THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1934 PAGE NINE HltI E 1 r From a Man of 90 t ut Hia Rheuna.tism le ka us ta excuse bis writing. more than that - we con- a him on being able ta Write at his aga, aspeclally as ha n suffermng f rani heumatismn. what ha says lu bis ltter:- ce years ago I was in ted for Ira with inflammatomy rheu- SSinca tilat lime I bave taking Kruschan Salts, and ot bad anoîher attack. But nds are still somewbat sti!!. Kruschen every rnorning be- makfast, and shahl continua ta because I am sure it bas kept good shape for Ibree years. 1h15 witing, as I ams niuety aid, and use bath hands ta .J.R. G. shen dissolves away thosa a-pointad crystais o! uric acid are the cause o! ail rheumat- 'oubles. Il will also f lush thesa slved crystals dlean out o! tisa cm. Than if you keap up "tise edaily dos," excass uric acid neyer foramagain. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A.,ILL. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solictor, Notary Solicitor for Bankc o! Montreal Monay to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanvllle, Ontario L. C. MASON. B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law iu ail Its branches. Office lmzedlately east o! Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR.L J. C. DEVKITT Asistant: Dr. E. W. Sinson Oraduate of Royal Dental Collage Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bld.g Bowmauvifle. Office hours 9 a. m to 6 p. m. dally except Sunday Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment In Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipinent Ambulance and Invalid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipmant -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubray Smith Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 2'76 CENT A MILE! ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Clolng Dates: Daily June 10 to 30 Retumu Lisit: 45 Days TOURIST SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEIGES On paymcnt of a lght addltlonal pasnge fare charte for each par- wu tourlat aleeplng car accorm- modatIon ia.y bc sepurci at reg- ular rates Stopovers granted at Port Arthur, ont. and aIl stations west thereof. Full particulars tram any agent Canadian Pacific 22-5 THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Waka up youIr Liver Bile -Witbout Calomel Yo ae eeing ,punki1' uimply eyur bil ino yur owea.Digestion and elimination, arebat ha,~eedand your satire .ystom in Wta need in a liver stimulant. Soni.. tineIt Rgrethrten s-l-a, ineraiZwter. .d zati= y'dr ', sir rruwshag which oniy nmove -th. mil-goua hera cause ut toub,,orlv. Teke Carter's iîttie Liver ilà.Puelyvse- table. Na haah caloniel (. ,neey. S&s. Sure. Ask for themn by naineste"u»n substitutis. 2&. et a&U druggiata. 53 West-End Machine Shop and Garage Drint you.r work now anA beil usn make Bownvilfle a Boomlmg-vMle. Expert Maehlnist in .,ttendànee. For Daguait Work Mdn&Uail uo of machine vort and Gandin. Enginu - Phone 81. James F. Murray PLANTS AND FLOWERS IN THE HOME By W. E. Groves, Bowmanviliî The vital requirmmnts for reason- ably successful plant culture in the home are soil, water, ligbt and a conganial atmaspbere. Toa fraquent- ly doas the home gardener. womry about lthe supposedly special neads o! various plants. Wbile it is not suggasted that no sucis needs aven exist. the advice is givan 10 fallow the genamal pinciples o! culture and the est will usually take came o! il- self. Ligist is very necessary. Sun does flot malter so much but no plant will thriva withoul light. What bo do then is vary obviaus. The plants sbould te kept near a window unles thera happans to be a home green- bouse. Any plant in such a position will likaly turu ils leaves towamds the ligist, and aUl that la nacessary la ta tumn it round occasionally. . F'esb air is baîp!ul 10 plants as long as it doas not chilI. There isI no eason why plants sbould ualt e used in parts o! the borna away f rom; the ligist as long as tbey ara ual kept in the damk for any great length o! lime. A simple systein o! changing themn araund every day or two la all that la uecassamy ta, provide adequate light conditions. Water lu relation ta plants is probably the most serious probleni the home gardenar bas ta face. "How a! lau sbould a plant ba wat- ered?"' is a vemy frequent question asked by horne plant owners, and un!ortuuately it la not easy ta ans- war iu coîd typa. Il la impossible tc say Ihat any plaut abould bava just a certain nurnber o! ounces o! watem a day, fom so mauy things have ta enter inta tisa malter. Thara are lwo or three "do'ls" wotb noting. Don't give little draps o! water quite !raquantly; do't aîlow any plant ta, rmnain standing lu watem, evan lhough it is shallow, and don't allow the plant ta remain dry when il napds watar. It la usually easy ta, feel if the surface sail is dry. Then la the lima