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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JUNE 2Sfh. 1924 .-ntrn *~n V =1 Af1~ 4> Mr. B. E. Ingbamlapedigor j LO AL PERONA j xams at Port Hope Hlgh School. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster vlsited Miss Bertha Doncaster, Toronto, relatives in Lindsay lasf week. is guest o! Mrs. F. H. Morris. Mrs. R. H. Westaway las been vis- Miss May Vanstone, Toronto, spent iting Dr. and Mrs. Basil Bowman, the weekend with ber brother, Mr. Hamilton. F. C. Vanstone. Mr. F. W. Hobbs recenfly visited Mrm. Charlotte Sanders la holi- hîs daughter, Mrs. H. R. Monncy, daying wifh her sister, Mrs. craw- Pickering. ford, Detroit, Midi. m. Steplien Hutchinson ha8 beeti Capf. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meafh visifing ber sister, Mrs. Lois Samis, were in Thorold on Monday visitmng Co>dringfon. their niece, Mrs. Philip Nind, wlio is Mr. J. H. Greer and Miss Aima nof in very good healfh. Greer recently vislted relatives at Mr. and Mrs. Morton Miller, son CamPbellford. Bobby and daughter, Marian, Win- Mrs. Arthur Bragg and son Don- nipeg, Maxi., have been visiting Mr. ald, Ranier, Alfa., are visifing Mms. and Mrs. Ueo. W. James. Owen Nicholas. Mr. Cedric Needham and bride, Miss Harrictt Bartleff, Toronto, Syracuse, N. Y., have been sPending SPeuf ftle weekend with Mr. John their honcymoon witli bis parents, and Miss Eva Hellyar. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Needham. Miss Olive Brooking spent Sunday Mx'. G. L. Wagar, Mathematical with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- Teacher o! Bowmanviile High ry Brookung, Wesleyviile. Scbool is presiding over examina- Dr. and Mrs J. J. Hamilton, Pon- fions at Orono Continuation Sohool. typool, are enjoying a visif f0 bis Mr. L. S. Stevenson, B. A., Osh- brother af Calgary, Aita. awa, spent the weekend witli Mr. 'me Baby Clinic is b lie held on and Mrs. J. H. Werry and called on safurday affernoon, June 3th, ini- a number o! old friends in this dis- stead o! Friday as usual. trict. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ru!! and Mr. and Mms. W. G. Rice and daughfer Marie, Tara, were recentj daughfer Betty, Stratford, Mr. and guests o! Messrs. R. M. and D. H. Mms. W. Braund and daugbfer, Mrs. Jamiesori. Smih, Peterboro, spent Sunday witb Messrs. Fred Cryderman. Geo. W. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rice. James and T. C. RoWss are in Detroit Mr. erfJewllTorotoMr.audattending the sessions of Rotary Ini- Mrs. W. E. Snowden and Miss Mar- trainl garef, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Plummer and1 Jewell, Mrs. W. E. Jewell and Miss son Donald. Port Hope, spent Sun- Mabel, Mr. aud Mrs. Fred J. Wight,j day witli bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. ToWn, were Sunday visifors o! Mr. N. S. Plummer. and Mrs. Kennefli Cox, Kingston Mr. and Mrs. Glen Alan and. Road East. cauglter, and Mr. and Mrs. Lonner Hutchison, Warkworfh, recently vis- Edifor and Mrs. Ueo. W. James ited friends bere. and their guesf, Mrs. Miller o! Win- nipeg, attended fie Class A Week- Mr. William Cully, bis son Rich- lies summer meeting af H-amilton ard, and daugliter, Mms. R. A. Wil- and Simcoe ou Friday and Satur- liams, Montreal. recently visited Mr.J day. On Friday they werc enfer- and Mrs. W. J. cully. ý tained af lunch by Mr. Russell T. Mr. Joe Webber, Greenway, Mari., ý Kelley o! Hamilton, and on Satur- and Mrs. W. O. Herring, Eruniskillen, day tbey werc