THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY Sth, 1934 PAGE 1(111E Business Directoryj LEGAL M. G. V. GOUJLD, B.A., LL. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle W. R. STIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanviile, Ontario L. C. MASON. B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office inmediateiy east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson raduate of Royal Dental College Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg Bowmanvilie. Office hours 9 a. m to 6 p. m. daiiy except Sunday Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment In Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any bour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invaiid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVIIj.E NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modemn Equipn int -Ambulance A. W. G. Nortbcutt- Aubrey Smth Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundays or Holld.ays Phone 523 or 276 Repairs R. PAWSON B001 AND SHOE REPAIRINO Soies sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonable. Kin g Street East - Bowmanvllle opposite Gartons Bus station 9-tf WE DELI VER Pure .... Clean PASTEURIZED Fresh Milk -TO- Bowmanville Bowmanville Beach Hampton Enniskillen Burketon Blackstock Caesarea Newcastle Newcastle Beach Newtonville In ail these centres Bowman- ville Dairy MiIk is recognlzed as the cleanesi. purest, a.nd rlchest milk available. If You haven't tried it yet Phone 446 and we wll cal]. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. Betties, Prop. Phone 446- 1 CENT A MILE! ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily June 10 to 30 Retumn Limit: 45 Days TOURIST SLEEPING CAR PR! VILEGES On payment of a slight addltional passage fare charge for each per- son tourlst sleeping car accom- inodation nxay be seeured at reg- niai' rates. stopovers granted at Port Arthur, Ont. and ail stations West thereof. Full particulars from arsy agent Canadian Pacific 22-5 West-End machine Shop and Garage Dring yotar work now and help un make Bowmanville a Booming-vUie. Expert Machinist ln attendauce. For Repair Work aud anl types of machine work and Gasoline Engines - Phone 81. James F. Murray f'S VOUR NERVI s Reief cornes »Oon VA*h useof D r. c H A S SPiX4? (From The News, June 28) Mr. Elmo Ard, Toronto, is visiting with f riends. Dr. R. Breslin, Toronto, visited bis1 sister, Mrs. M. Cowan. Miss Alice Jobnston, Caesarea, spent the weekend with f riends. Mr. James Middleton is improving his residence with a new veranda. Misses Elma and Vida Tourjee. Toronto, were home over the week- end. Miss Marion Dicksan of tbe H. S. teaching staff, Campbellf ord, is home. Miss Sadie Brown, R. N., Peek- skill, N. Y., is halidaying with rela- tives here. Mrs. William Underwood and sis- ter, Miss Elma Poster, Toronta), spent the weekend here. Mr. Maurice Windatt, teller at the Bank of Commnerce. is balidlaying at uis home near Beaverton. Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Grace Mitchell and Mr. Earl Ross, Mantreal, visited Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Osterbout. Police Constable L. E. Keat of To- ranto Police Force, and Mrs. Keat, are visiting at ber father's, Mr. W. E. Davey. Mrs. Catherine Kilîmaster, De- troit. Mich.. en route ta ber sisters, Mrs. H. Junker, Lakefield, visited w ith Orona friends. Miss Doris Osterh-out, High School :)f Commecrce staff, Montreai. is vis- ting 1Ier parents. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Osterbout. Doris leaves next week for Kingston ta attend the urner schaol at Queens Univer- sity. Two of the vacancies on the Part Hope High school teaching staff have been f illed by inembers of the staff from Wingbam. The two are] Miss Marjoirie Carson and Mr. Philip Bigelaw. son of Mr. John Bigelaw. Kirby. Col. Edwy White of the S. A.. Coral Gables, Fia., who is attendingý an Army reunion in bis home town BowmanviUle, made a fiying ist t Orano Thursday, calling an Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gilfillan and other old friends. William Willoughby, who was drowned off Coîborne barbor when bis sail boat upset, was a one-timel frequent visitor ta this town His father, registrar at Coîbarne, is well known in Masonic circles here, be- ing a past D.D.G.M. Mr. William Carnisb and family at Sunday dinner enJoyed fresh tomat- oes picked f ram bis