *W.G." e o Thre Statesînan Office. 19-f WANTED-Suiesman to seli Eiectric W'asliers. Exîrerience not tiecessary. iLiberai commission. aiso advsnees made agitist sales petiuing. Appiy 66 Simcoe .Street North, Oshawa, hetween 1 and 6. 18-3. Work Wanted Let Ed. Thromas (Io your cardage work.j remove y'our winter's ashes. or cicar aw.ay your garbage. Residence over Northeutt & Smith's Furniture Store, Kinig St. W.. Bowmailie. 15-8* For Sale FOR SALE-AbiIout 50 bags of Dooieyl itotttoes. Aiiii5oi Laie Frurm, R. R. 3. lionirtri'.i ii'.20-1 FOR SALE-Btiiei Alfaifa hay. ir- plti3o .1. A. Vitlcoczs, . I.1. 2, Bowniati- t île. Pîrorie 45321-2' FOR -ZAA'r..E - Columbia Raspberry pîlants. Rd. M. Jaroleson. King St. W.. Bowmarîviiie. Phone 319. 17-it FOR SALE-toniiiiiOrgan, iin gootl Contioni. Appliti ' ' L. Iruttery', R. R. ,Il, owittii vle 'Phonie 219W. 20- FOR SALE-Sieti iotritoes. Good quai- île irtii tolliîr . Xtrii'evetirgs. Ar- I Di ivs.liiti St., Bowmatillte. 1'lror.'g 19-3 w. FOR SA LE-Wht te tLeghiorn Balry Cliok s. $8_0)i for i, a Fotir wt'uks oit! 5vit i.i. i cli. Al, ti 1Cm ens. I 'innuei 2:37r3. 19-2'. FOR SA LE-A oiirltrtf fenci' îio.ts, tîlsît tFtiitis .ýFricitil'stingle frr'ow rtifltiwi3 utt iii goitulcrîndti on. AplîllS i"tiik flflile l'iront'ie 1101,2 30 - 1 FOR SALE-Buiy tîrise aînîd save money r- liiw rs, I iONot bloots a nil piet ing outftts. I3elo% mail oril'r price. B. Fur- I u.r A uit X'r.i'kir, Bowmianvlle. 1lîie4:38.183 FOR SALE--r Souvenir crtai range. i 1 ne otil artîte nitît o'.et, 1 bigi charir,. I1 'iI-o;tri"t, I bretrî mixer. 2 FIi"le Fii.r ' battu si'gls. Photie 531. FOR SALE - Soîne gootl hay trn stacks on tafrin. \X'iil sdie hcap. Aiso Imocer, hrse rîke. liay fork, self-bindi- ci'. wagon. goodrrîoller, etc. Airlly to Classified ý"Adsl J. CLARK BELL, M.D.. F.R.C.S.. D.P.H. Bowmnanvile. President. W. A. HESSE, M.E., M.C.I.M.M., F.G.S. Toronto, Vice-President and General Manager. For Furtiier Particulars Apply to your Broker Music FRANCIS SUTTON ' Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. Pupils prepared for ail examînations. Private and ciass lessotis et moderate rates. Bowm 0,nviile, ont. 40-lyr Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING Soies sewn on by Goodyear Stitch!ng MUachine. Prices rensonabie. King Street East - Bowmanville Opposite Oarton's Bus Station 9-tf SPECIAL LOW PARES FOIR 173 b4....3 - e, FOR SALE - Pianos oftheh v ter v i8 uàra8 wa titrth<s, Domuinion, Ilintzmanlel.,,hett'eme.l W 'tl ianirîtos of the srtlest sMze orliRound trip between any two ll tins 1, . havi' instrumrents that are .vilm rvzi iahl in nric in terns. Tel- nnit-*A iSC *fl* t re*fla 1)t1ione l0t,, PBor'.manet l li, Fred J. atteliIll in Bowmanville 6t I iiutzatli i for sale ont Cliureir Street, Live Stock F o Sl fîîtslîel, arihtîoouh floors, aljFr~~ rui. uunt"t 1ragr . tt a loin lirce for qi iik suit. FOR SALE-h loistini co'ut 6 ýviais OuI. A i' rckt- ut ltst of aMay'. lnre oîtigoni- A i.rc lhouse. on Bt'aclt Atinue, ins'. Etikil p.tlonî'211r2. 2- liaritwou,,I fluors tri otughoîî . ati] dubile -' - ___________________________ gtraLge. FOR SALE-2 sons (due to farrote in _______________________________- - .1 unr, It.1 3, ('tit. I. (irrke. Sliney Bricek il us.. for sale oui Concession il'o! arnu. Il ht. , roîîi.l'hion.u' Clark-, Street. %titiuote racre of land tilaut tery Sfit5 20-1 lit'.r ri ce____ OR--____ FRSALE-hursey.oîe, tIi,'terne 11: A niter cottage for sale on Cliun-cli iîturumr co'... ilti.Argîrsl Iti ane t'..o- St r'-',.t'.orulul sutt a siuail fainuly. y'uar-oit H olsteini hetf,-r; 2' ytnrling Duur. - ham nlîifers: 1itsv ('Iuri. le. L.. X'i- .X.'o everîlotirer ilusirtîle lîrolier- ilainson, Iîamii)toii.' Phone' 129r23. 