la, water and sufficiant should te given te molaten avemy bit o! the silI. What we caîl a conganial aImas- phare is tisaI mosl appmoaching the are safa and easy 10 apply. Il is saf e 10 say Ihat flowers do nol giva as much pleasura as theY migbl just, through lacIr o!flise ight knd o! treatinent. ItLsl granted that the dry heat o! tise averaige home is not perfect for flowers. but il, is surprising bow long thay can ba made 10 ast. Clean cool water with no nastrums la nacessary. Sa are containers large enough ta allow the air ta find ils way down amongst Floral tabla dacoatiaus. the stems. Water should te chang- ed aI least avery second day; evemy day la really bettar. At eaahch caug- iug the stemasbould ba cut and te placed back into the watar te! ora they bave lime ta dry out. If the llowams could te put ln a reasanably cool place at nigbt it acts as a kind o! tonic and tbay will certainly last langer. Flowar arrangement bas much ap- peal for the lover o! flowers. A f ew flowers tasta!ully placed makas any room a diffament place from what it would otharwise be. And thare is raraly any nzeed for teing elaborate. Homa-growu f lawams. if thay ara available, flowers froin the florist if necessary, aud any o! the containers to te found in eveýy home are the A. 'ar aty of floral arrangements suited to different types of container. ati-ozp:era Cf a growr's green- necessities. iouse, where there is a humidity aI- The two picturas show how much .no.t impossible in the average borne. is pozrsible wlth the home container. Tli.e ternperature cf the home is Such vases as are shownm are in the nsarly always higher than that o! possession o! practically every read- the f lorist's greenhouse. This sug- ar. Many of them. are f illed with gets tbat if rome rooms have a outdoor garden flowers. The chie! temparature some:hing below 70'F. points to note are laoseness of ar- tlat may be better for the plants. rangement, with one side frequently The only way to provide some moýist- higher than the other. and the ure round tie plants is to spray flowars or feru falling over the sidç them soinatimes wth dlean water. o! the vase in sucb a natural way. Ey using a fine spray it is f raquently Hardly any two o! the vases are alike "ossible ta do this wthout rulning so that is possible to see how flow- any f urniture: Parus and f ollaga ers in deep or shallow containers plants o! varlous kinds mlght be are treated. The arrangements were given a wash occaslonally lu the done by a professional florlat and bath or kitchan sinik. If the pots photograpbed at once. They are not are pretty f ull o! roats, a meant to be copled lu detail, but now and again is heipful. For tbis rather to suggest the klnd o! ar- purpose wa advlse one of the fertil- rangement likely to be pleasing and izers put up in tablet form. They attractive. a----* headed by Durham Regirnent Band ORONO 1 and marsballed by Mr. Bert Reid. <- ---. paraded ta Park St. Church wbere Rev. Mr. Story. for a number of (Promn The News, June 21) years missionary to South America, Mr. George Smith, o! the Bank of spoke. Tha pastor. Bey. J. H. Oster- Commerce staff, is holidayin.g wlth bout. M.A., B.D.. assisted. The slng- bis parents. Mr. ani Mrs. Sam W. ing by the male choir in wbicb a Smith, Campballfomd. numbar o! juvenile choristers were Mrs. R. H. Wood bas bean ill for prominent, was heard with pleasing a f ew weeks. affect. Mr. Neil F. Porter offlcated Miss Christine Waddell o! Mon- at the organ. At the close o! the treal is visltlng ber sistar in Sask- service, ta the music of the band, atoon. 1 membars of the Ordar paraded along A numbar of the ladies of the Main Street. W.C.T.U. attended the convention at Mr. John E. Armstrong, sales re- Port Perry and report vary Interast- prasentative for Lowndes Ca., Tor- ing sessions. onto, on his racent trip through the Mr. McGirr of Toronto, formerly western provinces, was pleased ta of Winnipeg, Man., and Mr. Lloyd meet a number of former Orono pao- Walker, Toronto, were weakend vis-penwlvginteWs.O s itor at r. . A.Rolp's.trip to Victoria, accompan.iad by Mr. Mr. Harold Seymour, wbo owns Jim Cola, an old Leskard boy, he and conducts a dmug store lu Toron- called on Mr. and Mrs. Arhur W. to. was home at his f ather's, Mr. Carveth wbere they were entertalned George Seymour. over the waekend. at supper. At Seattle, Wasb.. he Miss Margaret Hutton and friand spent a day or two wlth his sstar. o! Toronto are holldaylng in the vil- Mrs. Karl Katz. Ha also met Mrs. lage, occupying the Mrs. Huntar McArthur, formerly Miss Addle bouse, Main s.reet south. Moulton, whom ha reports niuch Mrs. Ernest Munro and daughter, lmproved ln bealth; aud enjoyad a Miss Helen, Toronto, are spending tlephona conversaton wth Mrs. the weak at Mrs. A. J. Leigh's, the Hunter. uce Clara Pollard, wbo an- latter havlng returned to ber home nouncad the recent weddiug of ber f rom