own garden. be- ing the first to report the home grawn variety. They are certainiy expert gardeners that can beat out William in eariy garden varieties. Miss Edna I. Renwick. writing f rom Southern California, says: "We hear that things are picking up in Canada and hope the depressian will, soon be aver there. We are so glad wben we read that Orono bas nat been too bard bit by the depressian. There are a good many Canadians here and this aftemnoon the Canad- Ian picnic is being held at Sylvan park here in Redlands. Kinci re- gards ta Orono." Officers-elect of Orono Lodge. A. F. & A. M.. were duly installed on June 21st. by Rt. W. Bro. Fred Hoar, P.D.D.GM.. of Jerusalem Lodge, Bowmanville. assisted by W. Bro. Ed. Hoar, Durham Lodge. Newcastle. Interesting speeçhes and sangs by Mr. 0. A. Gamsby. "Three Jolly Brit- ans," and Wm. Armstrong, Sr., "'The Laird of Cockpen," followed the ban- quet. Ofhlcers for 1934 are: W. Mas- ter-Carl W. Billings; I. P. M.-E. E. Pattersop: S. W.-R. R. Waddell; J. W.-J. C. Gamey: Chap.-O. W. Rolph; Treas.-T. Smith; Secretary -N. Colville; D. of C.-E. J. Hammi; S. D.-N. Winter; J. D.-L. Allen; I.GO.-B. Whyte; S. S.-R H. Henry; J. S.-Wm. Rennie; Tyler-M. J. Tamblyn; Auditrs-R Henry, N. Wlnter; Board of General Purposes -R. R. Waddell, chairman, H. Mill- son, J. Nixon; Vsiting Comm ittee- W. J. Martyn, W. Rennie, Fred Brimacambe; Executive Comminttee- J. C. Gamey. O. W. Rolph, G. M. Linton. All mothers can put away.anxlety regarding rtheir suffering children wben theY have Mother Graves' Worm Externiinator ta give relief. Its eifects are sure. 1NE WTON VILLE Miss Kay McKay, Oshawa. was home an Sunday. Miss Mary Lane spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Jared Kimbaîl, Lake Shore, visited Mrs. Sam Janes recently. Congratulat.ons to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Urry upon their recent mar- niage. Mr. and Mrs. Newbigging and f ar- ily, Toronto, visited Mrs. Woods on Sunday. Miss Elsie Wallace bas been spend- ing a most enjoyable week's haiiday in Toronto. Mr. Albert Colin. Cobourg, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Col- in, recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Stark- ville, visited ber mother, Mrs. Thos. Stapleton, on Sunday. manville, spent Sunday with bis fa- ther, Mr. James Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R.andail, Osh- awa, were Sunday guests osf bis mo- ther. Mrs. Harry Randaîl. Mr. Wm. Bradley, Toronto. is bai-I idaying with h is grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wbittaker. A number f rom this district at- tended Decoration Day services in Bowmanville and Orana, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and daugbter. Castleton, were weekend visitors osf Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane. Glad ta see Mrs. Wm. Henry, Lake Shore, able ta take tea with Mrs. Stanley Giover after ber serious iii- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith, Toronto, came dawn far the weekend and up- an their return were accompanied by Miss Ruby Wallace. Miss Veima Mallough, Toronto, and Miss Leona Tebbie, Newcastle, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Stapieton, Jr.. and Mrs. Thos. Stapleton. Mr. Wm. Eveiy and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Edney and daughters. Jean and Barbara, Detroit, Mich., on their return Saturday, June 16tb, fram. New Liskeard, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and family. Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery and Doris. Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nichais and Wiima. Part Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster. 1 ORONO No tinny ciang wben the door swings ta. No shiver or shuddcr wben you pound the Fisher Body. No "drumming" vibration as you drive. And the roof is a built-up structure . . . flot a makeshift of wire netting i NOTE THE SAFETY GLASS I wndshieil and ventilators of all Cbetrolet models. No extra costl Cheverolet i, the only car in its class with fully escloied Kne-Acton-protected f rom wear anti tear, dirt, fAying stones! TRY THE BUILT-IN VENTILATION Note that its flot a make-shift, but the Fisher built-in system. No drafts! No rattles! Keeps out rain! Scoops ins sum- nier breree, when deiired. Meeting of Ratepayers of Newcastle-on-the-Lake Eleet Dr. W. H. Walton-Baii Presi- dent - Mrs. Austin Camnpbell Secretary The Ratepayers' Association osf Newcastle-on-the-lýake heid an en- thusiastic and well attended meeting at Mr. Jas. Brawn's, Lake View Inin, on Saturday evenmng, June 23rd. Dr. W. H. Waiton-BaUl was acciaimn- ed the new president, and Mrs. Aus- ton Campbell, secretary-treasurer, ta succeed Mr. Geo. Farncomb who bas devoted bis timne, abilities and en- ergy in the able fulfilment of the duties af the office the past year but who earnestiy besought the meeting ta relieve bim for a year. Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball in the capacity of] chairman, speaking for himseif and feiiow members. expressed regrets for the deatb of the Associatian's founder and first president, Dr. Gea. H. Carveth, last winter, and the sense of loss the association bas ex- periencd in bis passing. e An executive committee was nam- ed consisting of the President, Sec- retary-Treasurer, Reeve J. H. Gib- son, ex-officia, Mrs. Cecil Horrocks and Mr. Fred Treleaven. A vote of appreciation and thanks was accarded the Associatian's first secretary for bis valuable services in the past. He had carried on quite a large volume of correspondence in the interests of the Association and had received and sent out many communications. The minutes of the iast regular and speciai meeting were read and adopted as was aiso the secretary's report cavering ail phases of the As- sociation's activities in full. The membership fee is 25c a year and this had enabled Mr. F'arcomb ta meet all expenses and leave a small balance to the good. The meeting expressed its apprec- iation of the wark of the present municipal council in graveling Miil Street. and in putting up a railing at the south end of the street be- tween the d.riveway and the marsh belaw as a safety measure. It was decided ta again approacb the cauncil, through the president and the secretary, and lay befare it, some other pressing needs of this soutbern section 0f the village, such as street lighting, tbe abatmng of the dust nuisance and danger in the summer, and the provîding of dress- ing room. accommodation for bath- ers as recommended by the Provin- cial Department af Public Heaith. The meeting was pleased to bear Reeve Gibson, announce that the councii was already making provis- TRY 'SILENT SECOND"' quiet you tan'"pick Up" tO 40 in second with neyer a whisper from the gears. Syncro-Mtsh clash- less shifting, of course! SPEED UP A HILL No need toa "nurse" tht engine, becauae Chtvrolet has the wigbl plus powter ta take you flying ovtr tht top in record tinrât! iOn for toUlet accommodation in the west sie park. Ainang those present besides those aiready named were Mrs. A. Farn- comb, Mrs. A. N. McEvoy. Mr. R. B. LeGresley, Mr. Alfred Bronsk.ili. Mrs. E. Duncan. Mrs. S. Milton Long, and Mr. H. R. Pearce. SEZ 1 TO MYSELF "Sez I to myseif," as I grumbled and growled, TIm sick of my church," and then how I scowled ! "The members unfriend.ty, the ser- mons too long- In fact, it seems that everything's aU wrong, I don't like the singing; the church, a disgrace. For signas of neglect are ahl over the place; I'il quit going there; I won't give a dune;, I can make better use of my money and time. Then sez my conscience ta me, sez he: 'The trouble with you is, you're too blind to see IThat your church reflects you, what ever it be. Now, come, pray, and pay and serve cheerf uliy; Stop aIl your fault-finding and boost it up strong, Be friendly and willing and sing as you wark. For churches aren't built by mem- bers who shirk." Charlie Cawker and Hubert Hinkson Are Heard Over CFRB Charixe Cawker and Hubert Hink- son were heard in an International Broadcast over station CFRB an Friday evening. June 22nd, wben Charlie madle bis debut as a radio entertainer. The boys played as a two piano tearn and rendered two numbers. Charlie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker. and Mr. Hinkson is a grandson of Mrs. Robt. W. Holmes, who formeriylixved here. Owing ta, a misunderstanding many citizens who wanted ta hear the team m-issed themn. In aur last issue we announced the time as 9.30 p. m., but the prograin was sched- uied for 9 p. m. However, quite a number of citizens were tuned into that station at the time and enjoyed listening to the broadcast. Shoppers with an eye to thrlft read the ads first, then shop. LEVEL OUT THE SUMPS Chevrolet's Knot-Actjon Wheels have endtd boun- cing, pitching, jarring. Your ride i, now