11-2 1tut-s fou' sali' tt a hargain for ~uh A Wm. Brock Real Estate For Sale Phon 11W QeenSt. owmnvlie ),.FOR SALE- 3 acre Orcînant;i:ias liaul Phon 11W Quen t. Bwmavihl hîst of eture for 21) years,siiruitet and ______________________________mprttyrî yearly. Wil he o50 it o iots. Exctellent location for chItlken Notice to CreQîLiors 1r'tusinil:.hry' & Loveli. 16-tf --For Uac or To Rent 1 Ah Iersons having dlaimrs agaltuat the û Sia tue of RICHmARDi THOMAS STEPIl- FOR SALE OR RENT -ini-1rni ENS, la te of the Town of Bowmanv 11e. lot off Onutnit St r,.,t, hlt mi at lh l- '.'lîo uheil Oct. 3rul1913,. are requireilto o irsh- 5imn1cta, tIk- ryleIe t~su mewl in the undersigtied bhi' u u r sn'l3n,,uîu iit t t fore' May 2lst, 1934. After tlIrt date he S'treoa.NV 1-'. EAinstroiut, Il. R. i. '..iIi distnibte the es tate regard Nteiî.21-1- otily to laînîs sa fy'ieî. FOR SALE OR RENT-ilitclms' )at'iI April 21s1. 1934. ag- fricgr R. K. SQUAI R. AdmInistrgtor, ii ions urtic' 'tcrutî rr R. R. 4, Bowmanvi e, Ont.utu'sttttii:onti-li.trîf tue, of grouunuil 17-4 i 1101n"ouri it ili ,îllrîtcnrî ' 01111r118;s Main urruMiiit, I ronuni Aittls'OrotuirP. il. Notice to Creditors T Let E -- JACKS* îîîuîîîS. îTîttnLET -Aplytit tu irsIL ITHE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM JCS St . onrrit.tI. m-tf DECEASED- îiruis ue.'.nrg cuittns izaist tr'-HOUSE TO LET-Ehttrj Strict Nuorthr. "t..tsut nf Prtaninig ont ir tIi.' liuty I tttititO I 'tiie . 1.19-tf ,,f ltin lî:tnu,Pi"trntu, r ut' tutt. teInt iii tit ir iltuut tti -21tî1 iltt3' of arcli 1934. FOR RENT-i'iir-nttiutiii uîurîuuînut tr' rv le tlc tîIftl rui su n r u 't '. rîýý t tii.-iii ' Sî'îuîut, hbathr, Iriat' iiiîtrrsiiaitrl Solcitor, for tt'e Ailîuintitus îî l 'hon-- ilsIiia 4>-1.1.- I rrrtir onu on lefonu' tiht first uay of Iune Icp 9 fl(tI th prticm ars <f t1i'ir cIaitis. TO R E NT-Lu rgî' lictk oustc, suit - afi- lut' iirl date iIltssets of lit(,' 1t'tu_ lfurtiir unlqt acceommodtiationr. 1Euîqînîire tuuti %t. IlIlutw dti ruuntiî.ula nnonugst titi' tt Kii .tsmaytueNu 'S.'r tes. Bo tira i '.'iIi parrtis .tîteul thît r-to, Ira'.ia regardu16-tf 1 ii9' 1 the chaiguts of '.î'l t li,' sti lI - _______ __________________ t ýIjuî titits rtonisaht honu Ira vu'notte,' 1ROO MS TO L ET-u mu r îori no rîotrs PATK; a Osiinîfînît'70, a o1 asfiuuu isiuî'01,ut'itifunu it'I ai~ufl~jtut shiirti tius Sr uip' n NIrs. G auouî, i'tit cli Streit. 153an iItIt.. 20-1' GRI ERSON. CREIGH-TON & FRASER,- _ _ __ - Solicîtors, Oshawai. TO RENT-S,-t'u'n rurrieuîhbric'klhouse, 19-3 at ii nuutiin court,, nt'nics. art Elgin Si. - Qutek, i1 unimari %*lIl. Pluone 2 10-t 'Notice ta Creditors OFFICE TO RN trci- ut fi ltt.ttItuur alsîrsInsuranuei' lN"Ihl.:IATTER(I-Id l',-tIr Pt'utj Of ulli.Aplu'... .1. Matson i& Sont. l9-11 .niîtîs aîrîunîjoy. laI, ni tihtX Vilage of - - - ____ 111istthin. li ie ur oftsniI)urluarm. FOR RN-ll î,nura,îllittIt- i!nli Dî.Ii.cetu5el. plutinit.utnititlti ut ,titiiitiincis, Ctiti S. n il'h' i5 terii gi tnt t ttut Itek. Cii l ;uit, nr 6 t. ni. i'usîs i a u surît s t. ut: îua îui nîs a aa ins rtti' estt i26 is 'ni ittinootmuft narios Mai unri joy, who (Iliil tii or abu lo O -ih i tnitu nulcl-1 lhi,' On tla't t' F.Ihininary. 