guests o! the Pearce visited their ucphew, Mr. Roy Web- Publishing Company af Simcoe. pub- ber, over the weekend. lishers o! tbe Sicoe Reformer. A Miss Doris Jamieson, nurse inb feafure o!flice oufiug was a con- training at Ueneral and Marinen ducfed four o! Norfolk County. Hospital, Owen Sound,. is holidaying2 An unteresfing service wsbl wifh ber Parents, Mr. and Mms. R.S on Sunday mornng in Trinity Un- M.Jmasn ited Churcli when the pastor, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber, ac- l E. F. Ar'mstrong, based the thenie o! companied by Mr. and Mrs. Haroldc bis sermon o n Flowers, principally Allin, Newcastle, attendeci a 'siowcr' i ftle lily and rose, and' drew some af Ashburn on Friday nighti n hon- very belpful lessons. 'me junior or o! Miss Doris West.a mebes !the Sunday school Mrs. Deacon, Mrs. Jack Brown brouglit giffs o! lovely flowems which and family, and Mrs. George Jack- were received by misses Jean Marris son and family, aîl o! Toronto, vis- and Marion Slemon and later con- ited wifh the former's daugliter, Mms. veyed to flic cemetery f0 lie used Rolanid Baie, on Sunday. I in the decorafing o! the graves. 'me Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar che- s Primary classa-sang a sang in addi- brated flic thirtiefli anniversary o! t] tion to ftle anthem by the choir. their marriage by entertaining the& Rev. A. M. Woofton, Tyrone, preacli- staff o! tbe Higli School on Friday r cd in the evening and Mr. Orville cvcning. Ail report a vcry baPPY e Osbornc sang a fine solo. tume. ri t ors filnie ressiTa u havoedfo m an fthc i9th of June and worked wif h unsparing effort in GC support of the appeal afIMitchell F. Hepburn tefa to a ncw Governunent I the FrOvince of Ontario. Your efforts have been most successful and it becomes aur unbounded duty and privilege fa strive an your behaif towards the end that th the iÀberai part y las set Ifself, fliat of a return tb respons- R ible and economical govermnent. t nt It la with ovcrwbelming gratitude that 1 thank Yeu a for fthc personal tribute that bas been aecorded me in edcci- g: ing me the fiffl imne in Durhami Counfy where my ice- su time of interesfs have been centred. Your represeutations bu ar ta m- wiil always be given a sympatlsetic hearing and with df due regard to thec besf inferests af the people generaUly and the Province as a whole. pr Again I thank yeu and bespeak for ail the people of w aur banner caunty an cma of presperit y and progress that th will reflect credif on your choice of Governient for Uic en- ci suing terni of thec Legislafure i Ontario, and I remain i bl Your humble servant. gr al W. J. Bragg C th bt in Holiday Akhead - Buy Now a ISl THE EVLYN SHOP PRESENTS P Style Qualiiy Value Washable Crepe Dresses short leeves capelets, dainfy band cnibroidcry, facafflng, and fine quality niaterials, go ta niake np this exceptional assoninient 1)f cool sunimer finie trocks. They comeicnh plain white and pastel shades, In sizes 16%a fa 241/2. Regular values fa $1395, ON SALE 499 Printed Crepe Dresses $5.95 Stylcd lke the more expensive dresses ç desenlbed above, I sizes 1610o44 - Speciai .$5 9 Pretty Street F rocks oNLY$2.95 In Gingiani, Piques, Checks, Plaids and Stnipes; I Sunfan and Tennis styles, sizes 14 fa 40, 6 9 SPECIAL ..... TAILORED GINGHAM DRESSES, 36 fa 44 . .62 WHITE PIQUE SKIRTS, charming styles, quality niaterials, each ... ..... 