the clty. only daugbter. Other former Orono Misses Waddell, south Main St., people ha met ware Fraser LittIe who are maklng rather extensive repaira bas recently opened a ladies' wear to their residence and f urther beau- store of bis own at Calgary; Ecira tlfylng the groundsanad approachas. Rowe. Bert Robblns, and at Saska- This was orlglnally the home o! the taon, Mra. Brown, wboaa husband la late J. L. Tucker. tha manager o! the Dominion Bank The death occurred Tuesday Inin lutbat clty. Ohawa of Thomas Hooper, for the pat 15 years a resldent o! that clt.Y. Deceased, who was a brother o! the late Harry Hoopar o! Ibis town aid Millem's Worm Powdara. belng in ana-time f raquent visitor here, Was demnand everywhere, can be gaI at barn iIn Solina 76 years ago. any chamst's or drug ahop, at very Tbe annual church parade on amaîll cost. They are a standard Sunday avaning ta Park Street Unit- emed.y for worm troubles and can ed Church was largely attended by be fully relled upon ta expel worms Oraugemen f rom every part of the f rom the systein and abata the su!'- district. ifuUy one hundred of tha feringa that worma cause. There brethren aud menibers of!theasister are many mothera that rejolce that organisation, L. 0. E. A. Pride Of they f ound avallable so effective a Clarke, were lu the llneup whlch remedy for the relief o! their ohild- fgrmed at thse Ornge R allandi ren. TONSHIP COUNCIL CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Township Council met on June 5th, with members ail present andi Reeve Lovekin ln the chair. A notice was given of the appoint- ment of T. A. Reid as a Trustee in the place of Sidney Knlght, deceas- ed, for Lake View Cemetery, New- tonville. Policy was issued by Globe in- demnity Company for public liabil- ity ta the Township of Clarke. R. H. Wood was appolnted Weed Inspector for 1934. Deputy Minister o! Hiospitals sub-' mitted a statement sbowing the amount charged for maintenance of patients in Ontario Hospitals to Oct. 31, 1932. Tisera was no balance forthcorning. Arrangements will be completed for the re-buildlng of a de! active chimney on the Town Hall. Hydro Electric Power knowledged receipt o! Bylaw, No. 981. Following cases were dlsposed of at thse Court o! Revision. Canadian Canners Ltd. assess- ment upheld at $18,100.00. Canadian National Railways land assessmnent reduced by $100000; other appeals wlthdrawn. Samuel Thomas assasmentUp- held at $2700.00. Mrs. Robt. Gray assessment re- duced by $100.00. Warren Carson assessment upheld at $2100.00. A. A. Gibson assessment reduced by $100.00. Geo. Smith assessment, reduced by $30000. Adj ustments were made and ai- lowad for Mrs. Eleanor Thomutan and H. Gooda, also Spencer Burley. one dog was struck off for W. P. Rolph Est. Following bills were ordered palU: Treas. Ontario, hall licensa $ 3.00 1J. C. Gamey, insuranc ...2 10.50 Horticultural Society, grant 15.00 R. H. Ard, sheep damages. 6.50 C. J. Allin, sheep' damages. 4.00 LNamm. Allun, Sbeep Inspector 5.00 C. G. Armstrong, relief O. Knapp .. .. ... 18.00 Hospitals fees for 4 patients 85.25 Jex & Smith, burial Oscar Wright .-.. ... 40.00 Municipal Warld, bl'k !orms 1.39 J. D. Hogarth, Treas. me 1924 Issue Dab. U. S. S. 23 and 1 Damlugon ............ 347.82 Mms. E. J. Randaîl, montbly paymant R vs F.......... 40.00 R. H. Wood, came 1 transient 1.10 R. H. Wood, caretaker... 10.40 D. H. Chishoîni, Interview Reave and Dep. Reeve.. 10.00 S. Cuttl, advt. ... ý. ... 3.50 Jno. Henry, Road Supt. Voucher No. 5..... ...... 279.02 Council adJourned ta meat on Tuesday, July 3rd, at 10 a. m. A. J. Staples, F. B. Lovekin, Clark. Reeve. I~ I 40- Q'r MAN'S SECOND SIGHT I bave always thoughîtishaI man bas two glfts o! sight if ha will try ta use tbem. The f irst and coin- moner, o! course, la the aight for Ibinga visible. Ha sees wlth bis eyes objectsanad things and acts. The othar gif t o! slght la deeper and more spiritual. It la tise sansa o! vision or perception whlcb pemmits hlm ta discover in aven a trivial thlng the glory o! Its creation. Ha discovers in thse lina o! weary work- men, homawamd bound, the dreamas and aima and promptinga o! each toiler.-Edgar A. Guest. ;00010 ipl'~ -- pl You kriow what oil goes into your car when you buy_ Tide Water Oil Company cf Canadae. LS. Montzed , Toronto Ravine Buy VEEDOL at Bartlett's Garage 'e 4 's. AGAIN iii 1934.e.. TEE GIREAT SALES LEADER!F for economical transporiation C-4 A General Motors Prduct.. Produced in Canada ROY NICHOLS BOWMANVIILE COURTICE Chev.@l.* Sales leadership Thichart, baa.d on the offi- Ohevrolet 35.9% cialnew Commercial Car Re.- Truc B 30.6% dialtationa 1in Caanada, Jan. Truec C 11.1% 1 ta Aril 30, 1934, poos rckD 85 Chevrol. t'. leadership in TukD 85 sales over AUl other trucks. AU ot}ioZ 13.9% Imm au lm PAGE NDR THE CANADIAN STATEShLAN, BOVaUNVMLE, TFIURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1934 CT-348