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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1934, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY Su, 1934 PAGE THR ITHE SPQTLIGI ONTARIOS BLANK BOWMANVILLE 3-0 IN LAKESHORE GAME Port Hope Outhit Locals on Their Own Diamond - Wakely Pitches Fine Game for Home Team Displaying a fine brand of ball behind the masterly hurling of Ler Wakely. southpaw artist, the Porl Hope Ontarios chalked Up a 3-0 wir over Bowmanville in a scheduled Lakeshore Intermediate loop twi- light engagement at Port Hope lasi Wednesday. Wakely making his second start of the current season, pitched strong bail throughout. restricting Bill Cor- den's boys to four scattered bits, wth Bates and Corden getting twc each. He whiffed eight batsmen and issued but one pass. The homesters gave Wakely good support. collecting ten hits off 'Red' Bowman-McElroy, Brown and Phil- lips each bagging a pair. Wakely got into cifficulty on two occasions but ptched himiself out nicely. Ini the first framne. with one out, I Pip- er and Osborne got on and Colwell and Corden f anned. ýAgain i the fourth when Corden doubled Nwth one down and advanced te third on a wild pitch, the Port Hope south- paw applied the pressure te strike out Large and G. Piper. Port Hope scored a single run in the third frame. L. Wakely looped to lef t and G. Piper made a fine running stab. McElroy sngled ta centre and went ta third on Brown's rap to right. Phillips it through second to score McElroy but Brown was thrown out at the plate. In the sixth, Manager Hozack's crew addect two more. Phillips beat out a roler te, short and Hudson singled te right f ield, scoring PhUl- lips after the latter had pilered sec- ond. Smith walked and Ough bat- tmng fopr Devine struck oui. Smith was forced at second on Rowliffe's fielders choice, Hudson going to third where he scored on L. Wake- ly's drive through short. Box Score Bohaanviile Bagneli. r! I. Piper, 3b Osborne, 55 ColweUl, 2b Corden, lb Lange. cf G. Piper, f Bowman. p Bates, c Total Port Hope McElroy. r! F. Wakely, lb Brown. 2b Phillips. cf Hudson,s Smith, 3b Devine, If x Ougi, If Rewlilffe. c L. Wakely, p Total AB R 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 26 0 AB R 4 1 3 0 3 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 25 31 PO A 0 0 0o0 3 1 1 3 6 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 5 2 18 8 PO A 1 0 8 0 3 3 0 0 1 2 0o0 00 Go0 8 1 0 3 21 9 x balted for Devine in 61b. Score by innings: R H E Bowmanville 000 000 0 -0 4 1 Port Hope 001 002 x - 310 1 Summary - Two base bits, Cor- den. Bales; le! t on bases, Bowman- ville 6, Port Hope 7: Base on balls, off Bowman. 2 (Hudson, Smith). o!ff Wakely, 1 (Bagneli>; Strike--euts. by Bowman 4 (Hudson, Devine, Ough. L. Wakely). by Wakely 8. (Bagneil, Colwell, Corden, Large 2. 0. Piper 2, Bates): lit by pitcher. by Bowman 1 (Smith); wild pitches, Wakely 1: stolen bases. Phillîps; winning pitcher. Wakely; losing pit- cher, Bowmafl; lime o! gaine 1.25. Umpires - Osborne. Bowmanville, ai Plate; Henderson, Port Hope. onl bases. NEWCASTLE HOLDS FAST COBOURG TEAM TO 2-2 TIE SATURDAY play 8 Innings Game Saturiiay Eveniy Matchued (By Newcastle Correspondent) The best Newcastle and Cobourg ball teains o! the Lake Shore League, or the worst if you like, tiat they could do in Saturday evening's game on the local diamofld here was 10 make il an even score, 2 ail. One overtime inninga was played but that didn't ielp any except te give the fans in the bleachers more for their money. Il was an inleresling game ail the way through with act- ing manager, Edgar Kenefick, keep- ing the Newcastle boys pepped Up froni beginniflg te end and keeping the visitons in a rather disconcerted slate. The score by innings was: Cobourg 001 000 10 -2 Newcastle 000 002 00 -2 il was a bard game for Newcastle te Jose for with Geo. Wallon tc ing and Tex Rickard catching hey played a superior brand o! ball most o! the timue. Just imagine an Inn- ings; Newcastleheas the bases full, none out, fourIli man up, saf e bit ta first, runner home caughl out; fi! lb man up, bases still full, bits sa!ely ta !irst., runner home called out. two out and bases