6 100 ,' The Evlyn ADIS hop Phone 594 KIng Street lonave 'me annual Werry - PbUlp Plcnic ACETYLENE WELDING bis text or bat,' to be beld on Safurday, July 7tb, of ail kinds done. was lin t fthe Cream o! Barlcy Camp, Bow- and act nanvill. DisheR.ndAlldreadr rovided. Relatives please accept D .RTber4ea is Intimation. Miss Elva Orchard, and at Cnnlskillen, Secretary. A llmlted Kn t.E BwmaviJ fan d o iumber o! copies of the Werry tam- I S - 1om vu inardon ly troc wUl be on hand for msais. r Major and Mrs. F. H. Moody, 5 Welland, spent Sunday with Mr. CHURCHES 1and Mrs. E. W. Crawford. Miss Mildred Lawrie and Mis T JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Ai Margaret Foster, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Rev. Father McGuire, Pastor Mr Sunday, July lst* Mass at 10.30 ML. Mrs. Leonard Henry and son, 0f a. m. D.S.T. ion '1 1Williamsburg, are vlsiting ber par- M ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Witheridge. Mavto rn:ilam-oies r Mr. and Mrs. William A. Siemon Meeting; 2.30pin.--Sunday School; Mr, and son Ailan, Winnipeg, were re- 7 P.m.--Salvation Meeting. Al lmeet- Mr. e cent guests of their uncle and aunt, ings will be welconie services to Adit. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. F. Bower. Ail are welconie. Detra Mr. C. Rehder and bis grand- ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Mr, daughter, Miss Barbara R.ehder, are CHURCH spend visitlng the foriner's daugbter, Mrs. Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Mn (Rev.) W. S. Blythe, Detroit, Mlch. Sunday Services at il a. m. and Miss Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Crabb, Sim- 7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Mrs. coe, spent the weekend wlth Mir. and ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHUBRH Mr. Mrs. H. L. Crabb. Mrs. Crabb and Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector awa, children returned horne with tbem Mrs. J. A. Gurin, Organlst anld1 for a visit. SundaY, Ju1Yly st, Fifth Sunday Mr., Mrs. Albert Heaslip in Janetviile after Trinity: Sunday School 10).3o J. W4 has a peony that she bas every a. m.; HOly Communion il a. M.; and right to be proud of . It is a deep Evening Prayer 7T p. m. Preacher, frienc rose, sweet scented flower and by Rev. Thos. McKim. mis count bas two bundred and forty ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH sc (240) buds and blossoms. Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Hope, The Sparling Mission Band of Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist and Mr.c Trinity United Cburch held their Choir Director. Htel annual pîcnic at Henderson's woods Sunday, July 1st: il a. m.-"'Is tw on Saturday afternoon when games the Church Equal to ifs Task?1;" r and refreshments were happily en- 10.10 a. m.--Sunday Sohool; ; r ioyed by the boys for a few hours. - odern." ncen nd ~ lya Mrs. W. A. Quibeil, Toronto, for- TRINTY UIE HJC union UNITEDCHURCH Arrn merly well known in BowmanvilleI Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor the N. as a member of the public school Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Organjst home teachmng staff, was one of the re- and Cboir Director. 10w, b~ presentatives to the National Coun- Sunday, July lst: il a.m.--Com- July cil of Women Provincial Convention 'munion and Receptio>n Service Sub- The~ held in Brantford last week. ject "The Magnetic Cross"; 3 p.m.- Presb3 Teaher 0fBowanvllepub IBaptism in the Church; 7 p;.m.