have said good-bye to neuritis once and for ail. Call this a testimonial if you choose-to me it is a oken of gratification."- Mrs.) N. E. L. Neuritis is a resuit of impurities in the blood. And it is impure blood circuiating ail over the systens and setting Up inflammation in the tis- sues. that causes those excruciating pains. Kruschen Salts can be safe- iy trusted to set the matter right. Because Kruschen contains just what Nature needs to persuade your in- ternai organs back into a healthy, normal condition. Bunessiretory LEGAL M. G. -V. GOULD, B.A., LLB. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle W. R. STPUKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solcitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Coilege Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg Bowmanvllle. Office hours 9 a. M to 6 p. m. daily except Sunda7 Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment ln Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any daY F. F. MORRIS CO. Moder-n Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalld Car Cali Phone 10 or 34. Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE j NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt Aubrey Smtb Phone Days 58 Nlghts. Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276 Repaira R. PAWSON B001 AND SHOE REPAIRINO Soies sewn on by Goodyear Stiteijing Machine. Prices rAasonaId., King Street East - BawmanvIll opposite Gartons Bus Station 9-t' West-Enid Machine Shop and Garage Bring your work now and heip us make Bowmnvilie a Boemlng-vilie. Expert Machinlat ini attendance. For Repair Work and ail types et machine work and Gasoline Engines - Phone 81. James F. Murray Vve trîrd several kînds of powders ta hold my faiae teeth. When I tried F'ASTE ETH I tound the one powder that does flot thîn out or wash away, but astays put" ail day. It gives a most pleamant feeling, a real sens. of securltv, and ho) ds and holds aend holde. Ëreath la always pleasaaft. If anyone with loose-ittîng faine teeth wants ail-day comfort and a real stay there fit, Inaist upon FASTE EI 3& Sc, or 60c. size, at afly good drug store. HONORED BY KIING Harry Cornish, Keewatin, Ont.; Fred ICornish, Orono. and William Corn- ish. Mrs. Martha Goode Cole, E_ ___ Bowma.nville1 1 Sir Charles Saumders 1 A Ille long resident o! Bowman- Aln ihD.B tngfeow ville, Mrs. Martha Cloocle Cole, AogwthD.BItnf ll pased wayin sliwa eneal os:Canadian scientist, Mr. Charles pal on SwaturdOsawa June a nHer-Saunders, originater o! marquis and pitrldonear Mrs. Coe hadbeen ni many other brands of wheat that inrdffert heaole for seelmn-inhave made Canada f axous, wasE is.feethat frsvrlmn made knight bachelor in the King's1 Deceased was born in Bowmaflville birthday lionors list. and was the daugliter o! Mr. and 1- - - Mrs. Fred Goode. She was married ORONO to Samuel Cole, who dieda few years _______________ a! er their marriage. Mrs. Cule was o! a quiet retiring (From the News, June 7th.) j nature, was a loving mother. and 1i extremely fond of lier children andl Mr. George Skelding is visiting1 grandchuldrcu. Children who survive her daughter. Mrs. Staaley Green.1 Iher are Mrs. William Riding, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leishman, New-1 awa; Samuel Cole, Wetaskiwin, A-1 mark et, visited lier f ather, Mr. Oeo. berta: John Cole. Bowmanville; Mitchell. Mrs. Sid Drinkie, Oshawa, aad Wil- Dr. and Mms. McClelland, Toronto, liarn Cole, Bouwmaaville. Fourteen spent Sunday at lier f ather's Mr. grandchildren also survive. Robt. Poster. Mrs. Cole was an adherent of St.1 Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. Liadsay, John's Anglican Church. and spent were Sunday visiters with Mr. and lier entire lifetime tn Bowmaaville.i Mrs. O. W. Roipli. The funeral, which was very larg- I Orangemen of Orono and Clarke ely attended was lield from the resi-1 district will celebrate the Glorious dence of lier sou, John Cole, On- 1 Twelfth at Port Hope. tarlo St., on Wednesday, June 6th. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Crease and' Rev. C. R. Spencer, rector o! St. Miss Rutherford, Toronto. were vis- John's Churcli. conducted the ser- itors at Mrs. A. A. Rolph's. vice at the home and at the grave-1 Mrs. Bertha Bell o! Rocliester, side. Palibearers were: Rev. F. Rid-1 N. Y., is spending the sumxner with ing, Messrs. Ted Tyre. Fred Drew. lier sister. Mrs. John Miler. Oshawa, ami three grandsons, Jack, Mrs. A. J. Leigli las returned Fred aad Walter Cole, Bowmanvile. f rom Toronto, where she spent the Many beautiful floral tributes at-! past few months with lier daughters. testedt t the wide circle of f riendsi Mr. and Mrs. Ray, J. Sturgess and Mrs. Cole had gathered about lier two daugliters, Misses Dolores and in a long and useful life. Tliey in- Vivian. o! Syracuse, N. Y., visited cluded. Pillow f rom the family. John, his aunt, Mrs. S. Cutteli. Mona and grand<childreu; Bernice: Delegates and a number of the and Edwin Drinkie and grandchul- members o! Orono Women's Institute dren; Mrs. Binacombe and Mrs. attended the district meeting oui Drew: Mrs. John Bone and family; Tuesday at Blackstock. Mrs. Delmage; Mrs. R. Witlierdge;. Mr. George Smith, Bank o! Com- Miss Edibli Goode: Mr. and Mrs. F. merce, lef t on his annual holiday Oke and family; Mr. aad Mrs. Chas. outing. Mr. Fred Maley, Toronto,I Cox; Mrs. Jos. Fletcher; Mr. and lias takea over his duties. Mms. A. Colville; Miss AIma Piper; Miss Margaret Dickson is receiv- Mr. and Mrs. A. Kilpatrick aad fam- ing tle congratulations o! friends on ily; Mr. and Mms. Sam Bone; Mrs. rassing lier fourth year examinations Thompson and Mrs. Mercer: Mrs.' Faculty of Arts, University of Tor- ISpry and Nellie; Mr. and Mms. J. A. onto. Cox; Mrs. Fred Jackman and Mms. Mrs. John Greenwood. Bowman- Jos. Kilpatrick; Mr. and Mrs. W. ville. speat a day with friends here. E. Grves.Mr. Greeawood. one time propriet- Rltvsattending the funeral tor o! the Northi American Hotel f rom a distance were: Samuel Cole, liere. lias been an invalid for the Wetaskiwin. Alta; Frederick cboode. past few years. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goode. Mr. Mr. Perey Fletcher, sou of the and Mms. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. E.; Rev. W. Percy Pletcher who 40 years Mcçutcleon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Land-; ago was a popular pastor of the old sborough, Mr. Claybourn Owen, Mrs. Christian Churcli here. spent a f ew (Dr.) J. P. Campbell. ail o! Tor- hours in town last week. lis f irst onto. Mrs. Eliza Brimacombe. Mr. visit to Oroito, and was warm.ly re- and Mms. Sama Bone. Mr. and Mrs. S. ceived by manv of lis father's old Headick, Mrs. Norman Legge, m. 1 time friends. Rev. and Mrs. Flet- L. Mann, Mrs. Wm. Drew. Mr. Fred 1 cher and f amily are now residents Drew. Mr. aad Mms. Roy Storks. Mms. of Odessa, ont.. lie being pastor o! W. Vice, Mrs. H. Hana, Mrs. J. Bo- the United Churcli o! that tewn. oth. Mrs. W. Battie. Mms. W. Me- Mr. W. H. Elliott. London,.c Laughlin, Mms. W. Mercer. Mms. Ho-, companied by lits daugliter. Mrs. Ben -ward, Mrs. W. Vodden. Mr. and Mms. Abbott. and lier daughter. Miss Beu- Fred Davidsoa, Mr. and Mrs. Severs, lah, and grandson. Elliott Simpson, and daugliter. aillof Oshawa, and Mr. visited f riends in Orono. guests at 'Villiam Sleep and daugliter. Ken- Mr. and Mrs. IFaar Cobbledick's. dall. Mr. Elliott lef t the former Fielding ________farmn. some forty yeams ago. He is lag DOVE!" the enjoyment o! good lealth. Mr. "IWINGS LIKE A >E! Ellott came to Orono as assistant1 shoemaker witl the late Geo. Hil. Many cartli-weary liearts have in company witli Mr. Hill on their edlioed the Psalmist's cry, "Oh that arrivai waîkinz te Orono f rom the, I had wings like a dove! for then Newcastle G. T. R. *i would I fly away, aad be at rest.' ____ _i___ And when listcning to this passage,! as it is written i the wll-known BiliouEness is soon removed by Ibeautiful song, hearts have been f i11- Kipp's Unequalled Herb Tablets. ail cd with the desire for spiritual peace,1 Herbs no drugs. Sold by Alex. Me- and for escape f rom worry, sickness,i Gregor. Teleplione 92. andi sorrow. i Barber's Itel and Rinigworm are Discordant liumanity is usually 1 relieved by the use of Douglas'i inltent on seeking some spot far dis- 1Egyptian Liniment; quick, certain tant f rom ts present environment.j resuits. Relieves tle Most obstinate and sick mankind has scardlied ail cases. over the earth, for suitable climatic' conditions, seemingly necessary te ils healîli, and yct lias found no rest. Wlierever one goes. oae's thouglits must .uccessarily go. too, since con- sciousness constitutes the iadivid-I