stil ful; next man Up strikes oul and ils ail over. And îlon Cobourg's two runs were un- earned wben the Newcastle f ielders reflected a bit f!rom the pati o! rec- titude and alhowed them 10 run in eaci lime wthout hindrance. But if Newcastle couldn't score any more theY prevented their opponents f rom scoring llkewise in one o! the best tirows f rom centre field and a nice plckup by catcher Rickard just when a Cobourg man was coming for the home plate like a whirlwind and it looked as If he wouhd gel there;, but he dldn't. It was good work and lie fans ail agreed that although nel- ther leani won they had seen one o! the best games o! the season sud jere satlsfied. ~Newcastle line up - Geo. Wal- ton, P; J. Rlckard. c; C. Lane, lb; L. Savery, 2h: 1*Couch, 3b; W. Brunt, as; J. Glover. if: Oea. Coch- rane. cf; AI!. Grahaim, r!. Cobourg used two plîchers in an effort ta score a wlnnlng run. popular - Boti Cress Corn and Builon Salves are. Thouands founE! sure relief. SolE! by Jury Lovell. HOMING PIGEON CLUB Bowmnile Homlng Pigeon Club their ninth old bird race on H T ... PORTSaturday, J:ne 30th. fromn Mont- Oshawa Rink Annexes 1 P.BottreU 9 hrs. 38 mins, 20 sec. Wm. Woolner 9 hrs. 38 mins, 38 sec. Major Prizes at Three F. Bottreil 9 hrs, 49 mina, 43 sec. Game Tourney June 27 ý ibe 5I*~ E. Hunt 10brhm 5 mina. 15 sec. r An inieresting and largely attend-1 L. Richards 10 hrs, 29 mins. 25 sec. ed three game lawn bowling tourney1 L. Richards 10 lira, 53 mins, 26 sec. was held on the local greens on Wednesday last. when rmnks f romn IToronto, Cobourg, Port Hope, Clare- !Goodyear Employees HoId mont, Stouffville, Peterboro, Osh- awa, Whitby, and Port Perry, in ad- Monster Excursion and dition to four Bowmanville rinks,, took part The greens were in per-1 Picnic at Niagara, N. Y.j fetcodtinan noutstanding- tdays' sports resulted. Pour hundred happy emploYees>, Goodman's Oshawa Rink secured relatives and friencis, of the c3ood- Sthe major prize. with Gould's Bow-î year Tire & Rubber Company took manville rink a close second. Mit-1 part in the annual picnic on Satur- chelî's Cobourg rink was third, and day, June 23rd. te Niagara Fails, Button's rink of Stouffville secured New York. Proviçience could hardly1 the consolation awards. The f irst have boen kinder in the weather senti1 prizes consisted o! silver and pyrex' for the day, and the result was an! bake dishes: second. silver cake ideal day's outing f rom every view-1 plates; third, silver cracker and point. T'le majority of the picnick-1 icheese dishes; and fourth, silver and ers went f rom Bowmanville ta Tor-1 pyrex pie plates. onto by bus where they embarkedl An interesting development is on a Canada stearnsh.ip for Niagara ilikely to be announced shortly in1 Falls. The trip across the lake was sconnection with the Bowling Club in beth cool and tranquil. 1the formation of a Womens Club. 1 At Niagara Falla the picnickers .In centres alI around Bowmanviile were lef t 10 enjoy the day as they 1the ladies are taking an active inter- pleased. Many took a radial trip est in lawn bowling and quite a~ throughth scenic Gorge Route.!f 1numuber of Bom.mnanville ladies have others took trips through the sur- iexpressed their wilingness to join a rounding country, many travelled to local ladies' club. They wîll. o!f Buffalo, and many others spent the course use the sanme greens, and will. day happily in Niagara Falls itseif. probably be showing the men just Anyway it was a happy throng thow t.he game should be played be- 1that returned that night. Seme of lfore many weeks have passed. 1 the more hardy of the holiday mak-1 ers stayed until the lasi boat and Ireached Toronto sometime around treo'clock on Sunday mornig.