- play Teaher ofBowanvllepubic Subjeet, "Worthy Citizenship." uo schools held an enjoyable affet r odal nie teeser- ThoseT school picnic lasf Wednesday wbenar odlyintet hs e-Toe they motored out to the Elliott Me- vices. Bring your visitors. Miss1 morial Park, Hampton. A splendid an i suprwas served and the evening CITIZENS PAY TRIBUTE Browri spent ini games and sof tball.* TO DEAD ON SUNDAY Miss I Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt arnd Mrs Ms W. R. Strike attended the Diamonâ AT IMPRESSIVE SERVICE Mills Jubilee celebration at the Ontario' Une Agricultural College at Guelph on! (Continued f rom. page 1) Ufie Saturday and Sunday. The crowd w& May waken to a glorious resur- fliversi present this year was the largest rection morn. in chi in the history of the institution. At the conclusion of the Mayor's at il Af a leaders' meeting beld at theld:iscourse tbe congregaf ion jo~ine i day S home of Miss Spargo, Liberfy Street' singig the beautiful bymn "Breathe evenin nort, o Wenesay eenig, uneon Me Breath of God" and the ser- his fa foth, onednte edyevenMssgunie ~w as brougbt to a close witb of Bla 2Ot. oe 0 te ladesMis Betyprayers by Rev. W. G. Blake, supply Bothc Sargent, was presenfed with an ad- dA1 dress read by Miss Ruby Witheridge J minister of St. Andrew's Church, .Ai and a lovely silver flower basket by wbo made bis first public appear- ing, ai Miss Lena Dilling on behaif of the'av tthsfntin P LetI el Candia GilsIn raiin ofTri-'Gooding of tbe Salvatton Army. Pol Candia Gils n Tainng fThe Last Post was sounded by On lty United Cburch. Refreshments Bandinaster R. Fauntain, a.nd Rev. a Silvi and contests combined f0 conclude C.R. Spencer pronouniced the Bene- of the aridetobeaspyge 0f bono the diction, immediately before the Na- of Ne. 'mie-tEvenin guxiiryof h the . tional Anthem. Follow TheEveingAuxliay o th W. The Canadian Legion Band ably by Re M. S. met Tuesday evening in Trin- prvddtemsc o h ign progra ity United Church scbool room, witb Assistnt Scout Master Clifford Mis 1- Mrs. W. A. Shane, president, pre- Hall and five other Scouts were on Hooy siding, and Mrs. Nellie Garbutt at duty distributing programs. Mms. 1% the piano. Af ter opening exercises At tbe close of the service the de- by Hai and minutes by Mrs. W. C. Ives, Sec- coration of graves by the varions A. Hu] ret.ary, the worsbip, service was tak- organizations was proc>eeded wlth, Leonai en by Mrs. Fred Wight, Mrs. Ives, and Rveille closed thse proceedings sl Mrs. W. H. Argue and Mrs. T. W. jo! the day. The cemnetery was abugeBrw Cawker, the latter singing an ap)-i panorama of colorful sunmner fl1ow- Pleton. propriate solo, accompanied by Mr. ersadhryagavwswt- dress1 Chas. Cawker. Mrs. J. W. Jewellou fsq otao blooms. Lde read a temperance selection, after The Cemrefery looked splendid for tional shich the members took up the the occasion, and the arrangements served study of the fi.fth chapter of the were ca.rrled ouf in a manner re- Procee, Stucly Book, "Lady Fourth Daughteri flecfing great credif on Councillor <ý* of China," under leadership o! Mrs. Haroîd Moses, Clairmnan o! the Cern-i 3. M. Warnica which provedi very etery Committee, wbo quiet ly made nteresting. Supper meeting on July the arrangements and carrled tbem Ladii .7th on church lawn, weather per- oufinI an unprefentious mariner, fine ni nifting. Baby Band will be enfer-jo Normai ained about end o! July. TEACHER PIRSE14TE» nuo, Mrs.A. GOODYEAR EXECUTIVE A pleasing surprise and a very in- mng -L( AT ROTARY MEETING formai gathering was beld at Bow- son wa manville Public Sobool on Monday ice; pri <Confinued f rom, page 1) a!fternoon