1914. an tire FhRRtnt nît itrol t*iieiio Vin llte 'ai \'illth.,if' tf titiskllunr litn tire Coulity 'of i atn i -t i iii. Pussentîr Mrts26. ars t qi p itr.. rîqu i rd on or lutfore trî t ci Prf'î1).i utan. issOtititi i M'itye. 26.î e 70 1911 i liv f aor y A. lD.. 1934, to s--nîl 19-2 noiv- i *i t ii urutuf t tnt t titi i 'irslireul sotl- _______________________ ritir. '.'.thtb teir fulli 'nîrnrs and aud- an full~îi tatefl rit'rltittt Upholstering hrtlluyItrm. IOn aIl krtls of furniture, full range of l NIuI'KE-,NOTiICE rlîat rft.'r suclu stimles tu ciroosu' fromn. Chresterfilîd dîuî,,îuiiate tht' Rxtentor tîillinro- Surtes rp-catvered anti reiiaired Just Ilke I1-dtu trhilute tIreý assers of the es- ne'.'. front $50.001 nît. Exitunrt workman- talit'rîrrg the prnthes i'ntilid thereto, sîlîri. Estlrtés mec, In your own tutdi vitît nul he i aIle for tire saIn assets home. tir inte tînt thereof ho airn lurono J. A. FRY. Sou gag Street ititii luinu notice suai! itot uehen Bowmanvillie - Phone 636 r"viian tIhe lImp of souridi lstrîlru-1-t t iutu Ir.XTEDli t Oshrawa'r, titis 3OtIrtireay o Ten members of St. John's A. Y. .riun, A..D[.. 1934. P. A. attendeti the Deanery Local JOSEPH P. MANOAN, Council Ascension Day Ralhy at St. Oshawa, Ont. Mark's Church, Port Hope, on Thurs- Soleitor for CECIL E. CROSSMAN, day when Rev. Gordon Hem of Tom- Executor. 18-3 onto was the guest speaker. one-way fp-re and a quarter from 5.00 A. M., May 23 until noon May 24. Retum LimIt To leave destination up Vo midn.lght, Fridiay. May 25, 1934. Information and fares f rom your local agent. Canadian Pacif ic Il WE DELI VER Pure .... Clean PASTEURIZED Fresh Milk - TO - Bowmanville Bowmanville Beach Hamipton Enniskillen Burketon Blackstock Caesarea Newcastle Newcastle Beach Newtonville In ail these centres Bowman- vile Dairy Milk Is recognlzed as the cleanest, purest, and rlchest milk available. If you ua.ven't trled It yet Phone 446 and we will cal. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. Betties, Prop. Phuone 446 Free Chocolat. Bars Another FREE CHOCOLATE BAR Day at Cream of Barley Park and Tourist Camp on SATURDAY, MAY 26th, .at 3.30 O'clock We want every MOTHER andi CHILD in BOWMANVILLE anti SURROUNDINO COUNTRY Vo come Vo CREAM 0F BARLEY PARK Vo, geV a chocolate bar FREE 0F CHARGE. These bars are the new WONDER BAR made by the Patterson Chocolates Ltd.. Tor'onto. When you eat one, you will want another. COME ONE - COME ALL - It gives us pleasure to meet you there. (if raining May 26th, corne June 2nd.) You and Your Friends Are Cordially Invited to Attend .-A Free Lecture on, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE entitled "Scientific Christian Healing" B3' PROF. HERMANN S. HERING, C.S.B. of Boston, Mass. Memnber or tIhe Board of Lectureshîp of The Mother Church The Firot Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts in the Regent Theatre, King Street East, Oshawa, Ont. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 20th, 1934 at 3.15 o'cloek JD. S. T. SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Qillits OTHER THAN COMFORTERS WASHED 250 Each 2 For 40C Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent. - - Phone 152 g,À j MICHIPICOTEN GOLD MINES LIMITED Bought - Sold - Quoted Detailed Information upnn Request Investment Securities DIMENT and COMPANY 100 Adelaide St. W. ELgin 8073 TORONTO Mdichipicoten Gold Mines Ltd. (No Personal Liabiity) Capital 2,500,000 shares of $1.00 par value each GOLDEN TRIANGLE il