~ Hoever. we hear they ail turned upI Brilia t urlngfor work on time on Monday mm ing, and Goozey Osborne struck out' By eore Pper17in a ball garne Monday night o By G orgePipe thelate hours failed to hurt to any * the Goodyear Recreation Clubl-iad D efeats Ontariosi charge of the arrangements for the _____trip. Port Hope Defeated 6-1 By! Bowmanvlile in Thrilling W .W R G I Dominion Holiday F i g- REPRESENTATIVE 0F ture LOCAL LEGION ZONE Geore Piersbrihantpitcing With over one hundred represent- brought Bowmanville their long, atives present f romn Whitby, Osh-1 wanted victory over Port Hope in the awa, Bowmanville and Uxbridge major sporting event of D.,minion ;branches of the Legion in attend- Day on Monday. Striking out 12, ance, the annual zone rally of the 0f ortHop's eavestluteraanddistrict was held in the Canadian with 1 put out and 3 assists besides Lgo eoilHa.Ohwls Piper, with strong support f rom both: Thursday. In the afternoon, a in ad otfiedaplayd hvoc ithbusiness session of executive officers' the Ontarios' strongesi lineup. The washedatwilW..Wrdo score wa 6-1. Bowmanville, who presided over the, Leading in the 4th innings by a se_,sions, was unanimously reelected, 5-1 score, the locals were hard press- as the zone representative on t.he1 ed when Port Hope had three men provincial executive for another. on bases and none out, but the re- year. Following the business mneet-' doubtable George struck out the îng. a sumptuous supper was served next two hitters and assisted in get- by the Oshawa Ladies' Auxiliary, ting another out at home plate. and stirring speeches were deiee PortHop gotawa te f~ by Rev. John Kelmian, representa- Por Hpegotawy o aflin tive on the Dominion Executive start, and incidentally finish, with Council, and Ardlideacon A. W. Mc- their only counter in the first inn- Itoh. second provincial vice-pres- inga. McElroy batting first, hit a ident. The guests were given a warmn two-bagger to le! t f ield and came welcome by Captain W. J. Lock, pre- home on a f ly. Prom t.hat time for- sident o! the Oshawa Brai 0 h ward Port Hope f ailed te suake the tLegion, and the two chief speakers complete diamond, and in fact only spoke in response te, Captain Lock's in the fourth did anar of their nmen greetings. Other speakers were Bert reach thîrd base. Parker, vice-president of the Bow- Despite the aid o! a walk and an manville Branch; W. P. Ashton, error Bowmanville failed to score in president o! the Whitby Branch; W. the first but came back sirong in J. Jenkins, past president, Oshawa the second wiih four runs. three O! Branch; M. M. Hood ,past president, them with two men down. Frank Oshawa Branch, and A. J. Tlerney, Piper, who scored in lhe second chairman of the executive o! the f rame, gave the crowd the biggest Oshawa Branch. of many thnills when he cleared the east f ence with a terri!fic clout in lhe third to score the only homers of STARK VILLE the game. It's the second this sea- scn for Frank. Miss Beulah Hallowell of Toronto In the f i! th, lhree locals went 10 is home on holidays. i bat and lhree retired, two on files Mrs. Andre o! Oshawa visited ber and one ai first base, but Colwell daughter. Mrs. Shutka. and Corden came back with two- Mrs. Silver and daughter have ob- baggers in the nexlte obring in the îained positions in Cobourg. final run of the game. iMi. and Mrs. Win. Savery visited George Piper worked hard thru- their daughter in Oshawa. oui the nine innings and the major MiÎSS Myrîle Farrow is staying wth portion o! the credit for the victory Mrs. Frank Ogden, Osaca Station. goes 10 him, alihough with ol w Mrs. W. Lockhard, Newtonville errors, it is plain lie had ampees visited her sister, Mrs. John McKay. sistance in the f ield. ColweU f umb- Miss Mollie Hassard o! Dryden has led a bahl in the f irst -f rame for Portj been visiling Miss Norma Hallowehl. Hope 10 gain one error. and in the i Miss Mary Mellor o! the Ladies fourth BilBagnell fumbled the bail College aI St. Thomas is home for in right f ield to let bis man 10 sec-i holidays. ond base when he shouldn't have1 Mr. and Mrs. Rosa HaUlowell spent reached firsl. Apari f rom thal thei Sunday ai her -parents' Mr. and Mrs. gaine was free f romn any semblance Ed White, Elizabetbville. o! slack basebail. Bowmanville look I Our house o! learning is closed every opportunity that presented it- for holidays and we understand Miss self as will be seen by the fact thal Green has been re-engaged for an- Port Hope actually lad six hits to i other year. Bowmanville's f ive. Fast running 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herrintn between bases and close attention te Mrs. Frank Bennett and