wben Miss Betty Sargent, M. FM the succeasof filin stars and Babe wbo is retiring f rom. the staff, was a hyni Ruth by their tremendous salaries. Presented wifh a Chesterfileld table each le Great men, who have contributed accompanied by the good wishes of hold r( to the sciences and arts receive re- ail the teaching staff for ber future ferestiri numerafion thaf is nof so substant- happiness. Short eulogistlc speeches monica al. An example is Dr. F. G. N. Starr, were mnade by Principal Jobnston, ic "Fal whose faine was ini bis skillful sur: Miss Greta Wickett and Mr. Robt en by 1 ery, but whose success was not mea- McLeod, ta whlch Miss Sargent made the pii sired by the wealth be anuassed, a very happy reply. Refreabinents Vincis' aut rather by the men he trained were served and a iolly social houx' Madoni and left to carry on his skill when be enjoyed.: gelus", lied l.->------ Iest Wei The world struggles on $ solve ifs 'me Execufive of Trlnify United along m~ problemns. Each countryrakches Out Cburcb Young People's Society were artist. Lo some movement such as Fascisai, entertaine<I to a bouse party at flic an it Hitlerism, or Communismi as thlat Pickard cottages at Willlamson'si gailerie hich bring about its solution, but Point by the President, Miss Marlon Florida te speaker suggested, thaf we a.s Pickard, when a very pleasant week- Wilkiiii Cbristians sbould look fa Chris- end was enjayed. tributei ianity for tbe solution of our pro- ferent' blems. To emulate the ideals of the Sadie reat Nazarene was the answer f0 ian s0 ill national and international troub- CARDS OF THANKS two sel es. Oshawi The speaker also touched on de- Mrs. John Lighterness and fanslly vote o: cisions in the home. F'or nations wlsh te extend theix' grafeful apprec- Metcall an become strong only through iation toa a the friends and nelgh- ly resr their youth. 'me trouble is, Mr. Mc- boums who sent klnd expressions o! with c] Crea said, that most o! us are so synupatby or who helped in any way refresx busy with problenis of our own bus- durlng the ilIness and death O! Mx'. and ici iness that we forgef our homes. He John Lighterness. Frank rged better direction by parents for lin cha we'Ul be just as sfrong and good a Mms. Alex Wilkins, Salemi, desires ber da nation as we miake our children, he ta fthank ber many friends and guesfs dded. neigbbours for the nuany kln.dnesses hostess In thle business field Mr. MeCrea recelved during ber llhness, of flow- Rev. spoke o! the work thaf men in bis ers, gifts and messages wblcb have occupie osition men have accomplisbed. He lielped to cheer bier during ber con- Sunday >elieved that business should bie built valescence. with B ip not on a biasis o! efficiency ait ________________ who cc iny .cost, bu-t on the basis o! fair ____-_______.._____ ln ,e k NESTLETON nong the weekend guests were: rs John Veale wifb friencis. ni Jean Wriglit wifb Miss Mar- T'aylor. rand Mrs. F. Malcolmn with las in Toronto. s. V. Marshall, Toronto, with and Mrs. John Dlckey. rand Mrs. Henry Shieffield, oif, witli Mrs. Jackson. r.Harry Afkinson, Belleville, la lung bis vacation wifb frlends. r. Doak, Miss Marjorle Nesbiff, Jessie Wigglns, Toronto, wifb Blanche Ncsbt. rand Mrs. F. Crassman, Osi- with Mrs. J. Mounfjoy and Mr. Mgrs, Wm. Samella. s. S.