a glidet H ERE IS OUR CLAIM:- Drive the new Chevrolet through heavy traffic ... take it up the hills ... out on the open highway ... over the roughest roads . . . and you'il neyer be satisfied with any other low.priced car! Prove it for yourself. Corne 10 our showrooms sud we'll provide a Chevrolet for you to drive. Put it îhrough your own hardest road tests. Remember, you cau get immediate delivery! C-1448 "WEIGH" THE VALUE The economical Chevrolet is the iieas'iest car in its fieldi, for extra comfart and dependabilityl TRY THE UACK SEAT ... you float aiong. No bumpi. no tossing. just like up in front - anti witb plenty of htati anti îeg roons! [DIVEA EWIli .LEI COURTICE ROY NICROLS TRY "STARTERATOR"I "PARK" WITH EASE TEST ITS SPEED Turn the key, press on the acceler- ator pedal, andi the engine starts astomatically! "Park" with fin- ger-tip effort, thanks ta lighter (andi shock-proof) steering. As for speeti . . . you're as comfortable at" as at --o! No noise! No vibration 1 THEN LISTEN 1 Idhing, or racing along the straîght- away. you'II neyer hear the Chev- rolet engine. Because Chevrolet has spent mort years perfecting the low-priced six-cylinder car tItan any acher manufacturer! TEST ITS BIG. POSITIVE BRAKIS The world's biggest bridges are cable-con- trolted. Sa are Cbcvralet's equal-action, wcatherproof, positive-acting brakes I REST AS YOU DRIVE DELIVERED PRICES ... right down to adjuatabît tiv- COMPARE er's scat, Chevrolet is but for Master Six from Standard Six from cscmotanti canvenience. '844 '710 Delivae, fully equipp.d at factory, Oàh&aa Ont. Freight and Gou'.rnmont licese extra. New low tims.. prices on ch. G M A C plais. BOWMANVILLE >1vil' WE'LL PRO VIDE TRI CRI VROLEIr SLAM THE DOOR POUND THE BODY TEST THE ROOF m a a THE CANADIAN STATESMM, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934 PAGE NINIC BIG INCREASE SHOWN IN GOODYEAR SALES Tire Sales sin Half Year 64.8 Per Cent Greater Than Iu 1933 The nuniber of tire uniits praduced and sald by Good.year Tire and Rub- ber Company af Canada in tbe first six montbs of the present year shows an increase of 64.8 per cent aver the same period of 1933. ac- cording ta C. H. Carlisle, president. in a letter gaing ta sharebolders with dividend cheques for the sec- ond quarter of tbis year. Other Uines 0f products manufa«tured by the Company shows a very much greater percentage of increase, and the Company bas materially improved ils position in the industry, states Mr. Carlisle. During the first six months of 1934, dividends bave been earned and surplus increased. Earned sur- plus as of June 30tb, after deduct- ing dividends for the six montbs, stands at $8.069,421, or $713,570 higber than a year aga. In addition, there is a capital surplus 0f $463,068. There are 598 sbares less of prefer- red stock outstanding than at the same periad a year ago, these having been redeemed by the Company. An additianal net amount of $336.626 bas been added ta, the reserve for plant depreciation. and other re- serves have been built up by an ad- ditional $257.790. wbich is consider- ably in excess of requirements. WILL YOU HELP ? "Please ma'axn, can I go away this summer?" This is the question which camnes f rom ail sides and wbat can we answer? It is a tremendous task which we face - tbat of find- ing holiday homes for 1.000 cbildren. We want you ta realize that aur only hope of making tbese chiidren happy and healtby is through the kindness and generosity of yau, who live outside aur City. An invitation for one or two children ta visit in your home for two weeks tuis suni- mer is samething which only yau can give. Wbat it would mean ta the children wba receive it is more tban words can express. Will you belp? The children are medically exani- ined bef are leaving Toronto and their transportation is paid. We must, however, ask tbe bostesses to1 do their part free. A letter to F. N. Stapieford, 221I Wellesley Street, Toronto, alongwih a letter of recammendation9f romj your minister, wili bring a speedyl and grateful respanse f rom us. Do You Know That there were approximately 2700 Roof Fires in Canada Iast year? And in nearly every case the buildings were destroyed. TORONTO ASPHALT SHINGLES Are Fire Safe - Why Run Neediesa Risks ? Estimates Cheerfully Given. Roof Inspection Service Free-No Obligation Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd. Blds' Supplies and Fuel Bowmanville