ual; andtis15consciousness f orins the nucleus o! aad determines ones joy or sorrow. licalli or sickness. Il is o! the greatest importance, then, jithouglt along right lines, that lie may experience the healil and liap- piness -whicli comes f rom God-gov- erned thinklag. Soarlngs Spiritward always leave us purer aad stronger. but there is inucli more te be ga.lned in the poss- ession o! "wings lîke a dove" than the temporary heavenly aspiration these words generalîy afford. Wings, we kaow, 1f t birds above the earth to soar untrammeled inl the open spaces o! the heavens. So, speaking praise, inspiration, loy-o! every spiritual quality whicli lifts us above sordidn.ess anti misery. No longer is the leart's longiag for *'wlngs like a dove" left ungrat- if ied. Riglit. where one f lads hlm- self lie can prove divine law. rislng î'bove slck or evil belle! s o! whatever -nature into the peace and rest of spiritual consciousaess. Women aad Asilima. Women are numbered among the sufferers f rom Armn in Sling With OBITUARY NeuritisJ. W. Cornish, Toronto A "tokea o! gratification*' ths w- Me a brie! ilîness. J. Walter man says she is giving wlea she CerniLi., general superiateudent o!ý writes o!flier relie!f fromn neuritis:_ the- Lakeside M:.ling Co., died Mon- '~Fo twlve onts I avehadday, June iltI, aitoch Private Pat- "eurt l meam nd uI ave dlents' Pavillon, Toronto Geacral, last two wecks lave had to carry it'Hsia.H a oui aia lu sing.Sine ten hae aan-68 years ago and had been a resident 9' ineda yslg ing, am ae slepn- o! Toronto for the past 25 ycars. He distued. sinand abperform opuse- was a member o! High Park Uaited hodduties that previously I would i Churdli Besides lits wife, Matilda nthavold TeebneisI Coruisli lie is survived by four sis-! nhave eevd fon. T hes enefits I ers, Mrs. A. W. Carvetl.' Victoria, 1 This lias ail happeneti in two weeks B . r.Mr py r and I am optimistic enougl othn stroag and Mms. S. Chambers. -al o i-hm jý _fýjje T _11Toronto; and bY three brothers. might be made for any transplant- ing that may be necessary later. The latter part of August and during Septernber is the best lime te do any of this work. The roots that have come to the point where they need dividing shouid be remembered and when the plantlng time cornes round aîl that is necessary is ordinary pi- anting care and sufficient sPeed to prevent the roots drying out. Where dividing lias te be doue it is wise Vo dig the plants up, saving every bit of root possible. Sometimes they will quite naturally dlvlde without any cutting. Where this 15 flot the case a good sharp kaife will qulckiy make the divisions necessary. Unless a large number of any particular var- iety is required we do not advise cuttlng into very small pieces. In aIl peony planting the crown of the plant should be flot more than two inches below the surface of the soil. She gained Health, ~ Strength and Vigor with No longe in it neeeeary for men and women to go around feeling ick, weak and rundown. C. C. & B. 0 Tonie Tablets have praven ini thousands of euses that-m they bri,,g quick relief to the niany alimente which ce- suit froni a rondonste. Rare dis what Mr. . _______________________ riendt.Elm od Ot.. writes *"I bail been sufferjng for aver a year wlth indIgestIýon h-d- aches and i dzzy spelis I was nervous lacked pelicoodn't sleep. After taking twe boxes of C. C. & B.Tonte Tablete I feit entirely welI agin. They can't Le beat me a tonie." If Vot are Rundown, suffering wïth Anaemlm BStomaeh Trouble. Indigestion. Coated Tonue Headaclu Pour Appa- tt. Nec,... Cas t SIsep. Thinnea Pimuples, Weakiness, Blocs à ~you surely nead C. C. &B. Tonte Tablets right away. Tou naed plant, of rich, ced blond, and C.C. & B. Tonte Tableta. restore strength and fibre ta the blood, bulld you up in avery way. steady the nerves. Don t gamble with your precoon health-galn mmazing new strengtb and vtaity--look and ______________f esl roses rounge. Sold st .