* McLaugin, Mr. andl Mrs. Ltson, Mr. Gordon Pollard, Mr. Mrs. H. McLaughin, witb la af Lake Simcoe. ss Iriez Williams and f riend, aMr .and Mm. Quantri, Port wifh Mm. Richard Williams. Scott Hutchison, Mr. John îison, and Mrs. J. Bell, Toron- fih Mr. and Mrs. H. Samuell. Iand Mrs. J. Marlow and fam- fctnded the Reesor famlly re- Saf Locusf Hill on Saturday. rangenients are being made for Uarlow family me-union at the o! Mr. and Mm. Nelson Mar- North Nestle ton, on Wednesday, LSfh. e Young People o! Nestîcton ýyterian Church prescnted their "Sound Your Horn" in Lotus 'uesday evening, June .l8tb. eassisting befween acts wcrc: Evelyn Sanderson, wio played inst rument al, Miss Dorothy n, Mr. Leoriard Mills and M. ir St aplef ou wbo sang solos. Helen Fowler accompanicd Mr. witb ber banjo. June 24fh and 25th Nestleton d Churci celebrafcd is An- sary.. Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowlcs was iarge o!fliceniorning service a.m. 'Mie children o! tic Sun- 3chool provided music. Ini the rg Rev. F. W. Newell preacbed irewell sermon, and the clioir .ckstock United Churcb sang. services wcre vcry well attend- tea was beld on Monday even- id a play "Let Mary Lou Do as presenfed by Befliel Young W ýednesday evening, June 20, ir Tea was given by Group 1 eLadies' Ald in fie basenient rftlefon Presbyteiian Churcb. ving a hyrn and an address ev. V. Walker, flhe followlng m was given: Readings by Helen Kincaici and Miss Norma ran instrumental phaycd by Nferwin Mountjoy; a recitation Lrvey 'hmpson; duets by Mrs. bert and Miss Helen Kuncaid, xd Milis and A.rfbur Stapletan; owas sung by Miss Dorofhy iandi also one by Arthur Sta- *. Mr. R. W. Philp in an ad- polnted ouf the "Ideals o! the sAid." Af fer singing flic Na- Anthem, a fast y lunch was 1by the ladies o! Group 1. eda $5.10. EBENEZER PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 1 package 15e 2 packages 29c Holiday Monday Monday, July 2nd, la a Dominion Holiday. Don'f forget t0 get an ample supply of Corbett's Whcat Germ Bread, the new bread wif h whcat's most energizing feature included. Our wagons are on your street every day. Douminion Diay Picalos, Yon'li be planning a pienie for Monday. Lct us help you with sandwich brcad, hot dog mils, Plain roUas, ParkeIfouse rails, cakes, Jelly moUs or cookies. Your picnic wlll lie bettes, f or havlng iet Corbeff's help you. ANI) BE SURE and take with you a case of Ginger Aie. Canada Dry off crs speciai puices an case lots of ginger ale. Make your picnlc more enJoyable and yet reasonable i cost by including The Champaign of Ginger Aies. PHONE YOUR PICNIC ORDERS TO-DAY Corbett9s Dakery SPECIAL NEXT WEEK QUILT.S OTHER THAN COMFORTERS WASHED 250 Each 2 for 400 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagnell, Agent.- Phone 152 Men's Topcoats Extra Speclal We have been fortunate in securing a number 'of Spring and Faîl Topcoats from a Toronto manu- facture who is going out of business. We are passing the savings on to you. For this week-end we offer smart coats, regular $15.00 and $16.50 value,->- only $10.95 Floor Rugs Reduced Close prices on every floor rug in the store, ini- cluding Axininster, Wilton and Baniyinore. If you are in the market for a rug, see us and save mi2ey. Men 's Summer Suits We have a Suit to fit your purse. Fine tweed suits priced as low as $11.50, and better flannels, finer tweeds and qualîty worsteds, to as high as you wish to go. Every one is a mal good value £rom $11-50 Up CooL Summer Frock.s Voiles, Sheer Crepes, Striped Crepes, and Tailor- ed- Suits. Special this week-end, new light- weight crepe suits only ........495 Up Couch, Johnston & Crydeirian Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanjll. PhoneoI186 or 121 Harry Allia, Grocer PAMOLIVE 1 cake Sc SOAP 3 cakes 14c New tabiized4 cakes 19c New tabiized5 cakes 23c Prices 12 cakes 55c Lipton's Orange Pekoe Tea, reg. 00 lb. Special Sale ..................... 