daughier every game brought in runs despite i Joan, visiled at their mother's, Mrs. the lack of bits. and thxee errons by, Jacob Hallowell's. Port Hope also helped. Bill Hud- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilrner and son. the smart shortstop, had two o!f family visited ai Mr. T. Snowden's these. although he thinlca ihat one and took in lie Anniversary ser- was undeserved. Howeven, that' vices ai Elizabethville. Score by Innlngs: R H E _____________ Uor Hope 100 000 000 -1 6 3 Bownianvllle 041 010 00x -6 5 2 Summary - Two base bits, Cor- den, Colwelh; Home rima, P. Piper;:_____ Left on bases, Bowmanville 4,<> PoOrOOtTU SOO Hope 9; Walks, off Piper 2, offCOLVU L D Brockenghfre 4: Strlkoouta, Piper 12, laTIn-Su0e id 400 13rockensb1re 7; Umplres, Crmsett, Nw a. ote Por Hoe;Large, DowmanvWUe. 4 -FAC TORIES mm 4 MAKE POSSIBLE THIS MAMMOTH TEN DAY STARTSSTARTS THURSDAY THURSDAY JULY JULY 5 VISIT HOE NABONOGOSTORE ON OPENING DAY - COMPARE AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF A sale at the Peak of the season, mast when everybody needs shoes. This merchandise l alal 1934 stock and consiste of the season's Iatest styles, and h ais the same NaborhoE! qua.lity that bas helped to builE! this organlzation to its present size i a few years. The production of four f actouies and our f.rty retail outlets make luis sale possible. An ail-Canadian cosnpany ap- peaiing to Canadian people with ali-Canadian merchandise. If you cannot pay us a visit, on opening day, be sure andE pay us a visit during the ten days of the sale, as values speak louder tban words and! a visit, wiIl convince you. Your choice of all-white, ail- cream or cream and brown wiih rubber soles and heels. WOMEN'S SUMMER SANDALS ta tbre. attractive modela. Women's white T-Strnp Meslj Bandais wlth Cubain heels and leather soles. Made on excep- tionalhy good litting insus. You Dont Have to Purchase to Enter This Contest 1%e ]Rules are very simple. MereIy sign yonr Naine andE Address on this Coupon and take lt tu The NaborbocE! Sboe Store and on the last nlgbt of the sale two hicky coupons will be drawn from the box ta our store- whlch will entitle the two wlnneru to $5.0) i merchandise I'REB. Cnt this Coupon out.. It means money tu Fou. FREE FREE $1o-00 IMERCHANDISE NAME . 4DDRESS ... ... ... ... ....... ... CITY or TOWN X...... ý......... WOMEN'S WHITE SHOES STRÂPS - TIES - SANDALS - PU MPS The seasen's latest styles and plenty of choice. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN CHILDREN'S SHOES Wide easy fltting one strap shoe for active feet, i Black Patent lea- t he rstraps and !oz- tords. meth- ers! Rere's Ecoiiniy. Sinus 5 te 10%4. ý 9 8emmw TENNIS SNOBS FOR AL simesmenla G-i1, Beyal 11-5. These are tiret quel. ity Tennis Shoes Made in Canada. CHILDRE'S PLAY SANDALS Made of Brown Elk uppers with crepe rubber soles and constructed to stand plenty of vougb Wear. Sises 5 te 7 %. 79c 1 SPECIAL Womon's Tios & Straps A BIG SAVING IN TIS VALUE Look at the low price. Tour cholce of Ties or' Straps la sizes BOYS' OXFORDS im IeIl te 5 Mothera, do't~ mies tis eout.2 NABORHOO O 69o BOWMANVILLE 40 nôme RON<rAxio MEN'S SMART OXFORDS MEN: Don't miss ibis out- standing value in these well. made Ozfoids. Ms's Fin Black Oxfords or Boots mien! ]e leeasgreat ,value uBla ek B 1luei- er Offords. $189 Qunilty Slioeath"t you muet me te appif- clatIe. Sinon6 te Il. $2979 1389 It talces NaborheeE! to give Values like titis. Wlth SellE! Leather lJîs- pers. Tour cholce of leather or panco soles. CH[LD)REN'S CANVAS PLAY SANDALS ies 4 to z. Gutta Percha and Acton makes. 59C 4 I 4 <t f ~1 i j.,., i .1 4 ai 4 j I CAMP SHOES FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN These are of Brown Elk wlth heavy Braflian rubber soleà made on comfortable tltting lasts. A VALUE THAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS. Men's 6 to 11 Boys, il te 5 % Chldren's 5to 10 % OUTSTANDING VALUEIM Womo's Boudoir BLIPPERS Made of embou.ed letm ierwth rahher heels, p"deseBdn pompomion toe. Colon.i, ROse, Broui nMd Blacir. 29e THE CANADIAN STATUShLffl, DOMLANVUZig. THURMAY, JTTLY 5th, 1934 PAGE Talm

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