&U Drug tores-60C anid 8$ GET C. C. & B. TONIO TABLETS AT McGregor's Drug Store PHONE 92 List your comling events inZTh1e You-can buy and sell anything Statesman. Its the way to attrat through The Statesman élassiffed a crowd. Ad$s. THE PEONY By W. E. Groves, Bowmanviiie There is probably no more pop- ular sum.mer flower than the peony. Its size, brilliant coloring and easi- ness of culture make it a favorite in practically every garden. It may be of interest to say that though the largest section of peonies, bear the name Sinensis or Chinese, they reaily originated ini Europe. The early blooming "officinalis" was in- troduced into England f romn Swit- zerland about the year 1550. Another early introduction "alîrfiora" the parent, 0f any later originations, went from Siberia to England in 1765. Prom these varieties the gorg- eous range o! peony colors as we now know them have been developed. Peonies are blooming at this time and we propose te suggest a few things that miglit help to bring a- bout better blooms. During the en- tire season the plants should be given plenty of cultivation. Sun and air are thus let into the roots, and weeds do not have mucli chance te grow. Moisture is also conserved and at this season it is necessary te provide water if perfect blooms, are expected. But watering te be effect- ive must be thorough for sprinkling is useless. It is a good plan to draw the soUl a littie away f rom the crow-n of the plants. thus making a hol- 10w te hoid the water. Then suffic- lent water should be given to soak down te t.he deepest roots. A f ert- ilizer application at the same time also heips considerably. Peony plants are somnewhat hungry and take a good deal of food out of the soil. which naturally impiies that Vo get good results they must be fed. Just in passing it may be said that thougli the plants love water, a lo- cation that holds stagnant water is a serious handicap. The matter of supporting the plant when in bloom frequently demands some consideration. It wouid perhaps be better for ail pl- ants if they could be grown wlth no support of any kind for il is not easy to stake and tie any plant and still maintain uts natural appear- ace. But in our gardens staking lias to be done for the sake of neatness. Several peony supports are on the market. the principle of them ail being a ring around the plants suf- ficiently strong te keep the bloomns from f alling down. Any arrange- ment that secures this result should be perfectly satlsfactorv. During the bloomng season plans IT'S UIVER THAT MAKES YOQ FEEL SQ WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile -No Calomel necessary For you ta fed bealthy and happy, your civer muet u two n of liquid bile iota your b=,is evr Ir-un.Withont th.t bila. tro)uble ttePoordigestiUon. Blow elimination. Poisone in the body. Canerai wretcbedness. Iluw cao yau expect to clear up a situation ijke thieeOOmPleteiY with mare bowei-movins salta. oil. maineraI watac. laxative candy or chea.ng in. or roughaga' They dont %-&ka .ip your liver. You need Carter's Little tiver Pille Purely reReîai,ie. Safe. Quick and sur" ceaults. As fn 'hemn by asm. Refue substitutes. 25c. &4 anl druggieta. 54 i Do't Read This Unless you are interested in a medicine which bas belped over 700,000 women a.nd girls. Take it before and afier childbirth, at the Change or whenever you are nerycUs and rndown. 98 out of 100 gay, 1"h hbeips me!" '; LYDIA Es PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND e Electors OF DurIam County 1 arn appealing to you as the Conservative ' can- didate as a man who is interested in the people'& wel- f are. During my many years municipal experience in the county of Durham, 1 have put f orth my best ef- forts for the peop l e in general, particularly the agri- -culturalists and the working man., 'VOTE and ELECT MILTON J. ELLIOTT pporting the Menry Goverament you are playlug safle M MMMMmqm ""His Dad likes RICE KRUSPIES took" TH CNDIN TTEMABOMAVLL, THUSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1934 PAGE Nflh THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVUJiE, THE way Kelloggs Rice Krispies Baap, crackle and pop in milk or cream always temple the appetite. And their delicious flavor pleases the tastes of old as well as young. Serve Rice Krispies at any meal. A fine con- 'renient, ight lunch for mother. Just the thing for grown-ups who are huagry at bedtime. Extra good with fruits or hoaey added. Rice Krispies have ail the nourishing goodness of toasted rice. Easy t0 digest. They promote restful sleep when served at the children's supper. At grocers in the red-and-green package. Oven-fresh in thse WA.XTIT'E wrapper. Made by Kellogg in London., Ontario. Quality guaranteed. Li'Lsten ! -edtIzan