75c lb. Laxo Cereal, 5 lb. bag..........30c Toddy, for pep and energy, lb'i....49e Whiz Toilet Flush and Drain Lax, both for... 39c Wonderful Soap ................ 8 bans 25c Lux Birthday Special ......... 3 large pkgs. 42c Kraft Cheese, per lb ................... 28c Roquefort Cheese, package .............. 15C Old Canadian Cheese, per lb............. 20c CANNED FISH SPECIALS Kippered Herring, per tin...........0ec Fairhaven Sardines........... 6 tins 25c Tuna Fish and Crabmeat, per tin ...... 30c Tiger Brand Salmon, Lobster, and Shrimps, per tin................ 30c ~, *~t s e ie' eranClss --d 4r neseran Claths hedoafvmy infing alf tee home o! Mftr opMetcalf on thu res a!t o.paynin wtheeharedsint, J.d Gainlf ie ha. ilnds- ~as glndly Ligh."L.Bibleoles- ragye by M. L.J. out-n 7ryem by Mm. John buneasd nk worsngdthfe rolbusines, adywaspoung ndtea roil ale .dy espondung ptb a bueryi- ngcip wbichnproved: ri- g. PsoloaMoiclude: Har- mosol, iss ri ws Wae top- Misous ctu" wasobl oaf icfures tolti about were Da 1"'Last Supper," "'mte Sistine a," Jean Millet's "The An- and others. Points o! inter- re given about ecd picture witli a sketch o!fiehe hf e o!fie Mm. A. F. Rundle also gave jresting talk on pictures and es visited during ber sfay ini atic past wlnfer. Mrs. Bert iand Mrs. CecilFPundi con- id similar numbers. The dif- pictures were on exhibit. Miss Muir canfnibuteci an accord- 10c; Orchestra favorcd wifh lections; Mms. L. J. Brooks, a, gave a splendid reading. A flianks was tendered Mrs. Iffor ber bospltaiity and nlce- sponded to. Meeting closed ass verse, affer wblch dalnty ments o! sandwiches, cake ,e cream weme served by Mrs. Wordcn and group wbo weme irgc. Mrs. A. Crago assistcd augifer ta looking after flie and cemtainly proved genial ses. Fl!fty werc present. 1Haniet Wolfralm, Court ice, ed fie pulpif at Canton on yevcning week In exohange %ev. W. F. Bannister. B. D., onducfed mornlng and even- ~rces there, and was also flic r at tie Sunday sohool ami- ein tee aftcnnoan. By the benezcr bas a wondeful Sun- ,hool wbich flic congregaf Ion lily appreclates as was prov- flie audience wiich packcd rcli auditorium inciuding the and tien ovcmflowcd Ito, the room filllng if fa capaclfy. ire remankabie was fie facf it flic evenlng service fie gwas again crowded. Verily )Pe wia attend Ebenezer, flic )y wbicb fie cliurcb o! Court- designated, are unfainfed by igf o! indifference" tb whlch r. Wolfrlmreterred in bis SdLs;coumse. Mr. Wolfmalm id flic attention o!flice con- on af once by the strlklng >flis subject, "Tic Womst taf Ever Happened to Jesus," lopted the novel met bod o! ring bis texf at fie close o! inon. In the course o! bis ag adidress, the preacher taIta prominence fie idea orse than betrayal, deserfion ,ci! ixion, la fthe attitude o! rence whci clicaracterises flic xlday. Bote wlt.houf and wlth- churci men refuse ta take serioushy. M. Wlfraîm that poignant poem "1Wben Came fa Birmingham," and ýwas "I would tbou wert cold Rev. 3:15. The Junior choir charge o! the pralse service nulfted themacilves admiraby. e'll lic sane golng on hliidays liera oomlng, here for vaca- ,ys. HeIp nuake The Stafes- .terestlng by Mhonlng i per Our THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1934 PAMP qlpvlm ýq

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